#demiurge x gn reader
hunn1e-bunn1e · 8 months
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Demiurge - GN SB Reader Sleeps on His Lap
This is a bit short!
I hope that this is something near what you wanted 🐀Rat anon! I did my best! I was a bit preoccupied with other things at the time as well, so I decided to make this a shorter one. —Benny🐰
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Just how in the new world did Demiurge end up in this situation!? He's unworthy of such an amazing honor as this! Unworthy! The poor arch-devil is only a mere speck floating about in the sea of denizens that make up the Tomb of Nazarick... and yet...
.....and yet.....
...his most treasured one has chosen to slumber on top of his legs! It's like a dream come true! They depend on him to be a stable headrest as they sleep! He's so honored!
But, truth be told, Demiurge had lost his usual composure quite some time ago. Hours, really. His normally gray skinned complexion was now stained a deep crimson red, resting upon his bespectacled face. His whole body seemed to tremble lightly as he fought the instinct to move and readjust his position. Steam was practically shooting from his ears .
"C‐could I bring myself to be so vain..."
The arch-devil mutters to himself; holding a trembling hand just above the soft looking lochs of hair that sprouted from his most cherished one's head.
Just when his fingers are about to graze the snoozing supreme being's head; they stir and shift in his lap and turn their head to face him; grabbing his wrist and trapping his hand palm side up underneath their face. Demiurge's eyes widen as he felt the softness of their cheek. He could feel his face get about 20° warmer than it already had been.
He could feel his breathing rapidly pick up in panic, it was to the point that he was huffing and puffing like a spooked animal. He was touching them without their consent! How would he ever gain the confidence to show himself in their presence once they had awoken! But now... he couldn't move his hand without risk of waking them.
"How have I found myself on the cusp of such a difficult decision..."
Demiurge whispered to himself as he wracked his brain for a fitting solution to such a bizarre situation.
On one hand he could gently lift you from his lap and allow them to properly continue resting on one of the many plush pillows that decorated their bed. But then there's a possibility that he may wake them up or go against their potential unspoken wish to stay in the position they fell asleep in; head on his lap and all.
But, on the other hand, he is still a floor guardian and he has his own responsibilities and duties that come with that title that must be attended to at some point. In addition to that, Demiurge has no business encroaching on such a sacred place as his most cherished one's bedroom in the first place. But if he doesn't stay in place he might risk disappointing them.
"Mmnh.... Demi...urge..."
The slumbering sepreme being slurred with a goofy smile on their face, drool staining his red suit pants.
It seems Nazarick's strategist....
C R I T I C A L H I T ! ! !
...was found incapacitated by unknown means.
In the end, it seems Demiurge didn't have to make such a hard decision after all due to losing consciousness. His brain simply couldn't keep up with how hard it was working to subconsciously keep him from flipping out. His steaming 'corpse' was later discovered by Mare after he hadn't shown up to a summons from Ainz.
Mare reported that Demiurge was hunched over in a squatting position in his room, mumbling something about 'dreaming of me, they were dreaming of me, so honored, I'm so honored' and he also didn't seem to react to outside stimuli of any kind for a good few days.
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Akiko Yosano (self-aware)
Self-Aware! Akiko Yosano x GN! Reader
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Warning: Yandere. OOC. Spoilers for Yosano's past. Mentions of been torn apart. Mentions of medicine. Mentions of war. Mentions of Kunikida been broken. Yosano is angry. Yosano really doesn't like you at first. But she became better. English is my second language.
Becoming self-aware
🩺 Akiko Yosano was a calm and intelligent woman. Yes, she can be sadistic, she knew that, but she was a good person.
🩺 When Yosano became self-aware, she was furious. Yosano didn't care that she couldn't remember her parents. She was furious, that she remembered something from her past.
🩺 She wasn't real?! If she wasn't real, why she remembered The Great War?! Why she remembered treating people during The Great War?! Was The Great War real?! Was her work alongside Mori real?
🩺 Why she was forced to treat solders when she was eleven?
🩺 Yosano stormed away from the office. Tanizaki siblings find her only on the next day. Yosano almost destroyed a warehouse where she met Atsushi for the first time.
🩺 Tanizaki siblings managed to bring Yosano back to the office.
🩺 And then she felt the entity's presence.
Yosano was ready to destroy the entity. She doesn't care, who it was. She felt that this thing is responsible for the current madness. 
For the last few days, all ADA members were staying in the office. The situation was so bizarre. They don't want to be left alone.
Yosano can't see her friends' conditions. 
Kunikida looked like a husk of his former self. Carefree Dazai looked dangerous. Atsushi looked lost. Fukuzawa-sensei tried to stay strong, but Yosano can see, that present seems almost broken.
The entity was the reason they were suffering. And the entity was a coward. It never showed itself. If Yosano met it, she would tear it apart.
And then time resets.
And Yosano was once again in the warehouse, where Dazai proclaim he wants to make Atsushi a part of ADA. Both Dazai and Atsushi looked peaceful.
When they start feeling your presence
🩺 Be grateful that Yosano can't reach you.
🩺 Because if she could, she would eliminate you.
🩺 Yosano was sure, that you are a demiurge. An evil human-child. Were their lives entertaining for you that you reset time?
🩺 At the day when Black Lizards attack ADA office, Yosano was ruthless. Thankfully, she didn't kill anyone. Then she heard a voice.
"Yes, Queen, slay! [||||||||||||] cool! And she [||||||||||] style!"
🩺 Yosano felt, like she was cuddling with a bunch of kittens who adored her. Was it entity's feelings? That pure? Yosano was confused. If the entity was evil, why its feelings were that genuine?
🩺 Everyone could see Yosano's anger. Some were silent. But two people weren't.
🩺 Atsushi was first, who talked to Yosano. He told her about the entity been kind and sympathetic towards him.
🩺 Then there was Dazai. He, once again, was carefree. Dazai assures Yosano, that she will see the truth. That there is some hope.
🩺 Then, few days after her talk with Atsushi and Dazai, she saw, that Kunikida, again, looked as strong as he was before.
🩺 Kunikida looked delightful. He told everyone about entity, thanking him for showing them an importance of making plans.
🩺 Yosano's anger lessen. Atsushi, Dazai and Kunikida looked normal, not brainwashed. Maybe, there is something more to that strange entity?
🩺 It was a day when she took Atsushi for a shopping trip. The day, when they met Kyoka.
"You want to know what death is? I'll tell you. Death is the loss of life. Despite everything doctors like me attempt... a patient's life can still fall through our fingers. You think death lies in the apex of science? Anyone with such little regard for life will die by my hand."
Yosano heard cheering.
"tell him" "you are right" "wish my dentist were more professional"
"Doctor Yosano, I think you are the good doctor. But, most importantly, you are a good person. ADA is so lucky to have you as their friend. And as their doctor."
Yosano feel, like someone touched her hair.
[In reality, you mindlessly pet manga's page with Yosano on it.]
🩺 The same day, Yosano's anger disappeared. Because of Ranpo.
"I finished the investigation. It seems, that our entity is a simple human. Like we are. They don't have ability. There are no abilities in their world. And they have no idea, that we can hear them."
🩺 Yosano couldn't be angry at you anymore. The whole situation wasn't your fault. Yosano wishes, she can say that she is sorry for hating you. Yosano thought that if you met face to face, she will take you for a shopping trip.
🩺 And then Mori Ougai and Yukichi Fukuzawa met. The union was formed. All of them were trying to find a way out of this world. Find a way to you.
🩺 Yosano and Mori had a heated argument. They wanted to decide, who will be your doctor. No one wanted to back off.
🩺 Ivan Goncharov was the one who ended the argument. He offered Fyodor Dostoevsky to become your surgeon. Yosano and Mori formed a truce and agreed to look after your health together.
And then, one day, the purple moon shined above Yokohama.
When you installed BSD Mayoi Inu Kaikitan
🩺 Yosano take her job as your doctor seriously. Even in game.
🩺 All Yosano's cards now can heal. Even if all their skills are set on dealing damage.
"Wow, I didn't know that Yosano skill can heal 50% of team HP! Did devs buff her card? Now Very Hard Event stage won't be a problem"
"Yosano from Empress card is gorgeous"
"I need more Power up materials. Time to raise up Infirmary level."
🩺 When BSD gang gain access to the rest of your phone, Yosano take it upon herself to remind you about your health.
🩺 Now your phone remind you to take a rest from computer, to take a nap, drink water, go for a walk.
🩺 And if you need to take medication, your phone (Yosano) will remind you about it.
🩺 If you buy something online, Yosano will "accompany" you.
🩺 Yosano can't wait for the day when you meet. She and others will protect you. Because, for them, you were Their Guiding Light.
You were sick. It was a simple cold, but still, you felt awful.
Two notifications pop up. One is the reminder to take your pills. Second is from BSD Maoi game. You got a present from Yosano. Third of your notes from characters.
"[Y/N], I hope you are doing well. Remember, you are a good person. Please, take care of yourself. Akiko Yosano"
There was a cute stamp with Yosano attached to the note.
Your smile was weak. But, as with Kunikida and Atsushi before, you select Yosano's card and pet Yosano's chibi sprite.
"Thanks for your concern, Yosano. And for the kind words."
You were too tired to notice that sprite's eyes became warmer.
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vewyscawy · 2 years
Supreme Pleasure
Pairing: Demiurge x GN SB! Reader
Tags: Supreme being reader, mating cycles/in heat
Wordcount: 2,919
Summary:  After arriving in the new world you thought you finally got used to your new body. What you didn't realize is that your species ran on a heat cycle, and you were about to hit yours. Deciding a supreme being shouldn't have to go through this alone, Demiurge decides to give you a hand.
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It had been a couple of weeks since you and Ainz were transported to this world, and you were starting to get the hang of things. Your body had gone through some significant chances, but you were finally getting used to it. Or so you thought.
What you didn't realize is that your species went through a heat cycle, and you were about to hit your first.
Ainz had called a meeting, and you were there, not feeling anything strange yet, but the Guardians definitely noticed. The Overlord poured over a map, pointing to different strategic spots, while Albedo and Demiurge stood at the other side of the desk, adding their own ideas, information and issues they might have with the plan. You were somehow distracted. When you got out of bed this morning you felt slightly annoyed and off your game, but you blamed it on your rest not being sufficient. You tapped your arm impatiently, wishing this meeting could be over with soon.
"Y/N, are you all right?" Ainz asked you as he noticed your mental absence, and you snapped back to reality.
"Oh, I'm sorry, I was distracted."
Demiurge and Albedo traded glances, and you half expected Demiurge to come up with some grand reason why you were not paying attention, as if you were secretly hiding some displeasure over the plans because you were already 10 steps ahead. No such reasoning came from the Arch Devil. He stayed uncharacteristically quiet, but now that you were looking at him you could see he too looked distracted. His ear seemed to twitch ever so often, and when he noticed your eyes on him he looked away.
You wonder if it was something in the air.
Ainz cleared his non-existent throat.
"I suppose we are done here anyway. We've put the necessary precautions in place, and no good will come from going over this any longer."
The two guardians nodded, and you breathed a sigh of relief. You couldn't wait to get back to your room and sit out your sudden wave of annoyance at the world and everyone around you. Your stomach and head felt weird, heavy, maybe you were coming down with something. Here's to hoping that it left as quickly as it came.
Demiurge had excused himself swiftly, seemingly in a rush, but the devil was always working hard so you chalked it up to him being busy as usual.
"My Supreme One," Albedo started as the both of you left Ainz' study, "If I may..."
She waited for your response, but seemed a little apprehensive.
"Lord Ainz and you told us guardians that before we were transported here your bodies were something you inhabited from afar, like avatars. That your true bodies were elsewhere... Forgive me if I'm wrong, but can I assume that neither you nor Ainz were used to these bodies and their characteristics before now?"
Uhh, what was she getting at?
"Yes, you're right, Albedo. Why do you ask?"
"Please do not take my meddling the wrong way Supreme One, but I think there's something you need to know, if you weren't aware of it yourself. If you were, I hope you can forgive this lowly guardian for saying what you already knew, but... It seems you are entering your heat."
Eyebrows flying into your hairline, you took a second to take in what she said so matter-of-factly.
"My heat."
"Yes, Lord/Lady Y/N. Your species functions on a heat cycle that returns every couple of months for about a week. I wasn't sure if I needed to tell you this information, but it seemed you were unaware of your body's way of telling everyone you were ready to create a child!"
Her eyes were sparkling while saying that and you inched back a bit at her sudden closeness. Oh dear... ready to create a child, huh. That was not something you had in mind.
"And I can assume everyone noticed this except for me?" you muttered, feeling stupid as all hell. Crap, you had been oozing sex hormones all morning, and you were the only one in the dark? Well, you and Ainz you assumed, since he was a skeleton and didn't get affected by hormones. Or, that's what you hoped at least.
"Well, of course! Lord Ainz is my one true love, but if it wasn't for that I wouldn't have been able to stop me from throwing myself at you, Supreme One! Your scent is quite titillating!"
Hoooooo dear. That was a whole heaping pile of information you'd rather she kept to herself. Suddenly Demiurge being distracted seemed to make sense. Ah, Demiurge. A flash of heat suddenly washed over you at the thought of him. Suddenly your irritation turned into a dull throbbing between your legs. Well, you were not coming down with an illness, but you did feel bad.
It wasn't like you thought of the guardians like Ainz did; they weren't your kids per se, but you did feel the power imbalance. You were sure if you were to ask anyone to help you with your heat they would throw themselves at your feet, but it felt wrong. It felt like you took advantage of their loyalty if you were to do this, and you sighed.
"How long did you say the heat lasted?"
"About a week if I'm not mistaken, Lord/Lady Y/N. If you allow me I will find someone to help you with it, as far as I know the heat can be quite intense, and it will be a lot easier to-"
You interrupted her quickly before she could finish her sentence, pretty sure it was going to go somewhere you didn't want her to say out loud.
"No, thank you Albedo. I will manage it myself. It will probably be best if I retreat to my room until it is over?"
It was more of a question, not knowing how much you affected the others just by being around them, and not knowing how much this was gonna affect you, you turned to Albedo to help you decide.
She seemed a bit torn at your words. Not wanting to go against them, but not agreeing with your choice of coping as well.
"I see. Of course a lowly guardian would not be enough to help you out with this, my Supreme One, but I still urge you not to deal with this yourself. Of course I will not go against your decision..."
A grimace found its way onto your face, leave it to her to make you feel guilty about this. But your choice had been made; you would spend the duration of your heat in your room, as much as the idea of being confined for so long bored you.
You quickly excused yourself, and teleported to your room.
"I can do this." you muttered to yourself, as you decided to explore the place you'd so painstakingly designed yourself. It was a great time to actually enjoy the stuff you put in here so long ago when Yggdrasil was still a game and you a simple gamer designing your own quarters.
How wrong you were.
After a day of not feeling so good, trying to distract yourself with trinkets and the on suite bathroom, the second day of your heat hit you like a brick. You were horny as all hell. At first you just masturbated, but it only made you throb harder. It seemed release by your own hands only made the heat worse. The third day you were curled up in bed, humping anything and everything you could get your hands on, practically crying in need. You needed to be freed from this torture. Someone... anyone!
Ainz had heard about your predicament, first the clinical, clean version from your own mouth, and then the full juicy version from Albedo. After his emotion inhibition made him calm down (it was one thing to hear your friend wasn't so well, another to hear everyone in the tomb was horny as fuck because said friend was in heat and affected all practically all the guardians), he decided to give you some time for yourself. But honestly he was a little worried about you. It had been 3 days already of you holing yourself up in your room, not even coming out to eat. Albedo had made it seem like something really intense, and he knew what it was like being in a body you were not used to. Thankfully his only dampened emotions. Or sadly? He wasn't really sure at this point.
"Umu," he sighed, scratching his bony chin. Of course Albedo saw his predicament, because her eyes were always on him. After sharing a bit of his concern with the Succubus she fluttered her wings a bit.
"Lord/Lady Y/N said they can deal with it himself, though I disagreed... Maybe it's better to send someone to check on them? I'm pretty sure Demiurge has time! I heard things on the farm are going well..."
Albedo was concerned about the Supreme Being, but she was more concerned about Ainz checking on said Supreme Being. It was better for Demiurge to go. After all she knew that Demiurge had been quite affected by the heat, and now she would strike two birds with one stone.
"Ah, yes Demiurge." Ainz pondered. Well, he knew you liked Demiurge, and well, if you were all right you could send him away if he was not needed. If you were not all right he knew the devil would take great care of you. In whatever way you needed. He tried not to think about that too much.
And a very happy (horny and slightly concerned) Demiurge was send your way to check on you.
You were so caught up in chasing your own pleasure you didn't hear the knock, or the subsequent opening of the door. You were whining and growling into your sheets, biting down as you had come so many times you were a sweaty, sticky mess. It didn't change the feeling of desperation in you though. You wished someone was here to help. Demiurge passed your mind and you called out his name, not expecting an answer.
When you got an answer you stopped moving instantly. A chill running down your spine.
Oh shit.
"Lord/Lady Y/N... I'm so very sorry for barging in like this..." He seemed to fall over his words, uncharacteristically, faltering in his steps in the middle of the room.
Honestly your scent was overpowering. When he stood in front of the door he could hear your whimpers, smell your arousal, but now that he was inside, he could barely stop himself from walking towards you, ready to devour you whole. His feet moved without him even trying to, but in the middle of the room he got a grip. This was a Supreme Being, and he was a mere floor guardian. They had not asked for him, he had come himself. He needed to get a grip, and...
Oh, they whimpered his name, reaching out for him.
They looked so desperate to be pleased, and he could help. He felt himself throb against his pinstriped suit pants. Honestly he had been fighting against his needs for the last couple of days. When he first smelled their heat had started he had almost been too distracted to listen to Ainz' plans, gripping his arm so hard he had left marks with his claws. Afterwards he had excused himself quickly, trying to will his lust away by working. It hadn't worked.
It seemed both of them needed help.
In a couple of steps he had bridged the distance between you and him, planting one of his knees on the edge of the bed. You looked mouth-wateringly delectable, and he ran his tongue over his sharp teeth. The moment you saw his tongue peek out hands flew to his chest, grabbing his tie and pulling him down to smash your lips together in a harsh kiss.
"Fuck, Demi- I need you so bad," you whined between kisses, already panting as he deepened the kiss, his teeth accidentally drawing blood. He should draw back, apologise for hurting his Supreme One, but the taste of you made him almost lose himself entirely. You felt him shiver against you, and you wished you could pull him closer still. He was between your legs, crotch to crotch, and you felt him throbbing against you so deliciously. You rutted against him, sure to leave a wet patch against the front of his pants, sure to leave your scent on him.
You were ready to burst, just from having him here, against you, seemingly as affected as you were. You were already naked, and he was not, and you decided it was time to change that. He needed to be inside of you now.
He surprised you by moving away slightly, lowering his face to where you needed him most.
"Ah, my Supreme One..." he grunted, his mouth watering at the sight of your arousal dripping for him, the scent was overpowering his senses. You replied with something that sounded like his name and a whine, unable to form words to voice what you wanted. The moment his mouth made contact with you your brain short circuited, hands flying to grip his hair roughly and push him closer. He groaned at being manhandled by you. If you were anyone else he'd have your head, but touched like this by you made him almost come at the feeling of the sting, the feeling of you taking from him what you needed. He took his time, making sure no inch of you was untouched. His fingers prodded at your hole, slowly sinking into your tight warmth. He started a languid rhythm, adding another finger and scissoring you open. You were already so pent up it didn't take you long to come harshly in his mouth. He seemed to drink you up greedily, taking all you had to give him.
The moment he removed his mouth from you, you yanked him up, smashing your lips together. Uncaring where his mouth was seconds before you let him devour your mouth as well, groaning, unsatisfied still.
"Your clothes," you whined, pulling desperately at his suit, and he complied instantly, shedding the material quickly to show off his body to you. "I need you inside of me."
He hovered over you, clawed hands running over your legs as if you were made of porcelain. He couldn't leave any marks on you, unworthy as he was, but oh, how he wanted to. In his minds eye he saw you under him, marked up as his' own, and his demonic blood sang to him to make this a reality. He could still restrain himself though. Barely.
"Please, Demi, take me!" came a desperate cry from you, and he complied, rubbing his twitching length against your entrance, before slowly pushing in with a barely restrained groan of appreciation.
Fuck, if he could stay like this and die, he would die a happy man. Now that he had tasted the forbidden fruit that was your body he was uncertain he could ever abstain. He thought he would be all right with just one time, accepting that you might never call him to your room again, but now that he had you- oh. Demiurge was certain he would surely go mad with lust if he could never taste you again.
He started slowly, pleasure hitting him so hard he was afraid he was going to come undone within minutes, but looking at your face he realized you wanted him to, soon. You wanted to feel him, you wanted to have him; all of him.
You were an absolute mess, drool running down your chin, eyes practically rolling back in your head at every thrust he made. It was so good, it was exactly what you wanted, and now you just needed more. You wanted him to come inside you, to paint your walls with his seed, and you weren't sure if this was you or your heat speaking. At this point it didn't matter.
The arch demon started to go faster, rutting into you deeper, and you were holding on for dear life. Oh, shit, had you known he would feel so good you'd have asked him to help you days earlier. His name left your lips in a mantra at each slam of his hips, and he grunted back, both too close to say anything of significance.
You came with a scream, before it went dark. When you came to Demiurge finished inside of you with a deep growl, and you just about came again at the sight of him. His body was glistening, his hair tussled, and his eyes.. Oh his eyes. His diamond eyes bore into yours so intensely it was as if he wanted to take you with his eyes alone.
You shivered as he slowly pulled out, his cum dripping out of you and onto your mattress. You finally felt sated, catching your breath lying next to the guardian. Your eyelids drooped, and you finally realized how tired you were. Before you realized it you were nodding off, leaving Demiurge slightly panicked at what he should do now.
You would wake refreshed and cleaned up, and only time would tell how long you'd feel sated. The heat could still go on for a couple of days...
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vewyscawywriting · 8 months
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🔥 is smut 🌶️ is not smut, but spicy * is work on my old tumblr account
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Demiurge x GN!SB!Reader  - Supreme Pleasure 🔥 *
2,919 words - Supreme being reader, mating cycles/in heat
Ainz x GN!Reader  - Maniac Mayhem🔥 *
2,108 words - tooth rotting fluff, fluff and smut, the world item is sensitive (cliché lol), non-penetrative sex, frottage, clothed sex
Pandora's Actor x GN!SB!Reader 🔥
2,678 words - Just some fucking in a pile of gold, body worship
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 9 months
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Demiurge - Fair & Just Seraphim SB Reader
I made the reader a seraphim (picture included; I imagined it as a mask or helmet.) instead of a regular angel since I believe that would be the highest evolution of an angel. Reader controls the justice system. I also used my new format for this one. I hope you like this, I did my best! —Benny🐰
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💎 Out of all 41 of the Supreme Beings of the guild Ainz Oal Gown; only two had decided to stay in the Tomb of Nazarick. Those two being the guild master, Momonga, and the other being [UserName]. The other 39 Supreme Beings had abandoned the Tomb of Nazarick and it's denizens without looking back.
💎 While Momonga, now taking the name Ainz Oal Gown, was the now disbanded guild's Leader, a certain arch-devil couldn't help but turn his gaze away from the elder lich and towards the radiant [UserName].
💎 To say he respected them was an understatement; Demiurge was infatuated. Their beauty was ethereal yet unfathomable to the eyes of a being as lowly as himself. Due to their holy origins, merely being in their presence would slowly eat away at his, shaltear's and Albedo's life.
💎 But Demiurge, despite the possibility of death, just couldn't stay away. [UserName] was glowing pillar of judgement, passion and truth; enveloping the denizens of Nazarick in their never ending cheerful disposition. While Lord Ainz was leading Nazarick with an iron fist composed of fear and brutality; [UserName] was visiting the newly conquered territory, spreading order and elation.
💎 It was only natural that the humans, the worms, would favor them in the end. Even if, going by their standards, [UserName] was no better than Lord Ainz at times. [UserName] didn't make the justice system, they were the justice system; they made sure that every single individual was abiding by their law. If anyone, undead, beastman, elf, human etc. breaks a law the punishments are quite severe.
💎 Back to Demiurge, though. He waites on them hand and foot when they let him and if he can stay near them long enough without his health deteriorating to critical condition. He'll literally drop what he's doing and run across the entire tomb if he thinks they need him.
💎 Of course, [UserName] notices Demiurge's borderline obsession with them. But do they do anything about it? No! They embrace it with enthusiasm, sometimes even giving him special treatment since he's such a loyal little arch-devil. They view his infatuation as devotion and are very pleased with it... well... At least that's what Demiurge heard from Lord Ainz. [UserName] themselves hardly even give him a passing glance.
💎 Sometimes [UserName] will bring Demiurge into the courtroom and have him cart away a law breaking human or two to his happy farm. Always seeing him off with a "punish them well, Demiurge". It always gets him euphoric when you say his name, but that might just be you're natural aura pulling that reaction from him.
💎 Overall, it's mostly just Demiurge fantasizing about them and them strait up ignoring him most of the time.
"Yes, Your Radiance. I shall see to it that they're punished thoroughly enough to meet the standards of a being of your stature."
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「A visual example of a biblically accurate Seraphim. Props to the artist who made this artwork (I can't read cursive), It's really nice.」
Seraphim; an angelical being, regarded in traditional Christian angelology as belonging to the highest order of the ninefold celestial hierarchy, associated with light, ardor, and purity.
Ardor; great enthusiasm and/or passion.
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hunn1e-bunn1e · 10 months
Demiurge - "A Wicked Grin"
Just a really short snippet of our pretty boy Demi with a sweet and wholesome SB reader who just really loves his smile.
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As you sat on your bed, you smiled at him; your eyes staying on his lips as they too were stretched into a wicked grin.
You giggled quietly into your hand as you turned your body away just a little; as if such a beautiful sound could be worth being embarrassed over.
"If I may inquire your highness, what has you laughing so merrily?"
He had asked, not expecting an answer, of course. He tilts his head ever so slightly to the right as he awaits your response, be it words, silence or more of your angelic laughter that fills him with a sense of fulfillment.
The corners of his lips stretched even further upwards as his most cherished one's giggles slowly stopped and you smiled a smile so radiant and lovely that it burned itself into his memory.
"It's just— you look so happy! And it makes me happy that you're happy! And your smile is so cute!"
You thought he was cute? You liked his smile? You enjoyed looking at his appearance in general? Oh! He was ecstatic! To be able to please his most cherished one fills him with a joy he couldn't even fathom how to describe.
He couldn't help himself but let out a little giggle of elation. A giggle you heard, which in turn made you giggle as well. And now you're both gigging together.
He wishes this moment in time with you would last forever, but duty will eventually call and he'll have to leave your bedside to further Nazarick's conquest of the New World.
But for now he will just enjoy this soft little moment with you, in the quiet of your bedroom, giggling at one another like a couple of children.
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