#denver fitness photographer
mikeconphoto · 1 year
Greetings, fitness fanatics and Star Wars aficionados! First and foremost, I’d like to again wish Alex a very Happy Birthday, and I pray that she enjoyed it to the fullest! Today, I am beyond thrilled to introduce you to the one and only Dr. Alex Paine, the tall, pretty, and hilarious fitness model from the enchanting state of Colorado. As the proud owner of MikeCon Photography, I've had the delightful pleasure of collaborating with Dr. Paine multiple times, and boy, is she a force to be reckoned with in the fitness community!
**A Fit Pro with a Sense of Humor: Meet Dr. Alex Paine**
Dr. Paine is not your run-of-the-mill fitness pro. Besides her jaw-dropping beauty and her impeccable physique, she is an absolute goofball! With a fantastic sense of humor and an unwavering love for Star Wars movies, she brings a nerdy twist to the fitness world, and we just can't get enough of it!
**Boundless Trust and Hilarious Moments**
Now, let me take you back to 2019 when I was getting ready to relocate to Germany. Dr. Paine, being the wonderful human she is, graced us all with her presence at my going-away party. Amidst the farewell tears, she managed to keep us all in stitches with her witty one-liners and contagious laughter. It was then that I realized that beyond being a fitness pro, she was a gem of a friend who brightened every room she entered.
**From Germany to Colorado: A Legendary Photo Shoot**
Fast forward to 2022, I was back in Colorado, and it was time for another memorable collaboration with the fantastic Dr. Alex Paine. Her radiant red hair and quirky charm were as captivating as ever. During the photo shoot, we had a blast capturing her passion for fitness and Star Wars. The shots were nothing short of phenomenal, and her goofy side shone through, adding an unparalleled vibrancy to the images.
**The Trust Game: Dr. Paine and MikeCon Photography**
Dr. Alex Paine is a Doctor of Molecular, Cellular, and Developmental Biology, and she takes her fitness journey as seriously as her scientific pursuits. She chose MikeCon Photography above all other photographers in the world, and boy, am I honored! Her trust in our team allowed us to create artistic shots that truly showcased her dedication to both fitness and her nerdy passions.
**A Thank You Email from Mama Paine**
But the love and trust don't stop there! Dr. Paine's mother, who also happens to be a bodybuilder, sent me a heartfelt thank-you email for working with her daughter as a professional. Knowing that another photographer had turned her down before, I was determined to make her photo shoot extraordinary. Together, we proved that embracing uniqueness and being a little bit of a nerd can lead to remarkable results.
**MikeCon Photography: Your Go-To Fitness Connection**
Located in the DMV area, we at MikeCon Photography take pride in our ability to travel frequently to Colorado and beyond, connecting with exceptional individuals like Dr. Alex Paine. We're not just photographers; we're storytellers, capturing the essence of each person we work with.
**Join the Fitness Fun: Go Viral with Dr. Alex Paine!**
So, my fellow fitness enthusiasts and Star Wars lovers, get ready to go viral with the one and only Dr. Alex Paine! Follow her fitness journey, be captivated by her infectious sense of humor, and embrace your inner nerd alongside her. Share this blog far and wide, and let's celebrate the incredible impact she's making in the fitness community. Remember, “Sharing is caring!”
And remember, at MikeCon Photography, we're not just creating images; we're capturing the heart and soul of each individual. So whether you're in Colorado, the DMV area, or anywhere in the world, let us tell your story and make your fitness dreams come to life!
Oh my gosh! I almost forgot to mention that Dr. Paine also designs and creates custom bikinis. Feel free to check out her website Xela’s Customs and get yours done today. She can ship all around the world! She has gone above and beyond to ensure that people get exactly what they need, when they need it!
#DrAlexPaine #FitnessPro #MikeConPhotography #StarWarsFitness #NerdyFitness #Colorado #DMV #FitnessJourney
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anniebeemine · 1 month
Back Home Again- s.r. x fem!reader
I absolutely love John Denver. I beg they give Spencer a happy ending if he does come back.
Warnings: fluff, Maeve mention, brief moments of grief, pregnant reader
It was a dreary, overcast afternoon when Spencer arrived at his apartment building, the weight of his briefcase in one hand and the case files he had been working on tucked under his arm. The sky was a solid sheet of gray, threatening rain, and the air carried the damp, cool scent that always preceded a downpour. Spencer had just returned from Quantico, where he delivered his latest reports to the BAU. He had gotten into the habit of making these trips once a month, a chance to check in with his team, his friends, and to keep himself anchored to the world he used to inhabit full-time.
As he approached the entrance of the apartment building, he noticed you standing under the small canopy that offered minimal protection from the incoming storm. You were shivering, clutching a worn-out rain jacket tightly around you, but it was no match for the cold that was seeping into your bones. You looked up as Spencer approached, your eyes wide with a mixture of hope and mild embarrassment.
"Hi," you said, your voice slightly trembling from the cold. "Do you live here?"
Spencer nodded, frowning slightly at your predicament. "Yeah, I do. Are you okay?"
You sighed, glancing down at your bicycle, which was leaning against the wall. "I, um, lost my keys. I need to get my bike inside, but I can't get in without them."
Spencer could see the frustration and discomfort etched on your face, and without hesitation, he reached into his pocket and pulled out his keycard. "I can let you in," he offered, his voice gentle.
You looked at him with relief, nodding gratefully. "Thank you so much. I don't know how I managed to lose them."
He swiped his keycard, opening the door for you, and you quickly wheeled your bike inside. Spencer followed, watching as you propped the bike up near the stairs, trying to figure out your next move.
"I can call the apartment manager for you," Spencer said, already pulling out his phone.
You smiled at him, the tension in your shoulders easing slightly. "That would be great. I think she's out, but she should be back soon."
As Spencer made the call, you couldn’t help but notice how kind his eyes were, how he seemed to exude a quiet, calm energy that put you at ease. You had seen him around the building before, occasionally crossing paths as you both went about your day. Sometimes you carried groceries, other times you had flowers, always with a smile and a friendly nod as you held doors open for each other. But you had never exchanged more than a few words—until now.
After hanging up, Spencer turned to you. "She’ll be here in about an hour. In the meantime, would you like to come up to my apartment? I can lend you some dry clothes while you wait."
You hesitated for a moment, not wanting to impose, but the warmth in his voice and the genuine concern in his expression made it impossible to refuse. "If it’s not too much trouble, I’d really appreciate that."
Spencer smiled softly and led you upstairs to his apartment. As you entered, you couldn’t help but take in the surroundings. The space was cozy and meticulously organized, with bookshelves lining the walls and a few personal touches scattered about—a small stack of books on the coffee table, a framed photograph of what looked like colleagues from work, and a well-used chessboard set up by the window.
"Here," Spencer said, breaking you out of your thoughts as he handed you a folded sweater and a pair of soft sweatpants. "These should fit."
You took the clothes, thanking him as you headed to the bathroom to change. When you emerged, feeling warmer and more comfortable, Spencer was in the kitchen, making tea.
"Do you drink tea?" he asked, glancing up as you entered the room.
"Yeah, I do," you replied, sitting down at the small dining table.
Spencer handed you a steaming mug, sitting down across from you with his own. For a few moments, you both sipped in silence, the sound of the rain now pouring outside creating a soothing background. He had spent so long hiding from this part of life, closing himself off to the possibility of connection after everything he had been through—after losing Maeve. But there was something about you, something in the way you sat there with your warm mug of tea, looking at him with genuine interest, that made him want to open up, just a little.
The rhythm of your relationship with Spencer had grown steady, marked by the gentle back-and-forth of dishes passed between your doors. It started so simply—just a thank you for the warm clothes and kindness on that rainy day. You had returned the borrowed sweater and sweatpants folded neatly, accompanied by a casserole dish filled with a homemade meal. Spencer, surprised but touched by the gesture, had baked cookies in return, carefully placing them back in the dish and leaving it outside your door.
This exchange became a regular occurrence, a silent communication between you two that spoke of care and warmth. Each dish carried something more than food; it carried an unspoken connection, a feeling that was growing stronger with each passing day. But one evening, when you opened your door expecting another delicious offering, you found the dish empty. Your heart fluttered when you saw the note tucked inside, written in Spencer’s neat handwriting: “Dinner? Friday night?”
You smiled as you read the note, feeling a mix of excitement and anticipation. When you saw Spencer later that day, you eagerly accepted, and from that moment, things moved faster than either of you had anticipated. But it all felt right.
The dinners became more frequent, the conversations longer and more intimate. Spencer found himself opening up in ways he hadn’t allowed himself to in years. Every day, he became more attached to you, drawn to your warmth, your kindness, and the way you made him feel safe and understood. You filled a void in his life that he hadn’t realized was still there, healing wounds that had remained tender for too long.
Then, your world shifted suddenly when your grandfather passed away. It was unexpected, a loss that hit you hard. In the midst of dealing with your grief, you learned that he had left you a small farmhouse, tucked away in the mountains a few hours from the city. You hadn’t visited it in years, but you had spent every summer there as a child, and the thought of it brought back a flood of memories. You told Spencer about it, your voice filled with a mix of nostalgia and uncertainty.
“I always wanted to raise a family there,” you admitted one evening, the two of you sitting close together on his couch. “But I don’t know… Maybe it’s too far, too much.”
Spencer listened, his heart aching for you, but also feeling a strange sense of hope. The idea of a small farmhouse, a place filled with memories and dreams of a future together, appealed to him more than he could express.
“Why don’t we go see it?” he suggested gently. “Just to see how it feels. Then you can decide.”
A few days later, you found yourselves driving up to the farmhouse. The journey was quiet, filled with the hum of the car and the occasional conversation about your memories of summers spent there. The closer you got, the more you could feel a sense of peace settling over you. When you finally arrived, the farmhouse stood exactly as you remembered it—modest but well-maintained, with a wraparound porch and a small garden out front. The mountains loomed in the background, their peaks dusted with snow, and the air was crisp and clean. Everything felt untouched, as though time had stood still.
You stepped inside, and it was like walking back into your childhood. The furniture was old but lovingly cared for, the walls adorned with framed photos of your family. The familiar smell of wood and earth filled the air. Spencer walked beside you, taking it all in, watching the way your face softened as you moved through each room.
When you reached the living room, you turned to Spencer, your eyes searching his. Before you could say anything, he took your hands in his, pulling you close. There was something in his eyes, a mix of determination and love that took your breath away.
“Let’s do it,” he said, his voice steady and filled with certainty. “Let’s raise a family here.”
You blinked in surprise, your heart swelling at his words. “Spencer…”
“I know it’s fast, but I’ve never been more sure of anything in my life,” he continued, his grip on your hands tightening. “I want this with you. I want us to have a life together here.”
You felt tears welling up, but they were tears of happiness, of relief. You had wanted this too, deep down, but hearing him say it made it all the more real.
“There’s no ring,” he said, almost apologetically, “but I’ll get you one. I promise. I just… I don’t want to wait.”
You shook your head, smiling through your tears. “I don’t care about a ring. I care about you, and us, and this.”
And right there, in the living room of your grandfather’s farmhouse, surrounded by the memories of your past and the promise of your future, Spencer Reid proposed. You didn’t need anything fancy, no grand gestures—just the two of you, standing together, ready to take on whatever came next.
You said yes, and in that moment, you knew that this place, this life, was where you were meant to be.
The move happened faster than you expected. You and Spencer had decided to donate almost everything—your old furniture, books, and knick-knacks, items that had once filled your apartment with memories but now felt unnecessary in the new chapter of your life. You kept only what was essential, what truly mattered, and packed up the rest.
The ceremony was as quiet and intimate as you had hoped. In a small, sunlit room filled with flowers, you exchanged vows with Spencer. The BAU team sat on his side, their familiar faces smiling back at you. On the other side were your parents and siblings, holding back tears of joy. The ceremony was simple, heartfelt, and exactly what you both wanted—a celebration of your love without the fuss or grandeur. Afterward, you shared a dinner with everyone, laughing and talking late into the evening.
Once the last goodbye was said and the final hug was given, you and Spencer set off for your new home. The six-hour drive was long but peaceful. Spencer drove most of the way, his hand resting on your thigh, a silent reassurance that you were heading in the right direction. The road stretched out before you, winding through hills and forests, leading you closer to the life you were about to build together.
You arrived at the farmhouse just as dawn was beginning to break. The sky was still dark, with only the faintest hint of light on the horizon. The house stood quiet and still, waiting for you.
Spencer yawned as he pulled the car into the driveway, the tires crunching on the gravel. He was exhausted from the long day, the ceremony, the drive, but there was a contentment in his tired eyes. He grabbed the last of your bags, and you both stepped inside, the sound of your footsteps echoing in the empty rooms. Boxes were stacked everywhere, but for now, they could wait.
Spencer headed to the bedroom, eager to collapse into bed. But when he reached out for you, he found your side empty. Concerned, he walked back through the house, searching for you. He found you sitting on the porch in one of the old rocking chairs, your knees tucked up to your chest, gazing out at the slowly brightening sky.
“What are you doing out here?” he asked softly, rubbing sleep from his eyes as he approached.
You looked up at him, smiling gently. “I want to see the sunrise. It’s only an hour away, so I figured I might as well stay up rather than miss it.”
He nodded, understanding, and pulled up another chair beside you. The two of you sat in comfortable silence, listening to the night sounds fade as the birds began their morning songs. The air was cool, a light breeze rustling through the trees, and you felt a sense of peace settle over you. This was your home now, your place to build something new.
As you waited for the sun to rise, you both talked quietly about the future. You shared your dreams of starting a family, imagining little ones running across the expansive yard, exploring the woods that bordered the property. You talked about fencing in part of the yard, maybe getting a few chickens or goats to bring more life to the quiet countryside. Spencer smiled at the thought, his mind already racing with ideas of how to make it all happen.
But mostly, you both sat in silence, lost in your own thoughts, content just to be together in this moment. There was something magical about the stillness, the way the world seemed to pause before the dawn, giving you time to reflect on everything that had brought you to this point.
Then, slowly, the sky began to change. The first rays of sunlight peeked over the horizon, casting a warm, golden glow over the landscape. The trees, the grass, the house—all of it seemed to come alive in the soft morning light. You watched in awe as the sun rose higher, flooding the world with light and color.
Spencer reached over and took your hand, squeezing it gently. You turned to look at him, and in that moment, everything felt perfect. The future stretched out before you, filled with possibilities, and you knew that whatever came your way, you would face it together.
The sun continued to rise, bringing a certain glow to both of you, a promise of new beginnings and the life you were about to build.
It had been a year since you and Spencer had moved into the farmhouse. The transformation from newlyweds to expectant parents had been a beautiful, unexpected journey. The house had become a home, filled with warmth, laughter, and the soft glow of your growing family. The chickens roamed freely in the yard, and the beginnings of a garden took root behind the house, just as you had imagined that first morning together.
Now, as the evening sun dipped low in the sky, you found yourself setting the table, the soft clinking of dishes a comforting sound in the quiet house. Spencer was away, working his first case in almost three years. It had been ten days since he left, and while you missed him deeply, the time had passed quickly. You had kept busy, tending to the house and the animals, preparing for his return. But there was a constant, gentle flutter in your belly that reminded you of the life growing inside you—a tiny presence that had become your constant companion.
You placed the last of the silverware on the table and paused, pressing a hand to your swollen belly. Sunshine, as you had lovingly named the baby for now, had been making their presence known more and more these days. Just last week, you had felt the first kick, a soft but undeniable nudge that had filled you with joy. You couldn’t wait to tell Spencer, to see his face light up with the news. You imagined how he would react, how his eyes would widen with wonder and how he would gently place his hands on your belly, hoping to feel another kick.
The thought made you smile as you continued setting the table, thinking about everything you wanted to share with him. Your mother had called on Friday to check in, leaving a sweet message for Spencer, reminding him how proud she was of the life you both were building. It was a small thing, but you knew how much it would mean to him. Spencer had always been so careful about balancing his work and personal life, and it warmed your heart to know that your family saw how much effort he put into being present for you.
As you finished up, you heard the sound of a car pulling into the driveway. Your heart leaped with excitement, and you hurried to the window, peeking out just in time to see Spencer waving to the chickens as he walked up to the house. He looked tired, but there was a lightness to his step that made you feel like everything was right in the world again.
You quickly returned to the table, straightening a napkin as you tried to calm your racing heart. The door opened, and you heard his footsteps, soft but purposeful, as he made his way through the house. And then he was there, standing in the doorway, his eyes locking onto yours with an intensity that took your breath away.
“Welcome home,” you whispered, a smile spreading across your face.
Spencer didn’t say a word at first. Instead, he crossed the room in a few quick strides, pulling you into his arms and pressing his lips to yours. The kiss was tender but full of emotion, a reunion of two souls that had been apart for too long. When he finally pulled back, his eyes were full of love and gratitude.
“I missed you,” he murmured, his voice thick with emotion. His hands moved to cup your face, his thumbs brushing gently over your cheeks as he studied you, as if committing every detail to memory. The soft glow of the fire cast a warm light over your features, making you look even more beautiful in his eyes. He still couldn’t believe this was his life—something that once seemed so far away now felt like a long-lost friend returning home. The joy he felt was palpable, and he could hardly contain it.
“I missed you too,” you replied, your voice equally soft as you reached up to stroke his cheek. “But I’m so glad you’re home.”
He smiled, his hand moving to rest on your belly. “And how’s Sunshine doing?” he asked, his eyes lighting up with the nickname you’d chosen for the baby.
“They’re doing just fine,” you said, feeling your heart swell with love for the man standing before you. “In fact, I have some news.”
Spencer’s eyes widened slightly, a mix of curiosity and anticipation in his gaze. “Oh?”
You nodded, your smile growing as you placed your hand over his on your belly. “Sunshine kicked for the first time last week.”
His breath caught, and his eyes grew wide with amazement. “Really?” he asked, his voice almost a whisper.
“Really,” you confirmed, tears of happiness welling up in your eyes. “It was the most incredible feeling, and I’ve been dying to tell you.”
Spencer’s eyes filled with emotion as he gently pressed his hand to your belly, his fingers splayed out as if hoping to feel the baby move again. “I can’t believe it,” he said, his voice trembling slightly. “Our baby is really growing in there.”
“They are,” you said, nodding as you blinked back tears. “And they can’t wait to meet you.”
Spencer let out a shaky laugh, his joy so overwhelming that it brought tears to his eyes. He leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to your belly, whispering words of love to the baby growing inside you. When he stood up again, he looked at you with such love and devotion that it took your breath away.
“I can’t believe how lucky I am,” he said, his voice full of wonder. “To have you, to have our baby… it’s more than I ever imagined.”
You smiled, your heart overflowing with love for this man who had become your everything. “We’re the lucky ones, Spencer. We have you.”
He pulled you into another embrace, holding you close as you both stood there, lost in the moment. The world outside seemed to fade away, leaving just the two of you in the warm glow of the fire, the promise of a beautiful future ahead. The sun had set, but the light that filled the room was brighter than ever—illuminating not just your home, but the life you were building together, filled with love, hope, and endless possibilities.
Spencer had always been a man of intellect, driven by logic and the pursuit of knowledge. But in the quiet moments, when the world outside was still and he was surrounded by the warmth of your home, he realized that it was the little things—the sweetest, simplest things—that truly made life beautiful.
It was the way you hummed softly as you moved through the house, your voice carrying a melody that soothed his soul. The way you folded his sweaters with such care, tucking a lavender sachet inside just because you knew he loved the scent. The way you’d leave little notes for him to find—tucked into his jacket pocket, slipped between the pages of his books, or left on the bathroom mirror. They were always simple but filled with love: *“Thinking of you,”* or *“Can’t wait to see you tonight.”*
He cherished the way you brought life into the house with your laughter, your warmth, and your kindness. How you made sure there were always fresh flowers on the kitchen table, even in the dead of winter. How you danced around the kitchen while making dinner, pulling him into the rhythm, even though he swore he couldn’t dance.
He loved the way you instinctively knew when he needed to talk and when he needed silence. How you would sit with him on the porch in the early morning, wrapped in a blanket, sharing the peace of the sunrise. How you understood that sometimes, the best conversations were the ones where no words were spoken at all—just the comfort of knowing you were there, together.
The little things you did made the house feel like a true home. The way you’d curl up next to him on the couch, your head resting on his shoulder as you watched a movie. The way you made him feel when he came home after a long day, greeted by the scent of dinner cooking and the sight of you smiling at him from across the room. The way you always made time for each other, no matter how busy life got.
As Spencer sat in the nursery, assembling the crib that would soon hold your baby, he thought about how much his life had changed. There was a time when he had closed himself off to the idea of a family, of a future filled with love and happiness. But now, as he looked around the room filled with baby clothes, books, and toys, he realized just how far he had come.
So yes, it’s good to be back home again.
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angeltannis · 5 months
Every time I see guest lists for Comic Con and similar cons I always think of this convo I had with a friend years ago where they said it feels like there’s a huge disconnect between the folks that organize these cons and the average attendee’s interests… thinking about when I went to Denver Comic Con in 2017 (a year anyone in the cosplay/con scene will recall as being absolutely DOMINATED by a certain hero shooter), and the organizers pushed the Overwatch cosplay photoshoot to a side stage we had no hope of all fitting on and sent their photographer on lunch while hyping up the Lord of The Rings photoshoot that had maybe 20-25 people stretched out across the big main stage. That was the same year they had the VAs of Discord and Pinkie Pie/Fluttershy banished to the tiniest little room for a panel and people had to be turned away because the room filled up near instantly. And then, two months later, the same thing at Boston Comic Con, where they shoved D.Va’s VA to the very back of the guest room with the D-lists, then had to do emergency traffic control to avoid a crowd crush while the main guest they had hyped up, Mario’s VA, was sitting at his booth just watching the chaos go down on the other side of the room.
Since then I’ve been keeping my eye on guest lists for multiple cons, local and otherwise, and it feels like all the big ones are still like that. They’ll hype up some old-time actor who was in one episode of Star Trek or Doctor Who, which, yeah, I’m sure there are folks excited for that…but every con I’ve ever gone to has been disproportionately fans of stuff that’s NOT been hyped or promoted by the organizers at all. When we went to Anime Boston this year my friend had to organize their own photoshoot for freaking Dungeon Meshi, which has to be far and away the most popular new anime of this year.
Sorry for ranting but this post brought to you by looking at the guest list for Fan Expo Boston and seeing the Top Billing is the cast of Saved by the Bell and National Lampoon (???), with a grand total of 7 voice actors for the animation category and 7 for all of gaming
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petsincollections · 2 years
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Al S. Lamb and wife, Aspen, Colo., 1888
Al Lamb and his wife and two dogs and a puppy litter sit on the lawn near a small evergreen tree in front of a house. Mr. Lamb wears a pinstripe suit a white shirt, a striped tie with a tie tack, and a bowler hat. Mrs. Lamb wears a long sleeved, fitted, damask top with large black and white buttons, a long, black skirt, a hat shaped like a top hat with a large, black plume, and gloves. The six retriever puppies are mostly white with dark markings on their heads. They gather around their mother, who lies on the ground wearing a large, metal collar. Another large, black dog sits near them.
Photographs - Western History
Denver Public Library
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xtinedancefit · 2 years
What were you favorite places and things to do in Colorado? I want to take a vacation there sometime in the future.
So I was staying in the town of Aspen, I didn't a have whole lot of time to explore lot outside of the town due to work.
But I do recommend 2 places to visit in Colorado:
#1 Maroon Bells
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It's one of the most photographed mountains in the US. They are absolutely stunning! Because it's a highly trafficked area, you have to pay for a shuttle to take you there and back, but's totally worth the money.
#2 Independence Pass
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Independence Pass is a stretch of highway 82 from Aspen to Twin Lakes. It's only open from June until Oct. It's one of the most epic drives, because it crosses the Continental Divide over 12,00ft. It literally feels like you are on top of the world.
I know I said I had 2 recommendations, but I need to add a 3rd.
#3 Denver
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(not my image)
I took a pit stop at Denver on my roadtrip to Aspen and on my way back to NC to explore a bit of the city. There's so much to do there. When I stopped by, I went to the Red Rocks Park and the Botanics Garden. I wanted to go to the Meow Wolf Museum, but I could fit it into my schedule.
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(also not my image)
Like how cool does this place look!!! This is definitely on my itinerary next time I visit.
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caytonphotography01 · 7 months
Affordable Wedding Photographers in Denver
Our skilled team specializes in capturing the essence of Colorado weddings, ensuring timeless memories that fit your budget. Explore our Pueblo wedding photography services. Affordable Wedding Photographers in Denver
About Company:-
We’re a husband and wife with three beautiful and entertaining children. We live in a supportive community, work in a breathtaking landscape, watch our family grow day-by-day. Try telling us we don’t have the finest job on earth. To know us is to know us as parents, partners in love and life, photographers of kindred spirit. We come from deep, knowable roots.
Four generations of farm families that lived, loved, worked and were buried in the same land.  We invite you to dive into our web site. See some of the fun, relaxed and intimate weddings we’ve been privileged to photograph. Learn how we photograph and why one of us always has camera in hand. See what gets us visually excited — always emotion, and those fleeting (often lost) moments that speak for themselves.
Click For More info :- https://caytonphotography.com/
Location : 2003 N Nevada Ave, Colorado Springs, CO, United States, Colorado
Social Media Profile Links:-
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datascraping001 · 9 months
Photographers Email List
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Enhancing Your Photography Business with Photographers Email List. In today's competitive photography market, connecting with the right audience can make all the difference. Photographers need to be able to reach potential clients and collaborate with other professionals in the industry. That's where a comprehensive Photographers Email List becomes an invaluable tool for any photography business.
At Datascrapingservices.com, we understand the significance of accurate and up-to-date data in today's fast-paced world. Our Photographers Email List service is designed to provide photographers and photography-related businesses with a reliable source of contact information for photographers across various specialties and regions.
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acredo-rings · 9 months
Wedding bands in Denver
Your wedding day is one of the biggest days of your life. Once you have your dress picked out and your makeup set, you may be wondering what’s left to be done. While sending invites and floral arrangements maybe at the top of your mind you need to focus on prepping your rings. Preparing your wedding bands in Denver is an important but often overlooked step. Getting your wedding bands ready for the big day can help your rings look their best in photographs. Also, you can flash them around so that guests can see your rings for the first time. Here’s what you need to do with your wedding ring and band before your big day.
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mikeconphoto · 7 months
Hey there, fans, fellow shutterbugs, realtors and home enthusiasts! It's Mike here from MikeCon Photography, and boy, do I have a tale to share today. Grab your favorite beverage and cozy up because this one's about Shayla Chado, the realtor with a heart as big as the Rocky Mountains and a sense of humor that could sell ice to an eskimo...in Alaska.
Picture this: Shayla walks up to the location I was shooting in, and I’ve got my camera in hand, ready to capture the essence for her future listings. From the moment we exchanged greetings, it was like two peas in a pod. You know that feeling when you just click with someone? Well, Shayla and I clicked like the perfect lock on a dream home.
From her infectious laugh to her uncanny ability to find the silver lining in any situation, Shayla's energy was magnetic. It's like she had this aura of positivity that could have made even the dreariest of days feel like a walk in the park. We'd be snapping photos outdoors with the sun beating down and Shayla would crack a joke that had us both doubled over in laughter, forgetting all about the weather, or the sweat dripping down my bald head. She was very patient and positive the entire shoot. This is definitely someone who appreciates being in front of the camera and wants a professional look. Realtors are some of my favorite people to work with because they understand that communication is key to making things go correctly, and the preparation to how things must look in order to market and sell properly.
But Shayla's not just a realtor extraordinaire; she's also a newly-engaged gal with love in her heart and stars in her eyes. I'll never forget the day she showed me the ring her beau had slipped on her finger. The sparkle in her eyes matched the twinkle of that rock, and I knew right then and there that this girl was destined for her own happily ever after. Who knows…maybe I’ll fly back to Colorado and do her wedding photos too. The one thing I know deep in my heart is that her marriage will be awesome because of her faith in God, and her big heart!
Sure, Shayla may be a beginner in the world of real estate, but let me tell you, she's got the drive and determination of a seasoned pro. She tackles every challenge with a can-do attitude and a smile that could light up the Denver skyline. Whether she's negotiating a deal or staging a home, Shayla puts her heart and soul into everything she does, and it shows.
So here's to you, Shayla Chado – the realtor with heart, humor, and a happily ever after on the horizon. Thanks for letting me be a part of your journey, and here's to many more laughs, listings, and love-filled moments ahead. Cheers! 🥂
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lovelymysslynn · 1 year
The Vintage Lable
I went through this store systematically, from left to right, so I wouldn't miss a thing. I was at the end of the last rack, indulging myself in the beautiful colors, textures, and the smells of fabrics. A woman asked me if I was looking for anything special. I let the hanger go loose in my hand. "Where did you find these things?", I asked. She replied in a quiet, steady voice, "I've been curating across the globe for over twenty years".
I felt like an engineer with a blank spreadsheet, a foodie who had just discovered a hidden gem of a restaurant, or a child on an endless recess at her favorite playground.
I was taken back to a moment in San Francisco. I saw a woman stop traffic in the middle of Lombard Street. She was wearing a designer outfit. With her jacket slung over her shoulder, she pivoted and smiled at the photographer and then continued across the street. The traffic resumed its steady crawl down the pitch. It was as if everyone was pleased to give her that moment. Maybe I could be that woman in Denver. Maybe I could stop traffic if I wore one of these outfits.
These things take time and careful consideration. I would allow myself to buy one piece at a time. Anything more would be too indulgent. When I returned to the shop a couple weeks later. The belted black satin slacks were still there and fit perfectly. They have the cutest kick pleats at the heels. It was meant to be. When traffic stopped for the red light, I crossed the street and headed up the block to celebrate with a slice of Key Lime pie at Water Grill.
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magdalenaimage · 1 year
The Ultimate Guide To Prepare Your Denver Photo Studio Shoot
Preparing for a studio photoshoot can be an exciting but nerve-wracking experience. Whether you're an old-time pro or new to the world of photography, there are some essential actions you can take to assure that your photoshoot goes smoothly and you get the results you're looking for. In this ultimate guide, we'll look at everything you need to know to design for your Denver photo studio.
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Get To Know About Denver Photo Studio Shoot
Here we will provide the ultimate guide to preparing for a studio photoshoot. It covers essential steps, such as choosing your outfit, practicing your poses, preparing your hair and makeup, getting plenty of rest, and communicating with your photographer. Whether you're a model or just someone who wants to look their best in their photos, this guide will help you to be prepared for your photoshoot. By pursuing these tips, you'll be capable of guaranteeing that your photoshoot goes smoothly and that you get the results you're looking for.
1. Choose Your Outfit
The first step to preparing for your Denver photo studio is to choose your outfit. Think about the style of the shoot and choose comfortable clothing that fits well and complements your body type. Avoid busy patterns or logos that can distract from your face, and consider bringing a few different options if you change your mind on the day.
2. Practice Your Poses
Whether you're a model or just someone who wants to look their best in their photos, practicing your poses ahead of time can make a big difference. Look at photos online or in magazines to get inspiration, and practice in front of a mirror or by clicking various photos to find your best angles and expressions.
3. Prepare Your Hair and Makeup
Your hair and makeup can make or break your photos, so it's essential to prepare them ahead of time. Schedule a hair appointment a few days before your shoot to ensure that your locks are looking their best, and consider hiring a professional makeup artist to create a look that compliments your outfit and the style of the shoot.
4. Get Plenty Of Rest
Proper good night's sleep can do magic for your appearance, so make sure to get a huge amount of rest in the days leading up to your headshot photo studio. However, this will help to reduce any stress or anxiety you might be feeling and ensure that you look and feel your best on the day of the shoot.
5. Communicate With Your Photographer
Finally, it's essential to communicate with your photographer ahead of time to ensure you're on the same page. Discuss the style of the shoot, any specific poses or shots you want, and any props or accessories you plan to bring. However, this will help to ensure that your photographer knows what you're looking for and can deliver the results you want.
Get The Best Click Of Your Photos By The Experts Today!
Preparing for a Denver photo studio requires careful planning and attention to detail. By choosing your outfit, practicing your poses, preparing your hair and makeup, getting plenty of rest, and communicating with your photographer, you can ensure that your photoshoot goes smoothly and that you get the results you're looking for. With these recommendations in mind, you're sure to have a prosperous and enjoyable studio photoshoot. You can visit Magdalena Images LLC and get the photos you desire. They have a photographer for senior pictures, and your loved one can get clicked. Visit their website to explore all the aesthetic work done by them.
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bygonesupplyco · 2 years
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Vintage 70's Denver Broncos Jacket
This vintage 70's Denver Broncos Jacket is faux fur lined in the body and quilt lined in the arms. Nylon exterior. The graphic on the chest is a bit faded and partially peeled but still clear to rep your team! Great condition for its age, the faux fur lining is super soft and is sure to keep you warm. A few small discolorations and one tiny hole near pocket.
  Modern fit: mens XS
Tag size: Vintage Men's Small
Chest (pit to pit): 19 in
Length Top to bottom: 27.5 in
Modeled by: Sonny
See our models measurements HERE
Please note:  Garment tag sizes do not necessarily reflect fit. As vintage sizing generally differs from modern sizing, measurements and size estimates are provided to closest measures in inches. All measurements are taken lying flat. Please refer to our “How to size” guide for support on how we get our measurements and how to find your measurements! All items sold As-Is, no returns. Any imperfections will be noted and photographed to best of ability. *Garment color may appear slightly darker or lighter on certain screens - color will be captured and described to best of ability*
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tittabank · 2 years
Knockknock cupon 4th of july 2018
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Whisk (e)y reviews post every Friday, and I do a livestream each Tuesday at 8:00pm EST. Beyond funding, our community decides what whiskey gets made-and how it gets made-but we don't stop there.About Malt Muser Whisky Reviews. At its core, Crowded Barrel is a distillery for the terminally curious. The Crowded Barrel Whiskey Company is the world's first crowd-sourced whiskey distillery-and the Whiskey Tribe is that crowd. Since this is an occurrence that happens monthly, naturally, the girls of the house were guarded in how well they would. She was just one of many “new girls” that were brought in to be photographed as a test to be in the magazine. Sara Jean Underwood was introduced during the first season of The Girls Next Door.
alpicool c15 uk suzuki lt230 suspension upgrade macro fit home gym review iceland farm for. Now membership includes a digital experience that’s second to none, with Apple Fitness+ built right in. 6,582 Followers, 1,643 Following, 475 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Briana Whitney With top classes, expert instructors and luxurious spaces, Life Time is more than a gym - it’s a luxury athletic country club. The Reverend Peyton’s Big Damn Band with Brianna Straut. 2021 Denver Summer Whiskey Tasting Festival. Born as a product of Whiskey Tribe, we source, distill, age, finish, and bottle the most interesting whiskeys we can think of. Located in South Austin, it sits next to the campus of Wizard Academy, It's a tiny little whiskey hamlet with a massive tribe of whiskey followers. Specialties: whiskey tastings and cocktails poured by a whisky sommelier. The sophistication in their data is unmatched in the industry, and the level of insight in their analysis has become indispensable for any marketer in the beauty space today. “Working with Tribe Dynamics over the past 5+ years has been a true partnership in every sense of the word. They start with grain, then they mash, ferment, distill, mature and bottle - all within the State of Texas. Our member distilleries craft their Certified Texas Whiskeys with true Texas pride. Reporter CBS5 & 3TVThe Texas Whiskey Trail takes you on a journey of authentic achievement.
Host 'True Crime Arizona' TV franchise & podcast.
Please join us on some wonderful whisk (e)y fun! 6,582 Followers, 1,643 Following, 475 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Briana Whitney brianawhitney.
Tickets to the feature-length film are below… after your ticket purchase, you are free to stream the film as many time as you like. On August 13th, 2021, we were featured on the Whisk (e)y Tribe Youtube channel and the archived interview can be seen below. In tribute to the mighty buffalo and the rugged, independent spirit of the. One such trail led to the banks of the Kentucky River where Buffalo Trace Distillery has been making bourbon whiskey the same way for more than 200 years. Ancient buffalo carved paths through the wilderness that led American pioneers and explorers to new frontiers. Support of the Tribe's distillery is optional of course, and it opens the door to tons of video updates and votes on whiskey making options. Patreon is where MBs support the Whiskey Tribe's content and its distillery, Crowded Barrel Whiskey Co., the world's first crowd-sourced distillery. Facebook gives people the power.MAYBE NOT A CULT. Join Facebook to connect with Brianna Norris and others you may know. Beyond funding, our community decides what whiskey gets made-and how it gets made-but we don't stop there.28.2k Followers, 1,637 Following, 24 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from Bri View the profiles of people named Brianna Norris. Join our tribe! Follow us on FB & Instagram WHISKEY CO. If you need something more serious or snobby - this isn't the right community for you. We believe that whiskey is meant to be enjoyed, and we do that by sharing whiskey experiences and ridiculous humor. r/WhiskeyTribe This ridiculous group of Magnificent Bastards is all about unpretentious Whisk (e)y Knowledge and Top-Shelf Shenanigans. After working on the It's Bourbon Night channel on YouTube for several years, we decided to launch our own merch! Whiskey Ambitions is our apparel and lifestyle outlet.
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datascraping001 · 11 months
Photographers Email List
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Enhancing Your Photography Business with Photographers Email List. In today's competitive photography market, connecting with the right audience can make all the difference. Photographers need to be able to reach potential clients and collaborate with other professionals in the industry. That's where a comprehensive Photographers Email List becomes an invaluable tool for any photography business.
At Datascrapingservices.com, we understand the significance of accurate and up-to-date data in today's fast-paced world. Our Photographers Email List service is designed to provide photographers and photography-related businesses with a reliable source of contact information for photographers across various specialties and regions.
The benefits of having a curated Photographers Email List are numerous. Firstly, it provides a direct channel for communication, enabling photographers to connect with potential clients for bookings, inquiries, and collaborations. This direct line of communication can significantly enhance business opportunities and facilitate a broader network within the photography community. Moreover, a well-segmented and organized Photographers Email List allows for targeted marketing strategies. Photographers can tailor their promotional efforts, showcasing their expertise and services to the right audience. Whether you specialize in wedding photography, fashion photography, or any other niche, having access to a targeted email list can amplify your marketing ROI.
Our team at datascrapingservices.com is dedicated to delivering accurate and reliable data that aligns with your business objectives. We take pride in offering a seamless experience, making the acquisition of the Photographers Email List a hassle-free process. In conclusion, a well-curated Photographers Email List is a powerful tool for photographers and photography-related businesses. It streamlines communication, amplifies marketing efforts, and expands networking opportunities within the photography industry.
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mikeconphoto · 3 years
“You know, sometimes all you need is twenty seconds of insane courage. Just literally twenty seconds of embarrassing bravery. And I promise you, something great will come of it.”
I’m quoting this because it’s very true. I say this because whenever you’re photographing people in every element that I do, people tend to let fear overcome them. There’s the moment of overcoming the fear and showcasing how fierce they can be is what I love the most. In those brief moment, is where I make my magic.
Most of the people I photograph have rarely been in front of a camera, or are doing a photo shoot for their first time. Part of my job is to help ease those fears and create something for my people. There’s so many things that could go wrong during a photo shoot (i.e. weather, technical issues, and etc.), however I’m constantly working out solutions to ensure success and make sure that we don’t fail our goal.
No matter what the conditions, I’m always going to give whomever is in front of my camera, my absolute best. Most times I just talk with my clients, tell silly jokes, however the biggest of them all is that I listen. I listen to their needs, desires, and goals, that way we can have clarity, laugh and I can capture those moments that make great photos.
Last, but not least…As a photographer, I do things a little different than most photographers you know. I am not afraid of getting into the water, or other elements to get the shot I need for my people. You have to roll your pants up, get your feet wet, and bring forth the essence of your concept. For me, it’s not about just getting the goal, but exceeding it.
Thank you for your time, and don’t forget to look before you leap!
Sincerely, Mike @mikeconphoto on Instagram
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steveairsupreme · 5 years
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Flowers in the city 💐🌻🌹 🐃 #model #photography #photographer #instagood #denoflions #shootfn #photoshoot #coloradophotography #denversauce #live #fit #bright #japhotographer #cityscape #followme #hollaatyaboy #jamaicanlens #potd #like #denver #jamaican #culture #naturalbeauty #Nikon #fun #cute #girl #breathe #flowers (at Denver Millennium Bridge) https://www.instagram.com/p/B07WkREg6sy/?igshid=jhzdfhgilmjy
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