#dengue fever infection
secrethealth4u · 2 years
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xtruss · 8 months
It's Fall, Which Means It's Time For Gonorrhea! The Flu Isn't Alone: All Infectious Diseases Might Be Seasonal, According To A New Report.
— By Katherine J. Wu | Published: Thursday, November 8, 2018 | NOVA—PBS
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All infectious diseases may be seasonal, according to a new scientific report—which means that every season may now come with its own set of symptoms. Photo Credit: Valerii Tkachenko, Wikimedia Commons
The transition from winter to spring signals the end of months of cold snaps, sweater weather, and Flu Season. But even as the roads clear and flowers bloom anew, it may not yet be time to shelve your sick days for the year.
According to a New Article, published today in the journal PLoS Pathogens, all infectious diseases may be seasonal—and there’s at least one for every time of the year.
Study author Micaela Martinez, an infectious disease ecologist at Columbia University’s Mailman School of Public Health, presents a compendium of 69 infectious diseases that run the gamut from rare to common, neglected to notorious, innocuous to deadly. Despite their differences, all the syndromes have one thing in common: They rise and fall with changing seasons.
Martinez, a conservation ecologist by training, initially set out to track the seasonality of acute, or short-term, infections like influenza and chickenpox after noting similarities between the disease states of humans and wildlife. But as she began to compile a list of infectious diseases that tend to plague humans, Martinez found that the trend also held true for chronic, or long-term, diseases like gonorrhea and leprosy.
“There’s documented seasonality for all infectious diseases, which is not what I was expecting,” Martinez explains. “It’s an even more widespread phenomenon than we thought.”
A quick look at the infectious disease calendar paints quite the sobering picture. As autumn leaves turn from green to red, gonorrhea and yellow fever rear their ugly heads in some parts of the world. The Winds of Winter are Famous For Flu, but also bring bouts of pneumonia. Refreshing springtime blooms breathe new life into outbreaks of chickenpox and salmonella. And last but certainly not least, summer months pack the heat with spikes in Lyme disease, polio, syphilis, tetanus, tuberculosis, and more.
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Female Aedes Albopictus Mosquitoes, which can carry Yellow Fever, Dengue Fever, and Chikungunya Fever, are sensitive to seasonal changes. Ebbs and flows in their population can affect disease transmission. Photo Credit: FotoshopTofs, Pixabay
Other diseases are a bit less finicky: They’ll take any period of natural warmth, spreading the joy over many months at a time—often in regions of the world that don’t experience four seasons of climactic change. For instance, Chagas disease, diphtheria, and genital herpes all flourish over both spring and summer, while their prevalence takes a welcome dip when temperatures fall. Other infectious diseases fare better during rainy seasons, or when climes are particularly dry.
Though the diseases she linked together shared little in common, including even their seasons of prevalence, Martinez theorized there might be similar reasons driving their cyclic nature. To tease apart the connections, Martinez amassed data from 100 previously published studies, zeroing in on several factors that shape seasonality.
For instance, environmental factors obviously come into play. Climate conditions such as temperature, humidity, and rainfall impact the wellbeing of infectious microbes, as well as the humans and wildlife they plague. In diseases that are ferried to humans via an insect vector like a Mosquito or fly, the seasonal ebb and flow of these pest populations may also play a role.
The behaviors of hosts of disease, both human and wildlife, also appear to fluctuate from month to month. This has been infamously exemplified by congregations of kids in schools begetting measles outbreaks. But there’s also something to be learned, Martinez says, by studying flux in the habits of non-human animals, who go through bouts of seasonal breeding, territoriality, and migration, and how these changes affect the spread of disease. Humans may not be seasonal maters—at least, not to the same degree—but even a subtle shift, like an uptick in sex during the summer months, could spur outbreaks of Gonorrhea, Genital Herpes, or Syphilis.
“It’s not that we are vulnerable at a particular time of year and healthy at another,” Martinez explains. “We’re restructuring throughout the year. And the identity of the thing we’re vulnerable to changes with the seasons.”
The idea that some infectious diseases are seasonal isn’t new, says Shanthi Kappagoda, an infectious disease physician and epidemiologist at Stanford University who was not involved in Martinez’ work. However, Kappagoda adds, Martinez’ framework is unique in that it includes some infections that haven’t traditionally been considered seasonal—including several sexually-transmitted infections—and may change how clinicians and researchers approach future epidemics.
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As climate change progresses, increasingly warmer locales may favor the transmission of infectious diseases like Cholera, or Mosquito-Borne Infections. Photo Credit: Martijn Meijerink, Pexels
According to Martinez, knowing when certain diseases are in season could help doctors quickly and effectively treat chronic infections that tend to flare up at certain times of the year, like herpes. With this sort of predictive power, patients may be able to minimize the amount of time they’re forced to deal with seasonal symptoms. The same line of thinking might even be applied to scheduling vaccines, which are ideally administered prior to the onset of an outbreak.
Understanding the drivers of infectious diseases’ seasonality may also be helpful on much broader scales, including the Forecasting of Epidemics Worldwide, adds Amy Wesolowski, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health who did not participate in the new analysis.
Such global thinking is especially relevant in a rapidly changing world. As Climate Change progresses, the landscape of infectious diseases will shift, explains Kappagoda. Increasingly warmer locales may favor the transmission of summer-loving diseases like cholera. Humankind may also witness a boom in populations of insects like mosquitoes, which are likely to expand their habitats as temperatures climb, chauffeuring with them outbreaks of Malaria, West Nile Virus, and more. Additionally, human sensitivity to heat shouldn’t be underestimated in the context of infectious disease, Kappagoda points out: Climate change will continue to displace large populations of people, spurring the onset of epidemics.
Whether we like it or not, the spread and severity of infectious diseases are inextricably tied to both biology and behavior—which, in turn, cycle with the seasons. According to Martinez, the implications of this go far beyond fingering a malady for all seasons; rather, these patterns could change how we view our own bodies… and give new meaning to the phrase, “feeling under the weather.”
“This isn’t just about transmission—seasonality is also in the human body itself,” she explains. “There’s something happening in our bodies we don’t quite understand yet. Seasonality in infectious disease is just an enticing little piece of the puzzle.”
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drpedi07 · 1 year
Dengue Fever
Symptoms include high fever, headache, rash and muscle and joint pain. In severe cases there is serious bleeding and shock, which can be life threatening.
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
Tropical health - Press review
Tropical health – Press review
Since June 2005, caesarean section has been a free medical act in public hospitals. However, several years after its entry into force, the application of this decision seems to pose a problem. What about the reality of free caesarean section? Mrs. B. Koné, landlady of several girl housekeepers, says: “One night, around midnight, I accompanied to the Reference Health Center of the Mali district,…
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gemsartsjewellery · 2 years
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cybertriumphllama · 2 years
How Dengue Spreads:
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#A few species of Aedes mosquito (female mosquito) are the primary carriers of the dengue virus. Among these#Aedes aegypti is the main one. There are five serotypes of the virus. Infection with one serotype of the virus results in lifelong immunity#if the patient is infected with a different dengue virus serotype#severe complications may occur.#Dengue fever can also be diagnosed through several tests#such as the presence of antibodies against the virus or its RNA. At the beginning of this decade#dengue fever spread widely in our country#especially in the capital Dhaka. As a result#people become panicked. Even sick person and their families are disoriented. Blood banks struggle to collect blood and blood platelets from#headache#vomiting#muscle and joint pain#and skin rash. Dengue patients usually recover within two to seven days. But in some cases#the disease can take a severe hemorrhagic form called dengue hemorrhagic fever. This results in bleeding#decreased blood platelet levels#and secretion of blood plasma. Sometimes dengue shock syndrome occurs. Blood pressure drops dangerously in dengue shock syndrome. Symptoms#this mosquito-borne disease can reach fatal locations. In this corona period#if someone has a fever#they think they have the coronavirus! Not only if infected with corona#the patient suffers from fever but also due to dengue fever. So#if you have a fever now#do not worry#but consult a doctor immediately. However#if you know some of the symptoms of Dengue#you can determine whether you have Dengue or not.#Know the symptoms of dengue fever:#1. Classical fevers of Dengue:#• Classical dengue fever usually presents with high fever and severe pain throughout the body.#• Fever up to 105 degrees Fahrenheit.#• Severe abdominal pain may also occur.
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reasonsforhope · 2 months
Pairing frogs and toads together might conjure memories of Arnold Lobel’s beloved characters — dressed to the nines in caramel coats and polyester — biking off toward adventure. 
But in the animal world, frogs and toads on nearly every continent are facing a much more harrowing adventure: a decades-long fight against a mysterious fungal virus that has afflicted over 500 amphibian species. 
Since the 1990s, scientists estimate that the chytridiomycosis disease caused by the fungal pathogen Bd (Batrachochytrium dendrobatidis) has led to the extinction of 90 amphibians. One of the lost species includes the Panamanian golden frog, which hasn’t been spotted in the wild since 2009. 
Fortunately, a new research study has finally pinpointed the virus that has been infecting fungal genomes for decades. 
“Bd is a generalist pathogen and is associated with the decline of over 500 amphibian species…here, we describe the discovery of a novel DNA mycovirus of Bd,” wrote Mark Yacoub — the lead author of the study and a microbiology doctoral student at the University of California, Riverside. 
In an interview with UC Riverside News, Yacoub said that he and microbiology professor Jason Stajich observed the viral genome while studying the broader population genetics of mycovirus (viruses of fungi). 
The discovery will undoubtedly have monumental impacts on future amphibian conservation efforts. This includes the possible launching of new research studies into fungal species strains, the practice of cloning and observing spores, and engineering a solution to the virus. 
But Yacoub cautioned that this is only the beginning. 
“We don’t know how the virus infects the fungus, how it gets into the cells,” Yacoub said. “If we’re going to engineer the virus to help amphibians, we need answers to questions like these.”
Still, as scientists strengthen conservation efforts to save frogs and toads (and salamanders too!) they also appear to be saving themselves. Yacoub pointed out several amphibian species around the world have begun exhibiting resistance to Bd. 
“Like with COVID, there is a slow buildup of immunity,” Yacoub explained. “We are hoping to assist nature in taking its course.”
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Pictured: A Golden poison frog — one of the many species endangered by chytridiomycosis — in captivity.
Why are frogs and toads so important?
From the get go, every amphibian species plays an important role in their local ecosystem. Not only are they prey for a slew of animals like lizards, snakes, otters, birds, and more, but in an eat-or-be-eaten world, frogs and toads benefit the food chain by doing both. 
Even freshly hatched tadpoles — no bigger than a button — can reduce contamination in their surrounding pond water by nibbling on algae blooms. 
As they grow bigger (and leggier), amphibians snack on whatever insect comes their way, greatly reducing the population of harmful pests and making a considerable dent in the transmission malaria, dengue, and Zika fever by eating mosquito larvae. 
“Frogs control bad insects, crop pests, and mosquitoes,” Yacoub said. “If their populations all over the world collapse, it could be devastating.” 
Yacoub also pointed out that amphibians are the “canary in the coal mine of climate change,” because they are an indicator species. Frogs and toads have permeable skin, making them sensitive to changes in their environment, and they also rely on freshwater. 
When amphibians vanish from an ecosystem, it’s a symptom of greater environmental issues...
Herpetologist Maureen Donnelly echoed Yacoub’s sentiments in an interview with Phys Org, noting that when it comes to food chains, biodiversity, and environmental impact, the role of frogs and toads should not be overlooked. 
“Conservation must be a global team effort,” Donnelly said. “We are the stewards of the planet and are responsible for all living creatures.”
-via GoodGoodGood, April 22, 2024
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reality-detective · 8 months
Malaria, Dengue Fever, Hepatitis, HIV and Ebola are just some of the infection agents and parasites that were reputedly uncovered at an illegal Chinese biolab in California. 🤔
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magz · 6 months
Article date: March 27, 2024.
Article Excerpt:
Puerto Rico has declared a public health emergency amid an ongoing outbreak of dengue infections, a mosquito-spread viral infection that can cause fever, aches, rash, vomiting, and, in about 5 percent of cases, a severe disease marked by internal bleeding and shock.
The US territory has tallied 549 cases since the start of the year, representing a 140 percent increase compared with cases tallied at this point last year, according to the territory's health department. The Associated Press reported that more than 340 of the 549 cases have been hospitalized.
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cowgirlgirl2002 · 9 months
Very tired of hearing how women think their weak and how men are biologically better when is is actually not true at all so here's why women are stronger, I'll put medical and scientific facts about women
1. Women have stronger Immune system
Females have better innate and adaptive immune responses to disease-causing pathogens than males. Females also produce better protective antibodies following vaccination against flu, yellow fever, dengue, and viral infections.
Females typically develop higher innate, humoral and cellular immune responses to viral infections and in response to vaccine
Women see more colors than men
Even when compared to males who have not been diagnosed with color blindness, women seem to be able to distinguish between colors more easily than men. This allows women to more accurately identify the color of an object that may be between two similar hues, like blue and green.
Women have better night vision
However, studies have suggested that there may be slight differences in night vision between men and women. One study published in the journal Ophthalmic and Physiological Optics found that women had better visual acuity in low-light conditions than men.
Women have better muscle endurance
While men usually have the upper-hand when it comes to strength, it may be surprising to many that women may actually have better muscle endurance than men do. Research has shown that in stamina-related exercises, women were able to exercise for about 75% longer than men could. It is suggested that the presence of estrogen in women makes their muscles more resistant to fatigue, and that women have more efficient metabolism within their muscles as compared to men.
Their bodies are structurally made for greater flexibility
When it comes to stretching and flexibility, women have an advantage in several ways.Firstly, their female muscles and tendons contain more elastin, the protein which gives our muscles, organs and skin the ability to stretch, and this gives them greater flexibility on the whole.
Women have higher levels of estrogen in their bodies, leading to wider hips that allow greater movement and flexibility in the pelvic region
Women are way more agile
Women on the other hand have greater agility.This is partly explained by the fact they are smaller and have a lower centre of mass thus are able to change direction and move quicker than their male counterparts. In addition balance is better for the same reason.
Women have stronger legs/lower body
In lower body absolute strength, a woman is 75% as strong as a man. This difference is usually attributed to the similar daily usage of legs between men and women. Both walk and use our lower body muscles about the same. This is not the case in daily activities using upper body strength.
Women have higher survival rate than men
Analysis of three centuries of historical data showed women are more likely than men to survive famines and epidemics. Their advantage is earned early. Female newborns were more likely to survive trying circumstances during the last three centuries. women has fundamental biological underpinnings is supported by the fact that even under these very harsh conditions, women survive better than men, and this starts at a very young age.
Women are more resilient
Several studies show that women score higher on the resilience scale than men. A study found that women outlived men during severe famines and epidemics. This survival advantage was found to be modulated by an interaction of biological, environmental and social factors.
They have better chances of surviving traumatic injuries
Another likely reason for women's longer life expectancy could be the fact that they have higher chances of surviving injury and trauma. Researchers, in studying data on patients who arrived at hospitals with traumatic injuries, found that women in the age range of 13 – 64 were significantly more likely to survive. Again, the key to this advantage may lie in the higher levels of female sex hormones in women, which may have an enhancing effect on the immune system.
Women have better memory
Remembering the faces of people you have just met may be a challenge for many, but it may be apparently less so for women in general. Women have been found to be stronger in memory skills than men, as suggested in studies where they outdid men in memory tests. Their superior memory skills are not just limited to remembering things, like items on a list, but also faces of people as well. Other studies have found that women can remember faces better than men, as they unconsciously spend more time studying features of new faces.
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mindblowingscience · 11 months
The discovery of a particular subgroup of antibodies may open the door to more effective dengue therapeutics and the development of a universal dengue vaccine. Dengue fever is a viral infection with a devastating twist: those who have caught it once are more likely to develop life-threatening disease the second time around. Why our bodies not only fail to learn from prior infection but also become more vulnerable as a result is a longstanding mystery that has prevented development of a universal dengue vaccine. Rather than protecting against disease, such a dengue vaccine could instead serve as a first exposure to prime the body for it. The new antibodies are those responsible for dengue’s increased deadliness upon second exposure. “We definitively proved that it’s not the presence of dengue antibodies that are a problem, but the quality of those antibodies,” says Stylianos Bournazos, a research associate professor in the laboratory of Jeffrey Ravetch, a professor at Rockefeller University. “Now that we know the pathway that these antibodies use, we can develop therapeutics against it.”
Continue Reading.
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anexperimentallife · 17 days
Officially over dengue as of today, so no more daily trips to the hospital for blood work!
But it looks like I picked up a secondary lower respiratory infection while dengue suppressed my immune system,so tomorrow I go to my pulmonologist.
Or in meme form: "Illness with Dengue Fever ended. Lower respiratory infection is my new annoying Illness."
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goodwhump-temp · 1 year
Castle Whump | Castle TV Show (2009)
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1x01 Arrested, nose pinched, handcuffed, held at gunpoint, pushed 1x03 Ear pinched 1x06 Scared, embarrassed, shot at, threatened, risks his life 1x07 Threatened, punched, undercover, creeped out, held at gunpoint/punched, black eye 1x10 Slammed, manhandled, threatened, worried
2x01 Rear-ended, held at gunpoint, risking life, held at gunpoint 2x02 Nervous 2x04 Interrogated, sad 2x06 Tackled, manhandled, bit, childhood trauma? 2x07 Sad 2x09 Papercut, punched/icepack, handcuffed, paranoid, intimidated, worried 2x12 Self restrained, heartbroken the whole episode 2x13Hostage, held at gunpoint, pain, headbutt, guilt 2x14 Upset 2x15 Daddy issues the whole episode, fake headache (08:24) 2x17 Panic/worried 2x18 Panic/worried, runs into burning building 2x19 'Cursed,' papercut, chair breaks, pain, death threat, bullied/panic/coffee 'explosion', dog attack, scared, elevator panic, cuts finger 2x21 Jealous, heartbroken 2x22 Threatened (22:45), jealous 2x23 Jealous, heartbroken 2x24 Manhandled, heartbroken, sad
3x01 Shot at, held at gunpoint multiple times, insulted/arrested, ear pinched 3x02 Held at gunpoint 3x03 Mad, heartbroken 3x06 Held at gunpoint, restrained, manipulated 3x09 Abducted, injected unconscious, bruised 3x11 Upset 3x12 Upset 3x13 Worried, shock, shot at, hurt hand, bandaged 3x15 Emotional 3x16 Exposed to high levels of radiation, worried/emotional, shot at, trapped 3x17 Trapped, hypothermia, passes out, cold, scared 3x18 Worried 3x21 Intimidated (09:47), betrayed/jealous 3x22 Poked (pain/33:40) 3x23 In shock (41:20) 3x24 Dangerous situation, worried, confrontation, angry/heartbroken, mourning, emotional/crying
4x01 Pushed against the wall, emotional, heartbroken, depressed, worried, confrontation, held at gunpoint 4x02 Cries 4x03 Jumpscared, jumps into trashbin (is fine) 4x05 Betrayed, angry 4x06 Freaks out 4x07 Hostage, held at gunpoint, life threatened, almost shot, confrontation, restrained, presumed dead 4x08 Dragged, threatened 4x09 Worried 4x10 Handcuffed, drugged, missing, tiger attack 4x12 Denial 4x14 Manhandled, punched multiple times, 4x15 Captured, held at gunpoint, trapped, car crash into water 4x16 Car crashed into water, drowning, reprimanded, 4x19 Worried, feels betrayed/very heartbroken, angry 4x20 Heartbroken/coping, acting strange 4x21 Held at gunpoint, hungover, in danger, gut punched 4x22 Heartbroken, surrounded, jumpscare 4x23 Emotional confrontation, tearing up
5x01 Held at gunpoint, restrained, worried 5x03 Emotional 5x04 Arrested 5x05 Hand cut (minor), framed, arrested, scared, threatened, missing, car rammed, bleeding, shot at 5x06 Emotional (happy), upset (not happy), paranoid, zapped 5x08 Held at gunpoint, hunted/missing, captured 5x09 Upset (abandoned), betrayed 5x15 Daughter kidnapped, worried, very emotional, panic 5x16 Worried, missing/desperate, held at gunpoint, betrayed, almost killed, captured, emotional 5x17 Paranoid 'cursed,' flustered, flashbanged 5x19 Wheelchair, paranoid, falls, panic 5x20 Threatened (evil gorilla), trapped, back pain, scared 5x21 Jealous 5x22 Worried, pain montage (ear pinched x2, shoved, poked, nose pinched, freezing to death, punched multiple times, all near death situations), denial 5x23 "Shot" at, finger nicked (not serious) 5x24 Upset, sad
6x01 Abducted at gunpoint, car crash, arrested, taken, exposed to toxic chemicals, 1 day to live 6x02 Infected, slowly dying, weak, passes out, hospitalized 6x03 Briefly held at gunpoint 6x04 In danger, held at gunpoint, shot, unconscious, bruised pain 6x05 Foot stabbed, limp, manhandled, choked unconscious 6x09 Guilt 6x10 Sleep deprived 6x12 Held at gunpoint, captured, betrayed 6x17 Worried 6x18 Ninja attack, held at gunpoint 6x21 Bummed/sore loser, comforted by the boys 6x22 Worried, hunted, paranoid, arrested 6x23 Held at gunpoint, restrained, car crash
7x01 Car crash, thought dead, abducted/missing, hospitalized/comatose, amnesia, mysterious past: (shot, dengue fever) 7x02 Held at gunpoint, found evidence: emotional, scared 7x03 Knocked back, punched multiple times, paranoid, held at gunpoint 7x04 Bullied, thrown to the ground, kicked 7x06 Insomnia, shot at, trapped in alt. reality, panic, held at knife point, abducted, threatened, shot, bleeding, passes out, guilt 7x07 Punched, manhandled, in danger 7x10 Hand sliced, held at gunpoint x2, heartbroken 7x11 Choked, peppersprayed, comforted (kinda) 7x12 Jealous, coping, abducted at gunpoint, betrayed at gunpoint 7x13 Panic, knocked unconscious, pain, stranded, guilt, denial 7x15 Worried, angry, arrested, emotionally tortured, tazed 7x16 Trapped, exposed to toxic gas, weak 7x19 Held at gunpoint, restrained 7x20 PTSD/reoccurring nightmares, therapy, obsessed, everyone worried, headache, held at gunpoint 7x21 Nervous, betrayed, held at gunpoint 7x23 Scared, childhood trauma (+threatened), childhood trauma, feels betrayed, tackled, knife attack, throat cut, bleeding
8x01 Punched, kicked, drugged/abducted at gunpoint, restrained, threatened, extreme psychological torture, wrists bleeding, painful kick to the ground, shot at 8x02 Feels betrayed, angry, held at gunpoint x2, emotionally hurt/betrayed 8x03 Depressed, coping 8x05 Coping, held at gunpoint x2 8x06 Jayne anxiety/jumpscare x2, held at gunpoint, ambushed, held at gunpoint, tackled, bloody nose, heartbroken 8x08 Worried, exhausted, heartbroken, confrontation 8x09 Slapped (8:15), pushed to the wall x2 8x10 In shock, embarrassed, guilt 8x11 Betrayed, handcuffed, threatened 8x12 Kidnapped/drugged, trapped, betrayed at gunpoint, sacrifices himself, held at gunpoint 8x13 Undercover, shot, "dead" 8x14 Flashbacks, aggressively patted/hit, held at gunpoint, feels betrayed, watches the video (after being shot, pain, worried), guilt 8x15 Guilt, hungover 8x16 Zapped, scared (Linus) 8x17 Falls, back pain, held at gunpoint, shot at, delusional (genie) 8x21 Superstitious spooks, wrist grabbed/pain, jumpscare x2, knocked out (offscreen), icepack 8x22 Hunted, shot at, worried, captured, restrained, interrogated, drugged, betrayed, crying, angry, shot, bleeding out
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sataniccapitalist · 3 months
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ahmed25646 · 2 years
Tropical health - Press review
Tropical health – Press review
Living with HIV/AIDS and diabetes is what some people face. A comorbidity that is not always easy to live with and that requires constant monitoring by health professionals. This is particularly the case for FO who has been living with HIV and diabetes for many years. In Burkina Faso, there are no figures on the number of people who suffer from these two diseases at the same time. At the Oasis…
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ferrofluido · 2 months
I'm still very sick- I've got dengue fever and I'm treating 2 internal infections so it makes it a bit worse.. I'm getting better, though, and I'm still trying to keep up w the requests!! ^^
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