malkaviians-archive · 3 years
Happy birthday, darling! I hope it gets better and you can getcha plans done. I love y'all and wish you the best♡
Thank you I love you too I hope we can catch up sometime soon ♥💞
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captainmeowvel · 7 years
4-6, 53, 69, 98, 99, aaaand 101 for the DA questions~?
-excited flailing- 4. What was your first Warden (gender/class/race/personality)?Female, mage, elf and a snarky arsehole with a big heart. Astra Surana 5. What was your first Hawke like (gender/class/temperament)?Female, mage and a snarky ars-... I HAVE A TYPE. SORRY NOT SORRY. But yeah she was definitely a purple hawke. Felice Hawke 6. First Inquisitor (gender/class/race/personality)Female, mage, elf... don’t judge me. More serious and reserved, though still has a sense of humour. Arla Lavellan 53. That One Headcanon that hurts to think about?oh gOD. so many. my top Heartbreaking Headcanons are inspired by comics I’ve seen online. this one: http://octozoid.tumblr.com/post/157103916880/mynoodlesdoodles-insert-cole-she-hurtsand another one which I can’t find rn but where a younger Warden learns about the bravery and heroics of Loghain and hopes one day they’ll meet him and then cut to her about to kill him at the landsmeet. 69. Who would you cosplay if you could (no holds barred)?ahhhhhh this is hard to pick. it would be amazing to do a Shale costume!!! also tempted by Sera and Merrill. 98.If you could be any non-Human DA species, which and why?I’ve always loved elves but being an elf in the DA series would probably not be so great. However I do love suffering SO... Elf for definite. Qunari is hella tempting tho because GIANT HORNS. Also they’re so damn cool. Though I’d want to be a Tal-Vashoth because living under the qun would not suit me at all. 99. Where would you live (Fereldan, Orlais, Free Marches etc?)Rivain sounds pretty amazing or Nevarra because DRAGOOONNSSSS. Free Marches would be a’ight too, and Fereldan. I’d probably be more used to the kind of climate Fereldan would have. I’ll give Tevinter and Par Vollen a miss, also wouldn’t be too keen on Orlais.  101. If you could meet your Warden/Hawke/Inquisitor, what would you say?What. The. Fuck. ????? 
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agentcricket-art · 7 years
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hey @dellakit and @octozoid
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tiger-chicken · 7 years
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eyy I’m at work today but doodled this before I had to be (bless the queue)
its @dellakit‘s bday (here’s her fr page~) so here’s one of the most vile ladies around
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zreyta · 7 years
Ah !!
I have been tagged in a thing again ! By someone else ! What is going on ! Am I getting popular suddenly ?
I’ve been tagged by @isilloth ! Thanks !
Rules: Put your music library on shuffle. List the first ten songs that come up, then tag ten people
1. Fantastic Garden - Bruno Coulais 
2. Le secret des banquises - Alain Bashung
3. Plug In Baby - Muse
4. Heat - Clark “Plazmataz” Powell 
5. Even in Death (T’Morra’s Remix) - Clark “Plazmataz” Powell
6. The Happiest Days Of Our Lives - Pink Floyd
7. New Born - Muse
8. Dead Already - Thomas Newman
9. Virus - Björk
10. Stef 2 - Indochine
I’m tagging @peyvil @choppathelama @hector-the-glorious @the-rift1 @ghostmyrage @transshark @panvanpolyperi @dellakit @frisktastic @aryadrotting ! But once again, you obviously don’t have to do it. 
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malkaviians-archive · 5 years
you are my:
(  ) mutual
(  ) friend
( 🥰) close friend
you intimidate me:
(  ) yes
( 🥰) no
do i want to talk more:
(🥰 ) yes
(  ) no
have i ever had a crush on you:
(  ) yes
( 🥰) no
best feature:
(  ) @
(  ) layout
( 🥰) posts
( ) you’re very funny
( 🥰 ) you’re adorable
(  ) i freaked out when you followed me
(  ) i feel like i annoy you
( 🥰) i love seeing your posts on my dashboard
(  ) you’re so pretty
( 🥰)  i love you a lot
(  ) you’re so relatable
( 🥰) i’m grateful for you
( 🥰) i wish i could meet you one day
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malkaviians-archive · 4 years
Movie asks: Young Gun
young guns: what’s one style that you love on others, but would never try yourself? 
I really like the pink glittery glam style but I would never wear it. The whole Ariana Grande type stuff if that makes sense? It’s just not my style. I’m not grunge/alternative/gothic/possibly lolita type stuff.
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malkaviians-archive · 4 years
Happy Ask: 14
14. Name the first ten things that make you happy right now. Don’t even think too hard about it just write whatever comes to mind first. 
Oh boy okay lets see. These might be kind of boring
My partners
My friends
My pets
Video games
Listening to music
Any sort of compliments/praise
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malkaviians-archive · 4 years
1. First impression: Man it’s been so long it’s hard to think it’s been so long. I’m pretty sure I either was intimidated by you at first or saw you as a really comforting figure
2. Truth is: I miss you. I’m sorry it’s so hard for me to keep contact with you. Things have been rough lately for me but I hope you’re doing okay. I just don’t want to only talk to you when my life is a wreck
3. How old do you look: I don’t remember the last time I saw you actually, but I’m pretty sure you look your age
4. Have you ever made me laugh: Yeah of course
5. Have you ever made me mad: I don’t think so? If you have I’m pretty sure we’ve talked about it.
6. Best feature: You’re a really sweet person and I think it’s also good that you sorta know when to draw the line, if that makes sense?
7. Have I ever had a crush on you: Nope, pretty sure I haven’t
8. You’re my: Old and close friend
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malkaviians-archive · 4 years
8, 18, 28, 38?
8.     a classical piece 
I don’t know, Claire de Lune? I don’t listen to classical music
18.   a song that demands lipsyncing into a makeshift microphone 
John Wayne by Lady Gaga
28.   a song with spelling 
B.I.T.C.H by Megan Thee Stallion
38.   ok what’s the song you were too ashamed to even post for #37 
Lolly by Major and it makes me want to sink into the earth
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captainmeowvel · 5 years
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Finally finished!! It only took... nearly a year (゚д゚;)
Cross-over of my twitter pals and tumblr pals: Brissa Lavellan - @capriciousfelis 
Kelandris Trevelyan - @inner-muse Oshiris Lavellan - @fujo
Frey Mahariel - @cdhurricane
Naraasha - @dellakit
Teiwa - https://twitter.com/drawing_sagas
Arid - @fell-hound
Keo - @sunflona
Lilian - https://twitter.com/Stray_qrow
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captainmeowvel · 6 years
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Naraasha - Tarot Card  Commission for the wonderful @dellakit​ of her D&D character, Naraasha. Really loved drawing this! I adore working in blues and I really enjoyed designing her outfit, though I now want her boots x) The lace and spider-webbing was all hand-drawn (RIP my hand) but it was worth it, I tried using brushes etc but it just didn’t give the impact I wanted.
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captainmeowvel · 6 years
10 Questions Meme
Tagged by @inner-muse - thank you! Interesting qs and loved reading your answers - HIGH FIVE SLYTHERIN CAT LOVING BABES 🙌 ❤️
The rules: Answer ten questions, then tag ten people with your own ten questions.
1. When you were little, what did you want to be when you grew up? Scientist, illustrator, author, vet, lawyer, doctor... I went through a new career aspiration pretty much every week ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
2. What’s something you wish you got to talk about more often? Creative ideas! I could literally talk for hours about them but rarely get the opportunity to and am usually too shy to post about them online hah
3. What would you like to get reincarnated as, if you got a choice? CAT!! 
4. You get to live in a fantasy world of your own design! What’s it look like? Ooooh, it would be very magical-themed and massive with huge variety in the landscapes and climates. Probably a weird mash-up of Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, World of Warcraft, LoTR and various other fantasy world landscapes and architecture. Gotta have some giant, glowing mushrooms too obvs. 👌
5. What emojis do you use most often? 😘❤️😂😖😱😁😻👌💪🎉
6. Favorite pokemon? Meowth!
7. Anything you’re feeling nostalgic for? Playing Stardew Valley atm and it’s making me super nostalgic for when I used to sit on my computer making my own games on RPGMaker!
8. Would you sleep with your clone? Platonically definitely! As for sexually, I don’t actually know. I feel like neither of us would actually be bothered/be too distracted playing video games.
9. Who do you want on your team during the zombie apocalypse? People with greater survival skills and instincts than me, hah. My bffs, Gwen and Han would be very useful to have on side, Gwen being a doctor and Hannah also having medical training. Plus Han is a scout and has exceptional survival knowledge. 
10. What’s something that never fails to make you smile? This photo always makes me laugh, without fail. I can’t look at it too long or I literally start hyperventilating from laughter. It just gets me every time.
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Now, for my questions... 1. If you could be any fantasy race, what would you pick? 2. On that theme, what class would you pick?  (e.g. warrior, wizard, cleric etc.) 3. What video game can you play over and over again? 4. Do you have a lucky number and if so, what is it? 5. Are you an early bird or a night owl? 6. What advice would you give your younger self, if you could?  7. Favourite meme? 8. Sci-fi or fantasy? 9. What is ‘your song’?  10. Do you have any long term goals?
Tagging: @dellakit @capriciousfelis @rainyjackalope @nyuns @beacon-of-darkness @fujorising @gorgoness @bluefire7991 @quizzikemen @lykris
No pressure though lovelies!
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zreyta · 7 years
Ah !
I got tagged ! In a thing ! By @dellakit - thank you ! 
So the purpose of the game is to answer all the questions in a new post and to tag some people too. I’ll tag some of my cool mutuals ! @choppathelama, @panvanpolyperi, @hector-the-glorious, @ghostmyrage, @transshark... And whoever else feels like answering these ! But only do it if you feel like it and if you don’t like getting tagged in these things I’m sorry ! Also I’m glad I follow you guys, you post cool things.
a - age: I just turned 21. b - biggest fear: Uh. Something bad happening to my little sister ? c - current time: It’s 13:08 at the time.
d - drink you last had: Some coffee !  e - every day starts with: Putting my glasses on. f - favorite song: It depends on my mood but Muse is my favourite band so probably one of their songs. I love The Globalist. g - ghosts, are they real: Well, here’s my wisdom  on the subject : either they are, or they aren’t. /no really I don’t know, I’d say no, but at the same time it’d be really cool if they were ! It doesn’t sound ‘logical’ but yeh why not./ h - hometown: An ugly town called Châtelet in an ugly part of Belgium. I live in Brussels though. i - in love with: The smell of fresh paint drying. j - jealous of: Idk. The alternate version of me who has her shit together. k - killed someone: No ! :O l - last time you cried: I don’t remember. I’ve felt kind of bad lately, especially during some familial meeting this week end, but I didn’t cry. I don’t really remember this kind of things. m - middle name: I have two : Valérie and Lorena. n - number of siblings: One. o - one wish: I would love to be able to teleport (if that even counts as a wish) p - person you last called/texted: Called : My grandmother. Texted : My step father. q - question(s) you’re always asked: “Are you okay ?” I guess. I think I often look like I have a problem even when I’m fine. So some people get worried. r - reasons to smile: Humans have created countless amazing fictional universes and characters that anyone can learn or read about and there are still many things that I have to discover and that I’ll love. s - song last sang: Mother by Florence + The Machine. (of course I can’t actually sing it. I can’t sing and this one is really hard anyway. I was just pretending to sing alone in the kitchen.) t - time you woke up: 7 am. u - underwear color: Dark blue. v - vacation destination: I would like to go back in Scotland. Of maybe visit Ireland. w - worst habit: Scratching my head too much. I get wounds x - x-rays you’ve had: I don’t think I ever had any. Maybe when I was younger. y - your favorite food: I have a lot. Let’s say Babas au Rhum because I’m in a sugary mood. z - zodiac sign: Aries. 
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captainmeowvel · 8 years
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my elf mage’s giant qunari wife Anarasae (who belongs to @dellakit)
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captainmeowvel · 7 years
Rules: copy this post into a new text post, remove my answers and put in yours, and when you are done tag up to 10 people and also tag the person who tagged you… and most importantly, have fun!
a - age: 25 b - biggest fear: intimacy c - current time: 18:20 d - drink you last had: diet coke e - every day starts with: snap, crackle and pop (the sound of my joints) f - favorite song: changes regularly. currently human by rag’n’bone man.  g - ghosts, are they real:  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ h - hometown: watford i - in love with: my cat j - jealous of: my cat k - killed someone: no(t yet). but for real, why would you admit that on here?? l - last time you cried: uhhhh a few weeks ago maybe? idk?? m - middle name: jane n - number of siblings: 2 o - one wish: good/better health p - person you last called/texted: friend Nicola q - question(s) you’re always asked: did you draw that? / what happened to your [joint/s in splints]? / but you don’t look sick/disabled? / how old are you?  r - reasons to smile: I just got a pay rise (•̀ᴗ•́)و ̑̑   s - song last sang: something on the radio in the car probs t - time you woke up: originally like half 7 but slept in till half 9 because I don’t have work today u - underwear color: black, purple, pink, grey and yellow geo pattern v - vacation destination: anywhere with good wifi.  w - worst habit: chewing my lip and cracking my joints  x - x-rays you’ve had: oh god so many. multiple abdominal x-rays, chest x-rays, teeth x-rays and jaw x-rays. I think feet too? idek. I can’t keep track. y - your favorite food: pizza probably. also bubble tea.  z - zodiac sign: aries
tagged by @capriciousfelis
I’ll tag @dellakit @derriere-extraordinare @tiger-chicken and anyone else who wants to do it? no pressure tho. u do what u want, I ain’t the boss of u  ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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