#dengue signs
helladventurers · 1 year
Ah they're suspecting i have COVID 🫠
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mexicanistnet · 8 months
Los Cabos sizzles with news. Nightclubs fight “offensive” signs, nightlife needs a boost, and surf stars are sought. Ibiza arrives with electronic beats, while tennis titans clash in a beachfront showdown. Dengue lurks, but baby turtles bring joy.
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healthyhubeveryday · 9 months
The symptoms of dengue disease, which is brought on by the dengue virus and spread by mosquito bites, include nausea, joint and muscle pain, high fever, and excruciating headaches. Understanding the four distinct phases of dengue fever—the febrile, critical, convalescent, and recovery phases—is essential to accurately diagnosing and treating this illness transmitted by mosquitoes.
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danithefangirlbunny · 11 months
a very tell tale sign I'm from the global south is that I call the mosquito that transmits Dengue fever by his scientific name
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harmeet-saggi · 11 months
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upyogiorganic · 1 year
Dengue Symptoms
डेंगू सिम्पटम्स: कारण, लक्षण और उपचार (Dengue Symptoms: Causes, Symptoms and Treatment) Dengue Symptoms परिचय डेंगू एक बेहद खतरनाक बीमारी है जो एडीजी संक्रमण मच्छर के काटने से होती है। यह एक वायरल रोग है जिसमें डेंगू वायरस (DENV) संक्रमित व्यक्ति के रक्त में प्रवेश करता है। यह वायरस एक विशेष प्रकार के मच्छर के द्वारा फैलता है, जिन्हें एडीजी मच्छर कहा जाता है। यह मच्छर आमतौर पर दिन में काटते हैं…
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paulpingminho · 2 years
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secrethealth4u · 2 years
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white-shadow25 · 2 months
Hi, can we have an scenario with Fem!Reader and True Noah Tyki form? Like the reader (also his lover) thought that he will hurt or kill her in this form, only to be forced to cuddle with him on floor, while purring in deep and loud voice 🤭
I am so, so sorry about how long it took me to get into writing ಥ‿ಥ Honestly, I was kind of sick when the requests started coming in, I think, I'm not sure of the exact dates but it must been pretty much close to it.
Moral of the story, don't have COVID and dengue altogether, you will suffer.
(Also I wanted to thank those who sent me nice words, I've been wanting to answer since I received them but I was too weak and have been thinking about it since then but just never answer.)
Now, in more optimistic news, I write something! I translated it with the help of ChatGPT, (I write in a pretty bad Span-English most of the time) it was far more quickly than it usually takes me to translate things, and with my very limited English knowledge, I would say is fine, if you notice something's off let me know so I'll never use it again  (ノ◕ヮ◕)ノ*:・゚✧
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Two days passed since the Ark incident. Two days in which Tyki hadn’t awakened. You stayed by his side the entire time, sitting in a chair next to his bed. You hardly slept; he didn't allow you to. Every now and then, you would hear him, and it broke your heart to see him writhing in pain in bed, his moans and groans keeping you alert.
In these two days, you hadn't been able to get rid of the oppression in your chest that’s been overwhelming you since Adam returned to the new Ark with Tyki slung over his shoulder. Your mouth had gone dry, and your stomach churned. You rushed to them, and the Earl told you what had happened in a more optimistic tone than you would have liked to hear at that moment. He left Tyki in your care, fully trusting that you could handle it alone, and then he left, leaving you with the unconscious Noah. Since then, you've stayed by his side, wiping the sweat from his face and managing to feed and give him water.
Road visited you, but you noticed something was off about her. Her movements seemed oddly calculated, her eyes lacked their usual sparkle, her voice was weak, and you were sure her hair color dulled occasionally. You deduced that she hadn't come out of the battle unscathed and was tired, whether much or little. You sent her to recover, and somewhat reluctantly, she obeyed, not without warning you to be careful, the man you were caring for so lovingly might not be your partner. After reminding you to call her or Sheryl in case of an emergency, she left.
A growl brought you back to reality. Tyki was trembling, curled up. You dampened a clean cloth in fresh water and tried to uncover his face, which he kept hidden under the blankets.
"Tyki?" you asked, leaning over him on the bed. "Love?"
The Noah's growls grew louder, and in a movement you didn't fully understand, you fell to the floor along with the chair you had been anchored to for the past two days. The blankets moved as if there were a fight underneath, and you knew what it was.
The tentacles were not new to you; you had seen them before, hours after the Earl returned with Tyki, to be exact. You had already learned not to get too close in those moments. The small cut on your right palm started to bother you—a mark that would stay as a reminder of the first incident, a visible and tangible sign of the lesson learned.
Without standing up, you slowly crawled away from the bed. You sat in the corner near the door in case you needed to leave, and with your eyes fixed on the movement of the sheets, you waited. The growls intensified, the sheets tore, and the tentacles waved, twisted, and abruptly stopped. You could see how the Noah's back slowly straightened. His hair, now long, cascaded from his shoulders, and you couldn't help but shiver. The cold silence of the room chilled your bones. Your trembling fingers tried to grip the wooden floor, scratching it. In a blink, the Noah's figure towering above you.
And you could see his golden eyes. Those eyes you had seen thousands of times before, the same eyes that not long ago looked at you with the love and tenderness of the most devoted lover, now stared at you coldly and expressionlessly. This wasn’t Tyki.
You automatically understood the situation. You scanned the room frantically with your gaze, looking for Lero, but he wasn't there. Your breath caught, your heart stopped, and you bit your lips to stifle the small sob that fear had left in your throat.
You slipped a hand under the skirt of your dress; you had some talismans hidden in your stockings for emergencies, thinking, you could stop Joyd long enough to find Lero and improvise from there.
With a rough shove, the Noah pulled you from the corner and dragged you to the carpet in the center of the room while you took out the talismans and hid them in your sleeve. Before you could even remember the spell to use them, Joyd straddled you, a predatory smile on his lips and a sadistic gleam in his eyes. He leaned closer, buried his face in the crook of your neck, and inhaled deeply. Suddenly, the atmosphere changed. You could see his posture relax, starting with the muscles in his shoulders followed by his back. He rested his forehead on your shoulder and slid his arms around your waist, hugging you tightly and nuzzling into your chest.
You waited for him to do something else, but that something never came.
"Tyki?" you asked again. Your shoulders tensed involuntarily when you heard him growl. "Joyd!" you corrected yourself immediately. "Joyd, Joyd," you repeated. "I'm sorry."
He nuzzled against you a bit more, and you couldn't help but giggle. Moved by tenderness, you hugged him back, and you could swear he started to purr.
It wasn't Tyki who controlled the body, but it was his body, and you remembered this when moved by instinct, you planted a soft kiss on his forehead before cuddling him to your chest. His body was so familiar that touching it felt easy, natural, right.
You stayed embraced for a while, the tik-tok of the clock and the loud growls of Joyd lured you to rest until he lifted his face slightly, just enough for your eyes to meet. And there it was. They were still the same golden eyes but now shone with an affection you knew by heart.
"Name?" Tyki asked in a husky voice. His eyes were half-closed, like someone who had just woken up.
"Yes?" you whispered, holding his gaze, your voice a fragile and warm murmur. A sound that felt comforting in the cold silence of the dark room.
He buried his face in your chest again. "Nothing," he sighed. He was too tired and in too much pain to think. The warmth and comfort of your embrace kept him sleepy and calm.
You slid a hand through his hair, lulling him, while the other traced circles on his back.
"I'm glad to hear you again."
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valiantstarlights · 1 year
Omegaverse Lore: Blue Fingers Disease
As with the previous omegaverse lore post, I talked about this on @mr-sadman discord, and I'm also posting about it here because sharing is caring. 😊 Again, feel free to use this in your omegaverse stories, as long as you give credit/tag me. Thank you! 🥰
Huge thanks to @sleepsonfutons for coming up with the official medical term for the Blue Fingers Disease, and to @arialerendeair for reminding me to post the lore! 🙇‍♀️
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Thermal Dysregulatory Sensorineural Myocarditis (TDSM), or as it's more commonly known, The Blue Fingers Disease, is a Secondary Gender Disease that can happen to anyone, regardless of their secondary gender, as soon as they reach their majority.
Rejection (or apparent rejection) by one's potential mate.
1.) Low body temperature and unnaturally cold skin
The longer the person is experiencing this disease, the lower their body temperature gets.
This symptom is easier to spot in alphas, whose body temperature run hotter than betas and omegas.
2.) Discoloration of the fingertips
Fingertips during early stage TDSM are a shade paler than the person's skin, while later stages of TDSM sees the person's fingertips turn into shades of blue that grow darker the more the disease progresses.
Fingertips that are almost dark blue are advanced cases, as the person could literally die at any time if not provided with immediate care.
(A sure sign that a person's cause of death is TDSM is when the person has blue-tinged lips immediately after their death, along with dark blue fingertips. The blue shade does not fade over time.)
3.) Intermittent tremor in the hands and poor grip strength
4.) Lethargy
5.) Memory loss and/or confusion
6.) Tendency to space out
7.) Lack of appetite
8.) Vulnerability to seasonal diseases
These include, but are not limited to: the common cold, influenza, and pneumonia, as well as mosquito-borne diseases, such as dengue and malaria.
Receiving care from other sources, such as family and friends, is a tried and tested way to cure TDSM. But the recovery is slow (taking months or years) and the person is still considered at risk until the blue on their fingertips fade completely.
The quickest way to fully cure the person, of course, would be if they fall in love with someone else, or if the person who initially rejected them returns their love. If this is the case, then it is not unheard of for the person to be cured of TDSM in a single week, though it would still take a couple more weeks for the symptoms to fade completely.
That being said, it is important to note that multiple studies conducted worldwide show that it is more common for TDSM to be cured by the care of others versus the person's feelings changing or their feelings being requited by the person who had initially rejected them.
There is no set time for how long this disease lasts until the afflicted person dies. There have been cases where the person only lived for a couple weeks more after the rejection happened, while in rare cases, the person lived for decades after the rejection, before they finally die around the same time as their beloved.
One of the most famous long-lived cases of people who lived with TDSM is St. Francesca,* which caused early Christians to start referring to TDSM as St. Francesca's Disease.
(*It is said that St. Francesca fell in love with a married man and, realizing that it was against the teachings of the church, prayed to God to let her live so she could serve Him all her life.
However, recently discovered evidence suggests that Francesca was actually in love with her fellow nun, Sister Cordelia, who was one of her childhood best friends. When devout Cordelia decided to enter a convent upon her reaching her majority (a decision supported by her religious parents), Francesca allegedly ran away from home to join her.
She had written a note to her older brother that she made the decision to run away 'with both eyes open,' knowing that Cordelia will never return her affections, but willing to suffer TDSM (she used the term The Internal Winter) if it means still being a part of Cordelia's life.
Multiple sources write about how the two remained best friends until their later years, often claiming that Francesca and Cordelia are 'true sisters in the eyes of the Lord,' and that it is rare for one to be seen without the other.
St. Francesca died less than a day after Sister Cordelia did, at age 79, after having TDSM for more than 60 years.
Due to this, people are now theorizing that Sister Cordelia is an aromantic asexual, but that she still loved St. Francesca as her dearest friend, so Francesca did not succumb to the illness or get too sick, as others with TDSM do.
People from their hometown have asked for Sister Cordelia to be made into a saint as well, and they have commissioned statues of the two women to be made. The statues will be placed in the town square, and will depict the two sitting by the fountain, with Sister Cordelia warming St. Francesca's hands.)
There have been claims that the stronger the feelings of the person are, and the harsher the rejection was, affect the time in which the disease accelerates. And while this is a trope often used in literature and popular culture, there is no scientific basis for it as of yet.
The Blue Fingers Disease is one of the top 10 leading causes of death worldwide, with more than 80% of the people who died being betas and omegas.*
(*As TDSM is more easily detected in alphas, it is possible that betas and omegas often get misdiagnosed with depression during the early stages.)
February is Secondary Gender Diseases Awareness Month. The month was chosen primarily for easy recall, as it is the second month of the year. However, February is also the month when new cases of TDSM spike worldwide, due to everyone everywhere celebrating Valentine's Day.
Note: In the original discussion, this was supposed to be an alpha-only disease, but for the sake of all the delicious angst, I say it's up to you to decide in your stories who can have this disease. 😊 Enjoy!
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darkmaga-retard · 9 days
Dr Sam Bailey
Sep 10, 2024
In the world of virology, there are many blockbuster “viruses” that serve the deadly Pharmaceutical Empire and friends. Everyone is familiar with the Spanish Flu, measles, and relative new “virus” on the block ‘SARS-CoV-2’ first appearing in Once Upon A Time in Wuhan. However, is there now another contender?…
The establishment claim that the ‘West Nile virus’ (WNV) was discovered in Uganda in 1937 through an interesting “isolation” technique that involved some foul play against mice. While the public subsequently heard little about WNV, this changed recently with news platforms reporting that 83-year-old Dr Anthony Fauci had been infected. Some states have gone on high alert and started spraying the streets with insecticides, reminiscent of the polio and DDT fraud last century.
Currently there are no WNV vaccines licensed for use in humans. There have been some attempts to prepare one for widespread application but it is unlikely to be rolled out…unless there is a declaration of a ‘Pandemic‘. In this video we expose the pseudoscience behind the entire WNV paradigm.
Addendum: I would highly recommend Dr Andrew Kaufman’s recent presentation “Is Eastern Equine Encephalitis Caused By A Virus?” – this has many parallels regarding alleged “virus isolation“, mosquito transmission, antibody assays and pointless public health measures.
The Final Pandemic, Drs Mark & Samantha Bailey, 2024
“Does Sunscreen Cause Cancer?”, Dr Sam Bailey, 23 Sep 2023
“What You Need To Know About Yellow Fever”, Dr Sam Bailey, 5 Nov 2023
“The Dengue Drop Shot”, Dr Sam Bailey, 9 Mar 2024
“The Ongoing DDT Cover-Up”, Dr Sam Bailey, 23 Mar 2024
“Clinical Signs and Symptoms of West Nile Virus Disease”, CDC (accessed 1 Sep 2024)
“Clinical Testing and Diagnosis for West Nile Virus Disease”, CDC (accessed 1 Sep 2024)
Virus Mania, 3rd English edition, 2021
“The Yin and Yang of HIV”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2022
“War on Meat: Alpha-gal Syndrome”, Dr Sam Bailey, 12 Aug 2023
“Category: Antibodies”, Mike Stone, ViroLIEgy
“A Neurotropic Virus Isolated from the Blood of a Native of Uganda”, American Journal of Tropical Medicine, 1941
Virus, Bacteriophage & Single “Virus” Genomics, Dr Mark Bailey, 20 Jul 2024
“Origin of the West Nile virus responsible for an outbreak of encephalitis in the northeastern United States”, Science, 17 Dec 1999
“Vaccination and Control Methods of West Nile Virus Infection in Equids and Humans”, Vaccines, 1 May 2024
“A West Nile Virus DNA Vaccine Utilizing a Modified Promoter Induces Neutralizing Antibody in Younger and Older Healthy Adults in a Phase I Clinical Trial”, The Journal of Infectious Diseases, 15 May 2011
“Is Immunity Real?”, Dr Sam Bailey, 2 Jun 2024
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A King's Ransom
Fandom: Chronicles of Narnia
Character(s): Lucy & Peter Pevensie
Rating: M (cw: major character death)
Summary: Peter knew what influenza looked like. And polio. He had read in medical textbooks about dengue fever and yellow fever and typhus. He knew enough to know that none of his admittedly limited medical knowledge would help Lucy.
Wordcount: 4.2k
Peter knew what influenza looked like. And polio. He had read in medical textbooks about dengue fever and yellow fever and typhus. He knew enough to know that none of his admittedly limited medical knowledge would help Lucy. She was faded – not in a pale way, but in a black-and-white way, like photographs. Her skin was light gray, her lips and hair a darker gray, and even the blankets of her bed seemed to fade in hue the longer he looked at them.
Edmund was holed up in the library with Mr. Beaver and Mr. Tumnus. Susan and Mrs. Beaver were in the kitchen, where Susan was trying to remember their mother’s sick soup recipe.
And Peter was stuck pacing Lucy’s bedroom as she slept fitfully. Someone had to watch over her and his skills were not useful anywhere else, so he was stuck here. Stuck watching her eyebrows twitch and hearing her shallow breaths.
He sat down in the chair beside her bed, eyes heavy. He had not slept in nearly two days. He would just briefly close his eyes, he told himself.
Within moments, he was fast asleep, head lolling down to his chest.
In his dreams, he stood in a dark cave in front of a shining pool. A voice whispered, not into his ear but into his mind: Just a drop, Son of Adam, will prevent your greatest sorrow.
He woke with a start, eyes immediately pulling to Lucy. She still lay in bed, chest rising and falling, and he breathed out slowly. Someone – Susan, likely, judging from the bowl of soup on the night table – had covered him with a blanket.
He thought back to the dream, shuddering at the way the voice had scraped through his mind. It was probably a sign that he desperately needed sleep, he realized. Reluctantly, he rose and poked his head out the door, just in time to see Susan turn the corner.
“I think I should rest,” he said as she approached. “Will you watch Lu?”
She nodded. “Did she wake up at all?” she asked.
Peter shook his head. “I think her breathing is a bit better though,” he added when he saw her face fall.
“All the remedies mother taught me,” Susan said, passing by him into the room. “Useless.”
Peter caught her arm, and she looked back at him. “It’ll be alright, Su,” he said. “Lucy’s strong. She’ll pull through.”
Susan almost smiled. “I know,” she said.
“Wake me if anything happens,” Peter said.
“I will.”
Peter managed to sleep for six hours before a tearful Mr. Beaver shook him awake.
As Narnia mourned her youngest monarch, Peter barricaded himself in the library. He didn’t tell anyone what he was looking for, and everyone mostly left him alone. Mrs. Beaver left him food. Mrs. Beaver told him to go see his siblings. Apparently, Susan was taking long walks alone in the forest and Edmund had thrown himself into the ins and outs of running a country.
One day, Peter waited until nightfall at the front gate for Susan to return. Her hair was unkempt, and her eyes were a little wild.
“How was your walk?” he asked softly.
She picked at the burrs that were stuck to her dress, avoiding his eyes. “The trees don’t offer their condolences constantly like everyone else,” she said, voice distant in a way that made Peter’s throat constrict. “They let me wander in peace.”
Peter nodded. They made their way through the courtyard together. Everyone in the castle tried to be respectful, but Peter felt their gazes as they passed by. He walked her to her room in silence. They never ate together anymore; she ate in her room, Edmund in the council meeting room, and Peter in the library.
“Does it help?” he finally asked when they reached her door.
She looked at him, eyes shining with tears. “No,” she said simply and left him standing in the hallway alone.
Next, he went to the Council meeting room and knocked on the door.
“Yes?” Edmund’s voice was steady, and Peter felt heartened as he opened the door.
Then he saw his brother – heavy bags under his eyes, piles of papers around him like a wall – and his heart sank.
“Did you find the census from–” Edmund stopped when he looked up. “Oh, Peter, it’s you.”
Peter made his way across the room, around the chests of books and rolled-up maps. “I spoke to Susan today,” he said.
“I hear she spends a lot of time outside,” Edmund said, his focus back on the paper in front of him.
“Perhaps some fresh air will do us all a little good?” Peter suggested.
“It’s not like there isn’t air inside,” Edmund said, sarcastic and snide and sounding like his old self.
“Edmund,” Peter said, putting a hand on his shoulder.
Edmund looked up. “What?”
“When was the last time you went outside? Or even left this room?”
“Someone needs to run this country, Peter,” Edmund snapped. “Susan’s out doing God knows what in the forest and you haven’t met with advisors for weeks.” He gestured at the papers on the desk. “A census is long overdue, Ettinsmoor is chest-thumping again, and nobody has been replying to the condolence letters from our allies.”
“I’m sure they won’t blame us for the delay, given the circumstances,” Peter said.
“That’s not the point, Pete!” Edmund exclaimed. “The world doesn’t stop spinning just because–” He swallowed hard and swiped a hand over his eyes. “It’s been a month,” he said, sounding far wearier than he should at his age. “We need– We need to get back on our feet. We can’t mourn forever.”
Peter moved a pile of books from a chair and sat down. “I know,” he said. “I just… Without her…”
“We’re monarchs now,” Edmund said. “Not just siblings. We’re not responsible for just each other anymore.”
Peter nodded. “Just make sure you’re getting enough sleep,” he said finally, getting up.
“Are you?” Edmund asked, looking down at the papers again.
“Of course not,” Peter said. “Goodnight, Ed.”
Peter went back to the library, more determined than ever to figure out what his dream meant. There were books on dream interpretation, but they were all useless. Likewise, the books on Narnian geography and history held no mentions of anything similar to the pool he had seen in his dream.
Finally, in a small book – Mythical Waters – he found fallen behind a bookshelf, he found a drawing of a cave with a pool. The only words on the page read: The Weeper’s Well. He flipped through the rest of the book. Each page only had a drawing of some body of water with its name, no other description.
Outside, the stars were high. Peter glanced out the window and sighed. It was some progress at least. He curled up on a couch on the other side of the library and fell asleep.
Like every night before, the voice curled around his dreams: Just a drop, Son of Adam, will prevent your greatest sorrow.
The next evening, after another fruitless day of research, Oreius stopped by the library to see how he was doing.
“Oreius,” Peter said after he had been updated on the daily news. “What do you know of the Weeper’s Well?”
“According to legend, it is a body of water deep underground, surface smooth as glass,” he said. “It was believed to ensure that one’s greatest sorrow would not occur.”
Peter nodded.
Oreius frowned slightly. “Why does Your Majesty ask this question?”
“I’ve–” he hesitated. “I’ve been having these dreams, since before Lu–” He took a breath. “For weeks.”
“Even if it existed,” Oreius said firmly. “Which it does not, it would not be a place one would want to go, nor would it hold magic one could trust. Only the darkest tomes even mention it.”
Peter’s eyes wandered to a trunk in the far corner of the library, where he knew the most dangerous books were kept. Oreius followed his gaze uncertainly.
“Your majesty, I cannot say this strongly enough: pursuing this will only lead to more pain.”
Peter swallowed. “You’re right, Oreius.” He looked up at him. “I just…”
Oreius nodded. “We all grieve with you,” he said and turned to leave. “Your siblings too,” he added. “Do not let them grieve alone as well.”
Peter resisted the urge to open the trunk for a full week. For a week, he did his best to help Edmund in the Council meeting room. For a week he met Susan at the gates of Cair Paravel when she came back in the evenings.
He began to think that perhaps time was all they needed. Until he smelled alcohol on Susan’s breath one night. And the next night. And the next.
Susan’s out doing God knows what in the forest. Edmund’s words rang in Peter’s ears, and he stormed into the Council chambers.
“You knew Susan was getting drunk in the woods!”
“We all need a way to cope,” Edmund said, barely looking up. “I work, she drinks, and you… try to make sure we don’t die too.”
Peter nearly stopped in his tracks at his words. “Ed! Have you also been drinking?” he demanded.
When Edmund did look up, he looked exhausted. “No, Peter, I would never do something so irresponsible,” he said dryly.
Peter glared at him, and Edmund held up his hands.
“I haven’t been drinking, I promise,” he said.
Shaking his head, Peter left the room. “We cannot go on like this,” he said to himself.
The trunk beckoned. Peter closed the door of the library and set his jaw. If there was a chance to get Lucy back, to make their family complete again, he would take it. Consequences be damned.
He crossed the room and reached out to open the lid. A chill very similar to the one the voice from his dreams gave him ran through his blood. It was accompanied by a sense of incredible foreboding, but Peter ignored both and pushed the lid open.
Inside were several neat stacks of leatherbound books. He felt his gaze pull to one near the bottom.
Knelt on the floor, he flipped through it until the words The Weeper’s Well caught his eye on a page.
The Weeper’s Well RhymeWeary Weeper, do not plead Just one drop is all you need Far inward do the waters reach Within its grasp is what you seek To make right what is now wrong Weary Weeper, you’ve been so strong Come find my depths, far below And what was will again be so
Peter read through it several times, then copied the rhyme onto a piece of paper. Most of the rhyme seemed unimportant, except for the third and fourth lines. Those, he thought, were clues to the location of the well.
Waters reaching far inward sounded like a bay or a cove. Peter looked up at the map of Narnia painted on the ceiling.
The largest bay in Narnia was Glasswater Bay, which did reach far into Narnia. It also kind of looked like a hand at the end. Within its grasp could describe the piece of land that cropped out into the bay, looking like the space between the fingers and thumb.
Surely there were caves along the shore there. If he looked long enough, he was certain to find this Weeper’s Well.
And what was will again be so.
It was all he wanted. He wanted to see Lucy’s bright eyes and hear her laugh. He wanted to hear them all laugh again.
The next morning, Peter saddled his horse, Ferdinand, and loaded him with a pack of food, clothes, and blankets. The trip down to the bay would take five or six hours, so he wanted to leave early.
Edmund was unsurprisingly already awake, skimming through a pile of correspondence. He looked up when Peter entered, noting his travel clothes. “Where are you off to?” he asked.
“A short trip,” Peter said. No point getting anyone else’s hopes up. “I need to clear my head.”
Edmund nodded. “That’s probably a good idea,” he said. “Stay safe.”
Peter nodded. “I will.”
He stopped by Susan’s bedroom next but found it dark with the curtains down. There was a blanketed lump in the bed, so he quietly closed the door.
He departed as the sun was still rising at a brisk trot down the main road south. Only ten minutes later, he heard a familiar voice singing in the woods.
“Susan?” he called, bringing Ferdinand to a stop. He looped the reins around a low-hanging branch and followed the sound into the forest. In a clearing he found her, lying in the grass, feet bare, dress muddy, swaying her hands above her head in slow swooping motions as she sang to herself:
“…sure of a big surprise. If you go out in the woods today, You’d better go in disguise. For ever –”
“Susan?” Peter said and she stopped singing and looked over at him.
“Peter!” She smiled, wide and dreamy. “I’ve had the most lovely night.”
“Have you been here all night?” Peter asked, kneeling beside her.
“I have been everywhere, Peter,” she sighed. “I made some friends.”
“Who? What kind of friends?” Peter demanded. “And where are your shoes?” From close by he could see that her feet were cut, and her legs bruised and scratched.
“We run barefoot through the forests to feel it breathe beneath our feet,” Susan rambled. “We sing to the stars, and they sing back to us. We–” She stopped when she heard joyful shouting in the distance. “My new friends!” she exclaimed and sat up, promptly losing her balance so Peter had to grab her shoulders to keep her upright.
Into the clearing trotted a donkey carrying a squat man with vines curling through his hair and beard. Following him was a troupe of nymphs and fauns.
“My queen!” he called out. “Will you join us in our revels?”
“Bacchus,” Peter said, nothing but cold fury in his voice.
The man hesitated a moment before exclaiming, “My high king, you are welcome as well, of course.” He hopped off his donkey and ambled over with the stride of someone who had already been indulging themselves. His companions stayed back, chattering with each other.
Peter rose and stood in front of Susan. “Absolutely not,” he said. “And neither will she.”
“My lady,” Bacchus said mournfully. “Are our larks at an end?”
Susan began to protest, but Peter spoke first. “They are,” he said firmly. “If I hear of your contact with my sister again, you shall be banished from his land in perpetuity.”
Bacchus nearly stumbled. “But Aslan–”
“Aslan put us in charge of Narnia,” Peter interrupted. “If he sees fit to pardon you after, so be it. But until such a time, my authority stands. You will have no contact with any member of my family from this day forward. Do you understand, Lord Bacchus?”
He bowed his head. “I do, your majesty,” he said, suddenly solemn. “If I may but say one thing more?”
“Very well,” Peter said.
“You mustn’t fear the prospect of joy after tragedy,” he said. “The time will come for happiness once again.”
“Perhaps,” Peter said. “But even then, it will not be your version of joy I seek. I have seen your joy undo even the best of men.”
He held Bacchus’s gaze until he bowed again. “Your majesty,” he said, then bowed to Susan. “Your majesty.” Then he turned and led his donkey and entourage into the trees.
“You’re such a spoil-sport, Pete,” Susan whined.
“You’ll thank me someday,” Peter said grimly. “Come on, let’s get you home.” He hauled Susan to her feet, supporting her as she swayed slightly.
“No, not now,” she protested.
“Yes, now,” Peter insisted, forcing her forward. “We need to get you cleaned up.”
“I can’t–” she stumbled, and Peter just managed to catch her. She grabbed a handful of his coat, and he looked down at her. “I can’t go back inside those walls with a clear head, Peter,” she said desperately.
Peter clenched his jaw. “We can organize other accommodations, Su, but for now–”
“Please, Peter,” she begged. “I’ll stop drinking, I promise. I just can’t go back there.” Her eyes welled up with tears. “I see her in every room. I wake up every morning and have to remember again that she’s gone. I can’t go back there.”
Taking a breath and looking away to blink away his own tears, Peter relented. “Fine,” he said and thought for a moment. “I’m headed south. Along the way there’s a system of dwarf tunnels. Would you maybe want to stay there for a bit?”
Susan thought about it. “I suppose that might be alright,” she said finally.
“Good,” Peter said and helped her the rest of the way to the road. There he lifted her onto Ferdinand and took the reins in hand. After checking that Susan was secure and stable, he began walking down the road, leading Ferdinand behind him.
It was well past noon when they reached the first entrance to the dwarf tunnels. Peter left Ferdinand and Susan at the opening of the cave and walked a small distance inside.
“Hello?” he called. “I was hoping to ask a favour.”
An until-now-invisible door opened in the earthen wall and a red dwarf stepped out.
“Your majesty,” he said, bowing low. “What would you require of us?”
“Not require,” Peter said quickly. They had worked hard to repair relations with the dwarves but things were still sometimes tense. “I was hoping you could help me.”
The dwarf nodded.
“My sister is… not… well,” he said, stumbling over his words as he recalled saying a similar thing weeks ago about a different sister. “With her grief,” he added quickly. “She finds it difficult to remain in the castle, so I was hoping she could perhaps spend some time here.”
He looked surprised. “Of course,” he said. “We would be honoured to host Her Majesty for a short while.”
“Many thanks– What is your name?”
“Rakror, your majesty.”
“Many thanks, Rakror. This will not be forgotten.”
With Susan safely in the cool tunnels, Peter set off again. He would have to make good time if he were to make it to the bay before nightfall.
The slight sense of foreboding he had felt before grew as he travelled. He prayed to Aslan for some guidance or sign that this was a bad idea. He had expected Aslan to appear every day of Lucy’s illness, and every day after her death. He could bring her back, he knew. But perhaps he expected Peter to handle this, he thought. Why else would the location of the Weeper’s Well be so clear to him?
The sun began to set as Peter reached the banks of the bay and turned to go inland along the shore. It was fully dark by the time he neared the end of the bay, but it was a clear night. The half-moon reflected off the water, which rippled with its light and that of the stars.
Glasswater Bay ended in a steep cliff dotted with caves. Peter left Ferdinand tied to a tree and set off on foot. He had had the presence of mind to pack a torch and lit it as he approached the first cave.
The dark mouth yawned before him, but he felt a pull further to his left, so he continued down the rocky beach. There, what could better be described as a hole, not a cave, opened at his feet. A tug in his gut like vertigo told him it was the right place. He held the torch to the entrance and saw that it did not plummet down as he had feared. It was, however, quite steep and not near large enough to walk through.
Peter looked back to where he could see Ferdinand, calmly waiting for him at the shore. He took a breath, then got down on his hands and knees, hand holding the torch extended out front, and crawled into the cave.
The rocks were sharp and snagged at his clothing and scraped his skin. The proximity of the torch’s flames made him sweat and made his hands slick. He lost his balance and nearly bashed his face into the ground multiple times.
Soon he could no longer see the mouth of the cave when he looked back. He wasn’t sure if the cave was actually getting smaller or if it was only in his imagination that the walls were pressing in on her.
Still, he forged onward, as his clothing tore and his skin was cut. The front of his hair singed, and from the heat on his face, he thought his eyebrows might be suffering a similar fate.
Eventually, after nearly setting himself ablaze when his grip slipped, he decided to put out the torch. In his dreams, the pool had glowed anyway, so he wouldn’t need it.
So he crawled on in the dark, feeling his way forward on bleeding hands. He had no idea how long he had been down here. Hours? Was it growing light outside again? His limbs were tired, and his eyelids were heavy, but he refused to stop for even a short rest, afraid he would never get up if he did.
When he first saw a faint blue glow far ahead, he thought he was imagining it. But as he got closer, the light grew stronger, until he could see his hands and the rocks they left dark stains on.
Before he knew it, he was blinking in the light as he entered a large cave. He rose on shaky legs, pulling himself up with trembling arms.
The pool was just as it had been in his dreams. Perfectly round, with a glassy undisturbed surface that emitted a blueish glow.
Just one drop, the rhyme and the voice in his head had said. Peter stumbled forward, falling to his knees again at the edge of the water. He reached out a scratched and bleeding hand, only hesitating for a moment before plunging it into the cold water. He cupped his hand to hold the icy water and brought it up to his mouth. But before he had ever touched his lips to it, that now-familiar cold voice cackled in his mind. “You feed me well, Son of Adam,” it said gleefully.
“What?” Peter asked, letting the water trickle between his fingers back into the pond.
“It was not a drop of my waters, but a drop of your blood, required. And once again you have quenched my thirst.”
“What do you mean, once again?” Peter demanded.
“My magic does not just solve your problems for you. It simply allows you to fix them yourself… before they happen.”
“So you send people back in time,” Peter said, then stood. “Will you show yourself, so we can talk face-to-face?”
“Do you think this is the first time you’ve come to my shores, desperate to give me your blood?” it crooned, ignoring him. “Do you want to know how many times I have sent you back in time to save your precious Lucy?”
“You’re lying,” Peter said, but his voice faltered.
“Why would I lie? You’ve already given me what I want.”
“Then why send me back at all?”
“Because it is a magical bargain that I must hold to,” it snapped. “If you request to be sent back, I must do it.”
“But I won’t remember any of this.”
“So how will I know to save Lucy?”
“How indeed?”
Peter scowled at the condescension. “What’s the point then?”
“So, you don’t want me to send you back?” The voice was sickly sweet.
“I didn’t say that,” Peter said quickly and swore he could hear the whatever-it-was smile.
“So you do want me to send you back?”
Peter took a deep breath. “You remember every time,” he said slowly, thinking as he spoke. “You somehow live on in any repeated time. You feed every time.” He looked up. “That is our trap, keeping desperate people stuck looping that time over and over again, while you get fat off their suffering.”
“Clever boy,” the voice said, then, like a beast licking its teeth: “And yet?”
Peter gritted his teeth. And yet, he wanted to do it.
Despite what he knew – that there was no chance by design, that this was set up for failure – if there was even the slightest chance to save Lucy…
“I want you to send me back anyway,” he said through gritted teeth.
“Are you sure?” it purred.
“Just do it, damn you!” he cried out, tears spilling onto his cheeks.
“As you wish,” the voice said. The pool’s waters suddenly rose into a tall wave that Peter just saw his reflection in – clothing tattered, skin torn and bleeding – before it crashed over him, cold and stifling.
Peter awoke in his bed to a fierce knocking on his door.
“What?” he said groggily.
The door burst open, and Lucy rushed in. “Still abed?” she asked, bounding to the windows to open the curtains.
Peter made a sound of protest, protecting his eyes from the blinding sunlight. Despite the rude awakening, he felt a sudden joy and relief at Lucy’s smiling face when she turned to look at him.
“The workmen just came to tell us the Splendour Hyaline is finished at last!” she exclaimed. “We must go on a short trip today!”
Peter found himself smiling too as he sat up in bed. “Indeed, we must.”
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Brazil surpasses 5 million cases of dengue
Historic record as higher than the worst scenario forecasted by the country’s Ministry of Health
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Data from Brazil’s Ministry of Health shows that the country surpassed 5 million dengue fever cases in 2024, meaning an all-time record: it is higher than the government's most pessimistic forecasts.
In January, the Ministry of Health released its numbers for this year's epidemiological scenario. At the time, there were already signs that the country could experience an unprecedented dengue outbreak. Estimates were that the number of people infected could vary between 1.9 million and 4.2 million. In the most recent update, released on Monday (20), there are 5,100,766 cases.
The predicted ceiling for the total amount of infections in 2024 had already been exceeded less than a month ago. Over the last five weeks, the disease has started to advance at a slower pace. Even so, the circulation of the virus remains at worrying levels in the country.
Data for the period from May 5 to 11 showed that there was no longer any upward trend in the rate of spread of the disease in any unit of the Federation. However, the epidemic is still active. At the time, only the states of Mato Grosso and Maranhão did not show a decline but presented stable numbers compared to the previous week. In all the other states and the Federal District, the disease grew more slowly compared to the previous week.
Continue reading.
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healthally98 · 2 months
Why Platelet Count Decrease in Dengue – Fight Against Dengue
Dengue fever is a viral illness transmitted by the bite of infected mosquitoes it is a global threat marked by substantial health impacts in tropical and subtropical areas. Another significant component that needs special consideration in the case of dengue is the aspect of platelet count, which drops tremendously in this sickness. The following article will therefore discuss why this occurs in patients with dengue fever, as well as discuss symptoms, diagnosis, treatment, and prevention.
Understanding Platelets
What are Platelets?
Blood platelets or thrombocytes are tiny blood cells that are practically involved in clot formation and arresting bleeding. Leukocytes are formed in the bone marrow and are present in the blood stream waiting to be activated as soon as there is an injury.
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Normal Platelet Count
The normal level of platelets falls between 150 000 and 450 000 per microliter of blood. Sustaining this range is important for coagulation and health in general.
In this regard, the following sources are useful:
The Contribution of Platelets in the Body
Platelets’ purposes are to actively participate in the process of wound healing and cessation of bleeding through clot formation. That is bound to the site of injury, clump together and in concert with other coagulants, plug the hole.
What is Dengue?
Definition and Causes
Dengue fever is an illness instructions caused by dengue viruses which are transmitted through the Aedes mosquitoes. Currently, there are four known serotypes of the virus; this implies that a person can be infected four times.
Symptoms of Dengue
Some of the symptoms that patients develop are high temperature, severe headache, pains behind the eyes, joint and muscular aches, rash, and slight internal bleeding. Rare but more dangerous forms are DHF and DSS which are fatal conditions.
Dengue fever and its physical effects on the human body
A brief description of dengue is that it is a severe flu-like illness, and at times may progress to be fatal. Knowledge and interaction with platelet count are crucial in avoiding severe consequences.
This paper aims to determine the mechanism that leads to the destruction of platelets during Dengue infection.
Immune System Response
The process of the body protecting itself against the dengue virus includes the making of antibodies. These antibodies though, develop and sometimes end up identifying platelets as substances to be destroyed, thus contributing to a low count.
Effects of Virus on the Bone Marrow
Dengue virus directly targets bone marrow cells hence delaying the production of new platelets in the blood. This leads to the dispersion of fewer platelets in the bloodstream, to be precise.
Apart from the decrease in the aforementioned elements, the virus also enhances the destruction of the remaining platelets in the blood. This dual effect has the net effect of producing a pronounced decrease in the level of platelets.
Conversely, this paper aims to answer the question that why platelet count decreases in dengue learners will be able to come up with the answer without much difficulty.
Immune-Mediated Destruction
For this reason, the immune system of a body attacking the dengue virus can overreact and start destroying platelets. Regarding, this, auto-immune response is one of the main causes of reduced platelet count.
Decreased Production
Also, infection of the bone marrow by the dengue virus slows down the production of new platelets, thus hitting the general count.
Increased Utilization and Clearance
The body’s metabolism and clearance of platelets increase during the illness phase of dengue. This results in a decreased level of platelets in the blood since there is higher consumption of these platelets accompanied by poor production and destruction.
Signs of low platelets in the body
Recognizing the Signs
Signs of low platelet count comprise; bleeding easily, taking a long time to stop when cut, bleeding from the gum or the nose, blood in the urine or stool, and skin spots known as petechiae.
Impact on Overall Health
Low platelet count results in excessive bleeding and may give rise to so many health issues, thus, monitoring of platelet levels manifests crucial during dengue fever.
When to go to Hospital
You should consult your doctor if you have any of the following signs: signs of severe bleeding, vomiting that does not stop, severe stomach pains, or breathing becomes difficult. Any one of these could be an early indicator of severe dengue, for which the patient should seek medical attention.
Testing that Diagnoses and Monitors Platelet Count
Medical Tests for Dengue
Cases of dengue are confirmed through a process of blood tests to check for virus or antibodies, and platelets count. There are many tests specifically the NS1 antigen test, PCR test, and serological tests for IgM AND IgG antibodies.
Monitoring Platelet Levels
Also one must routinely check the platelets count during the illness, especially in dengue. It is expected that the levels of platelets should be checked frequently through a blood test to note any shifts.
Importance of Early Detection
The case shows that early diagnosis and management of the conditions likely to worsen dengue and low platelet count will help avoid complications and provide the best course of action.
Management of Low Platelet Count in Dengue Patients
Medical Interventions
Management is aimed at supporting care encouraging oral intake, and recording the patient’s output and input. In severe instances cases, the patient needs to be given platelets to control the bleeding.
Role of Hydration
Something as simple as taking fluids is very vital in managing dengue fever. Registry meals are beneficial because the patient’s blood volume is adapted to the amount of fluid taken; if not taken, there will be complications.
Medications and Therapies
No direct antiviral drugs for dengue are available at the moment, meaning the virus cannot be directly attacked and eradicated from the body. Symptoms must be kept in check and this entails employing pain and fever mitigating drugs. Do not use aspirin and other non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) as they thicken the blood.
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light-mega-z · 1 year
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Ah, angst...
... No, no I... I don't have the courage to even look at that particular scene... Sorry...
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He's coping hard...
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Actually... If you peeps don't mind, let me share you a bit of my story.
TW: If you know what's Idia's woes, then yknow what's this about
It's okay if you don't want to read, just skip and go your merry way.
I relate to Idia a lot... In the guilt department...
Before pandemic, my grandfather (bless his soul) was admitted to hospital.
The doctors actually said he still have chance to recover, he was fully aware of his surroundings and his condition.
... Then that's where I come in.
It started as just dizzy spell, I don't feel comfortable with my surroundings...
Then suddenly, I feel heavy, my brain felt like someone put a cement in it, and it gets worst and worst that I literally bent over my grandma for support.
A supposed check up turns out to fully need to admit me. I caught myself a dengue, and I only admitted after days from it's first sign, and the negligence on our part make it worst. I think they said I almost go above the critical stage (I think that's bc of our negligence) by the time they admitted me.
On the day I got admitted, at that same time, he's breathing stopped.
Like I said, he was fully aware of what's going on... That means our financial problems too...
I really don't want to believe it... But feel a little part of me whispers to me it's my fault why he... Gave up, so the cost can focused on my recovery...
I am little to little telling myself now that it wasn't my fault, but that little demon always haunts me, especially on the day where he passed away.
I never tell my family about it, bc ai felt they'll gonna scoff or just thinking me being weird.
And this rant... Helps me to breath little now (even I really know ranting on Internet doesn't help) But, yeah...
If you reach till this end, well, thanks for reading the whole thing of it. Don't worry, I am fine now, really.
Twisted Wonderland is truly an amazing game, and I don't regret ever playing it from the moment I discovered this.
It truly is inspirational in a perspective of unique way.
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naturopathy76 · 1 day
How to Prevent Dengue with Ayurveda
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Discover effective Ayurvedic strategies to prevent dengue fever with our comprehensive guide. Learn how traditional practices and natural remedies, recommended by an Ayurvedic doctor in Prayagraj, can bolster your immune system, maintain overall health, and reduce the risk of dengue. From dietary recommendations and herbal supplements to lifestyle adjustments, this resource offers practical tips rooted in ancient wisdom to help you stay protected during dengue season. Embrace holistic wellness and empower yourself with time-tested Ayurvedic solutions and expert guidance to safeguard your health.
Causes of Dengue Fever
Dengue fever is caused by the bite of an Aedes aegypti mosquito that is carrying the dengue virus. These mosquitoes are commonly found in areas close to human habitation. When an infected mosquito bites a person, it transfers the virus to the individual, who can then transmit the virus to other mosquitoes through subsequent bites. While recovering from dengue fever grants immunity to that particular strain of the virus, it does not protect against the other three strains, which means there is an increased risk of future infections. Repeated infections with different strains can lead to more severe symptoms. Seeking advice from an Ayurvedic hospital in Prayagraj can provide additional support and treatment options for managing and preventing dengue fever.
Symptoms of Dengue Fever
The main symptoms of dengue fever include a high fever and at least two of the following:
Intense headache
Severe pain behind the eyes
Joint pain
Muscle and/or bone pain
Mild bleeding manifestations (such as nosebleeds, gum bleeding, petechiae, or easy bruising)
Low white blood cell count
 Generally, younger children and those experiencing dengue for the first time may have milder symptoms compared to older children and adults.
Warning Signs
Warning signs of severe dengue include:
Severe abdominal pain or persistent vomiting
Red spots or patches on the skin
Bleeding from the nose or gums
Vomiting blood
Black, tarry stools
Drowsiness or irritability
Pale, cold, or clammy skin
Difficulty breathing
If any of these warning signs are observed, it is crucial to seek immediate medical attention.
 Dengue Fever Prevention with Precision Ayurveda
Given the rise in dengue cases, exploring preventative measures is essential. Precision Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to preventing dengue. With the support of the Ayurvedic treatment center in Prayagraj  you can leverage Ayurvedic wisdom to protect yourself and your loved ones.
Building Immunity and Preventing Mosquito Bites
Use Aparajitha Dhooma fumigation to prevent mosquito breeding.
Maintain cleanliness around your living environment to reduce mosquito habitats.
 Boost your immunity with Shadanga Paneeya to better defend against infections.
 Early-Stage Precision Ayurveda for Dengue Prevention
 If bitten by a mosquito, employ Ayurvedic solutions before symptoms develop:
Monitor your Agni (digestive fire) and watch for Ama Lakshanas (signs of indigestion) such as feeling unwell, sour belching, loss of appetite, white coating on the tongue, heaviness, laziness, or constipation. These could be early signs of infection, and consulting an Ayurvedic physician promptly can help prevent disease progression.
 Use Ayurvedic remedies like Sudarshana Ghana Vati combined with Shadanga Paneeya to improve digestion and relieve symptoms.
Post-Infection Care and Recurrence Prevention 
After recovering from dengue, Precision Ayurveda can assist with : 
Avoiding residual effects and reducing the risk of future infections.
Restoring your Agni and strength by addressing Ama Lakshanas effectively.
Additionally, incorporating Panchkarma in Prayagraj can provide supportive therapies for overall wellness and help manage post-infection recovery.
Ayurvedic ingredients and remedies that help speed up dengue recovery
Ayurveda offers natural remedies and ingredients that can help boost the immune system and aid in recovery from dengue fever. While these remedies support the body’s healing process, they should not replace medical treatment. Here are five Ayurvedic ingredients and remedies that can help in the faster recovery of dengue:
1. Papaya Leaf Extract (Carica papaya)
Benefit: Papaya leaf juice is well-known for its ability to increase platelet count, which often drops during dengue fever.
Remedy: Crush fresh papaya leaves and extract the juice. Take 1-2 tablespoons twice a day for a few days to help boost platelet levels and support faster recovery.
2. Giloy (Tinospora Cordifolia)
Benefit: Giloy is a powerful herb that boosts immunity and acts as an anti-inflammatory. It helps reduce fever and strengthens the body's defense mechanisms.
Remedy: Boil a few stems of Giloy in water for about 15-20 minutes. Drink this decoction twice daily to help reduce fever and improve immunity.
3. Tulsi (Ocimum sanctum)
Benefit: Tulsi is revered for its antiviral, antibacterial, and anti-inflammatory properties. It helps lower body temperature and boosts the immune system.
Remedy: Boil a few Tulsi leaves in water and drink the decoction 2-3 times a day. It can also help in relieving cough and other respiratory symptoms associated with dengue.
4. Coriander Leaves (Coriandrum Sativum)
Benefit: Coriander is known to help reduce fever and improve digestion, which can be affected during dengue fever.
Remedy: Boil coriander leaves in water, strain, and drink the concoction. This helps in reducing fever and calming the body.
5. Amla (Indian Gooseberry)
Benefit: Amla is rich in Vitamin C, which is essential for boosting immunity and recovery from infections.
Remedy: Drink Amla juice or take it in powdered form mixed with honey. Consuming Amla daily can help accelerate recovery and rejuvenate the body.
Additional Ayurvedic Tips for Dengue Recovery:
Hydration: Drink plenty of fluids like coconut water, pomegranate juice, and herbal teas to prevent dehydration.
Rest: Adequate rest is essential for the body to heal and recover faster from dengue.
Always consult an Ayurvedic practitioner or healthcare provider before trying these remedies to ensure safety, especially during a viral illness like dengue.
Conclusion Dengue fever's severity and early symptoms can vary, making early detection and medical care crucial. Preventing dengue through mosquito bite protection is essential. Understanding dengue’s causes, symptoms, and warning signs allows for timely action. Precision Ayurveda offers valuable techniques for boosting immunity, preventing bites, and managing early-stage symptoms. Additionally, post-care solutions from Naturopathy in Prayagraj can support recovery and reduce the risk of future infections. Stay informed, and proactive, and prioritize your health to combat dengue effectively.
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