#den of wolves
redphienix · 3 months
I don't really understand why the already extremely niche genre of heisting games is currently being front run by "futuristic" heists when the entire idea runs counter to the appeal of heisting.
Heisting games at their core are about big well thought out hits on banks and mcguffins in worlds where it "Makes sense" for that to be possible. It's about STEALING **THINGS**.
I mean. Most heists are based on movie heists which are almost all based in the 80s and 90s because those are periods of time in which Super Mega Finger Print Eye Scan Bio Lock safety measures don't exist, and 99.99% of assets are PHYSICAL- as in, cash, or jewelry, or drugs- physical things you can hold in your hand-something for you to STEAL that would be irreplaceable if stolen.
The shift payday 3 and the upcoming den of wolves or whatever seem to be so focused on- of "Modernizing" heisting, or in den's case future-izing, doesn't make sense.
Today everything is digital, it's all credit cards and fake assets that a bank says exist.
You CAN steal in this environment, but let's be honest, it's lame.
Modern "heist level" theft is just corps scamming poor people or companies stealing hours.
You have to apply a layer of fiction that makes it fail the "makes sense" aspect of a hit by saying "Oh, this CRYPTO WALLET is worth TEN BILLION and we'll be able to sell it EASILY" I don't care. Where's the cash. Where's the Thing I'm stealing. I know crypto idiots get scammed all the time, but where's the physical item I grab and it's money, I'm phishing a password, where's the fun thing I'm taking.
I go in and plug a usb in or steal a hard drive and then get told it was a major super big successful heist- who cares, where's the Thing I stole.
We live in a time of so many safeties put around assets, so much value being digitized- so as a dev you have to justify why stealing something can even be done when it's just numbers in a database we have no access to, and then the justification often falls apart because if we have access... then take it all? How is our ownership being respected when we make such a hit when we stole /nothing/?
We went from stealing millions of dollars worth of gold to stealing the credit card info of everyone with a PSN account and I'm supposed to say both of these scenarios are equally fun in a heisting game.
So you end up with scifi concepts like cracking bio-locks to steal an SSD that is somehow not backed up anywhere and has the sole copy stored in a physical safe at a warehouse because?????
And then with dens, we're getting into scifi brainhack level territory and the objects we steal are being further obfuscated from reality- LET ME STEAL THINGS.
I hope den is good. GTFO was fun.
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checkoutmybookshelf · 5 months
You Have my Attention: Blackthorn & Grim First Lines
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I found Juliet Marillier in middle school, but it wasn't until I finished my PhD and was looking for something to help me recover from burnout that I found out that she had adult novels as well. Dreamer's Pool was one of the first fun books I picked up, and I fell in love. It still blows my mind that the Tamora Pierce and Mercedes Lackey fans so often haven't found Marillier, but that's why I'm here to give you a sneak peek at how Marillier catches--and holds--readers with her opening sentences.
I fished the rusty nail from under my pallet and scratched another mark on the wall. Tomorrow would be midsummer, not that a person could tell rain from shine in this cesspit. I'd been here a year. A whole year of filth and abuse and being shoved back down the moment I lifted myself so much as an inch. Tomorrow, at last, I'd get my chance to speak out. Tomorrow, I would tell my story.
-- Dreamer's Pool
Rain had swollen the river to a churning mass of gray. The tower wore a soft shroud of mist; though it was past dawn, no cries broke the silence. Perhaps he slept, curled tight on himself, dreaming of a time when he was whole and hale and handsome. Perhaps he knew even in his sleep that she still kept watch, her shawl clutched around her against the cold, her gaze fixed on his shuttered window.
-- Tower of Thorns
He's curled into a ball, shivering, under a piercing white moon. He'd forgotten how bright the moon was, how its light could go right through a man, cold in his bones, searching out what was hidden deep. Go away, he breathes, arms up over his head, knees to his chest, trying to be invisible. Leave me alone. But the light seeks him out, finding a way through the high canopy of the beeches, through the rough blanket of bracken and fern he's scrambled together, through the rags of his clothing, right inside him.
-- Den of Wolves
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gebo4482 · 10 months
Den of Wolves – Official Trailer (4K)
Website / Steam
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lilac-stardust · 1 year
I'm reading the Blackthorn & Grim trilogy by Juliet Marillier (still on the 2nd novel) and I'm imagining Blackthorn as Charlotte Spencer and Grim as Wes Chatham.
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savingcontent · 6 days
10 Chambers unveils Den of Wolves running on Unity 6 in new tech demo at Unite 2024
Continue reading 10 Chambers unveils Den of Wolves running on Unity 6 in new tech demo at Unite 2024
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g4zdtechtv · 10 months
Cinematech's Trailer Park - Den of Wolves (Multiplatform)
From that Payday guy!
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8bitdigi · 10 months
Firsthand Look |  GTFO Conclusion and Den of Wolves
In a special event organized by 10 Chambers, we got to experience the conclusion of GTFO and get a first look at Den of Wolves.
A Look at 10 Chambers Latest Work In a special event organized by 10 Chambers at the Unity office in San Francisco, members of the media were invited to experience the conclusion of GTFO and get a first-hand look at Den of Wolves. This was an opportunity to sample their flagship title while learning about their next project.  During the preview session, we got the chance to sample two of the…
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They are here !!
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dirtytransmasc · 1 month
Eywa's fleecy little lamb — the blood sacrifice of Her chosen one
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wolfalder · 10 months
My new den setup!! It’s really coming together. More to come but here’s a small update! 🌲🐾
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checkoutmybookshelf · 2 years
History, Characters, and Just a Little Bit of Magic
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I discovered Juliet Marillier when I was in high school and was looking for literally *ANY* alternative to Twilight, because while I have nothing against vampires, I was not a Twilight girl. No shade to anyone who loved those books, they just weren't my cup of tea. I first found Wildwood Dancing with it's night people, frog prince, and dancing princesses (and we'll talk about that book someday), but today I want to talk about one of Marillier's adult trilogies. This trilogy follows Blackthorn and Grim as they work through life-changing trauma and find their way back to humanity--their own and others'.
First thing's first: This is an adult trilogy, and a few tirgger warnings appy. First and foremost, there is discussion of and recovery from sexual assault across all three books. I'm not going to get into it here, but take care of yourselves when choosing books to read and maybe steer clear from this trilogy if that topic is not a healthy thing for you to engage in just now. There is also some sacking-of-monastery-level graphic violence, and some absolutely screwey medieval dictatorial power dynamics that lead to gendered violence.
I loved these books, but I include trigger warnings because I would like y'all to be safe and healthy in choosing what to add to your TBR lists. The world is *a lot* right now, so anything that we can do to add some softness and gentleness and joy is important, and trigger warnings facilitate that.
With that bit of business out of the way, let me tell you about Blackthorn and Grimm.
Blackthorn reads a lot older than she actually is; by the time we catch up with her at the beginning of Dreamer's Pool, she's roughly early thirties, but we don't get that temporal marker until quite a ways in, and I'm not going to lie, I was FULLY a decade off in where I initially estimated her age. Blackthorne had her start as a healer who's abilities are greased with, perhaps, just a bit of magic. However, when we meet Blackthorn, she is in the deepest bowels of a men's prison and is, entirely reasonably, extremely cranky about it. Blackthorn has sharp, wounded edges, and watching those edges heal and lose some of their sharpness--although not all, never all, part of what you grow to love about her is the grouchiness that covers a startlingly soft heart--is one of the most compelling parts of the trilogy. Blackthorn is a protagonist who is allowed to be cranky, allowed to be nontraditional in so many ways, and has a certain je ne sais quoi that brought her and her story close to my heart.
If I were to describe Grim in one word...I wouldn't. I just quite simply wouldn't, because reductive, nuance-less pop descriptions do not and will never be appropriate for this trilogy. Grim is a man who is terrified of himself, and deeply ashamed of his past for reasons that do not become clear until the second book. Grim's emotional journey and his dealing with his own PTSD was incredibly compelling to watch, and even in the first book when we don't have the information to understand Grim's self-assessment, all you want to do is hug this man. In a world that is hard, unforgiving, and often unspeakably cruel, Grim is soft and kind in the best ways. Watching these characters interact and influence each other is a masterclass in recovery and rediscovering humanity.
For fully 95% of this trilogy, Blackthorn insists that there is no word for what she and Grim are to each other, and not going to lie, I fully spent 90% of the trilogy (and if you read the books you'll understand why that number should have been 65% absolutely maximum) thinking "Oh this is going to be an emotionally intimate but completely platonic relationship and I love this so much!" Reader, I was wrong. In hindsight, I would call this the slowest of slow-burn romances, but that feels like a woefully inadequate description of the relationship journey these characters go on. Literally, the first book starts with a fae-assisted jailbreak and the final book ends with a corruption trial. The trail from point A to point B is wild, wonderful, and a joy to read.
I picked up this trilogy during my recovery after grad school (the PhD killed my love of reading guys, and rekindling that was a JOURNEY) and publication, and I am so, so glad I did. It was a better fit than I could have ever imagined, and going and finding the rest of Marillier's back catalog really helped jumpstart my love of fun reading again.
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biocrafthero · 2 months
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(OC) Had a beautiful vision
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oneiroy · 4 months
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i'm planning on gathering with some friends and do some maps for a couple of hours this sunday for my birthday!
i don't usually organize any in game stuff but... here's an open invitation for any of my friends and mutuals here who would like to join! don't be shy!!!
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iron-sparrow · 7 months
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I can tell that we are gonna be friends Yes, I can tell that we are gonna be friends ♪
Many thanks to @oneiroy for letting me use Ryss for this pose!
I am hoping to do more collabs like this with tumblr mutuals, so folks I engage a bit more directly with here might be getting privately messaged at some point in the future. Once I'm feeling brave again, anyway.
Mostly, I just like the idea of Yein knowing all these amazing OCs in passing and sharing moments of joy with them!
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mothfables · 11 months
i keep thinking about the chain (minus legend) being turned into wolves from this post of mine so i figured why not ramble about it
the base idea: everyone except legend is turned into wolves. legend is a rabbit. you can imagine the issues this causes
-definitely inspired by Wolfie’s Pack by AmayasAngel and Wolf Family by Breanna!! they’re very good go read them now <3
-the wolves can understand each other. wolves and rabbits cannot
-they eventually manage to figure out who’s who through some trial and error
-in the beginning, the Chain have to constantly reign in their new instincts around Legend (small, brightly-coloured prey animal moving quickly = hunting mode activated). as i’m sure you can imagine, this does nothing to help Legend’s poor heart or issues
-Twilight + Sky, the two most familiar with Legend’s rabbit form, are extremely protective of him the whole time they’re transformed
-Wind + Four are pup/juvenile sized, with Wild + Hyrule slightly bigger than them
-Legend has about a hundred heart attacks during this time; it does not help that half the Chain are very eager to play, with him or with each other. either way his nerves are through the roof
-Twilight is in charge, as he’s the one most familiar with this form. this also means he has the (dubious) pleasure of teaching everyone else - sans Legend - how to be a wolf
-Legend mostly chills with Sky or hides from the more... excitable members of the Chain (these are not mutually exclusive)
-Sky takes to grooming him to help both their nerves
-you know how rabbits grooming each other can be a sign of submission + boosts their ego? yeah. Legend gets an ego boost for a while there and it allows him to be confident enough to engage with the others for a bit
-they take turns grooming him one time (he gets massively ego-drunk) and he binkies for a good five minutes in the middle of camp while everyone else watches in amusement (and the younger ones join in)
-the curse eventually wears off or gets removed and everyone has to take a while to adjust to being hylian again. that being said, being able to communicate properly with everyone is a relief
-there is some teasing on both sides but the Chain remembers quite clearly how terrified Legend was (and how they were, too, when they realized it was him and when they couldn’t understand him) and so they keep it to a minimum. Legend definitely gives as much as he gets, though
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