#Lemme know if you noticed the top reference lmao
thatbigee · 2 years
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Some submas things I did, yeeeee
also chibi Ingo reunion /<\ 💖
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elioslover · 11 months
Little Angel, Only Freak? - Grapejuice.
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🎃 Halloween Flashbacks 🎃
This can be read as a stand-alone piece! 👻 I've really been wanting to include some flashback moments from Harry and Klutz's past, so I thought Halloween would be the perfect place to start!
Premise: Harry has been pining over Y/n - his best friends slightly older sister - for as long as he can remember.
NB! Y/n's (Klutz) brother's name is Jack. In Grapejuice it's mentioned that Harry may have wrote some songs about Klutz. These events were inspired specifically by two of his masterpieces lmao, so lemme know if you notice any references hehe. - Em. xo
Warnings: Drinking/smoking (this oneshot contains quite a bit due to the fact that they are attending a lot of Halloween parties). Age-gap (2yrs). Self-insert she/her.
Word count: 5.4k
🍷 2011 🍷
Sitting with your legs criss-crossed, on the kitchen counter which is perhaps the highest off of the ground you are most comfortable with. Your firm belief in keeping your feet on the soil, neither under deep waters nor up in the air. 
That aside, you are eating a toastie, courtesy of your own cooking- rather surprised that not only did you manage to get ready on time, but actually finished with plenty to spare. 
Indulging in your meal, the sound of Travis Scott accompanying your chewing, Harry's sudden appearance in the kitchen is startling, but nothing out of the ordinary. Besides, there have been plenty of worse and compromising interactions in the past. 
“Aren’t you too old to be trick-or-treating?” You mumble through your food-filled mouth, eyeing him from top to bottom, shamefully admiring his choice of costume. Perhaps you were a sucker for a sexy pirate- though a large part of you believes the 'sexy' part was unintentional. 
Harry only smiles and meanders further into the kitchen, invading the fridge for god knows what before giving up, strolling over to you, invading your space in an instant and with audacity you have never witnessed prior, he snatches the half-devoured triangle of a toastie and takes a hearty bite before speaking through muffled chews, 
“Age is but a construct.”
“I guess I agree.” You shrug, thoughts travelling to the dangerously explicit fantasies you experienced at the mere existence of Tom Hard, your brain concocting a dreamland in which a 15-year age gap would be graciously welcomed. 
“I’ll keep that in mind.” Harry archives the moment. An entirely separate dreamland surrounds him and yourself. But, you still seem so far away, Harry is aching to extend the conversation, “Where are you off to, a Tarantino-themed party?”
“That my dear, is none of your business.”
“Well for what it’s worth,” he informs both sweetly and sultry, “you make a beautiful *Viper.”
“You’re not so bad yourself, Styles.” You open the gates and let your guard down, needing him to know you notice him- see him, and if vulnerability is the way to make that clear, god willing, something inside you wishes to share it. 
Harry is stunned- your words are one thing, your tone is another. He wants, no, he needs to hear your softness, again and again. Then there is an invasive double honk and it can only belong to the red Mazda parked in the driveway, stark headlights shining through the kitchen curtains. 
You hop off the counter without a care in the world, straighten out your costume, and check your makeup in the reflection of the microwave before strolling straight past Harry and into the entrance hall, grabbing your matching purse. You raise your voice to address both your brother and the sexy pouting pirate stunned to silence,
“That’s my ride." Certain they've both heard, you open the front door and as an afterthought, call over your shoulder, "Save me a Mars bar!”
The boys are in line for the entrance to a club that Jack stated would be "popping", but there is a clear age limit and Harry's anxiety is already reaching its limit. He turns to Darth Vader- ignoring how ridiculous his friend is- and Harry cautiously ponders aloud, 
“Are you sure we’re even gonna get in?”
“Trust me.” Jack sternly enforces. 
“What is this hold you have over me?” Harry concedes. 
By what could either be deemed a miracle or exceptional finesse, it's not long before the boys have their left wrists stamped with a small ink jack-o-lantern, and are entering the club. 
“See! Am I ever wrong?” Jack projects against the booming bass, but Harry certainly hears him, more focused on the dissipating nerves being replaced with confidence. 
“Drinks!” Jack doesn't allow a retort, making his way to the bar with the assurance that Harry is following close behind. Harry was, and after a few other patrons are tended to, the boys order their choices and cheer a duet of tequilas in celebration of their success. 
The tequila is still travelling down Harry's throat when a voice, so sweet and so familiar, almost causes him to choke, his eyes opening, neck dropping to look at the person who had exclaimed "Oi!". Unsurprisingly, you are standing there, arms on your hips, a look of disappointment painted across your face,
“What the hell are you doing here?”
“To be fair, I didn’t expect you to be here either.” Jack shrugs.
“I thought you were trick-or-treating, Jack." You chide.
“Oh, please, we’re seventeen. You knew that was a cover.” His eye-rolls with a jovial smirk. 
“Still. I thought at least a house party.” 
“Which is exactly where you said you would be.”
“Shut up.” Your last line of defence. 
“C’mon, Y/n. Go have fun, it’ll be like we’re not even here.”
With a dissatisfied sigh, you grab your drink from the bar counter and gather within the group of girls all dressed with glamorous uniqueness, disappearing into the mass of dancers, praying that Jack’s statement would prove correct. 
But, as expected, this promise was broken within the first hour after the desperate need for a Marlboro was lulling in your lungs, and for some useless and godforsaken reason, smoking is banned from the bar and dancefloor- bar vaping- however, due to the lack of an outside area, the designated smoking zone was the hallway. 
After a trip to the bathroom- which had vanity counters, ladies waiting near the cashmere wash towels to unnecessarily aid in drying your hands; each bathroom is garnished with gold framing and every stall comes with a little glass table attached to the wall; perfect for cutting lines of coke- you decided it was time to settle down for a good smoke, spotting an empty, luxurious maroon and velvet two-seater sofa. 
Your focus is on the ridiculous custom silver bear lighter you bought second-hand, your head bowed, smoke balanced between your lips, so it comes as a great surprise when you glance up and Harry is standing before you. By the time your cigarette sets alight, he is settled next to you on the lounger, 
“Fancy seeing you here.” He teases lazily.
“You lost Jack?” You shift your body to better see him, simultaneously handing him your smoke. 
“Always do.” He softly chuckles, knuckles brushing your fingertips in exchange, and he takes a good drag, hoping it will miraculously cure the anxiety that seemed to return the moment he found himself alone. 
“That guy’s a menace.” 
"This is the strangest hallway I've ever seen." He comments, glancing around the room of scattered stoners and straight smokers. Then he remembers the house he visited less than three hours ago, "And that's saying something." 
"Our hallway is not that bad." You lamely defend- this conversation has been ongoing since youth. 
"Can't believe we're sitting on a chez lounge." Harry marvels, hand stroking at the smooth material. 
"This place truly is something." You agree, proceeding to ponder the answer to a premonition she needs confirmation for, “What are you doing over here?”
“Just needed a breather.” He admits. “You?”
“Guess I’m doing the same.” You consider. 
“What’s the matter, klutz?” He reads your mood like a medium- some sort of magician.
“Boys are shitty.” You allow him the tip of the ice burg- it has been bugging you, perhaps not as much as the other things bothering and plaguing you.
“We are.” He agrees lightly, knowing it would be detrimental to pry. 
“You aren’t. most of the time, anyway.” 
“I thought I was the most annoying person you know.”
“You are. Maybe ever.” You dramatise your distaste, “But you are by no means shitty.”
For a reason Harry had always known, yet never questioned, he found your presence as relaxing as falling asleep cradled by a fluffy cloud. He briefly wonders if you feel the same, but knows better than to embrace hope. Nevertheless, he says what he can guarantee will suit your interesting demeanour, 
“I’m sorry about… whatever you’re going through.” 
“Thanks, Harry.” You smile earnestly as the pair of you proceed to pass the cigarette back and forth, comfortable in the presence of taking a cool-down. 
But, with your vulnerability out in the open, it becomes mandatory to verify the reason he is currently sitting beside you, 
“Why aren’t you down there?”
Harry knew it was coming, thought about what to say, and came up with a few reasonable excuses but as soon as the question leaves your quirked and lush lips, the truth comes pouring out and he cannot do anything but witness his honesty,
“I feel out of my element.”
“That’s all in your head.” You try to reassure him, knowing it isn’t that simple, yet hoping he might allow you the chance to prove it, even for just a moment. 
“Oh, is that right?” He smirks. 
You are standing before he can blink twice, singing your cigarette in the ashtray and reaching your arm out for him to join you, 
“C’mon, I’ll show you.”
He doesn’t protest- he doesn’t even hesitate as he wraps his hand in your own, raising from the chair and allowing you to drag him wherever you please. 
This results in descending stairs, weaving through a crowd before finally reaching the destination; the bar. He shouldn’t be surprised, but the pleasure and subconscious pride he wore as you tugged him about, moving closer, sometimes a few steps apart, but never letting go of his hand- even if only one finger was hooked to his own.
The bartender arrives with such haste that Harry is almost certain it has something to do with your beauty- it does- but mere moments later he finds out that you are in fact a regular visitor- and a loved one, at that. 
Harry is so enamoured and floored with such an overload of new information about you that he hardly registers when you tilt over the counter and order four tequilas. 
And when the tequila arrives, there are five, offered as, ‘on the house’. Your reaction is mischievous and Harry feels exhilarated at the promise of your mission to make his night memorable.  
“Bottoms up.” You command, double-parking and encouraging Harry to wrap both of his shot glasses in each palm. He does as follows, giving you awkward cheers before copying your skill and tossing back the tequila one after the other. You then guide Harry to drop both glasses on the table and immediately grab the lonesome shot glass, still filled to the brim. 
You go in for half a sip, savouring the sharp spirits slipping down your throat but leaving half the glass full. Handing it over to Harry he finishes the drink and turns to you in anticipation for further instructions. Your shoulders can’t resist a consequential shudder, and then you clap your hands together and cheekily beam up at him,
“Now, we dance.”
“I can’t dance.” His pitch is one of panic and protest. 
“Neither can I.” You answer proudly, wrapping his hand in your own and leading him onto the dancefloor.
🍷 2016 🍷
Your boyfriend has caused yet another scene, taking it personally when some poor guy dressed as a zombie accidentally stepped on his foot.
Before he had the chance to toss more furniture, you plan an escape and make a beeline for the kitchen- somewhere likely to be devoid of party-goers. But when you round the corner, the sight of Harry, dressed in a white and red striped shirt, hair quaffed beneath a goofy matching beanie, and eyes framed by large, black round glasses. He's sitting on the counter, his light jean-clad legs dangling, shoes knocking against the bottom cabinets.
He seems too calm for such a festive evening, especially when he is as notorious as Jack when it comes to turning into a playful nuisance- affectionate, chatty, and likely to end up attempting to dance.
You walk straight over, only coming to a halt when your sternum presses into his knees, and beneath those gaudy glasses, you don't miss the way his deep green eyes swell and his lashes bash beautifully with bafflement.
"Ah, here's Waldo." You beam up at him.
"Y'got me." He lightly shrugged, a sneaky smile painting his cheeks.
"What do I win?"
Eyes widening with an accompanying Chesire cat smile, your tone tainted with taunting cheeriness. But, nonsensically you lean in closer, bare abdomen grazing his denim.
Whether intentional or not, Harry is set alight, his burning knees spreading along his stomach, trailing up his chest, simmering his heart and throat, coals burning at his cheeks and brain. He is so stoned on placebo, that his mouth is unable to project his profession,
"Anything you want."
You are experiencing first-degree burns, bathing yourself in diversion,
"Are these your real glasses?" You lean your face forward, lining up with his own, your hands gently clasping the black frames and examining the determined false lenses. "Guess not."
There are less than zero reasons for your bodies to remain so stuck, relaxed in the sanctuary of physical contact, but neither of you makes an attempt to move, unaddressed and absolutely mad. You deem it time to turn things around,
"Avoiding the party?"
"A little." He shrugs.
"Bad company?"
"The worst." He tilts his chin to the ceiling before returning his gaze to your own, "Though I can't imagine I'm much better."
"Anything is better than the mess going on outside." You meet his pondersome eyes with a competitive roll of your own.
Now Harry understands the crash he had heard through the kitchen window. Your expressions of annoyance and disappointment emit all of the information he needs to know,
"Dickie acting up again?"
"You know that's not his name."
"It should be."
Harry has never shied away from expressing his distaste for your boyfriend- simply because you were dating him. Harry was hardly around, and when he was, you were almost guaranteed to be absent due to plans with Ricky.
With a sudden bough of frustration, your hands press into Harry's upper thighs to properly balance yourself. he does everything- and more- to avoid physically reacting to your unusual closeness. You breathe out and it matches the mournful furrow of your brow,
"He's just... why does he have to be so aggressive?"
"Yeah, that table certainly didn't deserve that." Harry leans in, looking down at you with a worrisome but sensitive demeanour. And then he leaps and lightly wraps his hand around your hip.
His eyes are studying your soft face, his heart focused on your sweet features and the feeling of your skin separated by his clothes, but his head is still stuck on the confusion currently holding you captive. He can't help by prying,
"He's not... aggressive with you, right?"
"Not yet." The words trail off of your tongue. And then you toss everything aside, pressing your fingers into his thigh "I don't wanna talk about it right now."
Harry doesn't know how to react, sudden shocks of arousal emulating at the discomfort of your digging nails, the desperate desire to destroy the distance between your lips, loop his arm around your neck, softly cup your cheek and express how special you should be treated- with such certainty that you never forget,
"I like your costume. Might be your best so far."
It definitely is, you are rather impressed with how well your Other Mother costume turned out. Though, your already tragic bank account has taken a traumatic bashing,
"I spent way too much money on it."
"How much?" His grin is mischievous.
"Too much."
"Now I have to know." He pleads, but know you will never utter the shame you suffer. He won't let you off the hook so easy, though, "Just to rub it in, I'll have you know, I only spent three pounds."
You huff, leaning further into his touch, enjoying the feeling of his fingers on your flesh. He has to tilt to see you fully, and you aid him craning your neck to meet him in the middle, dismissing the deemed unnecessary distance,
"Well, you've done a terrible job at making it hard to find you."
"Maybe I wanted you to find me." He shrugs with suave.
"That was ambitious."
"It worked, yeah?" He is seeping with playful pride, though he cannot prevent his need to compliment you- perhaps the only way to get his attraction across was through words, true words at that, "You really do look beautiful."
"Not just sexy?"
"Sexy as fuck." He groans, fingers pressing into the plush fleshyness of your waist, "But not just sexy."
"Filthy." You scold seductively.
And then you seem to find yourself sinking further into his touch, trying with everything in you to get nearer- his neck so biteable, collarbone begging for loving bruises. Harry is on the same page, body pressing into your own, his palm trailing up and settling on your lower back.
You think he might kiss you. You think you are out of your mind... But, you think you're going to let him. The only thing to pause your seemingly-senseless thoughts is the defensive, stern, and frankly, threatening boom of your boyfriend,
"Hey, what the fuck are you doing with my girl?"
Like velcro being violently ripped apart, you have never moved with such haste in all of your current existence to date. Harry is now at least three feet away from you, and your boyfriend is berzerkly striding towards him. Harry calmly and rationally raises his palms in defence,
"Nothing, mate."
"Ricky-" You edge closer.
But, your boyfriend has already aimed his fist at Harry's face, and instead of reacting with returned aggression, he interjects,
"Mate, chill out." Harry reasons with a casual shrug, "She's like a sister to me."
An invasive feeling of disappointment pangs at your heart at the sound of sister, and to this day you will not analyse why. It was something you were guaranteed to repeat in the future.
"Am I supposed to believe that?" Ricky scoffs but his arm drops to his side nevertheless.
Harry hops off of the counter with ease, stepping past your boyfriend with effortless confidence. He glances over at you for a mere instance- not long enough for you to comprehend the event that just unfolded.
He reaches over to the nearest countertop and grabs his solo-cup and before turning his back completely, he addresses Ricky with finality,
"Believe what you want, Batman."
🍷 2018 🍷
Harry knocks for a third time before Jack finally answers the door- and when he does, dressed Pennywise- a red balloon tied to his wrist- Harry instantly regrets his entire life, attempting to prepare for a chaotic Halloween party. Whenever Jack finds himself in an extravagant, far-too-detailed costume, two things are certain; there will be a magically, monstrous punch bowl, and Jack will be dancing on any piece of furniture that catches his eye.
“So, this was your last-minute decision?” Harry works hard to keep the disturbed feelings from projecting across his features.
“It was this or Heisenburg, okay?” Jack sighs, audatiously comparing his- what can only be described as a slutty Pennywise to simply purchasing a hazmat.
“How much time did you spend on this?” Harry finds his amusement increasing.
“Too long.” Jack admits with distaste. But all in all, This is the best of his costumes to date, and Harry certainly agrees.
“I’m sure the ladies will love it.” He commends, and Jack nods avidly, his face mimicking that of confidence.
Harry ponders halfheartedly as they enter the home Harry knows so well- the home he spent at least a quarter of his 28 years. It's only as he reaches the living room, packed with both familiar and unfamiliar faces. Many of them seem older than he, and Harry can only assume these are friends of Jack’s college, and your work colleagues.
A pang of panic threatens to become a full-blown wave of disappointment and regret. Missing out on the life he could have had.
Before he can be swept away by his newfound unfamiliarity, Jack has led them to the makeshift bar- a dining table decorated with spooky decorations, all surrounding the notorious monster of the eve- the Halloween punch. Harry doesn’t protest- by this point he deems it necessary.
Lightly tapping their cups together in cheers. Jack takes a hearty sip before his brows suddenly raise in realization,
“Huh. That’s funny.” Jack finally takes a moment to acknowledge his best friend, emulating the Devil himself.
“Hm?” Harry asks halfheartedly, eyes scanning the room for something and he doesn’t even know what.
“I just noticed your costume.”
Harry’s gaze snaps back to Jack, giving him a puzzled look, masking a sudden bough of insecurity simmering beneath the surface,
“I look funny?”
“No, Y/n told me she was gonna be an Angel. Coincidence, huh?” Jack shrugs.
“Is she here?” Harry tries to hide the sudden panic.
“Not yet. You know she’s gonna lose her mind over it.” Jack grins, always bemused by the so-called banter between his sister and best friend. 
Harry’s panic is substituted by an odd sense of relief- he now knows what- or who- he had been searching for. With a bough of mischievous confidence, he mimics his best friend's grin and informs,
“Just what I wanted to hear.”
Upon the news of his holy crush’s imminent arrival, Harry finishes his first punch cup and then heads towards the ‘bar’ to pour another.
Pleasantly, someone is already attending to the punch- an old teammate from his high school football team has the same intentions, finishing up on filling his cup before recognizing Harry and enthusiastically initiating a catch-up. One that proves helpful, replacing his thoughts of you with good conversation and in turn, allows him to react.
It’s unclear how long this chat persisted as the boys moved from the make-shift bar to a spot on the porch- already scattered with smokers and an extremely tense game of beer-pong.
Eventually, the punch has caught up with him and Harry has to excuse himself in favour of the bathroom. This should be an easy enough task, but this monstrous punch has proved poisonous as it lags his movements and encourages him to take a long, good look at himself in the cobweb-framed mirror.
Impressed with his costume, and impressed with how calm and cheery he felt. Things don’t seem so bad- the intrusive thoughts were offering silence for the sake of letting him have a good time.
His best friend’s home has always had the oddest of hallways. A complicated combination of narrow to wide, with unnecessary corners and nooks. These proved sacred during the times of childhood, the perfect place to out-smart the person trying to yell, ‘Tag, you’re it!’ Now, this hallway is treacherous and Harry longs to find himself back in the living room, especially with the amount of party-goers crowding the corridor.
Looking back, Harry wonders if he would have even seen you wedged between a pair of what seems to be Cersei and Jaime Lannister. It would be hard not to, with the way the shimmering satin dress and the sparkling halo create a ring of glory around you.
But you certainly see him, meandering down the hallway dressed in a costume to match your own. Your first feeling should be annoyance, but unfortunately, your thoughts are redirected to just how good he looks.
The duo you were humouring are a thing of the past as you mutter an “excuse me”- gaze and mind already set on intercepting Satan himself.
He’s leaning against the wall- being extra careful to not knock over any picture frames. His head is bowed, contemplating his next move and it suddenly and forcefully occurs to him that his original plan to find you was diverted by a pointless side-quest.
As if the thin veil of Halloween was thoughtful enough to grant him instant gratification, a set of white heels, laced to the upper calf is walking his way. He lets his eyes trail the length of soft thighs up to the seams of lacy trim, savouring each fleshy, smooth thigh before finally addressing the owner's face.
When his eyes are met with your own, glittering with each blink, Harry’s widen in surprise, jaw threatening to slack as you stop before him. Giving him a good glance before mimicking his stance and balancing yourself against the wall. 
“Well, well, well.” Your tone is both amused and annoyed.
A sudden rush of ease and euphoria washes over him at the coolness of your mood- though, that was subject to change rather quickly in the presence of Harry.
On a whim you attribute to both a poisonous punch and the devil standing before you, Harry is taken off guard by the sudden contact of your palm on his chest, even more, surprised as you push and guide him into the nearest alcove.
But that was as far as your thoughts had progressed, what was the plan now? This is a result of impulsivity, and when you concede and don’t go on to say anything further, Harry takes the opportunity to back you into the corner, arms balancing loosely on the wall near your face.
“Did it hurt when you fell from heaven?” His smile is cheesy.
“I’m sure you’re enjoying this.” Your eyes roll, arms crossing your chest in distaste.
Harry tilts down ever so slightly, aligning his lips with the shell of your ear,
“Loving it.”
“And I’m supposed to believe this is just a coincidence?”
“Believe what you want, Angel.”
He returns to his previous position, aching to get a better look at your face, hoping that the blush pink scattered across your cheeks is a product of not makeup, but himself. You cannot admit that it’s a combination of both- not even to yourself- instead opting for a classic eye-roll and continuing to do what you do best,
“I see you chose to go costume-less this year.”
“You’re hilarious.”
“You’re the Devil.” You try, “Truly.”
By now, your hands have dropped to your sides, securing distance but still unexplainably allowing Harry the chance to wander closer if he wishes. He does, but only enough for your chests to brush, his head bowed to gaze your way, one of his hands reaching out to fiddle with the accessory adorning your head,
“Why, because I make you want to ditch that pretty little halo?”
“You’re insane.” You chide, palm raising to his abdomen in protest.
“And you want me.” He articulates with certainty.
“Correction, you’re psychotic.”
But you like the feeling of his muscles tensing beneath your hold, the musky and fruity aroma invading your senses. The curve where his shoulder and neck meet is aligned with your chin, and for a split second, you ponder the impulse to get closer, latch your lips to his skin and sink your teeth in.
Harry likes having you so near, he can smell the Chanel and cocoa butter seeping from your skin, the crown of your head smells of something fruity and fresh. And when your hand absentmindedly trails further along his stomach, settling on his shoulder, Harry almost stops breathing when his impulses get the best of him, wrapping his free arm around your waist, and when you don’t protest and your free arm goes to rest along his shoulder, he thinks he might have a chance,
“Are you sure, pretty Angel? Your body seems to think otherwise.”
“Shut up, Harry.”
“You’re more than welcome.” he smirks, loving the way your eyes simmer with conflict, “…To shut me up, that is.”
You decide that fame has done a lot to him, not just the typical singing, stadiums and superstardom, so why the hell is he talking like a… man? Like he knows how to seduce a woman, and why the fuck does that make your stomach churn with curiosity.
But, you remind yourself that age equals experience and that makes you the superior. Besides, from the way he’s currently behaving, you have an inkling that his ego has likely inflated.
This could be fun. Two could play at this game, and no matter the amount of fraternizing Harry may have committed, you were competitively and egotistically prepared to knock him down a peg.
Raising to the tip of your toes, hand tightening on his shoulder, nails softly scratching at his back, your other hand reaching to wrap around his neck, your thumb stroking the crook of his chin. Batting your eyelashes with a lick of the lips, you ensure he hears each and every word,
“Is that what you want, sweet boy?” You coo, and Harry stiffens in an instant, blinking rapidly as you push on, “Want me to take care of you?”
“You can do whatever you want.” He blurts out before the ‘ou’, fist flexing against the wall, his body aching to be tangled up with your own.
It's cute, and unnecessarily arousing, and as much as you know you shouldn’t, there’s an ache in your chest that chants for you to crumb him along for just a little longer,
“Pity. After all, this is just a costume.”
“Prove it.”
His eyes are eager, nose bumping along your forehead, and your hand comes to its finale as it holds his cheek in place, gently pulling his face nearer to your own. You pout, but the sly smirk prints itself at the corners of your lips nevertheless,
“A Devil certainly isn't deserving.” 
“Prove it anyways.”
Harry thinks he’s about two sentences away from begging for something he didn’t know he needed so desperately. As much as it pains you to put a pin in this, the confusion of juxtaposition of attraction is threatening to make you light-headed.
So, to Harry’s utter dismay, you release him from your hold and tactfully slip out between the space you once occupied. With one more sympathetic pat on his shoulder, you smile at him and make your way back down the hallway, feathered wings taunting him in your wake.
🍷 2019 🍷
Harry was lucky enough to have been in town for Halloween- he can't count how many holidays he missed over the last half-decade. He’s dressed as her favourite thing; a teddy bear- fuzzy ears and makeup to match. Your brother, Jack was hosting his famously chaotic annual Halloween celebration, and Harry was far too giddy at the guarantee of seeing you again. He can't count the missed holidays, but he can certainly count how many years it’s been since you last spoke- mar the quick birthday wishes, and periodic congratulations and praise.
But, after an hour or so, he is starting to doubt his certainty, gaze shamelessly studying the room, hoping he had merely missed your arrival. Two solo cups of warm beer later, Harry is itching to locate you- this is your tradition after all, and he was so sure that this time would end differently, that she would finally see him for the man he was becoming.
He definitely wouldn’t be asking Jack why you weren’t here- partially because he seems preoccupied with a makeshift gravity bong. Instead, Harry seeks out one of your oldest friends, Nova, who is dressed as a Harley Quinn, but before he can even reach the group in which she mingles, his boot trips on a rug and unable to help it, the contents of his cup comes spilling out, splashing and coating Nova’s front with the sticky substance. After apologising profusely- even if just to come off polite- Harry musters up the humility to ponder your lack of presence.
Disheartened and disappointed when she responds with, “She’s in Italy”, Harry is once again confused by Jack’s lack of mentioning the news. Though none of his business, the dichotomy of standing his ground and avoiding the question versus caving in and simply asking Jack has him in quite the frenzy.  
The rest of the evening is a bore- Harry switches to ginger ale, and though he attempts to mingle, maintaining interest proves to be impossible, and for the first time, Harry makes the decision to head home early.
But, now, with a make-up-free face and his favourite jammies, he is tucked beneath the fluffiest sheets and your mere existence is pulling the sheets tighter, trapping him in a series of thoughts of yours truly, thinking about you.
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jewwyfeesh · 6 months
The Lost Tome - 6
Writer: Mitsuki
Characters: Narukami Arashi, Tsukinaga Leo, Sakuma Ritsu, Suou Tsukasa, Sena Izumi
Translated by: jewwyfeesh
Note: no you didn't see me forget to add the quote, no you didnt. (magics it away)
Arashi: Goodness, Izumi-chan, don’t just snatch it from me so roughly! I promised Ou-sama that I’ll take good care of this.
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[ ♪ ]
Season: Autumn
Location: Empty Classroom
The next day…
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Leo: LMAO, Sena’s the one who’s late today! Yesterday he was nagging me non-stop with such a deadpan expression, should I nag him back today? Hahahaha!
Arashi: Ou-sama, did you forget? Today Izumi-chan’s taking the day shift, and had already notified us via text message earlier on.
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Leo: Ah? Really? Lemme see— Oh… Sena really did send us a message.
Arashi: It’s not my intention to scold you, Ou-sama, but you should pay attention to your messages every once in a while. If Izumi-chan were to see this, he’s definitely going to blow his top… again.
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Leo: Yeah I know, I know ☆
Tsukasa: Speaking of which… Leader, what’s that in your hand?
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Leo: Ah! I’ve been caught red-handed by Suo~! This is my weapon of choice, hahahaha.
Was I too loud earlier on? Did someone notice us?
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Tsukasa: Leader, what’s wrong? Why are you acting so frantic?
Leo: It’s nothing, I just snuck this sword into school. So if the Student Council found out about it, they’ll definitely confiscate it.
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Tsukasa: But… secretly bringing weapons in like this is a very dangerous matter, Leader. For yours and everyone else’s Safety, it’s better if you kept it away.
Leo: Suo~, there’s no need to be so uptight~ Not to mention, it’s not sharp or anything! If you don’t believe me, look!
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Tsukasa: Wow, its edge has actually been made blunt. Furthermore, it… is rather Beautiful. It does make for a rather exquisite weapon… Oh, no. Kindly allow me to refer to it as a work of art.
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Though… Leader, I would like to enquire as to why you’ve brought it today? Do you intend to Perform with it or something?
Leo: Well, it’s because of this book~
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I went back to study its contents, and they’re super duper thought-provoking! Not to mention, it allowed me to better understand more about being a knight-errant. See, see! These parts at the back talking about weaponry and stuff are super cool!
After reading it, my inspiration surged forth! So I wrote a piece about knight-errants, but felt that it was lacking a little something-something. So I got my friend to help me buy a sword to try and find that knight-errant vibe.
Then again this method is hella useful! I managed to fill the missing piece, and also managed to channel a better understanding of knight-errants into the piece! Even though I spent a lot of effort on this, seems like the end product makes it all worth it ☆
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Tsukasa: Even though your drive to keep on improving is something we should learn from, Leader, please allow me to enquire — why is this book still in your hands? Weren’t you supposed to return it yesterday?
Leo: Err… Y-you see… After saying my goodbyes yesterday, I walked towards the lost-and-found while reading the book…
But I was too engrossed, somehow walked into an unrecognisable area, and got lost…
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It took a lot outta me to get myself back somewhere familiar, but by then the sky was getting dark, so I just went home…
Tsukasa: Leader, are you aware that the Student Council is currently in a frenzy because of this book?
I had dropped by the archery range after practice yesterday in the hopes of getting some solo practice. Instead, I bumped into Hasumi-buchou, who was desperately looking for this book.
Back then, I was comforting Hasumi-buchou, saying things like this book could’ve already made its way to the lost-and-found, and that he didn’t need to be so frantic, only for you to… Sigh…
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(I remember Hasumi-buchou was desperately trying to find a book, saying that it was something that Tenshouin Onii-sama had borrowed from Hibiki-senpai, and that Hibiki-senpai wanted Onii-sama’s suggestions for one of their scripts…)
(Onii-sama had found the script and its setting particularly engaging, thus borrowing this book from Hibiki-senpai. He had wanted to give it a very thorough look-through, before providing detailed suggestions.)
(But Hasumi-buchou didn’t know of this; when the Student Council were tidying things up, perhaps Tori-kun accidentally lost this book while rearranging the books. And Hasumi-buchou, who was in the dark, didn’t realise when he was making an inventory.)
(It was only after Onii-sama returned, looking for said script, that everyone found out about Tenshouin Onii-sama having borrowed it from Hibiki-senpai. Afterwards, the Student Council was in shambles.)
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(At present, Leader has yet to return the book… Hasumi-buchou was so distraught, so guilty. Hh… I wonder if he’ll think I was trying to prank him when he was so down-trodden?)
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Leo: Suo~, don’t wear such a heartbroken expression…! I-I’ll go return it now!
Ritsu: I don’t think we’d feel very reassured if we let Ou-sama run off on his own, so I’ll accompany him.
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(If I accompany the King to return the book and bump into a Maa~kun who’s gone berserk from searching, Maa~kun will definitely praise me, hehehe.)
Leo: It’s rare to see you so energetic, Rittsu~; not to mention, you accompanying me there is gonna help a ton!
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Oh, right! I’m entrusting this sword to y’all to safe keep. If the Student Council finds out about it, I reckon we’re gonna be in a whole lot of trouble ☆
Arashi: Relax, Ou-sama. You can leave this to Tsukasa-chan and I.
Leo: We’ll take our leave first, bye bye!
Izumi: Grr, to be inconvenienced on the day that I have to work the day-shift, how frustrating!
Kasa-kun, Naru-kun? Why are the both of you alone here? Where did everyone else go?
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Arashi: The King and Ritsu-chan went to return a book — yep, that book from yesterday. So it’s just the two of us left. Since you’re here, Izumi-chan, let’s start practising~
Izumi: That book from yesterday? Shouldn’t Ou-sama have returned it already?
Arashi: He got lost en-route, so he needs to make another trip today. But Ritsu-chan’s accompanying him, so I don’t think we’ll have any more problems on our hands.
Izumi: Ou-sama that f**king idiot! What the hell! What’s that thing in your hands?
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Arashi: Oh, this? It’s the King’s sword. Isn’t it very……
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Goodness, Izumi-chan, don’t just snatch it from me so roughly! I promised Ou-sama that I’ll take good care of this.
Izumi: Hmph, this King! I can’t believe he even brought this stupid toy to training!
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First, he ditched practice, then he doesn’t attend our activities, and now he decides to bring some… some toy to training! Seriously, it goes to show how much he prioritises Knights! No, I must teach him a lesson today!
Arashi: Wait a minute, Izumi-chan, you should hear my explanation first—
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And there he goes. If Izumi-chan goes to look for the King in this state, who knows what kind of disaster would happen? I should notify him first, and give him a chance to hide.
Tsukasa-chan, let’s chase after him. If the both of them bump into each other, we can try to soothe their ruffled feathers.
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Tsukasa: Understood, Narukami-senpai. Should a Conflict truly arise, I will do my best to mediate the situation.
[ ☆ ]
← Chapter 5 | Story Masterlist
just a little note of appreciation: thank you to all my wonderful friends who've never stopped supporting me and listen to me ramble about these squishies for ages, and to the readers who enjoy my tls!
special shout out to book club as well, thank you for being so amazing. i hope to hear from y'all soon <3
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fr4nkie0stein · 2 years
Monster High preference: their reaction to finding out their s/o collects dolls (gender neutral)
Characters included: Frankie Stein, Draculaura, Clawdeen Wolf, Cleo De Nile, Lagoona Blue
Warnings: swearing, pretty sure that's it
Author's note: I decided to write for just the five main ghouls this time around, but if you guys would like another version of this with more characters just lemme know <3 also just a friendly reminder that I use they/them pronouns when referring to Frankie
Frankie Stein
Is very excited about it, possibly even more excited than you are
They want to know everything there is to know about them
Their names, nicknames, family members, pets, clothing style, hobbies, etc.
You might even hear them having conversations with some of them if they think you aren't nearby
Has probably tried to bring some of them to life before with disastrous results (disastrous meaning your dolls ended up getting fried </3)
They made it up to you by buying you some more and replacing them without telling you, hoping you wouldn't notice some of them went missing. You did but decided not to mention it as you knew it was an accident the previous ones got destroyed
Not nearly as excited as Frankie is, but she's still pretty hyped up
You can practically see the hearts in her eyes the first time you show her your collection
She also wants to hear all about them and thinks it's so cool how much information you know off the top of your head
Tries to come up with different voices for all of them but they all sound the exact same because of her accent lol
Buys you cute little accessories for them, especially things that are pink and black or are heart shaped
Clawdeen Wolf
Has the most neutral reaction out of all of them
She obviously supports you and your hobby but I don't really see her making that big of a deal about it
She's probably made tiny clothes for them before, ngl
Like, she will use your dolls as full on fashion models and everything if you let her
Your extra doll clothes have at least doubled in amount because she has this habit of making new clothes for them whenever she gets bored
You end up putting on fashion shows for each of them everytime they get a new wardrobe
Cleo De Nile
Doesn't really care, unless your collecting gets in the way of more important things (more important things being giving her attention)
If this happens prepare to have her full on glare at them whenever she comes over
You tried to show her your collection once but halfway through she got bored and started taking photos of herself on her iCoffin much to your displeasure
She ended up apologizing for it the next day by getting you an ultra rare one you didn't have yet because either a) you couldn't find it anywhere or b) you couldn't afford the damn thing
Pouts whenever you focus too much on your dolls instead of her, so you usually talk about them to Frankie or Draculaura instead
Lagoona Blue
So chill about it honestly, she thinks it's great that you have a hobby you enjoy
Thinks the different accessories and everything are really cute
Also there's probably at least one doll that she just hates for no reason
Like, she doesn't just hate them. She despises them and you have no idea why
So much so that you have to put them away somewhere whenever she comes over because she will basically ignore you the entire time and just sit there calling them names
When you ask her about it she just sorta shrugs and says, "I don't know, they kinda look like a cunt to me"
You didn't bring it up again after that lmao
♡ Send in more requests here ♡
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obwjam · 4 years
The mike x borrower meeting sounds interesting, you should definitely write it!
not the exact same thing but this is a direct copy-paste from something i wrote a year ago lmao i’m putting it under the cut, in which mike makes a new borrower friend breakfast
“G’morning, little buddy,” a soft yet cheery voice rang out above me. My eyes snapped open to see Mike looming over me. I shot up and tried to scuttle back, but not only was my leg wrapped up nicely, but I was, too. I merely fell back into the mountainous folds of the cloth.
“How’d ya sleep?” he asked, pulling a chair up and seemingly glossing over my flinch.
“O-okay,” I stammered. I was sleeping well until I was rudely awakened.
“Was it too hot? Too cold?”
I shrugged. “Too big.”
Mike let out a small laugh. “Funny. Lemme getcha somethin’ to drink. Y’ever had coffee?”
“What do you think?” I asked, trying to be funny but instead coming across as rude. Mike raised his eyebrow at me, but amusingly smirked.
“You care to try it?”
“I--I guess I could… I’ve always smelled it. Never been able to sneak around and grab any.”
“Mmm, alright,” he said, standing back up. I marveled up at him as he moved around, almost not able to believe that I was watching him like always, but I was close. I didn’t have to hide, or worry that he might see me.
“Hmm…” Mike mused, filling his mug to the top. “Didn’t really think how I’d pour ya a cup.”
“I’ve got a cup back in--” I started, but stopped. It probably wasn’t a good idea to tell him about the nook.
But of course, he heard me. “Back where?”
My eyes darted to the table. “N-nothing. Nowhere. I--I wouldn’t be able to make it there, anyway, with my leg.”
“Are you talkin’ about where you live?” Mike asked, leaning back against the counter and casually sipping his coffee. As if this was a casual conversation.
I nodded. “It’s called -- well, I call it my nook. Just where I sleep and keep all my things.”
“Sounds very cozy,” he said, taking another sip. “Y’know, I could always bring you wherever you--”
I laughed, shaking off the thought of one of them holding me. “You wouldn’t be able to bring me to the nook, Mike. You’re too big.”
A smirk grew across Mike’s face. “Too big, huh? Can’t just stick my arm in a hole or somethin’?”
“No,” I said with a chuckle. “Still much too big.”
Mike shrugged. “That’s a shame. I would’ve liked to see it.”
He paused, deliberating over something. He eventually let out a sigh and flopped back down into a chair.
“I, uh, look, I--” he paused for a breath. “I know this is all, uh, less than ideal,” he stammered, glancing down at my leg. I bit my lip. “But, well, y’see, we want to help. So if you need anything, want anything… just, just tell one of us. We’ll be happy to getcha what you need.”
Before I could speak, he started again.
“A-and, well… I-I know it’s prob’ly pretty scary, f-for you, but, uh, we can bring ya anywhere too.”
There it was. I knew he was going to address that. And it wasn’t entirely crazy -- I certainly didn’t want to be stuck on this table forever. But the thought of trusting one of them with my life in their hands and having the others give me stares? I didn’t want to deal with that. Not right now.
“I bet you don’t wanna be sittin’ on this table forever,” Mike echoed my thoughts. I gave him a nod.
“It’s just…” I started, freezing up when I looked up at Mike. Eye contact was still a work in progress. “I dunno.”
“You can tell me, darlin’, it’s alright,” Mike said softly. “I’m not gonna get mad.”
I took a breath. “This is all pretty… new to me. A-as you can imagine. I’ve never… I--I don’t want to…” Inhale. Exhale. “I don’t want to be a bother. I’ve already caused too much trouble.”
“Aw, darlin’, you haven’t caused a lick of trouble,” Mike said.
“You understand that I can’t go back, right? I can’t go back on my own with a broken leg. I--I can’t climb, I can’t even walk. If--if I want to survive, at least— at least until my leg is better… I’m gonna need your help to do it. That’s an awful lot of attention you’ll need to dedicate to me. And I… I don’t want to ask that of you.”
“Oh, it’s not as big a deal as you think it’ll be,” Mike said, leaning down. “Sure, you’re pretty small, and we’ll have to be extra careful. But makin’ sure you have somethin’ to eat or drink or that ya have a place to sleep at night is no trouble at all.” He paused to rub the back of his neck, desperately trying to think of what to say next. “Are you… how are you feelin’? ‘Bout all this.”
I shrugged, allowing myself to laugh. I guess there was no way any of them would ever understand unless I explained it to them.
“I think… more than anything… I’m, uh, anxious,” I said, furiously twiddling my thumbs. “A-and scared. I-it’s hard not to look at everything and everyone towering above me and not get overwhelmed, you know?”
Mike nodded, suddenly acutely aware of how big he must seem to her. “I can leave ya alone, if you need time to… relax.” That was not the right word to use.
***change of perspective for no reason just go with it***
To his surprise, she vigorously shook her head. “No. Well. I dunno. I’m just… I-I’m already here. You already know about me.” In truth, she wanted to be left alone. All she wanted to do was crawl into her nook and never come back out. But knowing that she couldn’t go anywhere, the last thing she wanted was to be lounging around on the table, exposed and alone, without someone to accompany her and take some of the attention away. Mike was taking the lead on taking care of her and was the least invasive of the four, so this was the best she was going to get right now. “You… you’re not going to…” she stopped. Mike inched forward, eyes urging her to press on.
“Not goin’ to what?”
She sighed. “Not… do anything to me.” Her voice was so soft, Mike was surprised he could hear her.
“Do anything? Like what?”
She shook her head, lower lip quivering. “N-nothing. Forget I said anything.”
Mike’s eyes widened with sorrow, but he knew it wouldn’t be good to push her. He could piece together that the “anything” she was referring to wasn’t a good thing, anyway.
“You hungry?” Mike asked, desperate to change the subject. She slowly nodded, still looking away. Mike tried to ignore the fact that this whole thing stemmed from his inability to give her coffee and he had yet to come up with a solution. For the first time ever, he found himself wishing that Micky was awake early. He would know how to make something for her.
Mike stood up and looked into the ice box, his heart leaping when he saw actual food in there.
“Y’ever had eggs and bacon?”
She laughed. It was a genuine laugh, one of those laughs you give when you’re delightfully amused. Mike hadn’t even seen her smile, so hearing her laugh float up from the table surprised him. He found the corners of his lips turning up at the sound.
“It’s safe to assume I’ve never tried anything,” she called out, clearly trying to make sure Mike could hear her. Mike fished out the carton of eggs and half-eaten package of bacon from the back of the ice box, swiftly placing the ingredients on the counter. He reached for a pan and clicked the stove on.
“Think about it,” she forced herself to continue. She didn’t want Mike to be the only one talking. “How could I have possibly borrowed eggs and bacon while you weren’t looking?”
Mike bit his lip. He never really thought hard about the fact that she had basically been stealing things in secret for years. Anything she’s ever taken was done without their knowledge. He couldn’t even remember noticing things going missing until the recent bread incident.
“Fair point,” Mike said, cracking an egg over a now-heated pan.
“Plus, it’s hard to borrow a meal you only make twice a year.”
Mike turned around quickly, a comically amused look on his face. “Was that a joke?” he said with a teasing tone. She winced and sunk back into her towel a little bit, but recovered quickly when she realized Mike wasn’t being harsh.
She shrugged, trying to hide a smile. “It’s just the truth.”
Mike found himself trying to hide his own grin.
“Yer funny,” he said, letting the sizzle of the other side of the egg try to hide his comment. It was the second time calling her funny this morning. He called Micky funny maybe once a month.
She had heard his comment, of course, and definitely registered that it was a repeat compliment. She knew Mike was going to get all weird if she mentioned it, so she stayed quiet, marveling at his cooking. This wasn’t the first time she’s ever watched one of them perform a mundane daily task, but it was different than all the other times. She was present in this. Though the nagging thought in the back of her mind telling her to hide was still there, she knew it was just instinct. Mike was making this for her. She didn’t have to watch him cook and smell the food and wonder what it tastes like and wish she could find out for herself. She was going to find out. Despite the fear and uncomfortability she felt, she was willing to let her guard down for this one thing. This was a primal instinct letting itself through. She was going to enjoy this meal, and enjoy the company. Maybe it would help her feel more normal.
Once the egg was done frying, Mike plopped two strips of bacon in its place, transferring the egg to a small plate. The smell of eggs was good, yeah, but the smell of bacon was overwhelming. So overwhelming, in fact, it got Micky to get out of bed. He bounded down the stairs, excited that they had enough food for Mike to be cooking for everyone. He was so excited that he completely forgot about their little house guest.
“You’re making breakfast? Groovy!” Micky said, riding up right on Mike’s tail, making him jump.
“Don’t do that,” Mike muttered harshly, flipping the bacon over. “It ain’t for you.”
“What!” Micky cried. “You’re just making breakfast for yourself? C’mon, man, that’s--”
“Are you stupid?” Mike hissed, jerking his head toward the table. Micky looked back, down, then gasped. Yeah, I am stupid.
He chuckled nervously, locking gazes with her for just a bit too long. Her cheeks were bright red, and she looked nervous.
“S-sorry,” he said suddenly, breaking eye contact with her. “I’ll, uh.” He reached up to the cabinet and pulled out the almost-empty box of corn flakes. “I’ll just go back upstairs.”
Before Mike could protest, Micky was already halfway gone. The Texan sighed, peeling the bacon from the pan and placing it next to the eggs.
“Sorry about him,” Mike said, placing the plate in front of him as he took a seat. “That boy don’t know how to control himself.”
She shrugged, looking down to her cast. “He did a good job with this.”
Mike looked to her leg. “How’s it feel, by the way?”
“It’s… it hurts. Kinda throbbing,” she said. “But I can feel it getting better.”
“Already?” Mike asked, almost absentmindedly, as he took his fork and began cutting off a little piece of egg.
She nodded. “Borrowers, we… we tend to heal faster than humans do.” Mike cringed again at the distinction. “I’ll probably be good to walk around again in like, two weeks.”
“Two weeks? Are ya sure? Have you ever broke your leg before?”
She laughed that amused laugh again, and Mike found himself getting embarrassed every time she did that. It was a laugh that said Oh boy, this idiot doesn’t get it.
“I’ve broken more bones than I can count.” She fiddled with her thumbs. “Elbow, legs. Both of ‘em. Arms, shoulders, fingers. I’ve rolled my ankle so many times I don’t know how it’s still attached to my body.” She stuck her good leg up and rolled her ankle around. “Yeah, it’s still there!”
“Jeez, that’s awful,” Mike said, suddenly losing all interest in the food. “How did you…” He didn’t know if asking this was a good idea, but he wanted to know everything about her that he could possibly find out. “How d’you, get all those… supplies you need, if you’re all banged up?”
She went quiet for a moment. “Wh-when I take food, I usually keep a weeks’ supply going. To prevent running out. Water is… more difficult. I’ll go a few days without drinking any.”
“That could kill you!”
She shrugged. “I’ve gone weeks without water before. It’s so hard to transport, I end up spilling half the stuff I take.”
Mike tried to picture carrying a bucket of water through an obstacle course with a broken leg. He couldn’t even fathom the possibility.
“It’s… amazing you even get any,” he said carefully, not wanting to sound patronizing.
“Yeah, you’re telling me,” she smirked, eyes cast downward. She wasn’t very hungry anymore.
“I…” Mike tried, but stopped himself. Everything he asked led to her being sad, and that was the last thing Mike wanted right now. “…why don’t ya try some of that food I made ya?” he tried. “It’s gonna go cold soon.”
That seemed to catch her attention rather quickly. She finally had a hot meal in front of her, and she was really about to squander it. She stared at the scraps in front of her, studying the textures of the egg. Luckily, the bacon smelled delicious, because the smell of the egg was not doing her appetite any favors. She began to wonder how disgusting this thing might taste.
“Everythin’ alright?” Mike asked with a mouthful of egg. He figured she would be all over this. She finally looked up at him, and his face was soft; sympathetic. He was simply waiting for her to try the food, eager for her reaction to his cooking. She gave a small nod before picking up the small piece of egg with her hands. It was still warm, though not fresh-out-of-the-pan hot. It was still warmer than anything she’s ever had before, and it felt wonderful in her hands. It wasn’t often that she experienced warmth; though, in California, she fared better than most. But the nights got cold and the heater was much too loud to sleep next to. Huddling up in her blankets and getting some hot water was the closest she ever got to the feeling of warmth. And when she was able to treat herself to hot water, the feeling of it traveling through her body and down to her stomach, ironically enough, always gave her chills. Maybe this egg could do the same.
With a renewed sense of energy, she bit into the egg and was instantly surprised—it was squishy. It almost sloshed around in her mouth, but it was fluffy at the same time. A little wet, too. There was some weird yellow liquid on it, which she could only assume was part of the egg. She chewed carefully, wanting to savor and remember the first egg she’d ever eaten. She couldn’t quite place the taste, but it was cooked enough that it was stained with the taste of old foods cooked in that same pan. It gave it an extra depth she didn’t realize food could have. It was unlike anything she had ever tasted and she loved it.
“This… this is incredible,” she said, looking at the egg like it was a newborn baby. Mike couldn’t help but smile at her infatuation.
“Aw, well. My cookin’ ain’t that good,” he joked. Inside, he was just happy she seemed to find pleasure in something.
Before she could even respond, she abandoned her notion of savoring the taste and scarfed down the rest of the egg. She ravenously turned to the bacon and ate it up before Mike could even blink.
“Jeez, you’re hungry, aren’t’cha?” he mumbled affectionately, not realizing he had slipped into pet-talk mode. She, however, did notice. She shot him a glare, which took Mike a few moments to understand.
“If you only ever ate stale crackers, you’d eat like this too,” she said, wiping her mouth. “Well, I’m actually a little surprised you aren’t eating like this is the first hot meal you’ve ever had!” She said cheekily with a nervous chuckle.
Mike smiled, once again amused at her joke, before realizing there was a layer to this.
“…is this your first hot meal? Ever?”
She shrugged, which Mike was beginning to realize was an ashamed “yes”.
“…It’s not even that hot,” she mumbled, only half-joking.
“Jeez, bud, I—I could have heated it back up for ya.” She didn’t respond. “Well, there’s plenty more where that came from. Do you want some more?” He gestured to his plate, which was still full of food, but she took intrigue with something he had just said.
“Plenty more?”
“Well, yeah. I-I’m not gonna let you starve,” he said, sniffing a laugh.
“You… you don’t need to do that,” she said, more ashamed than anything. No matter how wonderful real cooking was, she didn’t need to be treated like she was totally helpless.
“Why wouldn’t I?” Mike asked, genuinely surprised by her reaction. “Based off everythin’ you told me, well, you don’t need to hunt for scraps anymore. We can take care of stuff for ya—”
“—I don’t need to be taken care of,” she snapped, surprising herself. “I’ve been managing for 22 years,” she mumbled lowly. “I’ll be alright.”
Mike raised his eyebrows. He understood this kind of stubbornness because it was the same exact kind of pride he carried around himself. He didn’t expect her to be proud of the way she lived, but he understood the knee-jerk reaction. It was a lot easier to see how silly it was on the outside, though, and he suddenly started to wonder how many times his pride made him seem foolish instead of independent.
“I’m not sayin’ you can’t take care of yourself. Clearly, you’ve been going for this long. I don’t think you’re helpless. You seem to be anything but.” She meekly met Mike’s gaze, which was sincere yet firm. “But I get it, y’know? The stubbornness. Refusin’ help because you think acceptin’ it makes you weak.”
there is more but this is already way too long lmao
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xuune · 5 years
oh wow i haven’t been on tumblr in so long bc mobile is shit but how tf did i forget abt ur art ??? fukcin blows me away wow. any tips on anatomy for a rly bad artist? ik practice, but i get so frustrated when it doesn’t look like what i see in my head :(
yeah lol mobile on tumblr sucks major ass now. i cant even publish drafts on there. and im in the same boat wiht you on anatomy lmao. it might look like i know what im doing, but sometimes not really. maybe im just good at deceiving ppl on the way i draw when its kinda inaccurate 
anyway, i also struggle with never really composing the shit i want, and even i tell myself to go practice anatomy but im never really granted a lot of time in my life, so i gotta make use of whatever i can find whenever i draw.
this post is actually long, so if you just want anatomy resources, you can check these out:
stuff that i made tutorials/tips on: torso/hands/pose
these are all very condensed tutorials/tips, so a lot of this is just collection of stuff that i’ve learned/noticed from others. this might be helpful, but idk man 
here’s a list of other resources for anatomy/any other refs 
this one was mentioned in the list, but its easily looked over: posemaniacs, it has different modes you can try out (timed/casual study), and its good for practicing foundations in anatomy. i paid more attention to this one when i saw a twitter post of it  
bodies in motion is a site you can also use. it has a catalog of images to see people acting something out, and you get to see all the frames of it occurring. even though you’re just looking at images, its still a reference to learn how arms, legs, or torsos move B^) its a good way to pay attention to the smaller details like the various muscles in bodies 
and honestly, check out what other ppl say too. there’s a lot of artists out there who might’ve already wrote some shit that i mentioned or have new info that i never thought about. just type in “anatomy/art tips” into any kind of search bar and you’re sure to find something useful at some point. but main takeaway i really want you to have is to seriously study from life. dont do it based on memory or anything. there’s no other general advice that i can really give besides 1) practice 2) study from life 3) dont stress out and take your time. if you want me to give a specific tip/tutorial on a body part, i can try, but the amount of depth i can give is really based on my own knowledge of it 
now for the 2nd part of this post: 
“i get so frustrated when it doesn’t look like what i see in my head :(“
i suck at it, whoever is reading this prob sucks at it (and they secretly know it too) we all gotta start somewhere. you’re kinda asking for composing stuff while also anatomy tips, but its kinda broad, so lemme mention something about composition:
use perspective grids or at least practice using them first. the best way to understand how things are supposed to look is also based around the way you’re trying to see it in, like a certain angle of some sort. here, lemme give an example where i drafted a sketch a lot: 
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ok cool, got a pose i want, got the general idea, niiiiiiiiiceee. but i didnt think it was good enough, but i still managed to plan out a pose anyway with that grid on the bottom. it helped me gain a focus on how these characters were supposed to lay down on the ground, but it still wasnt good enough yet. character on top was facing their right instead of the person in front of them, which wasnt what i wanted. 
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then i sketched it again. this time the “camera” of the scene was more based around the front of the characters rather than the side, and now the character is looking at the person below them. but wait, it wasnt good enough yet. i didnt like how relaxed their position looked. 
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i changed the position of the character to make it seem more convincing that they were pressing hard into the ground and possibly sneering at the person below them. they held dominance over the person simply based on the way theyre positioned in the scene. the way people move suggests a lot about what is happening in the scene and what might be apparent about their character. i was able to make a pose i wanted with the help of a perspective grid, and it really does help at times. use perspective grids to help you out with making anatomy. also, dont forget that what you learn from simply observing how bodies work can help you out with giving clues to how the bodies should look at a certain angle
but am i a master at using perspective grids? no, lol. i always have to make several perspective grids while i draw as a way to convince myself that i really am drawing my shit right. 
some of the resources i listed lean into something related to perspective, so there’s that. there’s definitely tutorials out there to understand how to use perspective grids, so i suggest you search those up too. there’s a program called carapace thats specific for creating perspective grids, but im not sure where the original download site is, but if you want to know what it looks like or where to download it, google is your friend. if you use digital media and your drawing software offers a perspective grid function, then i highly suggest you learn how to use it. 
i wouldnt say that there’s a specific thing you need to learn first (i.e. learning perspective before anatomy), but if you want to just simply learn how to draw anatomy, then go ahead and find whatever you can. if you wanna create some cool ass poses with some interesting perspective shots, then take what you learn from anatomy and apply it to how you practice your perspective shots or vice versa. there’s a lot of variety in what you can do and how you can do it simultaneously with something else to learn something out of it B^) 
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lansizhuis · 5 years
Hello! I’ve been seeing a lot of tweets on twitter regarding “Guardian” and was wondering if you could tell me whether that’s a novel or show? I’ve seen a show version I think, but I doubt it’s the same one everyone’s talking about. Thank you in advance, you’re always of great help!
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Am I ashamed to admit these asks made me get out of bed so I can get to my laptop and answer this while feeling the keys as I cry over how much I love Zhenhun/Guardian and weilan??? nope
BASIC DETAILSZhenhun/Guardian (i will mostly refer to is as zhenhun) is one of Priest’s (a popular danmei writer) early works dating back 2012 - so it is, originally a novel. It got a live action adaptation last year summer of 2018.
DRAMA/LIVE-ACTIONDue to loads of censorship issues (got pulled out after ep 6 then back again then pulled out for a while when it ended then back again) especially since Zhenhun’s canon story revolves around gods, ghosts, REINCARNATION (pls tell me you felt my tears there), and the like then this was completely scraped off and made way to some mutant/alien thing. OKAY tbh I haven’t met anyone who went to the drama for the plot hahaha I’m gonna go ahead and say it - plot is sht (understandable w/ censorship concerns but still), ending is sht (so bad that priest had to write a mini fix it in her 4th extra about it), cgi is sht (this one was bc they originally had a very rich company sponsoring them hence the amazing OSTs aka pre-prod stuff but then the company went bankrupt whelp soooo), etc. WE ALL STAYED BECAUSE OF WEILAN. Zhu Yilong (played Shen Wei - left in blue suit) and Bai Yu (played Zhao Yunlan - right in uhh rugged clothing lol) had such amazing chemistry!!! They seriously couldn’t have found a better pair to have portrayed our main pair!!! Let me fangirl for a bit bc I love them sfm and I thank their ancestors for reproducing. 
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And sooo quick facts:
Zhu Yilong: a bit shy and gentle but was actually a delinquent student in the past and he’s super strong af like he does muay thai, boxing, and in short he can snap us in half despite his super duper beautiful face (his face was like made by god as a personal project while mine was passed down to an intern - that’s the hierarchy around here)
Bai Yu: rowdy af bb pls sit still for a moment but was actually a model student who did archery, calligraphy, etc in the past and lol he’s actually weak af don’t let the facial hair fool you hahaha he has delicate looking hands and fans have noted his thin af arms and very noticeable slim waist (bai yu w/o facial hair: literal babey // bai yu w/ facial hair: UNCLE)
Lemme just throw in some of my fav stuff of them:
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shen wei at episode xx with an in-love look: this must be.....brotherhoodme, behind my screen: BINCH NO???????
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lol that even their script (and da qing) cant handle them
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ALSO the producers and staff AND both zhu yilong and bai yu read the novel and worked around the  censorship issue really good like that part where zhao yunlan changes his hairstyle midway-ish of the show bc usually when a woman marries, they change their hairstyle so yeah tiny things like that
fans: ugh cant believe weilan cant get married in the dramaharper bazaar photoshoot: we got u fam
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It has 40 episodes and ngl I ended up ff so many things starting ep 25 unless my dads were on screen. Oh, and you can watch it HERE. ANYWAY i have to shut up about them now so i can continue on to the most important part aka.....
THE NOVEL*breathes in* I binged the novel so fast it rivaled my MDZS reading hence this is how i know im as obsessed lmao It’s currently being translated HERE by rainbowse7en. THE NOVEL IS EXTREMELY SUPERIOR IN ALL ASPECTS IM GOING FERAL!!!!!!! The novel is waaay more intense and darker and tbh I’m still crying over the fact that Zhu Yilong and Bai Yu could have definitely done novel version had it not been for censorship issues bc they’re that good! 
Okay, anyway, back to the novel so quick summary is that gods of the past existed, there’s hell and afterlife whom the Special Investigations Department (SID) deals with and the chief of that unit is Zhao Yunlan. There’s a lot of supernatural and fantasy elements here which is kind of a spoiler if I discuss so I’m letting that go. Anyhow, so any case that’s supernatural is given to SID and we open with a case in a university where *drum roll* Professor Shen Wei is teaching. And so our pair meets and we get intense emotions from Shen Wei who obviously has deep affections for Zhao Yunlan but won’t get close to him. Thing is, Zhao Yunlan is a shameless SHAMELESS VERY THIRSTY man (canonically bi lol) who’s out for this very beautiful Professor Shen. 
One of the things about Priest is you get a challenging time who’s the top and who’s the bottom and I was speculating the entire time and yet only getting “;)” responses from my friends who’ve read it before me. Not gonna say much but when it got revealed who was who I LOST IT HAHAHAHA im still laughing about it tbh. THERE’S FOUND FAMILY FEELS FOR SID!!!!!! they’re so dysfunctional and are easily ordered around by Zhao Yunlan when he threatens to cut off their bonus. Every single SID member fantasizes on beating up their shameless boss and tbh I sympathize haha But heyyy, they also love and care for each other. AND YOOO DA QING IS A CAT!!!!!!! i love cats and esp with how he deals with his “useless master” aka our shameless chief is funny af i love their brotp the most!
A disclaimer on my end - as this is one of Priest’s older works, I feel like the explanation on what happened in the final showdown part is lacking. I talked about it briefly HERE regarding the angst of the novel and I still stand by what I said there. It was mostly funny for me when I read it bc Zhao Yunlan’s thirst is an entity of its own. And since a lot of you here already know, I’m a weaksht and cant handle angst so rest assured that anything I recommend has a happy ending~ 
BC IM SHAMELESS - i had my drama livethread HERE + novel livethread HERE + listen i love weilan sfm i gotta put small novel thoughts HERE
If you’re a visual person like me, I suggest you watch the drama first or even select episodes (again, as I said I’m very bad at watching dramas bc i always fall asleep so at the latter half i ended up doing loads of ff esp since it’s barely useful in the novel). Here’s what’s non-negotiable - if you’ve watched the drama, you can’t not read the novel! It’s extremely waaay better! It fed me the reincarnation trope I thirsted for (im still shaking FIVE THOUSAND YEARS!!!!! and that shen san extra ahhhhhhh) and weilan’s characterization yoooo esp for Shen Wei whom we get to see is [redacted] and yet no matter what Zhao Yunlan would always [redacted]!!! istg this is the abriged version of my thoughts hahaha
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kitsunebishake · 5 years
Why Hríd is such an amazing character who just got done wrong during his “character arc” (SPOILERS FOR THE WHOLE BOOK II AND FORGING BONDS)
this was originally written as a thread on twitter but i’ll try my best to put it all here because someone asked for it some time ago
I’m putting it here because @chascah suggested i uploaded it here as well for those people who actually appreciate the icy boy
this is basically an analysis to most if not every quote from hríd, also adding some translations and little details from the japanese quotes (and some lore behind the whole idea of hríd’s new year alt)
let’s start then!
lemme start with the fact that hríd only appeared in 3 out of 13 chapters, yet is the character that caught my interest the most (funny because i already had a crush on alfonse, then i saw hríd and was like "oh, hello there")
hríd arrived like a half-dead yet somehow composed prince who somehow (x2) survived by himself in múspell for weeks (maybe even months, there's no exact timeline but it is canon that alfonse and the others spent some weeks in nifl, it probably also took them a while to navigate through múspell until loki arrived as ylgr)
he served as some kind of excuse to not put bruno too much with the main characters, practically a messenger only despite this guy being alive with burns and a broken sword (the crack on gjöll's blade hurts bc he couldve actually lost his sword and ended up defenseless in battle oof)
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so, there was no really much use of his character other than being a magical solution for everything
he even helped unmask loki (though they never explain why hríd suspected of ylgr, we only know loki's own take)
btw, can we talk about the fact he probably outsmarted loki while the others weren't yet in múspell? he terrorized surtr's army and even outsmarted laegjarn and laevatein
and since he survived for so long i believe most of his wounds were made by surtr himself
they never really say whether he actually managed to kill surtr or not, but let's say yes just to add up on all of the things hríd does just in the story
at first glance it looks like he's doing nothing, but reading further into it and applying some logic
hríd's... he's pretty impressive for a prince so young
gotta also add how hríd appears less impulsive in japanese than in english
when "alfonse" blames him for being a traitor, hríd gets to the defensive immediately in english
in japanese, he's more in shock, probably because after all he's tried, he's being doubted by his allies (which shows a lot how much he cares about being perceived as perfect, something i'll get on to later if i have enough time)
I added this part in the middle of the whole thing because it was a different thread so excuse the sudden change of topic, kinda. It’s supposed to be from the last conversation in Book 2, where Fjorm tells Hríd she’s going to stay in Askr despite her “condition”.
"I understand your feelings, Sister. By all means, go. I will pray for your safety."
this is one of the quotes i'd like to put in that one hríd character thread i want to make
the feeling behind this quote got completely lost in translation, as there's no way to translate it properly
in japanese, hríd uses a pecular way of speech to refer to his sister here he says "... I get it. If that is what you wish, it's alright to go. I'll pray for your safety." the peculiar part, aside from hríds "..." is where he refers to fjorm, the "you"
hríd normally uses "kimi" to refer to people, which is like a more... gentle? way of speaking? men usually use it towards women bc they want to treat them nicely, and jps in general use it with people they don't know (it's that, or "anata" or "[name]-san")
yet here, hríd decides to use "omae" to refer to fjorm, which is more informal and even rude (specially for someone who normally uses "kimi", it means he wanted to express some kind of anger or frustration about fjorm's decision without saying it directly,,,,,,,,,,,,,which is very japanese to do so,,,,,, *looks into the distant "most japanese people i've known don't directly say 'no' and instead go 'hmmmmmm' '*very indirectly rejects*' and it's probably a fact*)
it feels like instead of being supportive, hríd just understood there was no way of convincing fjorm to stay with them
so he gave up and felt hurt by that
please protect hríd
Back to the rest of the analysis.
now let's talk about forging bonds, in the wiki there's only the opening part transcribed in japanese, the rest is only on english (i curse not having started playing 3 months earlier orz)
the first thing you can notice in the japanese version is how informal hríd is when he's stressed
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while he speaks in an usually softer manner, here, he doesn't even greet ylgr and gunnthrá, he goes directly to "gunnthrá... ah, ylgr is here too" (he kinda does the same in the mainstory, where he just says “ah, fjorm, you’re okay... ylgr too :)”)
this shows how easily stressed hríd gets and how much he lets his emotions dirve his attitude and actions (which makes sense with the part where he tells fjorm she should be the one wielding leiptr and not him, he's too emotional despite how much he tries not to be)
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in these parts we also see some level of deattachment from gunnthrá, on english he goes "sister..." by the end of the opening conversation
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in the jp, however, he stays silent, he doesn't even call her name
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idk if it's just me overanalyzing it, but from my experience with animoo and vidya, it feels a little weird that he says nothing there, like he's thinking (this is probably foreshadowing hríd's inner feelings oof)
something that i particularily like about this event is that hríd seems so at ease when he's on the dreams, even in the english translation it seems like that he mentions it might be because he feels at ease with kiran but i feel like it also has to do with the fact they're just a dream, it's not the real world, there's nothing to worry in a world where there's no war
at least, that's the feeling his dialogues give me
the closest thing to that hríd is his lvl40 speech and ny hríd (who's happier)
the only quote where hríd mentions some type of concern for his mother btw
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from here on it only gets worse when it comes to hríd, though
he speaks about the invasion and such he talks in a way that implies he's probably taking the role of a commander (same as how it is implied he trains the soldier, or that he trains with them, though since he's been training alone with fjorm for so long, it's most likely the former) aside from that, he's weighting on himself the responsibility of what happens to nifl and what happens to his family
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and since he's doing so, here's when it comes the part of hríd not being able to care about himself
this young man is carrying a heavy weight, the hopes and dreams and lives of many innocent and PEACEFUL people who barely even know how to fight, on top of those of his loved ones
it doesn't seem like anyone asked him to, not even his mother or sisters
he just decided it on his own that he needed to be "the perfect prince/king" in order to "protect" them
/even if it costs him his life/
he prepared his sisters for that moment (which, might give an insight that hríd knew more than he says, but let's leave my conspiracy theories aside lol)
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and to THAT PART, we can add this from the mainstory
in english, when he's rescued, he thanks them for doing so
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but in the jp text he actually apologizes for it
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not sure how to exactly translate it, but it's something along the lines of "my apologies...for having to be saved..."
idk you guys, but it sounds like what someone who just failed to commit suicide would say, instead of someone who's grateful to be alive
and it makes sense, with how obsessed hríd seems to be about "dying for his loved ones" despite it not being entirely necessary
i mean, look at that, he survived surtr and was aided by bruno as he escaped (probably? they never say what exactly happened, but since they're looking for hríd and not for bruno, it's most likely that they just found each other by accident)
and yes, even though he seems to calm down with those thoughts during the sequence, it is only a dream and we know he has no recolection of them
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he forgets completely about that motivation to keep living, which leads him into further down the path of death  (whichinnorsemythologymightbecalledhríd,,,,,,orgjöll,,,ykow?)
im still not done, havent even gotten to his unit quotes lmao
hríd still did his best to survive for as long as he could, but it feels more like his strategic "i'm making time for fjorm and the askrans to make their moves" purely, out of the fact he didn't seem too happy to survive until he saw fjorm and ylgr
hat's all of hríd's quotes from that event, i can finally move on to his unit quotes
let's start with this one, luckily it is practically the same quote in both languages
this immediatelly counters any "hríd is boring" comment
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though that is subjective, in my case what drove me even further into loving hríd was how different he was from usual characters related to ice
he might come off as cold sometimes, but it's purely because he's actually really dense/has a really bad sense of humor
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in jp he tries to make an ice joke, but says "it's not suitable for him" (which is funny because in english he does have ice puns and i hate it)
1. he doesn't mention his mother 2. hríd blaming himself and being kinda gloomy part 1 
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"I should have protected my people and sisters, I couldn't play that role... I can never forget that." 
this part hurts a lot (it's a little more poetic than the og one, i like it lol)
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he could be talking about himself, about his sisters, his people, or all together, since the four of them have expressed desire for peace, and all four ended hurt by such thing
this part is scary, though it's not as much in english
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NOT BECAUSE OF THE TRANSLATION, but because of his battle lines in eng (i'll get to that first and then come back to this one)
the most shockingly different skill trigger is the second one
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the first one is exactly the same the third one in jp is "this is the last blow" (or smth like that) the fourth one is a little weird to translate (ice upon you works, but "freeze your life" sounds a little scary??)
it literally says "no mercy for the enemy"
IT'S LITERALLY SUGAR COATED, hríd went from a gentle giant to a merciless killer (who knows how many muspellians he's killed???) thanks to surtr and his fucking ass
hríd blaming himself and being gloomy part 2
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the fact that he has not one, not two, not three, but about 5 to 6 lines that imply he's still dueling over everything that happened during the war is hurtful, he really can't forgive himself for that
he also sounds a little dead to me here (it’s one of the voiced quotes from his status page!)
which brings me back to the initial scary one
hríd is obsessed with earning his peace no matter what
and for that, he wants to get stronger
for that, he's willing to even perish, for everyone's sake
it's so sickening for me since i can kinda relate???? it reminds me a lot of the kind of wording they use for depression-themed japanese works, with the "peace" part and his willingness to just die anytime (which, is actually pretty normal for a warrior outside of FE. outside)
iT MAKES ME FEEL BAD BUT AT THE SAME TIME i kinda like he's written this way
AND EVEN WHEN HE'S LIKE THAT, hríd is still a gentle sweetheart who speaks so kindly you kinda forgets how merciless he is in the battlefield
like, the audio where he holds kiran's hands???? where he speaks about how the order of heroes saved nifl????? EVEN WHEN HE GETS STARTLED
he's always such a gentle and kind person
it makes me hate surtr even more because they didn't deserve this
hríd didn't deserve going through all of this fucking shit HE. DESERVED. HAPPINESS. AND PEACE.
then there's the ny hríd
he's an angel
a happy angel who makes me a little sad bc og hríd is not as happy
From here on everything was written like 2 weeks after the previous stuff :’) i’m sowwy
he's a resolute prince, he has the resolution of saving even at least one person,,,,,instead of being a "king", instead of being a "brother", or a "prince", he just wants to be "a hero",,,
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hello, this is my opening statement of why ny hríd makes me cry with just existing
let us start with something that makes his quotes even better, particularily the previous quote and his lvl40 speech, which is the powerful meaning of this alt itself for a character such as hríd
in japan, new year used to be celebrated not at the end of the year, but at the end of winter, which is where geishun comes into the scheme, as it currently means "new years greetings" but in those old times, it was actually "welcoming spring" (or something along those lines i suck for precise translations)
and that's where our next quote comes into the picture
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hríd speaks about nifl's winter, about how it practically symbolizes the nifleans' strength and will power
the alt itself is a more positive hríd, one who's willing to try his hardest for everyone, who doesn't regret his past, but looks into the future and has the purpose of being even better than before
of course, this hríd didn't suffer the same fate as the OG hríd, as he still has all 3 sisters (i want to believe ylgr was with them, just not shown bc of the lack of space for a sixth character) and now also 2 new allies to power their search for peace and strength to defend that peace
so, while our normal hríd is desparate to become stronger and suffers, this hríd is like his pole opposite, it's like the sun and the moon (too bad this hríd has no default special, sol would've fit him so well)
can we talk about how he feels so comfortable wearing the celebratory outfit?
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the obi (the.....thing that acts as a belt) should be tied strongly enough so the hakama (the pants) doesnt fall down while he fights, yet he feels comfortable with it
i mean, it isn't as constrictive as a kimono as it doesn't prevent him from moving around freely, but he still shouldn't normally feel as comfortable with it as he is, he's never even worn something like that (it is implied, at least) yet he's loving it, isn't it adorable???
one time i joked about hríd being able to feel when winter is coming or when snow will start falling but
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i think this quote pretty much confirmed it (YOU CAN'T SAY IT'S BECAUSE IT'S WARM, IT DOES SNOW IN ASKR WE'VE SEEN IT)
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blessed boy munchs a whole fucking piece of mixed flour with FOUR HUNDRED GRAMS OF FUCKING SUGAR 
he's got a sweet tooth i know it, i know my people when i see them
it's just that he doesn't seem disgusted, and he also only mentions the mochi so we can assume he didn't drink sake or matcha with it
he ate the fucking thing alone and apparently liked it
we have a sweet angel, guys
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i just think this quote is cute, he loves cold just as much as i love him
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though in japanese, the last quote is a little more gloomy
im not entirely sure of how to properly translate it *looks at the jisho page of the kanji he cant understand* it's certainly a word
but it could be something like "to be in such a predicament from so early in the year... I'm unable to say it's pathetic..."
i???? imagine he says he "can't say it" because he's trying to be positive?????? or something along those lines, but saying it proves he's taking it way to the extreme
nasakenai can also be shameful or miserable, pitable, disgraceful stuff like that
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i'm not sure how to describe this quote?
this time it's the english localisation that kinda throws me off, i don't understand what he's trying to say lmao
in japenese he's saying something about having been graced this early in the new year
7 years speaking english and i still can't break down complex phrases the only reason i've survived this long is through the power of deduction abilities
pray for me
u know hríd's damaged quotes in english are all grunts, right?
in japanese, this hríd has a peculiar quote i find adorable when he gets damaged
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he says "as expected from you...!"
btw listening to his english quotes is so funny
he sounds so damn cool in japanese and in english he
he sounds like a fucking nerd
compare this (JP) https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/1/12/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_SKILL_2_jp.wav
to this (ENG) https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/6/6a/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_SKILL_2.wav
it's the exact same quote by the two different VAs
back to translations and analysis
i hate this one
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his eng quote is more positive while the japanese one is something along the lines of "I was useless... I'm sorry..."
look, say whatever you want, but hríd is such a sweet man
he cares for people and he tries his best to be the perfect prince everyone thinks he is
despite how "im so useless...!" his japanese version is
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he way he says these two quotes sounds way more positive in japanese lmao it's the same translation, only that he's more "I'll repay you!!!!!!" in jp ( https://gamepedia.cursecdn.com/feheroes_gamepedia_en/3/34/VOICE_Hr%C3%ADd_Resolute_Prince_MAP_3_jp.wav )
can’t use emojis on this pc so i’ll just leave the whole screenshot here
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you see this quote here?
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this is what it actually says
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why are u so cute aaaaaaa///////////
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this is probably the translation of hríd's quotes i hate the most  in english it just...sounds so rude
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in japanese it's more like "could you please tell me if i'm wearing these clothes wrong? i'll fix it fast"
he's trying to be respectful to the hoshidans sobs
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first, this is my fave quote on english
he sounds so confused as to why people think the hoshidan clothes suit him
to make it more adorable, in japanese, the original quote is something like "I wonder what makes a type of clothing 'suit' you..."
HE'S GOING ALL PHYLOSOFICAL ON THAT SHIT probably because people keep telling him he looks good in that kind of clothing
this man's density is so powerful that he can't even begin to understand people find him attractive and that the attire literally makes him go from a 10 to a 1000000000000000000
he doesn't get it and he wants to know if it's really true so he goes out of his way TO ASK KIRAN
i love hríd so much he's so adorabl e
i want to give him a hug
with this i finish my thread for now
for now
hopefully we will get another alt for hríd and i can come back to spam about how adorable his quotes are
please stan hríd he's literally an angel
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me: i don’t have anything to post ughhh also me: has 10 95% finished drafts i could literally take an hour to finish and upload but won’t me: lemme start a new analysis
aaaaaa the mural of mayhem looks so good (source)
tl;dr: bunches of new environment shots. also i wanna time travel So Bad, just so Bad,,, gearbox, please, time travel??? i wanna meet The Man Typhon Deleon just *clenches fist* so bad and slap him for leading to the opening of the first vault. also for some reason tina is the only one of the good guys with the fabric stuff the twins are wearing. be warned. oh, also, there might be some ursa mechs? i saw like 3 robos that look like iron bear but aren’t colored like it so who even knows. oh and we see the scientist (?) dude in color next to Tannis from the MoM. he seems cool evil.
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i don’t even know where to begin here so let’s start with the middle and work our way towards literally whatever catches my eye next. i have no method, im a disaster
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nothing too special about our VHs here, they seem to be using the gold gun skins that are offering in either the early adopter pack or the other pack u get i think for signing up to be a VIP. so that’s neat. also shows off the good guys = blue/yellow theme we see throughout the mural.
there is this weird square shape in the sky/clouds above them? idk what it’s supposed to be, though. a logo? a ship? a building? i can’t tell!
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i could be wrong/seeing things though lol
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zoomer isn’t colored in! probably didn’t want to detract from the main 4 VHs. additionally, Amara’s arms don’t have their patterns across them. 
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Moze is also the only VH here with a hint as to what her Action Skill is. IB is elsewhere on the mural, though. We’ll get to him.
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the Vault behind them!
moving down below the VHs, we see this ship
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I’ve spoken about it before, so i won’t go into it here
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bandits? i think! looks like at least one of them is wearing power armor... or just a suit of armor in general. it looks like power armor to me tho lol
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another set of silhouettes in the foreground on the right there. can’t tell who/what they’re supposed to be unfortunately, but im going to assume more bandits
interestingly, we see the ruins of helios SUPER close and, even more interestingly, what appears to be a Vault in front of it! Which could very well be the Vault of the Traveler? since the Traveler itself can’t teleport it anymore (cause y’know... it ded.) It has a weird shape at the bottom, idk what that is supposed to be. it looks like a curvy outline of an arrow tbh lol. i wonder if the Vault actually did teleport Rhys and Fiona somewhere. I also wonder if the thing on the bottom is meant to help ‘visitors’ or something idk use/see/extract whatever was in the Vault. there was like some stairs and then a chest..? thing? idek. 
but yeah, looks like the Vault by Helios is doing well. Also, Vaughn apparently knows Rhys is on Promethea (soon) after the end of tales so I wonder if that actually is a portal... either way, i hope this means we’ll get to go visit 👀 We’ve visited the ruins of helios already in commander lilith, so hopefully this isn’t too much of a stretch.
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to the right of that we see Lorelei knockin the shit out of a goliath that seems... kinda small compared to her? idk maybe it’s cause he’s lying down (and out).
We also see another instance of Mystery Girl up at the top there, though she’s in the exact same pose as the mask of mayhem which makes me kinda sad. i was hoping to see another angle of her or something. I do hope she’s actually in the game and isn’t just a statue. be wild if tyreen gave her the suck or something to turn her into a statue to preserve her in the hopes that doing the reverse succ/getting the ultimate power would let ty bring her back to life at a later point lmao
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below lorelei we can see a crimson raider in the ash cloud! i have no idea why he’s there but he’s lookin baller.
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next to to lorelei is a titan (unsure if that’s the official name for these big guys or if the one in the showcase was unique) a skag and clappy! I can’t tell if clappy is holding something in his left arm or not
also the background looks like a city. i think that is promethea? i can’t really tell tbh
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next to clappy we see part of a ferris wheel which im pretty sure is part of the circus area we’ve seen in the trailers. the one with the circle emblem thing above the door/entrance.
below clappy/marcus we see what i think is part of Eden-6
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the bridge/road has me going like 🤔 but the foliage pretty much confirms it. might be related to that research base looking area. might be related to jakobs manor (maybe they have a bridge to keep bandits out) idk
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above that we see marcus looking some cash to a bunch of psychos. I think he has an ECHO skin? i can’t really tell. not really much to say here tbh, is marcs.
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behind him we see this landscape which i don’t think we’ve seen before. the tree is screaming Athenas at me but tbh i think we’ve only seen red trees there, haven’t we? also is that the handle of a sword near the bottom there? wtf is that?
maybe a new planet? or a new biome on one of the planets we haven’t seen yet. it looks like a savanna tree to me. you know the ones?
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yeah. possible new planet/new biome we haven’t seen yet?? i would ADORE a savanna type area. 
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next to that we see a tink and a skag in front of the HBC. I thiiink the tink is holding a flamethrower? not sure, though. maybe a miniboss like midgemong? that’d be neat asf
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i can’t tell if this is a suit of power armor/a robot or just part of the environment lol, i can see the helmet up top and a big bulky body. i would love to fight power armored enemies like that, be so cool! maybe these are modified suits of the ursa corps project? or something. idk about the helmet.
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above the tink/skag combo we can see more silhouettes in the foreground. i seriously can’t make out who they’re supposed to be :( maybe some maliwan troops? i feel like they’d be more recognizable, though. hmhmhmhm
in the background we see another robo/power armor suit (???? i think????), this one seems to have a flamethrower, which is kinda reinforcing my theory they might be repurposed armor sets. this one doesn’t appear to have a helmet. kinda get the feeling they’re either repurposed or completely different cuz the helmet on the other one is throwing me off a touch. IB doesn’t have a helmet. 
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for reference.
above that weirdly confusing collection of entities, we have hammerlock!
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my boiii
and finally to the left of hammerlock we get to the big boy of this side of the mural
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the god queen herself.
first thing i noticed? her jacket seems to be warping into that weird fabric we see clinging to other baddies throughout the mural and covering her right leg. 
She seems to be holding up a grenade/molotov cocktail/smoke bomb?
pretty sure it’s a molotov cocktail though
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i love how the smoke merges into the roses above her. really cool detail. you can also see the recruitment center to the right there! and a crane which makes me double down on the idea that the ‘vault’ we see in the booth thing had been excavated by dahl (considering the main building of the RC is a dahl building)
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we also see a fire rakk? ?? i think? be cool if we got badass elemental rakks. i’ve only ever seen normal badass rakks. i wonder if this is a play on the fact there’s a psycho in the MoM with rakk wings and the twins stole lily’s firehawk powers... probably not, right? probably not...
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ty’s tattoos are lookin kinda green for me here, might be the close proximity to all those browns and reds, though. it’d be really cool if she could pull an amara and swap her succ elements LMAO
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a bunch of psychos! all with wings! which is weird cause the sirens don’t have wings here. weird chunk of symbolism i guess. we can see a tubby on the top there which makes me happy to know they’re coming back. there’s one with 
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a glowing nose
and there’s this figure on the very left
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who doesn’t appear to be a psycho at all
also, note that all these psychos have a ‘normal’ brown/gray buzzaxe
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the one at the bottom here, on ty’s left has a more golden-colored buzzaxe. im p sure that corresponds to rank in cult. i also feel obligated to point out that, while im 90% sure that flame is coming from the flamethrower on the right there, it does kinda look like the bottom psycho is shooting a blast of flames out of his palm. 
moving right along
the whole entourage seems to be laying across a statue of roses, which match the ones at the top of the mural AND the ones on the cover art.
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we see a shot of Pandora and Elpis here (I’m pretty sure. the purple light at the top right makes me believe that’s the eridian scar, but.... may not be)
looks very volcanic...
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we see one of those lil video game dudes from the demo, forgot their names but they’re Maliwan
below them we see this scene
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which is an area i don’t recognize. eden-6 maybe? the buildings seem a bit close together, though.
tbh i thought this was another city at first, maybe it’s Promethea from ye olde days? you know, before Atlas took over and modernized it. Maybe we’ll get to go back in time to stop the first Vault from ever being opened. that’d be pretty cool. man time travel would be wild. i wonder if we’d be able to combine the Vault of the Traveler and the Vault of the Sentinel to do that. now that’d be cool.
but it’s probably eden-6 lmao
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quadruple threat here. from top to bottom: Rhys, Zer0, Vaughn, Aurelia? i think. 
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her hair seems spikier in the mask bit... maybe that’s not her? she also doesn’t have the earrings. idk who else it could be, though. 🤔
anyway. Vaughn seems to be climbing a cliff or something lol. at least he’s got a cape and his relic of strength on him.
rhys and zer0 are in the same poses as their poses on the Mask of Mayhem, just colored in.
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biggg statue of ty. noticeably missing her facial scars. not much else to say, pretty sure this is just a different(ish) angle of her MoM statue during the pan around.
back to the bottom center of the mural, let’s move left
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someone with a jetpack! i can’t make out who, though. i thought it was Moze at first but... she needs her digistruct pack for iron bear.
Also a bunch of psychos all fighting each other. over the buzzaxes maybe? if they really are a symbol of rank in the cult. that or they’re just being psychos. 
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this area with a waterfall and also a drainage pipe. i think this is also eden-6, but i am not 100% sure. probably an area we haven’t seen yet.
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lily!! her right (our left) wing looks really weird to me, idk what it is. it’s a lot redder/yellower than her left one. Also, the tattoos near her wrist look like they’re coming off her arm. 
to the left of lily we see ellie!
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holding a whole-ass street sign. insane.
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next/behind her is promethea! which we’ve seen before. it looks like one of the buildings in the middle there is getting blasted by something, but idk what. maybe something Maliwan? 
also, on the left there we can see what i thought was iron bear
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but now i am second guessing myself due to the other robos/armor suits we saw on the right of the mural. 
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maybe they did not color in IB fully like Zoomer? it looks like there is someone/something where the turret mount would be. maybe that is moze standing up there? it would be really interesting to see other Ursa Corps soldiers coming in. I know they mentioned in the Commander Lily ECHO log that Vladof was at war with Tediore, and we know through their advertisements for bl2 that Vladof is also at war with Dahl. It’s possible we’ll see some of their troops in the game! especially since Moze’s echo actually talks about the troop as a whole and not specifically her, unlike the others.
next to the mystery mech or iron bear (you decide) we see Mystery Girl/Little Blue/Nope Girl
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and, yeah, starting to think she may not actually fit into the timeline of Steele’s death. she looks older than 12 to me (for reference, in bl2 tina was 13). but we haven’t quite seen enough of her so who knows. im getting ‘way too tall’ vibes. maybe 14-15? maybe mystery MoM girl is her little sister. i would not be surprised if we saw another sibling relationship to juxtapose the twins (considering mystery girl looks like a CoV bandit, they’d be distant at the start and close at the end of the game while the twins are close at the start and distant at the end of the game- we know Danny Homan said their relationship would start to warp). 
below her we see this area
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i think that’s a water tank at the bottom there? this looks kinda like a garden/courtyard area to me. Maybe another place on Athenas? i want to say Athenas bc Little Blue is directly above it. may be another new planet/biome/region we haven’t seen yet.
Above L.B we see this car
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which is interesting to me bc it appears to have a closed top? I could be wrong though. would be fun to see Vasquez’s car make a return, tho lol (and then everyone gets mad the fuckin car is making an appearance but Gaige isn’t)
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above that we see Tina and Mordy (and Talon) making an appearance. Tina appears to be in the same pose as her Mappearancence, including the huge launcher behind her which has me like :O Talon is a girl now in bl3, right? unless their gender changed again after the commander lilith stuff.
Also, I’m hesitant to note that Tina is the only ‘good guy’ character to have the fabric on. Everyone other character with it is either a psycho or one of the twins. I hope that’s just artistic choice and nothing more because :(
also she has bows on her shoes. fucking ace
to their right we see 3 very interesting things so we’ll go in order from the bottom counter clockwise
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another mystery dude who seems to match the one we saw by tyreen, and those silhouettes again. It looks like they’re reaching down to save their falling teammates. i hope they’re alright. (unless they’re evil. then, oof, crash and burn)
at the top i can see a bunch of men with guns pointed at what i think is a jabber? but the lower bit i can’t make out. someone’s falling at the very bottom, it looks like a second falling figure has been caught with rope? idk.
above that scene we see
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tannis! and the mystery guy to the bottom right. the one we’ve seen standing next to her in the MoM. does he have red eyes for anyone else or is that just me? might just be the lighting. Do I think he’s evil? you know the fuck i do. I trust nobody lol. Since I’m a fan of the “the twins are the product of a weird experiment” theory, it’s possible he is the experimenter. Tannis could’ve been feeding him information. maybe she didn’t even know what was going on- though, knowing her disregard for ethics, maybe she did. 
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this guy btw
it looks like tannis is holding an eridian artifact?
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maybe?? it looks like she’s holding it horizontally, if it is an artifact.
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to her right and our left we see a familiar shot of Promethea. I’ve seen this exact frame before, iirc that building is smoking bc it’s Rhys’s office. actually, that could explain Rhys joining us on Sanc-III! maybe Lorelei, too.
above Tina and Mordy we see Brick
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and to the right of him, Moxxi and her bar sign
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she has a new megaphone, i wonder if that is hinting we’ll be getting more circles of slaughters/underdomes. It would be nice to have her commentary return, i actually really enjoyed that in the bl1 dlc and I did actually enjoy her dlc. The wave combat was fun. I’d love to have an endless wave version to see how long i could survive.
it also looks like there are a bunch of psychos (?) hanging out around the bar. and this character at the bottom right who i don’t recognize
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to the far right of moxxi we see Maya
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i think this is a new pose, but tbh i don’t see anything noteworthy here. I do think it’s interesting she’s using pistols instead of smgs, but oh well. might just be for the poses lol
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Troy’s statue. one interesting bit i gotta mention is that it looks like the cut on the right side of his face (our left) is visible here! iirc it was not visible on his portraits in the MoM. so that’s new!
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the big boy of this side of the mural!
none of the psychos on this side seem to have golden buzzaxes, plus their drapes? wtf are these? they don’t look like robes to me. anyway, they’re darker in color than the ones on Ty’s side. might be artistic direction, might be showing they’re not as high rank as the ones with the god queen (vs the right hand man lol)
i also only see 2 psychos with wings here, the one on the very left and you can see part of a wing on the bottom right. They also don’t appear to be resting/climbing on a statue like Tyreen’s are. There is ALSO a lot less of them. 
some interesting stuff about Troy: his stomach tattoos don’t seem to be around, but that could be because of the detail level required- would probably look like a big ol smudge. it is cool seeing Troy with a gun, is this the first time? i can’t remember, but i know we always saw him with his sword. i find it kinda funny they decided on the gun considering this is supposed to be renaissance, the sword would (kinda) be more fitting in that regard. it is also a giant glowy tech sword, so maybe not.
Also, Ty’s side of the mural is the only one with the roses. idk if that’s to signify something or just to balance out colors, though you’d think the red clouds on troy’s side couldve been easily converted to roses as well. hmmm 🤔
anyway, this is all i’ve got. if i missed something/if you think of something new please tell me! i wanna know 👀
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domesticangel · 5 years
5 7 9 11 14 20 24 29 and 30!!
5. Name a movie that makes you genuinely laugh.
ok i know i already answered this one but i thought of another. fucking. raising arizona. me and my mom like quote and reference this movie to each other on the DAILY like 75% of the script of this movie has been permanently integrated into our vocabulary and we cannot change this
7. What do you enjoy daydreaming about most?
……🤦🏼‍♀️😔💘 gay stuff…………..
9. What’s a smell that reminds you of home?
wellllll if its my home in richmond, any super sugary baked good-esque candle smell bc i burn a lot of them here so it kinda just permanently smells like Delicious Candle in my apartment kjhgdfdfj and i guess for HOME home…idk this is kinda basic but like, the fabric softener my mom has used for like all of my life lmao. i couldn’t tell you the flavor or brand but off smell alone i could pick it out of a line up on the first try 😤
11. Describe the memory of the last time you felt true happiness.
hmmmm..well the first thing coming to mind is when my mom, my brother and i hiked tinker cliffs not too awful long ago and we got to the top and just sat on the edge of this entire mountain and looked out for miles and miles and could enjoy it knowing the hard part was out of the way and it was all downhill from there lol it was beautiful and it had been a while since JUST me and mom and my brother did something together so it was really nice 😌
14. Talk about one of your most cherished childhood memories.
oh lord. well. lemme see if i can remember any jgdlgjhglkdghjgfl HMMMM…well when i was around 10 or so my dad used to own this property out in the mountains and he would take me and my brother there for just like general gallivanting but sometimes we’d also camp out or go on coon hunts and such and he’d always bring the hound dogs and turn them loose and it was always just really fun. we’d always go in the fall and all the leaves were so beautiful and it was just nice to bundle up and just get to go crashing around the woods for a couple hours. he drove the same chevy he still does today and once we pulled off the main road he’d always stop and let us jump out and ride in the truck bed down the dirt road to the property and that was always really fun lol. not really a specific memory i guess but i have a lot of good memories from that specific place and time!!
20. What’s the sweetest thing someone has done for you?
oof. idk if i could narrow it down to just one specific instance, but if i had to take a stab at it id say any number of things my mom has done for me…..shes a great fuckin mom and great person all around and theres been so many times wheres she’s just like. gone out of her way to be there for me when i needed it and like inb4 “she’s ur mom she’s sposed to be nice to you!!!” LIKE I KNOW I KNOW but i mean like…idk she’s like never been very good at coming right out and voicing how she feels about things or people but she’s very good at making people feel noticed and safe and loved through her actions…..if that..makes sense, and if i had to list off all the great things she’s done for me, big or small, we’d be here all day so ill leave it at that lol
24. Are you more of a hopeless romantic or realist?
sigh. hopeless romantic by default but i can knock some sense into myself when need be 😔
29. Do you collect anything? And what are some hobbies you have?
i do actually!!! for some reason a couple years back i started collecting railroad spikes and i just never really stopped and now every time i go anywhere near a railroad i black out and wake up with like a literal armful of railroad spikes. i have been informed a couple of times that this is not necessarily Allowed but none of those times were by cops so ive not been deterred yet! i really need to figure out a use for them bc as it stands now they’re just scattered in my cars trunk and floorboard, my garage back home, etc, though my mom does sometimes get some decorative use out of them when she fixes up her yard or patio! as for hobbies…..well. art has been so deeply mushed into my identity especially now that I’m pursuing it as a career that I’m not sure i can call it just a hobby, but some particular facets of that i still feel like i can call hobbies would be stuff like making moodboards, doing woodburnings, collecting found objects as inspiration, stuff like that!!!
30. What do you do to feel at peace?
drink tea, watch older lighthearted anime (I’ve recently picked inuyasha back up and its adorable), sketch, go for a walk or run, and on the more oddly specific side of things, i LOVE watching major hair transformations on youtube LMAO
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1800-seungshine · 7 years
member: bae jinyoung  genre(s): high school!au, hoobae!jinyoung, fluff summary: all the matters regarding bae jinyoung’s grades is now placed in your hand but it seems like it’s not just his grades that you’re going to take responsibility for. (requested - bullet point format) word count: 2.3k 
note: a requested scenario by an anon! i’m so sorry if it’s really lengthy hahah but i really really hope you like it ;; thank you for requesting, once again it means a lot! as well as that, many thanks for the likes, follows and reblogs - words can’t say how much i truly appreciate it, thank you thank you ; ~ ; < 3
all a’s with a rank that never goes below than top five 
you wouldn’t be a member of the student council for no reason
warm, friendly, responsible and hardworking - you’re the definition of being a blessing 
esp to the teachers bc you’re one of those kids who actually help them and not give them a headache (unlike me smh) 
like tbh you’re not the school president 
but somehow people treat you like you are bc why aren’t you the school president??
you’re even more responsible than the school president and your attendance is better 
the votes are rigged!! jk it’s not 
a lot of students know you, not just because of the student council 
but because you’re a really great tutor 
like the greatest 
you could probably take over the teacher’s job bc everyone just comes to you and asks
that’s why the teachers love you so much lmao 
you have so much patience and kindness that you don’t mind getting bombarded by questions and taking your time to teach others
like forget the religion of hwang minhyun 
that doesn’t exist here bc the religion of the “angelic sunbae” does 
yeah you earned that endearment after some random seventh grade kid yelled that out loud when you were in tenth grade and somehow it stuck with you all the way till your last year of high school
now everyone just refers to you as that name 
and that’s how bae jinyoung knew you at first 
“jinyoung-ah. you see that sunbae? she’s the school’s angelic sunbae.” 
jinyoung looks at the direction of his friend’s point, the smile that lights up on your face and the way your eyes crinkle as you laugh with your friends causes his stomach to churn
but this boi isn’t really the brightest so he thinks he ate something 
yeh like his feelings oOHOOHOH 
“angelic sunbae?” jinyoung softly repeats to himself, his eyes never leaving you.  
that of course wasn’t really proven until his grades drastically dropped 
apparently it dropped so much that his teacher deemed it as concerning 
like the boi only went from 98% to 70% - at least he passes look at me i winged an aural test and if i get 50% i’ll be over the moon
but this cute baby did admit he was struggling with the topic they were currently learning despite feeling so insecure confessing it 
so the teacher was like “issok boi, i gotchu.” 
and by that his teacher meant “lemme hit you up with the only student who i know can do this bc im not dealing with your crap” 
idk if your life is all sorted or you just don’t seem to have one but you happily agreed tho bc why the hek not
hence why you enter the school library and start searching for this student
you weren’t really expecting much bc you’re obviously used to helping other people when it comes to academic things 
and bc he was the only person in that area, you assumed that he was the one you were gonna teach
i mean you were prepared to teach him 
didn’t mean you were prepared for the fact that he was really handsome
you walked up to him with an apologetic smile bc even if you came right on time, he still had to wait and you felt guilty for that 
“sorry, were you waiting long? i didn’t know you’d come earlier.”
meanwhile jinyoung’s just staring at you, looking all flustered and cute bc he’s freaking out on the inside 
he just doesn’t know what to do in front of you so he simply shakes his head bc sha sha sha yknow 
so there’s like this five second silence of awkwardness before you flash a smile at him 
and your smile makes him feel alive again like is that even possible when he’s been living the entire time 
“well i’m y/n and i’m going to tutor you from now on but don’t fret, i’m not that strict and as your tutor, i’ll do my hardest to make things easier for you to understand but don’t be shy and speak up if you have issues okay?” 
he’s not really giving you a reply bc he’s just listening to how nice your voice is since it’s really soft and gentle
after all he hears on a daily is daehwi whining and jihoon with his stupid aegyo experiments so your voice is something he could get used to 
but bc he aint answering, you’re just looking at him waiting for a reply and he’s making this entire thing more awkward than it should be so he just nods
apparently for you, that nod is enough to make you feel happy and giddy so your smile widens and he swears that the whole room just became brighter 
“so, do you wanna get started??” 
okay so you’ve been tutoring for about a few months, three days a week
at first he clearly wasn’t the talker but that was okay
your social skills were as good as the visuals this boi was blessing you 
but bc you were really friendly, he opened up to you pretty quick 
and now he’s just being a little piece of r00d crap 
nowadays he’s treating you like you’re the younger one by patting your head and using his height advantage to tower over you before giving you that damn cheeky smile 
sometimes he even drops honourifics and calls you whatever he feels like
“did you just call me a little kid- ” “no, sunbaenim. i didn’t say that you must have been hearing things.” 
lol who says you were complaining tho, you’re growing fond of him 
but ofc i made you oblivious so you wouldnt really know that you’re not just fond of him, you like him ahah howbowdah 
meanwhile underneath cheeky!jinyoung is filled-with-anxiety!jinyoung who ain’t up for the fact that he could get busted anytime soon 
busted for numerous reasons 
cos for one, he basically knows everything you’re teaching him bc he’s outright smart 
that topic that he confessed he was struggling with? 
yeah that was highkey a lie, he just didn’t want to outright tell the teacher that he binged watch fancams and fan-made videos of pristin’s joo kyulkyung instead of studying for the exam (pls support pristin btw) 
and second, jinyoung may or may not have started liking you 
it was weird bc at first he thought he was just sick
but what sickness includes symptoms of making excuses to see a person, trying their hardest to make that person laugh and being restless at night bc all they to do is think about the person?? 
that’s right folks 
i mean,,,
love yeh that
so those marks of his that doesn’t necessarily show improvement?? 
lmao jinyoung purposefully answers them incorrectly to keep his scores down 
bc you tutoring him is the only way he can keep seeing you 
but haha guess what it’s that time of the semester again where he gets more exams 
this time tho you were gonna motivate him even more 
“okay, baejin.” you say to him, pulling out his favourite drink and placing it on the table 
he’s just looking at it with a cheeky grin, “wahh sunbae, i didn’t know you were the type to bribe people.” 
you playfully glare at him but a smile still reaches up to your face a nano-second later 
“i’m not really the type to and it’s actually my first time.” 
jinyoung just grins, his eyes never leaving you as he leans forward on the table, “i must be special then.” 
of course, you roll your eyes bc wow this kid used to be so shy towards you at the start and look at the boldness he has now tsk tsk
“you are special.” 
enter jinyoung’s heart going ‘dugeun dugeun’ (totally making a snl reference) 
ok ok why am i getting excited i know the ending to this wheezes 
“ever since mr. jung gave me the responsibility to tutor, your grades also falls into my hands,” you begin in a rather serious tone that is immediately contrasted when he sees you grin again, “and whilst there isn’t really noticeable changes onto your results, this test might determine things so i’d like to propose a deal with you.” 
jinyoung simply raises an eyebrow cos he aint taking you seriously after all the silly antics you’ve been showing him for the past few months 
“y’know, this would have been more effective at the start when i actually took you a little more seriously, sunbae.”
“well, i didn’t think of it earlier okay! i’m human too,” you slam your fists on the table gently with a pout, 
srsly not a good idea to be happily stuffing your face with food bc he took a lot of photos of you, reasoning that “you’re just too cute. i can’t help that.” 
jinyoung just watches you, laughing to himself bc you’re cute when you’re annoyed. “okay, okay i’m listening.”
“right, well if you get at least over 90% for two out of your upcoming exams - regardless of any subject, i’ll reward you by granting your wish.” 
lmao this boi was doing his best to maintain a poker face and not let out that mischievous smile of his bc he’s gonna pass these test with flying colours.
“well what if i don’t get a 90% for my exams?” he questions causing you to think about it. 
“i don’t know, you can be my slave for three months or something. i’ll think of the consequences later but do we have a deal or not?” 
he leans back on his chair, holding his chin almost as if he’s thinking about it thoroughly 
a huge lie cos he’s just damn pretending 
“hmmm, 90% for all exams and you have yourself a deal.” jinyoung says with a confident smile 
you let out a sound of approval, slowly clapping “since when was little jinyoung so confident? are you sure?” 
“of course! so deal?” he extends his hand 
grinning, you take his hand and firmly shake it, “deal.” 
you were waiting for him to arrive, casually sipping your favourite drink and his on the table 
once you see him enter the library, you instantly jump out of your seat 
his exams are finished and the results have been finalised, resting in his bag 
but he’s walking towards you with an unreadable expression 
suddenly you’re feeling anxious and worried bc he looks upset and you don’t like seeing him sad 
“baejin...did it not go well...?” 
he’s looking down, not giving a reply and just lets out a sigh 
your heart’s close to breaking bc he must have put so much effort and hardwork into studying 
yet the next thing you know 
there are these exam papers on the table and it certainly aint yours so you look over them
and all his exam papers were all marked with a’s and nothing below 95% 
so now you’re just confused and standing there frozen bc your brain isn’t processing it well 
five seconds later you look up at him, a fist raised in the air bc you were gonna punch this guy for tricking you 
your tears were gonna come out wth this guy srsly
but you see that smile of his, eyes filled with so much joy that you can’t help to forgive him
“yah! i got so scared - i was gonna start crying.” you whine, slapping his arm lightly 
jinyoung just lets out a laugh, ruffling your hair. “sorry, i just wanted to tease you a little.” 
you roll your eyes but still grin, “whatever, weirdo but i guess i have to keep the promise so as a reward, i will grant one of your wishes! have you thought about it yet??” 
he sends you a wide smile before nodding, “yeap.” 
“okay, what is it?” 
“spend a day out with me.” jinyoung says but instantly back pedals by stuttering a little, “i mean - if you want to though. i’m not forcing you or a-anything.” 
you look a him, trying your hardest not to blush and ignoring that slight skipping of your heart. “so, like a date basically?” 
“i-if you want to consider it as a d-date.” 
“okay. it’s a date then.” 
jinyoung just pauses then looks at you with widened eyes, “wait- what?! really? you’d go on a date with me?” 
so now he’s just freaking out mentally and emotionally bc he was expecting a cold-hard rejection 
he even practiced the situation with daehwi 
you’re just laughing, shaking your head in amusement bc this boy can be really cute, “yeah why not? it’s not every day i get asked out by a cute guy.” 
jinyoung with his red ears, blushing cheeks and grin that goes from ear-to-ear feels like celebrating 
he could go on the table and just dance right there and then if he had no self control 
“but can i ask you something?” you stretch your arm to poke his cheek and he immediately nods his head 
“how did you get above 90% for all your exams? i thought you were struggling with these concepts.” 
jinyoung sends you one hell of a mischievous grin and you can sort of tell that something isn’t right, slightly stepping backwards as he begins to explain, “i may or may not have been lying about my low grades...?” 
and hence to end the day, jinyoung blasts out the library and into the beautiful sunset, laughing away as you start to follow suit and beginning the chasing game.  
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hyotaem · 7 years
why kim kibum is a RAVENCLAW
first of all kim kibum’s ugly ass can fight me for shoving his “““““““““““slytherin””””””””””” self in my face with all his stupid instagram posts this is the FIRST time i haven’t been excited about him posting. now let’s be real here the sorting hat must’ve been smoking some crack or something if it put kibum in slytherin………. he’s CLEARLY A RAVENCLAW and i have PROOF. SO MUCH proof that i’m about to write six pages of this shit!!!! ten virtual bucks and all of miss sha’s love to you if you actually read all of my anger induced rambling :)
okay!! now let’s get rowling’s awfully one dimensional and un-fleshed-out definition of what a ravenclaw is out of the way : the smart ones. that’s it. “wit beyond measure is man’s greatest treasure” blah blah all of that. basically the way she set it up in the (amazing) shitshow that was the harry potter books, most people interpreted it as “oh you do well in academics and stuff you get straight as and all that cool jazz so you must be a ravenclaw!” EXCEPT. getting good grades isn’t the only type of intelligence you can have and this especially applies to kibum because although i don’t know how well he did in school i do know that he has immense creative intelligence that screams ravenclaw AND NOT FUCKING SLYTHERIN GOD DAMN IT. also point number two!! if that was the only thing that made you a ravenclaw then hermione wouldn’t be a goddamn gryffindor. if you think back to book one (for those of you that have forgotten already, that’s the sorcerer’s stone or the philosopher’s stone depending on where you came from - a completely unnecessary change that still baffles me because despite the fact that americans are dumb i don’t think we’re THAT dumb that we wouldn’t know what a philosopher is but i digress) there’s that scene while they’re in room with the logic test with the poison and she says something along the lines of “yeah logic and cleverness is great and all but bravery and friendship is where it’s at harry!! now go beat voldemort’s ass!” (keep in mind i don’t have the books in front of me right now lol) it’s because she values those gryffindor qualities more than she values the qualities of intelligence that she was placed in gryffindor but that wasn’t very well expanded on in the books and it isn’t super relevant to ravenclaw kibum so i’ll move on.
one of my biggest points is the whole intelligence isn’t limited to getting good grades in school one. so in 1983 a developmental psychologist (don’t know what that is and i’m too lazy to google but i’m assuming he knew what he was talking about) came up with this theory?? idea?? whatever. that there are in fact nine different types of intelligence and you can’t bullet point in essays so bear with me: there’s naturalist intelligence which is like nature and stuff… not my thing and not kibum’s either so we’ll move forward; musical intelligence - let’s stop this list right here so i can point a giant finger at kibum’s obvious musical talent (which fingers crossed we’ll get to see in his solo album which will happen i have hope) - logical/mathematical (it took me four tries to spell that right could you believe i used to be a three time school spelling bee champion hahhahhahah) which is what i believe most people think of when they think “intelligence;” existential (why do we exist? what is our purpose here on earth? what the fuck exactly is a human? what is consciousness? this is for the ones who have existential crises every other day congrats you’re smart). this paragraph is getting too long lemme move to the next one -
yes hi where were we : interpersonal! this is a another one i think kibum has a lot of; he’s really extroverted and have you ever noticed that he knows like. everyone because he makes friends super easily and everything?? he knows how people work and he’s comfortable around them. next, linguistic intelligence, which he possesses a lot of too - we all know the man’s smart as hell when it comes to languages it’s real sexy; intra-personal (this is like…. knowing yourself and your thoughts/feelings which sounds fake to me but whatever); and last but not least (or yes least depending on how much of it you have) spatial intelligence which yeah kibum has a lot of because this applies to visual art and stuff and also comes in handy if you’re an engineer. (shout out to any of those reading this now stop and go do your job or something fucking nerds!)
so we’ve established that kibum is super intelligent, especially creatively, which you already should’ve known if you’ve been a shawol for longer than two seconds or aren’t stanning solely for visuals… my point is : kibum’s a smart dude!! so one box for ravenclaw checked! i’m not trying to say if you’re not a ravenclaw you’re stupid by the way because all of this means jack shit if you don’t value your intelligence, which brings us back to the whole situation with hermione - she was in gryffindor because gryffindor’s qualities were more important to her. but i think it’s clear kibum takes a whole lot of pride in his creative accomplishments and he’s always looking to add more to his loooooong resumé of cool shit i’ve done at such a young age (taemin has one of those except his is cool shit i’ve done at an even younger age). it’s these traits of his that stand out the most in my opinion which checks another ravenclaw kibum box!
completely unrelated to actual house sorting but kibum looks incredible in blue. pretend i attached pictures for reference.
listen being in ravenclaw isn’t all flowers and rainbows (that’s more hufflepuff; you can find them in the kitchens xx). this emphasis on logic and intelligence can often create a chasm between the more human side of things. ravenclaws tend to forget that emotion plays just a big a part in how things work as pure, cold logic does - which obviously doesn’t always apply, because interpersonal intelligence is a facet of ravenclawism?? let’s pretend that’s a word. ravenclaws can also be real perfectionists and super hard on themselves. and don’t forget that they can get big heads too - placing a higher value on intelligence, creative or not, doesn’t make you better than the rest of the houses, ravenclaws.
trust me, i know. i’m a ravenclaw. fuck pottermore.
i just realized something. in any proper school essay, you never just jump into things the way i did. idk if any of you learned tags?? theme, author, general, specific (or something like that; forgive me if i can’t remember, oh sophomore year honors english teacher) but yeah i forgot to do all that and just kinda went KIBUM IS A RAVENCLAW FUCK HIM so…
i’m assuming whoever’s reading this has either read and/or watched at least one of the harry potter books/movies. if you’ve only ever seen the movies (or worse, just one movie) get the fuck out of my sight! nah, just kidding, i’m ready to explain all this shit to y’all. so buckle in, kids and non kids, because you’re about to have a crash course on hogwarts school of witchcraft and wizardry completely from my shitty memory!
so hogwarts is this amazing school in england that teaches young, impressionable kids magic tricks but with real magic. it’s the wave your wand, say the latin inspired magic words, and boom! you just turned your rat into a teacup (or if you’re ron, you got stuck halfway and now peter pettigrew is having the worst time of his life since [spoiler]). it’s pretty much the most dangerous place you can send your kid especially if one (1) harry james potter is in the student body, because this snake man with no nose is coming to get him because he’s holding a ten year or so grudge that he couldn’t kill him when he wanted to. also [spoiler] plays a part in that lmao voldemort isn’t that shallow. but he is pretty shallow.
on your first day at this super cool school you put a magic talking hat on your head and it compartmentalizes you into one of four houses based on your personality, your values, and your strengths. it’s like divergent except less black and white. (and if you’ve seen/read divergent and not harry potter get your fucking priorities in order wtf???) you’ve probably heard of these houses - gryffindor, slytherin, ravenclaw, and hufflepuff - even if you know shit about harry potter because you’re friend has said to you “oh yeah i’m a hufflepuff” and you went “oh cool haha sounds fucking dumb” and unfortunately for your poor hufflepuff friend most people look down on hufflepuff. thank god that’s changing and fuck rowling for making it that way. no one has time for her silly “all slytherins are evil” narrative.
rowling-wise (hope y’all are realizing by now that i’m not her biggest fan) the houses are pretty much as one-dimensional as divergent was: gryffindor was for the big, strong, brave people; ravenclaw for the smart; slytherin for… well, evil; and everyone else gets to be a hufflepuff and get labelled as nice. nothing wrong with being nice, but if you’re just nice, you’re boring, and hey, hufflepuffs don’t deserve that. maybe it’s tweaking canon a bit, but fandom has collectively shifted away from these stereotypes and effectively (more effectively than rowling, at least) expanded on what actually makes a gryffindor a gryffindor and so forth. (also, yeah, i thought i was a hufflepuff for years before i took a good look at myself in the mirror and realized i’m a lazy piece of shit that doesn’t deserve to be in that house)
off the top of my head, hogwarts was founded by four wizards with varying levels of assholishness, and their last names are where we get the houses. each one of them basically picked the qualities they wanted to see in their students (gg : “i want the loudmouths who are brave and awesome!” rr: “i want the ones who think being smart is sexy” ss: “i want the ambitious prideful ones” and lovely helga hufflepuff was like “cool i’ll just take the rest they’re amazing too”) and so the houses were formed. things quickly unraveled after that because mr. slytherin was a racist piece of shit and he only wanted the “pure-blooded” families to send their kids to hogwarts (meaning the ones wizarding families who were all wizards) and the rest were like “wtf bro?? what about the mixed kids. or the random muggle-borns blessed with the ability to bewitch??” and salazar was like “nah i’m out goodbye fuckers i hate you all for being open-minded and shit.” so, i mean, it really doesn’t come as a surprise that slytherin gets such a bad rep considering the first ever slytherin was on the high end of the asshole spectrum. and then all that shit with the [spoiler] in chamber of secrets happened, so not only was he an asshole, but he was also fucking insane. good riddance. but the rest stayed, and they made hogwarts famous, and then they died and became ghosts to haunt the corridors of the school or whatever.
so now that your brief hogwarts, a history lesson is over, let’s talk a little more about slytherin because i feel like it! also the whole idea about all slytherins being evil, power-hungry, greedy fuckers is wrong and needs to be dispelled. yes, power does play a huge role in who a slytherin is, but it doesn’t necessarily have to be a “crush everyone underneath me” kind of thing - it’s more like an ambition-driven one. sure, a lot of slytherins are bad, like, say, voldemort, who was so obsessed with power and living forever that he pretty much killed himself, with a little bit of help from our lovely hero harry. and like… i could go into detail about how horrible and abusive snape was (yes he did have a few good qualities but they certainly weren’t redeeming ones fuck off) but i’d max out the number of pages for this essay so maybe another time. if you’re a snape apologist…… well i hope you see the light soon. that’s a real stain on your person. but yeah - not every single slytherin you see is pure evil; regulus black exists (please read the books) and like. narcissa malfoy just wanted to protect her son, you know? doesn’t excuse most of the shit she did but her intentions weren’t completely “oh i want to be powerful also i’m better than everyone because i’m pureblood and you’re not haha.”
also taemin!! there’s a lovely slytherin. smart, ambitious, sweet, great smile, i’ll stop before this turns into a soft rant - taemin is textbook slytherin but surprise he isn’t in the game just so he can put other people down. and i wasn’t serious about my other if you’re blank then stop reading this but if you don’t think taemin’s a slytherin you can exit. right now. i’m serious i don’t want to be associated with y’all. AND IT’S EVEN WORSE IF YOU THINK HE’S A HUFFLEPUFF!!! you’re going to put lee “work over relationships” taemin into hufflepuff? he’s pure slytherin; he’s driven by ambition - idk if you noticed when he was talking about his budokan concerts but he mentioned how he worked so hard on it for his own sake. he wanted to prove to himself as well as others that he could pull off something so grand and incredible (and he did but once again that’s soft rant territory so i’ll pull back) and that’s slytherin. this isn’t necessarily in a bad way, but he’s so willing to throw his members under the bus for his own sake - go watch their weekly idol. THAT DOESN’T MAKE HIM EVIL LMAO a big part of being a slytherin is relationships with others!! when the worst comes to worst, loyalty is important to slytherins. it’s not one of their defining characteristics like it is for gryffindor but it’s still super important. that’s not to say he doesn’t have hufflepuff traits (y’know, working hard! being dedicated!) but those coupled with entirely slytherin motivations of proving oneself and becoming the best they can be point him towards slytherin’s direction. slytherins have a tendency of throwing everyone and everything away (including, many times, themselves) for the sake of achieving their goal and taemin is a perfect example of that. sure, he’s as sweet as a person who laughs when other people are crying can be, but that doesn’t automatically make him a hufflepuff. it’s not like everyone who isn’t a hufflepuff is mean or that every hufflepuff is a gooey pile of chocolate and sunshine.
anyway… this is about kibum…
(fun fact : the animal associated with the ravenclaw house is actually an eagle. something about soaring to new intellectual heights or something. would’ve been easier to just make it a raven because it’s not like ravens can’t fly too but whatever.)
probably one of the biggest roadblocks with sorting people into hogwarts houses is the overlap that occurs between traits of different houses. having one trait - or even a few of them - doesn’t automatically mean you fit solidly into a house, because you have to take your own ideals and values into account, as well as the way you approach things in life. it’s not to say kibum isn’t ambitious, because yeah, he is, but the way his ambition is directed towards his creative pursuits for the sake of expanding his creative intelligence is a ravenclaw thing you know?? same with jonghyun (who is also a ravenclaw) - the way he approaches all of his creative pursuits is completely in the artistic sense. jonghyun is creatively brilliant - let’s look at his radio show, or his song-writing, or his composing, or his book writing, etc. - and just because he’s a ravenclaw doesn’t mean he’s not ambitious. sure he’s ambitious but is anyone sitting here calling him a slytherin?? no, seriously - does anyone think jonghyun’s a slytherin? because i’ve never seen that. most people put him in hufflepuff and not ravenclaw… but why? is it because he’s soft? because that’s a hell of a stereotype, too, and it’s not like all ravenclaws are cold, emotionally detached bitches who only care about getting 100 percents on their quizzes.
what i’m trying to say is people can’t be categorized into boxes the way the houses were originally constructed; otherwise, most of the population would just be hufflepuffs. sorting also takes your personal wishes, your goals, what you think is important into consideration. so, yeah, if kibum really wanted he could totally be a slytherin, but it would pretty much be for the sake of being a slytherin because that cunning is not what he deems most important. let’s go back to harry potter himself - the sorting hat was really fucking ready to put him in slytherin, and as much as you can argue that it was because a piece of voldemort, of evil, was in him or whatever, you can’t deny that harry has a lot of inherently slytherin traits. he knows how to work people, he knows how to get out of tricky situations because he’s witty and yeah, cunning as hell. and yes, he asked not to be put in slytherin, but that’s mainly because he walked into hogwarts having heard nothing but stereotypes about the house (like that one line that ron said about how not everyone in slytherin was evil but how everyone evil came from slytherin, the whole square rectangle relationship). and keep in mind that he didn’t specifically ask to be put into gryffindor but that the sorting hat recognized those qualities that he also had and the fact that he valued them more as well and made the decision to sort him into gryffindor.
sorting is a tricky business, thanks to those gray areas. there are ravenclaws that could be academically behind others, but they work their asses off because they want to learn. hard work is, again, technically a hufflepuff trait but their objective, their main focus, is the learning aspect which makes them a ravenclaw! an excellent real life example would be minho, who you can argue has several gryffindor traits, like… he’s loud and i guess he’s brave and all, but hufflepuff fits him a thousand times better. the importance he places on relationships and especially loyalty is purely hufflepuff and he makes a damn good one, too. i think that’s what annoys me most about people who think taemin’s too “sweet” or “nice” to be a slytherin - i hate to break it to you, but not every slytherin is mean and selfish. they just value being at the top because they believe they deserve it, and you can’t really fault a person for that, and it doesn’t mean they think everyone else is automatically lesser, either.
i’m going to wrap this up now because i want to watch final life and i’ve also made pretty much every point i can think of right now. kibum might be out there dropping $100+ on overpriced slytherin wands and parading around in his slytherin scarf but honestly? i’m still convinced he’s a ravenclaw because it just fits him so much better. but i guess slytherin is a good second choice! he really made me angry enough to write an entire goddamn essay about this wow
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