depvotee · 3 years
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Cryptid entity from your hometown that communicates with you through postcards and hasn't seen you since childhood.
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scumpatrol · 3 years
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strange powers - the magnetic fields plays softly in the background
commission by @dep-yo-tee ♡
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pinkydude · 3 years
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eydika · 3 years
i was tagged by the wonderful @refinedstorage @minilev @dep-yo-tee​ for this and constantly forgot to not finish art in one sitting so i was a bit without wips for a while asjkljla ✊
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will i probably never finish one of these cause i can’t get the face right? ... yes but it’s still fun :<
tagging @palepinkycat​ @ardellian​ @somewillwin​ @mihqorio​ @eulerami-art​ @impossible-rat-babies​ @kruk-art​ @thatsushichick​ 💖​
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spicedrobot · 3 years
Read that Silco/Viktor fic GOD that shit was good!!!!
sdfajksdfsd thank you! I also just want to say i really appreciate seeing you in my notifs too thanks for sticking around so long! 💖
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necro-hamster · 3 years
🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓🍓 here king
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omg ok ok ok im gonna talk abt my boy HARVEY cuz i barely ever do even tho hes like one of my fav ocs !!!
- i made harvey bc i never ever ever see any trans cowboy characters 😐 that was literally my motivation
- harvey has two dogs ! a great pyrenees named goose, and a bluetick coonhound named charlie. he also has a barn cat but i havent decided on a name yet
- harvey has 2 horses ! a male paint named whiskey and a female clydesdale named bourbon
- harvey is 6'5". nothing to add to that he's just a massive man
- he knows how to play the mf BANJO. picked it up when he was a kid. he doesn't play a lot anymore but still has one
- a lot of his income is from selling wool and dairy products at a local farmer's market !! he makes everything himself at home and wishes he didn't have to because it destroys his back and neck doing all that work
ik i dont rlly talk abt him ever so if you dont know who this is his page is here !
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refinedstorage · 3 years
Assorted asks, part one, by @dep-yo-tee​ for my V, thank you so much!
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1. Why did you pick their name? It's a nod to The Young Ones' punk Vyvyan Basterd, also wanted something that made it likely it'd be abbreviated to "V"
2. Why did your character get that name in-universe? I like to think Vyv's parents named him after a family member generations back, like his great-great-grandmother or smth. I don't think he ever learns about that though, he's had a spotty relationship with his birth parents at best and left home at a very young age.
9. What’s their most annoying trait? Has a tendency to severely overestimate his own capabilities (esp. in combat) which puts his close ones into peril on numerous occasions (unfortunately, realistically, he is not cut out be a major leagues merc in any capacity )
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quieres.png or, aka thebadhairleague
10. What makes them nice to be around? Generally optimistic and sunny disposition c:  And his ability to veer back from failure real quick
14. Good or bad at math? Haha counts enemies & odds as such: one two three f*cked
18. Do they have a favourite accessory / item of clothing? If yes, why that? I bet he has a fave pair of sneakers every other week or smth. He’s perfected the art of having a penchant for gaudy expensive shit and not really caring what he looks like at the same time. There's always something newer and shinier to covet, tho maybe he has a little keepsake or something that's dear to him but I'm can't come up with anything rn :V
20. What kind of people are their type that they find most attractive? (Either platonic, romantic or sexual attraction.) Vyv is a complete product of Night City culture and is very attracted to superficial beauty in his casual encounters. He's attracted to glitz and glitter to a fault, and being smitten with people in the spotlight is part of that- it's why he is absolutely over the moon when Kerry takes a shine to him, or when LizzyWizzy or Us Cracks reach out. As for types in general, he has very broad tastes both in friends and partners, but his life's story for the past few years has been too hectic and splotchy for anything meaningful to exist long term romantically. (As an aside- I like to think his stint in "Atlanta" was actually a panicked diving under for a while after screwing over a major crime boss in NC or smth rather than "trying to make it there"...)  As for friends- I'm sure he has a few lifelong friendships with people back in Heywood, and he grows real close real fast with Jackie & T-Bug (T.T) and Judy.
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5un5yst · 3 years
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Happy birthday 😳 @dep-yo-tee
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merry-harlowe · 4 years
"Hey... Hey, it's just me." For the prompt thing :^)
I’m back with more prompt fills for seven month old prompts!
I know you’re weary
Greenwarden. Bautista x Lewis (m!tracker). 1.1k words. tw for panic attacks and mild paranoia!
You don’t really know how long it's been since you slammed the bathroom door and threw the latch. You’ve been calm for a good while now, having rode the panic attack out to exhaustion.
Calm might be an exaggeration.
You can’t unlock the door.
Read it here on ao3!
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calmdowncolb · 4 years
I was inspired by a post by @dep-yo-tee about John’s feelings when he was reunited with Jacob as adults. Small ficlet occurred. 
John took delicate steps, as if anything too loud could crack Jacob open.
Blinking, he had to assure himself that his brother was real.
Shit, both of them, really.
He tiptoed around the hotel bed, making sure to walk in a wide circle so Jacob wouldn’t be startled. He gently placed his hand on Jacob’s right shoulder. His older brother still flinched.
Joseph was sitting by the head of the bed, with Jacob’s arm outstretched towards him. It had been a few hours now since the two younger Seeds had discovered the shell of their eldest. Only now, as the sun was hidden away, Jacob took off his stained Army jacket.
“My God, Jake...” Joseph had whispered. He ran his fingers across the tattered and scarred flesh of his brother’s arm. Despite the damage, Joseph could still see some familiar orange freckles scattered about. They served as proof that this was indeed his Jacob, even if nothing else matched the description.
John winced when Jacob began breathing harder. He wheezed from his repeatedly broken septum.
Joseph, with his eyebrows furrowed in concern, tried to examine every bit of exposed skin. Jacob had been burned and slashed, shot and stabbed. Each wound seemed to have healed and broken again over time.
Joseph held his own breath to avoid crying. He pressed his palm over Jacob’s bicep, as if to absorb his pain. He couldn’t help but let out a sob when he noticed his brother’s hardened glare towards the floor. This had to be the first time anyone had shown him any attention, much less concern, since the boys had been separated. His red hair was now longer than Joseph’s. It hung in his face, hiding his shame.
“Jacob, God has delivered you back to me.” Joseph gasped, and pulled Jacob into his arms for a big hug.
“I’m so sorry, brother. I’m so sorry. You’re safe now.” Joseph said, placing his hand on the back of his brother’s head.
John’s breath was caught in his throat, threatening to strangle him. His hands shook as though the room were ice cold.
While Joseph held Jacob and comforted him, John silently crept onto the bed besides Jacob. Unsure of what else to do, and certainly without anything to say, John rested his hand on Jacob’s knee.
Perhaps for a split second, John may have guessed that Jacob would fall into his arms and they’d hug and cry together. Perhaps. But old habits die hard, and once Jacob noticed the awkward consolation John was providing, he straightened himself up. In a fluid motion, muscle memory at this point, Jacob wrapped his big arm around John’s shoulders and pulled him into his chest. John slid right into place, hugging Jacob’s waist.
“It’s okay, kid.” Jacob rasped.
John managed a smile; a miracle as he fought back tears. He and Joseph had cried all day, and he was predicting that Jacob would laugh if they started again.
It was just so fucking typical, and so wonderful to John that this happened. Without missing a beat, without considering the situation, Jacob defaulted to protecting him. Jacob needed to make sure that he was okay, first and foremost.
For today, he’d allow it. He’d rest his head against his brother and close his eyes. They both needed it anyway.
A few moods and thoughts swung through his head. The urge to yell, ‘Damn it Jake, let me take care of you!’ popped in for a second.
‘That’s okay’, John decided. ‘That’s okay, because nothing and no one will ever hurt you again.’ He nodded into Jacob’s chest, affirming his vow to himself.
“This feels so strange.” Joseph muttered humorously. “You’re really here. You both are.”
“Yeah.” John opened his eyes. “I missed you both every day.”
Jacob squeezed John a little tighter.
Joseph’s mystic gaze couldn’t leave the sight before him. The years had turned John and Jacob into survivors, neck-deep in trauma and depression. He knew that, but here, some random hotel in Georgia, he saw who they were meant to be. John, so full of light, no matter how hard the world tried to extinguish him. Jacob, always the protector, no matter who or what tried to victimize him.
Joseph felt what must have been some semblance of wholeness here.
“Jacob...” He began calmly. “We have so much to tell you.”
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depvotee · 3 years
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Are you washed in the blood? In the soul-cleansing blood of the Lamb? Are your garments spotless, are they white as snow? Are you washed in the blood of the Lamb?
Herald AU: Jason H. Seed (The Judge)
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scumpatrol · 3 years
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ms lugo by @dep-yo-tee ♡
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pinkydude · 3 years
💝☆ put this star into the inbox of your favourite blogs. it’s time to spread positivity!! ☆💝 ily u inspired me to keep making cp77 content ;-; I love Val and Mitch and ur whole blog vides
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esaari · 3 years
Can u give this to Kit for me? MEAN. ALSO another for the thothy demon guy, MWAH
thothy demon guy ahahah (true tho) yes i will give it to them no worries 🙏💖
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necro-hamster · 3 years
10 - 15 for Danny >;3
10. What lie do they most frequently remember telling? Does it haunt them?
at one point (before the reaping) pastor jerome asked danny if everything was alright at home and danny said yes :^/ he believed it at the time! but looking back on it he really wishes they were able to be honest with not only jerome, but THEMSELF too. would've saved em a lot of trouble.
11. How do they cope with confusion (seek clarification, pretend they understand, etc)?
danny is a fake it til you make it kinda guy 😐 he doesnt know whats going on ?? thats fine ! they'll just pretend they do until things work out
12. How do they deal with an itch found in a place they can’t quite reach?
13. What color do they think they look best in? Do they actually look best in that color?
cream/off-white 🙄 danny isn't the most attractive person in the world but they look fine w/ it
14. What animal do they fear most?
MOOSE 😐 he literally hates them so fucking much he's terrified of them
15. How do they speak? Is what they say usually thought of on the spot, or do they rehearse it in their mind first?
danny has a tendency to be very passive aggressive lmao. they'll never be outright rude to people, but if giving backhanded compliments was a sport they'd be a gold medalist. in normal conversations he also tends to run his mouth without really thinking first, but for more serious situations he'll usually think things over pretty thoroughly first.
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refinedstorage · 4 years
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Also for @dep-yo-tee! What is this expression even like... is he up to something, or shy? 👀 👀 👀
Emoji prompts
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