#demanding to know why naruto was never told about the Uzumaki Clan and why Kakashi said he wasn't allowed to say anything on the subject
numbuh-7-knd · 6 months
Random Naruto AU musings/fanfic ideas incoming:
OK so, I was listening to Naruto theme songs in my room via speaker to drown out the sounds of my mother/housemate having a private appointment downstairs via zoom. (As you do)
And I started to think of how Asuma's death kind of represented a turning point where the konaha 12 are not kids anymore, things are getting serious, main ensemble members are drying, ect.
And I thought, the other thing like that in the original series was the death of the third homage. Exept even that didn't hit as hard because he was old and stuff. Then I realized one big opportunity lost with his death: the person was likely to maybe someday tell Naruto the truth of his parents, especially since he's the one who made it classified in the first place.
Here's where the AU comes in: I was trying to think of scenarios in which the third would have allowed Naruto to know about his parents during the time before the thirds death, and had a thought: there's a bunch of fics out there of Wave having some connection to hidden Whirlpool village, Uzushio, either neighbors or even that they were protected by/allied with Uzushio before the village destruction.
So what if, during the wave arc, Tazuna and the other villagers reacted when they heard Naruto's last name, being overjoyed to hear that at least one Uzumaki survived. Being hush hush about it because they don't want Gato to know because having an Uzumaki present threatens his standing.
Eventually they get Naruto alone with some of the older villagers who express their relief and exitment that there are still surviving Uzumaki after the destruction of Uzushio.
Naruto is so confused, poor kid. These old people are almost acting like he's some long lost relative or something, something about his last name, the destruction of some place called Uzushio? And what's this about asking about his family? Are all these old people senile and mistaking him for someone else?
The villagers confirm his last name is Uzumaki, and that they are talking about his clans home village of Uzushio, which was destroyed during the last war. What do you mean you've never heard of it? Is your ancestral homeland surely your parents would have mentioned it.
And then they learn that he's an orphan left all alone in the world, nothing of his family save his name and the symbol on his back. He tries so suggest that maybe he's not related to those Uzumaki, only to be rebuffed by a team of geriatrics, each pointing out some innocuous feature they swear is an Uzumaki trait, from his speech pattern and large amount of Chakra, to his ears and his chin.
By the end a group of Wave villagers old enough to remember Uzushio in its prime have mentally adopted Naruto and started telling him stories of Uzushio and the Uzumaki Clan, even trying to determine who he might be related to.
Eventually an old woman remembers a friend of hers, who's daughter was sent away to Konoha years before the attack, to be a Konoha ninja. they figure that must have been his mother, and naruto puts together that he was born around the same time as the nine tails attack of the village and they come to the conclusion that his mother probably died in the attack, weakened from childbirth, maybe even dying to protect her baby, and that he must not have had a dad in the picture for him not to be claimed afterwards.
Maybe they even introduce him to a village elder who's actually an Uzumaki and married into Wave decades ago, even long before the attack, and as she took her husband's name and wasn't a ninja, no one caught on. Maybe it Turns out to be his great aunt or something.
I'm imaging the bridge being named something representing the return of the Uzumaki clan.
Also, when the missions over and is time to return to Konoha, the entire village of Wave tries to fight for custody, especially his Great Aunt, who insists on accompanying them back to Konoha to interrogate the Hokage as to her grand nephew's treatment.
Maybe his newly found great aunt or distant cousin decides to move to Konoha, maybe with a bunch of her kids and grandkids giving Naruto a bunch of cousins. Or maybe he just gains a single elderly Uzumaki refugee from Wave.
I feel like Sasuke would be pretty mad/offended on narutos behalf over having the knowledge of his family hidden from him, since at least Sasuke has his memories and his clans belongings.
It'd be pretty funny if however many Uzumakis end up in the village, they all more or less adopt Sasuke as well as Naruto.
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365daysofsasuhina · 5 years
[ 365 Days of SasuHina || Day Three Hundred Fifty-Nine: Community ] [ Uchiha Sasuke, Hyūga Hinata, Uzumaki Naruto ] [ SasuHina ] [ Verse: A Light Amongst Shadows ] [ AO3 Link ]
“I just...I don’t understand!”
“That’s my point. You don’t. And given your perspective, I’m not sure you ever will.”
“What happened wasn’t the fault of everyone in the village. So why do you blame them?”
“I don’t! I blame them for their complacency! You’ve known the truth since Obito confronted you on the way to Tetsu no Kuni. He told you everything…! What the council, and the Hokage, and Danzō did to my clan. To my brother, to me…! Someone you claim to care about, to understand! But rather than address it - rather than finally come to terms with my goals, and what I needed for closure and justice - it was like you never heard a word. All you cared about was dragging my ass back to Konoha, whether I wanted it or not.”
“Because it’s your home! Your community! Where your friends are! Where your family lived -”
“And died. Or more accurately, were massacred by my own government. No trials, no publicity...just outright murder. You think I wanted to be dragged back to the place where my family was butchered and then sold for parts by Danzō? Where the rest of the council that organized the Uchiha genocide are not only still alive, but in power…? You think I wanted to come back here without any hint of justice? No mention from you, or Sakura, or Kakashi about addressing the massacre. Nothing. Not a word, or a whisper. Because from the time I left, my goals and my pain didn’t matter to you. All that did was your entitlement to my time and person. You call me a friend, but when have you ever done anything to help me accomplish the only goal I’ve had since I was seven years old?”
Naruto, breath heavy with emotion, has no answer.
Sasuke stares back, his own - somehow - calmer. “...you tell me that my friends are here. Maybe they are. But until I get apologies - and action - regarding what befell my clan at the hands of the village you love so much...I can’t call you a friend. My clan was the only thing that mattered to me. Konoha had mistreated them based on the actions of one man for generations. Treated them, at times, as second class citizens. My father’s attempts to have talks regarding the tensions between them were always met with stony silence. He felt he had no choice, for the sake of his people, to rebel against the ones holding them hostage. They held us to Madara’s actions, even as we turned our backs on him and remained loyal to Konoha. Tobirama gave us the police force, but never gave up his suspicion and ire. We were kept in a back corner of the village, separate from everyone. When the Kyūbi attacked, we were blamed. And in the end...we told the truth. It wasn’t us. It was Obito, acting on Madara’s orders. The man we turned against in favor of a village that then never trusted us despite our loyalty. And for that...all but one of us is now dead.
“...I know that the people of Konoha aren’t to blame for the massacre. That lays on the shoulders of four people, two of which are now dead...one of which I had to do myself. So you have a choice, Naruto. You can blindly accept the actions of your village’s council - refuse to do anything to address their crimes - or you can step up and act like the Hokage you want to be. You can look at this injustice, and do something about it.” A dark eye narrows. “...or I will. No more swallowing the truth for Konoha’s benefit. Its foundation is built on the bones of my clan. I will see justice done, one way or another. What side of history do you want to be on?”
“Until you and the others make up your minds, I don’t want to hear from you. As long as you stand silent on this...you don’t have the right to my time.” Turning on a heel, Sasuke leaves his teammate’s apartment.
He knew it would be pointless. Knew that his team was still too blinded by village loyalty to consider removing the poisoned roots. But on the off chance that he could get some increment of the truth through Naruto’s thick skull, he had to try.
And look where it gets him.
He knows there’s still recovery going on. From the destruction wrought by Pein, from the war...in the grand scheme of things, justice for a crime a decade old - no matter its scale - has to wait.
...but he doesn’t want to wait forever.
Even now, the sting of his team’s inaction and silence after learning what Konoha’s elders had done boils his blood...but he’s working on his temper. Koharu and Homura still have to answer for their actions. Hiruzen and Danzō are dead. Once some kind of justice is done to those who remain...he’ll be satisfied.
...but beyond that, he wants the truth known. The price the Uchiha paid the ultimate price for the stability of the village that betrayed them. He wants every citizen - shinobi and civilian alike - to know just what that stability has cost him. So that it can weigh on them as it weighs on him.
He won’t let this be forgotten. Buried. Lost to time and the sins of a system he will help change.
Outside Naruto’s apartment, the weather has turned overcast, the first few drops of rain beginning to fall as he shuts the door, crouching atop the railing before hopping his way down rooftops and balconies to the street below. It doesn’t bother him. In fact, he finds it more than appropriate.
Even now, the people of Konoha look to him warily, distrust in their eyes. He wonders how those looks will change once they realize what drove him. What still drives him.
...he wonders if they ever will.
Water soon begins to drip from his fringe, the hair bouncing with every release of weight. He doesn’t mind the rain. It’s hardly about to make him ill.
But someone else notices.
For a sliver of a moment, the name irks him. Sakura still calls him that. But this isn’t Sakura. The tone is far too soft, far more polite than her grating, attention-demanding recitals of his name. Instead, a glance to a nearby shop overhang reveals a growingly-familiar face.
Hyūga Hinata.
Their mutual connections have meant being thrown together rather often since his return a few weeks ago. While she was so unnoticeable before he left he barely knew her, he’s still become aware of how much she’s changed. Possibly the most out of anyone in their year, if he’s to be honest.
“...um...did you forget an umbrella?”
“Left before I knew I’d need one. It’s not about to kill me.”
“No, but…” Her brow gives a funny little furrow: torn between hesitation and determination. “...would you like to use mine?”
“I’m fine, Hyūga.”
“But -?”
He gives a roll of his eyes alongside a sigh. “...fine. I’m just going home, anyway.”
“O...okay.” Unfurling the thing, she steps up alongside him, and a glance reminds him of how much shorter she is than him. The lavender umbrella is actually fairly wide, and keeps most of the rain off them both.
“Were you...out for a walk?”
“Well, I just...I noticed you aren’t carrying anything, so…”
“I was visiting Naruto.”
“It didn’t go well.”
“...oh. I’m...sorry to hear that.”
“He’s just being his typical bullheaded self.” Hinata, as it turns out, is one of the few people most privy to the whole affair. Not that Sasuke minds - if anything, he’s glad to know someone else is aware.
Especially since she’s been a rather vocal voice taking his side.
The Hyūga, after all, are distant relatives of the Uchiha. While he hardly calls them kin, they’re the most similar to his late clan, in both terms of skills and power. And Hinata’s experiences - while hardly to the scale of his own - grant her a unique perspective on the matter...along with an understanding.
She offers a soft sigh. “...may I ask what...was said?”
“He seems to think that I need to relax and just try to adjust back into the village. It’s like he’s not considering my point about the council at all. Something has to be done. I won’t stand for anything less. But it’s like he wants me to just...pretend none of it happened. Waltz around Konoha like I never left. Rejoin the community. Like I can just open up my arms and everything will be how it was. Or...how he thought it was.”
“...Naruto-kun does seem to have a bit of a, um...rose-tinted view of the village’s politics,” Hinata replies, tone a bit dry. “...even after all that happened with the Hyūga, and with Neji-nīsan, he hasn’t approached us about his supposed promise to help us reform the branched clan policy. It’s been Neji and I heading that front. It can’t and w-won’t be so easy for you to adjust back to life in the village...especially when the people responsible for your clan’s genocide are still walking free.”
Her gaze averts downward. “...I’m sorry. I w-wish there was a way to make this easier. It’s been said been said before, but...please don’t forget that the Hyūga are with you. We’re prepared to help whatever way we can. But...we can’t act on our own. The other clans need to be made aware. Otherwise...I’m afraid the revelation will spark panic and mistrust.”
“As it should, honestly,” Sasuke mutters. “An entire clan was wiped out without fair trial or a proper audience. Any other clan, should they ever have a grievance severe enough, could be next. Of course...none of them have the relationship with the long-standing Senju-biased power in Konoha that my clan did. But once they know what happened...it’ll be a very real concern.”
“Exactly. So...we have to handle this delicately. But...that does still mean we have to handle it.”
By now, the pair have wandered out toward the clan districts, the Hyūga gates coming up first. The Uchiha clan no longer has a gate: just a large, empty field where the land was re-leveled after Pein’s assault, sans for the house Sasuke’s been built.
After a brief silence, Hinata offers, “...I’m sure Naruto-kun and the others will c-come around. It’s just...complicated. I’m sure they want justice for you. But...we all have our other strings attached we h-have to account for.”
Sasuke sighs. “...I know. But until it’s made known, I’ll never just fit in the way Naruto wants me to. To everyone but a handful, I’m a criminal and a traitor only pardoned due to my ties to the Rokudaime and the village hero.”
Her expression falls. “...it isn’t fair. But...w-we’ll get there. And...hopefully we can help this community rebuild, in ways b-better than it was before. Konoha isn’t perfect, and...addressing its wrongs and shadows is important to help us more forward into a new era of peace. For all of us.”
For some reason, her words seem to really resound in his chest. All of us. Meaning him, too. Rebuild the community...hm…
An idea worming its way into his head, he comes to a stop with her at the Hyūga gate. “...thanks for listening.”
“Any time, Sasuke-kun. Do you...want to take my umbrella with you?”
“I’ll be fine, but thanks. It’s not much further.”
“All right. If you need anything...don’t hesitate to ask, ne?”
For a brief moment, a corner of his mouth flickers. “...I’ll keep that in mind.”
“...enjoy your evening, Sasuke-kun.”
“You too.”
Watching her head into the compound, he then turns and makes to conquer the last distance before home. He feels a lot...calmer now. Funny how talking with her always seems to do that, even if they really don’t talk that much.
...maybe that’s sort of the point.
Still...her words about working on Konoha’s interior have the cogs in his mind turning. There might be something to that...but, one step at a time.
     A bit more of my 'canon' verse cuz...that was the first thing to come to mind with this one!      My interpretation for Sasuke in this verse is not just all sunshine and rainbows with his team after the war. I, for one, CANNOT accept the Uchiha massacre just being swept under the rug the way it is in 700+. Cuz let's be real, a boy - man - who fought for justice for more than half his life, for a decade, wouldn't just shrug off genocide because his friend wants him to forget and just...go back and play house with his team that has, in all reality, done very little to support him and justice for his clan even AFTER learning the truth.      Hence doing things my way ;3 (And just as a heads up / reminder, no, I don't debate my view of things in comments, be it plot or characterization or relationships between characters. This is my interpretation. You're free to yours. Debating said topics is not what I'm here to do, since I've gotten some rather confrontational comments on the subject before, lol. This is a fanfic, not a forum for discussion. No likey, take hikey.)      ANYWHO, it's late, and I gotta head to bed! Thanks for reading~
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lovestruckay · 7 years
WIP Game
Talk about the WIPs you’re intending to work on this year.
I was tagged by @crimsonriley and this looks like a good opportunity to taunt all my readers lot of fun!
I’m going to tag @vesperlionheart, @shyyynobi, and @beyondthemoor to join in on the fun. And, because I absolutely count WIPs as including art, I’m going to tag @yomi-gaeru, @byelawliet, and @maybe-please! <3
I have a number of WIPs (over a dozen) but there are only a few that are going to be actively worked on this coming year.
MadaSaku, Time Travel AU, Eventually Mature
[FF - AO3]
This is my most popular fic and my main focus as a writer. It’s an AU where Sakura is thrown backwards in time during the battle between Danzo and Sasuke. The majority of the story so far is her amassing a reputation as a miracle healer and as an incredibly powerful kunoichi. I thought it would be more realistic for Sakura to have to survive and eventually thrive in the past before she came across one of the major clans (well, except for the poor Fuma clan). 
The story has already gotten to the point where she meets Madara and Izuna (in a pretty flashy way). This is my pride and joy and it’s a fic I’m very happy to write. I love writing Sakura as this incredibly powerful and indomitable woman who demands respect wherever she goes while simultaneously being this sweet, openhearted healer and friend. And I love writing Madara as being this powerful, intelligent and calculating, yet kind man who people have to work to earn a way into his heart. I always envisioned Madara as being a man who needed a indomitable woman like Sakura to make him happy. A woman who could challenge him yet encourage him at the same time. And this woman would certainly be Sakura.
“But you have blood on you,” she pointed out, taking a step towards him and reaching forward to touch a splatter of blood on the neck of his high collared shirt.
He nearly shivered as her fingertips brushed his clothed collar bone, his sharingan flickering on of its own accord. The world around him became sharp and crisp and the sight of her reaching out to touch him embedded in his mind before his sharingan returned to inactivity in the span of a heartbeat.
“It’s not mine,” he muttered in a tone deeper than normal as he stared at her concerned expression.
He turned his head to face her and could feel heat rising to his cheeks as he noticed how close they were, their noses nearly touching. All he could see of her was her half lidded eyes and her dilated pupils, the black heavily encroaching on the sea green of her irises. She stared right back into his lazily spinning sharingan, her own cheeks taking a red hue.
Uchiha MC
MadaSaku, Outlaw Biker AU, Mature
[FF - AO3]
This fic was actually the beginning of me rejoining the fanfiction world. I had written a couple fics but this was the first one I actually went out and posted. It started as a oneshot but I combined it with a couple other WIPs I had and created this awesome story that I was just giddy to write. It has turned out a long longer than I had anticipated although it has been so much fun to write.
It has just begun to rapidly escalate. The story is a little more than halfway done but there is going to be a lot of incredibly intense and “holy shit” moments coming up that are going to keep everyone on their toes! The story is really at a pivotal moment right now so any snippets will give away what’s going to happen. Sorry!
Untitled ObiSaku
[FF - AO3]
ObiSaku, AU where Obito comes back to the village, non-massacre, Mature
EDIT: I posted this fic while I was doing Sakura Week 2018. It didn’t turn out as absolutely filthy as I had previously planned as another fic (a MadaSaku fic - FF, AO3) I wrote decided to take the whole choking kink. While this fic is still smut, it’s not as dirty as I had originally planned.
This fic is one purely written out of spite. Some random user on AO3 was talking poorly about one of my MadaSaku fics and asked if I was going to do an ObiSaku fic too (because that’s soooooo ridiculous). So I replied with a “you better fucking believe it” and put together an outline for this pure filth with a heaping of fluff and plot.
Some aspects of this fic: Rin will be alive but her, Obito, and Kakashi will be non-romantic best friends. How Kushina and Minato will live and how Minato be Obito’s mentor as he trains him to take over as Hokage. Kakashi will still become the sensei for Team 7 and how Team 7 will split up to train individually, Sakura and Naruto going on journey’s with Tsunade and Jiraiya respectively and Sasuke going with Shisui to train with the Military Police. There will be a lot of self hate, kink self-shame, angst, and a wide age difference.
MadaSaku, alpha omega beta AU, founders era, Mature
This fic was entirely inspired by the “nesting” phenomenon in ABO fics. And the fact I very much wanted to write a MadaSaku ABO fic.
Sakura is the leader of the famous clan of healers, the Haruno clan. The Harunos are close allies of the Uzumaki clan, hailing from the same region, and Sakura and Mito are such close friends they consider each other sisters. It is because of Sakura’s influence that Hashirama puts fourth a peace treaty in exchange for him healing Izuna (much to Tobirama’s horror). When the village if finally founded, there is a meeting where all of the clan leaders that are allies of the Hidden Leaf join together to discuss the future. And this is where Madara and Sakura finally meet and everyone makes the catastrophic (at least for a city block) decision of trying to drag them apart.
There will of course be ABO smut with mating bites, pupping, womb sex, etc. But a huge aspect of it will be Sakura and her “nesting” behavior as she chooses a place to make her nest and have her pup. Very sweet and fluffy.
[FF - AO3]
ShisuiSaku, soulmarks AU, Mature
A cute and kind of funny little one shot made because there is a drastic shortage of ShisuiSakura fics. Depending on how long it turns out being I might break it up into smaller bites. It’ll be a non massacre fic with a healthy amount of angst, some super bad first impressions, some happy endings, Sakura being a badass, Team 7 being bffs, and Hokage Itachi.
Here are a coupe snippets although they are very rough because they are part of the outline and not actual written material.
Shisui didn’t get his soul mark until March 28th when he was eight years old.
He had gone to bed that night with clear skin and woke up that morning with his soul mark written across his left pectoral in a flowing, feminine script. He was excited to learn that he did in fact have a soulmate but the fact that the phrase now inked across his chest was the most random, nonsensical bullshit he had ever read in his short life dampened the feeling. Was his red string connecting him to a psychopath?
He couldn’t think of any other reason as to why someone’s first words to him would be “Pants are not ripe water grass bastard”.
What in the hell does that even mean? Was it some sort of secret code? Was she going to be drunk? Was she insane?
Sakura has had her soul mark since she was born although she didn’t learn this until she was a young girl.
When she had asked her parents why she didn’t have one, at the tender age of five after her friend Ino had shown off hers, her parents had laughed with mirth, given her a hand mirror, and told her to find it. After a solid fifteen minutes of searching and acts of stretching that contortionists would be proud of, she located her soul mark printed in a small, professional script in the crook where her inner thigh met her hip. While part of her had been disappointed it was in a very personal place, a spot she could never show up, she had been overwhelmingly satisfied with the words on her soulmark.
I didn’t know angels had pink hair”.
Other Fics (may or may not get written)
Broken Trust
ObiSaku, Uchiha MC branch off, lots of angst
MadaSaku fic where Impure World Reincarnation is never outlawed and instead becomes a technique for raising “Guardians” to protect the village. Izuna becomes the first guardian and leads to the formation of the village. Madara, Hashirama, Tobirama, all the hokages, Itachi, etc become Guardians and never technically die, instead being treated as well respected protectors
Fighting Dreamers
MadaSaku MMA AU, Sakura “Cherry Bomb” Haruno and Madara “Wildfire” Uchiha
The Chances
MadaSaku soulmark AU, takes place during the war
Three Rejects
NaruSakuSasu, dark fic where the trio runs away from Konoha after suffering through years of abuse and neglect. Sakura is an orphan, stolen from her clan of incredible healers following the massacre of her family. They can only trust each other and only love each other, ends in tragedy for the rest of the world but bliss for them
Wake Up
MadaSaku fic where Sakura, Madara’s wife, is in a coma in the Warring States Era and imagining her life in the future
Like the Ocean
IndraSaku fic where Indra goes on his journey to help the distant village to determine if he would become the next leader of his village and comes across a strange woman on the beach, part of an even stranger clan of healers and mystics who live on the ocean’s edge
I have a new wig from Shippuden Sakura that I’m very excited to try out. I even got a pair of customized boots that are pretty incredible! I even met a Sasuke cosplayer who is so incredibly sweet and is just as into cosplay and Naruto as I am! So you may or may not see me and Sasuke at Anime Matsuri in Houston, TX this year.
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Ode to Eileithyia [1 / 4]
Blanket Fic Disclaimer: (and link to the main fic, of which this is a coda)
 Rating: T
Pairing: Off-screen SasuSaku
Beta Reader: Not beta-read; check back at a later date for edits
Author’s Note: As promised, Sarada’s birth scene from Penthesilea. It was gonna be a one-shot, but I decided to space it out. I liked the idea of multiple points of view for this, and it sort of gives it more weight if the labour lasts a long time via chaptered updates :P
Warning(s) Blood as per childbirth?
Sakura screams, a low, feral wail that is almost unearthly. If Tsunade weren’t looking at her, she would think it was coming from a wounded animal.
Her apprentice lies back on her pallet, red stain blossoming underneath her and seeping into the floor despite the rags and padding beneath her. sweat soaks through her hair and down her back, leaving dark stains on the pillow propped up behind her. Her fists are clenched, eyes huge with fright and pain as she stares up at them, pleading.
As another contraction wracks her body, the room fills with another low howl; her stomach shudders and quivers, the child inside fighting to come out, her body trying to expel it, but neither effort coming to fruition.
Tsunade exchanges a grim look with Shizune and Karin. “How long has she been like this?”
“An hour before we sent for you,” Shizune said. “
“She wouldn’t let us before, but she’s in too much pain right now to stop us,” Karin grumbles, as if this was a personal affront to her. “The hormones and adrenaline have completely altered her strength. Control isn’t even a possibility right now. One moment she’s strong as an ox, the next week as a kitten.”
“If we don’t help her, crushing someone’s hand will the least of our problems,” Shizune agrees. “She might accidentally crush the baby.”
“She’s ready to give birth, and the baby’s ready to come out. Her contractions are about forty seconds apart,” Karin says. “But she won’t push.”
“What?” Tsunade demands. She strides forward and crouches over her apprentice and heir. “What’s this nonsense, Sakura. You need to push.”
“I’m sorry…shishou…I can’t…” Sakura shakes her head, a shot of determination lancing through her pained expression.
“Of course you can…go on, there’s a good girl,” Tsunade says, putting a hand on her forehead. “It will be alright, Sakura. Just push…”
She has that same stubborn look as she did when she was a child, newly orphaned and demanding Tsunade train her. Even in the throws of agony, Tsunade knows there’s no point arguing with her. It’s up to her to make a decision.
“That baby is going to go into distress,” she says. “Sakura, you know this.”
“She’s not hearing us,” Karin points out. “Either she doesn’t want to or she’s in too much pain. If we she doesn’t come to her senses, we’ll have no choice but to knock her out and do a caesarean.”
“Do you realise the amount of sophorific we would need to knock her out?” Shizune argues. “It would hurt the baby.”
“It would kill the baby,” Tsunade corrects grimly. “We have a decision to make, before the choice is between her and it.”
“It’s been so long,” Karin shakes her head. “I’m surprised it’s still alive in there. She’s not going to last much longer…”
“You…none of you…understand…” Sakura gasps. “I…can’t…”
“You can, Sakura, and you will,” Tsunade says. “I’m giving you an order now—push!”
Sakura clamps her jaw shut, shaking her head and groaning as another contraction hits.
“Naruto!” she gasps as the contraction passes, panting. “Get…Naruto…! He’ll…he…!”
She can’t get the words out, but Tsunade is already motioning for Shizune to fetch the leader of the Uzumaki.
She can’t quite hide her surprise, having not expected the two to have progressed to that kind of relationship. Betrothal aside, they have always had the relationship of siblings instead of lovers. He wasn’t even one of the possibilities Tsunade considered when she began to suspect Sakura’s pregnancy.
Even Kakashi seemed like the likelier choice, considering how protective he’s been of her since he followed her and Naruto back here.
The man’s obvious esteem for Sakura was one of the reasons Tsunade elected to trust his intentions when he was expelled from the Uchiha’s forces by the increasingly mad Uchiha Sasuke.
To think, the boy once almost helped to bring us peace. His brother’s death destroyed any chance of that. Uncle Tobirama was right—there’s no clan that is as much a slave to their emotions as the Uchiha…
Shizune returns within ten minutes, Naruto in tow. He appears confused at why he’s been summoned, but upon seeing Sakura lying back on her mat, writhing and gasping, he freezes.
He didn’t know she was pregnant, apparently.
Well, to the untrained eye, she wasn’t. She did take pains to hide it…though what the point of that is, I’ll never know. It’s not like we weren’t going to notice her suddenly nursing a baby…
“Shizune filled me in on the way,” he says quietly, staring at Sakura like she’s something otherworldly. “I can’t…I couldn’t believe it. Why is this happening?”
Still, Tsunade’s annoyance doesn’t stop her from a snide comment. “For such a talented warrior, you’re still a bit of an idiot. Generally, pregnancy is what happens when you have sex.”
Something like calculation passes through his eyes, a look she’s seen many a bewildered young man adopt upon finding out about their paramour’s condition.
“Though I’m surprised she didn’t tell you about her condition.”
“Well, she didn’t tell you either!”
“I already figured it out,” Tsunade retorts dryly. “But what did you do that she decided not to tell you about your own child?”
Naruto gapes at her.
“I’m…not the father,” he tells her slowly.
This time it’s Tsunade who freezes. “What do you mean? She asked for you!”
“Not because I’m the father!”
“Then who is?!”
Naruto opens his mouth, but whether it’s to answer or not, Tsunade never learns, because Sakura’s anguished, weak voice interrupts. “Naruto.”
Instantly he hurries to her side, kneeling close to her and holding a limp hand. “Hey, Sakura-chan, what’s going on here?”
“Naruto…you have to…you have to,” she attempts, obviously in crippling pain. “Don’t let them hurt the baby. Don’t let them…even when they see…not the baby’s fault. I was…I was…”
“No one will hurt the baby,” Naruto promises. “I won’t let them. But hey, that means you too, okay?” He squeezes her hand. “And Shizune said Granny Tsunade and Karin-neechan might have to cut the baby out if you don’t push.”
“They can try!” Sakura snarls, suddenly furious. “I won’t let them! I need…I need to wait…”
“You can’t wait! If you wait any longer, you’ll lose it! And we’ll lose you!”
“I told them…I’m telling you…” Sakura wheezes. “I’m not…having this baby…until he…until he…”
Naruto’s expression darkens here. “He’s not coming, Sakura. Your baby—his baby is going to die before it’s even born if you don’t—”
“No!” Sakura shouts, voice shrill and panicked. “I can keep it…safe…protected…I have this!” She struggles to point at the seal on her forehead, which is beginning to flicker. She has been relying on it for hours now. “They can’t hurt it in here…they can’t…”
She trails off into wordless, anguished sobs.
“I don’t understand why she thinks we would hurt it,” Shizune says quietly.
“She’s so strung out on hormones and adrenaline right now it’s affecting her brain. She likely doesn’t even know what she’s saying anymore, but her protective instincts are overruling any rational judgement she can make.”
“You have to do something,” Naruto insists. “Is there anything that can be used to keep her mind off this? A genjutsu, maybe?”
“The amount of pain she’s in, even a genjutsu cast by Uchiha MAdara wouldn’t hold her right now,” Tsunade shakes her head. “And do you really think she’ll be more inclined or comfortable giving birth trapped in an illusion?”
Naruto is thoughtful. “It would depend on the illusion…”
This, coupled with his plea from earlier, causes something to click in Tsunade’s head.
“You know,” she accuses. “You know who the child’s father is.”
“Not…for sure,” Naruto hesitates.
“Tell me,” Tsunade commands. “I need to know, especially if he has a kekkei genkai that could be causing this.”
Some clans have those; she recalls the legendary Kaguya clan, who upon birth rip their mothers open from the inside with their bones.
“She has her reasons for not telling you.”
“Oh, I have no doubt. My apprentice may want to protect the son of a bitch, but I want to know why he’s not here!”
“He…can’t be here.”
“Why?” Tsunade demands. A beat later, something occurs to her and her heart clenches at the worst possible scenario. “Unless…is he…dead?”
Thankfully (or perhaps not), Naruto shakes his head. “It’s complicated—”
“She’s haemorrhaging again!” Shizune cries, while Karin hurries forward and offers Sakura her arm, forcing her to bite down on it to activate her healing. But the pink-haired woman pulls away, murmurming wildly.
“I can’t,” she whispers, “I can’t, I’m sorry, I…this isn’t…this isn’t how it’s was supposed to…He’s supposed to be here…” She cries, and it’s not from the physical pain now. Tsunade recognises that look of anguish and heartbreak from her own face in the mirror after Dan died. “I need him here.”
“You idiot!” Karin snaps. “Whoever he is isn’t here, it’s just us! Now if you cared about that baby, you’d stop trying to kill it!”
Tsunade knows it’s only the other woman’s panic causing her to lash out—she’s rather fond of Sakura under normal circumstances—but she snaps, “Karin, that is not helping!”
“Wait,” Naruto interrupts. He bites the inside of his lip, looking conflicted. “I have an idea what might help. But…I need your word she won’t be punished. Her, or the baby.”
“What?” Tsunade asks, frowning at this request; it doesn’t bode well.
“Your word, Lady Tsunade,” Naruto says. It’s one of the rare times when he addresses her with respect, his tone completely serious. She is so caught off-guard by it and so concerned for her disciple that she finds herself agreeing.
“You have it,” she says, a little faintly.
“You can’t react to what’s about to happen,” he goes on. “No matter what your first instinct might be.”
Tsunade exchanges confused glances with Shizune and Karin as Naruto leaves the room. He pulls the door closed behind him, but by chance doesn’t shut it fully, leaving a sliver of space through which they can still see him.
To Tsunade’s astonishment, he forms the hand signs for Henge—not a technique he uses very often, except for that utterly perverted Sexy no jutsu that Jiraiya loved so much.
The technique, it turns out, is not the most surprising thing.
No, the big shock is who he turns into.
Thank you for reading! Reviews and concrit are much appreciated - and if you’re feeling generous, I also accept tips through ko-fi (just scroll to the top and click the button, or use this link)
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ladyiceflame-blog · 7 years
An Inconvenient Wedding:
Chapter Thirteen: The Undeniable Truth
Naruto glowered at the entry to Team Seven’s shared tent, determined to pounce on his sensei the moment he chose to reappear, and demand that this wedding be stopped.  The young genin had taken an instant liking to the high-spirited Frost kunoichi, but after learning of their possible blood ties, mere liking had developed into fiercer protective instincts. “Are you going to stare at that tent-flap all night?” Sasuke demanded, as he stoically endured Sakura’s first-aid.  She’d put a salve on his cut lip, a bandage wrap on his slightly skinned knee, and was currently putting a medicated gauze pad on a small scratch she’d found on his forearm. “Yes!” Naruto returned hotly. “You’ll be waiting all night, then,” Sakura warned.  “He’s going to go to that big party, like all the other adult shinobi.  We’ll be on our own tonight...minding the Daimyo...” Naruto growled in frustration.  “This stinks!  Kaka-sensei needs to know about those scrolls!  And Hinata-chan’s cousin!  Aunty-Priestess-Knockout-sama is in danger, and we can’t let her marry this skeevy guy!” “Did you just call the Lady Ice Flame...‘aunty’?” Sasuke smirked. “Yeah!” Naruto admitted, scratching the back of his head.  “Her mother’s last name was Uzumaki, wasn’t it?!  I’m entitled!” “You can’t know that she’s directly related to you by that fact alone,” Pakkun explained.  “The Uzumaki clan was scattered long ago, and their most dependable genealogy records were destroyed along with Uzushiogakure.” “There were many Uchiha who share a name, but no blood kin.  Hyuga are the same,” Sasuke explained. “I don’t care!” Naruto cut them all off.  “Priestess Knock-out is the only other Uzumaki I’ve ever seen, so I will claim her!  Even if what you say is true.”   There was a small pause for adjusted feelings before Naruto bolted from his cot, and began to put on his shoes, announcing his latest plan: “Time to crash the party!” “No you don’t, pup!” Pakkun barked, and bit onto the toe of his shoe, tugging it out of his hand.  “Kakashi-san told me to keep my eye on all of you, so you’ll be staying right here!” “What if I need to go to the bathroom...?” Naruto asked, eyes narrowed in annoyance. “Then I’ll get a leash, and take you for ‘walkies’....” Pakkun riposted. Sakura laughed.  Even Sasuke hid a chuckle behind a sudden need to cough. Naruto huffed, clearly not amused, and sullenly plopped back down onto his cot.  “Am I the only one who really cares about her around here?!?” “That’s a dumb question, even for you,” Sasuke returned.  “This entire campground cares about her!  Even this Asaito person, for the moment, at least.  Its highly unlikely that he’d do anything to harm her when he wants to marry her tomorrow.” “That’s a valid point, Sasuke,” Sakura concurred, as she moved to sit by Pakkun.  “Miriyume-sama is safe.  Perhaps safer than she’s ever been in her life.  Brides are always the most important guest at a wedding.” “Anyone who dares attack her will be torn apart,” Sasuke added.  “She is the Queen of the Moment, until...” “–Until..?” Naruto pressed. “Until she says her vow, and becomes Asaito’s wife.  Then she is beholden to his wishes.” Sakura shuddered.  Naruto scowled. “Not.  Happening!” the Uzumaki declared. “When is the ceremony supposed to start tomorrow?” Sakura asked. Sasuke shrugged his shoulders. “Then we’d better wake up really early, then, before anyone else does, and talk to Old Man Hokage, the Daimyo, Knock Out-sama’s Mom....anyone who can help us,” Naruto suggested. “Then we should all get some sleep while we can,” Sasuke continued. “What a wonderful idea,” their sensei chirped agreement, as he, quite suddenly, rushed into the tent, causing even Pakkun to jump slightly.  Kakashi was carrying a large, covered platter for some reason. “Kaka-sensei!” Naruto exclaimed, as he recovered from his fallen cot.  “Asaito and his monk are total creeps!  Believe it!  Hinata-chan said that they were sleezing up on one of her cousins!” “‘Sleezing,’ you say....?” Kakashi echoed, setting the tray on a table. “We saw scrolls that listed women from all over,” Sakura chimed in, “Like some kind of kunoichi Bingo Book!” Kakashi arched a silver eyebrow at her mention of that particular, obscure publication.  Anbu’s Most Wanted List was hardly common knowledge.... “Who told you about the Bingo Book?” Kakashi demanded.  Sasuke commandeered his attention with more interesting news: “All of Asaito’s guards are generously paid mercenaries, who are all petrified of their employer...and that monk.” “...and the monk smells of foul magic and unwholesome intent,” Pakkun added. “Sounds like the reconnaissance went well,” Kakashi congratulated.  “So, I believe that you’ve earned this....” lifting the lid from the platter, revealing three bowl of ice cream, topped with the most tantalizing candied apples that the genin had ever encountered. “What is that?!?” Naruto enjoined, already drooling. “A very special dessert from the Land of Frost called, ‘Fire on the Iceberg’,” Kakashi answered, as he blocked Pakkun from sniffing their exact contents.  “I asked the cooking-nin to make it....just for you.” The genin each took a bowl and began to eagerly eat.   Sakura squeeled in unabashed delight.  “These apples are so warm...and cinnamony!  Its like eating an autumn evening by fireplace!” “It does call autumn immediately to mind....” Sasuke agreed, trying to analyze the taste.  “It reminds me a lot of the cider my one cousin...used to make...” Pakkun huffed, and continued to glare at his contracted shinobi, feeling a bit betrayed by the snack-snubbing. “So,” the knucklehead ninja began, after drinking up the melted remnants of his bowl.  His tastebuds probably hadn’t had a chance to even register the flavor.  “How are we going to stop this stupid wedding tomorrow?” “By any means necessary,” Kakashi returned, “But only after we’ve exhausted every diplomatic method first.  Speaking of exhausted....” he allowed himself to slump against his dresser, “I am beat.  I’ll need to sleep a week straight after all of this.  But for now, I’ll have to make do with an old shinobi chakra-hack...” Kakashi made a single shadow clone, causing the original to sway unsteadily on his feet. “Kakashi-sensei!” Sakura chided, finishing her bowl of dessert and moving to his aid.  His obvious fatigue seemed to be having a sympathetic effect on her, she noticed, as she nearly stumbled in her rush to assist.  “You’re pushing yourself too hard!  You’ll run out of chakra if you keep on like this!” “Sakura’s right, sensei,” Sasuke opined, then yawned as he set down his empty bowl.  “A shadow clone will only drain you further.” “Unless the shadow clone does my sleeping for me,” Kakashi countered, as his doppleganger crawled into his cot.  “When I return, I dismiss the clone, and all its acquired rest will transfer to me.  But this is not a technique to use lightly, as there are certain....side-effects.  But desperate times call for desperate measures....” “What are the....” Naruto paused to yawn extravagantly, “...side-effects?” “Shadow clones can’t dream,” Kakashi answered, as he began to collect the bowls, and returned them to the tray. “So?” Naruto countered, as he wearily watched his teacher replace the lid over the dirty dishes.  His eyelids had suddenly become so heavy.... “So,” Pakkun picked up, after realizing that he wasn’t even going to be permitted the courtesy of licking the bowls clean, “A shinobi who cheats sleep like this too many times will go insane.  All living beings need to sleep and dream on a regular basis for a healthy mind.” Sasuke lowered his strangely heavy head in aknowledgement of the facts.  He’d seen his older brother, Itachi, employ this little-spoken of technique before.  It was like playing a game of chicken with one’s sanity.  It had probably contributed to his odd behavior...in the end.  He shuddered, as he pulled his blankets closer and reclined on his cot. “Your clone doesn’t waste time....” the Uchiha commented, over the sound of the Kakashi-clone snoring. “Unlike its creator,” lilted a gentle voice from the tent-flap.  Kurenai-sensei.  “Hiruzen-sama sent me to check in on you, Kakashi-san.”  Her crimson eyes flicked briefly over to his sleeping replica, understanding all too well the implications, then back to him.  “But if you’re in such a dire need of rest, the Hokage will understand, and forgive your absence,” turning to go. “No!” Kakashi protested, perhaps a little too forcefully.  Kurenai stopped in her tracks.  “I am going to this party...” shoving himself away from the dresser, “...and so is Pakkun.” “What?!” the dour pug reacted, pulling away from the covered platter he had become somewhat obsessed about. “I need your sharp nose, old friend,” Kakashi informed, picking him up.  “And you deserve an introduction to Miriyume-sama...” “The Lady Ice Flame?” the ninken clarified.  He’d never been one for attending large gatherings of humans.  They were always so noisy and crowded.  And the smells could get nauseating.  But seeing this Miriyume finally....face-to-face, would certainly make it worth all the ill-ease he would assuredly suffer. “Lucky dog....” Sakura complained weakly, as she slowly collapsed onto her cot.  “...Gets to....go to the...party....” Her voice tapered off like a spent wind-up doll recording, as Naruto and Sasuke unconsciously maintained their competitive natures by trying to out-snore each other. Kurenai was noticeably impressed, openly marveling at the sleeping genin. “My three are still wide awake!  How did you manage this?” Kurenai demanded. “Oh, just a sneaky, Shimogakuran childhood sleep-inducer....” Kakashi replied cryptically, as he doused the light and exited the tent. “So that’s why I didn’t get a bowl of ice-cream....” Pakkun finally factored.  “I thought you forgot about me...” “Never!” Kakashi scolded lightly, giving his best canine friend one of the dog biscuits he always seemed to have on hand.  “And there should be plenty of food at this party, too, if Shimogakurans are in charge.” “Oh, they are,” Kurenai vouched, as she led them to the party.  “Singing, dancing, gaming, and the drinks are flowing like rivers in hurricane season.” “Just like when I first met her,” Kakashi smiled at the memory. Kurenai smiled too.  This was a side of Kakashi that was rarely seen.  In fact, the last time she’d seen it was with his awkward little-boy crush on his sensei’s girlfriend, and eventual wife, Kushina. “You missed the most beautiful Father-Daughter toast,” Kurenai continued.  “The Shimokhan can be a surprisingly eloquent man when he wants to.  He even had the Hokage in tears.” “Its just as well that I wasn’t there.  I couldn’t in good conscious raise a cup in salute to this...arrangement,” Kakashi’s light mood swung to such an immediate darkness that Kurenai flinched in response. “Lord Hiruzen and I are aware of your objection to this marriage, and it didn’t require our mind-reading skills to learn of it, either,” Kurenai whispered.  “And you are not alone in your disapproval. Tonight’s dinner has convinced me that this is a bad match.  My students have also uncovered some....interesting things.” Kakashi’s tired eyes went wide, and he riveted his attention to his colleague. “So you remember what happened at dinner?” “Following some brief confusion, yes.  I managed to sort it all out.  Asaito doesn’t use genjutsu.  At least, not the type that I’m used to.  He seems to manipulate things that go deeper than thoughts.  Something closer to instincts....” “This man is exceedingly dangerous, then,” Pakkun announced.  “Like it or not, you humans are still ultimately motivated by your primal instincts, and no amount of higher intellect can completely smother them.” “Pakkun is right,” Kurenai easily ceded.  “Asaito has a frightening ability to silence the thinking mind through his ‘minor’ dojutsu, and....there’s more....” she tapered off, looking uncomfortable. Kakashi stopped in his tracks, and forced her to do the same with a hand on her shoulder.  They were midway to their destination. “More....?” he prompted. “There is an utter....coldness to Lord Asaito.  Emotionally speaking.  Despite his outward passion and poetic words, there are no real feelings behind anything.  I’ve been around stoic types all my life, Kakashi-san,” giving him a pointed look, “....and despite your aloof manners and flippant attitudes, there is always some underlying, emotional core.  Asaito has nothing,” she shivered.  “Its utterly alien to me.  To humanity.” “So, what are you saying, exactly?” Kakashi pressed. “That this Tsuroyuni Clan seems to produce men of an exceptionally strange quality, and that the Lady Ice Flame may be in for far more that she had bargained for.  Hinata has told me something particularly disturbing.  A member of the Hyuga Clan was recently petitioned by Tsuroyuni for marriage, about five months ago.  Hiashi-sama forbade it immediately, for reasons unknown.  And don’t even get me started on that monk...” They took a moment to watch the silhouettes of the vivacious revelers projected on the drinking yurt’s walls, as they capered across the illuminated folds of rough silk, twenty feet in front of them.  The incongruence between the jubilant scene and their growing sense of dread was stark. “I like her too, Kakashi-san,” Kurenai continued, “Probably not the same way you do,” she gave him a playful nudge, “But we must remember our duty as shinobi.  Konoha’s, and the Hokage’s honor depends on this.” Kakashi emitted a bitter sounding chuckle.  “Duty....honor....  These are hardly new concepts to me.” Too late, Kurenai realized the nerve she’d struck. “Kakashi-san....I didn’t mean—“ ”Let’s go,” the stoic’s stoic cut off her apology, “Its time to pour some whiskey for the Hokage...” and led the way into the yurt. Renara was relieved to be back in the company of her husband’s clan and countrymen...and the hundred-plus who were also celebrating her daughter’s marriage.  She usually shied away from these boisterous affairs, but tonight she welcomed the drunken antics and the wild celebration.  Anything to forget about that arrogant man, and the predatory gleam in his burgundy eyes whenever he looked at Miriyume. She’d tried to talk her daughter out of this, as had Ryuumaru.  Even Matsuko had expressed reservations.  But Miriyume was adamant. Perhaps if Ryuuyuki were still here, he could have talked some sense into her... The Heron Sage-Priestess sighed, as she continued to work on the embroidery for the wedding dress.  Miriyume had always been the wilder one, even before that storm kami had adopted her.  She blamed the Yaseiarashi side. “Are you in need of a drink, Renara-sama?” Hiruzen asked over the latest atonal chorus of a Shimogakuran drinking song.   “As long as its tea, yes,” she replied.  “I drank my cup of winter whiskey for my husband’s toast, and one a day is still more than enough for my constitution.  Even thirty years of marriage to a Shimogakuran cannot change this.”  She glanced over at her husband, who was dominating the Chakra-Flow arm-wrestling tourney....as ususal.  The long string of people who had lost to him never held any grudges, though, since his generosity in victory left them all with replenished chakra. Hiruzen took a seat beside her, and poured her a cup of green tea from the pot nearby. “Ryuu-kun would never seek to change your ways,” the Hokage continued.  “He has always valued your self control and your sharp mind.  He has said that it makes up for what he generally lacks.” Renara set aside the sewing, and motioned the bartender for another cup.  She then poured her old friend some of her tea. “There are times when its so hard to be the steady voice of reason,” she admitted softly, as she directed their gaze to her daughter, who was caught up in a rather wild card game at another table.  “Like now.”  Her hand trembled with the weight of the teapot. Hiruzen’s sharp sensor abilities quickly picked up on the priestess’s unease, threatening to compromise the levee of her renowned forbearance. “She is so reckless, Hiruzen-kun, with only a pair of doting underclassmen, some fuinjutsu, and a moody, transient kami to keep her in check....” Sarutobi placed a comforting hand on her shaking shoulder.  “Renara-sama....” “...and its been working so far, but I live in dread of the day when she leaps fearlessly into the breech, and even the Sage of the Six Paths can’t reel her back in.”  She capped the confession with a forced chuckle and smile.  “Is tomorrow that day?”  Her soft voice, like the whisper of a dove, nearly broke Hiruzen’s heart.  She had lost her son.  Now, she feared the loss of the daughter.
“As long as I live and breathe, Renara-sama, you will NEVER lose your daughter,” the Hokage vowed solemnly.  “My Will of Fire has always extended to your family, and always shall.”
“And the Unity of Frost forever embraces you, my dear friend,” Renara returned, as she regained her usual regal composure.  “Speaking of unity...”
Hiruzen tracked her eyes over his shoulder, and saw his Leaf jonin. “I was beginning to think that I’d been abandoned,” Hiruzen announced sternly, “But when I remembered what charming company I’d found, I stopped caring,” flirtatiously turning back to the priestess. “Do forgive us, Hokage-sama,” Kurenai returned with a bow for Sarutobi and the Heron Sage, “...Renara-sama.  The genin were all wound-up.” “A little whiskey in warm milk does wonders at bedtime,” Renara offered, as she resumed her embroidery.  “Until they start drinking it on their own...” “I don’t even want to think about Naruto drinking whiskey right now,” Kakashi returned.  “His ramen habit is already too much,” as Kurenai took a seat beside Hiruzen. “Naruto....Uzumaki....?” the sage priestess queried.  “As in the child of Kushina Uzumaki...?” “Yes,” Kakashi returned.  “He’s my student.  You know of him?” “Kushina was my Father’s cousin,” Renara enlightened.  “We are related.” Kakashi turned a flabbergasted eye on Hiruzen.  What other bombs had this man failed to drop on him?!? “It’s a distant relation,” the Hokage defended.  “One I felt was hardly worth mentioning...” “Ugh, another useless card!” Miriyume’s voice suddenly exclaimed in obvious frustration from a large nearby table, as the rest of the card players laughed at her.  “Who shuffled this mess of a deck, dattebizu?!?” “Then again...” Hiruzen amended. “I thought we’d rid her of that word awhile back....” Renara shook her head in amused reproach.  “So childish sounding.” “What are they playing over there?” Kurenai asked, as an attentive bartender handed her a drink of whiskey. “That would be the ‘Bitter Harvest’ table,” the barman answered, handing Kakashi a cup,  “Its based on the cruelties of being a farmer in a country known for its short growing season.” “You made a game out of this?” Kakashi queried, as Pakkun sniffed the contents of the drinking dish, and quickly pulled his crinkled nose away. “A certain level of masochism has crept into our national identity, I guess you could say....” he smiled, before moving onto another group of drinkers. Kakashi set Pakkun on the stool beside Kurenai, and raised his dish in Miriyume’s direction.  “To the righteous struggle,” he toasted from afar.  “May we be ever vigilant,” then drank the vow.  Kurenai did likewise. Renara smiled in quiet sanction of the masked jonin’s obvious feelings for her daughter.  She took comfort in all the eyes that watched over Miriyume.  But this one’s spoke of a stronger conviction then most. She looked to Miriyume, who had just registered Kakashi’s presence, and saw the unmistakable spark.  The one that indicated a powerful resonance between souls.  She could easily sense their chakra natures reaching out toward each other, despite the commotion that engulfed them.  Their affinities craving union in the same manner as magnetic fields.  Just like they had at dinner.  This was why Miriyume’s spiritual core was so haywire, or rather, more haywire than usual. Of all the times to have them cross paths again, why now? Only the God Sage knew...
“Plum Harvest!” Matsuko suddenly bellowed out, as he threw down his hand of cards, sending everyone at the table into panicked action. Kunai knives were thrown at a lone shuriken at the center of the table, hanafuda cards went flying, drinks were spilt, all amidst shrieks and laughter. “The pile’s mine, Earthquake!” Gekido insisted. “What pile?” Hyozen asked, indicating the scattered cards.  “You sent it all flying again!” “This always happens with you!” another Frost kunoichi censured the Inuzuka.  “You get so intense!” “I can’t help it!” Gekido was doing a poor job of acting powerless, “I’m just freaky-fast like that!” “You got the freaky part right,” Matsuko laughed, as he refilled people’s drinks. “We’re going to make you play with chopsticks from now on...” another shinobi warned, as he gathered the scattered cards. “And he’ll still win every round,” Miriyume came to the defense of her fleet-fingered team mate, patting his striped cheek softly.  “C’mon, Gek-kun, let’s give the table a chance....” As she nudged him toward the bar counter, the boisterous crowd parted for their beloved kunoichi.  Faces lifted to offer her bright smiles.  Cups and bottles raised at her passage.  Hands moved to touch her silken kimono sleeves, and musicians sharpened their art at her approach.  It was all too easy to see the pride and affection her village had for her. So why had she taken to wandering the world, Kakashi wondered. As Miriyume passed her mother, Renara caught hold of her by the shoulder. “Come here, child,” the Heron Priestess ordered, and laid the embroidery against her back, apparently taking some tailoring measurement. “Mother, haven’t you made enough layers to mummify me with tomorrow?  I won’t be able to move in this dress...let alone marry!” “A mother’s final gift to her daughter is her wedding kimono,” Renara censured.  “You will not deny me!” Miriyume groaned in resignation, looking at the Hokage with a weary expression.  “Greetings, Hokage-sama.  Can you believe this woman?” as Renara began to adjust the ornaments in her mussed coif. “With every fiber of my being, Miri-chan,” Hiruzen answered, amused at her plight. Ice Flame shifted her blue-green eyes to Kurenai and Kakashi.  “Help me,” she pleaded weakly. Kurenai laughed before answering: “When true danger exists, I promise I’ll assist without a moment’s hesitation.  But now is not that time, right Kakashi-san–?” She turned to cue the other jonin, but found him caught up in a strange four-way stare down consisting of himself, Pakkun, Gekido, and Aoseishin.  The Inuzuka was openly scowling. “What’s the matter?” Kakashi broke the tense silence, “Is there a cap limit on ninken?” “Who the heck is this?!” Gekido demanded, leaning in closer to inspect the small forehead protector tied behind the pug’s ears. Aoseishin gave a small bark in support of the question. “My name is Pakkun,” the pug answered, sending both man and dog reeling back to a more respectable distance.  “I am Kakashi-san’s ninken.” “You–“ Gekido was in Kakashi’s face now, “–have a ninken?!  That speaks!?” Aoseishin seemed to be conducting a similar interrogation with his nose on the pug. “Is this a crime?” Kakashi chuckled, crossing his arms over his chest. “No!” the Inuzuka retorted.  “Just...unexpected!  Where was he earlier?” “Napping in the sun on Senkaori Island,” Pakkun answered in Kakashi’s stead, referring to the famed island of dogs.  “Now...who are you, exactly?” Aoseishin answered for them both with a couple of barks. “From the Northern Inuzuka, huh?” Pakkun repeated, studying Gekido’s notched fang stripes.  “I wasn’t aware that their clan had ventured that far abroad.” “I believe that they migrated in the wake of that man’s short stint at the Temple of Fire,” Hiruzen provided, indicating the Shimokhan.  “Along with a certain Sage Priestess errant,” glancing toward Renara.  “I’ve often compared him to a beacon of unyielding light with the power to draw the noblest hearts.” “Or an occasional inferno that threatens to melt the permafrost....” Renara added impishly, as she continued to fuss over Miriyume’s yukata. “So...you summon him?” Gekido was still fixated on Pakkun. “Yes,” Kakashi answered dismissively, as he watched Renara untie Miriyume’s obi. “He’s so tiny!” Gekido finally snapped and snatched up the alarmed pug, grinning like an overexcited kid.  “What are his strengths?” “Sass and insults, you ridiculous man!” Pakkun returned angrily, as he struggled against Gekido’s tight nose-to-nose hold.  “Have you no shame?!” “Not that we’ve been able to find, no,” Miriyume quipped, before grunting in obvious discomfort as her mother tightened the obi under her bustline with a sharp tug.  “Ugh....can’t....breathe....” she groaned dramatically, as she clutched at Hiruzen’s shoulder.  “I think Mother is trying to tourniquet my stomach....” The Hokage blushed at the sudden proximity of Miriyume’s impressive cleavage, now threatening to overcome its confines with every heaving breath she was dragging into her constricted lungs, and averted his eyes. “Or, more likely, Renara-sama is showing concern for her....precious daughter,” Sarutobi offered, biting his lip in self chastisement. Kurenai had to laugh at his ethical plight.  Kakashi was just agog, showing a strange lack of concern for his clearly annoyed ninken. “Unhand me already, you whiskey-steeped lout!” Pakkun barked at the besotted Inuzuka’s affections,  “Your breath is going to make me intoxicated!  Kakashi!  A little help!  Please?” Kakashi turned back toward the overly enamoured Inuzuka, and extended his hand in the manner of a parent silently demanding the relinquish of an ill-gotten toy.  Gekido capitulated with an awkward apology: “Sorry.  I got a little carried away there,” he admitted with a sheepish teheparo gesture. “I never got to see any of the smaller dog breeds up in Shimogakure....” “Understood, Gekido-san,” Kakashi forgave easily.  “Pakkun is dangerously adorable,” scratching him behind his floppy ear. “Much to my eternal sorrow,” Pakkun added, from the safety of Kakashi’s shoulder, as a fleeting wisp of scent caught his attention. Somewhere beneath the malty aroma of the abundant whiskey, and the alluring, earthy-honey smell of an amber perfume, there was a very distinct and telling fragrance on the buxom ginger in the midnight blue yukata beside the Hokage.  He figured Kakashi should know: “It would seem that Kakashi-san is not the only one who is capable of summoning jutsu,” the pug announced, looking directly at Miriyume.  “I can smell the contract you have with a denizen of the Cat Fortress, bosomy lady.” “Pakkun!” Kakashi scolded sharply, as his exposed cheek went scarlet.  Gekido collapsed against the bar in whiskey-fueled laughter. “Do you now?” Miriyume countered coyly, as her mind raced for a way to cover her ninneko’s careless tracks.  She really didn’t want to involve ‘him’ in this mess, but, this little ninken had called her out.... She reached into her brasserie, under her left breast, against her heart, to a place that she reserved for her most prized possession, and produced a cobalt summoning scroll ornamented in gold. Kakashi’s mask conveniently hid his slack jaw, and the trickle of blood from his nostrils. Miriyume held the scroll up to the pug’s nose for inspection.  “Would you like an introduction?” Within the envelope of the woman’s heady, earthy musk, Pakkun’s nose easily found the scent of ‘cat’, but not ‘that cat’.  He was still intrigued. Hiruzen chuckled, as he sipped his tea.  “Go on, Miriyume-chan.  I’d enjoy seeing the ‘noble exile’ again...” Miriyume complied by unfurling the scroll, pricking her finger with a senbon hair ornament, pressing the small wound to the scroll surface, then slapping her hand against the nearby counter top and yelling: “Cold Majesty Summoning!” Following a burst of rolling fog that provided a moment of crisp, cool air, a mighty roar caused all but Renara, Hiruzen and Miriyume to jump away from the bar.  When the mist dissipated, there stood a large, regal white tiger upon the rough-hewn oak. “A tiger-lord?!” Pakkun openly marveled from his perch on Kakashi’s shoulder. “That I am, little ninken,” the immense feline acknowledged in a deep, rumbling voice with an imperious lilt, as he reclined on the bar top, and turned his icy-blue eyes to his summoner.  “To what do I owe this summons, my lady?” “No good reason, Tosho-sama,” Miriyume smiled, as she put an arm over his burly neck, and began to massage one of his ears, which he seemed deeply appreciative of.
Pakkun was impressed.  Ninneko were elusive enough, but the Great Cat Lords were nearly impossible to track down, much less sign into a contract with. “Who is this woman who has made a contract with such a distinguished beast lord?” Pakkun quietly asked his master. “That, my impudent friend, is Miriyume,” Kakashi replied with a wink.  “...and your assignment for the rest of the night.” “Assignment?” the pug echoed. “I need to get some sleep tonight, so I’m putting you on guard duty, until morning,” Kakashi whispered, as they watched her introduce the tiger to Kurenai. “So...this is the kunoichi you found all those years ago in the Land of Frost?” Pakkun connected.  “The one that....” “She is,” the silver-haired jonin cut off, clearly pained by the memories of that day.  “It wasn’t her death that the village was mourning.  It was her brother’s.” “So why didn’t they tell us that?” “Because of their customs,” Kakashi explained.  “I’ll explain it all later, but right now, the important thing is to keep track of her at all times.  Understand?  Asaito’s already tried to corner her once.  I don’t want it happening again.” “Understood,” Pakkun returned glumly, as he watched Miriyume and the grabby Inuzuka salute each other with more of that nose-burning whiskey, drinking it as easily as ice water on a hot day.  “But...she looks like trouble.” “I know....” Kakashi murmured ardently.  “My favorite kind of trouble.”
“Rajin isn’t pleased, Persimmon-chan,” Tosho rumbled in his softest voice, using the moniker his original contract holder had labeled her with.  He was the only one she allowed to use that name. “What’s news-worthy about that?” Miriyume scoffed, as she replaced his summoning scroll in her bra. “Neither am I,” the tiger huffed.  “I made a vow, Miriyume-san, and I intend on keeping it.” “Glad to hear it, Stripes,” Miriyume returned, as she scratched the spot under his chin that his massive paw could never seem to reach, “....because tomorrow’s the big day.” “Forgive me if the fact fails to evoke the proper sense of jubilation on my part...” Prince Tosho grumbled, as he turned his glacial-hued eyes toward the approaching half-blindfolded man carrying the pygmy-sized ninken. “Your offering is appreciated, shinobi of the Hidden Leaf,” the great cat greeted, “But I don’t partake of the flesh of canines.  Moro-sama would never forgive me for eating any of her kin, no matter how....distant.” Kakashi blinked in confused shock, while Pakkun curled up tighter against his chest in horror. “That’s not why I–“ Kakashi began, before Miriyume cuffed the haughty tiger on his ear. “And that’s why I hardly ever call on you anymore!” Ice Flame scolded the 800-pound creature in the same manner she would a common house cat. “I’m sorry,” Miriyume turned back to Kakashi.  “That’s what passes for humor with this overgrown tabby!  He’s actually pretty good company, most of the time.  And an excellent shoji player...” “If only the same could be said for even a fraction of those you call friends....” the tiger continued. “Even if he is a snob!” Miriyume shot back, prompting the tiger to seek other company. “He’s harmless, I promise,” the kunoichi assured, and motioned them closer.  “But he makes me admire the straightforwardness of ninken.  Can I hold him?” referring to Pakkun. Kakashi handed him over, and watched as she placed him on her lap.  Her pale, supple fingers set to immediate work on his folded ears, turning him to instant putty in her hands. “Now, that doesn’t happen too often,” Kakashi informed, as he watched the pug roll over onto his belly with a small pang of envy.  “You must have a way with animals.” “My chakra run-off charms most living things,” she returned, as she began to massage the pug’s paw-pads, which Pakkun had always been rather stingy with.  “Its convincing them to stick around that’s the hard part.” Kakashi heard the note of lament in the casual admission. Was that what had prompted her to accept the proposal of this repugnant man?  A fear of eventual abandonment?  Despite all evidence to the contrary? Kakashi staged a silent aknowledgement of the crowd for the kunoichi holding Pakkun, before stating his case: “Is this small swarm being held against their will...?” She paused in her dog snuggling to give him a measured glare.  “It’s a documented fact that most people tire of me.  Even kidnappers.” “Well,” wedging himself between Miriyume and Aoseishin, who was sitting on the stool beside her, as Gekido sang with a group of musicians on the bar, “...I’m not going anywhere, now that I’ve finally found you again,” Kakashi assured. In that moment, Miriyume felt her swiftly crumbling guard completely slip, and her dojutsu activate.  All faded to silence as past, present and future melded abruptly into one reality, and it prominently featured this enigmatic man seated beside her.  His candid promise echoed across Time and Space itself, as she felt his perfectly complementary essence take firm anchor in her own.   The true power of the Renkingen was to explore all possibilities of various fusions, and to instantly understand the consequences.  Her intuitive eyes had just shown her that this man was everything she needed to realize perfect happiness, in both the mortal and spiritual sense. <How dare you come to me now, when circumstance forbids me to grab hold of you and demand you to stay!> she screamed inwardly, as the man beside her regarded her curiously with his lone eye.   In him alone, she saw all the pieces of the masculine soul that she had always yearned to find in a mate: her first teacher’s wisdom, her father’s strength, her team mates’ compassion, Raijin’s stoic ardor and grace, her brother’s devotion and genius, all wrapped up in one irksome masked gift pack... Her mind also told her about how ridiculously dangerous it would be to have it known that she felt this way.  Dangerous for both her quickly pending marriage, and Kakashi himself.  Asaito was a proud man, and prone to what had been once charitably described as “deranged fits of vengeful pique”.  
And in classic Yaseiarashi fashion, fear only bloomed in her heart when those she loved were at incredible risk.  The thought of him at Asaito’s non-existent mercy could put her in a perilously awkward bind.  No. Asaito’s focus had to remain on her... But that other Yaseiarashi trait....about never denying her true feelings; most importantly, love, was causing an internal war within her.  The fate of international relations was at stake here, along with her sanity.
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Penthesilea [20/20]
Chapter Summary:   Sasuke stares at Sakura, feeling somewhat inadequate beside her; she has undergone such an important change, and yet she is clearly the same woman he was first drawn to. Where it was once so easy to talk to her, now he finds himself at a loss for words.
Chapter Beta: None besides my own eyes. I’ll go through the spellchecker at some other point. I’m just kind of eager to get this finished. So don’t be surprised if you come back in a week or two to reread (assuming you intend to reread) and find a bunch of grammar stuff changed.
“And it will go down in history that the infamous warlord, Uchiha Sasuke, survived single combat with the jinchuriki Uzumaki Naruto…only to faint during peace talks at the thought of impending fatherhood,” Kakashi intones with false solemnity.
He is far more amused than is appropriate.
Or necessary.
The members of the main families crowd together in a smaller tent, away from the eyes of their vassals and other witnesses. Based on what Naruto told him upon his waking (while mocking him with unconcealed glee), they have been given an hour’s grace while the main families try to decide how to come to terms with the news Sakura has brought them, and while Mifune attempts to calm the rest of the clans.
That’s easier for some than others.
“What is the meaning of this?” Hyūga Hiashi demands, glaring thunderously down at Sasuke. “Is this some plot to undermine the agreements we have made?”
As if the man didn’t abscond with his entire clan, Sasuke can’t help thinking. There is a dim, almost manic hint of amusement to the notion.
“I would say those agreements were null and voided when I first came here,” Hinata speaks up, quietly but firmly. “This only furthers our need for new accords.”
“Daughter –”
“Hey, it might not even be yours,” Suigetsu suggests, peering over Sasuke’s shoulder to stare at the baby.
“What the hell’s that supposed to mean?” Naruto interrupts, obviously insulted and defensive on Sakura’s behalf.
“Are you seriously that blind?” his redheaded cousin demands, uncaring of protocol as she slaps Suigetsu upside the head. His head explodes into a spray of water.
Sakura motions for them all to be quiet, and in a crisp voice says, “I don’t appreciate the insinuation. If there are serious questions about her parentage, a simple blood test would –”
Everyone pauses and glances at Sasuke, as this is the first time he has spoken since he returned to consciousness.  
“There is no question,” he continues, in a stronger tone. “Sakura would not lie about this. Especially after everything. Besides, this child…” His gaze falls upon the infant again, and he swallows thickly. “She has inherited my eyes.”
This appears to effectively silence everyone for a moment, before another round of questions and demands starts up, far too many to answer all at once. Sasuke feels more uncomfortable at this attention than he was earlier, when he was facing possible imprisonment or exile.
Which I might still be, he thinks dimly.
Sakura is trying to answer questions and soothe insulted egos and pacify demands about their affair, while Naruto and Kakashi try to help. Words like ‘treason’, ‘dishonour’ and ‘collusion’ are thrown about. Sasuke knows he should be speaking up, but his brain appears to have stalled as he gazes upon the baby.
It’s eventually Suigetsu and Obito who cut through the tension of the assembly with their usual blunt disregard for propriety.
“So no one else is gonna ask the obvious question?” the surviving Hosuki clansman asks, glancing between Sasuke and Sakura.
“You mean how the hell during this whole war that’s been going on, they found time to f—” Obito begins, but Rin slaps her hand over his mouth.  
Sasuke feels an uncomfortable warmth in the back of his neck and Sakura’s is overwhelmed by a coughing fit.
“The how and the why are not what should concern us just now,” Kakashi says gravely, though his eyes still gleam with amusement. “The details can be explained later. What concerns us now is the existance of this child, an heir to the Senju and the Uchiha. I’d think we can all agree that this is a more solid promise of peace than any piece of paper, no matter what circumstances brought it about?”
“Besides, Sasuke still needs time to process,” Naruto sniggers.
Sasuke glares at him, wondering if it’s worth risking a harsher punishment than he’s already in for to punch the man.
In the background, the lull Sasuke noticed in the commotion from the main tent has faded away as well. Mifune has returned, and approaches Sakura.
“My lady, the people are demanding answers, and if they don’t get them some are threatening to leave,” he tells her. “Whatever…story you need to set straight, do it fast.”
Sakura makes a face. “There is no story. Just the truth.”
Sasuke catches the by-play, but still feels too disoriented to react to it; he is trying to force his brain to think strategically once again. His difficulty is compounded by the unwavering attention from the other people in the tent.
Sakura notices, and then says to Mifune, “If we might have a moment of privacy?”
“I would not advise it,” Mifune says. “The other clans are already worried about back room dealings between clans, but between the two belligerents—especially considering the serious circumstances of Uchiha-sama…”
“This not a meeting of two clans, but of two parents discussing their daughter,” she retorts firmly, and then levels a challenging gaze toward the head of the Hyūga. “Surely you would understand that, my lord?”
Hiashi appears to struggle with something a moment, but when Hinata lays a hand on his arm, he relaxes.
“Very well,” he mutters. “We will all await you in the main assembly. Soon, I hope.”
He leaves, and is slowly followed by the others. Naruto beams at them both as he leaves, while Kakashi offers a wink of encouragement on his way out.
And then they are alone for the first time in months.
Sasuke stares at Sakura, feeling somewhat inadequate beside her; she has undergone such an important change, and yet she is clearly the same woman he was first drawn to. Where it was once so easy to talk to her, now he finds himself at a loss for words.
But Mifune is right, and time is of the essence.
“The truth?” Sasuke prompts tightly, not knowing where else to start.
Sakura nods, and motions for him to sit with her. She kneels down into seiza, adjusting her hold on the infant. A beat later, Sasuke joins her, sitting with his knees scant inches from hers and staring at her expectantly.
“Sarada is three months old,” she tells him matter-of-factly. The words would be utter nonsense to someone else, but to Sasuke they only prompt him to count backwards.
A year ago.
A year ago it would have been possible, because they were still—
Memory hits him then – an encounter, one that wasn’t their last, but certainly one of the most memorable.
“Will anyone else ever make you feel like this? Answer me, Sakura.”
“No what?”
“No one else…no one else will…fuck, Sasuke, please!”
His eyes widen, his ears and neck burning at the memory; Sakura nods, her own cheeks turning red. “Yes. I think that’s when it happened. There’s always a small chance of contraception failing, but I never thought we would fall into that percentage.” She snorts in an undignified way. “I suppose I should have, considering the circumstances of our entire relationship.”
Sasuke has no idea what to say to this, and waits for her to continue.
“I suspected after we healed your brother…and by the time I knew for sure I wasn’t…I didn’t know how to tell you. Everything was so precarious, and I was worried it would negatively influence the peace we were trying to build,” she says. “By the time I decided to tell you and figure everything out afterward…it was that horrible day when Itachi…” Sakura trails off, struggling here, and Sasuke is reminded of the fact that she was quite fond of his brother – not only as her patient but as a friend. She clears her throat and goes on. “I was just about to, when –”
“Danzō attacked,” he finishes, eyes widening as he remembers. His lungs feel like they’re constricting.
“You were…that day…” his mouth goes dry. “You could have been killed – you almost were killed. Both of you, if not for…”
“Itachi,” she agrees. “I believe that’s why he threw himself in front of me.”
“He knew?” Sasuke chokes.
Sakura’s expression is sad. “Yes. How, I have no idea. I didn’t tell him anything, I wasn’t even showing physical symptoms then, but he…he suspected. Or maybe he hoped, because when he asked – like it was a joke - but I said I was…he looked like he expected it.”
Sasuke shakes his head, unsurprised; somehow, Itachi always seemed to know everything that was going on. If he weren’t a man guided by logic, Sasuke would think his brother had mystical abilities.
“He wanted to meet her so badly,” Sakura tells him in a voice barely above a whisper. “He wanted you to be happy. And he knew what she would mean to…to everyone.”
Sasuke can’t find the right words to reply to this.
“You should have told me,” Sasuke tells her, his voice inexplicably hoarse. “If you had told me –”
“Would you have believed me?” she challenges quietly. “If I appeared before you, heavy with child, saying it was yours? In your midframe, and without seeing her for yourself, what would have happened?”
He stares blankly at her, and immediately an image presents itself to him, something so horrible he can’t help pressing the back of his hand to his mouth lest he vomit.
He probably would have accused her of infidelity and run her through with his blade; or worse, shoves a chidori through her heart.
“I tried,” she admits. “Even when you were so far gone, when you accused me of – I hoped, but – but you weren’t listening.”
Sasuke can’t repress his own shudder, as his brain provides him with detailed memories of every encounter they had in the past year. Of her full-cheeked, healthy glow that he attributed to her healing abilities, of the winter cloak that hid her growing belly, and her total absence from the battlefield in the last few months –
It’s juxtaposed with his crystal-clear memories of each and every time he put her in harms way, of the times they fought beside one another—and against one another. When she forced herself to complete Itachi’s healing, when she fought Danzō’s Susanoo, when he tried to destroy her, the way her body always seemed to move to protect her centre—
A horrifying realisation hits him.
“You knew that day. I placed you in that genjutsu, and I…”
She too shivers at the memory. “We were so lucky that Kakashi was there.”
Sasuke feels like he can’t breathe, his heart pounding erratically in his ears and a pain creeping through his chest that isn’t entirely physical. It’s like someone is digging through his ribcage and heart with a dull blade, his stomach pulling tight. Bile rises in his throat as the inescapable truth hits him like a barrage of enemy arrows.
His vision swims in and out of focus for a few long minutes as he tries to regain focus; Sakura watches him worriedly, and he wonders if the only reason she hasn’t reached for him is the baby in her arms.
So many times when I could have killed her.
“You couldn’t have,” the interrupts his chaotic thoughts as if she’s read them. “It turns out my abilities apply to part of my body. At the time, she was part of it, so she would have been fine even if you had—”
“You’re not helping,” he says through gritted teeth.
“I’m not trying to,” she tells him matter-of-factly. “You should feel bad about it. That’s something that’s going to haunt you for the rest of your life.”
His mouth parts in surprise at the coolness in her voice here, but then he closes it, because she’s right.
“But that’s the past,” she goes on. “The past can haunt us all it likes, but it’s done and can’t be changed. The future can be. And I know that more than anything you want that. Because we have her.”
He thinks on this, and then asks, tentative, “We?”
She nods. “No matter what happens between us, she’s ours. Nothing will ever change that.”
He ignores the pit in his stomach at the unspoken implications of that and focusses his attentions on the baby again. Tentatively, and only after receiving a nod of encouragement from Sakura, Sasuke reaches shaking fingers toward the sleeping baby and brushes her bangs from her cheeks.
“Sarada?” he asks, hesitant.
“I named her for you and me,” Sakura tells him. “And…for Itachi.”
“It’s…it’s a good name.”
She offers him a tiny, cautious smile. “I hoped you would like it.”
He rests his hand on the crown of Sarada’s head, overtaken by a sudden strong desire and yet unable to articulate it. He shoots Sakura a beseeching look, and after a moment, her smile widens. “Do you finally want to hold her?”
He nods once.
“Here,” she says, and inches closer to him. “Hold out your arms. One goes under her body, and you have to—yes, sypport the head just like that.”
“I’ve held a baby before,” he grunts, a little of his usually orneriness peeking through the disbelief.
“You’ve never held your own before,” she quips.
To which he can offer no argument.
The swaddled baby is a warm, comforting weight in the crook of his arm; a beat later, Sakura’s familiar warmth spreads across the side of his left arm as she leans closer to him.
Sasuke tears his eyes from his daughter to Sakura, and is surprised to note silent tears running down her cheeks. He can’t tell if they are from happiness or sadness, but the sight of them bother him all the same.
“I don’t mean to force this on you. I never did,” Sakura says, trying to keep the warble of emotion from her voice. “I wanted to tell you alone, away from everyone else, so that it wouldn’t influence the peace talks. This should have been more private, and I’m sorry I couldn’t manage that –”
“Sakura –”
“But she started crying, and she never cries unless something’s wrong. She’s usually so quiet and well-behaved – and I think she got that from you, because my mother told me once I was a fussy baby –”
“Sakura –”
“ – and before you think I’m trying to use her to influence your decisions, you have to know I would never do that. And whatever decisions are made today, I don’t expect you to ever love me again –”
He speaks sharply now, loud enough that the baby in his arms shifts and frowns in her sleep. Her parents are quiet a beat, watching with baited breath to see if she will wake, and when she doesn’t, Sasuke deliberately returns his gaze to Sakura.
As soon as her eyes meet his, he informs her, “I never stopped.”
Sakura’s lips part in surprise, and a tiny oh escapes her.
For the first time today, she appears to be the on at a loss for words, and it seems wasteful not to take advantage of this. 
Mindful of the baby in his arm and wary of the receptiveness of the woman before him, Sasuke leans tentatively forward. He moves slowly, giving her every opportunity to pull away from him – a right she has every excuse in the world to use, and yet he is relieved to see she doesn’t. As his face draws nearer to hers, her eyes move from his eyes to his mouth and back again, cheeks turning an even darker shade of red than earlier. She rests one of her hands lightly on his arm, and he pauses to confirm whether this is a sign to stop, but the subtle twitch – fingers curling into the material of his robes – suggest the opposite.
He can see a tear beading on her eyelashes, and feel the tiny, flyaway wisps of her hair against his face.
When their lips finally meet, it is utterly chaste.
There is no push or pull in this, no desperate need to possess or taste or merge. Sasuke fits her trembling bottom lip between both of his, resting softly against her, and though she gasps, he makes no move to deepen the kiss.
For once it is Sakura who breaks away first, exhaling a shuddering sigh; there are two damp trails down her cheeks, but she is smiling at him. She opens her mouth to say something, and then abruptly shuts it again. Before Sasuke can pay much attention to the nervous, expectant feeling in his stomach, she reaches up with her hand and taps two fingers against his forehead.
“I never stopped either,” she whispers, leaning forward until their foreheads rest together.
They stay like this for a long while, resting against one another and gazing down at the child between them.
“But if you ever pull anything like that again, I will unmake you,” she tells him, voice laced with promise. “As it is, as soon as you’re back to full health, I’m going to kick your ass so hard, Uchiha Madara will feel it.”
For the first time in years, Sasuke laughs.
“People will still want answers,” Sasuke says eventually. “You saw earlier. They’ll want to know how this happened.”
“I doubt we have to explain that.”
Sasuke gives her a look, causing Sakura to laugh, and then turn serious.
“We won’t tell them about Itachi’s illness,” she decides. “That’s his own secret, and as your brother and my patient, I see no reason to make anyone aware of it.” Sasuke is grateful for this. “As for our time together before…”
“They don’t need to know about that, either,” Sasuke says, feeling unexpectedly protective of those secret nights together. “As far as anyone might know, the day of the failed summit we…”
He flounders, trying to find the right words, and Sakura grin, and supplies, “Went for a stroll?”
The way she says it drips with innuendo.
“Yes,” he answers shortly, ignoring how warm his clothes feel just then.
“Perhaps we even discussed uniting our clans to ensue the peace,” Sakura goes on.  “And then Danzō’s betrayal stopped any possible plans.”
Sasuke nods thoughtfully, and then asks, “Is that why you brought it up?”
“That day – the last time we – you mentioned bringing the two clans together,” he reminds her. “Was it because of Sarada?”
Sakura sighs and nods sadly. “Partially. Of course, I want peace…but I also want a better world for her. Don’t you?”
He does. More than he has ever wanted anything in his life.
Yet, even as he thinks of the bright future his daughter has in front of her, he can’t help sensing a darkness that threatens it. A shadow cast by her own father, hated and reviled by the people of this land for his deeds.
“She will be judged for my actions,” he realises, “if they aren’t judging her for them already.”
“Let them try!” Sakura says fiercely.
“No,” he shakes his head. He carefully hands Sarada back to Sakura, who automatically takes the baby though she looks confused. “My legacy will harm her and anything she aspires to in the future. It would be better for her if I left. This world is for her, not for m –”
Sakura’s free hand snaps out and slaps him. It’s not a particularly powerful for her, but enough to make his teeth rattle.
“You damned, stupid idiot!” she snarls. “How could you think of doing that!” She shakes her fist at him, and he suspects the only reason she doesn’t do worse is because of the baby in her arm. “We both lost our parents, we both know what that feels like! And you would subject our daughter to that?”
“We had parents worth emulating,” Sasuke replies stiffly. “She already has one of those in you. My being in her life would do her more harm than good.”
“If you’re worried about your legacy here harming her, then we’ll all leave!”
Sasuke opens his mouth to argue, and then realises what she just said, and blinks. “What?”
“All three of us,” Sakura goes on, expression stubborn. “Together. We can start over somewhere else – change our names, become…I don’t know, farmers or something. It doesn’t matter, because we’ll at least stay together!”
At this point Sasuke’s jaw has dropped in shock, because this was the last reaction he expected to his suggestion.
“We’ll sign this peace accord and then leave,” Sakura goes on. “We could even make it a condition of the accords, that to ensure peace remains here, the Senju and Uchiha will leave this land. I’m sure it wouldn’t take much to convince people of –”
“No. You and Sarada would be better off here. My leaving has nothing to do with you –”
“Nothing to do with me?” Sakura demands angrily.
Sarada begins to fuss in Sasuke’s arm, and they both fall silent once more, conscious that their argument is disturbing their daughter.
“You can’t give up everything on my account!” Sasuke hisses.
“I already have!” Sakura shoots back in a harsh whisper. “You and your damned eyes, that first day we met!” He goes still, stunned, because those are his words. “I’ve been ready to give up everything ever since that day, and it’s been hell! Do you know how hard the past few months have been? Especially since Sarada was born? Some days the only way I got through it was by telling myself that today would be the day. Today you would come back to me. To us.”
He looks away. “If I have put you through so much…it would be selfish to stay.”
“It would be selfish to leave. If you do, Sarada will be without her father…and I will be without the man I love.”
“Sometimes that which we love can cause the most harm,” he murmurs. He thinks on the generations of Uchiha who threw away their lives for the clan they loved so deeply.
“You’ve already done me enough harm to last a lifetime – would you do more?” she asks him bluntly, and he winces, because he deserves that. She sighs. “I’m sorry. I shouldn’t have said that. Naruto explained your reasons and…I know you weren’t in your right mind...”
“It’s no excuse.”
“No, but I’m offering it anyway,” she replies, and tries to smile. This time, she is unable to do it. “If you leave, you take my heart with you. People can’t live without their hearts, Sasuke-kun. Not me, nor you.”
“I don’t deserve any of this, Sakura,” he sighs, though he feels himself wavering. “I’ve taken so many lives—”
“And I haven’t?” she counters. “I told you once before. The reason I became a medic was to make up for the lives I had to take. You can’t make up for your mistakes if you’re dead, or if you leave.”
“Stay,” she implores him. “Build the future your brother wanted. Be the father Sarada needs, and try to make up for the damage done to this country by being a part of it. I’m not saying you ever will—you’ve done a lot of things wrong. But it’s better than the alternative. Exiling yourself is the same as running away, and it goes against everything that you are.”
“I still face a tribunal,” he reminds her. “I doubt they will care to take into account this future of yours.”
“It doesn’t matter. Whatever they decide, we will deal with it as a family.”
He stills. “Is that we are?”
“It’s what we have always been,” she insists. “Even when you were too stubborn to see it.”
He clenches his fist against the swaddled form of his child, and then relaxes; the rest of the tension in his body drains out of him.
“Stay,” Sakura whispers one last time, leaning close, those damned green eyes shining with determination and love.
And he does.
Stay tuned for the Epilogue!
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Penthesilea [11/?]
Cover & Disclaimer
Chapter Summary: History has a tendency to repeat itself; those who don’t learn that lesson are doomed to endure it over and over
Chapter Beta: None beyond my own two eyes and editing software at the moment
Sasuke doesn’t approach his brother right away, instead seeking advice from Kakashi about what to do. Although the man feels protective of both Uchiha brothers, he can also see the grander picture in a way Sasuke has not yet learned to.
When Sasuke questions the wisdom in suggesting Sakura’s potential cure, especially in the wake of Shisui’s death, Kakashi sighs
“You know you must inform him of this. And respect whatever he wishes, no matter your own reservations.”
A part of Sasuke wishes Kakashi had told him to keep silent though he isn’t sure if it’s for Itachi’s peace of mind or his own.
It’s another day of weighing his options before Sasuke finally broaches the matter. He enters Itachi’s quarters, expecting him to be sitting in quiet, grief-fuelled reflection, only to stumble upon him putting on his armour.
“What are you doing?” he demands as his brother adjusts his cuirass.
“What I should have been doing all these long months,” Itachi replies neutrally. “Leading my people.”
“You’re supposed to be resting. If you push yourself, you could have another fit and—”
“It doesn’t matter,” Itachi interrupts. “This war will never end. We’re all destined to die anyhow.”
“You think Shisui would be happy about you just giving up just because he died?”
Itachi’s eyes flash in irritation. “Have a care, little brother. I won’t tolerate his name used in the manner you intend.”
“Only because you know he’d tell you not to be a coward.”
“I fail to see how giving up my life to protect our people is cowardly. It’s a far better outcome than wasting away in a bed,” Itachi maintains stubbornly, and then sighs. “I’ve allowed myself to put it off too long.”
The hopelessness in his brother’s voice angers him.
“Put what off?” Sasuke demands. “Your death? If that was your end goal why the hell did you let Sakura and I try to save you these past months?” Itachi is silent, and Sasuke stalks forward, furious. He grabs his brother’s armour and pulls it off; it’s a mark of how weak Itachi is that he doesn’t have the strength to stop him. “You’re not just giving up. You’re too important to this damned peace everyone wants so badly. If you’re not there, what’s the point.”
“We might have a cure,” Sasuke cuts him off before he can think of better phrasing. Itachi stills and raises an expectant eyebrow. “Maybe…but it comes at a cost.”
“These things usually do,” his brother replies dryly, but allows Sasuke to lead him back to his bed to sit. As he helps him remove his armour, Sasuke hurriedly explains what Sakura has found and the technique she is proposing. His brother listens with a neutral expression the entire time, betraying none of his thoughts as Sasuke confesses the caveat of the plan working and Sakura’s true identity. 
“I’ve known who she is all along,” Itachi tells him wearily when he finishes. In happier times, there would be amusement in his voice, but now he simply sounds tired. “She is the most competent healer I’ve ever known—more so even than Tsunade-hime, I suspect. Besides,” He manages a wan smile here, “I said it was impossible to forget eyes like that.”
“And you still allowed her to treat you,” Sasuke says, disbelieving.
“I said before that you have immense trust in her if you were to ask her help. If you trust her, I trust her,” his brother says. “There are good men and women on both sides of this war. Why do you think I’ve tried so hard to end it? And that was long before your feelings for a comely woman entered into it.”
Sasuke jerks in surprise, but Itachi waves a hand in dismissal, frowning only at the effort it takes him.
“As unlikely as it is…you forged bonds with these people,” Itachi says. “That’s both admirable and dangerous. And so, I ask you: if you were to put aside these bonds and think of them simple as that, as people. Not a childhood friend, but the leader of one of our enemy clans—not your lover, but the heir to Senju Tsunade herself—would you still trust them?”
“The Senju can play a long game, Sasuke. There’s a reason this war has continued so long,” Itachi tells him. “Both sides are unfailingly adept at carrying out strategies that require years to come to fruition. Generations even. The Uchiha…the Senju…it’s all the same.”
“We aren’t the same Uchiha and Senju that started this,” Sasuke points out.
“Aren’t you?” Itachi challenges. “History has a tendency to repeat itself; those who don’t learn that lesson are doomed to endure it over and over.”
“Repeat what?” Sasuke demands.
“Do you remember the stories Mother used to tell you? Of the Peace That Wasn’t?”
“Hashirama betrayed Madara. Mother said it was a woman they both loved.”
“It was Uzumaki Mito.”
Sasuke feels the air leave his lungs.
“A healer,” Itachi continues, eyes boring into Sasuke’s. “The first to awaken the Byakugō no In. She was Madara’s lover but betrothed to Hashirama—and in the end, she chose duty over love and stood by her husband. She even sealed a demon inside herself to help him defeat his former friend.”
“If you’re suggesting…”
“I’m suggesting nothing. I’m simply offering a caution. If we agree to this and it goes badly…this would be their best opportunity to turn the tide of the war,” his brother points out. “To lure the leaders of their enemy away and destroy them, then win the war on their terms. In our absence, ambitious men like Inabi would take over—”
“But Obito—”
“Obito does not possess the patience required to lead and the remnants of our council are aware of this. If the worst were to happen to us both, they would invoke clan law to elect a different leader. You know Inabi has a talent for winning people to his cause—how long do you think it would take him to oust Obito?”
“He’d have to kill him first. Obito wouldn’t go down without a fight.”
“Exactly. And our people would endure war on the home front as well. It would not be long before the Senju emerged victorious, picking the clan off as they saw fit. And perhaps that’s for the best—this war must end—but too many among the Senju forces hate and revile us. Within generations, anyone of Uchiha blood might find themselves reduced to the status of slave, or even banished from our ancestral lands. At worst, they might wipe us out entirely.” Itachi pauses here, allowing his words to sink in. “And so, little brother, I ask again: even knowing all of this, do you trust these people?”
“Yes.” Sasuke is surprised at how quick his response comes to his lips this time.
“Other than Sakura,” Itachi clarifies. “I know you trust her. Even if you didn’t, she’s a true healer; her duty is to her patient, and I suppose I am protected by that. Out of everyone I can think of, her motives are the most trustworthy. But innocents like her can be turned into pawns by others. Do you trust Uzumaki Naruto?”
Sasuke thinks over everything he has ever known about the other man. The image comes back to him of Naruto standing before him, refusing to fight him because he was respecting his grief.
“Yes,” he says finally.
Itachi studies him for a very long while, and with a maddeningly unreadable expression. Then he nods once.
“Very well,” he says at last. “Sakura will perform this healing technique of hers. I will put my fate in her hands—but I cannot in good conscience put our people’s there as well. Not in the current climate. I imagine you have no intention of staying here—”
“Don’t even suggest it,” Sasuke warns.
“—which means we will need insurance. Someone who can extract you if the worst should happen.” Sasuke makes a noise of protest, but Itachi raises his hand. “There is having complete faith and trust in someone, and there is being practical. When you are the leader, you will understand that.”
“If,” Sasuke corrects, narrowing his eyes. “If I were the leader.”
Itachi smiles a little, but it doesn’t reach his eyes.
“This is absurd,” Sasuke tells him. “If you told anyone else in the clan about this, they would stop you.”
“Then we won’t tell someone from within the clan,” Itachi replies. “In fact, there is already someone in your confidence who is loyal to the Uchiha and to the idea of peace. And who, if I’m not mistaken, also has a soft-spot for Sakura-chan.”
Sasuke is the one who is quiet this time. He knows that his brother is referring to Kakashi, and while he can’t argue with anything Itachi has said, he can’t help being wary. He suspects there is another reason Itachi wants their former teacher to go with them; that Sasuke can’t figure it out bothers him more than he would like.
But his task was to get his brother to agree to Sakura’s procedure, and he has succeeded. He will deal with any other difficulties as they come.
Several days later, under the cover of night, Itachi, Sasuke and Kakashi arrive in one of the neutral border villages. It is a tiny hamlet that has never taken sides in the large conflict if only because there are too few villagers and too few beneficial resources.
Naruto’s messenger—a tiny frog summon with an attitude—said they must travel to the farthest hut in the village. In no time the three of them stand a short distance from the homely structure. Sasuke indicates to the others that he will go first, and heads for the entrance.
A slender woman with long dark hair peeks out from the doorway, eyes widening a little at the sight of him. He suspects he is a disconcerting sight, dressed entirely in black and hand on his hips, but she is expecting him. With a nervous smile, she motions for him to come inside. 
Sasuke exchanges last looks with his brother and mentor, a general agreement to be wary. Trust aside, they are all conditioned to await ambush.
The interior of the hut is dimly lit, and that only within the confines of what seems to be a small tent at the back of the room. A clean room for surgery,  Sasuke realises a moment later when Sakura emerges. She is dressed for surgery in a cap and gown, her hair carefully tucked away beneath her gear. Beside the cloth walls, Naruto is speaking quietly with an older man, who resembles the dark-haired woman enough that Sasuke suspects it’s her father. And then, lurking in the shadows—
Sasuke frowns at the third figure in the room. This man is a stranger with hollow cheeks and dark features and dressed casually but his bearing and the scars on his hands betray him as a warrior.
“Who’s this?” Sasuke demands, suspicious.
 “This is Tenzō Yamato,” Sakura replies in a soothing tone. “He’s a distant relative of Tsunade-shishou, and the only person alive who inherited Hashirama-sama’s Mokuton.”
“I don’t care who he is, I care why he’s here,” Sasuke snaps, nerves making him shorter than usual even with her.
“He is here to protect Naruto if something should happen to me,” Sakura says curtly.
“Did I hear someone say ‘protect’?” Naruto speaks up, sounding annoyed at the idea.
“Don’t be childish,” she retorts.
“And what danger does he need to worry about?” Sasuke challenges, narrowing his eyes at his rival. The blue-eyed man returns the gaze with equal wariness, until Sakura steps between the two.
“You’re not the only ones worried about ambush,” she lectures sternly. “It pays to be prepared.” When he continues to frown at her, she adds in a softer, quieter voice, “You can’t fault us for extra measures. I trust you…and I know Kakashi and Itachi to be good men. But on the off-chance someone overheard your plans to come here? Or ours? What we do tonight is not something to be taken lightly.”
Sasuke growls wordlessly in reply, eyes flitting from Naruto to the stranger in the shadows, but then forcibly relaxes. “Fine. Are you sure this location is secure?”
“I’ve known Teuchi and Ayame since I could barely walk,” Naruto interrupts. “They’re trustworthy.”
He and Sasuke regard each other for a further moment, hard-eyed, and then Sasuke nods.
Sasuke returns to the door and waves a hand through, signalling his brother and Kakashi that all is safe. Or as safe as it can be under these circumstances. As she watches them approach the small hut, Sakura’s forehead wrinkles in consternation over something. She turns to Sasuke.
 “You were supposed to bring someone who could be a match for Itachi. There’s very little chance that Kakashi would be.”
Sasuke gives her an unimpressed look. “You know that’s not why he’s here.”
“I can hope, can’t I?” she returns, face falling a little. Obviously, she expects what he intends, but still hopes to be told differently. In some ways, she is still so innocent.
“You’re a stranger risking your life for my brother,” he tells her. “Is it even a question that I might do the same? Of the two of us, his survival is the most important.”
“Don’t say that,” Sakura snaps, a little harsher than usual. Noticing how Naruto and Yamato glance over, she lowers her voice. “His survival isn’t the only one that’s important.”
“You’re in the minority with that belief,” Sasuke replies as his brother enters the tent.
At once, Itachi’s eyes fly toward Naruto, and the two rival clan leaders size one another up. There is a palpable tension in the air;  Sasuke has the sudden mental image of a crow facing a toad, trying to decide whether to eat it or not.
A beat later, Naruto takes a step forward, and bows into a low saikeirei. There are several surprised intakes of breath around the room—even Sasuke is somewhat caught off-guard, as he wasn’t even aware Naruto knew how to be respectful.
“Uchiha-dono,” he says. “I express my heartfelt sorrow for your friend’s passing. Too many good men have been lost to this war, and I’m sorry his end came at the hands of anyone associated with the Senju or the Uzumaki.”
Itachi remains carefully composed, studying the younger man, and then ducks into a stiff eshaku. “You condolences are appreciated.”
“Please know that my clan and I remain committed to peace,” Naruto goes on, straightening to his full height. “Danzō does not speak for us—or the Senju, however much he believes he does.”
“That discussion is too long for today,” Itachi says quietly. “Although it begs the question. Many a man would expect recompense for the danger you throw yourself into tonight. Tell me, Uzumaki Naruto - is your help tonight conditional on a peace treaty?”
 “No,” Naruto says immediately; his tone sounds almost offended. “This is because you’re Sasuke’s family.”
Itachi raises an eyebrow. “What do you care for my brother?”
“When I was a child, he was the only friend I had,” Naruto says in a firm tone, eyes flitting briefly to Sasuke and then returning to Itachi’s face. “Before I met Sakura, before the war caught up with us and forced us to fight each other. I don’t forget the people to whom I’ve formed bonds.”
Sasuke blinks at this, surprised, while Itachi nods, thoughtful.
“Besides,” Naruto continues with a shrug. “Sakura is important to me, and Sasuke is important to her. And you are important to him.”
“That’s a rather loose set of reasoning to help the enemy.”
“Better than some reasons that people go to war,” Naruto shoots back.
In the corner, Kakashi snorts and even corners of Itachi’s mouth twitch.
“Very well,” Sasuke’s brother says. “Then answer me one last question.”
“Fine,” Naruto juts his chin out as if to dare the leader of the Uchiha to find something he has to hide.
“This is a dangerous medical procedure. Even one that your distant ancestor Uzumaki Mito could not manage. Why are you here to help your medic friend carry it out instead of Senju Tsunade? To my knowledge, you are not learned in the art of medical ninjutsu.”
Naruto and Sakura exchange glances then, and something passes between them. The silence conversation is that of long-time friends, and Sasuke instantly resents it. A beat later, the leader of the Uzumaki tilts his head at Yamato, who appears wary, but slowly nods.
“It’s because I have something Tsunade-baachan doesn’t,” Naruto says at last, utterly serious. “And which Mito didn’t have at the time that she tried the technique.”
Itachi considers him for a long moment, frowning as he weighs these words, and then his eyebrows raise incrementally. “Ah. I see. So that’s why the Mokuton wielder is here.”
Naruto startles and Sasuke shoots his brother a confused look. “What are you talking about?”
“Uzumaki Naruto is a jinchūriki,” Itachi declares quietly. “To the same demon that harnessed by Uzumaki Mito, if I’m not mistaken.”
There is a heavy silence in the room.
Naruto doesn’t speak or move beyond a clench of his jaw, neither confirming nor denying it. Sakura bites her lips, eyes flitting worriedly between her friend and her lover, as if she’s unsure who she ought to be more worried about.
Sasuke is stunned.
He has always suspected that there was something about Naruto, something that allowed an otherwise average warrior to withstand Sasuke’s training and talents. Some secret technique that allowed him to heal from wounds that would have killed lesser men.
But he would never have guessed at a legendary beast residing within his rival. He glances to Sakura, understanding in that moment why she could not tell him the truth. 
“It’s amazing that you could keep this a secret from us,” Kakashi remarks, sounding uncharacteristically surprised. “And a dangerous gamble, if anyone found out.”
“Yes,” Itachi agrees. “If he and the demon are one, his power is potentially unlimited. But considering we have never heard of any of your abilities, and you haven’t used them on the battlefield, I assume this balance yet escapes your grasp.”
“Not to mention Sasuke would be dead several times over,” Kakashi points out, earning a glare from the younger Uchiha.
“Not necessarily,” Itachi says, narrowing his eyes at Naruto. “And you know that too, do you not?” His eyes gleam red, Mangekyō Sharingan spinning in a threat. Yamato makes a move toward him, but a tiny gesture from Sakura stops him. “Without having reached the pinnacle of your power, you still appear before me knowing that you could hand me a key to win the war. You are familiar with the stories of Madara I assume? They say he could command untamed demons with his eyes.”
Sakura flinches, but Naruto steps forward.
“You won’t,” he says, though his fists clench like he’s trying to convince himself of this. “You want a peace that lasts, not one that’s built on an illusion. Besides, this has to be fair. You came here tonight even though I’m sure you suspected it was a trap. And you have a lot to lose if your disease is discovered by your people. So I should have a lot to lose too. We have to be equal.”
It’s the most ridiculous, naïve thinking Sasuke has ever heard of. No warrior he has ever faced would voluntarily handicap himself when meeting with the enemy, and yet the Uzumaki leader has done just that.
Then, to his shock, Itachi gives a short chuckle.
“You are a strange man, Uzumaki Naruto,” he says, sounding coolly amused. “You have a very simple view of the world. I would call it innocent, except I suspect you understand better than most that the world and the people in it are not kind. That you have maintained this…hope in the face of adversity is no small feat. And I can see why my brother trusts you.”
This time it is Naruto who appears surprised, glancing over to Sasuke as if to gauge the truth of this.
“We will proceed,” Itachi declares, and turns to Sakura. “I commit my life to your hands. Whatever plan you have, let us carry it out now.”
“I can do this,” Sakura insists to him. “With Naruto’s help and my training, I’ll succeed where Uzumaki Mito did not.”
Itachi studies her face for a moment and then looks to Sasuke.
“That is my sincerest hope,” he says, and Sasuke wonders if he has imagined the undertone in his brother’s words.
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