#denial is a river in egypt soldier boy you are gay
writeshite · 7 months
Solider boy is the type to say he's not gay even when your cock is deep inside him
You could have your hand up his ass and he'd say it ain't gay 💀
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themculibrary · 1 year
Unrequited Love Masterlist
All the Best Things Come in Threes (ao3) - Potrix bucky/tony, steve/sam M, 3k
Summary: “I can’t be pregnant. I’m 47 years old, it’s not possible. I haven’t had a heat in over eight months, I’m menopausal, I can’t be pregnant.”
A Place Called Home (ao3) - Anonymous steve/bucky T, 6k
Summary: New Years Eve. Suits. Party at Stark's place. Honesty happens.
Being In His Possession (ao3) - valiantlybold steve/bucky E, 57k
Summary: James Buchanan Barnes is nineteen years old, and he is about to make what might be the worst decision of his short little life. But little by little, he comes to like his new place of employment, as well as his employer. Well... Maybe a little more than just like.
Blue Lips, Blue Veins (ao3) - romanoff steve/tony E, 300k
Summary: Tony Stark is Iron Man.
Before that, he was an man with bigger heart than brain. Before that, he was an asshole with a bigger mouth than sense. And before that, he was was a scared little boy. Not that it matters. Stark's always have had iron in their backbone.
De Nile (ao3) - orphan_account matt/foggy M, 11k
Summary: Matt hates listening to Foggy's heartbeat. 
Denial ain't just a river in Egypt.
Fractals of a Criminal Mind (ao3) - STARSdidathing loki/tony, steve/bucky M, 132k
Summary: AU. Tony Stark is the Top Forensic Scientist at S.H.I.E.L.D. and possibly in the world - if he does say so himself - there’s only one person he’s come up against and can’t beat: international criminal mastermind Loki Laufeyson. He’s gotten close but Loki always has a lackey to throw in front of the blame. He’s completely untouchable and if Loki wasn’t his enemy than Tony would be marvelling at and adoring his genius. But Tony can’t, because he’s a good guy, he has morals and a duty to the public that he’s trying to protect. Loki Laufeyson, however, is equally fascinated and he doesn’t do anything other than what he wants. COMPLETE.
haha, jk (ao3) - relenafanel steve/bucky T, 13k
Summary: (A tale of Not Unrequited Love)
Steve: I love you. Bucky: oh no. (and other fallacies)
Bucky learns to never say never when it comes to the effect his best friend can have.
I am so gay I can't hear straight (ao3) - AvengersAU carol/wanda T, 3k
Summary: Never in her life, she would have ever thought about using her powers for anything else than to beat the shit out of someone that wasn’t her enemy. And yet, she was currently using all her strength not to send a photon blast right between the eyes of the man sitting on the couch.
Love of Ours (ao3) - emeraldine087 bucky/steve/tony T, 253k
Summary: Tony Stark REALLY hates magic with a passion. He knows it's got something to do with how his memories aren't quite as he remembers them. He knows Steve screwed him over and sent him that shitty apology with an even shittier phone. And he is pissedsupposedly with no end in sight and no resolution to be had. And yet, he also has this other set of memories - One where he is madly in love with Steve...
Steve Rogers REALLY feels like things with Tony could've gone a lot better. So he stubbornly stays in the Avengers compound to try to set things to rights, vowing to repair his Avengers family and his friendship with Tony. And yet, his endgame is still to help Bucky get rid of the Winter Soldier programming - Help his first and the one true love of his life to find himself again...
Bucky Barnes REALLY loathes having to rely on others to tell him about his life. Steve is a big help, but sometimes, Bucky feels like Steve's after helping him for the benefit of the person he used to be rather than the person he is. Unlike Steve, Tony doesn't give a shit about him. And yet, it's with Tony that he feels like he can be or do anything - Like fall in love with the man he had orphaned all those years ago...
Malfunctioning Time (ao3) - Kiragirl17 steve/tony, bucky/tony T, 245k
Summary: FemiTony. Time travel. Eventual Steve/Toni. With some Bucky/Toni thrown in thereTrying to forget that today was March 15 and trying to escape the long lecture from Rogers, Toni locks herself in her lab to work on a new project; however, she never expects her unfinished device to misfire and send her back to the sexist 1940's. 
Now, completely alone with no resources whatsoever, Toni finds herself struggling to survive on her own, especially when she discovers she's being followed. Unsure of who it is and what they want, she struggles to keep them at bay. To make matters worse, she finds herself on Colonel Phillips' radar. However the worst of it, she has to deal with her Egoist Father, who doesn't get the picture and won't leave her the hell alone.
What a woman to do?
Marshmallow Matrix (ao3) - orphan_account matt/foggy M, 12k
Summary: “So, nothing? No, like, latent homosexual urges? No subconscious pining that is only now coming to the surface in light of these revelations? Nothing?”
Sometimes it's not as easy as saying 'I love you'.
Not Another Supersoldier Fantasy (ao3) - triedunture steve/bucky E, 16k
Summary: Bucky finds a popular sex toy modeled on Captain America's own anatomy. Well, isn't this just perfect? Because even after all this time, he still hasn’t seen Steve’s supersoldier cock. But apparently in this day and age anyone with $29.95 can get a decent replica. The unfairness of this is of galactic proportions.
Surrogate (ao3) - Awritinghufflepuff bucky/tony/steve, steve/bucky, clint/natasha E, 58k
Summary: Tony Stark does not like it one bit when two unknown alphas come to inspect him. For what, you might ask? To be their surrogate.
this city bleeds its aching heart (ao3) - Anonymous steve/bucky E, 34k
Summary: The one where Steve and Bucky pose as a happily married couple while on a mission for SHIELD, to catch an international arms dealer hiding in a suburban neighbourhood.
who will be there (to take my place) (ao3) - SailorChibi bucky/tony, peggy/steve T, 3k
Summary: Steve's not listening, slipping out from under Bucky's hand and shoving the door open. Through the glass, Tony watches as Peggy and Howard turn around. He can't help wondering if it hurts Bucky when Steve bounds forward and hauls Peggy into a big hug as much as it hurts Tony to see Bucky and Steve together on a regular basis.
You'd Be So Nice To Come Home To (ao3) - EmilianaDarling steve/bucky E, 26k
Summary: “What about you, Barnes?” asks Dugan. The sound of his voice brings Bucky back to the present, dredges him out of memories of a beat-up little apartment with sunlight streaming in through the windows. “Got yourself a girl waiting for you back home?”
There’s an answer on the tip of his tongue, one that he’ll deliver with a cocky grin and a half-laugh and a little shake of his head. But Bucky is exhausted and hungry and so sore it hurts to move, and one of the guys in their platoon fucking died yesterday. His mouth tastes like iodine water and his feet hurt and none of it’s going to get better any time soon, and all at once Bucky misses Steve so badly he can barely see straight.
“Yeah,” Bucky declares abruptly, the word escaping from his mouth before he fully realizes what he’s saying. “Yeah, I do.”
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askbohemiancompany · 6 years
Munday Mix Tape Compilation
To those who did submit for this meme, please let me know what you thought of the mixes.
iamyourdoubt asked:Oh my, what does this 🎼 bring to your mind?
Oh boy! This one was easy as hell
Terrible Lie- Nine Inch Nails
Window Licker- Aphex Twin
Battle in Me- Garbage
In My Head- Queens of the Stoneage
Eh- Death Grips
I admit for this I picked mostly tracks that would fit the mood with dealing with Doubt from denial in Terrible Lie, the active fight in Battle in Me and indifference with Eh. Window Licker just feels like you are being choked by a serpent that points out your mistakes.  In My Head is over the bad deal making aspects of Doubt I wanted to at least touch on.
asktheboxghosts asked:🎼
Sick Sick Sick- Queens of the Stoneage
Kids See Ghosts- Kids See Ghosts
Downward Spiral- Danny Brown
Everything She Does Is Magic- Police
Knife Party- Deftones
Ok this one was also pretty fun to come up with. I wanted to make the playlist mostly around Fool. Downward Spiral can represent her on maybe one of her bad episodes and Sick Sick Sick can be the danger around her. Kids See Ghosts is a whole album about and made by people that are bipolar and have depression, so naturally, a song should fit there. Also, it has the chorus Kids See Ghosts which can mean false visions or how one can cope as a child. Everything She Does is Magic could capture that, despite how initially unintimidating she is, there is something unnerving when you pay attention. Knife Party is there because she has a knife.
askinggourgeist asked:🎼🎼👀👀 I’ll do it off askinggourgeist
Garden Shed- Tyler, the Creator
You’re My Best Friend- Queen
Take Care- Drake ft. Rhianna
The Thief- Minus the Bear
This one I knew immediately I wanted to go with Geist’s on hang ups on his past. Garden Shed and WASTE both deal with the angst he dealt with being alive, both as being a lowly thief and being rejected for being gay. You’re My Best Friend and Take Care are optimistic, regarding how he has come to accept himself better and finding good influences such as Eddy. Thief is more of a mood song, with a title about his old occupation.
transient-birds asked:// I'm too lazy to log into my other blog, so take this for Tobias 🎼
Hurt- Johnny Cash
Way Down- Kaleo
Sitting on the Dock of the Bay- Ottis Redding
Time Flies- Porcupine Trees
Sad and Lonely- DJ Shadow
Okay this playlist is just summarized as “Tired and Warry Music”. So I chose tracks that emphasized regret and being beaten down by life. I chose Time Flies because this blog had one of the most drastic reboots I have seen, one I still actually appreciate to this day.
askthepathfinder asked:🎼
Shock Me- Baroness
The Weapon- Rush
Ashes to Ashes- David Bowie
Trooper- Iron Maiden
Building Steam with a Grain of Salt- DJ Shadow
I admit I had a bit of a hard time making this one. Don’t know why. I went with some quintessential soldier-esque songs. Also DJ Shadow because I will convert people to his brilliance.
askgng asked:🎼this sounds interesting. Think you can do it for my blog?
Robot Rock- Daft Punk
Take a Byte- Janelle Monae
Metal Heart- Garbage
Trash- Death Grips
Harder Than Steel- Megas
Most of the these tracks have to do with robots with Take a Byte for Gardedroid and Harder Than Steel for 107-001 RR respectively. Trash represent Gardebitch looking through the gardevoir tag on tumblr or google.
Sorry Varta
deathbycelosia asked:🎼
Where This Flower Blooms- Tyler, the Creator
Egypt The Chains are On- Dio
Tragic Kingdom- No Doubt
Inchworm- Battles
Pyramids- Frank Ocean Child of the Desert- Circa Survive
I wanted tracks that would get the feeling of going through a desert on your own, with no one else but people you are wary of. Where This Flower Blooms relate to Celosia, just being an elegant song about someone who is not traditionally masculine and owns up to it. Also because Celosia is a grass type. Inchworm is like interacting with Ravenger, at first intimidating but winds up sounding goofy by the end.
NOTE: I did change one of the tracks for this one.
im-crow asked:🎼
My Thoughts on Neo Gaf Dying- JPEG Mafia
Everyday Bro- Jake Paul
What’s New Pussy Cat- Tom Jones
Hotline Bling- Drake
Photograph- Nickleback
Hey. You like memes. Here are some memes you meme. MEMES!
ghost--mod asked:🎼 for DailyArcticVaporeon!
Art Angel- Grimes
Feels Good- Jamiroquai
Gimmie Love- Carly Rae Jepsen
Waterslide- Chon
Ice Cream- Battles
Boy howdy I do not know a lot of bright optimistic music no I don’t. Most of these were mood centric tracks since River seems like an upbeat person. Hope you like the mix bag. One has a video of a dog on a skateboard.
leilani-popplio asked:🎼
Another Day In Paradise- Reel Big Fish
Red Rubberball- Street Light Manifesto
Mr. Bluesky- Electric Lights Orchestra
Circles- Incubus
Step Outside- Screaming Females
This one was interesting because again I tried to pick up beat songs, but each with their own kind of twists in the lyrics especially with Another Day and Red Rubber Ball. Bluesky is meant to be straight optimistic with Leilani being a sweet child. Circles and Step Outside are meant to be more representative of Kass, someone who is antagonist and enjoys a fight.
a-drays-mind asked:I'm on the phone don't mind me :'D music note for the twins' blog?
Bottomless Pit- Death Grips
TABOO- Denzel Curry
Bad Boyfriend- Garbage
Misfit Love- Queens of the Stoneage
This was one that I had a blast with and one I had in my head for a while. Bottomless Pitt and HEAT both have the energy of what it feels like being in Jake’s presence: it is stress inducing with Jake threatening you in some capacity. TABOO does sort of handle in how the siblings handle all of their sexual relationships with everyone involved. Bad Boyfriend does highlight how really warped and fucked up Sara and Jake’s relationship are. Misfit Love, however, could best describe the whole cast, fucked up but with varying degrees of comradery.
askbookwormflareon asked:🎼For Isis if you're still doing this?
I will also throw one track for Rosie and Honey as well.
Glass House- Screaming Females
Bergschrund- DJ Shadow
Can You Forgive Her- Pet Shop Boys
Don’t Speak- No Doubt
Rattlesnake- St. Vincent
Since this one was for a specific character this was a bit tougher, but I still think I managed to make a decent list. Glass House deals with how Isis was raised by her mom, in an abusive cult-like household. Can You Forgvie Her and Rattlesnake deal with the uncertainty about leaving her mom in terms of learning about what her mom withheld from her. Bergschrund is what I would see as her fight theme, very distorted but sharp. Don’t Speak deals with Rosie and Honey’s romantic relationship deteriorating and how it pains the both of them
occasionalmawile asked:🎼 (if you are still doing those of course!)
Can’t Get You Out of My Head- Kylie Mignoa
Venus Fly- Grimes
D.A.N.C.E- Justice
Heart- Petshop Boys
Making Most of the Night- Carly Rae Jepsen
The only reason this one was hard was because I had to cut a bunch of tracks due to lyrics having a double entendre which would not have jived at all with your blog, but had the word pink in it. I chose some more aesthetic stuff, a lot of happy and upbeat music that seems fitting for Azamu
🎼 i dont suppose you'd do one for askcannelleandfriends?
Step Outside- Screaming Females
Golden Gun Girls- Metric
In Your Honor- Foo Fighters
Bakuretsu Panie San- tricot
You Can Do It- No Doubt
For this one I chose a lot of tracks that convey Cannelle’s spunky attitude and willingness to persevere. You Can Do It, Golden Gun Girls and Step Outside both convey this well. In Your Honor is for Cannelle’s relationship with Lenox and how close they have become. The tricot song was just more of a mood piece because I want to rep tricot.
themeowsticvigilante asked:🎼 (I follow you on my main blog and I want to try this)
My Hero- Foo Fighters
Never the Heroes- Judas Priest
Hero- Nas
Demolition Man- Police
Cabin Killer- Doomtree
I had a theme with these, I’ll give you a hint. This list is a spectrum for a “hero”. My Hero being the most optimistic to Cabin Killer being the most brutal. Despite of the name Demolition Man can be read into as a film about the guy you call in to get a job done.
asktidethegastrodon asked:I’m not sure if you are still doing these but! 🎼
Violet- SavageGarden
Grow Up and Blow Away- Metric
November- Tyler the Creator
Mysterious Traveler- Weather Report
Frozen Creek- Circa Survive
And here is the last one! This one was hard because the cast was so big, but I chose to go with tracks to cover the mood of the blog. The first three meant to each be a mixture of happiness to nostalgia, due to the blog being about a group of friends. But the last two tracks deal with the more sinister stuff lurking in the blog, namely with the giratina.
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