#delfina baradoz
occult-roommates · 1 year
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Here's the colored not-edited to look vintage pictures used for the "The Glimmerbrook Chronicles" chapter.
Click below the cut if you're dying to see Gwenn's boobs I guess.
Here's the first pic.........Here's the other one.
By the way I find it kinda funny she used to dress according to the fashion of the time but today she dresses like an Edwardian lady. Like yes she was born in 1904 but that means she was like an Edwardian toddler at best, she hit adulthood in the 1920s like.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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A scandal in the spellcasting world
One day, late in the evening, the Rossinis cousins were watching a movie on a channel which airs comedy classic. However, nothing made them feel older than the fact the movie currently airing was "Don't Mess with the Zohan". Then, Dawud joined in, and he got so close to Matteo he clipped into him, and Daniele had to pretend he's fine with that. Please someone come put an end to his misery...
Stressed out, he grabbed the remote control and turned on to SMN24 (San Myshuno News 24), only to see a woman he had never heard of in his life make a speech.
Rudi: Listen listen! Daniele: Rud, this cannot be the right news report for the level of urgency in your voice. Rudi: I had to make it crystal clear in order for your autistic ass to understand how much I wanted you to see this. Daniele: Stop saying I'm autistic! Matteo: You're not?! Dawud: Ok but like, never do it like that again. Like...last time someone said with this tone of voice to turn on the news cause something big happened in the San Myshuno downtown, it was the worst terrorist attack in history.
Because none of them were listening, Rudi rewinded until the beginning of the news report. There, a reporter explained only a few days before the upcoming Magic Realm Summit, a human woman had made a revelation that was shocking the spellcasting world at its very core. It then cut to the woman making a speech, what was being shown when they originally changed channel. It was written below "Delfina Baradoz - History teacher".
Delfina: Welcome everyone, my name is Delfina Baradoz. However, nobody but a few people knows me under this name. The name I used to be known as is quite similar. I am better known as Delphine Lorgnez, the so-called dead daughter of Gwenaelle Lorgnez and Giuseppe Paradisi. According to most, I passed away at only five years old, and yet here I am, turning 53 today.
Daniele felt confused. Why would they even lie about their daughter being dead? Surely, this woman had to be doing it for attention. However, he could not deny how much she look like a perfect blend of Gwenn and Giuseppe.
Daniele: But why? Rudi: Back when my dad was alive he had this friend who was obsessed with faking his death...Well, maybe not obsessed, but he brought it up often enough it was sus, especially whenever he was going through stuff. He'd even suggest it to other people. Dawud: I mean, faking your own death is a bit messed up already for your loved one, but forcing someone, a child even, to fake theirs seems even worse. Daniele: Shut up! I'm trying to listen...
Delfina explained she had remained in hiding her entire life. Her parents had found a human couple in Brittany willing to raise her in secret, and she had spent her childhood under the name Christine Cabioch. Once she turned 18, she wanted to change it back to her original name, but realized she actually quite enjoyed being out of the public eyes, unlike her biological parents, and instead picked one that was a nod to her true identity.
Since then, she had a pretty average life, she got married in her early 20s to a human, found a job in Nantes as a high school history teacher, had three kids with no magical abilities and is actually on her way to become a grandma in three months, has a house and a dog, nothing out of the ordinary. Nobody knows who she really is, even her own husband found that out in the last month in preparation for this speech.
Delfina: But why? Why would they do that? As I said, I enjoyed being out of the spotlight, but it is sadly not the reason why they hid me. If that were the case, there were easier solution. No, as you might have noticed, my life has been very human-centric, and the reason is obvious. I am a human...sort of. The older of you might remember a time when my parents were constantly boasting about me, how happy they were to have a daughter, and how much of a powerful spellcastress I was going to be. Then, tragedy struck and my powers were not developping. I was brought to a doctor, who tested me and found out I never will developed any. I was born with a genetic disorder which prevent my body from processing magic properly.
Embarrassed of having a human daughter after constantly claiming his seed (ew) made the most powerful spellcasters, Giuseppe took...a decision. He decided he will fake his daughter's death and hide her. Delfina is not quite sure how he convinced Gwenn to go along with his plan, but he eventually did. One day, they came out claiming their daughter had died in her sleep of a seizure from undiagnosed epilepsy. In order to make sure nobody will ever speak up, they did erase the memories of Delfina and her new parents.
However, Gwenn was never really out of her life and would often come to visit, on top of Delfina constantly hearing about her in the news regarding her weird cult. Then, at 16, she learnt the truth, which obviously messed her up quite a bit. That was the end of the story.
Daniele: No! This is not true!
The spellcaster stood up, unable to believe it. He literally felt mad on behalf of Delfina, but more importantly, he felt weirdly...hurt? He felt weirdly hurt by this.
Rudi: Hey, Dan? You ok? Daniele: This is not true. Giuseppe would never do that. This woman is just an attention seeker who looks like them, hell a human can have blue hair if they have occult ancestry. And she even said herself she changed her name to sound closer to Delphine's name. And how convenient a memory-erasing spell was even involved in her story. Rudi: How would you know he would not do that? You never met him. Daniele: No but...I mean, he's considered a hero to young spellcaster who struggle with magic or developped their power late. Hell, he even used to believe he had the same condition as this woman claims to have! Why would he even treat her the way he was treated by his own family? Well, like, they didn't exactly do that to him, but they were super abusive even by 1900s standard. Rudi: I'm gonna send you the Wikipedia article about the cycle of a abuse. You will find that a fascinating read. Daniele: I still don't understand why he'd do that! He's like...He's my hero...He gave me hope for me, for when my condition will make me lose my power. Maybe I'll find a way to make them comeback, and he's super based like he's pretty much always been on the right side of history, which is saying a lot for a dude who's 123 years old. Rudi: If only you knew the amount of time I found out musician and artist I loved and respected said shitty things about werewolves, even the super progressive one. And the older they are the worse it is cause you know, back then what they were saying was actually socially acceptable. Daniele: So why don't you understand why I'm feeling hurt. Rudi: He doesn't even know you exist Dan! Y'all never even met!
As they say, never meet your hero, that's how you find out they're asshole. Poor Dan, he didn't even got to meet him before finding out he secretly suck.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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A rotten corrupt world
After the banquet came Giuseppe's speech. He was going to do some emergency PR for himself trying to explain what was going on with that whole Delfina Baradoz situation. She had been invited to the summit, but had denied the invitation for some odd reason, so she wasn't even there to defend herself, it's perfect.
Giuseppe: Yes, Delfina, or Delphine as I call her, is my daughter. However, I would never try to hide one of my children, especially one who obviously look so much like me. You see, it all started when I married Gwenaelle Lorgn-
In the middle of his sentence, he was interrupted by Daniele, bursting into the conference room enraged. He ran towards the podium and punched his former childhood hero straight on the nose.
Daniele: Outta my way, old man!
Once the old spellcaster was on the ground, Daniele threw a temporary paralysis spell at him. It should last around only five minutes, but he still won't have much time to do his speech before security shows up.
Daniele: Hi everyone. My name is Daniele. I was born in Tartosa in the powerful Rossini family 23 years ago. When I was 12, I was diagnosed with progressive magic degeneration, and while my parents never claimed I was dead, they like to pretend that I am.
He quickly scanned the room and noticed standing in the very back, Dawud, Gwenn and Adem. They were just there, hoping they wouldn't get noticed by any of the staff or worse, by Giuseppe himself.
Daniele: I knew spellcasters with my disease or a similar to mine, or who were straight up born without powers, were treated horribly, but I didn't realize the extent of it until recently. Our society truly is vile towards our most vulnerable. I know we are all traumatized to a degree about being mistreated by humans, even by other occults sometime, but we need to understand that ironically, there is more to being a spellcaster than casting spells. I mean, do you really think humans see me as one of them?
He took a moment to catch his breath, then continued.
Daniele: People with my condition who have more typical spellcaster traits such as say, purple hair, don't even lose their traits! Hell, a few months ago we had a case of a young human man becoming a spellcasters, we're not as different as we claim to be. We like to claim we're different species, but we're clearly not like...just the fact we can have children with each other should be a big enough proof. We're all homo sapiens, we're all people. It's just that some of us can do magic, some of us grow fish tails underwater, some of us are half-bat, some of us turn into wolf during the full moon and some of us have dragonfly wings. Fuck, I'd even say we're all humans, how come us occults can't even get that words even though we objectively are human being too? Like, we're complacent in our literal dehumanization. This whole division thing is stupid, you realize a woman whose goal was literally to create peace between humans and spellcasters was demonize to hell and back like holy fuck! And it's not human who were demonizing her, I'm just saying. I understand, like I said, humans have mistreated us for centuries, I'm not forgiving them for that, but at least, can we just not let this pent up anger be redirected towards people like me or Delfina. Please.
Gwenn and Adem looked around, people were looking at them. Seems like they weren't that subtly hidden after all. Though, there was one person with them that hadn't been mentionned yet.
Daniele: And like, proof we're not so different, both "regular" humans and spellcasters get mad when we start dating each other, or if we fall in love with other occults. A-A-And...I no longer care that you're human, Dawud, I love you.
Dawud turned bright red, and was now totally outed as a human to the rest of the crowd who had no idea who he is. He literally did not know how to respond. The guy really made a whole speech, a poignant speech in spite of it being improvised on the spot, begging for acceptance to his community, a speech which might go down in spellcasting history even, and then ended it with a gay love confession.
Adem: Dude, I think he might be talking about you.
Dawud: Y-Yeah.
Anyway, he would not have the time to give Daniele an answer live, as security barged in right after. Even if one of them secretly agreed with the speech, he started it by punching an old guy unprovoked.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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Honestly, might be for the best...
Following the scandalous reveal of Delfina Baradoz, Dawud went to visit Matteo. Like, to him, it changed nothing about his life, except that Daniele was gonna be sad for a couple day. However, well, you know...the universe had another plan. It all started when he made the mistake of bringing up Delfina.
Matteo: Fucking hate her. Ooooh look at me, I suffered cause I'm human. Fuck off, I wish I was human. Dawud: Ok but her parents pretended she was dead cause she's human. Matteo: Exactly, the entire spellcasting world is rotten and corrupted. That is why I hate being one. Dawud: I'll be real with you, Matt, but the fact you seem to always find a way to sneak into the conversation how much you hate being a spellcaster is starting to be really fucking annoying. Matteo: But this time it's relevant to the conversation so you can't really complain. Hell, you're the one who brought it up. Dawud: Ok but like, it's really weird. Matteo: I'm not the only one, this entire society is absolutely awful, but nobody cares. And magic can attack your body, it can turn you blind, give you migraine, it frequently stunts growth which is why spellcasters tend to be shorter. Fuck it all, and fuck that guy who suddenly became a spellcaster and claim he always wanted to be one, like sure bud, you totally did. Dawud: ...Why did you had to bring up uh...Adem I think his name is? Matteo: Because I hate how he's happy with being something I wish I wasn't! Do I have to spell everything out for you??
Well, Dawud was regretting bringing up the subject. Then again, what was he even thinking...
Matteo: Anyway, you cannot understand, you're just a human. And just like most human, you probably don't like occults to a degree. You think I forgot how you handled my cousin's rejection years ago? Dawud: Do not bring that up! I did not mean it. Matteo: Of course, people never mean it...And I bet you're only with me cause you see me as a replacement for Dan. Dawud: That's not true!
Was it though? I mean, Dawud wouldn't admit it. Matteo is fairly different from Daniele. They don't look alike that much and have very distinct personality. They're complete opposite when it come to their magic, at this point no explanation as to why is needed. But like, maybe on a subconscious level it was the case. Maybe Dawud does see Matteo as nothing more than a substitute for Daniele.
In a way, he must admit it was a bit like Charlie. Sure, he wasn't fully in love with him, but as Haddaway once said "what is love"? It's not like he doesn't know how it feels like, he definitely had a thing for Daniele he had never felt for another person before. Sure he could make this work and eventually fall for Matteo. However, it seems like that once again, just like Charlie, it wasn't going to happen. This is gonna sound awful, but for all of his problem in his adult life, at least he's in a relationship you know, so he's not a complete loser.
However, at that point, not only is he sure he doesn't love him, he doesn't think he even like him. The two barely knew each other before they kissed in a bar back in February.
Dawud: Alright then, it's over. Matteo: Wait no, I didn't mean it. Dawud: Of course, people never mean it...
Well, that was once again, an impulse. This time though, it might be better this way. Might as well hit the brick before their relationship actually turns to shit, which it seems like might just be a matter of time if Dawud was only dating Matteo for the sake of dating someone. Even if he wouldn't admit to himself it was because he couldn't get Daniele, the fact is, to some degree it kinda is. So of course this will make stuff go sour one day or another. For the sake of Matteo, might as well call it quit now.
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occult-roommates · 1 year
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I don't know why I even tried...
The summit had officially started. A grand dinner had been organized for only the most elite of spellcasters, right before a speech by Giuseppe where he would tell his side of the Delfina Baradoz story. Officially, Daniele wasn't invited, but his aunt and uncle were invited, so they brought him with them, as they knew seeing Giuseppe in person would mean the world to him. Though let's be real, he would have prefered if it wasn't under those circumstances.
At the banquet, Daniele felt so out of place. Not only was he not invited here, he knows it's only a matter of time before he's just straight up forbidden from entering the Magic Realm. Hell, he won't even be able to cast the spell to open the portal. As to make his feeling of imposture even worse, he had lost his hat at the airport, and now he's in a formal event with his hair uncovered, and people will see him as a freaking slut. How could he even be a slut, does he look like he's having sex?!
As if all of that wasn't enough, of course, his parents were there. Why wouldn't they be?
His father, Roberto, he's not that afraid of him. He's a weak pathetic little man who does everything his wife tells him to, even though he probably doesn't even love her. The two got kinda forcibly married as their family were both rich and powerful, and because there barely were other options for spellcasters in Tartosa. You know, some real medieval bullshit even though this all went down in the early 90s.
His mother, Camilla, that's who Daniele is really afraid of. She's a vile woman, the reason why he's been kicked out of the family house in the first place. Word cannot express how much he hates that bitch, but there exist an avant-garde dance which you are free to imagine right now. However, you know, today he's gotta act polite, and who knows...If Dawud can reconcile with his mother, why couldn't he?
The last woman at the table, the spellcastress in red, was named Diana Silvercloud and yes, she is Lilah's mother. Daniele had heard of her before, as her family are the founders of Magnolia Promenade, a small town which is now a suburb of Willow Creek. However, he had never met her, he didn't even know what she looked like.
Nervously, he approached the table, but before he could sneak a word in, he heard the conversation.
Diana: So is it a boy or a girl? Camilla: It's going to be a girl, and she should be born somewhere in late January. Diana: Aren't you afraid she's gonna be...you know... Camilla: Not at all, Roberto and I used IVF to ensure she's gonna be born normal.
Wait...No, he must have misunderstood. There is no way his parents are having another baby. He's 22, he's too old to be getting a new sibling for the first time, and Camilla is 54 years old! His mother always claimed she's never going through the hell of pregnancy again, even if that means she's never giving the family a female heir as is expected of a spellcastress. Whatever happened, seems like she changed her mind.
Then again, yes, chronologically speaking, Camilla is 54, but physically she is much younger. Not only do spellcasters age more slowly than humans and live longer, it is very common for them to use magic to keep their youth for as long as possible. As a result, it's not unusual for family of spellcasters to have huge age gap between the siblings. Look at Diana for example, in her early 20s, she famously was in Giuseppe's harem and had a son with him, she even came close to marrying him. Then, as to make this extremely weird, 50 years later she got married instead to another one of Giuseppe's son and they had Lilah together. Does this woman look like she was born while the prohibition was in full swing?
Daniele: H-Hi. Camilla: What are you doing here? Isabella: I invited him. He is a part of this family whether you like it or not. Daniele: Can I talk to you for a sec?
He pulled his mother aside, and yeah, he understood correctly, he's gonna have a little sibling. Fuck. On top of that, it became clear Camilla was furious to see him here.
Daniele: Hi mom. It's been so long. Camilla: Get out of this place. You do not belong here and you know it. Daniele: I know I don't belong here, but I still have my powers so... Camilla: Don't you know how embarrassing it is for you to show up here? My entire family is ashamed of me for bringing another human into this world instead of a spellcaster. Daniele: I am not a human, and why are you talking as if it's not also my family? And no, they're not, aunt Isabella raised me when you and dad decided you were too good to have me as your son! Camilla: And you're not even wearing a spellcaster hat, what will people think? Daniele: You're not wearing one either! Camilla: It was designed by Isabella so it counts.
This all turned into a messy, petty arguments where they were insulting each other as if they were two kindergarteners instead of, you know, a mother and her son. Eventually, Daniele broke down and ran to the bathroom to go cry in peace.
Isabella: She's an awful person you know that...
She did sound pretty jaded saying this, she's used to it at this point. By virtue of being Camilla's younger sister, that means Isabella had the misfortune of knowing that woman literally her entire life. Roberto said nothing and did nothing, whatever was on his mind at that time, the world will never know.
Meanwhile, Daniele hid in the bathroom. What was he expecting? He did not want to sob, he's a grown man not a little boy, but fuck was it hard. What did he do to deserve such vitriol from his own mother? It's not like he asked being born like that.
You know what, maybe Matteo is right. The spellcasting world is awful and corrupt, and he's currently walking around it with a huge target on his back. But this is fine, he has a plan, a huge plan, he will tell these bunch of close-minded magical morons what he really think about them. The spellcasting world will remember this day for a long long time.
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