#demetri decenzo x reader
may-moskowitz · 1 year
Who I write for!🤍
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Cobra Kai:
- Eli (Hawk) Moskowitz
- Demetri Alexopoulos
- Miguel Diaz
I may write for the actors as well :)
The Vampire Diaries:
- Stefan Salvatore
- Damon Salvatore
- Katherine Pierce/Petrova
- Elena Gilbert (harsh maybe, she annoys the hell out of me tbh)
- Caroline Forbes
I may write for Paul and Ian as well, or any other characters they might play :)
Do’s and Don’ts for my page 🩷
Will write smut (I love it so pls don’t shy away from requesting it)
Fluff, headcanons, blurbs and discussions are welcome
Will write for any type of relationship; Gay, straight, poly etc.
Will write for trauma/mental health related issues
TVD - I’ll write about blood kinks if they’re requested
Also in terms of TVD, blood will obvs be mentioned… so I’m absolutely fine with writing abt it
BDSM related requests are accepted
Pretty much all works will be “x reader”, if there are certain pronouns you want used in a post then pls specify in your request!
I will not write anything incest or pedophilic… absolutely no Stefan x Damon bullshit y’all
I won’t write anything involving piss/shit kinks, or anything extremely deviant
I will not write for Daniel, Johnny or Terry in CK + I will not write for the Mikaelson’s in TVD atp, just not super comfy with it!
I will not write about drug addiction or self harm, if I do it will be purely implicated or referred to in past tense
My masterlist 🩷
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quicksilver-babeyy · 2 years
Send me as many concepts and thoughts you have for any characters from :
Spiderman(any of the three adaptions)
Cobra Kai/Karate Kid
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lovelyyy-luna · 3 years
party's over
pairing: (eli moskowitz x fem!reader, demetri x fem!reader)
fandom: cobra kai
type: angsty?
warning: cussing, mentions of alcohol
word count: 1113
a/n: okay I love Eli but as Hawk hes an asshole. But hes still hot as both.
date: march 23, 2021
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You haven’t seen your friends all summer and you had just gotten back a week before school started.
You were a camp counselor over at a creative camp for kids. It was an awesome experience.
You were just happy to be back home.
Before you left your friends Eli or Hawk as he liked to be called, and Demetri was fighting and you hated to be caught in the middle of it. You told them that if they didn’t make-up by the time you got back that you were gonna force them to like each other again.
When you got back to the house you quickly went on your phone. Two months without it was tough but was also therapeutic.
Your friends wrote to you every day. Moon was more consistent than the others. Always keep you updated on the drama.
You would always ask how your boys were doing but she would respond vaguely.
You checked your messages and all of them were so sweet. Lots from your girlfriends and Demetri were updating you on your shows making sure not to spoil much for you. And with Eli all, he sent you were pictures of him shirtless flexing
You started to text everyone telling them you made it back home safely.
In the group, text Moon suggests that you have a welcome home movie party. You agreed and everyone was set to meet in an hour.
Your parents had work and they didn’t mind if you had your friends over. You knew there was still tension going on with the whole Cobra Kai and Miyagi-Do rival but you just hoped for this one night everyone they got along.
Chris, Mitch, and Nathaniel arrived first with the drinks and chips. Then Sam, Robby, Demetri, Aisha, and Moon arrive with alcohol. And finally Miguel Tory, and Hawk arrive with the pizza.
Moon sneaks away dragging Demetri with her and goes out to the front and has a talk with him and Hawk.
“What the hell is he doing here?” Hawk exclaims pointing at Demetri
“Yeah what the hell is he doing here?” He says to Moon.
“Now both of you shut up. Y/N is your best friend and she just got back. You promised her that you guys would have made up by now. And I don’t want her to be crushed that you two haven’t! So put on your happy buddy buddy faces and be nice!” Seeing Moon mad made them a little scared but they decided to put their feelings aside for you.
They all walk into the party and right when you turn around a big smile is put on your face.
“Guy! Oh my god, I’ve missed you so much!” You squeal hugging them both. “I’m so happy that you guys made up!”
The crowd behind you murmurs in confusion but Moon gives them a look.
You drop the hug and walk over to the tv.
Everyone was shouting out names of movies to watch. They all agreed on a classic. Ghostbusters.
The movie starts and you sit between Eli and Demetri. They kept giving each other dirty looks. Eli more than Demetri.
The movie ended but everyone was talking and having a good time. You were talking to Moon and Aisha about summer camp when you heard a commotion happen in the kitchen.
You and the group walk into the kitchen and see Eli put Demetri in a headlock.
“What the fuck is going on here? I thought you guys made up?”
“No.” Demetri grunted, “Moon made us lie to you.”
You look back at Moon and give Moon a weak smile. You knew she just wanted you to be happy.
You look back at the boys, “ Eli let go of him now!”
He lets go of him still huffed and puffed for some reason.
“Thanks for having my back Y/N,” Demetri said.
That comment for some reason made Eli launch at him through you. You never wanted to be caught in the middle of them fighting but yet here you were.
You had no choice but to break them up.
You pushed them apart and palmed Eli in the nose. Then Demetri starts to laugh at him but that is interrupted by your palm hitting his nose as well
“Okay everyone in the living room now!”
They all sit down and you stand in front of them all.
“Okay, I appreciate that you tried to keep their rivalry a secret but I was going to find out about this sooner or later. Even though I told myself that I wasn’t going to get involved, why don't you tell me why you guys are fighting?”
The boys started to talk over each other. “Shut up! Both of you! Eli, why don't you go first?”
You hear Demetri scoff and you turn to him, “what was that for?”
“Oh, nothing. It’s just that you are always favoring Eli.”
You stutter, “What are you talking about? I dont always favor him.”
The crowd agrees with Demetri. “I don't favor him. Demetri, why don't you go first?”
Eli stood up, “so you dont like me?”
“What are you talking about? Of course, I like you.”
Demetri chimes in, “but you like him more than me.”
“No! I like you both an equal amount.” you huff in frustration, “me liking either of you is not the problem. The problem is that you both don't like each other anymore. You guys used to be best friends! What happened to that?”
“Not my problem I won’t be friends with a nerd.”
You look around in confusion, “um Eli that sounds exactly like your problem. And what’s with this shit about you not liking him because he's a nerd? Are you going to stop being friends with me because I’m a nerd? Are you going to threaten to beat me up?”
He looks at you confused and worried, “oh yeah Eli, I heard all about your little confrontation with Demetri and you threatening him. The Eli I know would never do that.”
“Well guess what bitch I'm not Eli anymore. I'm Hawk.” he gets up all close to your face. All he can see are tears forming. The room was silent, all in disbelief at what he said to you.
You push him out of the way and head up to your room. “Party's over,” you say with a sob in your voice.
Moon urges people to leave and follows you up to your room. You look back and see Hawk standing there. You walk into your room and sob into Moon’s hug. You couldn’t believe you just lost one of your best friends.
♡please like and/or reblog♡
wanna be tagged? (X)
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YALL I- wow simply speechless.
gimme two to three buisness days to cope with these please and thank you🥲
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little-legend-baby · 3 years
I’m gonna fucking out myself but what’s a gal gotta do around here to get some good wholesome Demetri x Reader for my dwindling serotonin levels?
Not asking for a friend. Asking for ME, and my intense need for my Binary Boy and all of his geeky glory.
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quicksilver-babeyy · 3 years
Characters List
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Daniel LaRusso[older and young]
Johnny Lawrence[older and young]
Chozen Toguchi[older and young]
Ali Mills[older and young]
Amanda Larusso
Eli “Hawk” Moskowitz[pre and post Hawk era]
Sam Larusso
Miguel Diaz
Aisha Robinson
Demetri DeCenzo
Tory Nichols
Tobey!Peter Parker
Andrew!Peter Parker
May Parker
Michelle “MJ” Jones
Greg Tolan
Edgar Frog[older and young]
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quicksilver-babeyy · 3 years
Masterlist Cobra Kai//Karate Kid🐍🥋
~Platonic Works~🥰
Basic dad photo/Johnny Lawrence
Parental figure Johnny Lawrence, taking care of an injured teen karate student
Dear, sibling|Eli Moskowitz|
Being from cobra Kai and beating Daniel in the All Valley tournament without cheating
Memories kept in photos|Dad!Daniel LaRusso
Greatest Sensei to me|Platonic Sensei Lawrence
Terry Silver seeing his innocent student as his child(coming soon)
Yandere Demetri DeCenzo(coming soon)
Yandere Older Daniel LaRusso(coming soon)
~Romantic Works~💌
Crazy over you|Young Johnny Lawrence|
Your first kiss with them(Young Johnny Lawrence, young Ali Mills, Eli Moskowitz)
Poly Johnny Lawrence X Reader X Daniel LaRusso(coming soon)
Poly Johnny Lawrence X Reader X Carmen Diaz(coming soon)
Yandere Older Daniel LaRusso(coming soon)
Yandere Demetri DeCenzo(coming soon)
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