#retail story. kinda
trifoliate-undergrowth · 11 months
wuh oh I'm on an indie fragrance kick again! anyway. environmental storytelling spotted here
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you just know some pickle hater bought the Dill Pickle Scent and then contacted the store like WHY DOES IT SMELL LIKE PICKLES!!! ONE STAR!!!!
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So I made a Palestine flag pin to wear at work, partially because it feels like all I can do, and partially because the city I work in seems to be having a weekly protest about what's happening in Gaza but I seem to be working or otherwise busy every time so I can't join them but I can do this.
I'm a supervisor at a retail store and if I'm working on the weekend, I'm in charge of the day. (This does matter)
Anyway, yesterday I'd stepped away from the register cuz my coworkers had it covered and I was in the middle of fixing up an isle that was in danger of dropping a bunch of rolls of fabric on someone if they pulled out the wrong roll.
After a second or two, one of my coworkers came up like "Hey the dude at the register is giving [coworker] a hard time about your Palestine pin" so I went over to check out what was going on.
He'd left by the time I got there but I did catch a glimpse of him leaving. I am a larger woman, both because I'm tall (like 175cm which is about 5'8-9") and also wider/a lil chubby, the coworker he'd been having a go at was the smallest of the three of us (all women) that was working there. And part of me thinks that's why he complained to her and not me. Because I'm nearly the same size has him but the one he decided to have a go with was like 60% his body mass.
So she has a name that sounds like it comes from the middle east and I'm p sure he's racist based on what he said so there's that too.
Some of the things he said was "[Palestine] is a terrorist state" (which isn't even how words work tbh) and that me wearing the pin was "offensive and disappointing" and then left. (My coworker told me that these are some of the things she said).
My coworker is ok, she was a little rattled mostly cuz that's just how you react when a customer randomly has a go at you, especially since the majority of our customers are nice (if stupid) and then she was just annoyed that she wasn't able to snap back at him.
I've told the women working yesterday and I'm telling the women who are working with me today (who are also quite small and petite) that our store is not a place for debating, and if they feel uncomfortable about anything a customer is saying they can tell them to leave. I will back them up 100% and cover for them of necessary though our store manager is pretty good about having our back on these things too.
It's just so wild to me that he saw my pin, right below my "I'm a supervisor" pin, went to checkout, saw a tiny, maybe middle-eastern woman ladled as a "team member in training" and decided to parrot racist bullshit that almost definitely came from Fox News and then walk off like he'd won something.
I will say, I've had nothing but good things said to me about my pin. I have the Palestine flag pin, and the Indigenous Australian flag pin, both of which I made out of old fandom badges that I painted over cuz I couldn't find anyone selling badges near me and wanted the Indigenous flag before the voice vote a few weeks back. And then cuz I was continuing to wear that, I decided I should also support another group of people who have been invaded, colonised, oppressed, and demonised. (Just cuz Australians didn't carpet bomb the indigenous people when they were driven from their homes, doesn't mean they wouldn't have if the technology had been available at the time tbh)
People have asked if I made them or have asked where I got them because they wanted to buy them. There are more people who support Palestine than we really realise and that's great.
Leave retail workers alone.
And don't get your info from Fox News or Murdock news.
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It's just. Things. Emotions. Feelings. Goodbyes. Watching possibilities pass in front of you like ghosts of another life, another reality that exists out there somewhere. It's suddenly having what was probably an anxiety attack in the middle of the dinner you're having with your mom in a mexican restaurant that's really loud and noisy and having to excuse yourself out to the car when that sliver of control isn't going to be enough to keep yourself together. Trying to hold yourself in one piece through several major life changes happening at once (and feeling like you're failing). Working to curb that severe anxiety that comes around every time the year-mark passes with a new friendship and trying to not react and overreact to even the tiniest whiff of change or the most loudly apparent ones because you don't know what's really a big deal and what really isn't because everything is a big deal right now in every moment.
It's closing the previous act and waiting behind the curtain for the next one to start, except you don't know your lines, your fellow actors and actresses may or may not be coming with you into the next segment of the story, the scenery and sets are being wheeled off and changed, and you're dressed in something new but maybe a little more you.
It's a lot. A lot of things, a lot of words, a lot of people.
And maybe, for once, a lot of reward for patiently waiting for so many years.
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zhuhongs · 2 years
the ideas ive had for short stories that i may never right. but should have.. sighs.
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teaboot · 7 months
Feels weird leaving an ask, like I’m walking up to a sage on a mountain and asking advice but that sage is likely just some guy in his pj’s eating cheese. Anyway any advice for how to be okay with being perceived? It’s hard to not feel like everything I do whilst in someone eyeline is embarrassing
I'm actually eating Pierogi in the bathtub right now so this is perfect
Okay first off, currently working my way out of the wet paper bag that is Social Anxiety that once had me agoraphobic and melting down on my way to buy groceries, just so you know what you're working with
Care about how you dress, but not in like, a fashion way. Just a "I like how I feel in this shirt" sort of way. And not so much, "I look good in these pants so I will wear them to be perceived Correctly", as, "I feel great in these house slippers and when I feel good I'm confident and when I'm confident I give less of a shit what the haters might think". Wear what feels good. Cut your hair and do your face and nails whatever way feels good. Appearance is secondary to vibes.
Lean into the funny. I waited 10 minutes in line for a coffee order that had already been set out for me this morning, and when the barista noticed, we both had a good laugh. Five years ago that would have killed me. Now I'm glad these poor workers will have a funny story over their bland ass shift. When I was in retail that would have been adorable and hilarious! And so, my goofemup is a gift. I am full of blessings
Get louder and watch as nothing bad happens. Take up more space and watch as nobody yells at you. Wear brighter or skimpier or janglier outfits and bask I the glory that is "Nobody gives a shit except the nice strangers who give me compliments". Marvel at how far you can push the envelope before anyone so much as comments on it. This will free you.
Say yes to terrifying opportunities to be Seen. Karaoke, dance, improv. And if you can't do it sincerely, embody a caricature of yourself. It's terrifying and it sucks eternally and forever and ever and ever like hellfire until suddenly it doesn't. Then have fun.
Be honest. Not unkind, but blunt if you need to. "I'm having a bad time". "This kinda sucks for me". "I know you hate this song but you can deal with these last 30 seconds because I need it to live". Mostly people will think it's a joke but respect it anyway. God bless
Please keep in mind that I am flying by the seat of my pants here and this is just stuff that's worked for me. I am still a nervous disaster crying into the void. Good luck space cowboy
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iasminomarata · 10 months
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check it out, it's the logo-less version of my cover for Sonic Winter Jam! (It's retail incentive 1:10!)
you all know, it’s no secret that working on sonic is a big dream of mine -- so when i got to write Winter Jam & do this cover, i was so excited! i put sonic on center-stage, in the bright spotlight, channeling that excited energy even in the winter snow. the comments comparing this cover to the older sonic art from the 90’s are a massive compliment for me. i'm so glad that all of this shines through. thank you!
this was a kinda big undertaking as an illustration -- there are 21 characters on this cover! -- so i gotta say a big thank you to David Mariotte at IDW & Sonic Team, for both giving me the opportunity and their part in helping me pull this all together into one big ol' drawing.
you may be asking: why is sonic on stage? what’s going on in all those screens?? what is up with shadow 3 & knuckles??? you’ll just have to read the story to find out! ❄️✨
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A long overdue update:
Hi everyone. Long time no see. I literally have not opened Tumblr since the last time I posted here. Hope everyone is doing ok. Figured I owed y’all an apology and explanation for kinda just vanishing.
First, I did in fact get a car! It’s a 2015 Nissan Versa Note. I don’t particularly like it but a friend gave me a deal on it that I couldn’t turn down. Once my life stabilizes I’m probably going to sell it and buy an old truck, maybe a 70s Ford. I’d love a little sports car or a land yacht but rear wheel drive is a bit impractical for brutal New England winters, and the Jeep really put me in Old American Truck Mode. But yes I have a car now!
Second, unfortunately this is an official notice of hiatus. When I last posted saying I was taking some time off it was because I had just had an incredibly stressful move and did not have the energy to keep this blog up. I figured I’d take some time to get settled in, relax, and then pick this back up after a week or two, but the last month has been really rough - the short version is one of the people I was living with turned out to be a pretty horrendous human being who managed to get everybody living in the house essentially kicked out via sheer drama. Within a month and a half. It’s a long story but tl:dr if you quite literally slander a property manager with heavy unfounded accusations of horrible crimes, they’ll probably bail from the whole situation. And since they’re gone the landlord has to hand ownership of everything over to a company that’s forcing everyone still here to vacate. I’m now fighting to not have to live in aforementioned Nissan Versa through the aforementioned brutal New England winter. On top of that, I’m a retail manager so we’re going into our busiest most stressful season, so that’s been an extra level of exhaustion.
So what does that mean for this blog? Well, as I said, I’m officially going on indefinite hiatus, as are the projects I was working on in relation, including the reference website. I’m really sorry, I’m just way too stressed and dealing with way too much. If I could, I would just hand off administrative power to someone else, but this is a sideblog so I can’t hand off login credentials without also giving access to my main/personal account. It’s my biggest regret of this account, but when I started it I never expected it to blow up the way it did back in September - I had no reason to expect to need it to be its own entirely separate blog. I love what I was doing here and I thought that it might even be a nice distraction from everything going on, but the upkeep required with this blog is just more than I can deal with right now. I hope that things settle down soon and that I can genuinely come back here and enjoy what I was doing, but I just need literally anything to level out in my real life and to not be in 100% survival mode, because at the moment I literally do not have the energy to pour into this.
Anyway. Sorry for the long post, I’m not good at not being overly verbose. I’m really sorry for kind of abandoning this project, and I hope I can get back to it relatively soon, it just might be a while.
In the mean time, I hope those of y’all who I turned onto cars as a potential hobby find some other good outlets! I highly recommend Donut Media’s series “Up to Speed” on YouTube, as well as the channels Regular Car Reviews, Doug DeMuro, Garbage Time, and Aging Wheels. All great YouTube channels that are both informative and very approachable and fun.
Godspeed and much love. Hope to see y’all soon
- Identifying Cars in Posts admin ❤️
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astupidweeb69 · 6 months
hello!! I am kinda nervous to write this bc I absolutely love your writing and the way you portray Toby is just so real. I love how you make him both a loser and a force of nature, like just bc he has no rizz doesn't mean he can't do anything lol. But I was lowkey thinking about your stories the other day and like, what if Y/N also had some screws loose? Like he pops up at her house covered in the blood of some guy who wouldn't leave her alone and instead of calling the police like a smart person she's just like: " 😳 omg you did this for me??" I know it's unrealistic and silly but it's also kind of interesting???
Ticci Toby x Violent! Reader
Toby with an unhinged reader? Well - there's a recipe for disaster lmao.
I know I said I'm not taking requests but this ended up becoming a scenario. I just had some inspo - hope this is what you were looking for! Because the reader isn't submissive? Idk
Y/N has some messed-up thoughts and there are mentions of violence under the cut!:
The reader I imagine in this case would have only seen how cringey Toby is - thinking he was just a creepy guy who's taken a liking to them and would avoid him at all costs. Probably up until this point assume that he's a wimp (Toby would initially try his best to seem weaker and unassuming when he approaches the person he likes)
The scenario I imagine is that Y/N grew up around conflict, and is fully comfortable around violence, even throwing a few punches themselves here and there. Maybe ended up in Juvie when they were younger and now works in some retail job - something where they regularly interact with the general public.
A customer tries to hit on Y/N when Toby's there - big mistake.
But Toby doesn't say anything at first.
He doesn't have to.
Y/N immediately shuts the customer down. But the guy doesn't let up. Curses are thrown back and forth, Y/N's wrist is grabbed.
He touched you.
Toby doesn't like that. Not one bit.
You get reprimanded by your boss after you punched the unruly customer in the face.
Luckily they didn't press charges.
You had a bit of an edge, from your surly demeanor and fucked sense of humor, but Toby had no idea you'd do that.
Kind of turned him on. He knew he picked you for a reason.
But alas, that was the extent of your revenge. You already had a record of aggravated assault and you didn't need another one added to the list.
Luckily for you that scrawny, lanky boy who always stared at you when he came in had a plan in motion.
Late at night, a knock on the door wakes you up from a nap on the couch. Of course, you look through the peephole first before answering.
Everything is red.
Only until you hear a familiar voice pipe up do you realize who it is.
The blood covered so much of his face it was hard to point out who he was at first.
He speaks to you through the door, somehow already knowing you're there.
And he tells you what he did.
It takes a moment for you to process all the grizzly details, the way he followed the man, cornered him in an alley, and beat him so hard he'd pretty sure he cracked his skull on the brick wall.
He sounded giddy about it. Gleeful.
He was far from the loser you thought he was.
And you liked it.
Liked that he did that for you.
After all, in your head, hurting someone for someone else was the greatest form of love. It was the kind of devotion you'd always dreamed of from a partner.
You open the door.
Toby is surprised, but soon sees a look on your face he recognized. The kind of expression of sick joy and arousal that comes with blood lust.
You're blushing too. Blushing for him.
Everything was finally coming together perfectly, and once you let him into your home, he's never going to leave.
The relationship would start right off the bat. Toby is one to rush things.
It's all to claim you. Both mentally and physically. So you're attached to the hip pretty much. Expect a lot of PDA (Toby does not care who sees lol)
And a reader who's fully on board?
Yeah you're going to bring out the worst in each other. He'll encourage you to do more crimes, to get bloodier, to join him.
It would be a very bad situation for everyone involved.
But especially for anyone unfortunate enough to cross the paths of you two lovebirds.
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olderthannetfic · 9 months
Since you've mentioned that you use Scrivener as a word processing software, I have a bit of a weird-ish question. I have looked at the programme and it seems incredibly useful, and then I looked at the pricetag and- gulp.
I currently use Word which costs 5 euros per year thanks to university, but am thinking about switching to another programme that isn't related to my uni as I feel too paranoid about my smutty fanfic ideas being looked at by my uni and them disapproving of my writing. XD (Word keeps marking "fuck" with a squiggly line and suggesting I choose another word to avoid offending my readers, but if canon doesn't give Barclay some holographic MMF action taking place during "A Fistful of Datas" and turning both his holographic partners into holographic Data and therefore inducing maximum tension and insecurity due to feelings in poor sandwiched Barclay whenever he meets actual Data after that, I will have to write it myself! :P )
According to the website where one can buy a Scrivener license, one pays for the current version of it and will have to buy later versions anew if I haven't misunderstood. You seem to have used it for quite a while, and I haven't managed to find out when the different versions came out. I know the current one is 3, but I am unsure how much time passed between 1 and 2 and 2 and 3, and am unsure whether it's a good idea to buy a license now or whether it would be wiser to wait if it's likely that another version might be released in the near future (that is within one year for example) because then I might wait a little while with my purchase, heh. It probably sounds quite stingy but I am solely getting it for my tiny and too seldom indulged hobby of writing fanfic, and currently have to kinda sorta pay more attention to my wallet and where its contents go, so to say, which is why I'm hesitant.
The question basically is: As a (probable?) long-time user, do you think it's likely a new version of Scrivener will be released within the next year or so or do you think it's likely the current version will be tha latest to purchase for a longer while than 1-2 years?
I hope this rambly mess makes sense, haven't really slept for quite some time, so I am sorry if this is terribly incomprehensible. Sorry for the weird stingy question. Have a nice day and I hope you have slept and will sleep better than I currently do, heh!
I've only used it for like three years.
A quick google suggests that Scrivener 2 was released in 2010. 3 was released in 2017 basically to keep up with OS changes.
(IDK what you searched, but this isn't hard to find, dude.)
Scrivener is a fairly... old-fashioned style of software, I guess I'd call it. Some dude wrote himself a program to write his own novel and then people liked it. Some other guy decided to port it to Windows.
They update approximately never. When they do, recent buyers of the old one upgrade for free and everybody else gets like half off. The trial period is 30 days of actual use. The current retail license for 3 is only like sixty bucks. It's a commercial product, but... not like you've been trained to expect by your average modern software that wants to nickle and dime you at every turn.
Do you need Scrivener? Well, no. Not unless you want customizable high-level ebook output formatting and fancy features like that. You could just use some other free option if you just want to type stories in something that isn't Word. But Scrivener is priced extremely low for what it is.
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Walking across the store after my break, a teenage boy stopped me.
Teen: hey do you know where [town name I vaguely recognize] is?
Me: uhh not off the top of my head--
Teen: and did you know the guys there are butts, stinkbombs and poopy-heads?
Me: um
Teen: because they just LOST! the 2022 regional track meet. To the big dogs! *Points at himself and does a happy little dance*
Me: oh. Congrats!
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weebsinstash · 2 months
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(Thank you for reminding me bc this post was literally starting to get buried in my drafts. I gotta finish some of the posts piling up in here lol, I started this months ago)
Ok ok ok ok ok so like. I'm on my "unwilling red string of fate" shit so fucking hard right now and I thought of a story concept that really hits all my buttons for drama and jealousy and just, tension!
but god wouldn't Velvette GENUINELY be one of the worst people to be stuck with, especially if you're older than her? Like as a woman, being older than her? I've been imagining scenarios for the past several days and this bitch would have me FUMING and I gotta emphasize now that this is like, a sadistic bullying yandere kinda scenario
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You've been in Hell for just a few months, managing to get a job, being lucky enough to find a roommate to help with bills, and one day, you finally get your red string of fate when you're out at work. Oh gosh, you work kind of a demeaning job though, whether it be fast food or retail,and you start feeling anxious. Oh gosh, what if your soulmate doesn't like you? You're at work and you're kind of sweaty and... and...
THE Velvette of the Vees, a fucking OVERLORD, is clicking her heels right up to you and giving you a very obvious look up and down that's so BITING that you already want to cry. She just steps uncomfortably close to you and examining your every pore with obvious distaste, "you've GOT to be kidding me. YOU'RE my soulmate?!!"
Like for real, I would immediately shift gears, "ok well I guess we're both disappointed because I was hoping for a man with a REAL job" like, for real I know she's an Overlord and actually very very successful in her career but in this scenario she's several years younger than you and probably shorter too and like. I'm a bottom. That's such a turn off. Like I'm sorry, you're insulting me and calling me old and I'm like not even 10 years older than you? OK you fucking iPad baby, get your sticky fingers and short attention span out of my fucking space
Can you imagine HER AUDACITY to insult you immediately upon meeting you, criticizing your skin, your hair, your body, but she's still rolling her eyes, "ugh, well, come on, I've got better things to do than mill about here" "what?" "Did I stutter or are you hard of hearing at your age? I've got things to do and I'm not leaving you here. Clock out and get your shit or whatever and let's go"
I would just. Immediately tell her fuck you to her face. The second her disrespect comes out, that's it. Ok honey, go back to playing dress up and playing on your phone. I have a truck to help unload--
and she's calling her security goons to MANHANDLE YOU OUTTA THERE. Personal agency, you're almost 30, what's all that? She doesn't give a FUCK. You're her soulmate and she doesn't want other people or YOU getting into any weird shit and she maybe just maybe despite her absolutely nasty attitude is actually quite pleased to meet you and thinks how huffy and upset you're getting is just SO CUTE, like this bitch is PROUDLY suddenly intruding on your personal space to take a selfish with both of your hands in it showing the red string and upload it to her social media, "found my #redstringsoulmate! She's a fixer-uppet but I like a good challenge 💅" like BITCH I'LL KILL YOU? ON YOUR SOCIAL MEDIA PAGE?
She absolutely weaponizes her influence and position of power over you. You disappear? She has a group chat of people who roam the city looking for the latest hot goss and one of them just so happens to be in the bar you ran off to. Does she think you're getting a little too attached to another person? She absolutely destroys their reputation, and I mean that. She will bully you to goddamn tears and be borderline panting in the exhilaration of making you cry, but then she sees you sneaking off to secretly seek comfort in someone else? Velvette overhears one of her models saying that you're way too nice to be stuck with someone like Velvette? She hears someone imply that YOU are too good for HER? She gets them fired and punished in a huge public incident that she makes sure you're there to witness to conpletely destroy your bond with them. Wouldn't it be like soooooo funny and coincidental if that person turned out to have a secret SMS account where they bully and shit on you? Velvette will have Vox plant that shit if she has to
She'll spend time negging you and breaking you down so she can fix you up in her image. She'll have your old clothes BURNED "because they're too fucking ugly and cheap, you'll make me look bad" amd starts to completely control your wardrobe. She insists on having your makeup done when you go out, often applied by her own hand, meaning she's always in your face, looking st you uncomfortably close. You could just be in your room applying your own skincare with you own money and she'll look over your collection with intrigue and say something along the lines "you could've been a mildly popular skincare influencer if you had died before forming all those ugly wrinkles" and you just hit her with "and you'd be mildly fuckable if you were a few years older" WHICH ACTUALLY GETS TO HER BTW, SHE CAN'T STAND IT WHEN YOU POINT OUT HER "FAULTS" OR ANYTHING YOU DON'T LIKE THAT SHE CAN'T CHANGE
I just. Ok. Listen. Listen. IMAGINE HER PIVOTING BECAUSE YOU PUT YOUR HANDS ON HER AND SHE'S INTO IT??? like one day she's really pushing you and grabs you by your wrist when you try to leave and you SNAP, you're older, you're bigger, and you were working manual labor so you're STRONGER. You just push her back against the nearest wall and have her by the throat, squeezing, towering over her, "don't you EVER put your hands on me, you disrespectful NASTY little girl!!" Tearing into her verbally before you let her go once you realize, hey you're kinda choking her, and she's. Into it. You're completely overpowering her and face to face with her with such fierceness in your eyes that it's awakening something in her. She's breaking out in a sweat and watches you storm off where previously she might have chased after you to continue the argument.
Like honestly... fucking bully bottom yandere Velvette who turns from a sadist into a masochist and starts actually really liking when you dig into her and even causing fights or confrontations so you talk down to her or even hurt her. Bully yandere Velvette who watches you actually stand up for her and one hit KO some creep who was aggressively coming onto her and getting really scary about it while the two of you are out and, oh what's this, she suddenly wants to design a new line of clothing, suddenly more, functional, a little masculine even. She watches you pulverize a guy twice your size and reveal you have like Uber Strength and later that week she's coincidentally having you try on a leather jacket "that was totally supposed to be tried on by another model but that bitch didn't show up today so you'll have to do" and it surprisingly fits you absolutely perfectly and... it's actually.... to your tastes???
You're beating up some fucking guy because even if you hate this bitch, you see a younger smaller woman having a grown ass man come up with the intention of hurting her and it just activates your protector instincts, and at some point you wonder why she's not yelling at you for creating some sort of massive scene in public and she's just. Sitting there holding her phone horizontally, "what? You can keep going. I won't stop you" and biting her lip as you proceed to pulverize the guy
Of course, she IS the co-creator of the love potion, so obviously I can't help but think of a Velvette who isn't so patient that you're 'holding out on her and playing hard to get' and decides she needs to 'get you in the mood'. Or, on the other hand, she knows you're tougher than her and needs to get you kinda doped up anyways and you're just coming to all tied up and completely helpless and at her mercy. I just. See so many potential dynamics. Her being taller than you, you being taller, her being the older one, but, in general I just see her being into artistic types of bondage like shibari and forcing you to model different things for her (even if you hate the style or its forced fem or anything like that) including lingerie and even the really really horny kinds 😳
she's always taking photos that you're never sure whether she's saving for her private collection or if she's taking things to use for blackmail, although she's never posted anything of you In That Way so far. Too jealous to share those kinds of pics, perhaps? (She will threaten you with it though. God do you think she could. Ask Vox to stage some kind of hoax or fake app where it looks like to you certain things of you are leaked and Velvette makes you beg and promise to be good for her to take them down and they're, fake, never even up to begin with. She's punking you.)
I guess as a final note, did any of you ever play, what was it, dressupgamesforgirls when you were growing up? I like the idea of a Reader who, to match Velvette's powers, can pull up an "inventory" or "wardrobe" and you can mix and match and swap out your outfits and makeup with magic. Of course, this will only fuel Velvette's already OVERWHELMING constant urge to dress you up and style you, but even if you try to keep things a secret, she's got such a close eye on you that you'll never keep anything from her for very long. Velvette may be the one who's an actual doll but YOU'RE the one who's gonna wind up played with like a toy
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custardcrazy · 1 year
i have a Ted logan request! it’s kinda inspired by the tutor piece you wrote but instead of being Ted’s tutor she’s Deacons tutor (or babysitter) instead and she comes over to the Logan household and Ted sees her there and is immediately head over heels for her and is constantly trying to find an excuse to go to whatever room she’s in and stay there much to the annoyance of Deacon and their father on occasion
sorry if i got to specific but you’re my fav Ted Logan writer and I’m happy his requests are open!!!
young as we are
summary: you're deacon logan's new babysitter. it doesn't seem like it'll be anything too special -- until you meet his cute older brother, that is. (gn!reader)
wordcount: 3.8k
A/N: okay so I might've changed around the prompt a teensy bit, but hopefully it still fits what you wanted. i'm no good at writing slow stuff so i got kinda impatient lmao (also. i'm?? your favorite?? you have no idea how genuinely happy that makes me. i'm smiling like an idiot. thank you so much.)
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You checked the note you'd written the address down on to make sure you hadn't gotten the wrong house -- okay, all good -- before ringing the doorbell. 
The house itself was pretty nice, just looking at the exterior. One of the perks of babysitting in a somewhat well-off area like this one was that you usually got paid decently for your troubles; and it wasn't nearly as bad as working retail, if the stories you'd heard from your friends were anything to go off of. And kids could be sweet, unlike food service customers. 
It was only half a minute before the door was answered by a balding middle-aged man with a stern expression. Mr. Logan, you presumed; it was probably his voice you'd heard on the phone. 
"You must be the babysitter," he stated directly, not giving you time to answer, "come in, then. I have some things I have to inform you of." He didn't wait, disappearing into the house and leaving the door ajar behind him. Feeling slightly awkward, you followed. 
Once you entered the foyer, he began speaking again. "Deacon's probably in his room right now. He has to be in bed by nine P.M., and he knows that, but I don't doubt that without me being present he'll try to stay up." Indicating some bills on the counter, he continued, "there's some money for a pizza. The number to call is on the refrigerator. Dinner should be at six." 
"Oh, and my … eldest son, Ted." If it was even possible, his tone became more snide. "He should be back in an hour or two. Don't let him bother you at all -- if he gets too annoying, just let me know when I get back later in the evening, and I'll deal with him." 
You barely got out an "uh, okay, thanks" before Mr. Logan was yelling for Deacon. 
He was maybe around twelve, you guessed. It was obvious that he was reluctant to come downstairs, but did so after a look from his father. You smiled at him, but he didn't return it; you didn't really mind. He was at that awkward age, after all. And if your instincts were correct, an overbearing father could inflict a number on any kid. 
It wasn't that you weren't familiar with strict parents -- but it was near-impossible to get entirely used to them. Being in charge of their children meant that you had to be extra careful. You couldn't trust a young kid to not tell on you if you were a little lenient when it came to bedtimes, and you couldn't trust an older kid to not try and put the fact that you were more easy-going than their parents to the test. 
Still, once Mr. Logan had left, you immediately relaxed. 
And so did Deacon, by the looks of it, because suddenly his tense demeanor all but disappeared. 
It was almost frightening how abruptly he turned his attention from his father's car pulling down the driveway to you. 
"You ever watched RoboCop?" 
He asked, with a certain bluntness only preteen boys were capable of. 
"No, I haven't." Encouragingly, you smiled again. "What's that?" 
"I have the tape," and already he was turning away, "gimmie a sec." 
You had the sneaking suspicion that his father didn't have the same enthusiasm for science fiction movies.
And you were right; even during the movie he spoke up now and then to tell you stuff about the characters or the plot. About how "RoboCop could probably take down an entire army by himself". You thought it was kind of spooky how the titular protagonist was a reanimated guy forced to follow cyborg programming to uphold "justice" in an already-corrupt city, disregarding any humanity he once had. 
… Or something like that. Deacon just found the guy "badass". 
By the time that you'd nearly reached the ending of the movie, you were invested. 
But not too invested to not look up when the front door opened, and thus you made eye contact with probably the prettiest guy you'd seen in a while. 
He froze midway through his path to the stairs. 
For a moment, both of you just looked at each other. He looked familiar. 
Oh, yeah, you'd seen him at school a couple times. Passed by him in the hallways or in the cafeteria, maybe. You hadn't really noticed him before, but maybe that was because you hadn't gotten a good look at him. Like now. 
And then Deacon took notice, coughing in an awfully non-subtle way into his fist, and you realized that maybe you shouldn't stare like a creep. 
"Uh, you must be Ted, right?" You laughed semi-awkwardly. "Hi. I'm just gonna be babysitting Deacon until your dad gets home." 
Hopefully you remembered his name correctly. From the way his father had said it, you had expected him to be some flavor of delinquent -- piercings, leather jacket, all that stuff that an uptight man like Mr. Logan would disprove of. A high school dropout who was bumming around in his dad's basement without a source of stable income. 
That couldn't be further from the truth; the Ted you were seeing now was a slightly gangly, floppy-haired boy your age who was looking at you like he'd seen an angel. 
It took him a moment, but he nodded vigorously in response to your question. 
"Yes. Yeah. I'm -- that's me." Ted glanced away, finally breaking away your gaze. "Um. What's your name? I - … I don't think we've been introduced before, dude." Even from your position on the couch, you could pick out spots of rose pink on his cheeks. Even as he focused determinedly on the ground. 
You couldn't help but be hopelessly endeared, so you gave him your name. 
He gently repeated it once, as if trying out how it felt on his tongue. "Oh. Radical." 
There was another brief moment, in which the movie still playing on the boxy television faded into the background. Then, his eyes were back on yours; they were a warm brown, you noticed. 
Apparently, Deacon had enough of his older brother interrupting his sacred movie, because he spoke up again, breaking the silence. "Ted, don't you have stuff to do?" 
You wanted to reprimand Deacon for his less-than-polite tone, but didn't have the chance, because Ted responded first.
"Oh." Seemingly snapping back to reality, he glanced away. "Yeah. Sorry 'bout that." 
Before you could tell him that you were going to order food later, he'd bounded up the stairs, taking them two at a time. You heard the far-off shutting of a door; and then a little later, muffled music that had a lot of distorted electric guitar and drums. 
Deacon scoffed to himself, but settled further into the couch cushions. 
You didn't see Ted again that night. He didn't even come downstairs to snatch a slice of pepperoni pizza, and just remained in his room. Maybe he didn't want to bother his little brother anymore, you thought, trying your hardest not to feel disappointed; even if you'd barely had any sort of conversation with him, there was something … Something very magnetic. 
Mr. Logan was back at around eleven, and by that time you were seated by the television once more. Alone, because you'd miraculously managed to get Deacon to go to bed. 
"I'm guessing everything went fine," remarked Mr. Logan, taking off his cap. You were beginning to get used to his clipped tone, and shut off the terrible sitcom you'd been killing time with. 
"Yeah, I left the change for the food on the counter." 
He pulled out his wallet, counting out crisp bills. 
"Did Ted give you any trouble?" 
Taking the money, you made sure it was the correct amount -- why'd you even bother, a man like Mr. Logan must've been specific about everything. "No, not at all. He barely said anything to me, actually." 
He only gave you a noncommittal hum in response to that, not even looking in your direction as he headed for the counter; probably to make sure you weren't stealing any of the change. "Well, good night." 
It wasn't a thank you -- not even close, but you'd take it. You'd been paid, after all.  "Good night." 
Ted's face upon seeing you still was fresh in your mind as you made your way home. And during the next several days that passed. It wasn't surprising, really. Nobody had ever looked at you like that; nobody had ever looked in awe of you on sight. At least, not anybody that had really caught your attention. 
Eventually, Mr. Logan called again. Apparently he had another work thing to do -- not that you were listening closely when he mentioned it. Your heart jumped at another opportunity to see Ted; it was a little embarrassing, really. You weren't some boy-crazed lunatic, pining after a guy you barely knew. 
Well, pining was a strong word. But you did pay extra attention when walking around at school, trying to catch a glimpse of him on your way to your classes. 
(You didn't.) 
This time, your pulse picked up when you walked up to the house. You even hesitated before you rang the doorbell again. But when you did, you heard some general commotion from within the house before Deacon answered the door, looking a little annoyed. 
"Hi," he said, "Dad's getting ready or whatever." 
He stepped aside to let you in. "I thought Ted was gonna answer the door. But he ran off as soon as he heard the doorbell." Sighing, he flopped down on the couch. "Lazy ass." 
As if on cue, Mr. Logan entered the living room, fixing his hat. You idly wondered if he wore it to hide the fact that he basically lacked all of his hair except for on the sides and back. 
"Deacon, watch your language." 
"Sorry." Even though his voice was muffled into the cushions, he didn't sound apologetic in the slightest. 
Mr. Logan turned his attention to you. "You don't need a refresher on anything, right." It sounded more like an order than a question, but you chose to look past it. At least he had offered to jog your memory if needed. The bare minimum was nice sometimes. 
"Yeah, I'll be fine." 
He gave you a curt nod. It wasn't until you heard the garage door shutting behind his car that Deacon sat bolt upright, suddenly energized. 
You looked at him expectantly. 
"Let's watch Ghostbusters," he declared. "Dad thinks it's stupid." 
And so, with little fanfare, you were basically doing the same thing as last time. But instead of dystopia, the setting was mildly less disturbing this time. And the main protagonists were human and likable. No offense to cyborg cops, but he didn't offer much in the way of personality -- so nobody could blame you. 
You were sure you'd seen this movie before, but the memory was vague enough that most of the events were new to you. However, even though you were focused on watching the film, there was something else on the back of your mind. An underlying antsiness; and you had a good idea why. 
Said antsiness was confirmed when, about half an hour into the movie, you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. It took all of your willpower not to look, but you knew who it was. 
It was only until he breached your peripheral vision that you allowed yourself to smile. 
"Hey, Ted." 
Today, he was wearing all loose clothes -- a baggy tee shirt with BLACK SABBATH printed on it in slightly distorted purple font, and what looked like sleep shorts. All in all, it made him look very soft. Like he was planning to do nothing but lay in bed for the entire day. Even his hair was kind of mussed up, a curl or two (or three) sticking out from the rest. 
He returned your smile tenfold with a near-blinding grin. "Hey." 
Deacon, unlike you, didn't have to hide anything. 
"Are you just gonna stand there and stare at the babysitter?" 
Delightfully, Ted flushed, hand flying up to fiddle with his hair. "Uh. No. I was just wondering if I could -- " he hesitated, before continuing, "if I could watch the movie too, y'know. I think Ghostbusters is a totally exceptional example of cinema." You didn't catch the way Deacon narrowed his eyes at his older brother. 
"Okay. Just don't interrupt too much." 
" 'Course." 
You were mildly startled when Ted sat down in the middle of you and Deacon -- you'd expected him to sit on the other side, but apparently that wasn't the case. The younger Logan let out an audible sigh and scooted further away. 
True to his word, Ted didn't speak up for the majority of the movie. But you were aware of his presence in a way that was almost comparable; since you were mere inches apart. He didn't sit still, and adjusted his position every so often, but you had the feeling that was the norm since Deacon didn't mention it. 
However, it seemed by the near-ending Ted reached his limit on not making at least one comment. 
"Dude. I forgot how impressive the special effects are," he mused in his best attempt at a hushed tone. "Must've taken them ages to do this stuff." 
"Yeah," you agreed, glancing over, "it's pretty cool. Slimer really gives me the creeps." 
Ted opened his mouth to respond, but shut up when a loud "shhh!" came from Deacon's general direction. 
For a moment, you and him just looked at each other. Then, not able to stifle it in time, you snorted; he lapsed into a fit of giggles, and as a result of that so did you. It wasn't really your fault -- his laugh was very contagious, even muffled like this. 
Somehow, you managed to get through the rest of the movie without much more incident. Even if your heart lurched every time Ted's arm or leg accidentally brushed up against yours with the way he was fidgeting. 
By the time it was over, it was around six, and so you called to order a pizza. Ted didn't retreat back upstairs, much to Deacon's disappointment, and pretty much hovered around you as you all waited for dinner to arrive. Not in a weird way, not at all -- he just resembled a puppy trying to get attention, really. 
"What'd you think of the movie?" He asked, just after you'd gotten off the phone with the pizza place. 
"It was pretty good," you hummed, putting down the receiver. "A couple moments were slow, but overall I enjoyed it. What's not to like about some guys capturing ghosts and defeating otherworldly entities?" 
"An excellent way to phrase it," grinned Ted, "and I agree most wholeheartedly. The ghost-buster dudes are impossible not to root for." 
You chatted a little more about it with him; his way of talking was a bit unique, but somehow you found it just as attractive as everything else. Sadly, your conversation was cut short by the doorbell. As soon as you'd taken a single step in the direction of the door -- 
" -- I'll get that!" declared Ted, with an enthusiasm that was a little frightening, already moving to grab the pizza. 
"Hey, wait, there's money on the counter!" 
"... Oh." 
Backtracking, he grabbed the cash and resumed his course to the door, covering the distance with long strides. 
It wasn't long before the food was gone; and you unceremoniously stuffed the ripped-apart cardboard box into the recycling bin like last time, hoping Mr. Logan wouldn't take issue with how you'd basically just jammed it in. After Deacon had wolfed down maybe three slices, he'd disappeared somewhere. Probably to his room -- you  reminded him to be in bed in time, lest Mr. Logan stop letting you babysit, and he'd only replied with a dull "okay". 
You were practically alone with Ted now. 
"So, uh." He broke the silence as soon as you returned to the living room. "... Wanna go upstairs? There's not much to do down here 'sides watching more movies." 
"I don't see why not," you said without thinking. 
For a second, he looked caught off-guard just as much as you were, (seriously, what) but recovered quickly. "Cool. C'mon, dude." 
Beaming, he motioned to you, and you were helpless to do anything but follow. 
His room was a bit messy, but you would've found it strange if it wasn't. Posters were all over the walls, Metallica and Van Halen and other assorted bands and movies. In the corner was a shelf filled to the brim with various memorabilia; action figures, guitar picks, markers and books that looked kind of dusty. His laundry bin was overflowing a little, but at least it was confined to another corner. Everything was just so Ted and that was probably the best way to describe it. 
He made his way over to the window, opening it just a crack. "Let's just keep the window open so we can hear Dad pulling in the driveway. His car is super loud -- I think he'd go ballistic if you were hanging out with me." 
You knew he was right, but it still struck a minor chord on your heartstrings -- which you attempted to move past as fast as possible. "Oh, yeah. Good thinking." 
At your compliment, he was all smiles again. 
You felt yourself melt a little, and sat on the bed before your knees gave out or something. 
Before long, you were both sprawled out on the carpet playing a serious game of Uno. For a guy who you were learning wasn't the sharpest crayon in the box, he was pretty good at making you question your own abilities; either that or he was just extremely, ridiculously lucky. He did have an awful poker face, after all. 
He snickered every time he drew a plus four or plus two card, and blanched whenever he didn't have a playable card. Which was cute, but also pretty advantageous for you. 
After a frustratingly long time of going back and forth; of him denying you every single time you dared call Uno, you finally won. 
"Dude!" Ted exclaimed, throwing down his hand as if deeply and truly offended, but you could see that he was grinning again. "That was totally 'cause I let my guard down." 
"I don't know," you teased, "or maybe it was because of my great and unbeatable card-game skills." 
He hung his head in mock-shame. "You're right. I suck." 
You were conflicted between bullying him a little more or comforting him to lessen the blow of your victory, but before you could decide, you both heard the tell-tale sound of tires crunching on the pavement and the whir of the garage door opening. Ted scrambled over to the window, peeking through the small opening he'd left earlier. 
"He's back," he announced, turning back to face you. 
"Okay," you said, getting to your feet and making sure you hadn't dropped anything. "See you later, Ted." 
" 'Bye!" He called after you.
Thankfully, you managed to make it down to the living room, jump onto the couch, and fumble for the remote just in time to turn on the television a good minute before Mr. Logan entered. During that brief time, you felt strangely like you were a spy, a double-agent -- that if you were caught fraternizing with the enemy, you'd be given grave consequences. 
It was hilarious, you had to admit. 
Mr. Logan didn't ask you about Ted this time, just cutting right to the chase and taking out his wallet.
"Is the change on the counter again?" 
"Yeah," you answered, giving him a "thanks" as he handed you a couple bills. You marveled again at how clean they were -- it almost felt criminal to stuff them in your pocket, but what else could you do? 
Once more, Mr. Logan turned away, going for the counter. "Good night." If he was as disinterested as he sounded, it was no wonder why he didn't try to make small talk with you at all. And you were grateful for it; you were sure that it'd just be awkward and nothing else. You rushed a little to leave. 
But just as your hand turned the doorknob, you were stopped in your tracks by a shout. 
Apparently, you and Mr. Logan were both equally shocked, because he also whipped around mid-action. 
In Ted's hasty descent down the stairs, he nearly tripped over himself, but regained what little composure he'd been holding onto, and jogged over to you. Either he didn't notice his father standing there, looking utterly baffled; or he just didn't care. In his hands he was holding a cassette tape. 
He held it out to you, still catching his breath. The color in his cheeks could be attributed to his rush downstairs, but you had a sneaking suspicion that wasn't entirely the case. "Here. Sorry. I was gonna give it to you earlier," bashfulness showed clearly in his expression, "but I forgot." 
It was only a second before you realized that you'd have to exit the situation to avoid any questions from his father -- whose eyes were darting between the two of you in an extremely worrying manner. So you took it from him, even whilst having absolutely no idea what it was. 
And with that, you were out the door. 
The second you got home, you got a good look at the tape. 
On the outside, written in an untidy scrawl in black Sharpie, was your answer. It was a mixtape. How much time had he spent making this for you? Your mind conjured up an image of him sitting by the record player you'd seen in his room, painstakingly selecting his favorite songs to record. 
Flipping it over, you realized there was a scrap of paper taped to it -- a note. 
You hardly had to think about the question hastily written on it with a bright pink marker, with little stars doodled around the edges. 
It was the only thing that was running through your mind for the rest of the night. They were agonizing, the few days that passed before you finally received a call from Mr. Logan again. It was probably the only time ever that you were glad to hear his voice. 
Deacon was a little disappointed when you told him to wait a minute to watch Raiders of the Lost Ark.
"Don't start loudly making out or anything," he said, sulking as you quickly ascended the stairs. You wanted to scold him for the sake of preserving your own dignity, but you had more pressing matters to focus on at the moment.
"So," Ted began sheepishly, after you entered his room. "You got my note, right?" 
"I listened to the tape, too," you answered near-breathlessly. "Yes. I'd love to spend more time with you, Ted." You smiled broadly. "You're really sweet, you know that?" 
He went bright red in response. 
And then ducked behind his bangs. 
It took him a little while to speak, but you were patient. 
" … thanks, dude. I'm really glad," he finally murmured. "I spent ages making that tape, but it wasn't until I was gonna give it to you that I realized that. Like. Just hanging out like this wasn't gonna be enough. At all."
Right now, the main emotion your brain was registering was giddiness. 
"I'm really glad, too."
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bangchansgirlsblog · 1 year
The way you look at her PT 2
Warning: Fluff, angst, crying
Pairing: Hyunjin x Reader
Summary: Hyunjin introduces you to his girlfriend...
Does he know you have feelings for him?
!Kinda proofread!
I hate this so much OH MY GOD. Please bare with me lol! I’ve had writers block! 🩷
The night was horrible.
After the new couple walked into the house if felt like the atmosphere had changed. It felt like everyone was uncomfortable. Maybe I was overthinking it but i knew I was ready to go to bed.
“So Mina,” Chan starts up a new conversation as he sips on his beer watching everyone play a game of cards.
Her legs were tangled with Hyunjin’s and her hands were all over him. Yuck.
“What do you do for a living?” Chan asks making everyone turn their focus on her.
“Oh I’m currently in retail,” she says smiling. “What about you Chan, what exactly do you do for the group?”
Everyone goes quiet as if she had just shoved a knife in all our guts and stepped on our necks. How could she not know how big Chan was in the group? Pathetic in my opinion.
“Oh, well…”
“He is the janitor!” I shout out making the boys all burst out in laughter including Chan.
“Yeah I’m the janitor,” Mina looks at all of us confused and lets out a chuckle trying not to look confused.
“No but actually I’m the leader of the group, I’m surprised you didn’t know..”
“Oh well I don’t really listen to music that much and the only reason I found out about you guys was when I met Hyunjin.”
My smile disappears and I take a sip of my drink. I knew I was tipsy and soon falling into the drunk category.
“How did you guys meet by the way?” Felix interrupts the conversation.
“Uhh Babe, do you wanna tell the story?” She smiles of at Hyunjin who kisses her on the cheek. I shift in my chair uncomfortably and look away. I.N giving me encouraging looks now and again trying to make sure I’m okay.
“Yeah sure, basically this was when me and Y/nie were at the movies! I had gone to buy us more drinks and I had bumped into her. I thought she was pretty really-“
“And I thought he was the most beautiful man on earth,” that makes Hyunjin blush.
“And I had offered to buy her a drink to make it up to her. Now here we are thanks to Y/nie!” He looks at me and smiles.
“I-I think I’m going to go get another drink.” I slur getting up and stumbling into the kitchen.
Everyone gives Hyunjin a confused look but he also gets up leaving Mina on the couch to talk to the boys who really seemed like they didn’t want to be there.
My hands shake as I grab another beer. Sweat running down my face as regret starts to churn in my stomach.
My chest starts to ache but it was worse than before. The hot tears start to slide down my cheek. The tears I was trying to hold in the whole evening as I watched my Hyunjin touch on Mina. My Hyunjin laughing with her. My hyu-
“Hey..You okay?” My trail of thought is interrupted by a soft voice. The voice I wasn’t ready to hear yet. How long did I have to pretend not to love him the way I do? God.
“Yeah totally fine,” I find my hands wiping the tears that were falling and quickly turn with a big plastic smile. His frown telling me it wasn’t convincing at all.
He stood by the door. His hair up in a bun and his reading glasses on. The same reading glasses I helped pick out for him.
He was wearing his normal black sweatpants with a large sweatshirt. His hand filled with rings and my hair tie wrapped around his wrist. He looked like the Angel he was but with a pout and a worried look.
“Y/nie, if there something wrong you can tell me you know? I’m your best-friend. Why are you crying? Is it Mina? Is she not good for me? Do you not like her?”
Yes she isn’t good for you, I am you dimwit! I silently curse to myself.
His eyes go soft as he walks towards me. His body towering over me. Trying to read me like the open book I am when it came to him.
Hyunjin could read me in an out no doubt. He loved that about me, like he said. He even once said that if him and the boys had a competition on “who knows y/n the best” he would win with his eyes closed. Might sound cringe but I find it cute. Which made my heart flutter and the butterflies in my stomach grow even more but why did I want to throw them out now? Why did I want to kill the butterflies and mute my heart? Was this how heartbreak felt like?
“Just a stressful day at work Jinnie, I’m about to go out for a smock, wanna join?” I blurt out and move from underneath him. His hand automatically wrapping around my waist to stop me from moving.
“A smock? I thought you quit it? I told you it wasn’t good for you? It puts chemicals in your body, baby, we agreed you’d stop or you going to die.”
Baby? I couldn’t help but scoff at this. Baby? Really? What was he trying to do with me? Am I some type of rebound that he tried to keep under his wing?
Not noticing the tears that had fell his hands slowly wipe them away, “Hey hey, Y/n your crying again. Please tell me what’s wrong? It’s worrying me.” My vision blurry as I let out sobs. The pain now turning into anger. How dare he? How dare he make me feel like this?!
“Hyunjin I don’t need you to babysit me okay? You’re clearly so busy with your life to care about me. So let me do what I want.” My body rips out of his grip as I watch his eyes go wide as he looks confused. His expression turning into hurt and disbelief. I refused to argue with him. I refused to get hurt. I refused to let my stupid feelings get in between him and Mina. I grab my bottle and rush out the kitchen trying to get away from the situation but he starts to follow me.
“Y/nie, I’m talking to you.” He says as his steps quicken behind me.
“I’m done talking to you.” I simply reply as I make my way through the living room.
“Guys what’s going on-“
“Not right now!” We both snap at Han who’s taken back by our harsh tone.
Everyone in the room goes silent and even Mina knew not to interrupt our little argument.
“Hyunjin just leave me alone.” I exclaim as I speed walk up the stairs. Leaving everyone confused. The hot tears were now rolling non stop.
“Not until you tell me what’s wrong with you! You never smock unless there’s something bothering you!” He yells back.
The corridors lead me into Hyunjin’s room, my heart now beating in my neck as I try to slam the door in his face my his strength stops the door from shutting.
We were both now stood in his room and he had slammed the door shut. My sobs get loud as I stare at him. His arms crossed.
Me and him were both petty, that’s why we got along so well sometimes. If he did something I’d do something 10x worse then he would add on to that. It wasn’t the best thing when me and him argued, the whole house would flip upside down. Chan’s still traumatized from the last fight where I had thrown Hyunjin’s stool at him.
“Now you’re not leaving this room until you talk to me Y/n!”
I glare at him and walk to his balcony pulling out the pack of cigarettes.
“Y/n no!” He growls and grabs it out of my hand.
“Hyunjin!” I yell at him. But he doesn’t flinch or move. He looks me dead in the eyes before throwing them off the balcony.
“Why are you like this? Why do you have so much control over my life?”
“What do you mean Y/n?! I don’t control-“
The saying ‘think before you act’ did not apply to the shit I was about to say but instead ‘drunk words are sober thoughts’ was the biggest cause of all the shit that was about to come out my mouth.
“Yes you do Hyunjin! Why did I have to fall for you! You and your stupid brown eyes! Your stupid long beautiful locs! Your stupid pink soft lips! Why do you have to control me like this!” I scream at him, finding my self punching his chest. He stands there taking it in, listening to the words leaving my mouth at this moment. He knew I was drunk, but he didn’t know I was this drunk.
My body finally starts to give out. His hand quickly holding me before I fall to the ground.
“Shhh, princess, I’ve got you. Calm down just breathe. I’m right here. Can we go inside?” I nod my head and he slowly leads me into the room where he sits on the bed and pulls me to cuddle right beside him.
“Your okay. Okay? Just breathe. I’m here. No need to panic, I’m right here.” He rubs my back and intertwines our fingers.
“Hyunjin stop doing this to me. Please. I can’t keep holding onto this hope that someday we’ll be together.” I say softly. Removing myself from his touch.
“Y/n, look at me please.” His hand softly touching my face. He searches for my eyes as my body trembled against his. His other hand rubbing circles in my palm. He deeply sighs.
“Y/n I love you too but we can’t be together,” his voice trembles.
That’s when I hear my heart shatter into millions of pieces. I’m in my head, the thoughts run faster and faster that I don’t notice the tears in his eyes and a pair of extra eyes watching us behind the scenes
Ew kill me 😒 hope you enjoyed the story lol.
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pomefioredove · 5 months
Hi! not sure if u write for content that isn't a character x reader, if not, feel free to ignore this req!
but I'd like to req some timeskip hcs for the twst charas.. like what would they be after graduation? I could totally see Riddle being a lawyer but I'm not entirely sure for the rest of the twst cast 🤔
Thank you in advance! Take all the time u need !
ohhh actually speculation/analysis is something I write a lot of! I hail from a very literary fandom and these sorts of prompts are some of my favorites to do!
I could def give my thoughts, just based on what we already know + my own headcanons
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➼Deuce: Deuce, to me, is a hands-on learner type. I could see him getting really into mechanics, but... my heart says house husband. tells his kids bedtime stories about Cauldron Deuce (with... um, better morals, we'll say)
➼Ace: professional moocher hmmm Ace is kind of a wild card (pun) to me. I can see his life going in a lot of different directions depending on how the story goes
➼Riddle: definitely something prestigious. we know his parents are doctors, it's likely he'd feel pressured to follow in their footsteps, with other high-paying professions close behind (such as lawyer)
➼Cater: trophy husband(/influencer)
➼Trey: takes on the family bakery. I can see him getting settled down relatively fast compared to everyone else. he just needs a spouse whose as weird as he is
➼Leona: professional moocher (for real this time). In an ideal world he would get fed up with his family and move out, either to another palace they own (you know how it is with royalty and their real estate) or to his own place. but that freedom might get him to really apply himself to something he cares about, independent of his family. would get married if the opportunity presented itself, would NOT have kids
➼Ruggie: Leona's little buddy. Leona assured him a job after school, sooo probably not much different from what he's doing already, but paid. sends fat checks home to his grandma every month
➼Jack: whatever it is, he's committed to it. I can't see him working a dead-end job with no hopes of improving himself, so nothing too academic. the obvious answer is athletics... but he could just as likely become a sculptor. just something that he can apply himself to and continue improving in
➼Azul: businessman. he just has a thing for it. he's running multiple restaurant chains and dabbling in retail before age thirty, and always looking for more opportunities
➼Jade: Azul definitely guarantees him a job, but I think he'd be more interested in staying on land and doing field work. mycologist... or anything that really captures his interest
➼Floyd: cliché answer, he can't decide. likely bounces between working with his brother and working with Azul. may just stay within the "family business" which is implied to be. mafia?
➼Kalim: do we even know what the al-Asims do. besides be rich. well whatever it is, he's doing that. definitely gets married fast, probably has a bunch of kids already. they're just as loud and excitable as he is
➼Jamil: oh Jamil :( please please have a happy ending. I can see him really enjoying academics, especially in positions where he can publish papers and get feedback. good for his ego. may start some insane academic drama, though (nothing he can't handle)
➼Vil: actor/model. confirmed! probably waits a while to get married, he's put off his career long enough
➼Rook: the fact that he wants to go into archaeology is so cute... being an ex archeology (now religious studies) major myself I think it's just so... Rook of him to be interested in history. I would love to talk to him about the Minoans. Or the Xia dynasty. can I marry him while we're at it? he eventually settles down somewhere in the woods
➼Epel: eughhrrggg can I say farming. sorry. I'm from a family of farmers and kinda sentimental about it. the connection to the land is very real and very emotional. but he does other stuff, too
➼Idia: [cue book 6 angst]
diasomnia fam is up in the air for now considering... *gestures to all of book 7*
➼bonus rollo: judge. because it would be funny.
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tartigglez · 2 years
Hello tunblr user that I have NEVER spoken to before
Can I pretty please request dragon!zhongli doing dragon!Zhongli things
Like hoarding shiny things, and having a tail and hating random plants and squid 😭😭😭😭 idk I’m just hoping that something in this magically inspires your brain BUT feel free to ignore me
(I also really wanted to initiate ur ask box lol)
~ 🌷 anon <3
Why hello there tumblr user who i have also never spoken to! i hope this is uh,,, acceptable.
it was so hard to find a title for this oml
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"my natural form...?"
zhongli x gn!reader
genre: fluff, pure unfiltered fluffiness, such fluff, many fluffitude
word count: 500-ish
tags: retail addict zhong bc we love to see it, possessive zhong, zhong hates fish zhong, protective zhong (hes a cutie patootie guys omgomomgomgomgogmogmHDKAJH), venti makes a cameo/reader is a traveller but not tHE traveller bc THEYRE MINORS I REFUSE TO WRITE THAT. thats kinda it
tw/cw: possessive dragon boi, it lowkey seems like lightly toxic behaviour but i think thats it
a/n: i wrote a little smol bit of this every night this week so its maybe a bit disjointed but whatever. this was fun to write ty tulip bb. zhongli is the cutest im so sOFT FOR THIS MAN AAAA. also send me asks, ples, pls, plsssssssss, pls.
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dragon!zhongli who will buy pretty things without even realising that he quite literally has a retail addiction. will put things in random places in your house then get really confused when you move them. he keeps closely monitored stock of everything.
“darling, have you seen my golden vase anywhere”
“which golden vase?” 
“the one i purchased last week, at the market”
“i put flowers in it, it’s in the kitchen”
“okay, okay, good”
“you seem awfully worried about it”
“i am not, i simply… wished to know where it was… is all.”
“i see.”
dragon!zhongli who is lowkey possessive over you but refuses to admit it, also he feels that jealousy is not a good shade on him. But he’s a dragon, and you’re his most prized treasure, so it is only natural to him to protect you, right? it can’t be helped. he's got a really good sense of smell, so he can always tell who you’ve been around in the past few hours, but won’t tell you because he's afraid it’ll freak you out. 
(side note: he totally loves your scent and will compliment you on it all the time, like he’ll bury his head in your neck to calm himself down omg)
“my dear, who was with you earlier?”
“the guild had me teleport to mondstadt for a commission, why?”
“nothing my love, i simply- nevermind”
you look him in the eyes doubtfully
“alright. you were with the anemo archon, yes?”
“i was. i was sent out to windrise to fight some hilichurls, i ran into him and he helped me defeat them, why?” 
“nothing, darling. the hilichurls didn’t hurt you, did they?”
“when has a hilichurl ever hurt me?”
“it is difficult to argue with that logic.”
dragon!zhongli who despite literally creating the harbour, refuses to go near the markets. he cannot stand the smell of the seafood that the merchants sell, so despite trying to “blend in” whilst in his mortal form, he will rarely be sighted outside the innermost parts of the city. 
“yes, dear?”
“shall we take a stroll by the harbour? i have a free hour this afternoon and we should spend some time together. i haven’t spent much time with you this week, and i've missed you.”
“i have missed you too, love, however i think that-”
“you think?”
“i think that it is rather cold, down by the harbour. Shall we go to the teahouse instead?”
dragon!zhongli who is unconsciously protective of you in his sleep. he will wrap his tail around your form when cuddling, as a literal natural response. puts it around your waist and between your arms whilst spooning you so you can hug it like a teddy bear whilst he puts little kisses on your shoulders as you doze off. tells you the stories of years gone by as you sleep to vent his worries.
“tell a story”
“must i?”
“yes, you must!”
“very well my dear, close your eyes.”
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northern-passage · 10 months
i suppose i should do a little check in... i managed to finish ch3 of blood choke for nanowrimo (yay) but i'm still not where i want to be with tnp (boo)
it's been slow going... in general after the blood choke update my motivation kinda dropped more than i was expecting, which was foolish given the time of year. holidays are always a pain since i work retail....
anyways all that to say that i'm currently working on tnp. blood choke has shifted to the backburner - i'm still working on that, too, but my main focus now is to finish the ch2 blackwater route for tnp. i've also relegated my other projects to backburner as well. i really want to finish this damn tnp chapter before anything else at this point lmfao
i'm also going to be hosting a jam (which i'll announce tomorrow) along with some of my pals that will be through jan-feb, and i have a short game planned for that which i don't think will take up too much of my time.
thanks everyone for your patience and for sticking around as always 💗 i know it's been a long time and i appreciate the support you all still show me for this story.
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