#dem sneasels
thatbigee 2 years
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Some submas聽things I did, yeeeee
also chibi Ingo reunion /<\ 馃挅
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friendball-irl 2 years
Quick! What's your favorite Mon of each type?
Bug: Leavanny! They're so sweet and caring! I relate to them a lot and I think they're just really cool!
Dark: Absol! My Absol, China, is one of my best friends!
Dragon: Noibat! Once again, one of my Pokemon, Bass! Adorable little man.
Electric: Tynamo! I made friends with a lot of Tynamo as a kid and I'm super attached to Eelectrik and Eelektross too!
Fairy: Clefable, surprisingly! I've always thought they were super funny and goofy. That, and their connection with the moon had always seemed cool.
Fighting: Flamigo! It's just. So arcdamn goofy. But it hits like a fucking truck lmao.
Flying: Chatot! It's very intelligent and I'm a huge audio/music nerd, so I just think they're neat.
Ghost: Lampent! I like their funny hat :) The Litwick line in general is really awesome.
Grass: Smoliv. I mean- have you seen it? It's baby.
Ground: Wooper. Any form is fine, honestly. Quagsire is also appreciated!
Ice: Sneasel! Cold trickster baby. I love dem. Super badass too.
Normal: Dunsparce! I'm aware this is a controversial choice, but damnit I love the funny guy!
Poison: Venipede! It's another one of my favorite Bug types, but it's definitely my favorite poison type.
Psychic: Lunatone! Weird choice, I know, but it's cool! Very fascinating guy.
Rock: Roggenrola! It's cute and funny, but it's evolutions kick major ass. Overall a good mon in my eyes.
Steel: Drillbur! What's this? Someone from Driftveil saying Drillbur is their favorite Steel type! How original! Lol, but seriously, it's a really sturdy mon with the power to back it up!
Water: The Oshawott line! I can't pick just one of them lol. I've had Wake, my Dewott, ever since he was an Oshawott, and he's expressed the desire to evolve eventually.
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tudalia-hex 3 years
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Sneasler n Hisuian Sneasel. Fkin love their design n color scheme. Initially I was kinda thrown off by the single hair extension thingie, but seeing it animated got me back into liking this design. Like look at dem CLAWZ! beautiful! I'm like 50/50 on it's typing tho; I'd have preferred Poison/Ice (cuz where I've seen it spawn in playthrough videos) or Poison/Dark (idk fits its vibe), Poison/Fighting is like, fine. I wanted to make this a lil doodle, but I really got into it while painting the fur n claws, n ended up rendering a full on piece. Oh also, happy valentines I guess? Treat yerselves peeps! Tc!
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brassiussimp 3 years
Pokemon Villains- Favorite Pokemon Headcannons
Giovanni- He's aways been a fan of the meowth line, but he has a strange love for Suicune. Being a moderately good artist he can draw a decent Suicine and admires her beauty. (I refer to suicune as female dont kill me) But he also really loves Liepard.
Silver: He really likes Sneasel or however its spelled haha--
Maxie- This one is obvious: Numel. He loves everything about it. And he kinda relates to it. Numel was his first love, he says. But he has a spot for Espeon so soft its smushy. He loves it so much. He had a sleeping Espeon plush. But Sylveon is a close third favorite. And then Noibat. He loves pokemon.
Archie- This man is a huge magikarp fan. Forget Gyrados. He has a magikarp hoodie, magikarp plush, magikarp bookbag for carrying magikarp things, magikarp slippers, magikarp sweatpants, magikarp blankets, magikarp plates, everything. EVERYTHING.
AND dem magikarp themed shoes
Cyrus: He isn't one to have favorites, but when he saw Lysandre's Yveltal in Alola, he fell in love with him. His beautiful wings, graceful movements, desire for destruction masked by his beauty... He actually felt something.
Ghetsis- Like Cyrus, he isn't one to have favorites, mainly because he doesn't really care about pokemon. But that Joltik that Colress has is really cute, so he just says Joltik. But he loves Bisharp. But he wouldn't claim it as his favorite.
Colress- Joltik. Definitely joltik. Like Archie, he collects Joltik things- he has a hoodie, many plushies including a jumbo one that stands at four feet tall (Ghetsis got it for his birthday), a Joltik hoodie, and a drawing of his Joktik named Jodie that he commissioned someone to make. But Archie is a bit more wild with his Magikarp everything
N: It's impossible for this boy to choose a favorite pokemon. They all have beautiful designs and styles, personalities and voices... But if he had to choose, he'd say Hydreigon. He's dreen Dre (Ghetsis's Hydreigon) go through so much, and he feels so much sympathy for the whole species.
Lysandre: He's all about beauty, so he likes the elegant pokemon... Xernas has to be the most beautiful one in his eyes. She's so soothing to look at, and he loves her.
Guzma: what do you think. Wimpod. This man loves wimpod. He'd rather be shiny hunting it than do anything adults can do without getting in trouble.
Plumeria- So you'd rather catch a shiny wimpod than run team skull like you should?
Guzma- y e s
Im doing Plumeria too. I like her: Her favorite pokemon isn't as obvious as Guzmas- she's always wanted to train an Absol. She likes how misunderstood they are. It adds to their darkness and mysterious-ness. Guzma is thinking about catching her one.
Gladion- Like Guzma, his is obvious. Type: Null and Silvally.
Lusamine- isn't it obvious?
She likes pidove
Piers- He loves zigzagoon. They're very popular pokemon in Spikemuth, but he ignores their popularity. He just loves them for their cuteness. He also finds a lot of them in his trash.
Rose: He really likes all pokemon, but the whole Budew line is special to him since, you know, rose.
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