#dems to win
loubaby52 · 1 year
I want to talk about Kendall and Shiv (who are absolutely my favourite characters and always have been). Anyways, Shiv looking straight into Kendall’s eyes and telling him he is a good person was deeply fucked up. Like in S2 Kendall begged Shiv to help him in preparation for when he inevitably he fell out of favour with Logan and she decided to help Tom instead and let Kendall go to jail. Then in S3 she published that letter about him which destroyed his vaguely manic high and sent him spiralling. Then in later in S3 she watched him sob in a dirt parking lot and vaguely comforted him as he repeated that he wasn’t a good person. Now she’s using his fears against him to cover her ass. Like something about her manipulating her deeply mentally ill brother while he is trying to be honest with her was so fucked it made my heart break a little.
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qqueenofhades · 7 months
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marzipanandminutiae · 11 months
if you're terrified for your country's elections next year because a lot of people seem to think the solution to the government handling an international conflict in an abysmal and deplorable way is to let a group of total monsters who would handle it MUCH worse AND also potentially doom huge swaths of oppressed people at home as well as our entire literal planet get into power, by ignoring the way our deeply flawed but also deeply entrenched system realistically works
clap your hands...?
(I cannot understand trying to stop heinous and unnecessary killing- which disgusts and saddens me, too! how could it not?! -by handing the election to people who want to do even more of that exact thing. the math isn't mathing, as they say)
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skipppppy · 3 months
How it felt waking up to the news this morning
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sher-ee · 3 months
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rejectingrepublicans · 8 months
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RepubliKKKlans are a numerical minority and can only win by suppressing minority votes, encouraging Dems not to vote, or encouraging Dems to vote 3rd party.
Republican cultists will always turn out in force and vote as a solid block no matter who their candidate is
We can only win if you turn out and vote blue from Biden/Harris down to every last Democrat on the ballot.
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abushelandablog · 8 months
Our captain has returned
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dotsz · 2 months
it’s so over
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pyaasa · 3 months
I understand absolutely nothing about the great British public. Everybody is voting labour tactically to get the tories out but labour are set to win by a landslide and the tories are headed to electoral oblivion so there is no need to vote tactically to get the tories out because there is zero ZERO chance of them staying in power so if ever there was a time to NOT vote tactically this would be it. And yet the number one reason people are giving for voting labour is to get the tories out. Which. And not to mention labour are set to win in Scotland where the SNP are in power so why the fuck are they voting labour to get the tories out…the tories have never been IN so why . Anyway vote green or independent!
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siaradwast · 3 months
current labour sucks yes. however. in the (looking more and more likely each day) event that the tories are no longer in government. get ready to crab rave. fifteen years. fifteen years of tory government. if we finally get rid of them hell yes i am celebrating.
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tennant-davids · 3 months
i've been so confident for weeks that this will be a landslide and people will finally grasp the wonder of tactical voting to achieve a common and universal goal, but it's gone 5pm and now i'm suddenly really nervous. what if it's not a landslide. what if it's a hung parliament. what if people abandon tactics for tribes. what if people decide they want to "protest vote". what if the young incels really do show up for farage and his merry band of fascists.
so anyway, grab your ID and get to your polling station ASAP lads and pls chuck your vote to whoever is polling closest to your local tory 💖
don't get bogged down by conspiracy theories about using pen or the count changing your votes etc etc check the box with whatever you like (...within reason), and if you got your postal vote late or forgot to post it back, get it to your polling station or local council office by 10pm and you're grand. you can get someone else to take it for you if you can't.
that's all. just one last desperate plea before i get a drink and wait for the exit poll, and then I might finally breathe!
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tittyinfinity · 5 months
"You can't trust people who talk about not voting for Biden. Remember all the misinformation spread about Hillary?"
Tell me. What's the one major difference between Hillary and Joe?
Hillary Clinton was only a presidential candidate. Joe Biden is currently the president and we can see what he is doing.
People are CURRENTLY being affected by his actions. There is no "he might do this bad thing once he's elected!" because he's already doing the bad things RIGHT NOW to where everyone can see it.
A "psyop" is PAID to willingly spread misinformation. Millions of people around the world denouncing things that Biden is openly doing *WITH PROOF* aren't fucking psyops. Pull your head out of your ass
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zombiepatch · 2 months
why do I always sleep through major political news dude like I just woke up from a nap
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mr-ladystardust · 3 months
live blogging the genny lec tonight, exit poll is looking good for labour, even better for tory haters and horrifying for reform haters. shame that green didn't get more seats, but it's not unexpected, hopefully they get more over the next couple hours
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shedontlovehuhself · 2 months
Misha: campaigns for Biden
His fans: you're wrong! I'm so disappointed in you!!
Misha: says Biden needs to step down.
His fans: you're wrong! I'm so disappointed in you!!
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absedarian · 2 months
So … the media got what they wanted, eh?
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