#demon slayer sunday incoming
ayaraki · 1 month
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Twelve Kizuki — Upper Ranks
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crackimagines · 4 years
Daisy and Sunshine (FE: Three Houses Full Fic)
All 3H AU’s Listed Here!
DOOM Paralogue
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On the Doom Slayer's day off, he loses track of his beloved pet Daisy, and he goes on the hunt to bring her back. He finds out quickly his day off is about to be put on hold...
“Against all the evil that hell can conjure,
All the wickedness man can produce,
We will send unto them, only you.
Rip and tear, until it is done...”
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
Doomguy rose from his bed and looked over to the side. Before he smashed his homemade alarm clock, it was about 8 in the morning.
Once he finished stretching, he looked at the calendar and sighed in relief. 
Being an instructor for House Isekai was tiring work. Even though he never spoke, there hadn’t been a day for these past few months where he hasn’t sighed out of disappointment.
Compared to the other houses, this one was trying to herd several cats.
Megumi, Cocytus, and if it ever got too bad, Byleth had to try and calm them down.
Sara did nothing to help and in fact only added fuel to the fire.
(Hayden) “Must you keep destroying the alarm every morning? We do have to keep an eye on our resources.”
The voice speaking was one of the AI’s that Doomguy had on him when he was transported to Fodlan. Personally he would have preferred if it was just his main assistant, Vega, here but he made do with it. It’s not as if Hayden could do anything.
Ignoring him, Doomguy got dressed in his Praetor suit and checked his rabbit pen.
Daisy was normally still sleeping at this hour, but she was wide awake. Her head turned to Doomguy.
Getting a small hay cube, he held his hand out to her, which she nibbled off his hand.
Nodding in satisfaction, he left his room for breakfast.
At the mess hall he met up with Megumi, Sara, Cocytus, Byleth and Seteth.
Once they all grabbed their plates and food, they sat down at a table near the entrance. More and more students eventually poured in and the Mess Hall went from nearly dead quiet to extremely busy.
(Sara) “Finally, a nice old Sunday! These aching bones need to rest.”
(Byleth) “...I don’t recall you doing anything other than do lectures, Sara-”
(Sara) “Exactly! Teaching is hard work, ESPECIALLY with the kiddos that we have!”
(Seteth) “Hmph, that I will agree with. House Isekai’s students seem to be more high maintenance than any of our three houses.”
(Megumi) “You have no idea, but it is fulfilling work!”
Doomguy nodded in agreement.
(Sara) “Bah, enough talking about classes already! I’m gonna be drinkin’ the day away as soon as breakfast is done!”
(Seteth) “My goodness, it is not even twelve yet!”
(Byleth) “I haven’t decided yet.”
(Megumi) “Neither have I. What about you, Slayer?”
Doomguy put his hands to his helmet’s chin.
He wasn’t too sure himself. He supposed he could read for today. It’d make a nice change of pace.
Doomguy shrugged at Megumi and went back to eating.
After everyone finished their breakfast, they all went their separate ways.
Turning off the chainsaw, he had finally finished making a makeshift hammock for himself and sat down. He put his helmet onto a leftover parts of a tree he had punched off.
Opening his book, he continued where he left off.
Dungeons and Demons, 6th Edition.
As he read, the morning slowly turned into early afternoon, students and staff passing by and waving hello at him.
He waved back, but hadn’t moved from his spot in hours as he tried to better understand how to play this new tabletop game.
A little later passed and the sun was still shining nice and warm over him. It seemed like the rules and lore within this never seemed to end, so he put it down to catch a small break.
It was then he noticed his helmet’s visor was glowing.
Raising an eyebrow he put the helmet back on and Vega’s voice appeared on screen.
(VEGA) “Slayer, your pet rabbit Daisy has escaped the cage.”
Normally he would have let Daisy explore and come back on her own, since she had a habit of doing that anyway, but he was in the mood to stop reading for the moment, so it was a perfect excuse.
Knowing already where her favorite hiding spot was, he put his book down on the log and went down to Abyss.
[The Forgotten - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
When he turned the corner, he was greeted by the Abysskeeper.
(Abysskeeper) “Oh, hey Slayer. Got something to report.”
Doomguy stopped walking and nodded at him.
(Abysskeeper) “We got that shipment of supplies we’ve been needing for a while thanks to your assistants. So thanks.”
Doomguy nodded again and grabbed a piece of paper nearby. Quickly scribbling onto it, he showed it to the Abysskeeper and pointed towards the paper’s drawing.
It was an extremely crude drawing of a rabbit.
(Abysskeeper) “Ah, your rabbit. Yeah I saw her run by, she’s fast on her feet. Think she went towards the former classrooms.”
Doomguy gestured his hand upwards as a sign of thanks and went towards that direction.
As he was walking, a familiar face emerged from the corner.
(Hapi) “Oh, Teary. What’s up, Daisy got down here again?”
Doomguy nodded.
(Hapi) “Hmph. Alright, I’ll help you look for her, wasn’t really doing anything anyway.”
Not needing to say anything further the two continued walking and searching every crevice for Daisy. After about 10 minutes of searching the classrooms, they decided to see if anyone else had seen her.
(Yuri) “Oh, hey you two.”
(Balthus) “Heya.”
Yuri and Balthus were in the main room with Angelica, and Sharon.
(Angelica) “’Sup?”
Sharon bowed.
(Sharon) “Good afternoon!”
(Hapi) “Supplies still being brought in, Yuri-bird?”
(Yuri) “Yeah, figured we would’ve been done about half an hour ago. Just how much were you able to get?!”
(Sharon) “When you’re as convincing as I am, you can get whatever you want!”
(Balthus) “That’ uh...ominous.”
(Angelica) “And that still didn’t answer his question.”
(Yuri) “Well anyways, we appreciate it. We’ll be good to go for the next few months with what we have. But I digress, what brings you to our humble abode, Slayer?”
(Hapi) “Teary’s rabbit got lost down here again. We were wondering if you saw it.”
(Yuri) “No idea, but I can send word for everyone to keep an eye out if that’ll help.”
(Constance’s voice) “AAAH!”
Everyone spun around as Constance ran in.
(Yuri) “That should be nothing new, but a large one?”
(Angelica) “Would that rat happen to have been a light brown color?”
(Constance) “Yes! It had massive ears and-”
(Hapi) “Coco, that’s a rabbit.”
(Constance) “A rabbit does not move like that! They hop around in an adorable manner, not bolt around at super speeds!”
(Sharon) “Well, looks like we have found your rabbit!”
(Yuri) “Which way did it go?”
(Constance) “Ugh, we are chasing it?! Let’s see, this way!”
Finally chasing her down towards the arena, she was sitting in the middle.
(Sharon) “Oh, I have not been down here in a while!”
(Angelica) “Wait, what?”
(Balthus) “Er, long story short, she, Megumin, Momon and Nabe, and Akechi were down here a couple months back. They actually helped us stop that Demonic beast in the cathedral.”
(Hapi) “Yeah, pretty sure I saw Sharon slit so many throats down here that some of the stains are still here.”
(Angelica) “Huh, so THAT’S what the whole demonic beast attack was about.”
Doomguy did have some recollection of defending the town during that period of time.
(Constance) “Now, mister Slayer shall you get your rabbit, please?”
Doomguy nodded and knelt down, trying to catch her attention.
Instead of running to him, she ran away in terror.
(Yuri) “Huh, that can’t be good.”
[Woven by Fate - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
A portal slowly started to emerge, with red alerts blinking on Doomguy’s screen.
(VEGA) “Alert! Demonic presence detected!”
Doomguy’s eyes widened as he quickly got up. He instinctively reached for a gun but had none on him.
(Hapi) “Ooooh crap!”
(Balthus) “Demons, seriously?!”
(Constance) “Did you sigh, Hapi!?”
(Yuri) “Everyone, just get ready for whatever’s coming through that portal!”
Everyone pulled their weapons out as Doomguy walked closer to the portal.
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“Slayer...I have found you once more...”
(Balthus) “Uh...are they buddies?”
(Hapi) “B, does it look like they’re friends?!”
(Constance) “Then what is he?!”
(VEGA) “That is a Marauder.”
His voice was coming from nowhere, in which they were all confused by.
(Hayden) “Do not be concerned of where his voice is coming from, focus your attention to the incoming portals!”
Behind the Marauder appeared several demonic beasts, some from Fodlan while some others came from Doomguy’s world.
(VEGA) “He will handle the Marauder, I recommend taking out the smaller beasts so he may focus on his task.”
Angelica cracked her knuckles.
(Angelica) “You got it!”
(Yuri) “Everyone, on me!”
Doomguy was looking back at the group and was relieved. VEGA and Hayden would be ensuring they’d be alright.
(Marauder) “How amusing. You think that they will be safe.”
Doomguy slowly turned to the Marauder and gestured towards him, daring the Marauder to even try.
They circled each other as the Marauder activated his Rune Axe, and Doomguy’s wrist blade shot out.
(VEGA) “Your team’s current objective, Rip and Tear!”
[Super Gore Nest - Doom Eternal]
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Begin the slaughter?
>[Yes] Yes
Victory Conditions: Rip and tear the enemy commander.
Defeat Conditions: Leave the area not filled to the brim with demonic organs.
Doomguy threw the first swing, the wristblade bouncing off the Marauder’s shield. 
The Marauder retaliated by swinging the axe overhead, crushing the concrete beneath him as Doomguy dove out the way.
A demonic imp jumped onto Doomguy’s back. Doomguy grabbed the imp by the throat and slammed it down onto the floor, his boot completely crushing the upper skull with its guts and blood splattering onto the floor.
The shoulder cannon spewed out flames behind Doomguy catching a demonic beast into flames as it howled out in pain.
Doomguy countered the Marauder’s axe with his wristblade, and used his freehand to gut punch the Marauder.
Staggering backwards, several hell hounds formed next to the Marauder and charged Doomguy.
(Yuri) “I can’t believe that guy’s so used to this!”
Yuri got his sword out of a demonic beast as another one tried to eat Balthus.
Balthus managed to punch it away, making it fall back onto its side.
Sharon used her wires to tangle it’s mouth shut as she threw her knife into its eye.
(Hapi) “His name is Teary for a reason, Yuri-bird!”
(VEGA) “Actually, his name is-”
(Hapi) “Not now, VEGA!”
Constance used her magic to disintegrate several demons into dust while Hapi did the same with her magic.
Angelica grabbed one of the demons and slammed its face into the wall, and kicking the head so hard into it, it exploded.
Another one tried to swipe at her, but was grabbed by Balthus. He snapped off its neck before slamming it into the floor, with him stomping it to death.
Angelica turned to Doomguy and noticed just how many enemies were around him.
(Angelica) “Some of us need to back him up!”
(Hayden) “That is ill advised, Rogner. Getting in his way is a good chance for you to lose your limbs.
(Sharon) “We should leave him to his fun, yes?”
(VEGA) “That is the recommended course of action. Several more portals appearing behind you.”
A demonic beast came charging out with everyone diving out the way.
With the last of the hellhound being punched so hard, the skull exploded into fragments, he checked his surroundings and noticed a massive shadow above him.
Doomguy spun around and ripped apart the jaw of a massive demonic bird-like beast that tried swooping in, using the upper beak to stab it in the skull while using the lower beak as a makeshift weapon.
Several more demons tried to rush him, and were immediately impaled with the sharp end of the beak.
The Marauder fired an energy projectile from his axe and flew towards Doomguy.
He threw the beak at the projectile, letting the beak and the demons stuck in it get cut in half as he charged the Marauder.
The Marauder charged and the wristblade and axe clashed against each other.
The Marauder brought out a shotgun and was about to fire before Doomguy headbutted him, and grabbed it from his hands.
He ripped the gun in half and threw it to the side, taking out one of the Marauder’s main weapons.
(VEGA) “Friendly portal inbound, we are dropping a weapon for you, Slayer.”
A blue portal appeared above Doomguy, and he raised his hand upwards and caught his super shotgun.
Finally having a gun again, Doomguy started to smile underneath his helmet.
The first Demon that tried to rush him got the barrel in its mouth, its head completely blowing apart into tiny chunks.
Reloading, he looked at the group of demons enclosing around his group. His shoulder cannon shot a grenade out behind him as he rushed to help.
Angelica and Balthus shattered the skull of a demonic beast with the force of their punch while Yuri was dodging swipes from several imps.
Sharon’s wires grabbed and wrapped around their necks as she pulled them over to her.
It tried clawing Sharon, but its head was immediately sliced off from the garrote going through its neck.
She continued smiling as she threw her knife at an imp’s head attacking Yuri, which he grabbed the dagger and drove it into mouth of the last imp.
Hapi and Constance closed the last portal with their magic before making it explode, the demons around it bursting into limbs with blood flying everywhere.
(Constance) “Such detestable creatures!”
(Hapi) “We keep killing but there’s so many!”
A flying demon was about to attack them from behind until it was grabbed out of the air by a hook.
The hook suddenly closed in with Doomguy flying towards it and ripping the beast in half with his wristblade.
(Hapi) “Teary, any chances of this fight finishing up soon?!”
He looked at Sharon and pointed at her wires.
(Sharon) “Oh, you require this? Of course, mister Slayer!”
He nodded in thanks as he held the wires firmly in his hands and turned to Hapi, gesturing towards the Marauder who was running towards them.
(VEGA) “Everyone, the last of the demonic forces are closing into your position, a defensive line would be recommended!”
Hapi ran ahead of Doomguy and readied her magic while Doomguy was catching up behind.
(Marauder) “A friend to the Slayer? Then allow me to open your eyes to this-”
Hapi interrupted him by shooting a fireball at him, which he reflected with his shield.
(Hapi) “Shut the hell up, would you?!”
The smoke disappearing, the Maruader took his chance and swung towards Hapi, only to be blasted in the chest by Doomguy who was now standing in front of her.
Wasting no time, Doomguy used Sharon’s wires and wrapped around its neck, and he kicked him towards Hapi.
Hapi used dark magic and blasted the Marauder upwards into the air.
Tugging the wires forcefully down, the Marauder went crashing down into the concrete, shooting up several bricks upon impact.
Using the wristblade to stab into his eyes, he used the wires to get him out of the hole, shot a grenade into it, then threw his body back.
Using his suit’s dash, he went over to Hapi and shielded her from the explosion that sent body parts and blood raining down on the arena.
No one was spared from a shower of gore that landed on them.
Yuri and Balthus looked slightly annoyed while Constance was screaming that so much bits of guts was on her.
Angelica made a noise that didn’t decide if it was a swear or sound of disgust while Sharon stood completely still, her smile not even twitching.
(Yuri) “Well...didn’t think a rabbit hunt would turn into a demonic invasion.”
(Balthus) “Sure was fun!”
(Angelica) “Eugh, son of...Well, at least it’s over.”
(Sharon) “I would be happy to wash everyone’s clothes if they wish for it!”
Doomguy’s shoulders relaxed as he turned to Hapi.
There was only bits of blood on her, but she looked more annoyed than anything.
(Hapi) sigh “Finally that’s over with.”
(Constance )”H-HAPI?!”
Doomguy cocked his shotgun back and turned to the side, blasting a demonic beast that came charging in.
The blast sent skull and eye fragments scattering into the air as it stopped in its tracks, sliding across the bodies and debris.
(Hapi) “Thanks. Now, let’s go find Daisy, yeah?”
(VEGA) “Daisy is currently hiding in a small hole to your right.”
Doomguy nodded and motioned for Hapi to follow. Everyone else joined him.
[Life at Garreg Mach Monastery - Fire Emblem: Three Houses]
Doomguy emerged from the entrance of Garreg Mach alongside everyone else, while he held Daisy in his arms, softly petting her to calm her down.
Byleth passed by and stopped, looking at all of them.
(Byleth) “...Is...everything alright?”
They were absolutely soaked in blood and giblets, all of them standing awkwardly.
Doomguy nodded at Byleth.
(Hapi) “We’re uh, we’re fine thank you. Everything’s fine...How are you?”
(Yuri) “Hey, professor.”
(Balthus) “Pay no attention to our gut soaked rags, professor!”
(Angelica) “Yeah, don’t mind us.”
(Sharon) “Excuse us, we had a bit of a struggle down in Abyss.”
(Byleth) “I can see that.”
(Constance) “P-Please direct us to the baths, Professor Byleth.”
(Byleth) “...To your left, up the stairs.”
Everyone went towards the baths to get washed up.
Once everyone was finally washed up and went their separate ways, Hapi went with Doomguy to this room.
Doomguy set a small tea set down at the table and poured them a drink.
After a few minutes of silence as they ate some snacks, Hapi laid against her chair.
(Hapi) “Thanks, Teary. That hit the spot.”
Doomguy nodded as he drank the remainder of his tea.
He looked over at the cage where Daisy was resting comfortably.
(Hapi) “By the way, thanks for saving our butts there. Not that I had any doubt that you would’ve left us anyway.”
Doomguy didn’t say anything, but Hapi knew he would have said “No problem”. Or at least that’s what he gestured.
(Hapi) “...Ya know for being a person who never speaks, you’re a really nice guy.”
Doomguy tilted his head in confusion but she just chuckled.
(Hapi) “The scariest man alive serving tea and caring for a pet rabbit. I’m sure girls like me would just be swooning.”
Doomguy waved his hand dismissively.
(VEGA) “Perhaps we can get a dating site when we get back, Slayer?”
(Hayden) “As if.”
Doomguy punched the wall to signal to the both of them to shut up.
(Hapi) “I said that as a joke but now I’m pretty curious...”
Doomguy glared at her.
(Hapi) “Alright alright, forget what I said!”
She continued to chuckle as he sighed through his helmet. The two continued to sit in silence as his attention was brought over to Daisy.
Daisy was woken up by the sound but looking at Doomguy. He walked over to the cage and fed her small hay cube, which she nibbled off his hand.
Nodding in satisfaction, he went back to the table and enjoyed a quiet tea time with Hapi.
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mangamavericks · 4 years
As you might have guessed, having five people on to discuss what they did at an incredibly busy event takes a while, which is how we’ve ended up with the 4+ hour-long podcast you’re about to listen to. Believe it or not, this is but the first of a series of long podcasts we’re starting off 2020 with, as the Best of Manga 2019 episode we recorded also ended up being nearly five hours long, and we have several other incoming podcasts that have ran long besides. Suffice to say, one of our New Year’s Resolutions for Manga Mavericks this year is recording shorter podcasts, both for your listening convenience and our time and sanity!
But let me ask you, are you a person who prefers long podcasts like this, or wants them shorter? Do you enjoy these convention report episodes, or are there types of episodes you’d like us to do more of instead? You can let us know all this and more by taking our annual Manga Mavericks podcast survey, which is currently live through February 1st! This year we wanted to give our survey-takers a little treat as thanks for their feedback, so we’re running a giveaway contest that all survey-takers are automatically entered in. Just fill out our survey, and you could win a FREE volume of manga that we have on hand to give out! Besides the survey, if you want to support the show and help us keep doing what we’re doing, throw us some love over at the Manga Mavericks patreon. Supporting us on Patreon also gives you guys special rewards too! For example, you may have heard the interviews we recorded with Pokemon voice actresses Sarah Natochenny and Lisa Ortiz as well as Gundam creator Yoshiyuki Tomino on our previous episode, where we included an abridged version of the interviews that included just the questions we asked. We’ll be uploading the full, unabridged interviews exclusively to our Patreon before the end of the month, so if you want to hear more questions and conversations with Sarah, Lisa, and Tomino pledge to us for just $5 or more for complete access to those as well as ten additional bonus pods EXCLUSIVE to our Patreon! We also have full transcripts of our interviews with Sarah and Lisa written up on All-Comic.com for you to check out as well!
There’s more to say, but I’ll let you listen to the rest in the podcast proper! And trust me, we have A LOT to talk about… Enjoy the show, and follow us on twitter at @manga_mavericks, on tumblr at mangamavericks.tumblr.com, and on Youtube! You can follow the hosts on twitter at @LumRanmaYasha and @VLordGTZ and special guests Sakaki at @kiirobon, Marion at @microwaevy, and Jecka at @Jecka1021! If you’d like to help support the show financially you can pledge to our Patreon and receive some awesome rewards like our Patreon-exclusive Bonus pods! If one-time donations are more your speed you can donate to Colton’s Ko-fi here and LumRanmaYasha’s Ko-fi here, and if you want to support LumRanmaYasha’s art and other projects you can donate to their personal Patreon. Don’t forget to also like and subscribe to us on Youtube and iTunes and leave us reviews to help us curate the show and create better content! LINKS: Support us on Patreon! Take the Manga Mavericks Podcast Survey and Enter our Giveaway! Listen to our previous Anime NYC episode for news coverage and interviews! Read our interviews with Sarah Natochenny and Lisa Ortiz! Read more of Lum’s reviews on All-Comic! Read VLord’s reviews on All-Comic! Read Vlord’s reviews on Toonami Faithful! Listen to the Demon Slayer Podcast! Read Sakaki’s thoughts and coverage of Shonen Sunday on his WSS Talkback Twitter and Blog! Listen to the Good Friends Anime Club & The View From the Top!  Listen to the GFAC episode on Anime NYC!
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