#deh movie review
i still haven’t fully watched any version of dear evan hansen but thinking about and every new tidbit about conner murphy makes me want to cry
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Brokeback Mountain Review
Just got back from London, and I am still in awe. The play was fantastic. Mike and Lucas really made the characters their own. It definitely was not just a rehash of the movie, it was very fresh and also followed the original short story.
The theater itself was beautiful. It was an arena theater and a very intimate space. I was fortunate enough to be right by the stage so every time the actors were out they were like literally an arms length away! It was pretty amazing to watch from that distance, it was completely immersive and I felt like I was actually IN the story.
Both actors were great. Lucas Hedges (Ennis) was quiet and shy, but you could tell there was SO much going on beneath the surface and when moments of rage came out it was even more shocking. A really nuanced performance.
Mike Faist (Jack) was absolutely electric - a live wire of energy and he just sparkles charisma and charm in the role. The “I wish I knew how to quit you line” was delivered with so much emotion, people in the audience were already crying. It was amazing to watch him live, he really shines.
The chemistry between the two of them was on fire, the moments of passion were intense, and there were sooooo many sweet and tender moments that melted my heart! There’s a scene where they’re both in bed post-lovemaking and all the loving touches and cuddling just feels so real and authentic.
It was interesting because the play was not only about homophobia but also how homophobia is connected to greater issues of toxic masculinity, misogyny, and what it means to be considered a “man” in our society. The toxic masculinity is the root problem and all these other issues - including homophobia - stem from it.
Afterwards, I got to meet Lucas and Mike at the stage door. Lucas was very sweet, signed my playbill and asked where I was from, then thanked me for coming. Mike was amazing, he gave me a hug because he said he saw I was crying at the end of the play (too sweet), and had a little convo with me. It wasn’t rushed at all, and he’s so personable and laid back I wasn’t even nervous to talk to him. He really does exude this natural charisma, so I can see why everyone always comments on that! He also signed my playbill and took a pic, and as someone who’s been following him since DEH (unfortunately never got to see him in that), I’m still shook I actually got to meet him in person!
All in all a wonderful and beautifully presented story. 5/5 stars.
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Helo again all,
Tentu saja kalau aku muncul di sini berarti ku sedang procrastinating aka sebetulnya ya harusnya kembali ke response to reviewers-ku tapi ya karena denial jadi tidak mengerjakan. At least ku mendapat pencerahan terkait jarvie equation tho.
Pagi ini tadi kelas DD tapi karena harus di dept dari jam 10 akhirnya kelas DD-nya ku majuin jadi jam 7-9am. Berujung baru mulai 7.20an sih dan selesai 9.10 karena Kalina masih di kamar mandi juga anyway. Kalina semalam ngechat di messenger to say bye karena dia bakal pulkam ke SA sampai 10 Juni (yang berarti rumah kosong sampai tanggal 10 Juni!) ku bisa aja bikin movie night sambil hotpot (sebetulnya pas Kalina di rumah pun ya bisa-bisa aja sih ngundang orang), tapi kalau sendirian kan lebih leluasa ya. Btw berujung masih sempet ketemu langsung sama Kalina sebelum ku berangkat ke office. Dia pesawat jam 14.15pm jadi baru akan otw Heathrow jam 10.30-an.
Terus kemarin Belinda juga ngechat bakal ada teknisi ngecek gas ke rumah, gatau dah jadi apa nggak tadi. Tapi kalau mereka dating jam 10 sih harusnya masih papasan sama Kalina ye.
Sampe dept langsung nyari Erdem tapi ternyata doi lagi sibuk nguji viva 4th year student sepertinya. Yang lucu tadi yang ku-twit itu: yang ku dibilang sama Laurence kalau ku Chinese -__- padahal si Laurence ini ngerjain granitic ore di Southeast Asia salah satunya di Malay Peninsula lho di profilnya dia nulis, masa iya nda tahu ras Malay… anyway iya tapi gamau judging deh, ku juga pasti gaakan bisa bedain black African atau Caribbean jadi yasudah kumaafkan.. Erdem juga bilang “harap maklum ye doi orang SA jadi ya gitu deh rada bingung bedain Chinese vs Malay”.
Ku btw juga di twt kemarin habis curhat panjang lebar kalau hari Minggu ku CAPEK bgt ternyata ku punya teman di Oxford ini banyak banget ye. Nggak ku ceritain ulang lagi, karena nginget-ngingetnya lagi aja painful banget, tapi at the same time super bersukur dan capek juga aja. Hari ini pun sebetulnya pas dipikir-pikir, ku dari pagi deal sama Manda, Kalina, terus Tharina tiba-tiba ngechat, Erdem, Bram, terus untung bisa lunch sendirian di Linacre, jalan-jalan di Uni Park sendirian sambil berjemur main duolingo. Ku pengen dating ada exhibition di Pavillionnya tapi takut-takut gitu gatau pintu masuknya di mana. Terus pas lagi jalan mau ke Robert Hooke solat Zuhur tiba-tiba diteriakin di seberang jalan Keble ada Iris sama mak bapaknya, rupanya mau wisuda dia besok.
Habis solat ini langsung ke VHL buat nulis ini. Terus tadi pagi juga udah dibalas email sama Alex terkait kalau ku numpang ngetorch ke Royal Holloway aja gimana, dia bilang OK tapi dia harus cocokin sama schedule dia dan lab dulu. Si Beth lagi off email sampai mingdep. Kemarin juga udh ketemu Steve bahas logistik gimana kalau masukin silica wool ke tube buat mencegah si sedimennya masuk ke vacuum line. Tadi bahas sama Erdem gapapa banget sih pake silica wool juga sebetulnya untuk result eksperimennya. Tapi Alex bilang dia pernah nyoba dan berujung si silica woolnya ke-isep dan malah ngestuck di vacuum line. LAH jadi bahas teknis eksperimen di sini saya. Naon Non. Sori pembaca.
Hm apa lagi ya yang menarik di hidupku belakangan ini. Kemarin pas lagi duduk-duduk di depan office kepikiran buat moto papan thin section Krakatau terus tertarik banget sama captionnya! Ditulis si thin sectionnya digambar pake tangan di tahun 1883… Pas baca itu rada janggal, kayak… hah… emangnya bisa ya mereka ngambil sampelnya langsung dulu habis erupsi? Berujung semalam jadi baca reportnya Symons 1888 di mana si thin section ini berasal, dan ternyata ya emang beneran digambar tahun 1883. Waow. Menarik banget lho btw si buku ini gratis bisa dibaca FULL BOOK di googlebook: https://www.google.co.uk/books/edition/The_Eruption_of_Krakatoa/Vk8PAAAAYAAJ?hl=en&gbpv=1&printsec=frontcover Bagian peta-peta lampirannya juga ikut di-scan tapi ya ga dibukain satu-satu gitu tapi menarik banget!!!
Terus tadi pagi juga ngecek ke library dept dan beneran ada buku fisiknya, sepertinya beneran first edition yang published 1888 HUHU sangat mindblowing. Kupinjem kubawa ke ofis terus si Bram terheran-heran. Ku senang banget bisa lihat asli si gambar-gambar sketsa letusan dan crayon-colored red-orangey sky yang diamati dari UK waktu dulu. Sama tentu saja print-print-an asli si thin section yang di poster depan ofis itu.
Di Indo siapa sih geologis yang paling ngerti atau “juru kunci”nya Krakatau, apakah ada…? Not me asking the public karena ku sendiri sebagai geologis nda tahu…  Yang keluar pas di-googling langsung Mas Mirzam. Plus, NOT ME langsung masukin “Bapak” +” Geolog” sebagai kata kunci pencarian!!!! Sangat penuh dengan misogini dan dari diri sendiri yang adalah juga perempuan!!! Tapi maksudnya lebih karena ya sudah tertanam saja di otak diriku sendiri bahwa “ahli” suatu per-ilmu-an di Indonesia di 2023 ini ya memang masih didominasi oleh laki-laki, kecuali mungkin di bidang kesehatan kali ya (tapi siapa juga emangnya di dunia kesehatan ahli yang ibu-ibu..., ga muncul satu namapun).
Oh iya, terus masukin judul pos ini “Orang dalam” karena awalnya mau bahas tadi pagi pas nunggu bis scrolling twitter nemu tweet menarik banget yang bahas gimana orang kaya vs miskin vs menengah mensupport anak-anak mereka. Awal mulanya dari twitnya ainun najib terus berujung ada meme distribusi normal gimana orang-orang mensupport anak mereka (DUH twitnya ga ketemu wkwkw cari sendiri ye). Anyway, tapi ku relate banget dan itu ku-observe banget di sini, di Oxford. Mostly anak-anak self-funding ini ya disupport abis-abisan sama orangtuanya buat ga pusing mikirin biaya sekolah: “pokoknya fokus aja belajar, berorganisasi, have fun”. Jadinya anak-anaknya gimana? Ya OK banget. Sangat cerdas mostly yang kutemuin, hidupnya aman, bisa mikirin banyak hal karena gausah pusing ngirit hidupnya. Mereka juga akan nyambung aja gitu naturally dengan sesamanya karena bisa relate banget dan akhirnya terbentuklah relationship yang organic di mana dari situ nanti mereka akan join bikin bisnis bareng saling bantu, muncul ide-ide startup ok dsb. Yang nantinya membuat mereka makin kaya lagi.
Sesungguhnya bukan mereka ini eksklusif maunya main sama mereka-mereka aja, tapi ya karena mereka ga ambil pusing ajasih hidupnya. Udah dilatih dari kecil kaya gitu. Mereka mikirnya kalo gagal ya masih ada safety net, mama papa di rumah pasti akan backup, jadinya keberanian buat taking risknya jauh lebih gede.
Meanwhile, yang ngepas-ngepas dari keluarga menengah modelan aku ini gimana....? Wah effort hidupnya mah sudah tidak perlu ditanya betapa luar biasa. Kita sampai di sini nda kaleng-kaleng usahanya. Ngos-ngosan kalau dibilang. Lari soalnya. Belajar mati-matian buat IELTS. Nabung dulu ngumpulin duit buat ikut IELTSnya. Ini yang bikin orang-orang modelan saya ini jadi TAKUT banget buat taking risk. Karena kalau udah failed ya beneran failed. Terus kami jadi individualis banget. Kompetitif. Super suuzon sama orang di sekitar. Kenapa? Karena bisa sampai di sininya pun ya hasil di-adu, baik via LPDP, Jardine, apapun lah bentuk beasiswanya. Ujungnya apa? Jadi susah buat kerja sama, susah buat percaya orang untuk bangun usaha bareng. Masih tertanam banget di otak kalo nda ada yang namanya win-win solution, yang ada win-lose aja situasinya.
Oh, sama yang terjadi di diriku sendiri bahkan, orang-orang di kelas tengah ini SUSAH BANGET MINTA TOLONG. Mikirnya semua ngapa-ngapain tu harus sendirian. “Lha wong dulu sampe sininya juga usaha sendiri kok”, ngga ada support systemnya, nggak ada yang bisa diminta-tolong. Beda banget sama si anak-anak orang kaya, mereka selalu tahu bahwa orangtuanya akan selalu siap sedia kalau diminta support apapun, jadi mereka juga lebih open to help dan akan ask for help when they need it, which makes everything easier dan tidak perlu struggle sendiri (kalau emang support systemnya ada).
Ku sekarang sudah berusaha untuk shift mindset pelan-pelan. Mulai minta tolong. Mulai mikir kalau pake jalan normal kagak akan sampai-sampai. Bakal sampe tujuan sih, tapi bakal butuh waktu 10x lebih lama. Kayanya dimulai pas stres dulu nyari kerja 2017 ga keterima di mana-mana. Ku ngemail alumni GEA angkatan 80-an kayanya, ngemail minta kerjaan. Yes. Aku cerita aku lulusan ITB 2015 etc terus tanya kira-kira di Pertamina ada posisi yang ku bisa isi nggak ya. Bapaknya orang Pertamina kalau gasalah. Dibalas akan dikabari. Di saat yang bersamaan Alhamdulillah dapat ajakan Octri untuk bantu-bantu dia di UI.
Habis itu kayanya yang real banget ya Jardine sih. Nanya Wian Hanifi, latihan interview sama Wian. Ku mulai sadar bahwa ya sepinter apapun diri ini, tetep perlu bantuan orang yang pernah ngalamin. Ya bisa-bisa aja sih mungkin ku dapet Jardine kalau usaha sendiri... Nggak deng... Kayanya susah wkwwk. Iya pokoknya dari situ belajar kalau “oh, nanya orang tu ternyata sangat membantu ya”.
Terakhir pas cari rumah kemarin. Ku usaha sendiri. Viewing sendiri. Ujung-ujungnya ngepos di grup gede juga, kali aja ada yang kondisinya sama, atau ada info. Berujung dibantuin mikir banget sama Dwi dan akhirnya bisa dapet akses Castle Mill dari current tenant yaitu Listi.
Intinya, untuk teman-temanku, terutama yang sudah sangat mandiri hidupnya (I’m looking at you first daughter), minta tolong-lah. Pake networknya. Itu temen ada banyak dimanfaatkan sebaik-baiknya. Kalopun ga temenan, bisa make friend. Dan kalau kita nanti sudah mampu, jangan pelit-pelit sama anak, kalau emang mampu bayarin sampe lulus master InsyaAllah anak kita bakal jadi jauh lebih ok lagi dari kita.
Btw istilah “orang dalam” yang ku maksud di sini adalah “orang dalam” yang bersih ya. Yang buat kita dapetin posisinya tetap pake usaha kita, tapi nanya-nanya dikit aja ke orang yang tahu. Nggak nyogok, nggak nyuap. InsyaAllah kalau dimanfaatkan, si orang dalam ini akan mempercepat proses kita 10x lebih cepat... (angkanya turun dari langit dan eksagerasi, tapi dapet gist-nya lah ya).
Dah gitu dulu aja. Habis ini mau balik ofis. Berusaha do what I can do terus pulang jam 18 mungkin. Mau beli krispy kreme ah pas pulang, tiba-tiba craving sugar gara-gara Iqbal barusan ngirim dm twitter strap applewatch lgbtq+ yang baru yang kaya meses ceres.
VHL, 24/05/2023
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My priorities might be skewed, but my first thought after seeing that post addressing crazy musical disk-horse was, 'oh no, i'm gonna have to stop going in the Great Comet tag for a while.' I simply refuse to perceive discourse, i will make it wash over my brain like water off a ducks back.
My second thought was that ppl really gloss over 2020 as thee tony's musical snub year. the percy jackson musical probably wasn't good (haven't listened), but like. they refused to nominate it for leading role even though it was one of two musicals that qualified that year, giving it to the other by default. They changed the definition of best original score just so they could avoid nominating it. legitimately hilarious levels of haterism.
it's Unserious to approach some media analysis (like that one musical of an awards season was the objective worthiest one for any given category, much less Best overall, the vaguest) as though one theory is the Definitively Correct one. versus that it's an argument that could be backed up and hold up to figurative peer review, and even then, it'll always have limits and not be like "objectively" all-encompassingly accurate
it's also Unserious to say some shit like "great comet should've won best musical or gotten as many awards or swept or something....because dear / evan hansen is basically trump"
imo thee tony awards? are pretty much Unserious too. it Is enjoyable when any awards institutions recognize anyone or anything in ways that seem to reflect some actual value, and that would always be arguable / subjective / up for debate, but the major awards groups especially do not seem "good" at doing this, or "trying" to be. as a deh enjoyer and deh [head in hands wishing it was different b/c xyz criticisms &/or disagreements with concepts they were trying to execute, and executions of concepts....but i'm doing it better & differently than like "deh is bad, evan is evil" or "pretty much any of the movie criticism"]er, i'm not like, mad that it was tony-acclaimed. i also would not be mad if they hadn't really won stuff, i also wasn't following the show at that time lol. i also believe great comet had to close not long afterward, didn't it? after some kind of casting shakeups that many people did not really see as It? i don't know about the show; i don't like, disagree with anyone who likes it more than deh, and/or thinks it was Better, b/c i have no info of my own, and i would not have Serious arguments in saying "no, deh is better, factually, nobody should think otherwise"
like, first of all like you're saying, to have Lost to deh in the tonys is to have been nominated at all. nothing got tlt's treatment, ever, and that was just more ridiculously out in the open than any snub in any other season could have been....but second of all, i also have to imagine some of the beef w/deh winning so many tonys instead is that the main thing the tonys do is give featured / awarded shows boosts; it's always talked about as that important Commercial event for broadway, when getting to broadway & staying on broadway is incredibly difficult, incredibly complex, incredibly expensive....reminded of it in that it seems the televised tonys getting a waiver so they could happen at all was at all for the sake of supporting the performers' careers by extension of the tonys being that commercial for broadway & a potential box office boost. probably having your show close not long after the tonys were largely about deh was unfortunate for said show & fans of it. but it's also not like winning even Best Musical has meant that that show will remain open for even another full year; afaik deh was also really buzzy Before the tonys, even if that solidified that further / was indeed another boost. and it's like....deh didn't make them make them win lol. much less did the material in deh....somehow result in a tonys win in Any Way comparable to a US presidential election candidate??? It's Fully Unserious
the only time i paid attention to a tony season while it was happening was in 2019, as a bmc enjoyer, so that was a real illuminating crash course, and ofc i have that Unamused Emoticon perspective about like. a situation in which it's very evident that that wasn't just like oh this one other musical which is its Nemesis (fr i don't even remember what all won / was nominated instead) but rather deliberately being shut out. the One nomination was, aptly, nominal, like "well you see, you've been acknowledged at all;" the off the shits unasked unwarned mitb parody that didn't give credit while the show couldn't actually do any performance is like....idk what that was, or who it was for, Everyone Hated That. again, the show having to close not long after was also not fun for anyone; even if in retrospect it's somewhat tempered by like, that was august of 2019, so they only could've had so many more months of it anyways, but that doesn't change things At The Time. i also don't need to believe bmc was inarguably thee best most successful show of the season, i can't do that, nobody can. i think it's a way stronger piece than deh, i like it more, i like the concepts & execution more. i don't need it to have won awards, i don't even need to think any given show "deserved" more than any others to have a longer run when it's all so expensive and difficult and precarious at the best of times. like, here we are, after bway phantom of the opera had to close.
which, i never saw beetlejuice in any iteration, much less the musical. i may not ever, b/c i have never been interested in other iterations lol. but it was like, nodding respectfully re: it being another show that season that the nyt (also a vastly Unserious realm of critical media analysis) hated, that evidently the tonys also barely wanted to acknowledge....that then had the added layer of like, what do you mean hugh jackman music man. great for them that they got to reopen anyways, i do not need to love the show myself or think that this is all Art Meritocracy out here re: who gets to stay open for how long, or close. i don't know anything about the lightning thief, i don't need to think "well it wasn't that good" nor "well it was amazing so this is an Objective outrage," i think that the tonys are Unserious for evidently being unwilling to ""consider"" (for as much as i think that the Consideration of various awards voting bodies is, itself, that Serious either (i don't)), much less platform, the show, even if i thought it was Bad or Disliked it. there were like 0.8 damn musicals that season. aaron tveit default win. no original scores nominated thusly. tony voters/producers and nyt criticasters going "idk i don't think i personally liked it, might've assumed going in what it was Like or About and didn't engage with it, maybe didn't bother seeing it or paying attention while i did" and that gets to be a cue for who gets money; it's about their institutional power transferring their Arbitrary stances into material impacts, versus their Supposed efforts of Arbiters Of "Taste"....while also like, broken clocks and [only so many musicals any given year], many people will Like many of the musicals up for nominations lol and be mad or glad at any winners/losers/completely ignored eligible shows
oh have to shoutout another instance of the tonys Unseriousness: bitching and moaning about how they just caaan't change their rules rn to make All categories nongendered. great stuff.
anyways just like, nothing new in people trying to posit their preferences as Objectively Superior based on an argument of morality? and it's like, i'm sure there are people who are like "wow yeah uh evan hansen is as bad as a fascist politician. he's lying and manipulating, and that is close enough" and earnest about it but like, is it close enough, and is that an Serious analysis of the actual material? No....and like, sure, have opinions and preferences based on an Ethical Stance, god i hope you do, but like, you have to be able to communicate that stance in a way that actually is based on shit and holds up at all, versus just vibes or making shit up to obfuscate what you Really think. which can just be "i'm mad that this show closed and didn't win tonys and didn't become this hypey breakout cultural phenomenon in ways that many broadway shows generally Do Not anyways" without like, legitimizing anger and even show grief by making it a stance like "and deh is basically trump >:(" lmfao like, it's already legitimate to have a preference or emotional investment in something you enjoy / has significance for you
i am not here for / don't seek out or absorb any & all rando Takes anyways, but in being here alongside [bmc bway is happening] like even peripherally i was aware of people also having preferences / feelings that had a shit basis lol like. that basically they're pissed that will roland was cast and this is because of thinking that in various ways his body was Worse than will connolly's (i honestly forget if it's one or two L's in his last name....yeah two right) and really what made this very clear is that nobody was actually willing to Say That, and instead would make up stuff about how this was a Serious And Objective Stance they were taking based on Artistic Merit. suddenly it was an urgent issue of newly saying that will roland is bad at singing (or the backhanded constant comments like "wow will r's so much better at singing now" on videos and Only re: will like, yeah his skill levels are only giving more cunt as time goes on, that's effort, increased experience, etc, applies to any & everyone else generally too...?) or suddenly bmc was stuntcasting b/c will roland was in deh (lol) or like this is the only time a role has been recast between productions, or even During....god knows that "someone who originated the role didn't stay with it forever," as is especially & often relevant w/indefinitely-running (over)demanding bway productions, is an eternal source of people who have preemptively decided that whoever replaces them is Objectively Worse, and will just make up whatever story serves that purpose. some anon once tried to hate on sky lakota-lynch to me, presumably as a will roland aficionado, b/c he was the next jared kleinman principal actor....like, what, you want Nobody in that role?? as, after Years as jared, an actor chooses to leave to be a lead in another show (that they personally like more as an audience member / preexisting fan lol)....also, they were racist about it. like absolutely you can prefer Whatever. you can be like "haha yeah i'm just always going to prefer This and it's not necessarily about like making sure i couldn't Possibly like another version as much or more" like, you don't have to. better for anyone to embrace that they just think [xyz] is neatest to them personally. i have no reason to think will connolly was "bad" as jeremy, i hear it was a different approach too in being a bit more fragile(tm) / Sad, great if you like that, i'm sure he can sing well, i heard a few pre obcr tracks, etc etc, i'm not interested lol like i've showed up via this one actor for these couple productions and That Is My Domain. i think it's shitty to be fatphobic & biased against people's bodies which does include their voices, and it's bullshitting to make up some narrative to cover for it where oh suddenly this person is just unskilled or an Unworthy Stuntcast. it's Unserious, it's also like just some real life shittiness, whereas fictional character evan hansen is not affected by "lying? an extremely broad phenomenon that is actually All 'being a lil too fashy for my tastes imo...'" and it is more difficult to imagine such a stance being relevant in ppl's lives in other applications, but that is also Unserious. if people have a serious thought out idea, they should be able to express that rather than expressing some deflection about "deh should've lost b/c that was like the 2016 US presidential election" or "will connolly should be jeremy in all iterations b/c this other guy i'm seething at now has only existed as: in deh"
anyways like point is that yeah like sure entirely possible great comet was the best musical on broadway that season (even though i don't think there can be any Definitive conclusion thusly. how do we assess that....and do we want to have to like, pit all shows in a medium/genre together? with inevitable limitations &/or restrictions on who gets to choose winners?) but you don't even have to be mad at deh or make it about being mad about something else entirely for no reason. can be mad that the tonys get to make or break shows, that putting on shows is so expensive, that [capitalism], can even just be mad b/c you really liked it and you don't have to put on some more ""legitimate"" argument; it's its own argument lol, it's also an outright subjective & individual one and we can be individuals with preferences and likes even without having studied every other possibly comparable work to make sure it's superior, and Not be like "actually any & everyone else could Also only possibly think / feel the same, so really my having a fave musical lately Transcends being the opinion of one person." we can indeed even pick any two shows or whatever else and compare them, or have a critical lens and do anything but believe something is so univerally Perfect that there's not even anything to say or even question. meanwhile it's also definitely rough that live theatre is all Ephemeral and limited in distribution, but if there's enough out there about a show to be the basis of knowing that you like it, you still have that. bmc trt loyalists can stick with the ocr / relevant boots lol.
and yeah the realest Most Wronged show is the lightning thief lol truly. not even b/c you have to feel You love it or it Deserved to run for years or make it to Broadway in the first place, but like, just evidently the tonys are some nonsense, let's make That argument together, as well as the nyt, and in my Onion the overall format of "one individual critic expounding" is also not our best most serious effort at thorough consideration of some material, nor what makes it most useful for people who want to know about that material Through you....it's mostly entertainment, and it's also bad at being entertainment. we can all enjoy a good Disrespecting The Tonys B/c They Earned That together, wherein if they really don't want to recognize your show they Will just refuse to give it nominations no matter what. you can go "i think great comet > deh" or "i think great comet's awards-worthiness in comparison to all other shows that season > deh's" and not go "deh <<<< because when characters lie that makes them like an irl fascist" b/c what?? and no it does not lol
like gotta shoutout that i definitely disagree on points w/other Deh Likers and Deh Haters b/c of course i would. i have no inherent disagreement w/great comet likers b/c of course i wouldn't. and even if i'm sure by now "can you believe that (the 2017 tonys)" is a bit old, it's like, how is that gonna be Enriching to hear discussed some more if it's not saying (a) anything at all or (b) essentially not saying anything b/c saying "characters shouldn't lie, and if they do, it's like being authoritarian in real life" is truly too Unserious to bother entertaining as a [this is why i think this other show should've won] stance here, much less absorbing
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nothingunrealistic · 1 year
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(goes to an apple orchard in my hometown) (suddenly remembers I’m gay) oh god the fucking emails...
126 notes - Posted September 7, 2022
Susannah's Song
Life in Hate Nation
I Fell in Love in Juvie Hall! (Snippet)
The Three Failed Escape Attempts of Sheila Nail
Doc Shock
Montage: This is the Way... / Miss Asp's Song / Mother Mother
The Other One
Francis's Song
Oh Well
I Hope
Miss Asp's Song II
Revolution Song
Operation: Sha La La
I Fell in Love in Juvie Hall!
B-Side: Jezebel
B-Side: Masochist (The Smith Twins Version)
136 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
remember how stephen chbosky said he added evan’s public confession to the deh movie because he kept imagining evan at his 10-year class reunion still claiming he’d been friends with connor? his first mistake was imagining evan attending his 10-year class reunion
186 notes - Posted May 30, 2022
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209 notes - Posted July 29, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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213 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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thatpunkmaximoff · 15 days
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Story - 5 out of 5 ; Spice - 0 out of 5
Review: I’ve never read a book that made me feel anxious just by reading a scene. The Daedalus Protocol is an adventure from beginning to end, and will have you flipping page after page to see the fate of some of the most intriguing characters I’ve ever read about.
As I started reading, this was a solid four star for me. At first, I felt that there was just too much information and things were being over explained, but the further I got into the book… the more I realized it was all needed. I’m not a huge religious person, so the explanations of certain things was much appreciated. As was the info dump of everything else because it painted a vivid picture as I read.
Seriously, when is this becoming a movie?
What started off as a four star read transformed into a five star by the time I was finished. If you loved The Davinci Code or National Treasure, you will love The Daedalus Protocol. It was such an adventurous ride that I can’t wait to see where the crew ends up next.
* Oh hell. Odysseus. This just got interesting.
* Damn. They really did a number on Marcus 😬 And who is the leader? He has the “elixor” or at least a replicated formula of it that works like the original, so could this mysterious person be Odysseus who’s changed over the years..? 🤔
* Man, Gryphon Oake got my anxiety spiking with these sharks and him running out of oxygen.
* Deh. Gryphon is a badass 🫡
* Okay, Mr. Author, I see you. Here I was expecting NO romance and here I see a little spice. No smut, but just a splash of spice haha.
* Lmao. You just had to bring in the Dallas Cowboys and their terrible losing streak 😂
* Oh wait. Or is Odysseus this Daedalus individual? 🤔
* I’m kind of jealous. I wanna tour the Workshop.
* I feel like Daedalus is just one big kid with too much gadgets and gizmos lol
* A bacteria that won’t die. Yeah, that’s terrifying.
* Daedalus is giving me whiplash. He’s kind of… intimidating lol. And then goes back to being goofy. wtf.
* Oh shit. Dima, the bad guy’s bodyguard, is gonna hunt for Dallas in hopes of Dallas finding Daedalus?! But little does he know, Daedalus already recruited Dallas to his side. Unfortunately, Dallas seems sketchy. Like he’ll bolt the second it’s safe for him to do so 😬
* Wait… so how to Daedalus AND Basileus have the elixir that Odysseus and Hector were once in possession of.. 🤔 Are Daedalus and Basileus actually Odysseus and Hector in present time?!
* Wait, what? Marcus was over 200 years old..? Who the fuck are these people..?
* Holy shit. Daedalus is over 400 years old?!
* Why do I get the feeling that Basileus is actually Hector. And these “Hermes” brand items he wearing because it’s the letter ‘H’ is a way to represent his name “Hector”. Did he and Odysseus have a falling out..?
* “To save what has always been, and to protect what is yet to come.” — yeah. This is a cult 😂
* I agree that humans are butchering the Earth, but to commit mass murder on a global level is insane!
* Damn. Phil’s a badass. And Dallas is such a pussy.
* Luna is awfully suspicious, determined to head back with Phil and Dallas. Or is she just a terrified civilian..?
* The Ark of the Covenant. Holy shit.
* lol Dallas’s girl Luna made herself a part of the team because she was NOT gonna be left behind. Girl, same.
* Man, Gryph squeezing his way through the cave tunnel is giving me anxiety. Shit.
* Chief figured out the puzzle! lol.
* Fuck. Basileus found them. Fuck you, Dima.
* The Holy Grail… holy fuck.
* What’s going on, Phil? You’re making me anxious.
* Cardinal Mott fucking betrayed them. I know it.
* I FUCKING called it!
* Oohhh. The umbrellas was a nice touch.
* Why you scared, Basileus? 😏 I still think this is Henry lol. And he’s scared because if that’s Odysseus, he’s fucked! And not in a fun way.
* Fuckkk. The showdown is about to go down 😬
* The Bough brothers got what they deserved.
* Oh fuck. Dallas was a little shit, but I didn’t want that to happen to him 😭
* Nooooooo! 😭😭😭 Fuck you, Hector.
* So I’m dumb. Where are they going to next?
* Karma is a bitch, isn’t it, Hector? 😏
0 notes
naufal-portofolio · 4 months
Azazil oleh Youssef Ziedan: Ulasan Buku
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Gue baca buku ini udah lumayan lama dan pernah me-review-nya juga di note FB gue ( https://www.facebook.com/notes/naufal-rm/novel-of-the-day-azazil-the-da-vinci-code-nya-timur-tengah/10150263407354554 ). Di bawah ini adalah review-nya. Haduh, kalau dibaca lagi, keliatan banget sotoynya gue. Mohon maklum ya, gue bacanya pas semester berapa tau itu (pokoknya pas 2011). Well, ini dia...
Novel of The Day: Azazil, The Da Vinci Code-nya Timur Tengah
Selasa, 12 April 2011
Mulai sekarang gue bakal rutin menulis review seputar buku atau majalah yang udah gue baca, lagu yang udah gue denger, sampai film atau acara TV yang udah gue tonton. Mungkin nggak hanya sebatas hal-hal itu. Kali aja nanti di tengah jalan gue menemukan hal lain yang bisa gue nikmatin, dan bisa gue share juga kepada orang lain dalam bentuk review tertulis macam gini. Semoga saja bermanfaat sebagai bahan referensi dan juga menghibur. Hehehe.
Jenisnya bisa macem-macem. Bisa Novel, Book, Magazine, Tabloid, Bulletin, Song, Music, Film, Movie, sampai Drama TV. Apa aja deh sebutannya yang pasti ada embel-embel ‘of The Day’-nya di belakang. Hehehe. Pokoknya apa yang udah gue nikmatin dan gue merasa hal itu kayaknya seru kalo dibagi-bagi sama pihak lain, well, gue bakal review itu untuk kalian semua. Hahaha. Yuk, lah kita mulai!
Gue awali edisi perdana review ini dengan Novel of The Day. Gue cukup kontroversial dengan membuat review pertama yang membahas tentang novel yang kontroversial juga. Sok iye banget dah gue. Hehehe.
Oke, seperti yang bisa dibaca di atas, gue sudah membaca novel yang berjudul Azazil. Novel setebal 576 halaman ini sukses ngebuat gue deg-degan selama membacanya. Dari awal sampai akhir. Aje gile, gimana nggak tegang? Isinya aja menggeparkan banget, yaitu seputar pertentangan antara berbagai aliran gereja menyangkut konsep-konsep sakral, termasuk soal Trinitas dan ketuhanan agama Kristen, yang kemudian berpuncak pada serangkaian tragedi kekerasan yang mengatasnamakan Tuhan. Itu semua terjadi pada masa pergolakan iman Kristen kira-kira abad kelima Masehi di seputar Timur Tengah. Begitu kurang lebih petikan dari sinopsis di back cover novel ini. See, agak SARA ya isi buku ini? Tapi, yuk kita sikapi dengan pikiran terbuka.
Menurut gue, Youssef Ziedan selaku penulis novel ini terlalu jelas dan ‘langsung’ dalam menuliskan masalah atau konflik utama di buku terbitan Serambi ini. Misalnya aja dalam menggambarkan konflik batin Hypa (tokoh utama di novel Azazil). Hypa dikisahkan sebagai rahib yang berkelana dari kampung halamannya di pedalaman Mesir (daerah dekat Danau Nasser) sampai ke Antiokia (daerah perbatasan Suriah-Turki). Lelaki itu melakukan perjalanan semata untuk tujuan agama, yakni mencari ketenangan batin yang terbebas dari kenikmatan dunia dan terus mempertanyakan kebenaran agamanya, yaitu Kristen Koptik.
Nah, selama perjalanan itulah Hypa banyak mengalami kegamangan seputar keyakinannya. Keraguannya ini timbul karena serangkaian peristiwa yang terjadi pada kehidupan Hypa dari dia kecil sampai dewasa yang sangat menyakitkan dan menusuk persaannya yang entah kenapa selalu dikaitkan dengan kepercayaannya sebagai penganut Kristen Koptik. Oleh karena itu, banyak pertanyaan yang muncul di benaknya yang entah kenapa (lagi), Hypa selalu meragu akan keyakinannya.
The problem is, cara penulis mengisahkan dan menggambarkan keresahan Hypa itulah yang menurut gue, agak vulgar. Hypa diceritakan gamblang banget ‘ragu’ akan keyakinannya hanya karena segala sesuatu yang terjadi di kehidupannya yang bersinggungan dengan keyakinannya. Gue khawatir, ada pembaca yang agamanya sama dengan Hypa ikut tersinggung juga karena cara bertuturnya terlalu menyudutkan keyakinan tertentu. Itu yang gue sayangkan dari novel ini.
Dari 30 bab yang ada, hampir semuanya menuliskan konflik batin dan pertanyaan-pertanyaan Hypa yang menurut gue, sangat disayangkan terlalu meragukan agamanya. Seolah penulis ingin menggiring pembaca agar menilai agama tersebut emang nggak sempurna, bahkan kasarnya kepercayaannya itu salah. Well, sekali lagi semoga pembaca yang agamanya kebetulan sama dengan agama yang jadi inti cerita di sini nggak tersinggung banget karena kembali lagi ini cuma kisah fiksi semata.     
Selain itu, gue nulis review ini juga dengan hati berdebar-debar loh. Gila, temanya berat banget. Novel yang meraih The Arabic Booker Prize 2009 ini menjadi buku yang laris, sekaligus fenomenal karena mengangkat tema yang sangat sensitif. Namun, nggak cuma mengandalkan kehebohannya aja. Bagi gue, novel ini juga lumayan bisa mengisahkan tokoh-tokoh historis yang disucikan oleh gereja yang juga berbaur dengan tokoh-tokoh rekaan ciptaan penulis. Selain itu, ceritanya juga menarik dan bikin penasaran. Gue aja butuh waktu tiga minggu untuk merampungkan baca novel ini.
Emang nggak salah dah tulisan di cover depan novel ini yang bercetak “The Arabic Da Vinci Code” karena emang esensinya sama dengan novel karya Dan Brown tersebut, yaitu sama-sama mempertanyakan dan ‘meragukan’ keimanan sebuah agama. Bedanya, tentu aja Azazil ber-setting di Timur Tengah. Dari pedalaman Mesir, Alexandria, Yerussalem, sampai Antiokia. Tempat-tempat tersebut yang menjadi daerah persinggahan Hypa dengan segala masalah yang harus dihadapi di masing-masing tempat.
Awalnya gue juga agak bingung. Ini apa hubungannya antara tema kontroversi keyakinan sebuah agama sama Azazil? Ternyata oh ternyata, seperti tag line novel ini: Azazil, Godaan Raja Iblis. Yap, bisa ditebak kalau Azazil yang dimaksud adalah Iblis yang menggoda Adam dan Hawa dulu di surga. Sehingga menyebabkan keduanya diturunkan ke Bumi. Nah, Azazil ini digambarkan kembali untuk menggoda Hypa agar menuliskan kisah-kisah hidupnya yang memang membuat kita geleng-geleng ketika membacanya. Azazil secara licik menggoda Hypa untuk menuliskan rahasia kelam hidupnya serta pikiran-pikiran terlarangnya yang sesat menurut gereja di atas lembaran-lembaran perkamen.
Makanya, novel berlatar sejarah ini dituliskan dengan gaya autobiografi. Jadi Hypa dengan sudut pandang orang pertama, yaitu ‘aku’, mengajak pembaca mengikuti kisahnya dari mulai pertentangan batinnya tentang agamanya sendiri sampai skandal cintanya dengan dua wanita jelita: Oktavia si penyembah berhala dan Martha sang penyanyi gereja.
Terus, seperti yang gue jelasin di atas, siap-siap aja bergidik ngeri dan menelan ludah saat membaca beberapa adegan di novel ini. Gue sempet refleks nutup mulut pas baca adegan Hypatia (wanita dari Yunani yang menguasai beberapa ilmu pengetahuan pada masa itu) dibantai abis-abisan sama penduduk Alexandria karena dianggap kafir. Itu parah banget karena sekali lagi gue tegasin, penulisnya jelas banget menuliskan adegan pembunuhannya sampai kita bisa dengan mudah membayangkannya. Kacau dah.
Anyway, belom lagi beberapa bab juga dengan vulgar mendeskripsikan adegan ranjang antara Hypa dengan dua wanita yang punya affair dengannya. Aje gile, beneran gue geleng-geleng. Ini penulisnya jago amat dah bikin narasi yang cepet membuat pembaca mengimajinasikan kata-kata yang ditulisnya. Sumpah, itu adegan making love emang gokil banget. Straight abis ditulisnya. Gue kayak baca cerita stensil. Hobah.
Tapi, terlepas dari itu semua, novel ini emang lumayan lah menurut gue. Dapet banget dari cara penulisannya. Sehingga gue dengan cepet bisa mereka-reka adegan demi adegan di pikiran gue. Terus, karena berlatar sejarah dan agama, pengetahuan gue juga bertambah seputar hal-hal tersebut. Meskipun karya fiksi, namun menurut penulis yang juga ahli filologi ini, novel ini terinspirasi dari manuskrip kuno berbahasa Aramaik yang ditemukan dan berhasil diterjemahkan. Dan yang nggak disangka, ternyata naskah tersebut berisi misteri yang kontroversial.
Well, novel yang menjadi International Best Seller ini, bagi gue, sudah cukup berhasil menceritakan sebuah cerita dengan gaya bahasa dan penuturan yang mudah dipahami. Tapi, kurang berhasil dalam membawa isu yang amat sangat sensitif. Penulis kurang bisa mengakomodisasi pembaca yang beragama sama dengan agama yang dikisahkan di novel ini untuk memberikan pandangan yang netral karena setelah gue tuntas membaca novel terjemahan ini, gue berpandangan kalau isi ceritanya emang lebih berat meragukan agama tertentu. Oke, mungkin itu kebutuhan cerita. Tapi, kayaknya nggak usah terlalu jelas juga dalam menyudutkan keyakinan tertentu.
Oh iya, gue juga setuju sama endorsmen dari Kardinal Besyway selaku Sekretaris Umum Kepala Gereja Ortodoks Koptik Mesir, yang menyatakan, “Azazil adalah buku paling berbahaya bagi keimanan Kristen.” Ya iyalah, isinya aja menyudutkan banget agama tersebut. Meskipun sekali lagi pemikiran dan fakta yang ada di novel tersebut dituliskan berdasarkan data sejarah yang valid, yaitu manuskrip yang konon ditulis langsung oleh Hypa di masa hidupnya. Yap, Hypa dipercaya benar-benar pernah ada dan hidup di era pergolakan keyakinan Koptik.
After all, gue cukup menikmati membaca novel ini. Walaupun sempet nggak nyaman juga di beberapa bagian. Namun, dari lima bintang, novel ini gue kasih nilai tiga bintang deh. Lumayan kan tuh? Hahaha. By the way, buat anak Untirta kayak gue, kalo penasaran sama cerita kontroversial novel ini dan pengen baca juga, novel ini ada di perpustakaan pusat kampus kita. Sok dipinjem aja. Dijamin deg-deg ser. Hahaha.
Akhir kata, selamat membaca!
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ama-zip · 6 months
🎀Barbie Movie🎀
🎀 Barbie in a Nutcracker 🎀
clara is so pretty!! prince ericnya juga tampan banget untuk sekelas barbie jadul. filmnya comforting terus vibesnya bener-bener winter december & christmas banget. ceritanya manis. visualnya juga cakep pol. villainnya tikus nyebelin, inget curut di rumah jadinya.
🎀 Barbie as Rapunzel 🎀
kaget ternyata beda banget sama storyline Rapunzel yg aku tau. kena plot twistnya sih aku. visualnya bagus tapi menurutku lebih oke di Nutcracker (mungkin selera warnanya). naga ciliknya lucu btw. villainnya ibu angkatnya sendiri yg ternyata punya dendam, parah si bulek ini ngurung rapunsel. review temenku:
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🎀 Barbie of Swan Lake 🎀
rasanya si Odette ini bener-bener beda vibesnya. has a strong character for me. pangerannya agak bungul for me (sorry no hate, baik sih cuman kalo dijejerin sm pangeran yg lain dia kalah. masalah pribadi aja kayaknya). I love Odette's tiara btw cakep dan elegan banget. villainnya RESE BANGET HAAA BENCI DENGER SUARA ANAKNYA TUH. Odette ini family girl bgt btw.
🎀 Barbie as The Princess and The Pauper 🎀
ini udah paling menang dari segala hal. sampe ke piaraannya gak ada yg beban. karakter bebannya dikasih ke villain jadi puas banget wkwkwkwk. walaupun nyeritain beda nasib antar 2 insan, bisa ngasih good ending buat keduanya. villainnya nih orang kepercayaan di kerajaannya padahal, mengajarkan kita bahwa yg terdekat bisa jadi yg bahaya juga. review temenku:
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🎀 Barbie Fairytopia 🎀
story abt bude jahat yg menculik peri penjaga. elina disini masih manusia biasa, tapi dia udah keren banget berani menerjang maut demi menyelamatkan semua orang. bener-bener semuanya jadi kering kerontang terus peri-peri gak bisa terbang huhuhu. karena dia emg orang nekat, dia pergi deh ke kota peri litereli JALAN KAKI. demi menemui Azura, peri penjaga yg masih stay. OH disni elina jg ketemu kupu kupu ganal yg imuts. trus akhirnya yah elina berhasil menyelamatkan peri-peri sekaligus kota. akhirnya sang ratu memberi elina hadiah berupa kalung dan jengg dia punya sayap~
🎀 Barbie and the Magic of Pegasus 🎀
demi apapun film yg ini SEBAGUS ITU??? storyline, visual, ost, characters, SEMUANYA BAGUS BGT. betul kata re sih ini visualnya pasti aku suka karen PINK DAN UNGU WKWKWKK. suka sama keberanian dan kegigihan Annika (kapan ya bisa seoptimis dia). suka juga sama Brietta yg lgsg ikut semangat lihat adiknya semangat. terus SUKA JUGA SAMA AIDEN awal2 lucu kek hate to love sama si Ann wkwkwk. boleh di rewatch sih ini mah.
Barbie Fairytopia: Mermaidia
🎀 Barbie in The 12 Dancing Princesses 🎀
ini juga is one of my comfort movies. lagu+visualnya tuh bikin tenang. 12 is my fav number juga terus di dalam filmnya 12 saudari ini dikasih flower representation jadi makin suka. villainnya budenya sendiri sih parah banget. bener-bener kayak liat kisah keluarga pas liat bapaknya iya-iya aja didzolimi saudara sendiri hedeh.
Barbie Fairytopia: Magic of the Rainbow
🎀 Barbie as The Island Princess 🎀
sumpah ini pairing tersempurna bagiku. paling juara untuk saat ini ro dan antonio. lagunya bagus-bagus terus ini tentang flora&fauna banget. nasib prince antonio ini kayak si primcess anneliese, dijodohin. tapi princess luciana juga gamau sebenernya karena dia udah punya pacar sendiri. villainnya ibunya luciana tuh, untung anaknya wise jadi walau ibunya sendiri tapi tetap menentang kesalahan.
🎀 Barbie Mariposa and Her Butterfly Fairy Friends 🎀
ini agak kesel sama 2 princess alay itu dah nontonnya agak gak enak. tapi lucu melihat first meet mariposa dan carlos. disini keren sih mariposa dan kawannya melawan monster nyamuk jelek itu. visualnya masih kurang sebenernya karena punya perbandingan mariposa yg terbaru.
🎀 Barbie & The Diamond Castle 🎀
OST barbie yg the best emang dari series yg ini. suka banget karena mereka bersahabat ditambah mereka florist dan suka musik, terus visualnya penuh warna kesukaanku. kayak kesukaanku yg dikombinasiin jadi satu. dari semua villain aku ngerasa bude yg disini yg bener-bener egoisnya di ambang ketinggian. liat persahabatan alexa sama liana tuh inget temenku sendiri yg udah 7 tahun deket, tapi semenjak kuliah emang udah sering sibuk sendiri terus agak punya perasaan yg tidak mengenakan satu sama lain (padahal bntr lagi pisah jauh setelah nanti kurleb 8-9tahunan bareng itu). jadi ngerasa tp segimananya beda pendapat atau saling menyakiti perasaan pasti tetep balik ke dia juga wkwkwk. jadi kayaknya ini bakal jadi film yg hard to rewatch tapi untuk ostnya bakal diputer on repeat. terus dapet pelajaran emang kita gaboleh bosen jadi orang baik. cowoknya tapi tengil bgt yg disini wkwkwkk. review temenku:
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Barbie and The Three Musketeers
🎀 Barbie in A Mermaid Tale 🎀
lia bener-bener ya, buat anak orang mimpi menjadi mermaid. sumpah ini asik banget filmnya terus stylenya udah modern gitu juga. latarnya bukan lagi kerajaan tp yah, dunia kita biasa (dia ambil di negara Australia). storylinenya simpel sih, petualangan lia dkk mencari syarat untuk mengalahkan eris (yg kayaknya masih keluarga mereka juga). i love si lumba-lumba btw lucu banget sparkly. yah, endingnya bagus tp karena ada part 2 nya sudah pasti si eris belum dikalahkan sepenuhnya. LAGUNYA OMG I LOVE IT, SHE'S THE QUEEN OF THE WAA A A AAVEE.
Barbie: A Fashion Fairytale
Barbie: A Fairy Secret
🎀Barbie The Princess & The Popstar🎀
keira my lov
🎀 Barbie in A Mermaid Tale 2 🎀
rill si kylie ini Aussie pride. baru bener2 menggambarkan org aussie yg aku tau (soalnya di part 1 mereka English nya normal aja, except for kosakata yg mmg aku taunya di aussie pake kek mate mate yaelah jake sim amay). SERU BGTT JUGAA, sumpah kalo mengangkat kisah enemy to best friend emg keren bgt sih. kylie makasih udah mau lapang hatinya, lia juga. kalian berdua sama2 keren. untuk endingnya, mampus lu eris HAHAHAHA. lagu yg part 2 ini jg seru guys, lebih ke my type. do the mermaid~~
🎀 Barbie in The Pink Shoes 🎀
lucu deh ini kayaknya dimasukin banyak cerita-cerita yg biasa jadi storyline ballet gitu. OST yg diakhir-akhir nih bagus aku suka. terus tentunya visualnya full of my fav color yuhuu. lucu banget liat petualangan di negeri dongeng gini. terus kaget juga ternyata si madam mau minta maaf di akhir, keren sih.
🎀Barbie Princess Charm School🎀
🎀 Barbie Mariposa & the Fairy Princess 🎀
my fav of mariposa series!! soalnya disini Mariposa berani memperbaiki sejarah yang salah dan pengaruhnya juga besar kan terhadap dua wilayah itu. bener-bener cewek pemberani, aku suka mariposa soalnya mirip mamaku (independent woman). villainnya, gaada sih cuman kesalahpahaman aja yang ada disini jadi cukup nikmat ditonton. review temenku
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Barbie & Her Sisters in A Pony Tale
Barbie: The Pearl Princess
🎀 Barbie and The Secret Door 🎀
OMG the whole OSTs are the SLAPS. magic magic magic~ ini ceritanya seru n ringan juga, mengangkat soal kepercayaan diri sukak bangett. warna yg disajikan pas alexa udah masuk zinia itu daebak sekali sih vibrant and mostly pink purple SUKAKK BGTT. villainnya disini gak segarang itu, literelly cuman bokem ditinggal ortunya pergi tp menyengsarakan negara, untung si alexa datang membantu. ah cinta banget juga sama rls antara alexa n her granma (kangen nenek help). semoga semua orang bisa belajar lebih pede lagi khususnya utk memperluas zona nyaman kalian (termasuk aku).
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evikdpriagung · 11 months
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20230722 #2 15.23 WIB
203/365 Days 12,148
Aaand yang aku tunggu2… Barbie…. Berasa in Barbieland deh today. I love the story but not really with the ending. Tapi maknaya suka banget tentang feminisme. We can be anything gitu. Sometime real world will be more cruel. Margot Robby dan Ryan Gosling itu emang pas jadi characternya. Here is my score.
Acting: 8.5
Story: 9
Visual: 8
Music: 8
Plot: 9
Moral Value: 9.5
AVERAGE: 8.67/10
Source: Google
#Review #Opinion #Movie #Drama #Romance #Barbie #XXI #KuninganCity #Jakarta #Indonesia #Saturday #Weekend #July #22nd #2023
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jgndibuka · 2 years
Movie Review #12
Review film walaupun sotoy: Wakanda Forever (2022)
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Hi hii kali ini gua mau review dikit sequelnya Black Panther. Agak telat karna baru sempet tapiii better late than never kan!! HIHI
Wakanda Forever ini nyeritain tentang gimana awal mula Shuri jadi penerusnya Black Panther. Singkat cerita, ada satu orang nih eh bisa disebut makhluk juga si, GATAU DEH tp yaudah pokoknya ni orang namanya Namor dan dia minta bantuan ke Wakanda utk nyari org yg bikin mesin pendetect vibranium (menurut dia ini bentuk threat). Ga minta bantuan juga si, ngancem lebih tepatnya. Kenapa? Dia pengen ngebunuh itu orang skaligus pgn ngelindungin rakyatnya karena tempat dia tinggal tu kaya vibranium jg. Ternyata oh ternyata makin lama kok si Namor ini makin keliatan busuknya. Dari awal emg udah jahat si tp motif aslinya tu lebih jahat dan apa yang dia rencanain tu berpengaruh ke keselamatan banyak pihak gitu lah intinya, termasuk Wakanda dan seisinya.
Gua personally, nangkep film ini justru lebih ke nyeritain tentang gimana orang terdekatnya T’Challa ngehadepin grief mereka masing-masing, terutama Shuri sih. Di awal tuh diceritain bahkan ampe udh lewat setahun setelah Kakaknya meninggal dan nyokapnya udah bisa nerima, Shuri bahkan masih belom bisa. INI MAAF BGT SPOILER, tp aman hrsnya kalian udah pada nonton lah udh lewat jauh ini kan XIXIXI OKE LANJUT. bahkan ditambah lagi dengan matinya si nyokap bikin Shuri makin2 marah dan dia jd dikuasain dendam banget sampe nyalahgunain powernya as black panther utk ngebunuh Namor.
Ni film durasinya emg lama dan alurnya agak lambat tapi masih aman kok, menurut gua ga sampe di titik yang bikin ngerasa bosen banget apalagi sampe ngantuk. And then, kehadiran si Namor juga as villain kurang nendang aja kayak dia tuh jahat tapi apa ye kelakukannya kurang jahat gitu dan jatohnya cuma jadi pelengkap aja disitu. Lumayan banyak part action dan scene2 khas nya Black Panther yaitu tampilan budaya yang unik. Satu lagi yang gua suka, outfit2 yang dipake sama tokoh2nya ESPECIALLY Ramonda, Shuri, Okoye, Riri ituuu pada keren2 bgt aaaAAA SLAAAYY!!!
Favorite part dari film ini adalah di scene terakhir sebelum abis, pas Shuri pergi ke Haiti dan di sana dia ngebakar baju putih yg dia pake wkt itu ke pemakaman kakaknya (as tradition) sbg tanda kalo dia udh ikhlasin kepergian T'Challa. Jujur ini sedih dan ngena beneran. Apalagi kan si Chadwicknya bnrn meninggal ya jd makin2 sedih lg anjir. Suka aja ngeliat akhirnya Shuri bisa mulai melewati stages of griefnya, asik. Tambahan, suka juga fight scene nya Okoye bareng siapapun itu yg dia lawan selama di film. Samaaa satu lagi, suka part pas Shuri & Okoye ngejemput Riri di kampusnya sampe ke scene kejar2an ama FBI.
Secara overall, i enjoy the movie! Oke laah...Berangkat dari pesen yang gua tangkep dari film ini, Wakanda Forever kali ini lebih milih utk lebih mendalami dan nunjukkin emosi alias grief, anger, dendam, dan acceptance yang dialamin si Shuri. Sisanya, terutama utk CGI nya kali ini aku belum berani berkomentar xixixi biar itu jd bagiannya kaka2 yg suda expert sajah HEHEHE
Wakanda forever!!
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anrizmadha · 2 years
Review ivanna
Okee :) jadi kali ini aku mau review film horror terbaru di indonesia, dengan judul ivanna,
Jadi aku nonton tanpa tahu ini film apa ya, se umpama beli kucing dalam karung aku gada research sedikitpun tentang filem ini sebelumnya,
Pertama nonton saat aku melihat opening waduh ini filem danur universe, expektasi down, terus lanjutin aja nonton,
Setelah pengenalan characters, ada expektasi nih, karena karakternya beda dari danur trilogi.
Lalu saat pengenalan cerita mulai ada expektasi kalo ini film bagus, sampai akhir cerita aku kagum banget ini film well execute,
Jadi ada beberapa point yang aku sarankan untuk di perhatikan saat nonton film ini:
-perhatikan barang sekeliling, karena film ini attention to detail banget, jadi semua barang yang ada di film ini ternyata di pake dalem film,
-nikmati transisi yang indah saat pengenalan past events, so beautiful.
That's it, kalo kamu ikutin itu pasti bisa meningkatkan experience mu saat nonton
Kurangan sih cuman emosi dari character ivanna selama dia hidup kurang ngena di hati ya, kayak kurang dendam gitu gak dapet dendamnyaaa.
Best horror movie in Indonesia this 2022 deh pokoknya, no cringe cringe hahahahaha
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siriusbetha · 2 years
A Welcome from Canis Major
Sebenernya welcome post kayak gini tuh cuma formalitas, sih.
Tapi gapapa, deh.
Pokoknya, selamat datang ...
... di tumblr baruku.
Iya, dulu pernah punya, tapi pusing lihat layout-nya yang berantakan abis dan rasanya nggak ada energi buat rapihin. Jadi yaaa, ya udah lah, bikin baru. Ada alesan lainnya juga sebetulnya: untuk menyesuaikan momentum.
I found that time flies so fast, tiba-tiba aja udah kuliah, semester pertengahan, masuk usia kepala dua, etc. Padahal kayaknya dulu masih suka sharing pengalaman nulis pas zaman SD deh, di tumblr. Atau pengalaman selama sekolah di pesantren. Intinya sih, aku ngerasa udah memasuki “fase” yang baru. Dan kalau nggak diabadikan, kayaknya sih sayang ya (mana akunya suka mager, lol).
Oh, selain itu juga, sekarang aku udah yakin kalau menulis adalah coping mechanism-ku haha. Walau lebih sering malesnya daripada rajinnya, tapi akhirnya aku mengakui kalau writing always gives me serotonin boost.
JADI YAAA ... gitu.
I planned to share my daily activities, thoughts, and works here. Probably some book/movie/animanga reviews, too? Mungkin juga aku mau pindahin post pengalaman-pengalaman berkesan di masa lalu dari tumblr sebelumnya juga deh, since the old blog irritates my eyes that much :)
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safrilina · 11 years
Things I like!!
aku mau kasih tau hal-hal yang aku suka hahahahh gk penting sihh tapi pengen aja, kalo ada yg suka juga boleh komen yakkk
jadiii, ini yg aku suka :
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♥ carousel a.k.a komedi putar!! --> tuh liat gambarnya aja udah seneng kan, apalagi naikin. kalo kata aku komedi putar itu kaya icon nya permainan banget fun banget. 
♥ disney movie --> ini sih udah lah semua nya juga suka. menurut aku kartun-kartun disney tuh beda, kaya nya hampir semua film disney aku suka. trus ost ost disney juga bagus-bagus (≧▽≦)
♥ badminton --> sebenernya dulu biasa aja, trus waktu SD ngikutin kakak aku nonton trus jadi suka sendiri. yg aku suka dari badminton itu karena dapet score nya cepet, gk kaya bola lama. trus pendukungnya juga rame. itu fotonya aku masukin punya liliyana natsir sama ahmad tontowi, awalnya gk tau soalnya selama ini cuma ngertinya yg singel tapi mereka menang terus akhirnya jadi tau. kalo puasa trus kakak aku lagi dirumah biasanya main badminton jam 5an sambil nunggu buka. btw aku udah bisa main yang deket net sama nge smash yaaayy 
♥ masterchef --> acara masak-masak yang aku suka banget!!!! untung ada acara ini di rcti jadinya kalo sore-sore gk gabut. favorit aku yang kalo misal tantangannya kalo masak cake atau baking-baking gitu <3
♥ tribal / bohemian --> aku juga lagi suka sama aksesoris + motif-motif kaya gini, soalnya unik tapi gk keliatan tua. awalnya lihat dipinterest tapi aku gk tau namanya apa. ternyata waktu dicari namanya bohemian style. cantik banget kannn gak feminim-feminim banget sih sebenernya tapi keliatan kaya adventurer gitu aku suka~
♥ brownies --> duhh bayangin itu coklatnya lumer dimulut *nelen ludah* selain brownies sebenernya aku suka roti-roti bakery yang lain juga tapi kalo yang sweet mending brownies aja, kalo roti tuh yang asin-asin lebih enak :’9
♥ Pink berry club & blog orang-orang --> aku udah bisa baca series PBC nihh soalnya udah umur 12 ^^ kalo pbc tuh genrenya lebih remaja gitu yg masalahnya berat, ada yg romance juga, trus lebih tebel sih bukunya. sama aku juga suka banget bacain blog orang, apalagi yang bahas keseharian atau jalan-jalan atau nge review barang-barang lucu. ntar kapan-kapan aku post yah blog yang menurut ak bagus..
♥ cat --> dari kecil dirumah udah banyak kucing. tau gk kucing yg ngelahirin digenteng trus bawa anaknya turun?? trus akhirnya dirawat karena masih kecil-kecil. kucing kalo masih kecil tuh lucu, kalo udah gede kadang suka berubah mukanya hmmm
itu deh yang lagi aku suka. thank you udah baca yaaa :”D
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thewistlingbadger · 3 years
Here's my review on the deh movie (spoilers ahead.)
In my honest opinion, the best words that i have to describe how i feel about the movie is that it is better than the in the heights movie. And i say that as someone who has always hated deh and my favorite musical ever is in the heights. The movie isn't perfect but, dare i say i enjoyed it.
I expected it to be super bad because of the white washing, the bad reviews, the story, and Ben Platt existing. And I'm not excusing any of those things (i pirated the movie I'll put the link at the bottom of this post) but I was pleasantly surprised. When you do an adaptation, you're supposed to improve the story to the best of your ability and i think that's what they did here. It wasn't all good though so let me go through the bad.
The bad:
Ben Platt??? Hello??? Honey, we know you can sing. You've got good albums and your performance in the obc was good, so what's going on here? It's such a rare occurrence to get someone from the obc into the movie, AS THE SAME ROLE! Not to mention he was talking so much shit beforehand talk about "I'm the best for the role" this that and the other, so why he didn't put his everything into the movie? It was mainly in the first half of the movie for some reason he was like "let me sing real soft".
As for the thing about his age, it's really not that noticeable imo. I think the hair isn't doing him justice. The hair aged him 60 years for some reason. Tbh i have no opinion on the hair, makeup, and costumes throughout the whole movie. They weren't great, they were boring. There weren't anything really.
... except for Connor Murphy. His design was HORRIBLE! Instead of putting him in all black like how he is in the obc, they decided to go with dark blue? He was wearing like a dark blue blazer, a dark t-shirt, and dark jeans. Like honey what? The fact that he had such a straight boy haircut but then his finger nails were painted black and he had a ring was just. smh.
The acting of everyone in general wasn't good either. Which is weird, because i know these people are good actors 🤔 so what gives? Especially Connor Murphy's acting. It was really bad lol
Waving through a window. There's a lot to unpack here. 1. THEY HAVE THE OPPORTUNITY TO ACTUALLY GIVE DEAR EVAN HANSEN IN OPENING NUMBER AND THEY STILL DIDN'T DO IT. LIKE REALLY? Does anybody have a map was NEVER AN ACTUAL OPENING NUMBER! An opening number is supposed to set up the plot. It's supposed to introduce us to the setting and the characters. Anybody have a map didn't do that and NEITHER DOES waving through a window. Starting the movie with waving through a window doesn't make sense really. Originally, waving through a window happens after Evan has been pushed. It's really dramatic and super cool. It makes sense that it would be there in the story versus starting the movie off like that. SHOW! DON'T! TELL! Originally you show us why Evan is the way he is but in the movie you just tell us that he's really nervous. It's not deserved. Ben Platt is singing super quietly throughout the whole song and when the ensemble is singing they don't look like they're singing. This had me confused throughout the whole entire movie. If people were aware of Evan singing or if they weren't. (This is why having an opening number is so important! You set up the world!) Not to mention that they do that modern shit. They tried to put a modern spin on waving through window just like how there's a modern spin on all the songs in the heights movie. (I hate that shit it sounds horrible.)
The movie felt too serious? There weren't many jokes. Like the opening of the musical is supposed to be a joke but in the movie they don't write it as a joke. (You can also tell how desperately they're trying to cover how old Platt is by just showing his eyes lol.)
Why is Larry the stepdad. I made this complaint when it was revealed to us and it's still a valid one. It didn't further the plot, AT ALL! IT HAD LITERALLY NO EFFECT!
I feel like everyone in this movie should have been gay. Everyone felt gay. Alana with her outfits, Zoe cuffing her jeans, jarred actually being gay and Ben platt's gayness shined though in his performance. And of course, there's Connor.
I think they should have been more dramatic. I'm supposed to believe that Evan is poor but he he lives in a two story house. (I'm not saying poor people can't live in a 2 story house lol I'm just saying). Evan's room in the movie is bigger than mine for Christ sakes. Put the Murphy's in a MC mansion or something ya know? Make there house bigger.
I hate hate HATE how they put an instrumental of good for you and anybody have a map at the beginning of the movie. I hated it when they did that shit in the ith movie, and nothing has changed. It's the worst way to tease a fan, ever.
What I liked:
The movie was different from the musical...but in a good way. I don't hate the changes they made to the original story. To me it feels like it's a whole different vibe. The musical has always been about Evan but I just feel like in the movie they focus more on him. You're not having Jared or Connor getting shoved on your throat every 5 seconds. The original made me feel icky because you were constantly being reminded of how shitty Evan is (as you should) but it wasn't enjoyable. We're raised from a young age to know what's wrong and what's right. And imo, I can never enjoy a piece of media where the story you know something is bad the whole way through. (Uncharted 4 for example). You have to have duality. You have to have a perfect balance of it feeling wrong and right at the same time. And that's how the movie felt for me. The movie was very well made. Cutting the songs that they cut really made all the world of a difference. Imo i really helped (and that's saying something because i LOVE disappear and to break in a glove.) The new songs are good. I significantly like Alana's character more. She came off as annoying in the original but now she's more genuine imo. I absolutely LOVE how they went really slow with the romance between Evan and Zoe. I don't think they even kiss in the movie (which is GREAT! WE STAN NOT MAKING OUT ON YOUR DEAD BROTHER'S BED!) But at the end of if i can tell her we can see Zoe leaning in for a kiss. I liked how they added that. Speaking of things they added, THE ENDING! 👏👏👏 YES SIR. AS THEY SHOULD. It was so cool to see that because one of the main criticisms when it comes to dear Evan Hansen is the fact that he faces no consequences. So for the creators of dear Evan Hansen to take that criticism and actually apply it to the adaptation, is so insanely cool. (It's bare minimum but I've never seen anyone do it before) it's such a better ending to see Evan take responsibility, and to improve as a person. (It was cool to see some elements of the book brought into the movie but at the same time. Where Miguel. Make Connor gay!)
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cherriitsuu · 3 years
I went to watch Dear Evan Hansen the Movie the other night. As a lover of the Broadway musical I was very anxious after watching trailers and reading reviews. A lot of the reviews I’ve seen were also from those that enjoyed the Broadway musical. 
To begin my thought process I want to start with how I thought about it before I even entered the theater. I thought it was going to be bad, I didn’t enjoy the concept of cutting out a lot of my favorite songs like “Good For You”, “Break in a Glove” and “Anybody Have A Map?” I found them very essential and very necessary to the theme and plot of the show. I also didn’t enjoy that Ben Platt was the only actor from the original cast of my show. If you’re going to keep Ben Platt, why not keep the rest of the cast. 
Watching the movie was a rollercoaster. I had only listened to Sincerely, Me for the movie. I couldn’t get passed the idea of Colton sounding like Ernie from Sesame Street and Connor was my favorite character in the musical. That point of the view changed as I watched the movie. The movie was cinematically really pretty. I did cry a lot due to some scenes. 
I do wish that during “For Forever” when they’re all sitting at the dinner table (due the fact that they have the ability to add it in), would be little flashbacks of Connor and his family doing to the orchard and having picnics. I think it would have added emotion towards it (not to mention add more screen time for Conner’s character).
I do greatly wish that they added in Break in a Glove as they had it almost completely set up, however, I did enjoy how they used it to show how uninvolved and distant Evan’s father actually is. Speaking of Larry Murphy, I was very thrown when they mentioned him as Connor’s step-father. However, I did enjoy that they put it like that so the emotion and tension could be captured between Cynthia and Larry when the note gets leaked out and everyone starts hating on them for not caring about Connor before his death (and being rich and asking for money on redoing the orchard). (NOT TO MENTION DANNY PINO IS AN A+ ACTOR BECAUSE WHEN LARRY FINALLY BREAKS DOWN INTO CYNTHIA’S ARMS I BEGAN CRYING).
My favorite thing that happened was Alana Beck’s solo. I loved that they gave her more time (even if it meant cutting down Jared’s time). I am sad they got rid of Disappear for The Anonymous Ones as I personally really liked the sort of duet between Conner and Evan. 
Overall, I really liked the way that they filmed Dear Evan Hansen and I was thrown into a loop. The contrast between the musical and the movie are significant enough to me. I would personally like to change a few things but it genuinely was not as bad as I thought it was going to be. I was ready to hate it and I was looking forward to hating it but I am glad that I watched it, and got to experience it in theaters. My rating for the show (as is without linking in how it changed from the Broadway musical) would be a 7/10. I really liked it although the songs in my opinion do need the context to understand it (even if you had watched it).
**There is so much more I could write or explain but the best I can do is go watch the show. It is a bit of a cringe, but there are a lot of redeeming qualities to it. It’s worth the experience.**
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hellopuns · 3 years
If you want better/more accurate/more heart-wrenching mental illness portrayals in a musical with nonstop bangers, watch Next to Normal.
If you want a gay coming of age story with complicated characters and devastating emotional scenes, watch Fun Home.
If you want a musical that covers repression of true feelings and some taboo subjects, a small amount of romance, and has a semi-sympathetic lying protagonist, fuck it! Watch Book of Mormon! Hell, Ben Platt played that role for a while!
You don’t want to watch Dear Evan Hansen. It’s shallow, boring, irresponsible in its messaging (especially considering the heavier topics it tackles), and does none of the things above in a satisfying way.
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