remuseatsdeodorant · 5 years
Nobody asked for me to talk about him but here I am anyway.
Got long so it’s under a cut now.
Explination goes into how recent episodes have been altered, thus any content warnings on DWIT and SvS should likely be heeded.
-Logan wasn’t always a dark side, Logic is a good and useful thing after all.
-But a side can only handle being ignored and pushed aside for the emotions for so long.
-I’m thinking sometime around the Puppet episode. Logan has become so frustrated and angry that he’s being pushed aside and the other sides seem to just be annoyed by him.
-Obviously it’s been building up for awhile, and He’s been trying to logic himself out of his anger, push the emotions down, just keep trying, surely they’ll listen eventually.
-And well they dont. and now theyre singing this stupid song? This isn’t going to help Thomas with the issue that logically, he shouldn’t even have.
-The others didn’t expect this, Logan seemed to be opening up, goofing around with the others…
-So when he started literally glitching and lashing out at them near the end of their happy song, then disappeared… They were clearly worried.
-They quickly wrap things up with Thomas, and try to go to Logans room to check on him.
-The door is there, certainly. It’d be illogical if it were to disappear. But they cant open it. They can’t hear anything inside.
-Roman starts plotting to break down the door, Patton a bit shakey, but trying his best to help him with the plan.
-Virgil’s trying to stay calm, but Roman and Pattons frantic brainstorming isn’t helping. He mumbles that they should probably just leave him alone, he’ll come out when he’s calmed himself. He’s Logic, he’s good at that.
-Patton and Roman hesitantly agree, the three returning to their rooms, or helping Thomas with basic things.
-Meanwhile Logan is pacing in his room, the quiet hums of the new robotic bits breaking the otherwise perfect silence.
-He’s trying to ignore that Deciet sits on his bed, a large, yet somewhat sympathetic grin.
-He supposes he can kind of accept there’s some emotions. The current pace of his heart seems to prove that he’s panicing.
-He pauses his pacing, a gloved? Metallic? Both? Hand over his mouth as he stares at the wall, quickly tapping a foot.
-”Logan” Calls Deciet from the bed.
-Logan expected a more sinister tone from Deciet, not one so sad. So he turns his head, glancing at Deciet, wincing a bit at the metal creaking, but otherwise looking annoyed by the unwelcome side.
-Deciet’s smile softens, a head tilting, “They finally got to you, didn’t they?” Logan rolls his eyes as Deciet continues, “I expected Roman or Virgil, you seemed much more…. Stable…”
-”I’d prefer if you didn’t point out my failure, Deciet…” Logans tone seeming much more deadpan than normal.
-They proceed to talk for some time, Deciet helping Logan to accept what’s happened, saying the “light sides” are always so dismissive of those they disagree with…
-The sides don’t see or hear anything from Logan until Selfishness vs. selflessness.
-Deciet pops up, looking like Logan, after the sides and Thomas freak out, ask if he’s alright, and Deciet plays it off, they get started on the real issue.
-What the sides don’t know is that Logan was in on it this time.
-Once Deciet is discovered, the sides are right back to worrying about Logan. Virgil assumes Deciet did something to him, Deciet claims innocence (Which is mostly true), though he doesn’t go into any detail about him even though the sides are suspecting he knows something.
-The episode proceeds as normal until Deciet calls in Logan. He’s obviously still doing his job, just a bit quieter than before.
-The others are all freaking out again while Deciet and Logan sit and wait for them to calm down. Logan not answering a single question tossed at him.
-Once they quiet down, Logan says, “Ah so now you all wish to hear from me. Anyway, You called, Deciet?”
-The same questioning occurs until Patton comes up. Patton avoiding all questions related to the issue, trying to get any bit of information on where Logan has been.
-Logan is incredibly vague.
-”I’ve been doing my job. Working to improve Thomas. I just told all of this to Deciet, is it necessary to ask for these answers again?”
-Logan willingly zaps himself to the back of the room.
-Every time someone tries to refer to Logan as the Logical one, he corrects them to Apathy. While he is still the Logical side, he’s renamed his title. Deciet is the only one to not refer to him as Logic.
-The episode continues and concludes reletively the same, though Logan just speaks up whenever needed, rather than trying to gain attention before answering questions. And the awkward atmosphere, of course.
-Once again, Logan goes into silence. He seems to appear within the mind palace occasionally, but almost like a cryptid, the sides think they saw him, but then he was just… Gone…
-Then Remus.
-Deciet had told Logan that Remus was going to bother the others, but not many details. The snake seemed rather good at keeping specifics to himself.
-Roman attempts to pull Logan up multiple times while trying to gain information, before Logan eventually pops in himself, startling the other sides.
-They’re finally able to get a proper look at him now, though Logan goes straight into buisness.
-Shrugging off the sides concern once again, He immediately asks about the intrusive thoughts once Roman asks, not pausing when the others attempt to shut him up.
-The reaction bit still occurs, just as Logans own comment on the reactions of Patton, Virgil, and Thomas. Especially considering nothing happened when the words were spoken.
-Logan attempts to continue the discussion of the thoughts, but everyone decides to push them aside.
-Logan takes notice of Remus begining to pop up, and takes his leave, the others trying to get him to stay.
-Song, without Logan, but a mention that he opened the door to let him out for the episode. (Through Logans pushing of the subject)
-Virgil attempts to take Logans spot through the episode, as Thomas is a bit too tired for Logic to push through.
-This of course means that Thomas loses some information, as Logan is not there to explain Remus.
-The sides struggle for awhile as they continue giving Remus attention, and trying to shut im up.
-Logan pops in momentarily a few times, reading a book to show he’s only slightly bored watching everyone struggle. He mumbles bits of advise before popping out with no answers.
-”Ignore him” “You can’t quiet him” “He’ll get bored eventually if you stop listening”
-His first pop in is for “Thomas’ friends and family is one thing, but his work? Is nothing sacred?”
-To which Remus actually apologizes, Logan pops away, then Thomas questions the line, then Remus continues on his train of thought.
-After Virgil struggles to get Patton to stop attempting repression, he manages to calm himself and tries to logic things out. Bringing up the things Logan keeps popping up and saying. That Logan must keep popping in for a reason.
-Logan doesnt pop in and stay until Virgil, Patton, and Thomas can all agree that they need Logan’s help. Which, given the emotional load of Virgil and Patton, that’s a very difficult task.
-The three almost begging Logan to stay when he next pops in.
-Logan goes on to explain things to everyone, his voice taking on a very angered/annoyed lecturing tone, and Remus being rather patient with Logan compared to the canon episode.
-One detail Deciet told Logan was that Remus likes to be violent, thus Logan was prepared for Remus to start attempting to “harm” him.
-This is the first time the two dark sides speak, they both make multiple refrences to Deciet in their back and forth, implying that they’ve been comunicating through the snake until now.
-When Remus disappears momentarily, and everyone takes notice, Logan pulls up his book, turns a page and, “Oh no, dont do thaat.” A sarcastic warning, before Remus pops up again.
-Logan coldly lectures the sides once more, finishing with a, “I hope you recognize how useful Logic can be in the future.” then vanishes.
-Remus is wrapped up, the others mention that Logan was pretty cool, but they’re still worried about him.
-He can still hear them, left to have the most subtle smile.
-While being a dark side, he still pops up in the Mindscape. The others try making conversation but Logan keeps it rather short and cold.
-Roman questions why he pops up, yet the other dark sides don’t, Virgil mumbles “You guys always made them uncomfortable, but Logan is used to us, so I guess he doesn’t mind.” Roman doesn’t catch all of that.
-Logan still joins them for the Sanders Asides, but is mostly silent for it, being very blunt with every bit of input
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