#delusional companion syndrome details
subjectseventeen · 4 months
i love talking to objects, and i love that they talk to me, but hands down one of the worst experiences with this is that food is also included into this and it's genuinely so. Bad. i can't even find a good word to sum up my feelings. it just really upsets me when it happens
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dogbedhoarde · 5 months
im so excited for the new schizophrenia plushie dreadful, daxter is excited to have a sibling like it :°] ill probably end up buying one as soon as its available
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dogdenhoarde · 3 months
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This beautiful old thing is Banana.
They arrived today after being ordered from eBay, the first three photos are the ones from the listing. Pictured next is them before and after being brushed out, meeting Neptune (and Melrose), and now comfy in bed with the pack and the Alien.
They were very obviously well loved. Owned by either an older child or an adult plush lover as besides their fur being ~crungled~ they didn't have any stains or patches of damage. They're very floppy and understuffed, have initials written on their tag, and smell like laundry. The bleeding on the tag initials and smell make me think they've had a bath before coming here.
As far as personality goes it usually takes me a few days of interaction to get a feel for it. Maybe they're just nervous about being in a new home but they seem a little skittish and low energy. I can't get a read on how old they are as of now, but they're definitely mature
I'm a big fan of how their ears turn downward instead of pull back. Their wing texture is notably rougher than Neptune's and Mel's which suggest they're an older version of the snow dragon. Their beans also feel potentially bigger, and are less tightly packed, which I'm a fan of as Neptune's tend to squeak rubbing together in the paws which triggers bad sensory for me
Overall 10/10 an absolute darling. Took a brush no issue, not fussy, very sweet
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containatrocity · 1 year
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Fractal, how the pattern repeats itself. Its smallest details repeat indefinite- I hear a voice from an empty room make small talk.
"I'm Gabriel Westfall. Most people just call me G, anymore. I'm 27 years old and I grew up here in Huntsville. Growing up, I wanted to be a horror novelist, but I work as a Cashier at the Food Market, now. I've been an orphan since I was sixteen, and according to my single visit to a therapist... ever- I suffer from Cotard's Syndrome. I've spent the past 12 years grappling with the fact- though some would call it a belief- that I am dead, and one of the ghosts that haunts the woods around Huntsville- I'm simply too capable at mimicry, and can't work out how to get home. I don't spend much time around the commune, as most people give me a wide berth. My fatal flaw has always been my upset that I never got to leave Huntsville often leading to outbursts and the fact my view of the self is so skewed I'm sometimes a danger to myself and others."
Name: Gabriel Ezekiel Westfall
Aliases: Gabe, G, Gibbs
Age: 27 (February 27th)
Sexuality/Gender: unsure of both. for now, he's comfortable enough using He/Him.
Personality: Gabe is a quick witted, socially awkward young man, with a tendency to come across as a know-it-all. He's confident despite his strangeness, brave to a fault, due to his belief he's already dead and some kind of monstrous creature, he's got a tendency to charge into things headlong without thinking them through, often ending with an injury of two. Despite his strangeness, he's a loyal friend and doggedly reliable companion, having at least accepted within the frame of his delusions that the people around him would be killed if he did something stupid, he's relatively harmless, now. He has a tendency to flash to anger relatively quick, however, if treated like he's stupid, or given pushback on his delusional thinking- the opposite is also true, far more personable, if people are willing to operate within the thoughts he holds to be true, and due to his loyal nature- this could cause issue, in the future.
Occupation: Cashier at Food Market, aspiring author, scavenger and forager when given the free time to seek things out for trade.
Affiliations: No known affiliations outside the Westfalls, and the Cho family.
Scent Profile: The sickly sweet smell of tilled earth and blood, tattoo ink and dusty silk flowers. The comforting, musty smell of an old book and pencil graphite. there's something oddly chemical that clings as well, like house paint or leatherworking supplies.
Aesthetic: Too many hours spent under the awning of mausoleums, the sun setting high overhead and the stars starting to leak through, thousands of cosmic eyes watching pen across paper. Denim jackets and long hair, tattoos and other displays of threat, to engage distance between you and the living. The lid of a pine box kicked shut over the face of someone far too young- screams until your throat's raw that you're alive, you're alive- until some part of you beneath the desperate clawing at the lid believes the laughing high above. Bugs eating away at something still too alive, no funeral or stone for a boy who never died. Blood in teeth, blood in claws, maybe not dead, but maybe not human. something off. something wrong. Something cosmically strange. Something worth burying in the woods all too young, like you have been.
The fear has to stem from something! The horde I can hear from my couch, wanting eyes on them. Significance. Just take it and go away....
While Gabe's mental health seems only to have deteriorated in the past 11 years- the treatment for his comorbid disorders medicine he simply has no access to- He's managed, through the help of his scant few friends, to integrate into town safely with only minimal difficulty, in the event the ghosts haunting the town or G's ultimate fate is brought up. It's fact enough that he's started going by "G" since his 'death', no longer entirely identifying with the name "Gabe" or "Gabriel" as he believes that boy died at 15, in a shallow grave, in a pine box in the woods. He remembers the location, and has created a makeshift memorial- taking his days off to sit beside his 'grave' and smoke, pick dirt from beneath his nails, and write, as he always has.
He, much like the ghost he believes himself to be, drifts from point to point, days spent at work or in the woods, in the graveyard, and then back to the Cho home- to lock himself in his bedroom for the course of the night, the person who trusts him the least in town surely himself. There is avoidance- of the sister who saved him, of the classmates still living who made him this way, of the church and the commune and the lingering conviction that he is a stranger here, wrong among the living, something rotting and hosting bugs and stench. He wants to make connections, but knows better than to think most would want him around. The bones tattooed on his fingers and arms wound with funerary flowers. His body a eulogy to a life he never even allowed himself to live, 12 years a corpse, only 15 a boy.
In the wake of many deaths, G has, perhaps inversely- made the move to be more personable, spending his time writing in the library, instead of out beneath the great tree that had once served as his burial site, chewing his nails to the quick. He pretends he can't hear the whispering. It's almost funny, he thinks. That in a town wrapped with fear, with murder and death painting it's streets- that some still find the time to think he's strange.
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psychotic-spectrum · 5 years
Hi there, do you know anything about delusional companion syndrome? I have it but I can't find a single paper on it, or anything other than the very short wiki page on it. Thank you ☆
Hi anon.
The information I could find is probably the one you already have , but for those who don’t know here it is
Delusional Companion Syndrome:
Delusional companion syndrome is considered a neuropathology of the self, specifically a delusional misidentification syndrome. Affected individuals believe certain non-living objects possess consciousness and can think independently and feel emotion. The psychosis must coexist with a detectable brain pathology for delusional companion syndrome to be diagnosed. The syndrome is most often identified in patients who suffer from damage to the brain due to physical trauma, neuronal degeneration or developmental abnormalities. Especially in the latter case, patients also tend to present with many other symptoms and are diagnosed as having other established conditions. Comforting objects like cuddly toys are often the focus of delusion.
Delusional companion syndrome can be caused by acute injury or chronic disease. The following are known to have been direct causes:
Alzheimer's disease
Head trauma
Little detail is known about the specific causes of delusional companion syndrome. It is thought that damage to the neocortex may be the direct cause of this psychosis. Shanks and Venneri (2002) found unique and abnormal blood flow centred in the right parietal lobe of three patients with Alzheimer's disease. Severe processing deficits were found in brain areas responsible for visuospatial and visuoperceptive information, whereas memory and language abilities were preserved relatively well.[3]
Popular culture
In the 2007 film Lars and the Real Girl, the main character believes a sex doll that he bought is actually a girl that he met over the Internet and expects his friends and family to treat her like a real person too.
How about the followers? Does anyone have more information about this disorder?
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zodiac-queens · 8 years
The Signs as my Favourite Men in Literature
*Careful! Contains elements of sarcasm.
Rhett Butler, sexy and sarcastic twat with a heart of gold (literally, because he is that rich) who enjoys making fun of everything and everyone and watching dumb people being dumb // Aries
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brutally honest, handsome, physically strong, sarcastic, selfish, self-confident, drawn by goodness, afraid of rejection, wild behaviour, rebellious, charming, “ungentlemanly”, often amused and seldom serious
Edmond Dantès (Count of Monte Christo), a very decent guy who is imprisoned without any logical reason but manages to break out, starts a spicy campaign to avenge himself upon all the dumbasses who turned him in, becomes rich and powerful, HOT! // Taurus
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kind, honest, innocent, living by traditional codes, naturally intelligent, honorable, driven by duty, loving, forgiving, later bitter and vengeful, hateful, resourceful, imaginative, protective
Mr. Fitzwiliam Darcy, a snobbish and arrogant jackass who so mercifully decided to propose to Elizabeth “against his better judgement” when he obviously could’ve had every woman in England // Gemini
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honest, self-confident, feels superior, prideful, arrogant, assuming, sensitive, later easygoing, introverted, great communicating skills, great at analysing and organizing, has own set of values, dismissive, aloof, brave and stubborn, protective, chivalrous
Jay Gatsby, a romantic and gentle flower that is ridiculously obsessed with the past and can’t get over himself, seemingly thinks he’s the nicest guy in the universe and a beast in bed, tbh why would Daisy even look at other men? // Cancer
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dreamer, restless, delusional, charming, gracious, enigmatic, kind-hearted, determined, wealthy, passionate, dedicated to love, optimistic, energetic, loving, lives in another world, giving, caring, nostalgic
Harry Potter, a dork who needs friends who save him from all the stupid bullshit he attempts to do, he wouldn’t even have managed to get through the first year of school without Hermione and Ron, being his companion includes being dragged into some seriously concerning and dangerous shit // Leo
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brave, strong, devoted to his beliefs, strong-willed, warm-hearted, hot-tempered, impulsive, lack of emotional control, moody, witty, curious, protective, loving, humble, loyal, forgiving, grateful, stubborn, modest
Sherlock Holmes, a mental trainwreck and annoying know-it-all, I really understand why Dr. Watson is the only one who can stand his company because there’s not enough patience in the world to deal with this one, but I guess masterminds have to be hoes with a god-complex // Virgo
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high intelligence, perceptive to details, workaholic, concentrates strongly, energetic, perfectionist, possesses a genius mind, creative imagination, stubborn, narcissistic, understands and analyzes human behaviour, lacks empathy for others, supresses emotions, overthinker
Atticus Finch, tbh I don’t know if there is a bad thing I could say about this man, he is a great and loving father, he is a badass lawyer and he shoots like a young god, i mean look at him! who wouldn’t want to be Mrs. Finch? // Libra
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kind-hearted, fair, stern but loving, honest, consistent, fights for justice, calm, quiet, moral, open-minded, courageous, strong-minded, respectful, faithful, wise, empathetic, intelligent, omniscient, great guide/Mentor
Edward Fairfax Rochester, a rude and horny but romantic dude who totally forgot that he locked his wife in the basement and thinks bigamy is a perfectly legit thing // Scorpio
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excessively passionate, guided by senses, good at reading other’s minds, wild, desires a new life, pompous, genuine, often incapable of restraining his desires, dark and brooding, seeks innocence and freshness in contrast to his troubled life, deeply loving
Enjolras, a super-handsome hunk who thinks about the Revolution 24/7, honestly so much wasted potential because where’s the romance?, but then again it is borderline sexy to fight for what you believe in // Sagittarius
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believes in democracy and freedom, charming but also capable of being terrible, rebellious, determined, ambitious, stubborn,  passionate, wild, beautiful, has radical beliefs, stoic, unafraid, “gives more light”, typical leader
Macbeth, incredibly hot and brave warrior who has some trouble with his self-esteem and has to show his wife what a manly man he is, totally obsessed with power which is sexy at the beginning but then it just gets weird // Capricorn
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brave and capable warrior, consuming ambition, self-doubt, powerful, lonely, feels guilty, very manly, kind at the beginning, treacherous, imaginative, ruthless, gullible, loving towards his wife, loyal when not inflicted with his ambition, arrogant, respectful
Jean Valjean, a former prisoner with a giant heart and a helper syndrome, tbh it’s a little bit annoying how good he actually becomes, particularly because he has a shit ton of own problems including a cop whose only mission in life is to catch him // Aquarius
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honest, hard-working, compassionate, loving, willing to discover goodness, helps others, has a giant heart, idealist, takes responsibility if necessary, brave, selfless, intelligent and perceptive, strong and agile, protective, soft-hearted
Heathcliff, a really sexy beast with the attitude of a bad boy, can’t get over his first and only love and obviously has to behave like the biggest jerk on earth, obsessed with Catherine to the point where it gets really creepy, anyway I guess sex with him takes you to paradise // Pisces
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wild and natural, amoral, cruel, possesses stormy emotions, vengeful, hates and loves with the same intensity, cares for those he loves and desires, obsessive, loyal, passionate, powerful, adventurous but silent child, mysterious
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dogdenhoarde · 2 months
Sometimes you find a new companion out of the blue and it's a surprise addition to your life ... sometimes you grow an attachment to an object you've had for a while as you get to know them ... sometimes you can tell right away that an object will be a companion before you've even met
I'm anticipating the arrival of the NDE Plushie Dreadful. I already know we'll be close. Their name's Cathy. They're deeply anxious and fearful but friendly when calm. The "near-death experience" in their name refers to their trauma. They're a lot like me
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dogdenhoarde · 3 months
The way our POSIC experiences fluctuate with both psychosis and mood I feel bad... I wish it was something I experienced more of in a good way. I wish they properly talked to me and more often. But also I don't because it's really scary believing they're alive and knowing they're not (double bookkeeping), it reminds me I'm sick and alone in my own head with this stuff. But it's fun to pretend in the downtime between episodes that they're still aware
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