justadeaddove · 4 years
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Stain x Midoriya Moodboard
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pretty-deku · 5 years
DekuStain and Dekumight are still like my otp of all otp’s for Izuku but you know what ship is growing on me like really hard? EnjiDeku, like holy shit its fucking so good. And like Izuku I Also want big buff men to carry me around and call me baby. 
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hk-stain · 6 years
Gaslight Glow
pretty-deku‌ asked: Izuku waited and waited for Chizome to get home. It was almost 4 in the morning when he heard the latch on the door catch and Chizome staggered in, tired but not hurt. A flood of relief as Izuku got up off the couch and greeted him sleepily, "Welcome home," He muttered before wrapping his arms around his far to thin waist and hugging him tightly. " I made you something to eat it's in the oven when you get hungry. I also made the bed you can have it tonight, you look tired."
hk-stain  answered:
He was exhausted and every muscle hurt but seeing Izuku always made him feel better.  The boy had become such a dear friend and Stain felt more comfortable with him than anyone who had ever been his life.   Stooping over a little, Stain returned the hug.  They didn’t touch often, Izuku was still so damaged by his past.  But when they did Stain cherished it.  Those few times it happened, in the past two years, Izuku always initiated it.  Even hugging or when the boy leaned against him, Stain touched him as little as possible.  It never lasted long. This time it seemed like it Izuku was lingering.  Izuku’s arms tight around his waist and that mop of sweet-smelling long green hair against his chest.  Stain didn’t mind staying that way for a little longer, neither of them had many hugs or affection when they were growing up.  Only his stomach was grumbling very loudly.  Laughing they went to eat what Izuku made. Full, the pot pie Izuku made with actual pie crust in a pie pan was better tasting than it looked.  And now freshly showered.  Stain walked into his bedroom while drying his hair.  The bed was nicely made and the pillowed looked plumped.  He had to admit that lying down sounded like heaven but this was Izuku’s room now.  He turned to head for the couch but he found his way blocked by Izuku.  Had he forgotten something?  That look said he had.  “Happy Valentines Day?
They ate, and Izuku was glad that the food he had made tasted better than what it looked look. And from how fast that Chizome was eating it he must have thought so well. Clearing the table while Chizome showered Izuku couldn’t help but hum to himself. Tonight was going good, and soon it would be even better. He just hoped that he didn’t upset Chizome. 
Hearing the water stop Izuku heard Stain get dressed in the bedroom. Catching him start to leave the room and head to the small couch he now called a bed Izuku frowned. He had told Stain that he could have the bed.  The almost shy confused way he said Happy Valentine’s Day made Izuku’s heart flutter, how could such a hardened killer be so cute? “I told you, you could have the bed, I’ve stolen it from you long enough.” he said dragging him back to the bed by the hand. “You look really tired, come lay down?…with me?” He asked shyly as he looked up at Stain with hopeful eyes.   
When Izuku grabbed his hand, Stain was very confused.  He was tired and not thinking clearly.  Every muscle was sore.  The shower did nothing but make the knots worse by clenching due to it’s freezing temperature.  It would be nice to sleep in his bed again.  But it wasn’t his bed anymore, it was Izuku’s.  He doesn’t... Those amazing, green eyes pleading.  it was like that damn cat from the movie with the green guy.  But what was Izuku pleading for?   Then the boy’s words hit him.  ‘...come lay down with me?...’   Stain felt even more confused now, like he was missing something.
Then it dawned on him that Izuku might be having nightmares again or just didn’t want to be alone.  It must have been very bad for the boy to be able to have someone on or even near the bed when he was on it.  Sitting down, Stain grabbed the T-shirt he left at the end of the bed to put on.  “Only if it’s what you really want.  I don’t mind the couch.”
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pretty-deku · 5 years
I also have an idea for an Izuku/Stain soulmate au (the wrist timer one), but can you imagine: Izuku Midoriya is excited to meet his soulmate, its gonna happen during his internship. As time counts down he gets more nervous and excited that is until explosions in the distance.  Things happen and his timer is slowly ticking down even as he's looking for Iida across Hosu. The timer forgoten as he runs to his friend's aid. He sees him hurt and trying to fight, but then there is someone else, the Hero Killer, their eyes meet and both of their timers go off, sounding far too joyous in that dark alleyway.    I WANT THIS AU DAMN IT!
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pretty-deku · 5 years
You know what? I WANT A DEKUMIGHT THREAD DAMN IT!!! OR a DEKUSTAIN THREAD! I love rping on discord but I want a few threads for those two on my tumblr. 
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pretty-deku · 5 years
Izuku at the Pros arresting Stain: Sirs stop, that's my emotional support Hero Killer
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hk-stain · 6 years
valentine's day application
Name: Izuku Age: uh I think I’m 22 now? Hard to keep track Do you like to cuddle? Yes please, I mean if you want to, I always feel really safe with you. Can we make-out?: No… maybe? a kiss would be nice I think, you think I’d have kissed more people in my old line of work but honestly not really.  A night in or dinner out?: A night in sounds good, I’d rather just stay home and relax Ice cream or chocolate covered strawberries?: That's easy strawberries Id rather have real fruit over ice cream any day What makes you a good Valentine?: I uh… will help you punch Endeavor, and I’ll let you have your bed back if you want, also I look cute in your shirts.   Would you cook for me?: Yep! I learned to make all kinds of things, and I hardly burn anything at all now  Would you let me cook for you?: Yes! you make the best foods! Id eat anything you make  Stain blushed.  He knew Izuku was ready to make their relationship more intimate but he was not prepared to see it in writing.  However as the shock wore off, he realized how absolutely adorable his responses were.  Izuku did look great in his shirts.   Reading it again Stain stopped on the fourth answer... a kiss.  Stain could just see the kiss.  Cupping Izuku’s face so the shorter had to tilt his head.  Lips parted as he gasps in surprise.  Stain leans close.  Their lips graze... Stain pus the paper down.  His cheeks burning. Maybe not kissing just yet.
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pretty-deku · 5 years
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1000 word double polling time (bnha for ships)
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pretty-deku · 6 years
Send a 🔪 for me to generate a random number 1-10 for an Angst post/starter
3. Muse having an anxiety/panic attack_____Izuku couldn’t breathe, the room felt to hot and his hands far too cold. He shook as he stood frozen in the kitchen. Fear and panic gripped him as he tried to calm his rampaging heartbeat. He had heard Cumin’s voice. It had been on T.V. something about a pro hero being arrested at Cumin’s club. He couldn’t listen even if he wanted to, the sound to that monster speaking was enough send im in to a blind panic. That’s how Chizome found him; huddled in the kitchen floor a broken plate around him and Izuku with his arms wrapped around his head trying to block out any sound.  
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pretty-deku · 6 years
Izuku had his first taste of vengeance. The 'hero' who paid for first rites was dead. The sadist's blood covered them both. Back at the loft, Stain put Izuku into the shower then to bed after treating his wounds. Watching him sleep, Stain wanted to pet his now shiny soft hair but he honored his vow not to touch Izuku. Instead, Stain went out. He had seen the way Izuku eyed the dresses when they were shopping. It wasn't much but the ombre blues would go with Izuku hair and eyes. ❤️
It had been a long day. Long and stressful. Izuku had gotten revenge on one of the ‘heros’ who had hurt him, and in doing so made the world a little better. Stain had to help him back to the loft were they were staying, because he had gotten hurt. It wasn’t to bad just a cut on the leg that made walking hard. A shower and a change of clothes later he let Stain bandage up his leg. He had to admit it was nice being around Stain, better than nice. He was his best friend, he didn’t, touch unless it was to help. No touching, no yelling, no hurting, nothing that made him feel like he was back at the brothel... calm and quiet. Sighing he snuggled under the covers and shut his eyes, bidding a soft good night to his friend. ___The next morning Izuku woke up sore but not dead tired anymore. Laying next to him on the bed was the pretty blue dress he had looked at yesterday...how did it get here? He picked it up and ran his fingers through the nice soft cotton fabric, it was a nice little sun dress. He held it too himself and tried not to cry, he wasn’t used to getting gifts. Getting out of bed, he slipped it on and twilled about for a moment before nearly running out of the bedroom to find Stain. Seeing him chopping something up for breakfast he nearly tackle hugged him, “Thank you! I love it!” He hugged him tightly his face pressed in to Stain’s chest. “This is the nicest thing anyone has ever given me.”
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hk-stain · 6 years
When you say ship Stain and Izuku, do you mean as in a student teacher setting where he is a mentor to Izuku. Or do you mean ship romantically?
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Ooc... Thanks for the ask Anon.
I have an aged up Au with my friend @pretty-deku who dragged me into the MHA Fandom. We plan to let the story direct where we go. Do we ship them. Yes. As Mentor & Relationship. We like rare pairs.
I understand if anyone has a problem with my ships. I also ship Stain x All Might. I will tag my threads and any art with the ship name. (DekuStain, StainMight, ect.) If anyone wants to black list or you can block or unfollow, I will understand. Each to their own. Everyone has the right to enjoy their Dash trigger free.
Feel free to ask anymore questions. My ask box is open.
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pretty-deku · 6 years
Send “🗡” to ask my muse about one of their scars.Izuku was quite a moment as Chizome traced the scar over his hip. It was a long nasty one over the curve and ended at his lower back, a deep and nasty burn scar. He could feel the question in that touch, without Chizome having to say a word. “That was the first ‘gift’ from a certain hero who liked to play with fire. I didn’t move fast enough for him and he burned me while he held me down. Most of the burns are from him.” The both knew which fire ‘hero’ Izuku was talking about.Izuku turned and pressed his face in to Chizome’s chest, soaking up the warmth and enjoying the cuddling. Being in his arms always made him feel safe and loved. “Its alright, at least it doesn’t hurt like it used to.” Truth be told it always kind of hurt but there wasn’t much Izuku could do about it. 
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pretty-deku · 6 years
I hear you like Stain/Deku is this true, because if it is, then I think I love you. It's hard being in rare ship hell.
Rude! I don’t like the ship 
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I love it!!! I’m glad i’m not the only one in rare ship hell with this. I have a whole au for the ship that I need to get up in my verses.  Us rare pair shippers need to stick together. 
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pretty-deku · 6 years
Password is DEKUSTAIN 
Be in character <3 and enjoy the crack!
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