prinnay · 3 months
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flickrsticks · 2 months
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I had nostalgia— I'VE MADE A CONNECTION
I love these two so much, I can't believe it.
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cornflakesdoesart · 1 year
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Micheal and Book <3  
for starshaker for the @startrekwintergiftexchange ! :))
Sorry for the delay, I kind of went on an odussey with this piece but it’s finally here and I hope you like it! ^^ 
(Under the cut I included the 4 discarded sketches as a bonus :’D)
I discarded these bc I wasn’t happy with the likeness, and I tried that technique were you trace the structure of a face and the landmarks on it but I felt like it didn’t work for me, also I couldn’t make the pose work, my brain just refused it and also also I couldn’t draw grudge in a pose and prespective and style that made sense and was coherent with the rest of the picture, so I had to let this go and start over, it be like that sometimes  :”)
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theyhitthepentagon · 11 months
at fight attack @longelk
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whilomm · 9 days
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species one is from mozzarellabits, the tricolors are from juliet whitsett, and the yellow one is from @pikaole
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blauelster · 5 months
We did learn History that's why we're Criticising Israel
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[Id:"A Tumblr Post of inklingm8 saying "Why can't people learn jewish and Israeli History before criticising our Right to our homeland"."Id end]
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screwpinecaprice · 2 years
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Well it's not totally a new power, kinda like shape-shifting amped up/made possible with the power of influence. Stevonnie with stretchy rubber powers, requested by E350; a nd Connie.. finally discovers one piece and is hooked, requested by Dsdmedia at Patreon! I never made a two in one with requests before, but I just couldn't help it. :P I thought of making the comic with Spinel and/or Amethyst in it, but I can't think of a scenario+dialogue. So, I'm thinking, Connie just picked up on One Piece, just to take a break from her studies. Then she just couldn't stop watching it in one sitting and crammed it in between all the other stuff she's doing. [Oh, she does see the flaws and she will take another sleepless night making a thesis on the good and bad qualities of the series. lol ] Steven wasn't happy about it when he found out but she usually can get away with her tendency of self destructive stubbornness when he's not around. Connie was mildly ashamed about it but she still has no regrets. (The tendency of self destructive stubbornness is my headcanon, by the way. Don't know if she really has that.)
THANK YOU TO THE PEOPLE WHO SUPPORTED ME AT PATREON THIS MONTH! Also thank you to Jeshua Morbus for helping with Stevonnie's Spanish dialogue!
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kairos-polaris · 3 months
my mom did a tarot reading about my soulmate and she said i have two and one is a man i don't know yet 😔idk how to feel about it
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wuh oh I'm on an indie fragrance kick again! anyway. environmental storytelling spotted here
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you just know some pickle hater bought the Dill Pickle Scent and then contacted the store like WHY DOES IT SMELL LIKE PICKLES!!! ONE STAR!!!!
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bixiaoshi · 29 days
i saw a job on the british council but i got SO overwhelmed by the applying website that i gave up lmao
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jojea · 2 months
when you finish reading what is quite possibly the best and longest fic of your life and you just sit there like
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silverfoxstole · 2 years
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I found this photo on Shutterstock a while ago, in a batch of promo pics. I’ve removed the watermarks as best I can with my limited editing software (my copy of Photoshop is in the loft, and I’m definitely not going up there to look for it with the current temperatures).
All the photos can be obviously matched to specific scenes, except this one. From the shadows in the background it appears to have been taken in Bush’s cabin, which we only see briefly when the Bonapartes are aboard in Duty; the slats in the door are quite distinctive. Also, at no point in series three does he have his coat unbuttoned (unlike series two, where he never does it up!).
A deleted scene, perhaps?
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[ Image ID: Image1) Digital art depicting a robot on a flat light green background with paler green concentric circles. In the corner of the image in a photograph of a can of “matcha green tea” which the robot’s design is viably inspired by. The robot is mostly made of metal reminiscent of the can’s tin, with some a cream based on the can’s label. The torso of the robot is this same cream but coming out from the waist in a large flowing skit, creating the illusion of a full body dress. On the hem of the skirt is a pattern of concentric circles based on a similar pattern on the can’s label. On the robot’s chest is a leaf shaped glass window with a green liquid inside it. This mirrors a leaf logo on the can. The robot’s head is mostly a blank rounded cylinder except for two ovals for eyes that glow green. Around the robot’s wrists and ankles are 2 green loops, and there are glowing circles implying energy coming from the hands and feet of the robot. Image 2) A groups of digital sketches. The same photo of a Matcha tea can is in the corner, with some blobs of colour  taken from the image next to it (various greens, cream and sliver). The digital sketches are simplistic concepts based off the can. Three are similar robots, three more human looking. All excpt one of the robot share the idea of a dress or skirt with the concentric circle pattern on the hem. /.End ID] So a bit ago I found a series by the artist @rinotuna where they create cahracter based on.. well basically any random thing, and the designs were so cerative, and I thought that trying to do somthing similar would be a fun stretch of the character design muscles. So I looked around and grabbed the first midly intersting thing off my desk and here we are. Im honslty really happy with how it went, will proabaly be trying this again. (also gave me a cahnce to test out my slowly devloping robot drawing skills)
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vickysaurus · 1 year
I finished Gideon the Ninth and holy shit was it amazing. I think of all the twists in the book, my favourite was the fact that Protesilaus was literally just fucking dead the whole time. It's a bit less silly and more grim with the additional twist at the ending, but when I first got to the reveal, I had a great time going back to earlier descriptions of Protesilaus and laughing at how incredibly obviously this man is just a corpse standing around doing nothing but the most basic brainless zombie actions.
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There are just so many moments of him awkwardly staring into space, presumably with his tongue just about to loll out. I get the impression that if his necromancer didn't manage him as closely as she does, he would just end up in a random corridor gently bumping into a blank wall repeatedly.
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afandomplace -> pluggedintosaverockandroll
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dawnleaf37 · 10 months
imouttaaaaaaaaaa my mind ?????
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