#della alive
axoqiii · 1 year
OMG OMG OMG! #18 - navy, with maybe the duck twins?
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comicbookddr · 9 months
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Ethan, Rory, and Benny in Lawn of the Dead
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peachhoneii · 2 years
Hortense and Quackmore (Donald and Della’s parents) are confirmed alive. Had the show continued, we would’ve seen them on Grandma Duck’s farm, and they were adventurers.
I love the idea, but as a friend warned, from what it reads, the show may have played up Scrooge’s involvement by making Hortense and Quackmore negligent. I can see that happening, and that is not a price I want to pay.
Clone Webby was a backup story. Her plot twist - her being a clone was the “break in case of cancellation.” I am not a fan of that twist still for obvious reasons but especially that a twist like that should not be reserved for the final season. There’s so much they could have done and can’t.
Just the whole fact that Webby is Scrooge. That is the take from the deluxe edition.
Goldie had some additional concept art in the DE version of the artbook. Not a lot but some. Della did too. @lettheladylead will definitely post them at some point, and she is our residential Goldie archivist.
But yeah, Donald and Della’s parents are perfectly fine. Why did Donald and Della spend all that time with Scrooge? We will never know.
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aryshacore · 2 years
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❃ Userboxes con la flor ❃
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spindash · 9 months
it really does break my heart to think how badly kushina wanted to be hokage and instead she got pushed aside and overlooked not just because she was a woman from a different village but she was a jinchuriki as well. something that was done to her against her wishes. and just another slap in the face was appointing her own husband. i wonder if she resented him at all. for turning her into just the hokages wife. i wonder if minato felt guilty about becoming hokage since he knew thats what kushina wanted. they bonded over it as children. but they never got to fight for it to rival each other because of who kushina was and what she was. How unfair. what a cruel life
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I woke up in the hospital with a Chein-pao kit on my chest and a MEW by side wtf happened
@captain-mommy-issues @your-favorite-champion @swagtastic-bougie-pompadour @aurora-weaviles I'm fine(ish)
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sxftriina · 2 years
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I'm trying to figure out Ocean's outfit/style
I want to give them the vibes of someone experimenting with their style and self-expression after not being allowed to and not allowing themselves to for so long.
This outfit is chaotic but on a much tamer scale. I don't think Ocean would go all out, but she is trying to figure out how to express herself through clothes and other things. They're getting more character development <3
On another note her short pink hair wasn't really her experimenting with anything, that was an impulsive action they did in the midst of a mental breakdown. She got on her little yellow scooter and drove herself to the store and picked up the first box of hairdye that was an unnatural color that she saw, went back home, cut their hair with some kitchen scissors and then dyed it 😭
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thcrealheroes · 11 days
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🎧◂Hughie┊only the good die young┊HC   ,
🎧◂Hughie┊You're only human┊Visage ,
🎧◂Hughie┊We save everyone even If they don't deserve It┊Musing ,
🎧◂Hughie┊You better stay alive┊Aesthetics ,
🎧◂Hughie┊Shape of you┊Lust,
🎧◂Hughie┊You're my home┊love,
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leagueofdccm · 6 months
“Everyone deserves a second chance.” / rick to maggie
390 Prompts!!!! || @nghtmarish
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THE GRIMACE ON HER FACE SAYS OTHERWISE. Her fingers curled into her hands, forming a tight fist. Maggie feels hollow on the inside... she feels nothing but hollow and rage tangled up into one in the depths of her soul... she wants blood. She wants Negan's blood. The urge to hunt down that stupid bat of his and use it against him is A MIGHTY NEED. Would love to see the look on Negan's face seeing Maggie taunting HIM with his bat just as he taunted them once upon a time.
--- But no. It never came down to that moment. Glenn never got justice. Nobody did. Rick decided on his own that Negan had to live. It took everything inside of her not to pull out her gun and shoot Negan down herself. It took every part of her not to SEE RED and go after Rick herself for deciding on that. They spoke to a crowd, spoke of how they won't deal with this... planned to kill Negan to end it all. Why show mercy ? Why let him live for taking those close to them ? He took the love of her life...
oh, Glenn.
She shuts her eyes for a moment, but can't close them for long because all she sees is that bat coming down on Glenn. Over and over again. She hears him calling out to her, and she feels his heart ripping away from her. HIS SOUL that was once dancing with her saying its farewell before vanishing..... leaving her alone.
She wanted to die, she wanted Negan to die.
She wanted to feel something other than agony. Her heart shattering, crying out for help, crying out for the warmth it lost. She wants to yell at Rick, grab him by the collar of his shirt, and tell him she hates him. She hates this, she hates giving mercy, she HATES it. It's all that is consuming her. She's drowning in Glenn's death scene, Negan's voice in the background making fun of them Enjoying their suffering. She even begs Glenn in her dreams not to visit her anymore... the love of her life.... not to visit her anymore. She's at her breaking point. But she holds it together. She scoffs with a roll of her eyes, not daring to look away from Rick. Her emerald irises that once had life to them, joy and beauty. Now filled with loathing and sorrow.
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Negan strolled along and caused hell for them without so much of a fucking care. He gets to breathe every breath that Glenn can no longer take. " A second chance ? " Maggie sneers, leaning closer to the ex-cop, the space between them closing in, her teeth clenched, knuckles white, and her palms red from the pressure of her nails breaking her skin. " ...You should have spoken to me, before making your mind up on what should be done with Negan. " She raises a hand up, halting him to not speak or BREATH or word. She wasn't finished yet. " Out of respect you should have spoken to me, Daryl.. every person he has WRONGED before making up your MIND. " Her heart tightens, it feels like it's going to burst out of her ribcage if she doesn't control herself. Her head throbbing, her skull feeling like it's being crushed from the weight of the stress. She can hear Glenn calling to her and she wants to cry out to him to stop, to just please stop. Maggie lets out a shaky breath, a sob threatening to be heard. " You had no right ! You were there, Rick ! You saw what he did to Glenn. To Abraham ! Do they not matter ?! Without Glenn you wouldn't be here right now ! Without Glenn you would have been dead ! I-- " Maggie turns on her heels quickly and buries her head in her hands. Rage flowed through her like lava. Wishing to SCREAM OUT. WISHING this was all just a NIGHTMARE and she'll wake up soon. Just wake up. WAKE UP. " -- Justice needs to be served. One way... or another Imma get him... and Imma kill him. Remember that. "
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roman-o-cheese · 1 month
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Honey, just put your sweet lips on my lips
We should just kiss like really people do
They are everything to me…
(Close-ups under the cut)
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Here’s what the notes say :)
Top / Yellow sticky note: I love you Sunshine! <3 - your significant annoyance
Middle / left : Questa spada era destinata a tua sorella, ma ora è tua. Resta vivo, da, Papà (Translation - This sword was meant for your sister, but now it’s yours. Stay alive, from, Papà.) (btw, this is a reference to one of my fanfics)
Bottom / right: La ricetta del tiramisù della Nonna (Translation - “Grandma’s Tiramisu Recipe”)
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oddballsducks · 6 months
Honestly I think the best way they could have integrated Della into the comics is for her to be a character that only shows up for special issues.
First off, let’s just establish the unspoken requirements that must be met for Della’s existence:
1. She can’t be dead, because that’s too sad. These stories are for kids, remember!
2. She can’t be around, alive and well, either, because then it wouldn’t make sense for HDL to continue living with Donald if Della is there, and that would mess up the status quo. You can never change the status quo, especially a fact so important as “Donald is the triplets’ guardian.”
3. But she can’t be a bad mother or a bad person either! Again, that would be too sad for a Disney comic!
And that’s the reason Duck comic writers have simply ignored the concept of Della entirely, because it’s practically impossible to meet all these rules at once. They just pretend she doesn’t exist, and never existed in the first place.
And then That Comic happens. The 2014 Dutch Della Duck comic. It provides the story that Della is currently traveling in a rocket so quickly that the last (however old the triplets are, minus a couple of months or so, given they were babies when she left) years have only been 15 minutes to her. She will stay in space for another hour before returning home, not knowing it will actually be a few decades. The triplets don’t tell their mother about her situation for honestly no good reason, but that’s a different post.
This story meets the Della Requirements! Della is a good mom, she is alive, but she also isn’t coming back anytime soon.
But it’s still a pretty sad outcome, in my opinion, because Della is unknowingly stuck in space decades, and she’ll miss her children’s entire lives. She can never show up in stories.
I’ve thought of a better way to fit Della into the comics and meet the Requirements:
Just have her be working all the time as a pilot. She’s flying around between different countries all the time, so she leaves the kids with Donald. She could even be a military pilot, if they want to do that. And she can come back to Duckburg when she’s on leave/a break, and we can have a story with her in it every so often, but not so often she’s a main character. It’s the best compromise, I’m telling you.
She’s alive, she’s a good mom, and Donald still gets to be HDL’s main caregiver.
Anyway I’m tired so this might be worded awkwardly in some places and be rambly.
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rebuilding-paradise · 4 months
*Running from a crazed Arven (with some tera powers at that) while also having THREE POKEMON EGGS IS NOT FUN FOR DELLA, especially since one hatched-*
She'd had originally went there to see why things have been going as they did and it was not fun seeing Geeta trapped via crystallization- she was alive but boy, it was horrifying still. Drayton was running with Della- he's also stressed by the situation.
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usertransducks · 4 months
you: hey how’s it goin-
me: Della was missing for over 10 years. When a person goes missing, within the first 7 years anyone who wants to declare them legally dead has to offer evidence that they’re no longer alive. However, after those 7 years, anyone who wants to declare a person alive has to offer evidence that that person isn’t dead and then its up to a judge whether the person is legally alive or not. Have Scrooge and Della gone through this process? Would Scrooge even be willing to spend the money to go through that process? Is Della still legally dead?
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(no spoilers)
Starkid nation, you aren't ready.
So let's start with the obvious. Look, I spent thirteen years growing up with Starkid. That initial Michigan gang are deeply special to me and I will always miss Dylan, Brian R., and Corey in any show they aren't in. And this one's no different. But just as Janaya came in and took over Belle from Britney so flawlessly, Curt, Brian, and AJ were all WONDERFUL in their new roles. The gentle-but-high-energy, truly decent, romantic himbo charm Curt brought to our Springsteen boy Jim (you all are going to LOVE Jim, I promise) perfectly offset the defiant, sneering anger of Young Scrooge in "That Scrooge." Brian's reactions (particularly to the "rather take my own life" line) were so funny and some of my favorite parts of the show. And AJ... this is now my favorite thing AJ has ever done. And that's saying something. The smaller casting shake-up moments (Joey as Fezziwig, other little line re-distributions) were so fun as well!
The new act 1 is PERFECTION. I was actually surprised by how absolutely hysterical it was? Like, I won't tell you what was up with that clip on Instagram of Brian, Lauren, and Joey doing a freak-out dance, but I can tell you that their whole Act 1 deal threatened to steal the show every. Single. Time. I already mentioned Curt as Jim, but you will also love Della, who is so funny and real and truly carries us through the start of the show (Janaya is a STAR and she Curt have brilliant chemistry). Ali did a terrific job of balancing the sadness and hope that are both at the center of the devastating little Match Girl. And Jamie's Grandma... well, honestly I have no idea how to talk about Jamie's song without giving stuff away.
But the real star of the show in Act 1, as he should be, was our man Clark. I can't emphasize enough how much he nailed the writing of this whole new act. I mentioned that the new stuff is hilarious, but it's also deeply heartfelt, and also sad exactly when it needs to be. Like, the transition after Jamie's song? I can't really talk about it yet, but what that moment does with emotion is unreal. And, as expected, every song is a banger! My one complaint about this show, and it IS a big one, is that there is no cast recording of the Act 1 songs. I want to listen to them all the time.
But the good news is, I CAN listen to Christmas Carol as much as I want! The classic that started it all is back, with so many people reprising the hell out of their truly iconic roles (God I love the VHS Cratchits), and better than ever. I traditionally hate change, and I love the version of VHSCC Live! we already have so much, but I think I somehow loved this version even more? The staging is alive and clever and there are some additions and changes, particularly in "Final Ghost"/"Christmas Day," that frankly blew my mind and somehow managed to elevate the material even further. I can't wait for the digital ticket to come out so that I can talk about them. To put it simply, James Tolbert mastered his Starkid directorial debut like you won't believe. I'm so proud of him and grateful for the larger role he's taken in Starkid since they moved base to LA.
Also, the Ghost of Christmas Past is extra unhinged this year? Jaime pulled out all of the impish stops and it was the BEST.
Basically, everyone more than delivered. I haven't talked about Meredith yet but she rocked it in the band and continued to validate the hell out of my opinion that "3 Spirits" is the dark horse best song in the show.
And a special shout-out to June Saito for continuing to be a costuming GENIUS. I always love her work and this production is no exception. I honestly wanted to give the return of the Bob Cratchit costume its own round of applause.
You know, the world is a mess and everything is pretty much terrible. It's been a hard year in an impossible decade. But every once in a while you come across some art that takes all of that, acknowledges the truth of it, and somehow pulls back the curtains to harness the joy and hope that's still there under the rubble. To me, Starkid in particular has always been about finding and holding onto the hope and the beauty and humanity that allows us to endure an existence that can so often feel bleak. And VHSCC is maybe the most perfect encapsulation of that idea.
So thank you Clark, James, Meredith, Brian, and everyone who worked so hard on this little bit of magic. Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Let's make a little light.
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the-lonelyshepherd · 6 months
what’s your opinion on the travlottienat s2 sex scene
hi! um category five autism event and i got way too serious about this. however its not my problem.
oookay SO first off obligatory i am a minor BUT we are analyzing this from a narrative/plot perspective and not in a sexual way. theres naked people in art its fine. I think this scene is fascinating from like. not a shipping perspective but a character based one. it shows a lot about travis and it also shows a lot about lottienat (mostly talking abt the character combo and less the ship) and also jackie. yeah, jackie.
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Madonna della Pietà, Michaelangelo
To start - even w how it looks, this is a Lottienat scene. Not even from a shipping perspective but because this scene SHOWCASES their "rivalry", the contrast in their characters and how they are perceived to the rest of the team (w Travis as a stand in for the team). It shows how they're both very present figures in the whole yellow jackets situation (shown through travis but can apply to all of them imo). Nat is there with travis. shes physical, shes providing. But lottie is also there spiritually, and against the norm, leading whats going on.
Nat as the physical
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lottie as the spiritual.
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so despite the fact that natalie is physically there, travis cant (probably physically cant as hallucinations are NOT voluntary) take his mind off lottie. because she can give him something, in his mind, that nat cant. Shes almost an escape - nat is the harsh reality hes living while lottie is the voice that brings him hope that his brother is alive. lottie is someone who can lead in a way that he wants to make sense. and its an idealized version of her in his mind, probably stemming from his issues w authority figures like his dad and the built up version of masculinity in his mind.
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And this scene also emphasizes Nat’s role in the Javi situation. Because of this:
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The wound on her leg where she faked Javi’s death so that Travis would stop his self-destructive search for his brother, who by all means should have been dead. Why? Because who is Nat but a realist? She’s gotten everything from life thrown at her and came out of it with that attitude, and who can blame her?
But this scene is right after she brings Travis forged proof that his brother is dead. Her guilt is present through this scene, and showing the wound is to emphasize that. layers!!! but travis has a lot of guilt throughout this scene as well - not only because of the supposed death of his younger brother that he as the older sibling feels at fault for but also… the jackie situation.
The Jacke of it all:
yeah this is a jackie scene. not only is it right before when they FUCKING EAT HER but like in spirit as well. Okay so the thing is that jackie is the character who puts the most emphasis on virginity, we all know this, but in the end it's travis that gets the "first time" that she puts so much emphasis on. Yes, jackie and travis lose their virginities to each other, but in this scene travis checks off doing it with his actual girlfriend. That, and he does almost the same thing jackie did with jeff. She looks to shauna's photo, travis thinks of lottie. They have to be outside of their bodies to perform because both of them have hangups (for one reason or another).
It's not that Travis doesn't want to have sex like jackie with jeff, he clearly tries, but he can't do it while thinking very clearly. First by being drugged, then by imagining himself doing something unrelated. And they would've been happier if they hadn't done it - jackie is immediately shunned for it. If you think about it, she literally dies for it. Travis feels like he cheated and did something wrong despite being drugged out of his mind and having no real control over the situation (something jackie didnt know). and then IMMEDIETLY after this scene, there’s the Jackie feast. Not only is she everywhere symbliocally, shes also physically in them now. THE JACKIE OF IT ALLLLL
The Pietà
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The Pietà is a reference to the 6th sorrow of mary. for all you guys who arent christian/catholic →
The Seven Sorrows of Mary are seven significant moments in her life:
Simeon's prophecy of joy and sorrow.
The flight to Egypt to escape King Herod.
Finding Jesus in the temple after being lost.
Mary meeting Jesus on his way to crucifixion.
Witnessing Jesus' crucifixion and death.
Holding Jesus' body after his crucifixion.
Jesus' burial, which Mary mourns.
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To clear things up here - lottie as mary in this context is not a “maternal” as in motherly way - imo its supposed to be peace and hope, guidance/authority. travis, despite being famous for his daddy issues, is hinted at having mommy issues as well (see: him not getting hugged goodbye by his mom in the pilot while his dad and javi both do)
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also, he clearly struggles a lot w masculinity - having a woman in authority doesnt come naturally to him, but in this moment it is his only comfort.
so in the wilderness, there’s a complete power shift from the outside world. in this isolated environment there’s a female majority - specifically, the team, who already (roughly….. it gets messy but ykwim) trust and know each other. they already have a, albeit shifting, power dynamic established. in the normal, precrash, world, it would be isolated to them. but post crash, they are now the majority and the three guys left standing are now forced to assimilate into that instead.
Ben had power - he was one of their coaches and an adult - but with the death of coach martinez, he loses a lot of power 1) because he’s only an assistant 2) hes outnumbered 3) he doesnt want to be in charge of these insane girls anymore. he just wants gay daydreams. let him live.
Then there’s Javi - he’s younger, and none of the girls really know him, but they’re generally nice to him. he cant contribute much though - and eventually he has to contribute all he has - his literal flesh.
Finally travis - arguably the most involved as he is the same age as the team. this puts him on their field as “involved”. He originally has this very built up view of masculinity that you can tell stems from a place of self consciousness/ self loathing as well as a buildup of society’s expectations on him as a teenage boy in the 90’s. He’s supposed to be tough, hes supposed to be in charge, hes supposed to be better. And when hes thrown into this female dominated space it completely falls apart. He’s not the best shooter, he doesn’t have authority or leadership. The only other older male figures are dead or have tried their best to remove themselves from the situation. He has to completely reevaluate everything he knows - Travis has come to learn that there is power in being near and simply being an approximation of femininity.
Travis has come to learn that there is power in being near and simply being an approximation of femininity. Travis has gone from the top (he was never really there, but the built up idea of masculinity put him there in his mind, though even then he had doubts and it came from a negative place) and to bottom of the totem pole - and now he’s rising back up to somewhere in the middle by connecting with femininity, by recognizing women in authority, and also trying to have that hope and spiritual belief that is brought about by these female figures. The middle is where travis can reconcile with the weirder things (ive been in discussions about how travis actually parodies a lot of classic feminine tropes) that clash with what travis should be.
overall this scene is fucking insane. its lottienat its travnat its mommy issues its daddy issues its deadass jackie its an older brothers guilt its religious its a sin its deconstructing the very nature of yourself and those around you. all through the power of weird sex hallucination. and eating someone right after.
if youre still here i love you. please send me yellowjackets discussion asks i love them so much <3 feel free to ask questions and shit, also if none of this makes sense im sorry lmao.
ALSO. special thanks to @periwinklekryptonite who like carried this discussion and came up with like half of tjis. ask him about trans travis or travis in general or maybe pike. shoooo go send him travis questions.
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Steve used to be extremely outgoing; in high school, everyone wanted to be around him, or with him, or just be him, and he thrived off of that kind of attention. Anything to keep his mind off of his earlier childhood traumas, anything to keep him from thinking about how he's always alone, always unwanted.
When he was newly seventeen, though, he started to hate attention. Nancy Wheeler was his girlfriend- but they were fighting and she wouldn't answer his texts. He finally found her at Jonathan Byers's house, and she held him at gunpoint. He'd been more upset that she wouldn't explain anything to him than he was that she was holding a loaded weapon to his face. Then a hellbeast with no eyes and an enormous, five-petaled mouth had popped out of the walls, and he was beating it back with a baseball bat that Jonathan had given him.
Somehow, they'd lived, and had almost a full year of recuperation. But then Halloween happened, and Nancy ruined his favorite holiday by telling him all of the ways he was bullshit (for following the government orders, for being his father's son, for being alive when her best friend was not). Steve felt like he was dying, that next day, but then Dustin had begged for help and he was protecting this group of shitheads who were too nosy for their own good.
By the time he graduated, he'd been kicked out of his family home, disowned, and was living in a shitty little shoebox of an apartment in Hawkins while he worked two jobs (one at Scoops Ahoy, and one at a cafe downtown). He's constantly exhausted, constantly nervous over the Upside-Down resurfacing, terrified for his kids. And he was right; the loss of Starcourt proved it.
Then there was Vecna. He'd been having nightmares for weeks, and then Max had talked about seeing some girl being killed (Della Devons, the head cheerleader at Hawkins High, according to Dustin), and how everyone was scared and how she might be next- Vecna had nearly destroyed them.
When Max woke up from her coma, Steve finally decided that enough was enough and told all of his kids that he was headed into the city. He was encouraged to go, when he told them all. Dustin had cried, but smiled and made Steve promise to let him visit as soon as he was settled.
An online ad asking for a roommate led him to Redemption Avenue- the actual name of the street, Steve thought was fitting for his goal. It was a rundown little place in the seedier part of the city, but this Eddie guy seemed okay, so Steve contacted him and fortunately, he was accepted.
Eddie was odd; he was delighted to have Steve, obviously, and helped Steve get a nice job at a local bakery after hearing that Steve loved to cook. Eddie kept weird hours, but always made sure to keep the noise down so Steve could rest.
Then, when Steve had his first night terror after moving into the apartment (so much nicer than the one he had in Hawkins), Eddie burst into his room with a knife instead of kicking him out. He hadn't even been angry; Eddie had just talked him down. He hadn't pressed Steve to explain why he had begged his demons to stop, please, I work for Scoops, just offered to stay and watch over Steve while he slept.
And then he stayed. And snuggled up to Steve when they woke up, clinging to him until Steve gave him caffeine and a breakfast omelet.
Eddie then started doting on Steve. Snacks whenever Steve came home from work, movie nights and dinners, late-night comfort cuddles after a particularly rough nightmare. Steve loved every second of it; he knew he adored Eddie more and more with each act of kindness, but he was terrified that it would backfire if he reached out.
Dustin had complained about Steve not pushing towards his goals, after one night when Steve was twenty-one and admitted that he wanted to be a nurse. Dustin helped him apply for college and he started classes that fall, but still, Eddie was a saint. Packed him lunches every night (usually it's leftovers of whatever Steve made, but sometimes it's a cute little box full of Steve's favorite treats), encouraged him to take breaks (sometimes he just picked Steve up and carried him to the couch, dropped Steve's latest knitting project on his lap, and glared until Steve allowed himself to hunker down and relax), and even reminded him that he had some assignments coming up (refused to ask about what courses he was taking, wouldn't even ask what the assignments were about, just labeled dates on the calendar for when they're due).
When Steve passed his final exams, Eddie was the first person he told. Eddie was ecstatic, and bullied Steve into visiting his hometown to celebrate with his family. Steve hadn't wanted to go, but Eddie convinced him that his kids would be proud and deserved to be able to celebrate with him.
Eddie also hosted a little party at home, with all of their neighbor friends: Taylor, Maria, Derek and Przemysław, Mason and Bill, Bruce and Donnar, Sam, and even Mrs. Ryans (who adored Steve but despised Eddie). Steve was made to feel like he was special, worthy of this celebration, and Eddie just kept piling on to it.
On Steve's first day of his new job (a pediatric nurse at the nearby hospital), Eddie packed lunch for him. It was one of Steve's favorites, lasagna, with as many of Steve's favorite snacks as would fit in his lunchbox. There was even a note; a cute little comic of Nurse Steve saving a little boy. It's when he sees that little note that Steve is struck by the realization that he's completely infatuated with Eddie. He's in love with his dorky roommate. Steve is delighted at first, he almost calls Eddie to tell him, but he's struck with the sudden thought that it could end up like his relationship with Nancy. On top of that, how could he tell Eddie about all of the Upside-Down bullshit? He couldn't keep that secret from someone he loved- so he decided to squash it all down, refuse to acknowledge it, and pray that it wouldn't ruin what he had with Eddie already.
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