demonlings-au-blog · 1 month
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“We’re Titans, which means that no matter where we go, people will always see us as monsters.”
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phoenixparadox · 2 months
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Phone edit of a potential Vee redesign for my Demonlings au
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w-xtherian-desires · 10 months
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la-lii-blog · 2 years
Elder Kettle, Did You Adopt Bendy?
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deanncastiel · 29 days
2024 Book #126
Title: Demon Author: Joel Abernathy Genre: Romance, Crime, LGBTQIA+ Series: The DiFiore Mafia Family, Book 3
Falling in love with an obsessive serial killer was the last thing on my to-do list. I was born into a world of villains, so it came as no great surprise when my brothers fell for the most twisted monsters of all. A sociopathic fixer. A psycho sadistic cop whose name belongs in the dictionary next to corruption. Maybe I’m the one who’s crazy, thinking I could have any semblance of a normal life. The worst part is, I can’t even blame them for my not-so-perfect marriage crashing and burning, or my struggles as a single father. When my young son goes missing and a ransom note turns up demanding a trade for the serial killer my brothers-in-law keep locked in a basement, though? Yeah, I’m blaming them for that. And I’ll tear the world apart to get my kid back--even if it means keeping Demon leashed at my side. James is something far more dangerous than Silas and Malcolm. He's an unhinged, self-righteous killer who’s on a mission to punish the sinners who broke him in the first place. He’s also my only hope of ever seeing my son again. When you embark on a journey through hell, you want a demon on your team. It’s when he ends up in my bed that it’s a whole different problem.
Rating: 2.5 ⭐
Quick thoughts: this one just got way too ridiculous and then the beginning is riddled with misogynistic tropes.  
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dxmoness · 8 months
— The new theme >>>>
Thank you daughter <3
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jsttmannie · 1 year
Make sure you join my group
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Imagine when Diavolo was a much younger demonling, he would run around in random little spasms but Barbatos stood still. Once Diavolo was tired, Barbatos would grab him with his tail and carry a thrashing Diavolo back to his bedroom to sleep
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asylummint · 4 months
Hi! May I request a Lucifer x teen reader x Alastor where they both see a lost child to take under their guidance and fight for custody?
Hi! id love too!! Thank you so much for requesting! Requests are open!!!
In the heart of Hell, amidst the chaos and debauchery, a most peculiar dispute unfolded between two powerful demons: Lucifer, the proud ruler of Hell, and Alastor, the charismatic Radio Demon. Their clash, however, was not over territory or power, but over something far more unexpected—a child.
It began with a chance encounter in the depths of Pentagram City. A young demonling, abandoned and alone, stumbled into Lucifer's domain, seeking refuge from the relentless dangers of Hell. The child's innocent eyes and trembling form stirred something unexpected within Lucifer's cold heart—a sense of compassion he had long buried beneath his prideful exterior.
Determined to protect the child from the perils of Hell, Lucifer took the demonling under his wing, providing shelter and guidance within the grandiose halls of Pandemonium. However, his paternal instincts soon drew the attention of none other than Alastor, whose curiosity was piqued by the unusual sight of Lucifer caring for a mere mortal soul.
Alastor, known for his penchant for chaos and mischief, saw an opportunity in the situation. He believed that the child would make an excellent protege, a companion in his endeavors to spread mayhem throughout Hell. Thus, he laid claim to the child, declaring his intention to take them under his wing and mold them in his own image.
What ensued was a clash of wills unlike any Hell had ever seen. Lucifer, stubborn and unyielding in his determination to protect the child, stood firm against Alastor's charismatic charm and cunning manipulation. Their arguments echoed through the halls of Pandemonium, shaking the very foundations of Hell with their intensity.
As the dispute escalated, demons from all corners of Hell took sides, some rallying behind Lucifer's noble cause, while others were swayed by Alastor's persuasive words. The tension between the two demons reached a boiling point, threatening to erupt into open conflict that could tear Hell apart.
Amidst the chaos, the child remained at the center of the storm, their fate hanging precariously in the balance. Both Lucifer and Alastor recognized the weight of their actions and the impact it would have on the innocent soul caught in the crossfire.
In a rare moment of clarity, Lucifer and Alastor set aside their differences, realizing that their quarrel had overshadowed the well-being of the child they both cared for in their own way. With a heavy heart, they reached a compromise—a shared custody agreement that would allow both demons to play a role in the child's upbringing.
And so, amidst the flames and chaos of Hell, an unlikely alliance was forged between Lucifer and Alastor, bound by their mutual desire to protect the innocent and ensure a brighter future for the child they had both grown to love. Though their rivalry persisted, tempered by newfound respect and understanding, they stood united in their commitment to guide and nurture the young soul entrusted to their care.
I hope this was ok!! I honestly couldn't think of where to take this. i know you said teen, but I couldn't think of how to properly incorporate that especially with Alastor.
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meabh-mcinness · 6 months
The Cost of Love
As a runaway, you relished your newfound freedom after escaping from your possessive partner, Narnia. Exploring the Netherworld and forging new friendships, you grapple with profound loneliness, longing for Narnia's presence. Your world is turned upside down when you discover you're pregnant with Narnia's child, a cambion. Faced with this life-altering revelation, you must confront a heart-wrenching decision: return to Narnia, now a powerful political candidate in the Netherworld, or go it alone, going through an entire pregnancy and raising your unique child amidst the complexities and dangers of the Netherworld.
You had successfully escaped your old home for a few months now, moving from hotel to hotel, town to forest and back again as you explored the demonic world you had been dropped in. You probably could have gone on doing this forever as you made new friends, met up with online ones and made all sorts of discoveries if it wasn't for a few things.
You were lonely. Even slowly going mad from it. Every time you saw something amazing, you would turn to excitedly share the news with a demon who wasn't there, or every time you laid down for the night the crushing absence of your lover would wash over you and tears would flow before you realized it. Only to wake suddenly to screeching squawks of the Netherworld's birds, tear tracks dried to your cheeks and a still-wet pillow smashed to your face.
And if that weren't enough, you highly suspected something. Something that made you both glow with joy and paralyse you in fear and want to break down into tears all over again. A carousel of emotions that ran round and round again through your head the more you became sure. As the now familiar bubble of nausea rushed through you at the smell of what was once your favourite breakfast, the feeling of presumedness merely continued onwards.
You were pretty sure you were pregnant.
This was both a good and terrible thing as far as you were concerned. It was great because you had been thinking about children for a few years now until the ever-closing feeling of being caged took over your thoughts. The idea of raising little demonlings (fledglings?) with Narnia had been a fantasy you were eager to one day experience.
Except, you no longer had Narnia.
You had no one. Despite the friends you had made and kept in touch with, you were really and truly alone. After all, none of them knew of the fact you were human. If they found out, there was no guarantee that they wouldn't actually try and eat you, though you highly doubted it. Or worse, turn you over to the Border Patrol, thinking that they were helping you.
You would rather be eaten.
The idea of potentially seeing Narnia again after leaving for so long both thrilled and terrified you. You could admit that maybe, just maybe, you had overreacted. That you could have, in fact, simply talked about feeling caged in and maybe tried to convince him to take you out to places. Go out on dates and explore and make a bunch of memories that way. And while you were highly certain he would be reluctant at first because of your 'delicate' human nature, you were positive you could have convinced him eventually and resorted to running away afterwards if he still didn't budge.
Instead, you had jumped straight from point A to point Z, simply assuming at the time that he would never let you go with all his talk about how dangerous the Netherworld was or how he loved coming home knowing that you were always going to be there. And now you were on your own, with potentially a halfling child growing in your womb and no one to turn to for help.
You were terrified and in way over your head, pure and simple. Placing your head in your hands, you leaned over and tried to keep the tears from spilling once more as your thoughts spiralled again. You couldn't let anyone know you were human, other than the one loose end that was Narnia, and yet you didn't know the first thing about demon pregnancies. Hell, you didn't know much about human ones either other than the basic standards, and who knew if those were even real or simply misconstrued facts?
The realization that you might be pregnant added another layer of complexity to your already overwhelming situation. The concept of raising a half-human half-demon child, a cambion, was both daunting and intriguing. You pondered the possibilities and wondered what kind of life you could provide for your potential offspring. As you rest your head in your hands, a mix of fear, uncertainty, and excitement washed over you.
You knew that in this world, you were an anomaly. The fact that you were a human in a realm of demons was a well-kept secret, one that you had to protect at all costs. The knowledge that you carried Narnia's child put you in an even more precarious position. Would he even want to know, or would he be more upset with you for running away and leaving him without a word? Or worse yet, would he be so upset with you that he'd take the baby and abandon you. Never to see your child or him again. Even if he did want both you and the child, there was still the fact you would actually have to go back into your gilded cage for who knows how long. Ignoring his protective side, Narnia as both a Naberius and Border Patrol member held a lot of enemies. You highly doubted that there wouldn't be a single demon who wouldn't think of taking you or the baby as either a hostage situation or just to deal pain to Narnia.
The loneliness gnawed at you like a relentless beast, making the prospect of reuniting with Narnia a tempting one, despite the fear. You couldn't be sure how he would react, but your heart ached for his familiar presence, for the comforting embrace you had once known. The thought of returning was both exhilarating and terrifying. You were certain that he would know what to do, or at least who to contact in regard to this situation. And he was your best bet at protection in concerns to your child. The baby was still small now, but soon enough you would start to swell to the point of not being able to move well, therefore putting the both of you in extreme danger. What predator could resist the call of so much available, unprotected meat?
You could attempt to do your own research for now, of course. Your newest hotel was only a few streets away from a library, and one of the first things you had acquired after your newfound freedom was a netherworld wide library card. Though you had very often questioned their sorting system, it would probably be quite easy to find the information. Hopefully. You had long since discovered that many things were passed on through word of mouth within familial spheres, which left you at a rather severe disadvantageous. Raising a cambion child would be a complex endeavour, one that required knowledge of both worlds. Your library card would be your best friend in your quest for understanding as far as the Netherworld was concerned. As far as the human side of it, well, you just hoped any natural instincts you had would be good enough.
With newfound determination, you left your small hotel room and made your way through the winding streets of the Netherworld city. The place was bustling with activity, demons of all shapes and sizes going about their daily business. You blended in as best as you could, a human in disguise, but it was a feeling of vulnerability that never truly left you. A feeling intensified by the precious cargo that you potentially carried within you. You did your best to give off an air of confidence, that you were just another demon going about their daily routine and not an outsider.
You had never been so happy as when you discovered demons simply didn't possess the uncanny valley effect. Likely due to how varied in shapes demons, but you digressed. Their lack of ability to tell something apart from their own kind left you in a place that you would happily take advantage of.
Passing by a newspaper stand, you were suddenly shaken out of your thoughts when you caught a glimpse of a very familiar face on the front page. Pausing, you turned back towards the stand and picked up the thick paper. There, staring back at you disinterestedly, was your old lover. You couldn't help the internal wince at the sight of his now almost dead-looking eyes, that bore holes through you even from the paper. He hadn't used to look like that. Oh, he certainly didn't wear his emotions on his face like some people, but he didn't look so apathetic either. The only emotion that seemed to carry through now was the locked jaw, set in what you thought was determination. A quick glance at the title of the paper revealed why.
New thirteen crown candidates. He had been chosen as one of the new candidates to help govern the Netherworld. That...that was a lot of pressure for him. You couldn't help but wonder if he had chosen to do this or if it had been forced upon him, as his border patrol job had been. You were well aware of his family's disposition to have control over all of their members. Even going as far as picking out their jobs when they were still in the womb. Narnia, as the eldest son, had no choice but to train to be a border patrol member, and he could be no less than the best. Another worry for you when it comes to your unborn baby.
What if they were forced into the same thing? They would be the eldest child of the eldest child. The new heir to the Naberius family, and would likely be forced to train to take on Narnia's place when they were old enough. Your eyes narrowed and teeth bared naturally at the thought. Human or not, you would like to see someone try and make your child go through that harrowing process. If they wanted to take Narnia's place naturally, so be it, you would help train them yourself. But to be forced to put their lives on the line? You would sooner die.
"What's the matter, sweet cheeks? Didn't make the cut as a candidate?" A voice cut through your thoughts, and you startled, immediately swirling and snapping your teeth at the newcomer in a, hopefully, threatening manner. The demoness before you immediately threw their hands up in surrender, adopting a look of surprise. "Woah there, don't take your anger out on me. It was just a question."
Your heart pounded as you slowly took in her features and realized you actually knew this particular demoness. Mephisto Azuria, one of the demons you had met online and had started growing close to. Much like her twin brother she enjoyed playing games, but preferred the video game variety versus the board and cards that her brother played. You stepped back from your threatening stance, trying to appear nonchalant even though your nerves were still on edge. The Netherworld was teeming with all sorts of creatures, and it was best not to provoke unnecessary attention. Especially, as you sent another quick glance to the paper, when said creature's twin was another candidate.
"Sorry, I didn't mean to snap," you replied, your voice steady despite your racing heart. "It's just a lot to process."
Azuria seemed to accept your explanation and flashed a wicked grin, revealing sharp, pointed teeth. "Yeah, these are confusing times, especially with the new candidates. You must have some thoughts about it." Oh, you had plenty of thoughts. Just none you could say out loud right now.
You had long since decided to tread carefully, knowing that revealing too much about yourself could be dangerous. You liked Azuria, but she was definitely a manipulator by nature. And if she found out you had a connection to her brother's competition? You weren't certain you would like the answer.
"Well, I'm just curious about what this means for the Netherworld. Are they expecting any major changes with these new candidates? It's not like the last ones really did anything." Or at least you didn't think they did. You were pretty sure you heard Narnia grumble about that on occasion.
The demoness shrugged. "Who knows? Politics can be a real mess. But it's also exciting. It's not every day we get a shakeup like this. Maybe things will get better." She suddenly snorted in laughter, "Well if big bro gets it probably not. The man can't get his games off his mind for ten minutes. He'll probably try to turn everything into one giant board game somehow. Though who knows, might be fun."
You nodded, "A real-life board could be kind of fun. For like twenty minutes and then I would want to strangle everyone and everything." She laughed at your comment and shook her head in agreement. The movement causing her long blonde hair to flow about her drawing the eye of many demons around you with its shiny properties.
Now, with the news of Narnia's new role, you were torn between your desire to see him again and your fear of what it could mean for you and your unborn child. You couldn't afford to make any rash decisions. Azuria could be of great help to you in this case. As another female, she likely knew at least some information on demonic pregnancies, though both she and her brother had stated multiple times that they never wanted kids, so maybe not. But on top of that, she now had a connection to Narnia in a way. Either herself or her brother could easily let slip to Narnia that they had met you and potentially give him a clue on where you were.
Depending on your decisions she could either be incredibly helpful or a severe danger. As you conversed with Azuria, you couldn't help but weigh the pros and cons of involving her further in your life and your predicament. She seemed genuinely curious about your opinions on the new candidates, and her sense of humour lightened your mood. Yet, you had to be cautious. Azuria was the type to openly admit she liked to manipulate others and still wrap you around her finger to do what she wanted. A true succubus if you had ever met one. Considering she had been a student of, and currently worked for, the head crown of lust made a lot of sense.
"So," Azuria started, linking her arm through one of yours and taking the now crumpled paper out of your hands, "why were you trying to intimidate the poor paper? Considering your pension for freedom I would think you of all demons would hate to be tied down to a job." She tossed a few coins towards the vendor and promptly started walking off, dragging you along for the ride. She gave a slight pause before continuing onwards, eyes sharpening, "Did my brother do something to you? He may be family, but I'll still tear his dick off if he hurt you."
Her sudden proclamation caught you off guard, and you burst out laughing, waving your other hand to shut down the implication.
"No, no he did nothing. He's always been a perfect gentleman around me. No, I..." you paused suddenly uncertain of what to say. Delve or not to delve? Truth or lie? They did say the best lies were the ones sewn in truth. Why not try? "Well, I know of one of the other candidates. Seeing them brought up some things that I hadn't thought of before and they weren't pleasant thoughts." Alright so not so much a lie as just an omission of the full truth, but at least you tried.
Her eyes narrowed more as she looked you over, before bringing up the paper to look at. "I can certainly see that, you did a number on this and the look in your eyes said if anyone tried to get your attention they would die." Her eyes scanned the four pictures, clearly trying to figure out which one had caused you distress, before sweeping them back over to you with a sultry smile, "Good thing I love to flirt with danger." She gave you a wink, causing a giggle to erupt from your throat.
Her tail swept up and wrapped around your waist pulling you in closer to her side as her arm left yours, gripping the paper with both hands. Pulling it up to her face and analysing each picture before shrugging and setting the entire thing on fire, nonchalantly tossing it to the side as it burns to ash before your eyes. "There, now there's nothing to remind you of those bad thoughts."
You chuckled at Azuria's attitude. It was a welcome distraction from the maelstrom of emotions and decisions swirling in your mind. Her warmth and charisma helped ease your tension, even if only momentarily. Her unexpected, protective stance concerning her brother's potential wrongdoing had thrown you off balance, but now it seemed more like she was trying to inject some levity into the situation.
Azuria's tail wrapped tighter around your waist, pulling you closer to her and once more linking your arms together. You appreciated the gesture of comfort, though it left you more aware of the life growing within you. The prospect of motherhood still seemed surreal, and you couldn't help but wonder what kind of mother you would become in this strange world.
As the newspaper turned to ashes, your thoughts returned to the difficult decisions ahead. Narnia's new role as a candidate for one of the thirteen crowns was a game-changer. It was tempting to consider returning to him, especially now that the possibility of motherhood was in the picture. But the Netherworld had its dangers, and you were a hidden human carrying the child of a prominent demon. The risks were substantial, not just to you but to your unborn baby as well.
Her attempt to bring a smile to your face brought a warmth to your chest and you felt gratitude swirl through you, and also a deepening sense of caution. Perhaps your experiences left you jaded, or this newfound discovery of impending motherhood left you overly paranoid.
You just couldn't help but feel like she was after something, and yet you couldn't think of a single thing you could give her. All of Azuria's relationships had a reason for them, money, power, or simply a bit of fun before moving on. You had none of that, as far as she knew at least. Had she known it existed, your connection to Narnia would be a good reason for her to cuddle up close to you, after all, everyone wanted a piece of the Naberius family considering their perpetuity of producing high-ranking demons. And now that he was a crown candidate? You highly doubted that there would be a lot anyone who didn't want to have some sort of claim to him now that he could potentially influence the way the Netherworld itself worked.
But she didn't know any of that. So what was her angle here? Azuria didn't waste time on things that gave her nothing. Did she find you intriguing maybe? You supposed you were definitely an outcast as far as demons worked despite your attempts. You constantly offered ideas that were common in the human world and yet seemed to have not even a fleeting thought to them here. And considering you constantly flitted about here and there like some spring bird, your desire and love for freedom, perhaps you presented a curiosity to her that she wanted to unwrap?
Too bad you intended to stay closed up tighter than a clam.
Azuria's insistent presence both intrigued and worried you. She was a wild card, someone who could potentially help or harm you, whether intentionally or inadvertently. On one hand, you could continue letting her lead you wherever it was she was going, likely a cafe of some sort. On the other hand, you could see the library from here, the large building, once a haven as you consumed knowledge left and right, now loomed over you as you slowly walked towards it. You could easily walk past it, let Azuria lead you wherever and forget your worries for another day.
Or you could not be a coward and try and face this head-on. But what of Azuria? She had followed you into the library on more than one occasion, watching you roam about and consume books at the speeds of a starved man before food. Even teasing you about it on more than one occasion. More than likely she would follow you in again, curious about what you're going to go after next. And there was no way she wouldn't catch on to why you would be looking at pregnancy books. Still though, even if you did push it off, she would likely find out about your little bundle in the future anyway.
Every time you moved to a new area, ever since you had first met up, she always seemed to be able to find you. Not that you tried particularly hard to hide yourself from her, sending pictures of an aquarium you found, or raving about a drink you got at a particular cafe. Still, it occasionally unnerved you when she just popped up randomly. Made your instincts flare up and panic rush through your veins at Narnia showing up next. All this meant that she would just find you again later, with your belly swelled, and undeniable proof presented on your body.
Might as well get it over with now, with your body still movable and able to run if she, for whatever reason, reacted badly. After all even if she didn't know you were human, you had no what the demonic culture on cannibalism was.
You lightly tugged on her arm that was connected to yours still. Her head tilted towards you, eyebrows scrunching and lips parted in slight confusion until you pointed to the library. Her eyes following the line of sight lit up in understanding before and started to lead you towards the building.
The Netherworld's library was a massive, labyrinthine structure filled with ancient texts and scrolls that held centuries of knowledge. Walking up the massive steps, at the library, you were greeted by towering shelves filled with books. The air was heavy with the scent of old parchment, and dimly lit chandeliers hung from the ceiling. Usually, you would just wander and find an area you hadn't started going through yet. This time however you gently pulled Azuria over towards the reference desk. As you approached the reference desk, the librarian, a demon with dark skin, sharp green eyes, and long twisted horns (that honestly reminded you of oversized corkscrews), regarded you with curiosity before planting his attention on Azuria.
"May I help you with something?" the librarian asked, his voice low and resonant, eyes never leaving the pale flesh of the demoness next to you.
You swallowed your nervousness, eyes glancing over at Azuria who only looked back at you curiously before sighing in defeat and replying, "I'm looking for books on pregnancies."
You felt Azuria startle next to you, could picture her eyes widening and mouth opening in shock even as you stared resolutely in front of you. Her tail tightened around your waist more before immediately loosening to wrap around your hips instead. The librarian hummed a little before lazily pointing his sharp tail left. "Go that way, 18th aisle from the back on the left."
You thanked him and started walking, Azuria letting you pull her in the direction without complaint. You could feel her eyes burrowing into you and yet you refused to look at her. As you walked down the aisle towards the section dedicated to pregnancy, a feeling of vulnerability washed over you. Doing this somehow made the possibility more real. Before, while the thought had caused you distress, it was still just that. A thought.
Now though, as you counted the aisles and slowly came to a stop in front of the indicated section, it seemed far more real. The thought had become a reality in a way. You bit your lip, your heart pumping as nervousness sang through your veins. Your hand lifted to look at the first one you saw when suddenly it was overtaken by a far paler one. Snow-white skin tapered with deep blue claws covered your own and guided your hand away. The tail around your hips gently pulled you away from the shelves and into Azuria's arms.
"You're shaking like a leaf," she mumbled into your hair. Oh, so you were. You hadn't realized, so focused on your inner turmoil. Now though, you could feel your entire body shaking, quick shifts back and forth causing tremors throughout your entire body. Azuria's comforting embrace enveloped you, and the gentle warmth of her body against yours helped to steady your trembling form. You leaned into her, seeking solace in her presence.
"Sorry," you whispered, your voice shaky. "I didn't expect this to be so... nerve-wracking."
She responded with a soft, reassuring tone, "It's okay. I'm by your side, you don't have to do it alone."
With Azuria refusing to let you go from her arms, you navigated the shelves of pregnancy-related texts by waddling. Azuria unwrapped her tail from its place around your hips to let the hoop at the end wrap hook over your wrist, before stepping back slightly so that you could move easier and pursued the shelves as well, picking a few titles of her own. The titles remained cryptic in the fact that while you could read the language, you didn't necessarily always understand what it said. You carefully selected a few books that seemed relevant regardless. They depicted various stages of demon pregnancies, and you hoped they held valuable information that would assist you on this challenging journey. If nothing else Azuria's chosen few would probably be helpful.
Azuria accompanied you as you left the aisle and headed towards your usual table before she used her tail to tug your bag to the entrance. You looked over at her with a question forming on your lips, but she simply shook her head and almost dragged you back to the desk, her presence providing a sense of security in the once-familiar environment. The librarian glanced at the selection of books in your hands, his green eyes glinting with a hint of curiosity, but he refrained from asking questions. Simply checked them out for you and handed them back over.
You thanked the librarian, and he nodded in response. Azuria's tail still circled your wrist as you made your way back out of the library. The chilly, parchment-scented air began to feel less intimidating as you clung to the knowledge you had gained. It was the first step on the path to understanding your situation better, and you knew that you had a long road ahead of you.
As you walked out into the Netherworld's bustling streets, you turned to Azuria, offering a small but genuine smile. "Thank you for coming with me, Azuria. I appreciate your support, but why did we leave."
Her sharp grin returned. "Of course, sweet cheeks, allies stick together. Let me answer your question though with another. Would you rather research this in an open area surrounded by others or in the safety and comfort of your own home?" She raised a shapely eyebrow at you, still grinning because she knew the answer already.
A sigh left you as you realized, "Home. I'd want to be home." Azuria grinned triumphantly at you, gesturing with her other hand
The two of you continued to walk together, leaving the library behind, and the weight of your predicament felt somewhat lighter. With Azuria's help, you had taken your first steps toward unravelling the mysteries of your demon pregnancy and the potential reunion with Narnia. They were baby steps, perhaps even tinier than that. But they were steps forward regardless and you were rather proud of that.
You could only hope the rest of the journey would be as easy.
It was not easy in the least.
A groan left you from where you sat on the floor, a toilet bowl beside you. You had thought you had morning sickness before, but that was nothing compared to the amount of time you stayed practically glued to the toilet's side. Forget Narnia. This bowl made of whatever demons used in place of ceramic was now your new partner.
A soft swishing noise followed by the slightest creaking sound announced the opening of the bathroom door. You barely had enough energy left to raise your head slightly and glance at the new being entering your domain. A worried look painted on a pretty face entered your vision as Azuria gracefully knelt down -- and what you wouldn't do to be able to do that anymore-- a clawed hand gently placing itself on your shoulder.
"Are you okay sweetling?"
A groan was the only response to her question, your head laying itself back onto the bowl, no longer cold but lukewarm from soaking up your heat. A shame that was, considering you had been enjoying the cool temperature, but you lacked far too much energy at the moment to even think of moving those couple of inches.
You shakily gave her a tired smile before it left your lips again just as fast. You felt your throat tighten a little and the now familiar wave of nausea filled your stomach before flowing outwards. Your eyes closed and you focused on breathing in the hopes of not going through another bout of vomiting. A shudder ran through your body before the feeling faded away again. A relieved sigh left your mouth and you opened your eyes again when you felt it was safe.
You were seriously over this pregnancy thing.
The worst part was that it was possibly avoidable. From all the readings you did, you found that a vital part of fetus development was the pouring of the parent's magic into the womb. Mothers were especially vulnerable during this time because their bodies did it automatically, leaving them with fewer defences than they had before. The problem lay in the fact that you were human. While you highly doubted humans were without magic entirely --there were too many cases of unexplainable things that happened in the human world for you to believe that-- you also didn't have a lot to give if there was magic in your veins. Humans depended far more on physical developments rather than magical ones and it really showed now.
In other words, you were pretty sure you were starving your baby of one of its most vital needs. And in return -- it was starving you. 
And there was nothing you could do about it short of returning to Narnia in this state. You had toyed with the idea more and more often lately. Azuria was great, taking you in and helping you with everything she could. She was the being the absolute best in the fact that she had essentially taken over everything she possibly could to ensure you had the easiest road possible. There were times when you wondered how much your life would have been different if you had met her first.
A cool cloth gently laid across your forehead distracted you from your thoughts. Looking out the corner of your eye you saw Azuria's worried face hovering above you, pale hands retreating from where they laid the washcloth on you.  Azuria's worry deepened as she observed your sickly state. An ever-paling skin complexion combined with your thining weight despite the food she consistently forced you to eat left her feeling anxious. Not that constant eating helped when you were just as constantly throwing it back up again. Her expression shifted from concern to fretful anxiety, her eyes reflecting a mix of care and helplessness. "Sweetling, you can't go on like this. You need food and rest," she murmured her voice a soft melody laced with genuine concern.
You managed a weak nod, acknowledging the truth in her words. She wasn't wrong but unfortunately, there wasn't much you could do about it. Pregnant demons rarely threw up during pregnancy, but human pregnancies often had it as a side effect. You vaguely remembered it potentially having to do with an influx of hormones causing it and well there wasn't much you could do about that. And it wasn't like you could tell Azuria that, what with humanity supposed to be a secret and all.
Azuria stood gracefully, her hand extending towards you. "Let's get you out of this confined space. Perhaps lying down in bed will bring you some relief."
With Azuria's gentle guidance, you struggled to your feet, leaning on her for support. The walk to the bedroom felt like a journey through a foggy dream. Azuria led you to the bed in your room, where soft cushions awaited. She helped you settle down, arranging pillows behind your back for comfort. Her hands were cool against your forehead, her touch soothing as she continued to fret over your well-being.
Settling on the bed with Azuria flitting about and making sure you were at your most comfortable was surprisingly nice and annoying. It was nice to have someone care about you in this way again, always making sure your needs were taken care of. On the other hand, you were pretty sure if she flitted about anymore she would turn into a bird, or make you dizzy just from watching. Faster than you thought possible, your hand snatched out and gripped her wrist causing her to stop short, almost tripping over her feet at the sudden lack of motion.
Her head turned to look at you questioningly, tilted to the side like a curious puppy before coming closer as you gently tugged on her. "As much as I love this pampering, all I really want is for you to lay down next to me." 
She blinked at you for a second, as if she couldn't comprehend what you were asking before quickly moving to lay beside you, and your body twisted so that you were facing one another, legs touching as you both got comfortable. It reminded you of sisters in those movies where they huddle under the blankets, clasping hands and whispering promises to one another that would later be broken before being fulfilled all over again. You were so busy thinking of it though that it took a second to notice that Azuria was still twitching slightly. Her tail lashes about in small quick movements like a fretful cat.
You had never seen Azuria look so unsure of herself before. The fidgeting and fiddling of her hands as she picked at her fingernails for non-existent imperfections. It made you curious about what could possibly throw off the ever-so-flawless succubus. Always confidently ready with a retort or flirt and never seeming out of place for even a second, even in places she really should be. "What's got you in such a state?"
She blurted out something so quickly that your mind barely registered it as words at all. You blinked as you stared at her. "I'm sorry. Could you repeat that?"
Her hand tore from yours as she covered her face, cheeks flushing from embarrassment at whatever she had said. "I'm sorry, it's stupid I know and if you're not even willing to do so with the other parent I don't even know why I thought I would offer. You're just so sick all the time and I wanted to do something and-"
She was cut off by you ripping her hands away from her face, a startled squeak leaving her at the sudden appearance of your face. "Azuria, I legitimately had not heard what you said the first time. So would please repeat it so that I can be the judge on whether or not it's stupid?"
She chewed on her bottom lip nervously, a habit she had picked up from you, before sighing and repeating what she had said. Cheeks flushed an even brighter colour as she looked anywhere but you. "I said, would you let me share my magic with your baby?"
You stared at her as your brain tried to understand what she said. "Share...your magic?" She nodded miserably. You were quite certain that tears were starting to gather in the corners of her eyes. "I thought only the parents could do it?"
She shrugged the motion looking weird on her body. "It depends on the situation and clan. Most prefer it only be those raising the babe, others the entire clan will exchange magic, and others still believe that only the carrier should be doing it. It's an incredibly personal thing to do though, only ever done with family or mates so I understand why you wouldn't want to and-mmph!" You placed her hands over her mouth to cut her off before she spiralled into a rant. You had never thought you'd see the day one of the Mephisto twins were embarrassed and yet here you were. It was rather refreshing.
"I'm not saying no Azuria, I was just confused due to a misunderstanding apparently." You sat staring at her, trying to make sure you understood everything and didn't end up in a social blunder of some kind. If you understood right, then it wasn't just the parents who could help feed the baby magic, but anyone. As long as they wanted to at least, and generally were in a close relationship of some kind. You could understand why she was so flustered now. 
If you had asked someone whom you had been friends with and only known for a little over half a year to do something only family members or partners did, you'd be rather embarrassed as well. And yet you couldn't help but find it incrediably sweet of her to do so. A warm pit formed in your belly at the thought of it, and you gently pulled her hands away from her mouth.
"I'm okay with you doing so as long as you are. I don't why you're willing to offer it up but I'm not going to say no to something that will help the baby."  Azuria's eyes widened as the words left your mouth. Azuria's eyes widened as the words left your mouth. She seemed taken aback, and for a moment, the room held a pause as she absorbed your response. The tension in her shoulders visibly eased, and a genuine smile broke across her face, brightening the room with a warmth that went beyond her usual charismatic charm.
"You mean it?" Azuria asked, her voice a mix of surprise and relief. You nodded in affirmation, prompting her to lean in and embrace you gently. Her arms circled around you, her body folding protectively as she held you close. It was a gesture of comfort, and you couldn't help but reciprocate the embrace.
Azuria then pulled back, a newfound determination in her eyes. "Let me try," she said softly, her hand reaching for your stomach. As her clawed fingers made contact, a surge of warmth flowed through you. It was a gentle, soothing sensation, unlike anything you had experienced before. The magical exchange felt incrediably intimate, as if Azuria was sharing a part of herself with your unborn child, and you suddenly understood why it was only family members and partners that generally shared magic with one another.
You closed your eyes, revelling in the unique connection, and for a brief moment, the worries and discomforts of pregnancy seemed to fade away. Azuria's magic was a comforting balm, and as she continued, you couldn't help but feel a profound gratitude toward her. As the magical exchange continued, you felt a sense of reassurance, a belief that perhaps, with Azuria's help, you wouldn't be a complete failure at this whole parenting thing. The room, once filled with anxiety, now radiated a quiet happiness.
"Thanks, Azuria," you're hand gently rested on her shoulder, a tired but grateful smile resting on your face. "You're a great ally. I don't know what I would have done without you." For a second you swore you saw her flinch ever so slightly, but the expression was gone before you could blink. A grin lazily stretched itself on her painted lips in its place. Had you imagined it?
"I'm well aware I'm one of the best, but please, keep praising me. Flattery gets you everywhere."
You couldn't help the laugh that tore out of your throat, as you moved your hand and replaced it with your head instead. Placing your other hand on top of hers as the magic continued to pour into your body -- you briefly wondered just how much she had to be able to continuously share this much -- curling your body around your growing belly and into her side. Even if you did wish that there was another body here to curl around you, you were content in this moment. And that was more than you felt you could ask for.
Today was going to be a good day.
The sun was shining with just enough cloud coverage to keep it from being overwhelming. Birds screeched their morning dues and you watched contently from your kitchen window as some drillbees floated lazily about outside. You hadn't felt the need to throw up yet and had even managed to get some breakfast down your gullet. Azuria had left earlier that morning on some kind of mission, something about a missing ingredient if her note was any indication. Although where Azuria was concerned, that could as easily be some eggs as it could be some high-end lipstick priced more than anyone could reasonably make in a decade to complete a single outfit. You would simply have to wait and see what she came back with.
Taking another sip of your steaming tea, you waited contently as the dough on the counter rose so that you could slip it into the oven. It was such a lazy and good morning today that perhaps you would indulge in some treats. Lifting your bulk out of the comfy chair, you sorted through internally what you should have lying about. There were fruits Azuria had brought home a few days ago. You could still taste their sweet bursts of flavour on your tongue and the thick juice going down your throat. Yeah, berries sounded good right about now.
With a groan, you lifted yourself from the chair you had perched in. The baby hadn't even reached half of its full size and already it was a pain to heighten and lower yourself. The kid was really lucky you loved them enough not to endanger their life by evicting them early. The urge to do so was ever-increasing but you did your best to keep it from annoying you too much. Your lack of fast movement though made you increasingly grateful that Azuria had taken up guard duty around you, not even allowing her brother, a member of the 13 crowns and technically her superior, to get too close to you.
As you shuffled toward the kitchen, the scent of fresh dough wafting through the air, you opened the fridge door with a sense of anticipation. The cool air greeted you, and your eyes scanned the shelves for the container of berries. A small smile touched your lips as you spotted them nestled among the other groceries. Carefully, you retrieved the bowl of vibrant berries, the colours reminiscent of the morning sunrise. The plump, juicy fruits seemed like a delightful treat, a burst of nature's sweetness.
"Sweetling! I'm home! Come outside and look what I brought!" Azuria's voice cut through your thoughts. A sigh left your mouth as you turned from the fridge, a bowl of juicy berries locked in your hands. Shifting it to sit in one hand, you popped a few in your mouth as you walked,  nearly moaning at the sweetness as they burst. Opening the front door, you started to call out to Azuria, to ask what she had, when you noticed she wasn't alone.
It took a few moments before your brain caught up and recognized who was in your yard. Your entire body froze up as you tried to comprehend what was happening. The sudden stopping motion causes the bowl of berries to topple from your hand and fall to the ground, glass shards smashing and berries splattering against the hard ground. You ignored it all to focus on the being in front of you. You knew that body, that face, the long flowing hair and pale skin.
"Narnia," you breathed out. Heart pounding a mile a minute and tears starting to pool in your eyes. So many emotions were suddenly flowing through you in a whirl and you couldn't process them all. Fear, love, elatedness, nervousness and more. All culminating into one giant ball that left you dizzy. You swayed a little from the impact of it all, and suddenly both Narnia and Azuria were sprinting in your direction, though you didn't fully understand why. You still couldn't understand why Narnia was here at all actually.
You flinched when he reached out to steady you, backing away slightly, teeth knawing at your bottom lip as you stared at him. Looking over his shoulder you saw Azuria a step behind him, her eyes drawn wide open before she was suddenly in between the two of you and all you could see was her back. Wings spread wide and her tail lashing in agrivation. She wants to protect you -- is willing to die by going up against someone so much more powerful than her to do so.
You hear a deep snarl from Narnia at the denial of being able to see you and Azuria's responding hiss. For a split second, you wonder if this is what a dog toy feels like, as it's fought over between two canids before being torn to shreds by the reigning victor. You didn't want to know who the winner would be between them. Didn't want to see them fight. Be covered in wounds from the other's claws and blood pouring down their bodies as they both fought over you.
̶D̶i̶d̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶f̶a̶c̶e̶ ̶t̶h̶a̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶w̶e̶r̶e̶n̶'̶t̶ ̶c̶e̶r̶t̶a̶i̶n̶ ̶w̶h̶o̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶ ̶w̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶w̶a̶n̶t̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶w̶i̶n̶ ̶i̶f̶ ̶i̶t̶ ̶c̶a̶m̶e̶ ̶d̶o̶w̶n̶ ̶t̶o̶ ̶i̶t̶.̶ ̶
You place a hand gently on Azuria's shoulder and lightly push on it. 'Back down' you say wordlessly, 'it's ok.' You're nowhere near ready to see Narnia on your own terms, much less like this, but he's here now and you have to face the music. You inhale deeply, letting it out slowly before ducking slightly under her still-spread wings.
Narnia's face is still pulled into a ferocious snarl, white fangs gleaming as he bares them before they're quickly put away at the sight of you. He starts to reach out a hand for you once more before pausing, seeming to rethink the idea. It takes a second for you to realize that he's shaking slightly. Nearly imperceptible and yet when you focused you could see the nearly invisible tremors running through his arms.
You could understand it in a way, if he had even a fraction of the love that you had for him, he was probably devastated at your disappearance. And for you to suddenly appear again once more before him, it must have seemed like a dream. A dream he was scared to touch only for it to disappear into wisps of nothing with the morning sun. You would know, you'd had several of your own since you had left.
Slowly you walk forward and slowly reach out your own hand towards his. Gently grasping it before bringing the pale appendage to your cheek, allowing him to make the contact he seemed so desperate for and that you so surely wanted. Your eyes closed at the familiar feeling and you just stood there, breathing in his scent and indulging yourself in all of the things you had denied yourself for months. He breathed out your name in a gentle sigh, and you didn't have to look to know that there were tears at the corners of his eyes.
Suddenly his other arm was wrapped around your waist and you were pulled into a tight hug. A gentle fluttery in your stomach appeared as your face smashed against the top of his chest, the silky fabric of his uniform softening the blow slightly and forcing more of that rosey chocolate scent into your nose. His own face was buried into your neck as his hand curled further up to the back of your head. You could feel his own nose twitching against your neck and if you felt the slightest bit of wetness trail down and heard the smallest whimpers--well it was all too easy to pretend that you were sweating due to the heat and that the noises were simply some frucks --hairy frogs who had four duck feet that you had been delighted to have discovered one day-- swimming about.
It took a minute to realize that he was doing more than whimpering--he was talking. Pleading actually, once your brain could focus on what he was saying.
Why did you go?
Stay by my side.
Never leave me again.
Please I beg you.
On and on he went and it broke your heart more and more with each new sentence he uttered. All you could do was hold him tighter to you and run one of your hands through his hair. It flowed easily through the soft strands and you could only wish the words he spoke flowed through you as easily. Instead, each syllable cut through you like a dull knife, leaving jagged wounds all over you, blood and guilt seeping through each one.
You couldn't deny that you had needed this escape. To adventure all over and have a say over where to go and who to visit, but you also couldn't help but wish you had never left. Or had at least tried and discussed it with him first. To try and spare him the pain you put him through by just up and leaving. But what's done is done, and all you can do is help him heal through it. 'If he'll let you,' your brain chimed in. There was the entire possibility he could shove you away at any moment. To cut you off now before you could cause him more pain.
And you wouldn't even be able to blame him for it.
With a soft sigh, you pushed the thoughts aside and simply held him. Stood on your tip toes and buried your face into his neck and whispered reassurances into his skin. After a few minutes, you felt him start to slow down and gently pull away to look him in the eyes. They were bloodshot, and tears were still forming in the corners to try and follow their brethren down the already made paths running down his cheeks. You could feel your own tears that had gathered but simply smiled up at him, happy to be in his arms again.
There were a lot of things you could say, that you could both say, instead you simply stood there elated to be in one another's presence again. He gave you a shaky smile in return before pulling you into another hug. This time though you both froze after a moment.
A small fluttering feeling appeared in your gut. It was so subtle the first time that you had barely felt it. But now, as the second hug commenced you felt it get a fair bit stronger, and evidently so had Narnia. 
He quickly pushed you back slightly, large hands firmly grasping your upper arms as he looked you over. The sudden motion caused you to squeak in surprise and Azuria to hiss in the background in warning to be gentle. His eyes were locked on your stomach, currently mostly hidden by the overly large sweater you had stolen from Azuria's closet, but the slightest swell still poked through. Barely noticeable if you weren't looking for it, only Narnia was. 
His entire body was trembling slightly as his hands left your arms to gently grasp the soft fabric of the sweater before slowly lifting it up.  "You're..."He started, eyes wide and voice soft in amazement. 
"Pregnant?" You offered up helpfully, "Yeah, I am."  
He was silent as his hands gently grazed along your belly, eyes opening wider and a soft gasp leaving his lips when the baby moved again. The smallest bumps appeared through your stomach almost exactly where his hands were. A soft smile appeared on your face as he continued to stare at you, your hands reaching out to cover his own. "They recognize their daddy." 
His eyes flicked up towards yours before lowering back towards your stomach again. "They?"
"We don't know the gender, so they've just been they. Don't worry, we're pretty certain there's only one of them. No need to worry about twins or triplets here." You blinked as his face suddenly went dark. "Narnia?"
"You said we. As in you and her." His eyes flickered behind you, and you suddenly understood.
"She was a great help. I don't know what I would have done without her." You booped his nose and watched it wrinkle before turning his gaze back to you. "You don't get to be angry at anyone but me. I'm the one that left even if I know that I probably shouldn't have. Azuria simply helped me navigate this new world." A corner of his lip peeled back before he rolled his eyes in relentment. 
He could never deny you for long. 
"I suppose she was rather helpful in helping me find you." 
You froze. "Pardon?"
"Azuria, she was the only reason I found you this early. I tried very hard to try and hunt you down. Very clever trick, using the rainstorm to cover your tracks. The only reason I applied to be a crown was so that I could have a wider territory to try and track you down through, and then here comes your pretty little succubus, all willing to take me right to you."   
Suddenly betrayal lit through you as a connection was made. Azuria had brought Narnia here. Logically you knew that since she appeared with him. To know, however, that she had done it on purpose? That Azuria had led him straight to you despite never saying you were ready to see him. Despite you never even mentioning Narnia's existence in your life. 
Azuria had potentially known that Narnia was your mate this entire time.
What you couldn't understand was why. Why betray you in this way, of all ways? Or perhaps, your mind reeled as you tried to make sense of everything, still desperate not to lose someone so close to you again, it could be that she hadn't known. It was entirely possible she had run into Narnia while visiting her brother and had gotten to talking with him before bringing him home. Considering the amount of times she had cursed Narnia's name and family before though left you wondering if she had seduced him to kill him.
You turned wide-eyed towards Azuria, practically pleading that it wasn't true. That it was simply a misunderstanding and that she didn't do one of the few things that could have hurt you the most. Instead, her eyes looked away from yours before closing and she slowly nodded. "I did tell him."
"You were withering away!" She suddenly snarled, and you flinched in shock at her hostility. You felt Narnia take a step forward so that his front was flush with your back, a warning growl low in his throat but Azuria ignored him. "I had to sit there and watch as you withered away with this stupid happy smile on your face even though it was obvious how much even the smallest things hurt you to do! It's why I started sharing my magic so that you wouldn't die before you even got to see your baby. It's why I searched through your room to find even the slightest clue who the father was. Why I went on a manhunt and gathered favour after favour to get access to him so that you could be together again." 
She paused, chest heaving and tears in her eyes, "It's why even though I figured you would hate me afterwards, at least I would know you were living again. Because you weren't before. Oh sure, you were happy at times, but you weren't living. Not without him." She snarled the last word, anger and resentment clear in her voice. 
"Azuria-" you started but stopped when you felt a hand on your shoulder. Looking back slightly you saw Narnia slowly shake his head. With a soft sigh, you ignored him and shrugged off his hand.  Logically you knew where he was coming from, that she needed to get this off her chest. To rant and rave until there was nothing left but an empty hole that could heal. 
That didn't mean she had to do it alone though. 
You walked towards her, acutely aware of Narnia following you only a few steps behind. Ready to protect you at a moment's notice from what he probably thought was your own stupidity. Your hands reached out to take her shoulders in them and you watched as she flinched at the sudden touch. Ignoring the sharp pain that went through you at seeing her flinch from your touch, you pulled her towards you in a tight hug. 
Her entire body froze in surprise before haltingly hugging you back. You pushed slightly to let her bury her face in the crook of your neck before whispering in her ear, "I could never hate you." 
If you thought she had frozen before, it was nothing compared to the practical icicle her body had become as she processed your words. Then suddenly there were tiny trembles running through her body before a loud wail nearly shattered your eardrums, and yet you only held her closer. Hands rubbing her back and running through her hair soothingly as she let it out. You slowly let the both of you slide to your knees, Narnia standing guard above the two of you. You didn't have to look to know that he was pointedly pretending to be searching for some kind of threat to give her privacy.  
"I thought you were going to die," she cried, "I didn't know what to do! I thought you were going to leave me alone in the worst way possible. And then I thought you were going to hate me and never look in my direction again." On and on she went and you just sat there letting her get it all out. Simply humming and stroking her hair and back. Eventually, she managed to slow down into quiet sniffles, before no noise came from her at all except steady -- if a little harder than normal -- breathing. 
She pulled back from your neck, one hand leaving you to wipe the tear tracks from her face. One of your own hands leaves her hair to gently cusp her cheek, 'are you okay?' She grasps your hand in her own and nods her head. 'I'm okay.'  
The slightest noise coming from the ruffling of clothes as Narnia shifts clues the both of you back in that he was in fact there. Azuria's face turns a bright shade of pink at being caught in such a weakened state in front of someone who is practically a stranger. She quickly helps you up, clearing her throat and tossing her hair back. Turning slightly towards Narnia she points a painted nail in his direction. 
"You say nothing, I say nothing. Got it?" 
One of Narnia's eyebrows rose but acquitted in a graceful nod. Azuria gives a firm nod of her own before fussing over the both of your clothes. Brushing off dirt and making sure your sweatshirt is sitting properly. 
A large pale hand suddenly appears to tweak the sweatshirt so that it is sitting slightly tighter than it was earlier, before resting gently on your stomach. "Darling, why don't we go home so that you can rest." 
Azuria's body stiffened slightly before laying a fake smile on her lips pointed at Narnia, "What are you talking about? They are home."
"Oh, their temporary home yes. But I'm sure you can agree that they deserve the best?" 
Azuria's eyebrow twitched. "Are you implying my home isn't good enough for them?" 
"It's certainly quaint, but lovely here needs a bit more room. Especially with a youngling on the way." 
"Quaint!? Says the demon who had them living in a cottage! At least my home has room for both them and the baby. They'll be just fine here." 
An elegant snort left Narnia --to this day you still couldn't figure out how he made an inelegant action elegant -- before firing back, "That was when it was just the two of us, obviously adjustments will be made, and I'm sure they would much prefer spending time in their mate's home."
"Yes because a sudden change in nesting areas is so good for the carrier's mental health! You apparently not only have the reputation of a dog but the brains of one too."
They both whirled on you, calling your name in perfect synchrony, "Tell them I'm right!"
A tired sigh left you as you pinched your nose. Was this what it was like to raise kids? You weren't certain you could do it anymore if it was. "Listen, I'm tired. I've had one hell of an emotional rollercoaster, my feet and back hurt and hearing you argue like toddlers is giving me a headache. I'm taking a nap, figure it out yourselves." With that, you promptly removed Narnia's hand, turned around and headed back inside ignoring their cries and the pattering of their feet behind you. A nap sounded perfect. If you were lucky, maybe you could convince them to let you curl up in between them without any incessant arguing.
And a new bowl of berries too, you thought longingly as you passed the shattered bowl.
"You've gone through a lot of trouble to speak to me." Narnia's eyes locked onto this newcomer with disdain and annoyance. Looking at them felt akin to looking at a bloodfly as far as he was concerned. This demoness before him, no matter how pretty, was nothing compared to you. Just another succubus trying to seduce her way into power, admirable, but worthless to him.
Admittedly, something about this one seemed different though. Everything about her was tense, like a coiled spring and the way her eyes seared into him left more of a feeling of hate than love. What a bad succubus letting her feelings shine through like that. "Why?"
"I shouldn't be doing this." Azuria started, eyes flaring with fire that she wished would burn the demon before her to ash. "I should be challenging you, fighting you to the death and tearing your heart out so that they can move on from you and I can win their heart in turn. It would be so easy to turn their mournfulness into love for me." Azuria paused, watching Narnia's eyes tint dangerously as he caught on to who and what she was talking about.
His lips curled back in a snarl and the crackling energy of his raw power started to flow about the room in his anger. His wings and tail had popped out as emotions overtook him and he spread them out wide and threateningly, making himself appear far bigger and more powerful. Not that he needed it. Being selected as a crown candidate, much less appointed one, was no easy feat. She had never been more angry at the fact her brother had gotten more magical prowess than her than at this moment. What she would do if she had enough strength.
"You know wh-"
"I know that if I did try and fight, I would lose." Azuria cut in. "And I know that even if I did win, they wouldn't be happy.  Not entirely. They-"She sucked in a breath, and let it out slowly, heart breaking further from speaking the truth out loud. "They don't love me, not like they love you. And they will never love me as fully as they do you. You could have hurt them a thousand times and killed a million deaths and they would still choose you over me. On top of that, they would never survive the consequences of your death."
Narnia's energy stayed ever-pressing inside the room, bearing down on her with pure force without him even doing a thing, yet she noticed the slightest shift in his body. His eyes were narrowed in on her though they looked more thoughtful than before. Waiting impatiently for what else she had to say. If there was one thing he learned from his mate, it was to wait before striking. It had become a game between the two of you, seeing who would give in first for whatever reason. You always won. Perhaps this time he would.
"I don't understand the appeal of you to be perfectly honest." She gave him an obvious look over and sniffed, "Your personality seems awful, your clan is heinous as far as how they treat younglings, and while you're a pretty one I'm clearly more beautiful. On top of that, I'm no slouch in the power department even if you are far stronger. They should choose me, and yet they won't. I don't know what they see in you, but you better get your shit together and treat them like the diety that they are. Otherwise, I will find a way to take you down, because they deserve it. Even if they deserve far better than you."
Azuria whirled around, leaving him no chance to say anything in return. She opened the door to his office before turning to look at him over her shoulder. "Well? Are you coming or not lover boy?" Striding out the door, Azuria didn't have to look back to know he was scrambling to follow. Doesn't have to look back to know that he's well aware of how lucky he is to have your heart.
For those wondering, this is a fruck-
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Isn't it adorable????
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flowersandbigteeth · 2 years
Your villainous voidbeast husband has a visitor
Voidbeast (Valerian) x female reader
General Plot: You are having dinner with your voidbeast husband and he gets a visitor
Part One, Part Two, Part Four
W: minor character death, yandere behavior
Word Count: 1K
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You chewed on your small slice of pizza staring up at Valerian decimating his much larger one in awe. His teeth were just…very, very big, shredding circles of sausage the size of saucers. 
He glanced down at you. 
“Do you like it?” he asked and you nodded, remembering to eat. 
“Yes, it’s very good,” you said, politely. 
“The servants will make you anything you like, you need only ask,” he explained. 
He watched you stuff your little cheeks with pizza, pleased he could be feeding you his food under his roof. It was a dream come true. He’d watched you all those years, struggling to make ends meet, wondering where your next meal would come from. He’d tried to help you in his own way, but he’d promised himself he’d let you live your own life and not interfere. Now he could take care of you properly. He smiled absently down at you and your eyebrows rose wondering what he was planning. 
“So…what do you normally do around here?” you asked, curious what a void beast got up to. 
He shrugged. 
“I was in a pretty intense war with the locals before I went to collect you,” he admitted, “but I think that’s settled down now.” 
“So…the moon…” you started to say. 
He smirked at you. 
“I left a reminder in the sky for them the next time they think to dabble in magic,” he said. 
You swallowed a bite of pizza heavily. 
“But now that we have a wedding to plan,” he beamed, “I will make sure they worship and adore you.” 
“You know that’s really not necessary,” you said, “I’m really a simple person. I don’t need to be…worshiped.” 
“Nonsense,” he snorted, “they have nothing better to do. Worshiping you will build character and you deserve it. Perhaps we can organize a festival in your honor every year on our anniversary and they can bring gifts to lay down at your feet.” 
You wiggled nervously on  his lap as his plans got more intense. His claws scraped your back in circles as he planned. 
“I’ll have them erect a statue to honor you as their goddess in the capital city!” he boomed, then chewed a claw, “no…one statue is not enough. There will be a statue in every township, covered in flowers…and every firstborn daughter must be named (Y/N)!” 
You waved your hands at him. 
“But then there will be images of me everywhere,” you argued, “do you really want people staring at me all of the time and saying my name? What if they have improper thoughts?” 
He thought about this for a moment, his eyes narrowing slightly. 
“You’re correct,” he said, cupping your cheek in his large fingers, “I don’t want their dirty eyes on you! We’ll have to scrap the statues. In fact, any graven image of you that I haven’t personally commissioned will be outlawed and the name (Y/N) will be banned. Only you can use it.” 
You let out a relieved breath. 
“If you say so,” you said, taking another bite of pizza. It was actually very good. 
He looked down at you for a moment, the corner of his mouth quirking up, before he rubbed pizza sauce off of your cheek with his thumb. 
“Master! There’s a magician here to see you!” 
One of the purple demonlings that made up Valerian’s staff ran into the room. 
Your void beast groaned and rubbed his temple. 
“Not this again,” he grumbled before waving his hand. 
“Send him in!” he boomed, then to himself, “might as well get this out of the way.” 
A few minutes later a thin man with a goatee was standing in front of you dressed in a very fancy getup. He wore silver spaulders shaped like ravens heads and a long trailing, black cloak. A wide brimmed hat draped down over his eyes. 
“I’ve come for the girl!” he snarled. 
Rude! You thought, chewing your pizza. You’d gotten pretty comfortable in Valerian’s lap and were getting full, maybe a little sleepy. He was trying to pull you away from what was about to be a very satisfying nap. 
“Identify yourself, traveler!” Valerian’s voice echoed off the high ceiling. 
“The fortune teller sent me! I’ve come to free the maiden and claim her purifying magic as my own!”
He dramatically threw his hat off revealing a glossy head of long black hair. 
“I’m the magician Uleus Ezaprix! You will come to fear my name!” 
You choked on the bite in your mouth. What? Purifying magic? 
Valerian snorted. 
“That old hag is just telling you what you idiots want to hear and taking your money,” he said, twirling a claw in your hair, “(Y/N) is a harmless human with no special magic, not that it’s any of your business.” 
You found yourself relieved to know you weren’t harboring some kind of secret curse you didn’t know about and took another bite of your pizza. 
Uleus pumped his fist in the air, drawing dark energy to it and manifesting a staff. 
“Silence beast!” 
An energy bolt came flying in your direction, freezing your mouth midchew, but Valerian waved a lazy hand and it bounced away. You swallowed, glancing up at him, but he was looking angrily at the magician. 
“You are interrupting (Y/N)’s dinner,” he snarled, “you’ll give her indigestion!” 
The arm around your waist tightened, pushing a puff of air past your lips in a soft burp. 
“See?!” he snapped. 
Your eyes swung to the magician, whose own eyes were glowing a weird blue color and he was chanting some unintelligible words. 
“Really? He’s going to do the thing? I told them not to use magic…” Valerian mumbled to himself while he stood up, arranging you carefully in the center of his large chair. He patted you on the head before he turned on the magician, who appeared to be in the middle of some sort of transformation process. 
He grabbed him around his thin waist with his large hand and womped him head first on the ground. Uleus went limp and his magical field dropped like a light going out. 
“I’ll be right back, (Y/N)!” 
Valerian left the room dragging the unconscious magician behind him. You looked around and started to climb down from the large chair when the entire building quaked with a massive BOOM! 
You shrieked, covering your head and ducking under the chair. 
“(Y/N)?” Valerian’s grumbling voice drifted down to you, then his face appeared as he knelt down to peek into your hiding place. 
“Did I scare you?” he cooed, dragging you out by your ankle as your fingers scrambled for purchase on the marble floor, and pulling you in his arms, “I’m sorry. I had to rearrange the sky a little bit. Those humans have to understand, they can’t take you from me. Wanna see?”
You nodded feebly, wondering what “rearrange the sky” meant. 
It quickly became apparent as he carried you onto his balcony. The moon had a hole blasted clean through it, forming a forever crescent shape. You gasped at the spatter of moondust clouding the sky that used to be solid rock. 
“I did that for you,” he said, pulling your chin in between his thumb and his forefinger, “and I’ll do far worse. I’ll swallow stars for you, (Y/N).” 
“O-Okay,” you murmured, your heart skipping in your chest. 
He’d blasted a hole in the moon!
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demonlings-au-blog · 14 days
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“I’m looking for my dad. Can you help me?”
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phoenixparadox · 2 months
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A baby mountain Titan, playing amongst the rocks.
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w-xtherian-desires · 10 months
you and akuma laying together and cuddling while he completely loses himself in the taste of your lips not to mention how addictive your tits are to suck, whether big or small, he wants them. while he does this he also plays with your clothed clit, running circles as he whispers sweet adorations in your ear.
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doctorho · 8 months
you've heard the stories. everyone has. it's half-rumor and half cautionary tale, at this point;
the hermit living in the abandoned library. the only evidence of his presence the golden light in the windows at night and sometimes, a trail of smoke coming out of the chimney.
there's whispers of him: how no-one really knows what he does, where he came from. who he really is. someone thinks they saw him outside at night, but they don't know for sure.
the only thing they know is this:
he is a vampire.
or, so you're told.
there's all kinds of things you hear about him, and you're pretty sure that most of it is exaggerated. but... you never really could figure out why people seemed to be afraid of him. sure, he lives in an abandoned building alone and seems to be mostly nocturnal, but he doesn't actually seem to bother anyone. if anything, there's a strange trend of mechanical appliances getting mysteriously fixed in the dark of the night. that's it.
mostly, he doesn't seem to interact with anyone, not that you know of at least. there's exactly one man that seems to visit the library and you don't know what he does there, he doesn't go often and he doesn't seem to be very talkative about it. you think he might be a delivery of some sort, but you're not sure.
the man's gotta eat, right?
you refuse to think too much about what it is exactly that he eats.
you don't really have a reason to get anywhere close to the library. it's in a pretty secluded part of town, surrounded by old tall trees that were slowly all turning shades of orange, and there isn't really anything close by. just some trash and the old forges.
the leaves on the ground make your every footstep silent, making you feel like a ghost.
and with every step, you try to convince yourself that actually, this isn't stupid, and you're totally just there to see the pretty trees. just on a walk. nothing more. nothing weird.
it's a lie, of course. a pretty see-through one; it feels too light for you to even pretend it's true.
you're curious.
that's the only reason you're out there.
it doesn't make much sense, and wouldn't make a waterproof explanation if you had to explain yourself to anyone, but it's the truth. you want to know more about him, you want to know if what people are saying is really true.
and... you've seen him through the windows a few times. and... if he really was some sort of an evil demonling, shouldn't that scare you? shouldn't that be hard-wired into your instincts?
it isn't. it's like watching a deer in a forest; staying still so it won't see you and run away, barely daring to breathe.
but you know the deer won't hurt you. it's just not used to humans.
you think.
you know it's a stupid idea, going there. you don't even try to tell yourself otherwise. the knowledge that being there is stupid, and potentially dangerous, is like a wave passing over your thoughts with every passing heartbeat. it's a shadow of everything you've been told over the years; you don't believe the stories, but they have to come from somewhere, right?
it's just a library. just a guy in a rundown library. there isn't anything inherently dangerous about that.
except that the whole town seems to agree thah he is the danger in that, and... you know that. it coats the inside of your head like a layer of honey, heavy and sticky and making it difficult to think straight - all your thoughts seem to circle back to what if. but it's still not enough to get you to leave. you've been curious about him for so long, and it doesn't seem to be fading. besides, you're staying a safe distance away. it's not like you're going up to the door and knocking.
he is no longer at the window.
he is standing in front of you.
in the darkening night, he's little more than another shadow, but once you see him, he's impossible to ignore. the kind of still-calm that reminds you of an exceptionally intelligent cat, and watching you intently. with his eyes a shade of golden you've never seen on anyone before, and his face a picture of calculating neutrality. his eyes seem to almost be glowing, and they are deadset on yours.
you don't really even need to form the thought before you know it;
you're not sure which one of you is the deer.
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captainschaos · 10 months
It's here!!! This is it!!!!! well okay tbh it's still very rough, there's a lot of detailwork that is kind of loose and stuff I'm still theorizing/thinking about, but this is the big look! I also cut down on a lot of the stuff about characters to focus on the timeline itself, so I might make a follow-up post with that stuff because ily council. But this is my interpretation of the scu timeline! I know there's a lot of malleability when it comes to the scu, but even within that there's certain parts I kinda took and ran a bit far with, so hopefully it all makes sense. The line between interpretation of canon and creation of headcanon is thin. Also, since my timeline isn't actually a line, it'd be a bit hard to watch along with, but I'll link the playlist of my personal preferred viewing order anyway HERE! And without further ado, here's my timeline :]
[Long post below the cut- enjoy!]
The Slimecicle Cinematic Universe follows the path of Slimecicle, one of many players who wish to achieve god-power. Players are able to travel between realms with ease, but altering those realms? That takes a considerable amount of power. However, this is not unachievable, and Charlie is one among a group of players attempting to become godlings.
Godling: A being of god-power that can alter realms, and primarily uses it for creation.
Demonling: A being of god-power that can alter realms, and primarily uses it for destruction. 
Realm: What we would think of a minecraft world, a separate place that players travel to when they find new places. 
World: Within a realm, it is the earthen spirit itself. More abstract, but a powerful force to be interacted with, and has some semblance of life, magic, and almost sentience itself. 
Dimension: The Overworld, Nether, and End are different dimensions. 
Player: a person who largely interacts with realms, able to move between many, and able to become a godling if powerful enough.
Wild spirit: a spirit somewhere between a person and a beast, connected to the world as opposed to the way players can interact with realms. While both players and wild spirits can be connected to mobs, the connection is generally stronger and more widespread for wild spirits. 
God-power: Expressed by things like creative mode, op, and VR, powers that can alter realms and enforce some kind of control over players within them. 
Plight: What happens to a godling when they are forced to die without respawning or in an otherwise more permanent/impactful way, an effect other than a mortal death. Can be broken out of, but is incredibly difficult, and can have lingering effects unless truly ended. 
Charlie “Slime” Slimecicle:
Godling of food, enchanting, crafting, and smelting
Plight: DEATH (if worn down enough, he will not suffer a normal plight as other godlings would, but would become mortal and truly die)
Middle child
A shapeshifter by nature of being a slime, and his natural adaptability seems to be related to his proficiency with god-power. 
“Condi” Condifiction: 
Godling of other dimensions
Plight: caged (trapped in a location/pocket dimension of his own, and more importantly, trapped in his own mind in a whirl of penned-up hyperactivity that brings insanity)
Condi, Charlie, and Grizz don’t remember if they’re biological brothers or not, but they grew up together, and Condi was always the most adept, the “alchemist assassin,” who kept them safe. 
Godling of nature, weapons, and tools
Plight: shackled (forced to comply to the orders of the being that killed him, though it may appear as if he has respawned as normal. Can also more generally inhibit his ability to use his own power as he wishes)
Youngest (twin with Bizly)
Has gained animalistic traits from swapping power with Bizly, mainly vaguely bear/doggish. Since meeting they called themselves twins, and through this exchange have no reason to say they do not fit the word. 
Godling of mobs
Youngest (twin with Grizzly)
Plight: muzzled (at the most extreme is forced to disappear completely, being entirely unable to be heard or perceived by anyone. Can also more generally cause his words to lose meaning, and it is supernaturally difficult for him to be taken seriously or listened to.)
The only member of the Council who did not grow up with the group: he was a wild spirit (wolven) that was discovered by Grizzly, and slowly honed shapeshifting powers and traded bits of magic with Grizz to walk with players. 
Demonling of food and nature
Grew personally slighted by Charlie and the Council, and eventually trapped them in a separate timeline of his own creation to attempt to kill Charlie. 
The VR SERIES (videos marked with vr.) and CHARLIE’S ESCAPADES (videos marked with esc.) then happen at the same time, with the final video of the VR Series being when Schlatt’s timeline is created.
Charlie's escapades then repeat in Schlatt’s timeline, followed by NATURAL DISASTERS, HARDEST DIFFICULTY, and 100 DAYS. 
At the end of 100 Days Condi activates the time loop, which he cannot use to break out of Schlatt’s timeline but he can use to bring everyone back to the beginning of it.
CHARLIE’S DREAMSCAPE ESCAPADES (videos marked with drm.) take place in the haze between his death at the end of 100 Days and him fully being transported by Condi to the beginning of the time loop.
The conflict between Charlie and Schlatt begins here. Charlie is a trickster spirit at heart, and it is consistently seen to overlap with his joy in experimentation and creation, leading his pursuit for godly power.
This is one of the first places Charlie goes to try and hold his own among others who are growing in power like he aims to, and he at first struggles, as seen in how he fails to survive for long. However, he quickly makes use of this mechanic in his own way, and uses the forced respawns to tease the others. When Schlatt joins, this is especially targeted at him, to his infuriation. 
Schlatt goes to Carson, who appears to be the leading godling of this realm, to ask for Slime’s removal, but he says that “I’m not sure that I can really do that.” This hints to some sort of power Charlie has that is potentially greater than even Carson and Schlatt, the most powerful entities there. In the same conversation it’s said that Schlatt is a broken record, hinting that he has trouble often with wanting to control others and remove them if they bother him. 
This showcases the conflict of the whole series: The rising godling Charlie Slimecicle threatening the power of the demonling Schlatt. 
Charlie, Condi, Grizzly, and others begin working in a realm where they start experimenting with more control over their world, specifically by exerting control over themselves and their physicality in the plane (expressed through vr use). 
Narwhal is notably present from the very beginning, as a figure of power among the group, and Wheatie is also a member from the start. 
The excursion near the end of the video to the Nether is most notable as it is recalled in a flashback during the 100 Hunters video, specifically when Condi falls into the lava while bridging. 
Notably Schlatt joins this world, and it’s clear Charlie has a slight position of power over him in this place, and it makes him uncomfortable. 
Bizly also enters the scene in this video, first in a beastly purple and gold skin, then mimicking Herobrine, slowly changing from a more beastly form to that of a player. He was a wolven wild spirit found by Grizzly, and as he gave some of his power to Grizzly to assist his path toward godhood, he gained power from Grizzly that helped him act as a player. 
At the end of this video, Charlie, Condi, Grizzly, and others all partake in first a spleefing tournament, then a “gladiatorial bloodbath” which Charlie wins. Bizly watches this battle, and Narwhal and Wheatie both appear to have been utilizing god-power (creative mode) to create the arena, pouring power into it that Charlie proves himself best suited for. This is another of the beginning signs that he excels in this power.
Schlatt is not present for these later events.
The rest of the council is not present, but Schlatt and other figures on the server are. 
This video is largely just an example of Schlatt attempting to show he’s more powerful than Charlie, and Charlie continuing to fuck with Schlatt and generally make things worse. 
Poppies make an appearance in the video, as an attempted and rejected peace offering from Charlie to Schlatt. 
The video immediately starts off with Charlie and Travis claiming that Schlatt seems upset, while he vehemently denies it. 
Schlatt also seems to be using the same kind of worldbending power Charlie has been utilizing in this video (VR), potentially as yet another way to try and maintain power over him. However, Charlie continues to prove he has greater knowledge and control over this power, and then Schlatt injures himself while utilizing the physicality-altering power, and this pushes Schlatt over the edge. 
Schlatt gives an apple to Travis, taking control of him, though the power of the fruit isn’t known to anyone but the goat demonling yet. Travis begins to follow Schlatt and work with him to attempt to capture Charlie and then kill and cast a spell on him. It is with the symbolic death in the grave that Schlatt manages to latch onto Charlie’s spirit and begin creating a separate timeline in which he has control over Slime and the Council. 
The rest of the video is a semi-hallucinogenic experience Charlie has as the spell is cast and he, along with his friends, are trapped in Schlatt’s timeline. 
Travis is killed, and with this lifeforce and the ritual he enacts over Charlie, Schlatt puts his foot in the door to start working toward making Charlie mortal, and finally get back at him for the ways he’s taunted him.
ROLL (esc.): 
Narwhal is given power in a realm of Charlie’s, a compromise to utilize Narwhal’s power and allow Charlie to attempt to expand his own. This was an idea proposed to Narwhal by Charlie not long after the creation of the VR realm, as Charlie started to come into his own in that kind of power and became more and more excited about the possibilities. 
Flowers make an appearance as a protective entity. 
During this video a site reminiscent of Molympus is also created, as an island floating above the land is created by the die. 
Near the end of the video the die is dropped by Narwhal and Charlie gains control of it, and more of Narwhal’s power is passed to him. He is immediately able to use its power far more rapidly than Narwhal, and the world is destroyed by their battle. In the destructive blast, Condi, Bizly, and Grizzly are able to escape with the more powerful Charlie, but the weakened Narwhal and Wheatie fail to escape, and are destroyed, their power shattering and being absorbed by the newest godlings, the Council. 
After the blast, Charlie blames himself for Narwhal and Wheatie’s deaths, so he sets out to experiment with his newfound power on his own. 
This is the most raw of Narwhal’s remaining chance power, which Charlie begins to learn to harness by not being able to control exactly what it does, but by being able to shift how likely each effect may be (changing prices).
Condi and Grizzly, concerned for Charlie, ask him to let them help with his experimentation, and suggest they ask Schlatt to come into the equation as another power on par with Narwhal to help. However, they decide that all will be on equal grounds to hope to preserve everyone equally, so Schlatt is not put in godly status. Bizly is missing from this video, having been pushed to the side by Schlatt, unbeknownst to the others. 
Charlie is the only one with god-power (op) to begin with, but he is walked through much of it by Schlatt.
Grizzly is at one point cornered by Schlatt, and threatened with an apple. Grizzly would have no way of knowing of the fruit’s power, and yet he immediately recognizes it and reacts with intense fear. This is some of the strongest evidence for a time loop, with residual memories that would allow Grizzly, the most affected by Schlatt’s use of apples, to remember it when face-to-face with it. It is also important to note that while Charlie does not seem to remember as much as Grizz, he is the one to send Schlatt away by overpowering him with more apples. 
After this, Charlie says he has given god-power in the realm to all members (op), which Schlatt immediately makes use of to try and seize power. 
After this the whole group slowly devolves into using their power more and more. It’s clear Condi, Grizzly, and Charlie have become just as adept at it as Schlatt, using it for jokes and cheats. 
After the last escapade, Condi and Grizzly suggest they go to their own realm without Schlatt, and Charlie agrees. Because they do not have quite as much control the world becomes far more dangerous. 
This also could be the way they searched for Bizly after he had been missing for some time, as he is more beastlike in origin. This world may even be his creation, not Slime’s, which would further cement why they did not utilize creative god-powers. 
This video also showcases the tendency Charlie and Grizzly are characterized by in wanting to find ways to live amongst the challenges that face them, not necessarily fight to escape. They are far more inclined than Condi to settle in their tower and hunker down there and learn to live with the dangers around them, which is an attitude they continue to showcase in how they handle the timeloop. 
Bizly has returned to the group, and goes along with Condi and Charlie for the next of Charlie’s exercises in his power. 
This is another example of Charlie’s experimentation with randomized power, as a bunch of random people are spawned in and create entropy in their path. 
Halfway through the video, after all three of them have died, Charlie resorts to using his god-powers, but it is too explosive and causes the world to crash. He shows his growth by reining in it quickly though. 
There is an explicit flashback to the escapade to the nether in the VR series, when Condi fell before. This time, he does not fall. 
Thatoneperson is an important figure, and is clearly more than just a hunter. They exhibit godlike power that hints at them potentially being Schlatt in disguise. This would be the chance used to muzzle Bizly, when the ordeal with Thatoneperson being killed leads to his being pushed off the fortress, a death that could be latched onto to muzzle him. This takes gradual effect, and he remains for the rest of the video, but is missing from Natural Disaster. 
In the End fight with the dragon, Charlie yet again exhibits god-power to summon every hunter to fight by their side. 
Charlie’s escapades all repeat in this timeline but under Schlatt’s watch, no longer as a way for Charlie to grow, but a way to torture the Council and weaken them. 
When Charlie eats the apple early in the video, it accomplishes what Schlatt began doing right before the time loop was created: it makes him mortal. He can now truly, fully be killed, if done in a way powerful enough to stop his respawn. 
Immediately after this Charlie is notably able to give Grizzly an apple as a help, not a hindrance, which could be tied to his emerging domain over food. Grizzly’s domain over nature also begins to emerge as he gives poppies that begin to work as protective symbols. 
Schlatt quickly gets them to build him a church, showing how he’s trapped them in a state they forget their own emerging god-power, and taunts them with the light to the command blocks later, showing the torturous pointlessness of the whole experience. 
Grizz becomes shackled by Schlatt at the final volcano, but Charlie is able to take control of the realm from Schlatt and Grizz is able to break out to an extent. Schlatt does still remain in power over the timeline as a whole though, and retreats to regroup.
With picking the chests at the start of the video, the Council solidifies their domains of power as godlings. They had already began developing these, but this used some of the last chance magic Charlie had from Narwhal to allow them to concentrate their power into stronger, more specific areas. This whole video is an example of the Council going all out with their powers, and truly testing their limits. 
When the apple is given to Grizzly and he falls, he becomes shackled again. Though Schlatt is not in this world, he is pulling the strings as this happens in his timeline, and so the shackled Grizzly is still forced against his brothers. However, he strains against his restraints, and manages to make the fight fair enough that his brothers can beat him. 
The wolves were supposed to just be a joke. A joke between twins. Bizly’s wolfish, he wouldn’t really hurt them. If Condi hadn’t spawned them in the nether, it would have just been an illusion, a prank. It was just bad luck. “I may have been the boy who cried for the wolves, but I will not cry for you.” When shackled, and with Bizly muzzled, Grizz forgets that Bizly was the dearest wolf he cried for. 
In Grizzly’s last moments, Bizly, who had been fighting against his own plight for a while now, sees that Grizzly’s being controlled by his own and he can either be shackled in the mind as his body fights his family, or he can be shackled fully as a ghost that cannot act against them. In saving Grizzly, Bizly has to kill him to turn the shackles to a kind Grizzly can fight out of. He barely manages to reach through enough to help them get to the end, but his shackling means he cannot be in the world with them, and even that small effort to help them doesn’t have any real use.
Charlie has forgotten everything. After Hardest Difficulty, the Council continued to try and live their lives, but in the wake of Grizzly’s absence Condi threw himself into research, locking himself in his labs for long stints of time, feeling something was off about Grizz’s “death.” He was eventually caged there, and Bizly faded further under his muzzling as Schlatt used this opportunity to take them all away from Charlie. 
Schlatt then created an environment filled with death: a zombie apocalypse. Natural disasters also, notably, play a large role. This would be the final trial where he wore Charlie down to the point he could kill him.
Each of the Council appears in a diluted way how they can through their plight, and Bizly, having fought his off the longest, is able to work through his in many ways. He appears first out of the Council as Florida Man, accompanied by wild animals that he can interact with as a wild spirit.
Tommy enters, a wild spirit (zombie) who has started to move toward a player form and demonling power very similarly to Bizly. Grizzly ended up trading power with Bizly because they were at similar power levels, but Schlatt is able to give without any side effects because of his immense power, and Tommy comes into power over the 100 days as a demonling under Schlatt.
Charlie finds Condi’s lab where he’s been caged, and reads hints in Condi’s diary that he remembers what was done to Grizzly and is trying to fix it by recreating the world. His caged mind does not recognize Charlie, but Charlie is able to help Condi partially break out of his cage, and he is able to go out into the world though much of the mental caging effects linger. 
“In the new world, Charlie, everyone will be happy. Because I’m going to be a god.” He knows.
Condi is not successful in hopping worlds- he hops times back to the beginning of Schlatt’s timeline. He can’t escape it completely, but can form a time loop so they can try again. It doesn’t seem like it’s worked at first, but it is in the moments between a death and respawn that he can transport them, and so he is able to go back when he “dies.”
The Blood Bachelor’s arena somewhat resembles the arena from the VR series, yet another ritual to whittle down Charlie’s mortality. 
Ranboo is another upcoming godling/wild spirit, this time pulled in by Charlie, talked about more in the section for Beating Minecraft w/ Ranboo. He may have some idea of the fact that the apocalypse was created by Schlatt, twisted to be expressed by his conspiracy. 
Wizzly is the still shackled Grizzly, fighting to regain control of his powers. He has some version of his own knowledge of the timeline as a whole, knowing that Charlie is the “protagonist,” the focus of Schlatt’s attention. 
On day 99, Schlatt comes with apples, his strongest weapon. This is when Charlie starts to remember, and fears him, but the reminder of Bizly and the others pulls him away just before he eats. Bizly, who Charlie can barely remember, but with the knowledge Schlatt forced on him he now realizes has been working to keep him safe even though he’s a faded version of himself. Charlie then goes back, hoping he can bring him back before he’s faded completely, and he’s able to call him and the others for the final battle.
In this fight Tommy is seen wielding god-power, as he has become a demonling over the 100 days.
Charlie uses Condi’s machine to world-hop, and here, in a realm of Condi’s power, Schlatt attempts to finally, fully, kill Charlie. But in the moment where Schlatt kills him and attempts to stop him from respawning, Condi’s power is able to take Charlie not to mortal death, but back to the beginning. They will try again until they are all saved. Until Bizly is unmuzzled, Grizzly unshackled, Condi uncaged, and Charlie survives. 
It is also worth noting that Bizly, Grizzly, and Ranboo were left behind, but at the mention of Charlie, Grizzly summons zombies, saying “let’s do it all again, run it back from the top”, and they are killed too, allowing them to be transported as well as Condi begins the timeloop.
Both of these videos serve roughly the same purpose, as hallucinations/dreams Charlie experiences between time loops. There are many variations of them, all being very rudimentary ways of him changing a world and seeing how he fares, similar to his original escapades when growing his god-power. He begins to encounter Ranboo, a wild spirit of the place between dimensions (hence the enderman/End and ghast/Nether influences) that manages to interact with these dreams as Charlie moves between dimensions/times, and is eventually pulled into the timeline through Charlie’s power. However, he also begins to move toward godhood as a result of being gifted some of Charlie’s power. 
These are the beginning of Charlie potentially being able to not only alter a realm, but create entire realms of his own.
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