#denki says some dumb ass shit and bakugou turns to todoroki like what if we dangle him from a fourteen floor building
via-val · 1 year
izuku speaks english because as a child he got obsessed with all might and was all like "i need to understand english so i can go live in the usa and follow his trajectory!!!"
katsuki speaks english for the exact same reason, but when asked he just spouts some shit like "im a fucking genius of course i know english you dipshit"
shouto speaks english because he was subjected to highly restrictive academic standards and had unhealthy expectations put on him from a young age
the three of them get into an argument about it and shouto is like "you two were cringe on the internet at fourteen. i had to be a polyglot under pain of death. we are not the same"
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kirishimaswife2819 · 4 years
Relationship Firsts || Midoriya, Bakugou, Kirishima, Todoroki, and Kaminari  (500 Followers Special)
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500 Followers Special
Pairings: Izuku Midoriya x Reader, Katsuki Bakugou x Reader, Eijiro Kirishima x Reader, Shoto Todoroki x Reader, and Denki Kaminari x Reader
Summary: How all the ‘firsts’ (first date, first kiss etc.) of your relationship happened
Word Count: 5.3k
Notes: All of the ‘first dates’ occur before they move into the dorms
A/n: I hit 500 followers a few days ago and I want to thank you guys so much, I really didn’t think I would even hit 100 in this amount of time and it means a lot. I didn’t really have any good ideas for what to do for it, so I just did this set of headcanons about all of the ‘firsts’, it was the best thing that I could think of. Again, thank you for all of the support! -Danielle <3
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Izuku Midoriya:
First Date
Your first date happened a few days after Izuku confessed his feelings for you, outside of U.A., after class, and you two exchanged numbers
He decided to go kind of classic and take you on a date to a cafe that you had mentioned you liked
To say he was nervous would be an understatement, he was terrified
What if he messed up and said something dumb? What if he got food all over his face and looked dumb? What if you didn’t like how he dressed?
He met you at your house and you two walked to the cafe together, the whole time you were going on about something, since Izuku wasn’t really saying much
He kept responding with nervous smiles, and short answers, and his face kept turning red
Just as he was about to open the door to the cafe, you stopped him to say something first
“I just wanted to tell you that you don’t have to be so nervous, I’m not going to judge you or anything.”
With that, you opened the door the cafe and held it open so that he could come in
Lunch at the cafe went pretty good, with your reassurance, Izuku was a little more confident and you two ended up having a good time, laughing and even making up your first inside joke together
He walked you home afterwards, where you asked him if he wanted to be your boyfriend, since he was obviously too nervous to ask you
First Kiss
If you think that there’s any way that Izuku is initiating the first kiss, then you are one hundred percent wrong, he’s way too nervous to do anything like that, he could barely even hold your hand without turning into a blushing mess
The two of you were on a stargazing date, and you two were sitting in a field, on a blanket, sitting up and pointing out constellations
Izuku was going on about the history of some constellation, and he just looked so cute rambling on about how it got its name, and some old tale about how it happened, and you decided that you wanted to kiss him, so you did
He sat there in shock for a minute, before coming to his senses and lightly kissing you back
His face was red as you pulled back and gave him a small smile, blushing slightly, before speaking again, “What was that you were saying about the stars?”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You were over at his dorm, late at night, and he was helping you study for a test
He took note of your tired expression, and the fact that you had yawned ten times in the past half hour, before deciding you two should call it quits for the night
“Okay, I think that’s enough, you can go back to your room, Y/n.”
“But I’m too tired to walk there,” you complained, moving from your spot on his floor, to his bed. You pulled the fluffy All Might blanket, that you had gotten for him a few weeks ago, over yourself before speaking again, “Can I stay the night here?”
“But, Y-Y/n, if we get caught-”
“We won’t, besides it’s not like we’re doing anything like that,” you replied, before pulling your arms from under the blanket and holding them out to Izuku, “Please?”
With a sigh, he shut your textbooks and sat them on his desk, he tried to hide his blush as he shut off the light and turned his lamp on, before crawling into bed with you
You immediately latched onto his midsection and buried your head in his chest
“Do you want the lamp off? Or are you scared of the dark? Are you too cold? Too hot? I can turn a fan on, or I have more blank-”
“Izuku, I’m fine, just go to sleep, baby.”
First “I love you”
He said it first, but he wasn’t really paying much attention to what he was saying to you
You two were in the kitchen, baking a cake for one of his friend’s birthdays, when you needed to leave to go to your door and grab something
“I’m going to go grab something, be right back,” you said, leaning in and leaving a kiss on Izuku’s cheek. He was rereading over the cake recipe on his phone, as you began walking away
“Okay, I love you,” he said, and you stopped dead in your tracks
You noticed he wasn’t freaking out and must not have realized what he had said, as you smiled to yourself, “I love you too, Izuku.”
He had picked up his juice box to get a drink and he almost spit the juice right back out at your words. He swallowed, before turning to you, eyes wide and face red
“You what!?”
First Anniversary
Izuku started planning for your one year anniversary probably two months in advance
He was planning on taking you to the cafe you went on your first date to, but he wanted to spend the whole day with you, so he had a bunch of other stuff planned
He made a list of all the places you two had your best memories at, before scheduling a whole day for you two to do stuff on 
He told you in advance not to plan anything for the two of you to do, since he was planning a whole day, and at first, you objected, but you eventually agreed when he promised you that you could plan next years anniversary
The first thing he did was wake you up and the two of you made your favorite breakfast together, before getting ready for the day
He took you to a bunch of places where you two had good memories at, and then you went to the cafe for lunch, then spent the rest of the day doing other fun things that Izuku had planned
The night ended with you two in his dorm room, cuddling, right after you two gave your gifts
Since Izuku banned you from planning anything, you made up for it by getting him a bunch of All Might merch, a cute little collage with photos of you two on it, and a basket with his favorite candies
And he got you a few things that you’d been wanting, along with matching rings, they were simple bands but his was green, with your first name carved into it, and yours was f/c with Izuku’s first name carved into it
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Katsuki Bakugou:
First Date
Your first date with Katsuki was sort of an accident
You had went out with the whole Bakusquad, but they all ending up ‘having something come up’ and they had to leave, leaving only you and Katsuki (You later found out that they set the whole thing up but that’s a story for another day)
You two ended up going to the arcade together, and Bakugou accidentally blurted out that he had feelings for you before you two went inside, so he decided to turn it into a date
You two spent the day playing games together, before he eventually convinced you to let him take you out for dinner that night
You two went to your favorite restaurant
During the date, the waiter ending up flirting with you the whole time, which pissed Katsuki off
He ended up going off on the waiter, and the manager ended up giving you your meals free after a huge argument (Katsuki doing a lot of the yelling)
During the whole ordeal, Katsuki ended up referring to you as his ‘significant other’ and you asked him about it afterwards
“Well, are you not? I like you, you like me, are we not dating?”
You were in fact, not dating, but you were dating twenty seconds later
First Kiss
Your first kiss happened during a little argument
It wasn’t too bad, and you weren’t really that mad, but you were still ranting to Katsuki about something he had done wrong and how ‘he better not do it again or you would beat his ass’
He ended up finding you going off on him, very attractive, since it was obvious that you really weren’t too mad about whatever he did
So, he leaned in and kissed your lips
You jumped in surprise, from the sudden feeling and impact of his lips on yours, but you got over it quickly and kissed him back
The kiss was kind of rough, and Katsuki really didn’t know what he was doing, but it wasn’t absolutely terrible
You two pulled away, and Katsuki smirked, “You’re hot when you threaten to kick my ass.”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You hesitantly made your way down the hallway and towards Katsuki’s dorm room
You had a blanket draped over your shoulders as you knocked on the door and hoped that Katsuki would answer it for you
You had a nightmare and really didn’t want to be alone right then
You heard some fumbling inside, along with a string of curses, and then the light flicked on, before the door opened
“Why the hell-” Katsuki stopped, when he saw how upset you looked, “Woah, hey, what’s with that face? Are you okay?”
“Yeah, I just had a nightmare, can I sleep with you?” You asked, looking at him with pleading eyes
“Dumbass, you know I-”
“Please, Katsuki,” you begged and he sighed, putting away his soft and concerned voice, and opening the door before speaking
“Go lay down, I need to make sure nobody saw your dumb ass.”
You laid in his bed and patiently waited
“Everybody’s still asleep, you’re lucky,” Katsuki said, grabbing his pillow and going to sleep on the floor
“No, sleep beside me,” you said, and he was about to protest, but instead he sighed
“I’m too fucking tired for this shit.” He crawled in bed, beside you and pulled you up against him, making sure you were comfy, before closing his eyes and trying to get some sleep
First “I love you”
You said it first, while you were apologizing for starting a fight with him over something dumb
You had just had a bad day and snapped at him and yelled at him for no good reason
“Look, Katsuki, I’m really sorry, I just had a bad day. You know that I love you and I didn’t mean what I said, and-”
“What?” He questioned, raising an eyebrow, his cheeks were slightly tinted red, “You love me?”
“Shit,” you said, your eyes going wide when you realized what you had admitted, “Sorry, that was too soon and sudden and I-”
“Don’t be a dumbass, I love you too.”
First Anniversary
Your first anniversary was one of the only times that Katsuki had acted sweet and caring
You had stayed over the night before, so you woke up in his arms, and he cuddled with you for a while, before he finally let you go and get breakfast
You brought the food back to his dorm and you two ate together, before he made you get dressed, and you two went out
He took you to see a new movie that just came to theaters, and then you two got lunch, before going back to the dorms
When you got there, he let you get dressed in to comfier stuff, before the two of you binge watched your favorite show together
Katsuki wasn’t a huge fan of the show, so he complained every once and a while, but he didn’t totally refuse to watch it, but only because you wanted to watch it
But if you asked him why he still watched it, he would have claimed that you would have complained a ton if he didn’t watch it with you
Then for dinner, you two made a meal together and ate together, before going back to his dorm, where you two just hung out together for the rest of the day
For gifts, he got you some chocolates and a new outfit, and you got him a gift card that he can use anywhere, along with a framed photo of the two of you on a date somewhere (Katsuki wouldn’t admit it, but he keeps the photo of you two in his closet, because he doesn’t want somebody to accidentally break it, and he’ll take it out whenever he misses you)
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Eijiro Kirishima:
First Date
For the first date, Kirishima took you to the zoo
As far as confessions, and asking you out went, he just pulled you aside after class and nervously admitted that he had a huge crush on you and wanted to take you on a date
You agreed, before you two exchanged numbers, and he told you that he would text you with all of the details and he did, later that night
When the day came, he met you outside of your house and you two walked to the zoo
He brought a backpack with tons of water, since it was hot out that day, along with snacks and lunch for you two, since the food at the zoo was pretty expensive (He asked you what snacks and food you liked prior to the day)
He also low key saved up his money for months to be able to take you on this date and pay for the whole thing, and he refuses to let you pay for anything because “It’s not manly to make your date pay for themselves”
He asks to take various pictures of you two throughout the day, because he wants memories, but if you don’t like photos he’s not going to make you feel bad for not wanting to take any (He’d like if you would take at least one with him tho)
You two ended up in the gift shop, where he insisted on buying you two some stuff, so you both ended up with matching shirts that had the zoo’s name on it, along with matching reusable water bottles, and he also bought you a plushie of your favorite zoo animal, as well as a little key chain with zoo’s name on it for himself
After you two got done at the zoo, he walked you home, and offered you the leftover snacks, before giving you a kiss on the cheek and offering to take you on another date
You two went on a few more dates, before he worked up the courage to ask you out
First Kiss
Your first kiss happened when the two of you were having a little date night in his dorm
Whenever you two had ‘at home’ date nights, you two normally just got takeout together, and did whatever you felt like doing, whether it was cuddling and watching something, or playing video/board games together, you two just did something that was easy, cheap, and fun to do
This particular night, the two of you had played some video games together (or if you’re not into video games, you just watched him play them, and you two talked while he played them), before you started watching Kirishima’s favorite movie, since you had watched your favorite, last date night
You were laying up against a pillow, and resting your legs over Kirishima’s lap, and you were beginning to fall asleep
Kirishima had been wanting to kiss you for a few days at that point, but he didn’t want to make you uncomfortable or go too quickly for you, since you had only been dating for about three weeks at the time
“Hey, babe?” Kirishima spoke up, causing you to open your eyes slightly, before yawning
“Yeah, Kiri? What’s up?” You asked, obviously trying not to fall asleep
“Can I kiss you?” He asked, causing you to wake right up, your eyes went wide and your face began heating up, before you finally found your voice
“Sure, if you want to,” you replied, and he wasted no time in leaning in, he brought a hand up to cup your cheek, before finally kissing your lips
When you pulled away, you were both blushing, but Kirishima still pulled you to his chest and cuddled you, while continuing to watch the movie
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
Instead of you having a nightmare, like in Bakugou’s, Kirishima had a nightmare, about losing you
So, the first thing that he did when he woke up, was quietly (or try to, at least), run to your dorm room to check on you
He knocked three times, very quickly
If you’re a light sleeper, then you got up and let him in, but if you’re a heavy sleeper, he used the key you gave him to open your door and let himself in
Either way, somehow he ended up in your bed, with you gently comforting him and running your hands through his hair, trying to get him to calm down, since you were clearly doing just fine
“Shh, it’s okay, Eijiro. I’m right here, baby. I’m not going anywhere,” you said, pressing your cheek up against his head, as he let out a few tears
He pulled away after a while, and apologized for bothering you (and wetting your night shirt)
You told him it was fine, before asking him if he wanted to stay the night with you
And there was no way in hell that he was refusing that offer, so he shut off your lamp for you, before cuddling up beside you and falling asleep with you
First “I love you”
He realized he loved you and he wanted his confession to be absolutely perfect
So, he took you out for dinner, before the two of you ended up, in a field, looking at the stars
“Hey, Y/n?” Kirishima hesitantly asked, causing you to look from the stars to your red haired boyfriend
“Yeah?” You replied and before he could say anything, you frowned and spoke again, “Is something wrong? You look nervous.”
“Oh, no,” he replied, giving you a reassuring smile, “I am nervous, but nothing’s wrong. Everything’s pretty good actually, but I have something to tell you.”
“Go ahead,” you said, wanting him to spit out whatever he needed to tell you. He took your hands in his own, before taking a deep breath
“I love you, Y/n, I have for a while now.”
You smiled, and leaned in, giving him a kiss before speaking again, “I love you too.”
First Anniversary
Like the other boys, he wanted the first anniversary to go perfectly, but he didn’t want you to be unhappy with the day that he had planned so he asked you ahead of time if there was anything specific that you had been wanting to do
After telling him a few things, he added them to the list of activities he could plan for the day
He added most of what you had asked to do, but he put in a few surprises that you two hadn’t discussed as well
That day, he let you sleep in as long as you wanted, before taking you to get breakfast somewhere
After you two got done getting breakfast, he took you somewhere that you wanted to go for a few hours and then you two got lunch at a fast food restaurant
You ate the food as you walked to your next destination, which was the mall, and threw your wrappers away when you got there
After that, he took you to various shops that you wanted to go in, but he surprised you, by bringing you into Build-a-Bear with him
The two of you split up, and you each made each other a bear and each put your voice into them
After that, you two got dinner together, at where ever you wanted to go, you two went home and spent the rest of the night together
Along with whatever you two got at the mall, Kirishima got you a bottle of whatever perfume/cologne you wore, as well as some candy, and something that you had been wanting
You got Kirishima a new hoodie and a little handwritten note, because you knew he liked hand made stuff more than actual gifts
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Shoto Todoroki:
First Date
He asked you out by just walking up to you after class ended and saying with the straightest face ever, “Would you like to go on a date with me?”
He was low key really nervous about your answer, and he had been since he realized his crush on you and he was thrilled that you said yes
He told you that he would pick you up that Friday around seven and to dress nice
So, that’s exactly what you did
He picked you up from your house, right on time, and you two went to a fancy restaurant together
He was dressed all fancy and you thought that he looked absolutely perfect in something other than his school uniform, even if it was just as formal
The two of you had a pretty good night, and he made sure that you liked the food and that it was good enough for you
If the food wasn’t good enough, and you didn’t like it, but you didn’t like speaking up about stuff like that, he wouldn’t hesitate to speak up for you and politely ask them to remake your food
This man tipped like one hundred dollars, and the waitress was like freaking out
Then you went home, where he said goodbye to you, before asking if you wanted to be his significant other
First Kiss
In the beginning, Todoroki was very awkward with physical affection, so your first kiss is probably going have to happen a few months into the relationship
You two were pretty open about physical affection at that point, and he had no problem admitting when he wanted your affection and he would even initiate it himself, at certain times
And Todoroki was the absolute cutest when he would ask for your affection
The the day that you had your first kiss, he was sitting on your bed, waiting for you to get back from your training session with one of your friends
You came in, and your boyfriend looked up from his phone, before immediately setting it down and holding his arms out to you, before saying one word, “Cuddles.”
“Sho, not right now, I need to go shower first. I’m all sweaty,” you replied, setting your water bottle down, and walking over to your dresser to get clean clothes out
Shoto stood up, and grabbed your wrist, ignoring your protests, knowing that you really didn’t mind, before dragging you over to your bed and forcing you to cuddle with him
“Now I’m going to have to wash my sheets,” you mumbled, accepting the affection. Shoto ignored the statement, and sighed in contentment
You thought he looked very cute, so you leaned up and kissed his lips, before pulling back and burying your face in his chest to avoid his surprised eyes on you
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
It happened one night when you two got back from a long day and neither of you felt like walking to your room, so you both just crashed on the couch
“Shouldn’t we go to our rooms?” Shoto asked, as you and him had been laying there for about five minutes
You two originally planned to just take a small rest there, before going to your rooms, but you two really didn’t feel like getting up
“No,” you replied, “We can just sleep here.”
“Okay,” Shoto replied, closing his eyes and going to go to sleep
The next morning the two of you woke up to various members of class 1-A snapping photos of you
First “I love you”
He’s very calm about it, and he doesn’t think that saying it’s a big deal
So, he said it the very moment that he realized he loved you
He realized it during a cuddle session, so he said it, “I love you.”
“What?” You asked, head shooting up from his chest to make sure that you had heard him right
“I love you.”
You tried to put down the internal feeling of freaking out, before speaking, “I love you too, Shoto.”
First Anniversary 
He wasn’t sure what he was supposed to do for an anniversary, so he asked Midoriya for advice on what he was supposed to do
Midoriya just told him to take you on a date and get you a gift, so that’s exactly what Shoto did
He took you to the mall to have a ‘shopping date’ as he called it, and he bought you whatever you wanted
But he knew you wouldn’t get every single thing you wanted, because you didn’t want to waste his money
So, he started paying attention to everything that you looked at and your face when you saw the price tag
He knew if you were looking at the price tag, that you probably wanted it, but he only grabbed it to buy for you if you made a weird face when you saw the price tag, since he could tell that you only put it back because it cost too much
After your shopping trip, the two of you got lunch together, before going to the ice cream shop together and getting ice cream
After that, you two went back to the dorms and spent the rest of the day together
You made him soba for dinner, since you felt bad for spending so much of his money, even if he was alright with it
Then, after dinner, you two exchanged gifts
He gave you all the stuff you put back because it was too expensive as well as some type of expensive jewelry, and a card with a cute little note
And you got him a photo album of the two of you, since buying him a gift wouldn’t make much sense, since he could pretty much buy whatever he wanted
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Denki Kaminari:
First Date
Denki flirted with you CONSTANTLY, before he finally asked you out an actual date
This was mostly due to the fact that you were always so sweet when he was flirting and sometimes you even flirted back, but he highly doubted that anybody could like him back, so he was scared that your whole flirting thing would go away once he asked you out
But after getting talked to by Kirishima, about how he should just tell you how he feels, Denki finally asked you out on a date
He was pretty surprised that you actually said yes, but he wasn’t complaining
You two ended up going to a movie together
During the movie, he kept ‘accidentally’ brushing his hand against yours whenever you put your hand into the popcorn bucket, and eventually towards the end of the movie, he actually held your hand, since it was obvious that you wouldn’t mind
After the movie was over, you two ended up going into the gaming store at your local mall and you guys looked at all of the stuff, but you didn’t end up buying anything, since you were both broke and could barely afford the movie (Even though he was broke, he insisted on buying the tickets, but he let you pay for the popcorn)
During your walk home, he admitted that he had a lot of fun, as well as admitted that he wanted you to be his significant other and he got really surprised when you actually said yes and said that you wanted to date him as well
First Kiss
Denki has no self control (unless you tell him to stop), so he’s probably going to kiss you pretty early on in the relationship
It wasn’t really anything special, you and Denki were on your second date
You two were in the park, just as it was getting dark, eating ice cream together as you watched the sunset
You were sitting side by side, when Denki spoke up
“You have something on your face.”
“Oh, do I?” You asked, going to grab some napkins from your bag, but you were interrupted by Denki smashing his lips up against yours
You made a sound of surprise, but you kissed him right back
He pulled away, licking his lips, and spoke again, “Got it.”
First Time Falling Asleep With Them
You two were in his dorm and you were waiting for him to finish playing his video games so that the two of you could cuddle, before you went back to your dorm
“Are you almost done, Denki?” You questioned, laying on your stomach on his bed, glancing over to see him still playing a game on his computer
“Yeah,” Denki replied, “You can just go back to your dorm for the night, if you want.”
“No, I want to cuddle,” you replied, with a yawn
“Okay, one more round,” Denki responded, going back to focusing on his computer screen
He finished the round and took off his head set, before turning to the bed, “Okay, I’m all-”
He paused when he saw you fast asleep, your head resting on his pillow
He smiled, before turning the light off and crawling into bed beside you, “Night, Y/n.”
First “I love you”
He said it first, but he was pretty nervous about saying it
Sure, he flirted with you and showed physical affection to you all the time, but he’s never admitted that he loved somebody before (unless they were family, of course)
He knew that he loved you for a while, he just had to work up the courage to say it to you
So, he would practice saying it to you after you fell asleep, which was sort of dumb on his part but he never thought that you would be awake when he said it
And you were just about to fall asleep in Denki’s arms when you heard him say, “I love you, Y/n. Goodnight.”
“What?” You asked, your eyes opening when you realized what he said, you felt him jump from behind you as you readjusted and turned to your other side, “What did you just say?”
“Um, I love you?” He asked, sounding unsure of himself
You smiled at his works, before leaning in and leaving a kiss on his forehead, “I love you too.”
First Anniversary
He planned probably like a week in advance what you two were going to do
He asked his friends for advice on what to do and one of them said that he should take you to see the movie that you saw on your first date, but obviously since it’s been a whole year it’s not in theaters anymore, so that wasn’t an option
Instead, he planned a whole day of you two just hanging out in his dorm and ordering take out for breakfast, lunch, and dinner
The two of you exchanged gifts first thing in the morning
He got you some type of jewelry, some chocolates, and a new hoodie, and you got him a new (and expensive) video game that he wanted but didn’t have enough money to buy
Then you two just spent the rest of the day inside, doing whatever you felt like
You two ended up watching movies, T.V. shows, you two played video games for a while, cuddled, and just basically hung out
He also refused to let anybody interrupt the whole day, so if any of his friends knocked on his door, he told them that you two were having a day together, before slamming the door in their face
Finally, at the end of the day, you two cuddled up and recounted all of the memories of the past year, before finally, falling asleep next to each other
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tsunderecookies · 4 years
Horny HC
Pairing: Bakugo x Reader, Midoriya x Reader, Todoroki x Reader, Shinso x Reader, Hawks x Reader
Warnings: nsfw subjects, choking, spanking, spitting, hair pulling, language as vulgar as my mind, degrading, daddy kink.
A/N: Count on me to make my first ever post spicy. All characters mentioned in this are aged up to 21+. I hope y'all enjoy reading this. (Also i made these headers myself - not the chibis - so sorry if they shit, I tried :)))
Requests are open. Please send lol, imma run out of ideas.
So for my first set of hc I took the 5 heroes I had the most ideas for but I’ll definitely do hc’s for the rest as well. Also i love the villians so lmk if you guys want me to do a part 2 of this for them or any of the other heroes!
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This man
He's gonna blow your back out. No cap.
I mean you see the way he treats his friends, you can't tell me he won't be daddy in bed.
Speaking of Daddy. Authority kink. It's either Sir, Daddy or Master. Katsuki has left the chat.
Bakugou is in charge, and you sure as fuck better know it. If not, he won't hesitate to remind you, teaching you a lesson you won't forget anytime soon.
100% brat tamer.
Bakugou loves putting you back in your place when you step out of line. He lives for the sound of your pleas and apologies as he reminds you of where you belong; on your knees right in front of him. ( that sounded so sexist pls don't come for me )
Punishments come in the form of spanking and edging for hours on end. He's not scared to manhandle you.
You gasp at the harsh feeling of your back slamming against the wall, the feeling of Bakugous hand slipping around your throat sending a wave of arousal straight to your core.
"What the fuck did you just say?"
"I said make me.... Daddy." A cheeky smile makes it onto your face as you repeat your words, but just as fast as it appeared it vanishes at the feeling of his hand tightening around your throat.
" Oh princess, you never learn do you?"
His favorite positions includes him hitting it from the back - he loves how he can just push your head into the mattress or lean his chest against your back to whisper dirty things in your ear. Not to mention the fact that he can grab your hair and pull your back flush against his chest as he tilts your head back so you can look at him while he rails you- and missionary with both your legs over his shoulders. He loves seeing the facial expressions you make while he presses his hand down onto your throat, his cock hitting places inside you you didn't know existed.
Definitely not afraid of quickies. He loves the adventure and danger that comes with the possibility of anyone being able to walk in on you at any possible moment.
Dirty talk: on fucking point.
" You like that baby? Yeah? You like it when daddy fucks you hard like this hmm? Tell me how much you love this. Tell me how much you like daddy pounding into you like this."
You know that kinda whiney type dirty talk tone? Like where their words are kinda dragged out and kinda high pitched? Yes. Yes.
Absolutely fucking loves when you can't speak. He loves how your words can barely slip out in between your moans and gasps, how absolutely dumb you are for his cock.
100% degrader.
Change my mind. You can't.
"That's right baby, yes - fuck. Take that cock. Take that fat cock like the slut you are."
"You like that you whore? You like it when daddy tells you how slutty you look all needy for his cock?"
This man is not afraid to mark you up. Good luck covering up those hickeys the next morning because its impossible. He wants everyone to know you belong to him, and you can bet your pretty ass that he has a shit eating grin on his face when someone notices them.
You can bet he has a shit eating grin on his face later when you try to confront him about it. He’ll also have some smart ass remark.
I can definitely see Bakugo having angry post argument sex. By the time he tosses you onto bed and crawls onto you the cause of the argument is long forgotten, the only thing going through his mind being how he's going to fuck the attitude out of you.
Absolutely loves it if you're loud. He wants everyone to know he's the one making you feel that good and that he's the only one who could make you scream like that.
" That's right princess, let the whole fucking city know who's making you feel this good!"
Definitely gonna have a ton of noise complaints, especially from your roommates if you have any. ( idk why but i picture katsuki sharing an apartment w kiri, sero and denki )
Bakugo isn't really a moan typpa guy, but god he will draw out the sexiest and unholiest groans and growls from the back of his throat.
I also feel like he's the type of guy that guides you through giving him head, telling you exactly how to suck his cock before he just grabs a fist full of your hair and ends up fucking your face.
We all know Bakugou is an overachiever, and this reflects during sex. He wants to make you cum as many times as possible using his tongue and fingers before he sticks his dick in you.
He isn't as romantic as Shoto with aftercare but he definitely takes care of you. He makes sure to go pee as well as make you go before turning on the shower for you both, adjusting the temperature to your liking.
He loves washing your hair for you in hopes that you'd do the same for him. He secretly loves the feeling of your fingertips massaging his scalp but would never admit it.
He's not super lovey dovey after, but he makes sure to let you know that you're appreciated.
"Love you, dumbass."
"Love you too, Katsuki."
All in all, you're in for a good dicking down.
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I feel like this boy pours so much passion into it.
Especially with his history with his parents. The lack of love during his childhood definitely shows during moments like these.
With him it's always making love, its never just fucking. Sex to him isn't just an activity to get off or procreate ( cough Endeavour cough) its a show of both your love for each other, a moment for your bodies to become one.
Your pleasure definitely comes first to him. He would want to get you off at least a couple of times before even thinking of himself.
Shoto also struggles with expressing his emotions so this is a way for him to show you how he feels physically rather that having to convey it verbally.
He's all about the physical contact.
He definitely holds your hands during and whispers sweet nothings in your ear.
His favourite position is missionary. He loves the closeness, how he can look into your eyes and feel your shaky breathing while he moves inside you.
It's either that or you on top with him sitting upright with your bodies pressed together. He loves how close he can hold you. His one hand intertwining with your hair as he presses your head closer to his, the other around your back, occasionally moving down to you hip to help you grind down onto him.
Loves the feeling of your chest against his as he slowly moves between your hips, head resting against your shoulder as his hot breath fans over your skin.
He presses a chaste kiss to your lips before resting his forehead against yours.
"I love you so much angel, you're so beautiful like this."
He's also the type to light candles and have rose petals everywhere on special occasions.
But just because he makes love to you, doesn't mean he can't rearrange your insides while doing so.
Just hot, sweaty, nasty, rough sex.
But with love <3
Even during the rougher moments he makes sure to show you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
He'd have his hand all tangled in your hair, some of the unholiest noises leaving his throat as he takes you from behind. His eyes not leaving yours in the mirror placed in front of you.
"Fuck. You feel so good baby - just like that, yeah - look at me princess."
He's very observant. He takes note of the things the drive you crazy so he can work your body even better next time.
Because sex is something more intimate for him I don't think he'd be into sex in public/semi public areas.
He doesn't want anyone else to see the gorgeous expressions on your face while you're at your most vulnerable, or the heavenly sounds that leave your soft lips for him.
I wouldn't go as far as to say he's possessive, but this is definitely something he views as for his eyes only.
He’s not a very big fan of quickies for the simple fact that he likes to take his time with your body and give you as much pleasure as possible rather than just get you both off. He’d much rather prefer waiting for you both to get home and properly take care of you.
Shoto isn't really vocal in bed, but his pleasure will still be conveyed through his shaky intake off breath and the ways his face scrunches up when you clench around him.
He definitely marks you.
Loves marking you as his on your most delicate and intimate parts, painting your chest and inner thighs as his.
He loves trailing his hand over them, rubbing soft circles on the hickeys with his thumb. To him this is proof of the beautiful moment you guys spent together.
The most passionate sex that you both have would definitely be when shoto comes back from a long business trip, his hand could never compare to your body. He definitely plans on making up for lost time, keeping you in his sheets for as long as possible.
And can i just say
The aftercare
Top tier.
He definitely runs you both a hot bath afterwards.
Candles, bubble bath and your favourite bath bomb. The works.
Definitely wants to carry you but won't do so if you feel uncomfortable about it.
He slips in behind you so you're sat between his thighs, his one hand interlacing with yours while the other softly caresses your stomach.
Sets up a little cuddle corner next to the fireplace so you guys can enjoy a movie before falling asleep in each others arms.
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Sweet baby boi.
One word: shy.
Izuku knows what sex is and what happens during this intimate act. He’s also watched porn a couple of times so he knows the basics behind it.
But that doesn’t stop him from shape shifting into a fucking tomato every time you start undressing in front of him.
When you both first started becoming intimate you definitely had to make all the first moves and initiate it all because he was too shy and nervous to do it himself.
Even if he was horny as can be and needed you more than anything he’d rather suffer in silence than tell you or ask you to help him out.
He’s definitely not afraid to ask you how to work your body right. Deku knows that not everyone's bodies work the same and that what might have felt good for someone else won’t exactly work for you. So he asks. He asks you how to work your body right and he’ll keep this in mind for future reference.
He marks you but not as much as the others. He’ll litter them on more intimate places both because he doesn’t want to embarrass or inconvenience you and because he’s the only other one he wants to be able to see em. He’ll also get really blushy when he spots them.
This man 100% has a praise kink. He loves knowing how good he’s making you feel and won’t hesitate to let you know as well.
No matter how many times you’ve been intimate before he’ll always tell you how beautiful you look, how much he loves you and how much he can’t wait to make you feel good.
As time goes by and you give him more praise he’ll become more confident intimately.
I can’t really see Izuku having any hard kinks for the simple fact that he doesn’t like the idea of hurting you in any way, especially intentionally.
Like if you were to ask him to choke you or something he’d do it beacause he wants to please you but it would still be the softest shit you have ever experienced. Like for example he’d have his hand around your throat but he wouldn't add any pressure and his hand would barely graze your ass when he attempts to spank you.
He would be down for quickies but he’d be a nervous wreck about em. He’d constantly worry about getting caught and won’t shut up so you’ll just have to make him ;)
“Zuku don’t worry we’ll be fine.“ Your lips mesh together as you pull him closer by his shirt, tugging at the hem to signal you want it off before moving down towards his belt.
“ But y/n - chan I just don’t want us to get caught...” A whine leaves his throat as you start palming him through his jeans before quickly pulling them along with his briefs down to his knees.
“You need to relax more baby.” You press a kiss next to his ear before sinking down to your knees. “In fact I know just how to help you do that.”
Before he could even think of a response his hand flew up to cover out the loud moan threatening to slip out of his ajar mouth as his head fell back.
He’s definitely loud during sex.
Without a doubt.
He lets out these whiny little moans and he definitely tries to hide em. They wouldn’t be especially high pitched but they’d still be higher than usual. Can definitely see him as the type to cover them up with his hand but when you let him know how much you love them he’ll blush a little but let em all out.
You’ve seen how attentive this man is right? How he takes every little piece of info he gets into account when he fills out his journal and comes up with plans?
Yeah your body has its own journal.
Joke lol, but Deku is very attentive and takes note of every reaction he gets out of your body with his touch. How your back arches when his fingers hit that spot inside of you. How your moans get louder when he angles his hips in a certain way. How goosebumps appear when he litters kisses down your neck.
Aftercare with him is the cutest thing ever.
Blushy boi again.
He holds you close to his naked body and pushes his head into the crook of your neck to hide his blush. He’ll thank you for not only sharing moments like these with him but also allowing him to be apart of your life.
Now and then you guys take a hot bath together afterwards but most of the time you fall asleep in each others arms, an occasional kiss being placed on your forehead with a word of comfort.
This man will just love on you so hard.
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The first thing that pops into my head when I think Shinso and sex is kitten.
He definitely calls you kitten in bed and he is daddy. period.
Like this man is rough. Without a doubt.
He’s the type that’s really fun to tease because you know he’ll punish you later. Especially if you do it while he’s at work.
A gasp leaves your lips when you feel a familiar pair of arms circle your waist, his warm body pinning you against the railing of the balcony.
"Surprised kitten? I thought you would've expected this, sending me those lewd photos while im at work. "
His hands move to grab onto your waist and push you further into the railing, yours grabbing onto it in turn.
His chest vibrates against your back as he chuckles, you can practically feel the smirk on his face.
"Yeah, you better fucking hold on to something."
I also feel like his pull out game is the best. He mostly enjoys cumming on either your chest or your lower back and face on special occasions.
He loves taking you from behind or on your side while lifting your one leg. He also loves sitting on the edge of the bed with you on top of him with your back facing him while he guides your hips up and down.
He loves these positions because it gives him the perfect angle to please and tease. He can easily reach around and play with your nipples but he can also tease you by just stilling inside of you when you least expect it.
It also gives him better access to the most sensitive parts of your neck so he can mark you up.
I feel like Shinso has a very high sex drive. Like i feel like he's down to go whenever wherever, which is why i think quickies with him is almost a daily occurrence. He loves the risk behind it and he definitely knows how finish you off within 5 minutes. 
He absolutely loves it when you're a brat so use this to your advantage because it will get you r a i l e d.
A loud groan escapes the back of Shinso's throat, his hand tangled in your hair while he rams into you from behind.
"Is this what you wanted baby? Huh? Me fucking the brat out of you?"
He is an absolute king with his hands and he knows it. He knows how to get you absolutely spent with just 2 fingers. 
Definitely jealous as fuck but he doesn't do anything about it until you're alone. He'll act normal up until you get home before pinning you against the wall and reminding you that he's the only man you should be giving attention to.
And oh my god this man can go all night long. He’ll pound you into the mattress until HE thinks you’ve had enough, sweat gleaming on both your bodies in the moonlight as he finally pulls out and pulls you close to him.
He’s definitely very adventurous. He’s not afraid to experiment at all.
I also feel like when he cums he cums A LOT. Like one of his favourite things ever would be you on you knees in front of him, his cock buried deep down your throat as you struggle to swallow everything he's giving you.
Sleepy sex is basically a morning ritual, his hips already rutting against your ass before you've even properly woken up. He loves the laziness of the whole ordeal as well as the closeness. Before you he'd just rub one out before falling back asleep, but now that you're here he can just indulge in you and then fall back asleep. Not that you mind.
Shinso doesn't leave hickeys intentionally. He just gets into it and does it without noticing it. Thinks it's hilarious as fuck when you struggle to hide them and definitely makes a comment about you knowing you enjoyed it so why complain now.
Definitely the type to wake you up and ask you to ride him at ungodly hours.
Member of the suck me off while I'm gaming club.
A little bonus: I can just see both of you going at it and he’s doing you good and then all of a sudden he just stops. Naturally you just assume he’s just trying to be a tease so you buck your hips up in attempt to get him to move inside of you and let out a whiny moan. Shinso would just kinda calmly look at you and go “ Baby... she’s on top of me.” and you’d be like huh???? tf he talking about, and just look up and see the cat you adopted together peeking at you over his shoulder. She lets out the cutest little meow and you both start giggling, taking a mental note to close the bedroom door before you get down in future.
After sex he’d take care of you. He’d clean you up and cuddle you really close. He’d run his fingers through your hair and massage your scalp for you. Will wake you up with breakfast in bed the next morning and a cup of coffee/tea.
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Hawks has a god complex in bed and you can't convince me otherwise.
He's the absolute king of oral. He isn't just gluttonous for food if you catch my drift. He knows how to use his tongue, and the way he uses it on your sex is enough to make you see stars.
"Oh god. Fuck, i-i need- oh my god. Keigo, I need mhmmnnmm" your hand runs through his golden locks as you press him closer to your core, hips bucking and thighs threatening to close around his head.
Keigos head peaks up from between your legs, his mouth glistening with your arousal as his hand picks up where his tongue left off. A cocky smile sneaks it's way on his face.
"That's right baby, tell god what you need."
Hawks loves taking you in missionary. Why you may ask. Because this gives you perfect access to his wings. Nothing gets him more riled up than the feeling of your fingers dancing over the base of his wings where they meet his skin. The feeling's enough to draw a growl from within his chest, his hips immediately picking up momentum as he pounds you deeper into the bed.
Just like Katsuki, Keigo isn't afraid to mahandle you.
He loves the sight of your fucked out face as he wraps his hand around you throat, incoherent mumbles the only thing leaving your swollen lips.
He fucks you stupid, tongue lolling out of your mouth and eyes rolling back into your head. The sight of this turns him on ten times more than he already was in the first place.
Keigo will also use his feathers on you 100%.
A small gasp leaves your lips at the feeling of something soft stimulating your sex. You lower your eyes, undeniably turned on by the sight of one of Keigos feathers matching the momentum of his thrusts as his hips slam into yours.
Your eyes travel back up to your lovers face, unable to hold back the moan that escapes your lips as he winks at you with a smirk and picks up his pace.
Undeniably into praise. He absolutely loves when you tell him how good he's making you feel and how he's the only one who possibly could make you feel this way. Definitely gets cocky about it.
Along with his love for praise he also has a love for degrading. He loves the way you instantly start moaning louder and tightening up when he starts calling you his little slut and cocksleeve, it's enough to make his dick twitch.
Definitely possessive and protective as hell over you. Being Keigos sidekick meant a lot of work related arguments about recklessness from both sides. These arguments often times lead to hate sex.
A harsh tug on your arm stops you dead in your tracks as you turn around to come face to face with your fiancee, the scowl on his face giving away exactly what he was feeling before he could even get a chance to open his mouth.
"What the fuck was that." His breath was hot as it fanned over your face, the smell of mint unmissable. "That, Keigo, was me doing my fucking job." "No y/n, that was you being careless! What the fuck were you thinking risking your life like that?!" " Last time i checked that was our job description! We're supposed to be risking our lives to save innocent people, or does that suddenly mean nothing to you anymore?" "I don't fucking care about them I care about you! I have half a mind to remove you from field work thanks to that little stunt!" " For fucks sake Keigo! What are you gonna do?! Tie me to a fucking desk?!"
Within two seconds your back was pressed against a wall, your fiancees hands slamming down next to your head as he moves his face dangerously close to yours.
" Tread lightly princess, or i just might."
Adding to the possessiveness, i feel like Keigo will be one jealous son of a bitch with no shame at all.
Like he'd take you out for dinner at some fancy restaurant to treat you, only to have your waiter start flirting with you. Keigos blood would start boiling, his jaw set as he'd glare at the man flirting with his mate.
As soon as the waiter leaves he'd make some snarky, passive aggressive comments about the scenario before dragging you into the bathroom mumbling " If he can't see who you belong to I guess I'll have to show him"
He'd then proceed to shamelessly pound the fuck out of you in the restaurant making sure everyone, especially that waiter, could hear every single sound the left your lips. He'd leave so many hickeys on your neck. He needs to mark what's his.
"You're mine. You understand me? You belong to me baby, you're all mine." His hand roughly grabs your face making you look him in the eyes. "Say it." He gets impatient, lifting his hand to lightly slap your face, the action drawing a moan from your lips. " I said fucking say it."
Total exhibitionist. You have definitely been pinned against the large windows in your apartment or even his agency, on full display to anyone walking by as he fucks you nice and hard.
I feel like aftercare with Keigo would be little things that don't necessarily classify as aftercare but comforts you both.
After pulling out of you Keigo would lay down next to you, his hands wrapping around your body to pull you closer as his heart hammers in his chest and he waits for his breathing to calm down a tad.
He'd then get up, tug on a pair of boxers and grab the box of cigarettes and lighter on his bedside table before heading out to the balcony.
You'd slip out of bed, putting on his shirt before joining him outside. Your arms would be wrapped around his waist while he smoked, both of you enjoying the slight late night breeze and the sound of the bustling city before heading inside to snuggle up and fall asleep together.
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shinsorokiri · 4 years
S/o Loses Memory and Quirk
Kaminari Denki HCs
Genre: Angst
Warnings: Language, violence, mentions broken bones, a panic attack, panic attack symptoms, sad Denki
A/N: Ngl writing angst for Denki did something to my little heart. He only deserves happiness and I’m mad at myself for giving him sadness lol. Anyways, I hope you enjoy! I’ll be writing one like this for All Might next so keep your eyes peeled for that one!
Shinsou, Aizawa, Hawks, and Dabi
Todoroki, Bakugou, and Kirishima
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Kaminari Denki | Chargebolt
You are his partner in crime
You’re the one who is always there to take care of him when he goes dumb
You’re the one who is always there to comfort him when he feels like an idiot
You’re always the one who is there for him
And he’s always the one who is there for you
It’s been that way for years
Ever since you transferred to UA your second year of high school
The two of you became fast friends
Best friends even
And his flirty nature made it so it wasn’t too long before the two of you entered a real relationship
The two of you EXUDE the most chaotic good energy that even Bakugou finds it kind of endearing
But unbeknownst to his friends
Denki can get really fucking serious when it comes to you
It lowkey shocked you the first time you saw him act like that
And it was all because you were sparring with him and you tripped over your own damn foot and face planted 
You figured he’d just point and laugh at you but he ran over and checked you EVERYWHERE to make sure you weren’t hurt
mans even SCOLDED you
But you lowkey LOVED it because like
He does like me !!!
Of course that was in your final year at UA
The two of you are now pro-heroes at separate agencies
And boy oh boy does Denki worry about you
He can’t help it
He has seen you run into a wall because you were trying to rely on scent instead of sight “in case you get stuck in a dark room with a villain”
He worries
But he also knows you are strong
And also a hot badass who can take on anyone
Almost anyone
Midoriya could probably kick your ass but that’s just because it’s Midoriya
But in all seriousness
He isn’t even patrolling today
He has the day off actually
And Denki has never baked anything before in his life
He knows that there’s been this mysterious villain giving your agency some trouble recently
So he wants to make you some of your favorite cookies
Or at least try to
And then have a lil movie night
He’s a clingy little shit
And he wants to destress you so
He will refuse to let go of you for the rest of the night goddamnit!
So there he is
Taking the semi-burnt but still edible cookies out of the oven
His favorite program on in the background
When suddenly
His show gets interrupted
And the hero scanner the two of you have goes off in your living room
He immediately turns his attention to the television
Stopping in the middle of the kitchen 
Still holding the cookies
When he sees live footage of you falling from a 3 story building
Onto concrete
He drops the pan
And literally sprints out of the door
He doesn’t even have shoes on
But he doesn’t give a single Fuck™
He rushes down the stairs of the apartment building the two of you live in
And gets to his car in record time
Mans be speeding to the hospital he knows you’re gonna be at
You two had a plan in place with each other and your agencies that if anything would happen to either of you
You would both go to this specific hospital so you two could know where the other was at all times
Of course he was crying while speeding
And his heart rate was way too fast for him to be functioning
But he had to get to you
He had to
And he did
He pulled into a parking spot reserved for pro-heroes and ran inside the emergency room
When he asked about you the nurse told him you were currently in surgery for some severe bone breaks
He got a nasty taste in his mouth
But he just nodded
She told him he could wait in the waiting room
And he did
He sat down in a chair
And he was trying so hard to keep it together
But eventually Kirishima, Mina, Sero, and even Bakugou showed up
To be fair
Mina and you did work at the same agency
So she saw everything that happened
They immediately went over to him
And he looked up at Mina
And deadass this is the first time any of them see how genuinely serious Denki can get
He asks Mina what happened
And she hesitates
But his face is dead serious
There are obviously tears leaking out of his eyes
But his stare is wildly intense
And Mina knows that if she says no he’ll just keep asking or ask someone else at the agency
So she tells him
“Well… we were patrolling, like usual, when that villain that’s been keeping us on our toes showed up. They’ve never… done anything other than rob people and knock them out so we thought hey this should be easy. Especially since (Y/n) was there. When they saw us they ran into a building and we chased after them and when we had them cornered on the roof they did this weird… sneak attack? But not really? I don’t know it was… odd, they had this like patterned fight technique and they hit (Y/n) in a few different places, and she went to use her quirk to fight back but… nothing happened… and then they hit her like at the bottom of her skull and she just… fell down unconscious. And then they… threw her… off…”
She started trailing off at the end because a sob tore through Denki’s throat
And then he started hyperventilating
Luckily Bakugou and Kirishima were there to help him out
They get panic attacks frequently, so they managed to calm him down and get him to breathe again
And they stayed with him for as long as they had to
Eventually after hours 
A doctor came out and approached Denki
“Pro Hero Chargebolt?”
He stands up very fast
He’s informed that you are out of surgery
And that the surgery went well
However they noticed something odd in your MRI results
It seemed that a portion of your brain was damaged?
But not quite 
It was still functioning
But something about it was off
And they had never seen anything like it before
It was like certain parts of your brain were blocked but everything else was fine
Upon hearing this Denki’s heart broke
And then after hearing the part of your brain that was impacted was the part that contained long term memories
His heart shattered
“We’re afraid she may have severe amnesia. We’re going to keep running tests to see just what is going on, we think it’s the quirk of that villain. A lot of the victims of their crimes have blockages in their muscle groups, but we’ve never seen a blockage in the brain from them.”
Denki is quiet
He literally doesn’t say anything
Until he whispers
“Can i see her?”
The doctor nods
And he leads him to your room
You’re still asleep 
And you’re covered in bandages and casts
It breaks his heart
His friends texted him to tell him they went home but if he needs them at any minute that they will be on their way to the hospital in ten seconds flat
He appreciates it
But right now he really just wanted to be alone with you
He just sat next to you
Holding your hand
He was even moving your pointer finger to trace the Lichtenberg Figures trailing up and down his arms
You always do it when the two of you are cuddling at night 
It helps him sleep
And reminds him that you love him regardless of his faults
And right now he just
He really needs you
This goes on for an hour before he feels you start to move
And he freezes
You open your eyes
And squint at him
“Uh… h-hi… aren’t you that guy in my new class…?”
He stares at you
Completely deadpan
Before laughing a bit
But it isn’t a happy laugh
It’s very much a sad laugh
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
“Cool, but um… how did you know my name already?… Are you crying?”
He was
He was laughing and crying at the same time
He probably looked like he was losing his mind
But he really did just lose his whole world so
It’s a prompted reaction
“Yeah. Yeah, I am.”
His voice was more strained this time
“Are you… are you okay?”
“Yeah, but you’re not. And I didn’t save you, and now you don’t know who I am, and I’m just… I’m so sorry, babe. I’m so sorry.”
The laughing stopped
Now he’s just sobbing
In your mind
You’d seen him a few times while touring the school
And he was always laughing and smiling
So this was shocking
And you’d be lying if you said it didn’t tug on your heart strings
You instinctively reach out to grab his hand
And he grips onto it so tight
Almost like he’s afraid of letting go
“…You called me babe?”
He tries to even his breathing
But he nods
“I don’t… I don’t even know you, I-”
“You do. You do, but… you don’t. It’s… it’s complicated and I’m a literal dumbass so… I’ll call a doctor. They’ll explain.”
And that he does
And the doctor does in fact explain
And after the doctor leaves
You ask him to tell you about your relationship
And he does
He tells you even the smallest details
From the time that you painted the nail on his right hand middle finger pink because he lost a bet and he ended up liking it and buying nail polish for himself
To the time that you two told everyone you break danced all night to break in your new apartment when in reality he turned on Lover by Taylor Swift and the two of you slow danced in your living room
All of it
And he even managed to slip in the fact that you’d remember all of this after he caught the villain who did this to you
And he will catch them.
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bcdwhcre · 4 years
“Stars Aligned,” Chapter 2 (Bakugou x Reader)
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NOTE: this is my fanfic on wattpad ( @xTodorcki ) and I decided to share the first 2 chapters here, possibly more so it can get some more attention🤧
Chapter 1
All the class 1-A students sat around the table in the study hall, laughing and giggling about the lame jokes the boy named Denki kept saying aloud instead of helping the others study.
"Okay guys, we need to be serious." Iida said as he stood up, making himself look like a stern teacher.
You had glanced around, you felt somewhat comfortable with them already but some of them still were some air heads and complete jokers when it came to studying, you simply thought this would be boring but you were glad you actually tagged along with them.
"Right, we're here to talk about Y/N cool quirk!" Midoryia got all excited and dragged his notebook out and slammed it on the table.
"Not this dumb ass dragging out his superhero notes." Bakugou scoffed under his breath, his eyes rolling as he turned his attention away from everyone, growing irritated.
“Guys, it's really not that great seriously. I pick up dirt and have some exceptions with other Earth stuff." You stumbled out, laughing at the sudden eagerness to learn more about your quirk.
"Yeah it's not like that boring quirk is going to get her anywhere." Bakugou spoke again and that made you glare at him.
His attitude was starting to get on your last nerve and it was barely the first day of you being here. You had stood up, leaning over the table towards where he sat. His eyes were glued on yours, giving you the dirtiest look he could give and if looks could kill, you two would be dead.
"Guys, c'mon." Todoroki noticed the strong tension in the air, the two of them wanting to rip each other's heads off.
"Step outside and we'll see how good this boring quirk can be." The words slipped off your tongue, the anger in your voice was completely noticeable.
"Don't tempt me, extra." He shot right back at you, making you stand straight and grab him by the collar of the school uniform and drag him practically over the table.
"Guys! Guys! The teachers will kill us, please." Deku pleaded, trying to stand between the both of the major hotheads.
You abruptly let go of his shirt, moving away from the table and grabbed your bag. You already had enough of this stupid study session they dragged you to. You hated the fact you let Bakugou get under your skin on the first day but you couldn't help the intense feeling of wanting to completely punch him straight in the face and you knew any minute that would most likely happen, that or your powers will go on overdrive.
You started walking towards the exit, hearing the students call you but you stopped once you heard his stupid voice.
"Leave her be, she's just another idiot who doesn't belong here."
That's when you stomped your way over to Bakugou, punching him straight in the jaw and watched him stumble back on his feet. All the students grew quiet, seeing the scene happen right before their eyes and it took a moment for him to realize what had just happened, his hands started to steam from just how angry he was at this stupid wannabe who just transferred to this school.
You watched his eyes turn a even darker red, the anger boiling his blood but before he did anything, he grabbed his stuff and walked out the door.
You were quick on your feet to follow him, the sudden guilt but hate still lingering on you. You finally caught up to him outside of the building as he walked down the path mumbling under his breath how he wanted to kill you.
"Even though I already hate you, I will apologize for the punch, it wasn't appropriate." You admitted, making his feet stopped on the concrete and his death glare was shot towards you.
"I don't give a shit who you are and what you can do, I will always beat you and be higher. Don't forget that, extra." His words were like venom shooting in you from a snake bite.
His words caught you off guard and you didn't want to let the anger get the better of you again but the way you wanted to desperately knock him off his high horse was on the verge of exploding out of you. You looked up at him, watching him turn his back to you and walk out the front gates of UA. You were stunned for a moment but his words didn't affect you in any way nor did it even bother you.
What bothered you was his attitude and the way he disrespected everyone every second and it was crazy how much you witnessed today on your first day and how close you've grown to your classmates during this time as well but you still hated the fact you were going here and definitely agreed with Bakugo about never going to fit in here.
As the next day rolled around, your feet made its way into class and you sat in your usual seat and it wasn't too far from Bakugou's so you turned to look at him but once you saw his eyes meet yours, you decided not to say anything today.
You looked back ahead of you, hearing him scoff and mumble something you couldn't make out but it was most likely an insult.
When Aizawa walked inside, everyone's conversations were suddenly over and it was dead silent inside the class.
"Class, today we will be going out to the field for training and doing some partner work. Once you change and go down there, your class representative will take over while I do some work. You can also pick your own partners but make sure to change it up every while so you have a chance to practice with everyone and their quirks. You may go." He explained and walked back out of the classroom
Is this how it's like out here? You thought to yourself. I mean, training without a teacher around. You can already see how this can go wrong.
After changing into the gym clothes they had given everyone, you made your way down to the training field and gathered with the rest of the students. Iida had already prepared the first batch of partners for the first session that would probably only be around twenty minutes.
You stood there awkwardly, feeling the lingering tension and darkness hovering over you and that feeling was dripping off of Bakugou who stood a few feet away. The punch had left a small noticeable bruise on his jawline, he admits that you can punch pretty damn hard but that didn't stop him from wanting to destroy you with his explosions. He was still angry from yesterday and he couldn't believe he didn't see that punch coming, it had actually stunned him and he hated to admit that.
"Alright, go with your partners. The twenty minutes start now." Iida spoke loudly, making you turn your head to look at your first partner, Todoroki.
You both stood in front of each other, you can see why you got partnered up with him. In some ways your quirks were polar opposites but it could be good practice to learn more about other abilities from others.
"Are you okay after yesterday? I never asked about that." He stood there, he had no intention of training with you just yet when he wanted to make sure if you were okay.
Todoroki knew that Bakugou had gone too far like he always did. He was genuinely concerned about your feelings considering how nasty Bakugou can be when he gets angry and in his own head about things.
"Trust me, nothing really hurts my feelings anymore but he did deserve that punch in the face." You laughed, causing a small smile to appear on Todoroki's face- the first time seeing that for you.
"Okay good." He nodded, finally getting in the position to train with you after getting shouted at by Iida for not doing what we're supposed to.
The twenty minutes went by faster than you thought, not really wanting to end the training with Todoroki. He was a good partner to have, taught you new stuff about your combat moves and gave you all the advice he could to improve some more.
You were dreading the rest of the class, knowing at some point you would partnered up with Bakugou considering how clear Aizawa was about working with everyone out here.
Next you were partnered up with Ashido and she was by far the sweetest girl you've met in this class. You had talked to her a bit at the study session yesterday and she brought a lot of kindness and comfort for you to make sure you fit in with the rest of them because to her, you were one of them and she wanted to make you feel that way as well.
Time went on and you had gone through almost everyone except for a few people. Iida announced the next round of partners and Bakugou was now stuck with you. The annoyance on his face was noticeable and you were kinda terrified to deal with his attitude considering yesterday's events.
He stood in front of you, his arms crossed and his eyebrows scrunched together as he stayed quiet almost like he was just standing there trying to read your mind. As much as he wanted to completely ruin you to the ground and beat your face in but he stayed still just for a minute.
"So uh, I'm still sorry about yesterday and I mean that. I still hate your attitude though." You awkwardly said, his eyes staying on yours and you started to grow impatient.
"I don't care, now this training can give me a reason to show you how worthless your quirk actually is." An evil grin spread across his face and all of a sudden you knew he was going to be a pain to deal with this year and most likely more to come at this school.
"If you want to get thrown around then go for it."
There’s a total of 6 chapters on Wattpad!! Currently working on chapter 7, if anyone has a preference and prefer to read it here then comment and I’ll continue to post chapters here and wattpad!!
WATTPAD: @ xTodorcki
Send in requests! I’m also working on a short Adult Trio from hxh imagine atm annnnnnd I also have a masterlist. Thanksssss.
• Masterlist
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alaricstories · 4 years
“A Great Hero”
Not requested - idea made by myself
Warnings: Kidnapping, cursing
Summary: You and some class 1-a boys are kidnapped by some villains. You decide to make a decision, which means you may never get to see them again. But it gives them a chance to survive.
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Kill him.
The villan sharpening it's blade before looking at us. "-and they call it "kidnap" - I doubt the these kids get's to "nap," after this." He turned and started aming the knife, towards one by one, choosing who to kill first. The others had to watch it.
Our quirks don't work in this room.
I followed the knife aming at some of my classmates. I didn't like that. The feeling of anger and wanting to break free from these chains, he is going to kill us all, he won't hesitate.
The boys in class 1a, where to start? They have taught me so much. To me, they are all heroes, my heroes.
Izuku Midoriya is a hero. You should have seen his work. He held on tight to his dreams and woke up every day like his success was already there. He just had to keep on walking to it. "I'm not gonna' give up! Ever!" that's what he would say.
Cry like Midoriya would.
Katsuki Bakugou is a hero. He was like a heroic threat himself; sweaty explosive acts of bravery. He was scary to- and a little mean. He would make you want to get off your ass and beat the shit out of him! I think he said something like, "If you have no intentions of winning, then don't stand in front of me!". I liked that.
Attack like Bakugou would.
Shouto Todoroki is a hero. When I first met him, he had a cold, aloof personality. But after a while, he notably became more social and kind, even gaining a sense of humor and occasionally smiling. He helped to save both Iida, Midoriya, and Bakugou. I look up to that.
And he trained with me. He taught me how to think the act in quick actions. I appreciated that too.
"If you wanna stop this, then stand up! Because I've just got one thing to say to you! Never forget who you want to become!"
Think as Todoroki would.
Eijiro Kirishima is a hero. He always told me how important manliness is. How he thought that some things were "manly" and other stuff was "unmanly, respectively, of course. I heard how he chased a criminal in an alleway, a real hero he was.
 "When I heard that they were after my buddy...I couldn't do anything!! I didn't do anything!! If I don't act now...forget being a hero, I'm not even a man!"
Do it as manly as possible for Kirishima.
Denki Kaminari is a hero. Tho it didn't go so well for him at the sports festival, he was a strong student. He did flirt here and there, but I didn't mind. I heard his quirk was to great use when he fought by the side of Jirou and Yaoyorozu, also when he fought with Kirishima and Bakugou.  He made me smile with his stupidness and his coment in the buss made me laugh a little.
"It's only been a brief while since our conversation has commenced and yet already we have been made apodictically cognizant of your personality, redolent as it is of a turd getting steamed in a sewer."
Act dumb as Kaminari would before attacking.
Tenya Iida is a hero. At first he looked severe, unfriendly, and even intimidating at first glance, but I learned that he's a very straightforward, earnest, intelligent, sophisticated, disciplined, and noble person. He blew my mind with his family thing tho! I never knew he could be good as a class prep too. He is good at admitting his mistakes and I learned a lot from him.
"I'm a novice. I can't measure up to their standards! Be that as it may... I have to stand up! Never again! Never again will they... or my brother... leave me behind in the dust!"
Run as Iida would.
Protect as they all would-
But we ended up here, and that is on me. This is not like, 'I blame myself for this' thing- no... this is my fault.
One second passed. Two seconds passed. Three seconds passed. Guilt was eating and pestering me. A fire burned in my mind and throat. Remorse hit me like a sledgehammer.
I could feel daggers aiming at me from within the sight. The prize was gleaming gold and was waiting for its rightful owner. One step. Two steps. Three steps. The Villan was walking towards me, a smile plastered on his face, a creepy one. 
My heartbeat seemed to echo in the room. My classmates yelling at me but I didn't look at them. Instead, I was staring into the eyes of the villan, who was staring daggers at me. Aming that one blade at my head, ready to walk up to me and slit my throat.
My choise may make me go to prison, but I don't care anymore. They have more value, the future heroes of our society. They need to survive. They need another day to make a difference in their quirks.
It was not too late. Not too late to save them. Not too late to make a sacrifice... All I had to do was to kill before him. Kill him.
"When the enemy becomes certain of their victory, that will be our chance."
Break out of the chains... get my quirk back. Save.
And that's what I did. Kill him.
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orangefantazero · 4 years
Bro Code
I’m going to start posting some of my writing, so let me know what you guys think. This is just a little something that I had in my head and I needed to get it out lol. 
Tw: it involves nipple twisting, but is SFW? Also. cussing. lol. 
kiribaku if you squint. This is silly, written for giggles
It was a hot, humid, summer evening. The students of U.A had a rough training earlier that day, and they were doing what they could to relax and cool off. Sero was lazing in his hammock, reading his manga, wearing just his gym shorts, with his shaggy black hair pushed back by a thin headband. He had the door to his room open, as well as the one that led to his balcony, a box fan doing its thing in the corner of the room. Every few minutes, a small breeze would make its way in from the cherry-colored sunset sky, rustling his plants and swaying the hammock.
He was playing soft, bassy music on his speakers, still able to hear his classmates out in the hall. It was a Friday, which meant everyone was congregating outside of their rooms, shooting the shit and just being dumb boys. A lot of them had their own doors open like Sero, just in case someone wanted to come by and say hello. Every now and then he heard laughter, paired with screams and thudding bare feet on hardwood floors. He smiled to himself thinking about his goofy friends, just as a knock sounded on his open door. He peeked over the edge of his hammock to find one, freshly showered, Shoto Todoroki.
“Hey ‘Roki! What's up man?” Fully sitting up, Sero dangled his long legs over the edge of the hammock and gave his neighbor a bright smile. Todoroki quirked the corner of his lips up into some semblance of a smile and walked over the threshold into Sero’s room. He ran a hand through his wet, duo-colored hair, pushing it out of his face as he took a seat at the desk.  
“How did you fair on the training grounds today Sero?” The quiet boy asked, genuinely curious.
“Ahhh I did alright. I was trying to focus on my speed and getting out of the way of attacks, and I was doing really well! Until someone shot me out of the air with an ice wall.” He gave Todoroki a look of mock anger. “Seriously, you have got to stop doing that to me, dude.” Todoroki huffed in amusement through his nose.
“Well, maybe you should be faster so that someone won’t get you next time.” Todoroki closed his eyes and folded his hands behind his head, soft smile dancing on his lips. Sero loved how comfortable the boy seemed in his presence. He was glad that they were able to become friends in the short time they’ve spent together at U.A.  
“Ohh hooo, someone is getting a little cocky huh?” Sero teased as he stood, taking his manga over to his book shelf and putting it back in its respectful place.  Just as Todoroki started to defend himself, a scream sounded through the hall, startling the two. They both looked over to Sero’s open doorway, listening as footsteps thundered towards them. A few seconds later, Kaminari came skirting into the room, slamming the door behind him and pressing his back against it. He was breathing heavily, and had a look of fear in his eyes.
“Denks? You alri-”
Knocks came raining down on Sero’s door on the other side of Kaminari’s back. The electric blonde let out a yelp and scrambled behind him to find the lock, twisting it so hard Sero thought it would come off the door.  
“Kaminari, what did you do?” Todoroki deadpanned from his still seated position at the desk. Sero put his hands on his hips and walked over. “Yeah man, what the hell is going on. I’d like to keep my door, who the fuck is that?”
“K-Kirishi- AHH" Kaminari screamed as more pounding came from the other side of the door.  
“Kirishima? What could you have possibly done to make Eijirou “im basically a golden retriever” Kirishima this upset?” Sero asked, incredulously.  
“I uh...zappedhisnipple”
“...you zapped...his nipple?” Todoroki quirked an eyebrow at Kaminari, obviously confused, as always. Sero let out an exasperated groan and ran a hand down his face. Now it made sense, and he knew what he had to do.  Both of the others watched him as he walked over to the door, that was still shaking on its hinges with the force of Kirishima’s knocks. “Move, Denki.” He said as he looked down into terrified, golden eyes.  
“Aw man, come on! I was just playing around! I- I didn’t mean to get him right on the nipple!” Kaminari seemed to be pleading for his life. He had the hem of his tshirt in his hands, and he was wringing it so hard, it looked like he was going to rip the shirt in two. Sero nodded his head silently towards the other side of the room, watching as Kaminari went, head lowered in defeat. Once the blonde had stepped a few paces and turned around, Sero spoke up.
“Denki Kaminari, you broke a bro code. You know we don’t mess with each other's nipples.” Sero said sternly. He looked over at Todoroki who looked just as confused as ever. Kaminari buried his face in his hands, whining like a kicked puppy.
“Just do it man, let’s get this fucking over with.”  
“I’m sorry, I hate to do this. But you know I have to.” Sero put his hand on the doorhandle, waiting a few moments and giving Kaminari time to gather his nerves. The banging on the door had silenced, but he knew Kirishima didn’t give up that easily and was probably waiting patiently out in the hall...like the golden retriever he was. With a sigh, he turned the door handle and quickly yanked it open.  
Kaminari never got the chance to finish his sentence, before Kirishima was barreling into the room, slapping his bare chest into Kaminari and tackling him to the ground. They both landed hard with a loud OOF, as Kirishima started scrambling for the bottom of Kaminari’s shirt. The blonde was slapping his friend's hands away while trying to cover his torso at the same time. Sero looked on with amusement, spurring them on while the two wrestled on his floor.  
“Get him Kiri! Tickle him, he’ll move his hands!”
“What is even going on right now?” Sero looked over to Todoroki who was staring in bewilderment. He had forgotten that the quiet boy was still there, and figured he deserved an explanation to what was happening.  
“Since Denki broke a Bro code, Kirishima gets to deal it back. It's the law of the bro land.” He closed his eyes and placed a hand on his chest, like he was pledging to a bro flag. Todoroki just looked between Sero and the wrestling match that was continuing on the floor....still confused.  
“HA Beat his scrawny ass, Red!” Both Sero and Todoroki turned to the doorway to find none other than Bakugou, pumping a fist into the air...with some of the other floor occupants behind him. Shoji had one of his tentacle eyes peeking around the doorway while Ojirou, Sato, and Tokoyami watched as Kaminari let out a shriek.
“Bakugou, shut the hell up! AHH- don't just stand th- Kiri nO don’t just stand there, get him off me!”
“Absolutely not, Denks! This is the only way, and you know it!” Sero said with a sadistic smile, crossing his arms over his chest and chuckling at Bakugou who now stood next to him wearing the same expression.  
Kirishima took the moment of distraction and used it to his benefit. He was growing impatient; he wanted his revenge and he wanted it now. He straddled Kaminari’s thighs, cutting off his mobility and holding him still. Activating his quirk, the tiniest bit, he hardened his hands, grabbed the center of Kaminari’s shirt and pulled. The shirt gave way easily in the red heads hands, tearing in two like it was a tissue. He grinned as Kaminari watched on in horror. Sending away his hardened skin, he grabbed both of Kaminari’s slim wrists in one big hand, holding them above the blonde’s head, effectively pinning him down. Kaminari looked up at him with wide eyes before he opened his mouth.  
“Oh....Hey there~” He gave Kirishima a flirty grin and a wink. Kirishima rolled his eyes, giving the hand around the blonde’s wrist a good squeeze, earning a yelp from the boy beneath him. Sero was vibrating with how hard he was trying to stifle his laughter, tears stinging the corners of his eyes. “H-hey do you think ohmygod WHEW, do you think we should uh ahem step in?” He asked Bakugou as he clutched his middle. Bakugou was in no better state.  
“Absolutely the ffffuck not! I don’t know if I should fucking *cough* laugh or be turned on.” He said behind his hand. That absolutely did it for Sero, causing him to land on his ass on the floor in a fit of hearty laughs and giggles. Everyone’s attention turned to the sound of Kirishima’s voice as he spoke.  
“Denki, I really hate to do this to you man, but you brought it on yourself.” He watched as Kaminari let out a dejected sigh, and gave a very fake, very dramatic, sniffle.  
“I-I know. But maybe, you can find it in your very manly heart, to give me a second cha-”
“Absolutely the fuck not”
“Yeah I didn’t think so.”
“You electrocuted my nipple.”
“You didn’t like it?”
“Huh, I mean I’ve tried it, it’s not THAT bad-”
“Kami shut up”
With those last words, Kirishima shot both his hands to Kaminari’s nipples, grabbing them and giving one good twist. At the sound of Kaminari’s shriek everyone, including Kirishima, threw back their heads in laughter. Once he was satisfied, Kirishima stood, holding out a hand to his friend. Kaminari took it and was pulled into a tight bear hug by the red head. “I love you man, and I'm sorry I had to do it. But I swear to god if it happens again-”
“IT WON’T it won’t, I promise.” The blonde brought his hands to his pecs, rubbing softly. “I learned my lesson” He said with an audible gulp.
The boys dissolved into quiet giggles. Sero took a seat back on his hammock, feeling the breeze from the now dark sky hit the back of his neck. He looked around at all of them, talking amongst themselves, giving Kaminari pats on the back, heading out to continue what they were doing before.  
Even though they were absolutely ridiculous, he loved his friends.  
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The start; two little piggies and a pack of wolves
Bnha x danganronpa x reader
No quirks au 
A/N : BAhaha I didn’t even get 10 notes but f/ck it I’ll write it anyways. This might be hella long so lemme know if you want to be added to a taglist. There’s gonna be a traitor so stay to find out!!!
I really hope I get at least like 3 readers on this T^T 
Also it’s not going to be strictly Danganronpa like class trials, more just a play or die 
Warnings : Swearing, mentions of shooting & bombing 
Words :  1,295
@saralight-42​ suggested including the entire class so your wish shall be my command! I really do be bringing in the background characters asdfghjkl
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Chapter 1
The start; two little piggies and a pack of wolves 
The day had just started like any other. 
It was at least another 10 minutes before class started and most of your classmates were already there by the time you walked through the doors. 
“Y/N!” Mina called, waving you over as you dumped your bag down next to your seat.
“Morning.” you replied with a smile, pulling a chair to sit next to Kaminari as you listened to them talk about their weekend. Kirishima began talking about a new shop that had opened up near the shopping centre. 
The conversations started fading to background noise as you felt a sense of dread wash over you. Nothing had seemed ever so slightly out of place as you entered the classroom, yet the feeling of utter despair still weighed heavy on you as you turned around to try and spot anything peculiar.  
There was of course something wrong with the door. A wire, you supposed, chalking it up to another one of Kaminari’s pranks. 
Your eyes fell on a small bear perched on top of the teacher’s table, it’s features pulled up in in a large grin as it’s eyes remained still and empty. 
“Hey guy, do you know who’s that is-”
Your question was cut short when the door suddenly slammed shut, a click sounding throughout the classroom as it was locked in place. A small shriek left your mouth at the jump scare and you put your hand over your racing heart.
“Um, is this a joke?” Uraraka asked nervously. You could hear your classmates mumble in agreement as your eyes remained on the bear. 
“Where is Aizawa senpai?” Midoriya asked.
“I’m not sure.” Todoroki responded. 
“Uh guys, should we be worried about that creepy bear?” Hagakure asked, bring everyone’s attention to it as well. At the mention of itself, the bear’s eyes light up, a red glow in one as it jumped up and stood on the table. 
“Upupupup...” it started to laugh, bringing it’s hands to it’s mouth as it giggled at the perplexed expressions on everyone’s faces. “Welcome everyone! My name is Monokuma” it cheered. “And we’re going to play a game.”
“No we’re fucking not.” you heard Bakugou curse, his hands clenched in fists as he obviously raged at the stuffed bear. Your friends tried to calm him down and Kirishima put a hand on his shoulder, gently pulling him back. 
“The rules are simple.” it continues. “Out of the 20 students in this class, 2 carry a bomb with them.” 
“A bomb?” several people gasped, quietly talking among themselves as they questioned if it was telling the truth. 
“Yes! However they do not know that they have the bombs, so this way no one can spoil the game. You have three hours to correctly identify them.” 
“So we just have to find the right people?” Todoroki asked, a blank look on his face.
“Yes!” it nodded. “And then you just shoot them.”
“I’m so sorry what?” you asked loudly, everyone’s eyes on you at your outburst as they agreed. “We need to kill our friends?” 
It nodded excitedly. “Correct! You will have a gun with three bullets and if you can shoot the two people before the time limit is up, everyone else will survive!”
“And if we don’t...?”
“The bombs will activate!” it laughs. “Alrighty, the time starts now!” Monokuma brought out a massive timer, setting it down next to it on the table before also getting out a gun and tossing it towards the middle of the classroom, it hitting a desk before falling to the floor with a loud clatter. 
“This is utter bullshit.” Bakugou stated, stepping forward aggressively. 
“Bakugou, I think it would be best if we stayed calm.” Iida called out. “We are not yet aware of the repercussions of harming this bear.”
“Calm my ass.” he shouted back. “You losers can kill yourselves all you want but don’t drag me down with you.” He stormed towards the door, a hand reaching for the door handle as you quickly rushed out of your seat and tackled him into the wall beside the door, a massive bear snapping at the air at which his hand would’ve been. 
“Holy shit.” you cursed, getting up off him and pulling him to his feet. “Stop being such a pissy kid and listen to Iida.” 
“Are you alright Kacchan, Y/N?” Midoriya asked, rushing to where you two stood as an unreadable expression cast across Bakugou’s face. It was rage perhaps, more so disbelief, helplessness, possibly even pity for their current predicament. 
He stormed off back to his seat, his friends crowding around him worriedly as Midoriya sent you a slightly pitiful look. You smiled as reassuringly as you could, but the worried gaze in his eyes showed everything. 
“Well, that was unfortunate.” the bear called out, shaking it’s head slightly. “We could’ve witnessed some nice hand biting but you missy, just had to get in the way.” 
“Well I’m sorry for caring about my friends.” you snapped, leaning back against the wall as you now faced the rest of your classmates.
“But how did you know Y/N?” Yaoyorozu questioned. 
“The wire.” you said. “I noticed it when I walked in this morning. Though I thought it was Denki messing around though.”
“W-what?” Kaminari responded, putting both his hands up. “I didn’t do anything I promise. I’m as clueless as the rest of you.” 
“That’s something someone guilty would say don’t you think?” Tokoyami asked.
“N-no! I would never-” he began before you cut him off.
“No, I don’t think he has the brain capacity to pull off something like that.” you said. “Also the door closed so harshly could the perpetrator have been someone from the outside?” 
“Perhaps.” Todoroki nodded, “however we shouldn’t rule out anything. If they managed to easily install and hide such a dangerous trap in the door then I think it’s possible they altered the door to slam shut and lock.”
“I didn’t even realise the door could be locked.” Sero said. 
“I don’t think it originally could.” Yaoyorozu said, biting her finger as she thought about their situation. 
“Well what the fuck are we going to do about this?” Bakugou demanded, his arms folded as he leaned back in his chair. 
“Is there any way to tell the two people apart?” Shoji asked. 
“Well Monokuma, is there?” you inquired. 
“Upupup, would you like that to be the first of your three free questions?” it responded.
“Well do we?” you asked, turning back to the rest of the class.
“Well we’ll need to start somewhere so sure?” Tokoyami said.
“W-wait wait wait. You guys aren’t being serious right?” Uraraka cut in, waving her hands in the air frantically as she tried to get everyone’s attention. “I mean, there must be another way to get out of this without killing our friends right?”
“I agree.” Jirou spoke up. “You guys are diving too quickly into this without realising that you’re basically asking for people to be killed.”
“Like I said, this is all so fucking dumb to begin with.” Bakugou grumbled. 
“So there must be a way to get out of this without anyone dying.” Asui said, but when no one else responded, she continued. “Guys...?”
A brief silence engulfed the room as everyone remained awkward and pitiful towards themselves.
It lasted for a good minute or two before Uraraka responded. “Y-yes, of course! We just need to work together and everyone can survive.”
The class remained silent as her eyes darted, pleading that this nightmare of a situation was solvable. But most looked away, shuffling or biting on their nails as no one wanted to address the obvious. 
The stillness was cut through when Monokuma began laughing again. 
“Alrighty, 5 minutes have already passed, chop chop!” 
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bunnyramen · 5 years
Bakugou picked the scissors out from his desk, still haven’t used them even though they were on the supplies list.
They were still sharp. Maybe a bit too sharp.
But he didn’t care, this stupid string on his finger felt tighter and tighter everyday and seemed to glow brighter by the minute.
He couldn’t sleep at night, it was so bright and when he closed his eyes he could still see it.
It was cutting off the circulation of his ring finger, like it was trying to tell him something.
But he couldn’t put his finger on what it was though.
All he knew is he wanted it off.
He knew the consequences, your soulmate could die or your soulmate could go blind and they would never be able to find their way to you.
Even thinking about cutting it off could lead to catastrophe.
But he just couldn’t seem to care anymore.
Why, you may ask?
Because he already had fallen in love with someone else, a certain dumb ass redhead who seemed to make flowers grow and people smile wherever he went, at least that’s what he saw.
Kirishima didn’t seem to think the same way even when others would say it over and over again.
And the boy that had captured his heart and wouldn’t give it back, sat just a few rows ahead of him, unaware of any sort of stupid ass hex he put on Bakugou.
And whoever the fuck he was attached to would just hold him back.
Bakugo was practically sweating, putting the end of the string on the middle of the scissors, bringing them down on the string with a mighty “SNIP!”
Then he heard this noise from in front of him, and he looked up, seeing it was coming from Kirishima, or rather his mouth.
It sounded like he was screaming? But very silently.
“Kirishima? Are you okay?” Mina shook his shoulder, the boy falling out of his chair and onto the floor.
Many of his fellow classmates stood up quickly, Mina being the first to rush to Kirishima’s side.
Bakugou was the second, kneeling down next to him and going ghostly white when he saw the state of him.
Pink tears seemed to be coming from his unblinking eyes, his eyes themselves for were a dark red, almost empty looking if it weren’t for the light.
“Aizawa-Sensei!” Mina cried, voice cracking from the sobs that threatened to break it in two.
Aizawa pushed his way through the crowd quickly, depositing himself neck to Kirishima’s limp form. He grabbed Kirishima’s hand, where the strings was located and followed it, until he got the end.
The cut end.
Bakugou looked at his hand, seeing that his cut end matched Kirishima’s.
His heart dropped to the pit of his stomach, feeling closed in with all the people crowded together around the four of them, all whispering, or crying, or both.
They knew.
“Iida, take Kirishima to Recovery Girl. Well meet you there.” Aizawa stood up and out of the class president’s way, Mina doing the same but Bakugou was still stuck to his spot.
“Yes, Aizawa-Sensei!” Iida picked Kirishima up gently into a princess carry, the tears flowing from his eyes staining Iida’s clothes.
The class moved out of the way, Tsuyu opening the door for Iida to make a quick getaway. In a matter of moments and bit of smoke, he was gone.
A beat passed before the entire class rushed out in the halls in haste to follow Iida to Recovery’s girl’s.
Aizawa was about to make his way there when he saw Bakugou still rooted to his spot, having not moved, his hand still on the cut end of the string attached to his finger.
“Bakugo-“ Aizawa but the blonde spoke up first, cutting him off.
“What have I done?” His voice was so small, unlike the cocky, boisterous voice Aizawa grew to tolerate from his loud student.
“Kid, it’s not your fault.” He knelt in front of Bakugou, putting a hand on his shoulder.
“You seriously can’t sit here and tell me that it wasn’t my fault!” Bakugou lifted up the cut wire to Aizawa’s face, his hand shaking so much that he almost dropped it.
“You didn’t know, kid.” Aizawa’s hand on his shoulder got a bit tighter, willing to squeeze some sense into him.
“Yet It still got him hurt! I hurt him! Me! I have no one else but me to blame!” Bakugou did something that was unexpected, enrapturing Aizawa into a hug, holding on tighter than ever.
The stoic teacher really didn’t know how to respond, never having seen the blonde reach out to.. well anyone.
He wrapped his arms around the boy, giving him a slightly awkward pat on the back.
“I think he would understand, kid. He always has.” Bakugou nodded against shoulder before pushing him away a bit.
“This hug? Never happened.”
“What hug?” Aizawa said seriously.
Bakugou nodded in respect, standing up a bit wobbly on his feet, giving Aizawa a hand.
They headed out, practically running since they were already a few minutes behind.
When they arrived, much of the class sat in the waiting room, they wouldn’t all be able to fit into the room.
Midoriya mumbled to himself, Todoroki and Iida were both holding his hand.
Ochako and Tsuyu were huddled together in a sort of side hug, Ochako’s head leaning on Tsuyu’s. Their string was wrapped around them, holding them together.
The others were either huddled or doing their own thing, the atmosphere in the room becoming a bit stifled.
He walked into Recovery Girl’s room, the main squad of his sitting around the boy’s unconscious form with grim looks.
His eyes were closed now, but his eyes were still leaking pink tears, they put paper towels under him. But he looked peaceful, beautiful in fact as the tears sparkled when they ran past his eyelashes.
“Well it’s not looking good for him. Luckily it didn’t kill him immediately like some cases.” Recovery girl turned around in her chair towards Bakugou with the help of her cane.
“But he’s still stuck in a limbo sort of space in his mind, the pink tears are just a side effect of the cutting of your string.” She pointed at the limp string hanging from Bakugou’s hand.
“Well, how do I fix it?” Bakugou piped up.
“Well, the only way I’ve seen for such a case is to replace thread but that’s only if the soulmates share mutual love for each other.” She pulled out a large spool of red thread from her pocket.
“Well, we have to try! Otherwise, he could stay like this forever.” Saying that brought another onslaught of tears to Mina’s eyes, Jirou hugged her tight, Kaminari and Sero joining.
“It seems to me that you love Kirishima, is that correct?” Recover Girl grabbed scissors and cut a good distance sized piece.
“Yes, I do.” Bakugou was comfortable letting everyone know that he loved the redhead, beck, they all loved him.
If the circumstances were different, he probably would’ve never said anything and took it to his grave. But right now what the time for that.
“Then it’s all up to Kirishima then.” She tied a knot around Bakugou’s finger and walked over to tie it around Kirishima’s finger.
Almost instantly, a slight golden glow started to come from middle of the string, as if it was mending the broken bond.
“Huh, imagine if Kirishima didn’t love Blasty. Then he would be in big trouble.” Kaminari laughed, trying to lighten the mood.
Just then the glow stopped abruptly, Kaminari’s eyes went wide as he made a face that spoke of “oh fuck” vibes.
Mina gave him a slap in the back of the head, “you jinxed it!”
Bakugou walked over and grabbed Kirishima’s hand, intertwining their fingers.
Kirishima sat up with a gasp, looking around scared, startling everyone in the room.
His eyes were back to normal, one red and one white as snow.
“What are you guys doing here? It’s not for school yet, is it?” Kirishima wiped away the tears as if he didn’t notice them.
“Another side effect of cutting the string, memory loss. Fortunately, it seems it only erased all of today but I’m not sure.” Recovery Girl was relieved.
“Kirishima, what was the last thing you remember doing?” Mina asked.
“The last thing I remember is going to visit my family and then coming back since we had school the next day.” Kirishima looked like he was struggling to even remember that.
“Ok, that was like almost a week and a half ago. Luckily not much has happened in that time span but you’re probably gonna need to relearn a lot of lessons from class.” Jirou patted him on the back as Kirishima looked like he wanted to go back into that coma.
“If I may ask, did you see anything while you were asleep?” Kaminari was curious, and with the way the others looked, they were just as curious themselves.
“I’m not sure what was happening because all I could was bright swirling colors and then you showed up.” Kirishima pointed at Denki, “and then you started screaming really loud and your skin like melted off and it was just your skull.” Kirishima smiled as if it was a fond memory.
“I would share more but, it would be way too graphic since it got more terrifying as time went on.” The boy shivered thinking about it.
“But anyways, how did I even get here? And why was in some hell purgatory or some shit?”
Bakugou looked guilty, looking nervously off to the side before speaking up.
“I cut the string. I wanted to be with you and I figured the person I was with would hold me back, so I cut it. I didn’t know that I cut off the person I wanted the most.”
Bakugou raised his hand in the air, pulling Kirishima’s hand with it, showing him they were attached, though it felt more like a handcuff than a string now.
“We’re soulmates?” Kirishima’s eyes warbled with tears, the whites of his eyes becoming a bit pink in color.
“I understand if I’m not the person you wanted to be attached to-“ Bakugou was tackled onto the ground by Kirishima, his back hitting the floor with a light thud.
“Woah! Maybe we should give them a bit of privacy?” Mina whispered, ushering everyone out of the room, Recovery Girl following them.
“Don’t mess up any of my things.” She warned as she left.
Bakugou doesn’t know he went from being a sad sack to having a lap full of the boy, dare he say it, of his dreams.
“I’m surprised that you want me too, you know?” Bakugou looked up at the boy, who’s smile faltered.
“Why wouldn’t I want you? Yeah, you may not be the nicest person at times but I’ve seen you, the you that’s under all those bricks and stuff. And it’s pretty bright, nearly blinded me the first time I saw it “. A pink tear escape one of Kirishima’s eyes, falling into Bakugou’s face.
The blonde rubbed his thumbs under Kirishima’s eyes, trying to wipe his tears.
And for the first time that day, Bakugou showed off his teeth with a bright smile.
@leal-5 They gave me a good idea and decided to write it (the prompt is theirs)
“Soulmates au but if you cut your string, the person it’s attached to could die”
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