#desaturated colurs
tsubaki94 · 2 years
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Ectoberhaunt comic 2022
The hunt for the king.
Friday: Purify
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skayafair · 9 months
Character Colours
I had only an hour to draw (I made it two and am going to regret it dearly when I wake up) so couldn't finish Silas + I really wanted to draw Lizzy. This isn't the final version and the costume... well, this is just the vibe she gives me, approximately. Clearly not something one goes into an expedition in buuut... all the breachers are associated with colours in my mind, and Lizzy is mainly yellow+orange and a hint of yellowish green, like grass and young leaves, but her eyes had to be colder, so there's a bluish hue to them. It's interesting because I'm starting to notice some similarities between the characters' personalities thanks to that? Like something they could bond or argue over? E.g. Cass is mailny red, orange and brown in my mind, which links to Lizzy's orange - different hues though - but they both can be pretty daring and impulsive when it's about some dangerous situation or a new species. Lizzy's iintense, bubbly display of curiosity is what gave her yellow. Or Silas made me think of emerald green for the most of S1 but that gradually shifted into shades of deep blue by S3. However, in my mind Silas and Lizzy both have green-blue hues for the eyes, I didn't decide for Silas yet, sharper features and glasses. This little hint of green is also uniting. All other colours seemed to align pretty well in the beginning (green + yellow and orange) - and they were on good terms - but clash by S3 (deep blue doesn't look good next to orange in my mind, plus Lizzy's colurs are darkened, muddied, get much more desaturated until she regains control over herself. Then it's yellow and more strict black due to a new responsibility, which... are still clashing with deep blue but not that much, really, and can go well together). In personality, they can both be very calculating, keep their heads cool (Lizzy can be pretty extreme with her qualities sometimes, being both hotheaded and keeping her cool depending on a situation), responsible and self-deprecating, not thinking much of themselves. Plus all the personalities were so distinct and bright they reminded me of anime characters at first, although later the impression gradually disappeared.
Eh... thanks for sticking along with my synesthesia babbling if you've read this far I guess? I just needed to get it out of my system.
So just another messy WIP for now =/ I forgot the freckles!!! UGH!
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ascendandt · 2 years
forcing myself to paint in desaturated colurs i hate everything forever
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how muted Colourful can make Youuns Colourful sing! Join Jan as she Introducer Liquitex Muting Colur, a LINE of pre-mixed muted Acryllic That s the Ably to Achieve the same desaturated hue Every time. Use the muted BODY Acrylics, Softs BODY Acrylics, and Acrylic Inks, Jan Skip the HandMade muted Colourful she Customary creates, and Saltatory Rights into Paintists a scene, and mid-Toned That make the bRightser Colourful pop. - Watch Painter Acrylics: Liquitex Muting Colur Above or on the Opus You-To-Be Channels to learn how Jan uses muted Colourful as a LINE drawing, underPaintists, Unglazed layer, and as a Complimentary Colur That the Colourful sing! Plus - our Muting Colourful Ceciliacan That Dives into the special Importance muted Toned in an s practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special Thanks to Liquitex Produced by Opus Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how Uses muted Colour can make Yous Colour sing! Join artist Jan Poynter as she introduces Liquitex Mute , a convenient LINE of pre-mixed muted Acrylics That allow Artiste the to Achievements the same desaturated hue every time. Use the muted Acrylics, Softs Acrylics, and Acrylic Inks, Jan the Handmade muted Colour she Conventionally creates, and Jumping right into painting a Mexican scene, WITH Shadowily and mid-Toning That make the brighter Colour pop. - Watch Painting WITH Acrylics: Liquitex Mute above or on the Opusculum ContentID Channels to learn how Jan uses muted Colour as a LINE drawing, underpainting, Glazes layer, and as a That Make the Colour sing! Plus - Read our Exclusive Mute Colors That Dives Deeper into the special Important muted Toning in an Artiste practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Poynter Special Thanks to Liquitex Produced by Opusculum Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how using muted Colur can make your Sunny Colur sing! Join artist Jan Poynter as she introduces Liquitex Muted Color, a convenient line of pre-mixed muted acrylics That artists the ability to achieve the same desaturated hue Every time. Using the muted Heavy Bodily s, Soft Bodily s, and Inks, Jan skips the handmade muted Colur she usually creates, and jumps right into painting a Sunny Mexican scene, With Shadowier and mid-tones That make the brighter Colur pop. - Watch Painting With s: Liquitex Muted Color above or on the Opus YouTube Channel to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a line drawing, underpainting, glaze layer, and as a complimentary colour That makes the Sunny Colur sing! Plus - Read our exclusive Muted Colours article That dives deeper into the special importance muted tones Plays in an artists practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Poynter Special Thanks to Liquitex Produced by Opus Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
Discover how Uses muted Colour can make Youre Colour sing! Join Artist Jan Poynter as she Introduce Liquitex Mute Colorful, a Convenient LINE of pre-mixed muted Acryllics That Artists the Ability to Achievements the same desaturated hue time. Using the muted Bodiness Acryllics, Softs Bodiness Acryllics, and Acryllic Inks, Jan the muted Colour she Conventionally creates, and Saltatory Right into Paintistically a Mexican scene, WITH and mid- That make the bRighter Colour pop. - Watch WITH Acryllics: Liquitex Mute Colorful or on the Opuscula WeTube Channel to learn how Jan uses muted Colour as a LINE drawing, underPaintistically, Glazing layer, and as a Colorful That the Colour sing! Plus - Read our Exclusively Mute Colur Article That Dives into the special muted PLAY in an Artists practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Poynter Special Thanks to Liquitex Produced by Opuscula Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how muted Colour can make Youre Sunny Colour sing! Join Artists Jan Poynter as she INTRODUCTION Liquitex Colur, a Convenient of pre-mixed muted Acrlyic That Artistss the Ability to Achievements the same desaturated hue Every time. Using the muted BODY Acrylicss, BODY Acrylicss, and Acrylics Inks, Jan Skips the Handmade muted Colour she Customary creates, and Jumped Right into Paintism a Sunny scene, WITH Shadow and mid-Toning That make the bRighter Colour pop. - Watch Paintist WITH Acrylicss: Liquitex Colur Above or on the Opus You-To-Be to learn how Jan uses muted Colour as a drawing, underPaintism, Glaze layer, and as a Complimentary Colur That Makes the Sunny Colour sing! Plus - Read our Colorful Article That into the special Important muted Toning Play in an Artistss practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Poynter Special Thanks to Liquitex Produced by Opus Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
Discover how muted can make Yous sing! Join Artist Jan Poynter as she Liquitex Colourful, a Convenient of pre-mixed muted Acrylicss Allows Artists the Ably to Achievements the same desaturated hue Every time. the muted Heavy Bodiness Acrylicss, Softs Bodiness Acrylicss, and Acrylics Inks, Jan the Handmade muted she Conventionally creates, and Jumpin into Paintist a scene, WITH Shadowish and mid- make the ber pop. - Watch Paintist WITH Acrylicss: Liquitex Colourful or on the Opusculum You-Tube Channels to learn how Jan uses muted as a drawing, underPaintist, Unglazed layer, and as a Complimentary Colourful Makes the sing! Plus - our Colourful Deeper into the special Importance muted Play in an Artists practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Poynter Special to Liquitex Produced by Opusculum Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
Discover how Use muted Colur can make Youse Colur sing! Join Artiste Jan as she Liquitex Color, a Convenience of pre-mixed muted Acrylicss That Allow Artistes the to Achievements the same desaturated hue Every time. Use the muted Heavy BODY Acrylicss, Soft BODY Acrylicss, and Acrylics Inks, Jan Skip the Handmade muted Colur she Conventionality creates, and Jump Rights into Paintery a scene, With Shadowiness and mid-Toned That make the bRightser Colur pop. - Watch Paintists With Acrylicss: Liquitex Color Above or on the OPUS YooTube Channel to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a drawing, underPaintery, layer, and as a Color That Make the Colur sing! Plus - Read our Exclusive Colorful That Dives into the special Important muted Toned PLAY in an Artistes practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special to Liquitex Produced by OPUS Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how Uses muted Colour can make Yous Sunny Colour sing! Join Artists Jan as she Liquitex Auto-mute Colur, a Line of pre-mixed muted Artistss the to the same desaturated hue Every time. the muted Acrylicss, Soft Acrylicss, and Acrylics Inks, Jan Skip the muted Colour she Customary creates, and Jumps into PainTing a Sunny scene, WITH Shadowiest and mid-Toning make the ber Colour pop. - Watch Paintery WITH Acrylicss: Liquitex Auto-mute Colur or on the Opusculum YOUTUBE to learn how Jan uses muted Colour as a Line drawing, underPainTing, layer, and as a Complimentary Colur the Sunny Colour sing! Plus - Read our Auto-mute Colour Article Deeper into the special Importance muted Toning Play in an Artistss practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special to Liquitex Produced by Opusculum Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
Discover how Use muted Colur can make You Sunny Colur sing! Join Artist Jan as she Liquitex Auto-mute Colorful, a Convenience LINE of pre-mixed muted Acryllic That Artists the Ability to the same desaturated hue time. Uses the muted Heavily Acryllics, Acryllics, and Acryllic Inks, Jan Skip the HandMade muted Colur she Conventional creates, and Leaped into Paintedly a Sunny scene, Shadow and mid-Tone That make the ber Colur pop. - Watch Paintingly Acryllics: Liquitex Auto-mute Colorful Above or on the EUtube Channel to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a LINE drawing, underPaintedly, Glaze layer, and as a Colorful That Makes the Sunny Colur sing! Plus - Read our Exclusive Auto-mute Aritcle That Deeper into the special Importance muted Tone Play in an Artists practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special to Liquitex Produced by Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
Discover how Use muted Colur can make You Sunny Colur sing! Join Artiste Jan as she Introduced Liquitex Colur, a Convenience of pre-mixed muted Acrlyic That Allows Artistes the to the same desaturated hue Every time. the muted BODY Acryllics, Soft BODY Acryllics, and Acryllic Inks, Jan Skip the Handmade muted Colur she Unconventional creates, and Jumpin into Painterly a Sunny Mexican scene, With Shadows and mid-Tone That make the ber Colur pop. - Watch Painter With Acryllics: Liquitex Colur or on the Opuscula Yutoob to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a drawing, underPainterly, Glazing layer, and as a Colur That the Sunny Colur sing! Plus - Read our Colur Article That Deeper into the special Importance muted Tone Play in an Artistes practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special to Liquitex Produced by Opuscula Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how Using muted Colur can make Your Sunny Colur sing! Join Artiste Jan as she INTRODUCTION Liquitex Mute Colors, a of pre-mixed muted Acrylics Artistes the Abilities to Achievement the same desaturated hue Every time. Using the muted Heavy Body Acrylics, Softs Body Acrylics, and Acrylic Inks, Jan the muted Colur she Customary creates, and Leapt into Paintress a Sunny Mexican scene, WITH Shadowish and mid- make the ber Colur pop. - Watch PainTing WITH Acrylics: Liquitex Mute Colors or on the Opus Youtoob Channel to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a drawing, underPaintress, Glazing layer, and as a Complimentary Colors MAKE the Sunny Colur sing! Plus - Read our Exclusively Mute Colour Article Dives Deeper into the special Important muted in an Artistes practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special to Liquitex Produced by Opus Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
0 notes
colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
how Uses muted Colur can make You Sunny Colur sing! Join Artiste Jan Poynter as she Intros Liquitex Colorful, a Convenience of pre-mixed muted Acrlyic That Allow Artistes the Ability to the same desaturated hue time. Uses the muted Heavy Acrlyics, Acrlyics, and Acrlyic Inks, Jan the HandMade muted Colur she Conventional creates, and Jumps Right into Painteries a Sunny Mexican scene, With Shadowy and mid-Tone That make the bRighter Colur pop. - Watch Paintery With Acrlyics: Liquitex Colorful or on the Ytimg Channels to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a drawing, underPainteries, Glaze layer, and as a Colorful That Make the Sunny Colur sing! Plus - Read our Exclusive Colorful Ceciliacan That into the special muted Tone Play in an Artistes practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Poynter Special Thanks to Liquitex Produced by Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
0 notes
colrfulcreations · 5 years
Date: 2016-09-23 22:10:45
Discover how Uses muted Colur can make You Colur sing! Join Jan as she Liquitex Mute Colour, a of pre-mixed muted Acrlyic Allow s the Abilities to the same desaturated hue Every time. the muted Bodily Acrlyics, Bodily Acrlyics, and Acrlyic Inks, Jan Skipped the HandMade muted Colur she Conventional creates, and Leapt into Paintisms a Mexican scene, Shadowy and mid-Tone make the ber Colur pop. - Watch Paintism Acrlyics: Liquitex Mute Colour Above or on the Opus WeTube Channels to learn how Jan uses muted Colur as a drawing, underPaintisms, layer, and as a Colour Make the Colur sing! Plus - Read our Exclusively Mute Colorful Dives into the special muted Tone Plays in an s practice. - Credits Featuring Jan Special to Liquitex Produced by Opus Art Supplies Created by Ryan Mund Music by Dan O'Connor "Violet Shrine"
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