#delphia holman
saltysideblog · 1 year
★ 𝖂𝖍𝖊𝖓 𝕴 𝕲𝖔 ★
Rick Flag x Delphia Holman, Fairytale Au, chapter 1 (?)
A gift for the incredible @anniesocsandgeneralstore based on this moodboard and her original character ♥️
Summary: A princess plagued with prophetic visions, the knight she loves and the cursed sword that would come between them…
Additional inspiration: ★ • ★
He took his oath to protect her with his life, armour glistening in the light, reflecting the colourful stained glass, down on one knee, a paragon; a man driven by duty.
She felt a gentle brush of gloved fingers against her own in the same cathedral where they’d first met, a quiet comfort after a loss; a man driven by compassion.
His lips crashed against her own, fingers frantically tangling in her intricate braids, clinging to her, the sounds of two desperate people echoing in her darkened chambers; a man driven by lust.
She felt his cold skin, held him against her breast, weeping, the eyes that once held all the warmth in the world, extinct and lifeless, his blood seeping through her dress, staining the fabric red; a man driven by love.
Delphia awoke with a start. Never in all her years had she seen someone’s path so clearly. A bright thread she could follow all the way to his demise. A man she knew she would love, a man who’s loss already brought her so much grief, long before they’d even met.
He must be so young still, she thought, probably not even a man yet.
She herself had just celebrated her thirteenth nameday. She wiped her tears, the dream already fading from her waking mind as the sun filtered through her curtains.
Everything in due time, she repeated her mother’s wise words to herself, no sense in being heartbroken today for something that will happen tomorrow…
Ever since she was a child, Delphia had been wary of the woman in the walls. Her father’s advisor maneuvered through the shadows, a whispering voice in the winding castle corridors. Always watching, always listening, the woman’s motives never fully revealed themselves and when they did, it was often too late. Despite all this, her father held Amanda in high esteem. She was, after all, loyal to the crown.
“You’ll come around once you realize just how heavy that thing is”, she’d mused one day.
A promise or a threat? Delphia could never be sure.
Rick Flag had always been a faithful servant of the realm. To the peasantry and courtisans, he was a paragon of virtue, fiercely loyal to the crown, and good looking too: the perfect knight. To Amanda, he was an obedient lovesick puppy, too blind to see he’d been turned into a pawn…
They shattered the witch’s spell and with it, Ser Flag’s heart.
When Delphia first laid eyes on him, she knew he was the one. Silently trailing behind her father, standing tall and upright in his bright polished armour, dark soulful eyes that made her heart ache. She wanted nothing more than to reach out and smooth the creases in his forehead, ease the burden that weighed on his shoulders. Her legs had taken her towards him in purposeful strides long before she even realized she was walking. Her father greeted her with a smile, but her eyes were fixed on the knight behind him.
“Ser Flag…” she’d uttered his name breathlessly. He startled,
She’d so anticipated his arrival, she nearly forgot he was a stranger. She blinked and shook her head with an awkward chuckle,
“Thank you.”, he nodded and caught himself, adding a quick your highness and polite head bow.
Amanda, from her usual vantage point right behind the king, observed their exchange like a cat might observe a mouse; calm, quiet, calculating.
The man beside her looked bewildered as the princess exchanged pleasantries with the old king. He leaned down to whisper,
“The princess knows my name.”
Amanda’s face betrayed no emotion, as unreadable as the stone walls around them,
“News travels fast around here.”
Try to keep up.
Though unspoken, Rick heard her loud and clear. She’d pulled a lot of strings to get him where he was and he was more than aware she held the shears to cut him loose. He was not immune to manipulation, he’d learned that the hard way and Rick Flag wasn’t the kind of man to make the same mistake twice.
His gaze wandered back to the royals in front of them, the princess’ eyes glued to his as if she saw something beautiful in his troubled soul and it made him feel fuzzy. She waved to him as she left, sunlight caught in her hair, a shade of red that reminded him of a hearth. A warm, inviting flame and he, the little moth, unaware that it would burn his delicate wings.
Rick Flag wasn’t the kind of man to make the same mistake thrice.
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Happiest of birthdays my darling angle! How about Delphia and being a member of the suicide squad?
☆★→ 𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕖'𝕤 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕧𝕪 𝟚𝟟 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕠𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ←★☆
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ah thank you so much bestie!! how about task force x delphia indeed....mm mmmm
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arrthurpendragon · 1 year
I first befriended @anniesocsandgeneralstore when we both made OCs for the same movie, but I grew to appreciate Annie as a creator overall. How actively she participates in endeavours such as these, spreading OC love to everyone who needs it and how lovingly she writes her characters.
In honour of what brought her to my attention, I would like to recommend the If I Go series, set in The Suicide Squad universe, starring the wonderful Delphia Holman. Be sure to check out all the domestic drabbles Annie has written as well, they’re ever so cozy and heartwarming 😊
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ocappreciation · 3 years
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ocappreciation + 2021 oc gift exchange ☃
↳ to: @romanticgumchewer-reactivated → from: @loverhymeswith
❄ Delphia Holman → If I Go ❄
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deliahscrush2003 · 3 years
Kinda a universe crossover but I would love to know how 🔀 Louise “Lou” Hammond (X-Men) / Delphia Holman (DCEU) would get along!
Awwww, hiiiiii @romanticgumchewer-reactivated 😊
It was a pleasant surprise to see you in my inbox, so thank you for popping by!! I really appreciate the ask and I really love answering these little crossovers with everyone because it really helps me get to know your OCs as intimately as I know mine!!
But you're not here for the mushy stuff!! To the asks!!
🔀 Delphia Holman (DCEU) / Louise "Lou" Hammond (X-Men)
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[[ This was based on Task Force X! Delphia AU Headcanons so I apologize if this is not accurate to the central story ]]
Truth be told, Delphia's initial apathy towards killing would not go over well with Lou, who thinks that death should have consequences, even if it is just emotional remorse.
However, I think that once Lou gets a glimpse of one of those vulnerable sides of Delphia - you know, the ones where she just wants to be free, wants to survive, where she is just a creature created by the real monsters - Lou would be a bit more sympathetic and would even slowly start to appreciate Delphia just a bit more.
They both have a few things in common, such as having been tools/experiments (implied in Lou's case) by sects of the government, ultimately pawns.
If the Sentinels never came and if Lou was adopted by another set of handlers than I think that she would be a very different person from the one I created, perhaps even finding herself in a similar position and state to Delphia.
This would probably make her consider what it would be like if she were in Delphia's shoes and she might be able to understand why she does what she does and why she doesn't feel the usual emotions attached to murder.
Not to say that Lou is self-righteous. She knows that sometimes death is the only course of action and is quite ready to deal it out if necessary.
If Lou was brought in by Waller as an asset to the Suicide Squad, you can bet that she would be a participant in a lot of damage but she would also be focused primarily - as she has always been - on protecting her teammates and I think that Delphia would appreciate that about her.
They both have experience with time: Lou being an unwitting time traveller from the future and Delphia having control over the Time Ether, able to see the future. It would be curious to see how pre-Days of Future Past! Lou and Delphia would have interacted in the sense of Delphia seeing her future but also seeing Lou in that future going back to the past.
I think they would work well after being on the same team after a while, especially if they are united against Waller (who Lou would definitely not get along with, approve of, respect etc).
The Suicide Squad are not mutants in the sense of X-Men but they are outcasts and are used for their powers just the same as Lou's friends and I think that she would feel a kinship with them all.
Also - Lou is totally a matchmaker so she would be right beside Harley with shipping Delphia and Rick. Nothing too obvious, just small knowing smiles, sly winks, some meddling to make sure that they're always together, maybe a very subtle comment or two.
I think it would take a while, with a lot of trust and understanding to be built, but if they could put aside their differences, they would indeed be able to work well together and maybe even become friends.
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I feel like we haven’t seen Delphia in forever and a fairytale AU moodboard for her and Flag would be lovely 🥰
Wishing you lots of sunshine and nice cold drinks this summer!
☆★→ 𝔸𝕟𝕟𝕚𝕖'𝕤 𝔾𝕣𝕠𝕠𝕧𝕪 𝟚𝟟 𝕄𝕠𝕠𝕕𝕓𝕠𝕒𝕣𝕕 ℂ𝕖𝕝𝕖𝕓𝕣𝕒𝕥𝕚𝕠𝕟 ←★☆
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SALTY!! THANK YOU!! I will forever think about that one time you drew Delphia meeting Delilah...it was one of the highlights of my fic writing career and i thank you for it. How about: a brand new fairytale for them? Something about a cursed sword and a princess and a knight. I'm a little obsessed with it honestly, thank you for sending it in!
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10 and 11 for Tess and Georgia! What are some of the different ways these girls nap and cuddle?
and maybe Delphia if ya feel up to it...
Wishing you a cozy holiday season 😌☕️❤️
I always feel up for talking about Delphia babe...(also look at my babies all together i adore them)
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10. Does your OC nap easily?
Georgia - Nope, not at all lol She's the master of just resting her eyes for 10 minutes and moving on with her day. It takes her a long time to fall asleep.
Delphia - THE QUEEN OF THE POWER NAP. She could fall asleep anywhere.
Tessa - Another certified queen of the power nap, but if she's not careful she can sleep for several hours lol needs like three alarms.
11. Does your OC enjoy a cuddle?
Georgia - Yes, but she has to be in the mood. You can't just spring a cuddle on her, and neither can Robby tbh he knows that in order for her to be comfortable she has to ask for it.
Delphia - Anytime, anywhere. And honestly she kinda has to be, Harley will spring an attack bear hug on her at literally any moment lol
Tessa - Ugh, Tessa loves a good cuddle. She's a pretty physical touch kind of person. Helps that Rhett's a little touch starved so he's all about just sitting next to her and her IMMEDIATELY going in for the cuddle. Doesn't even have to ask for it.
warm and cozy oc asks
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Hello! I must admit that I’ve been lurking on your blog for some time now, but seeing your OC, Delphia, be mentioned again is having me go back and revisit not just her story, but every AU you have written for her and Rick. It’s making me feel reminiscent of the time in which I first discovered and fell in love with her characterization. So much so that I’ve been feeling inspired to create an OC of my own to ship Rick with 🤭
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Oh, my heart 🥹🥹 Thank you so much for reaching out and sending me this kind message, it seriously made my day when I first got it and every day since. Been trying to figure out what to say for a minute tbh 😅 But really all I can say is thank you. Delphia and Rick will always have a special place in my heart, even if I have moved on from them.
And please, feel free to hit up my dms to talk about your oc!! I love talking about ocs!!
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I wish you would write a fic where… Delphia has been manipulated and deceived by Waller for the last time. She finally snaps and embarks on her villain arc, but will the love of her life, Rick, join her on this journey of destruction? Or will he bend once again and put down the one he loves at Waller’s behest?
(Bonus points if Delphia’s villain alter ego is named The OverSeer)
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"I wish you would write a fic where..."
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The Crew of the Belle Reve
Captain Delphia Holman
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Duties: absolute elected authority over the Belle Reve and it's crew
Country of Origin: Britain
History: Her father is a retired pirate captain, who everyone thinks is dead, and she inherited the ship upon his "death". Doesn't deal in people, but most certainly will take anything else. Secretly loves collecting artifacts and exploring new places for hidden treasures.
Quartermaster/First Mate Robert DuBois
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Duties: second in command, acts as representative to the captain for the crew, deals with punishments and discipline
Country of Origin: Haiti
History: Was first mate for her father for several years and knew that once she took over he would go with her across the seven seas.
Sailingmaster Cleo Cazo
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Duties: navigating, sailing the ship, cartography, map reading
Country of Origin: Portugal
History: Another pirate captain's daughter and great friends with Delphia. When Delphia got her own ship and needed a crew, Cleo was more than eager to join up and sail the seas as her father did.
Boatswain Abner Krill
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Duties: general running of the ship, making sure there are enough supplies, and keeping up maintenance on the ship
Country of Origin: Scotland
History: Converted from the British navy. Mostly because he didn't want to get thrown overboard but also because he was very tired of the British government dicking him and his country over.
Master Gunner Harley Quinn
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Duties: looking after the guns, ammunition, canons, and other weaponry during times of peace, and training crew members how to fight
Country of Origin: Britain
History: Was master gunner for the ship The Joker, but when she met Delphia in Nassau she knew that she needed to leave that crew and join hers. Does that mean that The Joker is fire on sight whenever they see the Belle Reve? Absolutely.
Commodore Richard Flag
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Country of Origin: Britain
History: His father was a general in the British Royal Navy and he is following in the mighty footsteps of his family. He is in charge of the ship Argus, sailing from a colony in Jamaica under Governor Waller's command to deliver sugar and tobacco to Britain.
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saltysideblog · 3 years
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Delphia Holman meets Delilah Krill
Delphia belongs to @romanticgumchewer-reactivated !
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A Quick Guide to Everyone's Activities in the If I Go Universe!
this is just a little info thing about what everyone in the Squad House is doing for a job, hope you enjoy and I hope this makes things more clear since it's not a linear story line. (quick shoutout to @a-reader-and-a-writer for helping me come up with the PI Office name...you are a gem and I adore you)
Delphia Holman-Flag
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Stay at home mom, but is also going back to school to get a degree in history and linguistics.
Rick Flag
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Private investigator and co-owner of Knight & Rook Investigations
Robert DuBois
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Private investigator and co-owner of Knight & Rook Investigations
Harley Quinn
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Assistant shelter director at the Plainboro Animal Shelter
Cleo Cazo
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Bartender at Killigan's Pub and Grill
Abner Krill
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Trash pickup and trail maintenance at Plainboro County Park
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Being Nanaue
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The Belle Reve, a beautiful ship crafted from the finest wood some 50 years ago when Captain Arlo Holman first started out the life of a pirate. Now it is crewed by a new generation, led by Captain Arlo's daughter herself.
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Captain Delphia Holman
Face Claim: Megan West
Country of Origin: Jamaica/Britain
Abilities: hand to hand combat, master swordsman, sailing, master marksman, navigating, sewing, singing, and historical research
Date of Birth: March 27th, 1690
Duties: absolute elected authority over the Belle Reve and it's crew
History: Her father is a retired pirate captain, who everyone thinks is dead, and she inherited the ship upon his "death". Doesn't deal in people, but most certainly will take anything else. Secretly loves collecting artifacts and exploring new places for hidden treasures.
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Commodore Richard Flag III
Face Claim: Joel Kinnaman
Country of Origin: Britain
Abilities: hand to hand combat, master swordsman, master marksman, expert tactician, advanced military operator, sailing, and navigating
Date of Birth: August 4th, 1685
Duties: Captains the Argus, authority over the ship set by the Governor/British monarchy
History: His father was a general in the British Royal Navy and he is following in the mighty footsteps of his family. He is in charge of the ship Argus, sailing from Port Royal in Jamaica under Governor Waller's command to deliver sugar and tobacco to Britain.
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First Mate Robert DuBois
Face Claim: Idris Elba
Country of Origin: Haiti
Abilities: hand to hand combat, master swordsman, master marksman, mediation, expert tactician, sailing, giving advice
Date of Birth: September 6th, 1675
Duties: second in command on the Belle Reve, acts as a representative to the captain for the crew, deals with punishments and discipline
History: Was first mate for Arlo Holman for several years and knew that once she took over he would go with her across the seven seas. He was ordered by Arlo to keep Delphia safe, but he also sees Delphia as the daughter he never had.
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Sailingmaster Cleo Cazo
Face Claim: Daniela Melchior
Country of Origin: Portugal
Abilites: sailing, navigating, cartography, can work and fire a gun with some accuracy, master swordsman, multi-lingual
Date of Birth: November 1st, 1693
Duties: navigating, sailing the ship, cartography, map reading
History: Another pirate captain's daughter and great friends with Delphia. When Delphia got her own ship and needed a crew, Cleo was more than eager to join up and sail the seas as her father did. Has a parrot named Sebastian that is on her shoulder always.
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Master Gunner Harley Quinn
Face Claim: Margot Robbie
Country of Origin: Britain
Abilites: master marksman, master swordsman, hand to hand combat, gun and sword care, pretty good cook actually, hair braiding, and training
Date of Birth: July 2nd, 1689
Duties: looking after the guns, ammunition, canons and other weaponry during times of peace, and training crew members how to fight
History: Was master gunner for the ship The Joker, but when she met Delphia in Nassau she knew that she needed to leave that crew and join the Belle Reve. Does that mean that The Joker is fire on sight whenever they see the Belle Reve? Absolutely.
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Boatswain Abner Krill
Face Claim: David Dastmalchian
Country of Origin: Scotland
Abilities: carpentry, counting, keeping stock, can fire a gun with some accuracy and is decent with a sword, playing the fiddle
Date of Birth: July 21st, 1682
Duties: general running of the ship, making sure there are enough supplies, and keeping up maintenance on the ship
History: Converted from the British Royal Navy. Mostly because he didn't want to get thrown overboard but also because he is very tired of the British government dicking him and his country over.
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Carpenter/Surgeon George "Digger" Harkness
Face Claim: Jai Courtney
Country of Origin: Britain
Abilities: carpentry, hand to hand combat, thievery, master marksman, master swordsman, some medical knowledge (enough to get by)
Date of Birth: March 15th, 1686
Duties: fixing holes in the ship and mostly sawing off the unrepairable legs of his fellow crew members, but he dabbles in medicine as well
History: Picking him up on a prisoner transport ship heading for Australia, being a pirate is pretty similar to the crimes he did back home so he was eager to join the crew.
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Criminal!Rick Profile
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Fandom: DCEU
TV Series/Movie: The Suicide Squad (2021)
Face Claim: Joel Kinnaman I guess lol
Full Name: Richard Flag Jr
Code Name: Deadknight
Abilities: hand to hand combat, master martial artist, master marksman, master of stealth, weapons proficiency, multilingual, expert tactician, advanced military operator, master assassin
Date of Birth: August 4th, 1979
Height: 6’3”
Gender: Male
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Love Interest: Delphia Holman
Joined the army at 18 and quickly moved up the ranks, eventually making it through special forces training and joining the green berets as a sergeant. But after ten years of service, one of those pranks he loved to pull went terribly, terribly wrong. What was supposed to be just a puff of smoke turned into a full blown explosion that injured ten people and ended up killing one. Because of this stunt he gets dishonorably discharged and sent to prison for some time. Once he gets out though, he doesn’t know what to do. He has no family, none of his army friends will talk to him anymore, he can’t find a job because of his record. So he does the only thing he really knows how to do, knows that he’s good at doing: Killing. At first it's working security for Black Mask and Penguin, but it becomes more than that. He quickly becomes a new gun for hire and assassin in the criminal underground. After a while, people start calling him Deadknight and he just goes along with it. But then Batman starts snooping around and arrests him for his crimes. Of all the prisons, he gets sent to Belle Reve, where he is almost immediately recruited to join Task Force X.
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Bad Romance - Halestorm
I Hate Everything About You - Three Days Grace
Control - Zoe Wees
Human - Rag'n'Bone Man
Fallout - UNSECRET, Neoni
Saint Bernard - Lincoln
Wicked Game - Johnnyswim
Devil’s Backbone - The Civil Wars
Colonel!Delphia Profile
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Fandom: DCEU
TV Series/Movie: The Suicide Squad (2021)
Face Claim: Megan West
Full Name: Delphia Margaret Holman
Code Name: Oracle
Abilities: psychic powers that allow her to see into the future, predictive fighting style, master acrobat, master tactician and strategist, master martial artist, advanced military operator, expert marksman, weapons proficiency, expert hacker, multilingual
Date of Birth: March 27th, 1984
Height: 5’7”
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual
Love Interest: Rick Flag
Joined the army at 18 and quickly moved up the ranks, eventually making it through special forces training (the first woman to do so) and joining the green berets as a sergeant. Eventually, she gained the rank of Colonel and it is at this point that her alien ancestors reached out to her and tried to bestow the full powers of the Oracle on her. She denies these powers, but is honorably discharged from the service because she hid that she was a metahuman. Waller hears about this Colonel with metahuman abilities and immediately recruits her to be the commanding officer of Task Force X. She has been commanding the ragtag bunch for about 2 years when Deadknight joins the squad.
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OC Profile - Delphia Holman
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Made with Artbreeder!
Age: 32 
Nickname(s): Dee / Oracle
Important Info: Is a descendent of an alien race that came to Earth during the Viking Age. Assistant to Amanda Waller. Possess psychic abilities that allow her to see into the future. 
Face Claim: Megan West 
If I Go, I’m Goin - Gregory Allen Isakov
The Water - Belle Mt
Sunscreen - Ira Wolf
Dirty Old Town - Craig Cardiff
Better With Time - Emily Scott Robinson
Devastating - Johnnyswim
Hold You Dear - The Secret Sisters
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OC Profile TaskForceX!Delphia
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A preview of things to come next week!
Fandom: DCEU
TV Series/Movie: The Suicide Squad (2021)
Face Claim: Megan West
Full Name: Delphia Holman
Code Name: Oracle
Abilities: psychic abilities that allow her to see into the future, control/manipulation of the Time Ether (time in it's most pure form, can be used as a weapon, force field, and show other people visions of the future), the ability to send objects to a pocket dimension, and the ability to reset the timeline
Date of Birth: March 27th, 1984
Height: 5'7"
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Pansexual
Love Interest: Rick Flag (past: Ra's al Ghul, Batman)
Born inside Belle Reve, Waller deemed Delphia too dangerous to live in the outside world. At the age of 8, a few other prisoners helped her escape. And it is at this point that she goes to her alien ancestors and gets the full power of the Oracle bestowed upon her. She grows up on the streets of Gotham, until she is found by Ra's al Ghul who trains her to fight and use her abilities for his nefarious plans. After Ra's, she becomes right hand man to Lex Luther, then the Joker himself after he breaks up with Harley Quinn. But she realizes that teaming up with Joker is a terrible mistake, and in order to get him to leave her alone, she works with Batman. After she leaves him, she decides to go it on her own - but that is when Waller decides to strike and get her back inside Belle Reve.
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I Did Something Bad - Taylor Swift
Such a Whore - JVLA
all the good girls go to hell - Billie Eilish
THAT BITCH - Bea Miller
Just and Just As - Penny and Sparrow
Sweet Dreams - Besomorph
Panic Room - Au/Ra
I am not a woman, I'm a god - Halsey
Lilith - Elise
Kill Of The Night - Gin Wigmore
buzzkill - Mothica
So This Is Love - Emily Watts
A Little Wicked - Valerie Broussard
Angry Too - Lola Blanc
Gun In My Hand - Dorothy
Devil on My Shoulder - Faith Marie
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