teecupangel · 1 year
There's this manga called Brutal: Confession of a homicide investigator and when I finished it all I thought was, "Desmond in MC's place would be pretty funny especially with his bleeds lol" because with the crap Desmond went through, I feel like he should de-stress some of it in.... different ways
The manga is really brutal with some triggering stuff so it's ok if you don't do this
Nonnnnyy, I’ve been waiting for a continuation and hoping that the author gets better since last year TTATT
For those unfamiliar with the manga, Brutal: Confession of a Homicide Investigator or Brutal: Satsujin Keisatsukan no Kokuhaku is kinda like Dexter (the tv show) except the main character is much, much more unhinged, loves the look of despair of his asshole victims and goes all out to making their death karmic and ironic.
Also… he does pottery (badly), his favorite movie is The Exorcist and it’s implied his first love was a man who died before he could kill him XD
It’s super dark and the manga does not shy away from all the gory details and dark themes (when I say the MC’s victims are assholes, it’s an understatement). Seriously, there’s a lot of triggering stuff in this manga that each chapter usually have a warning label. It’s also short with only 19 chapters due to the author’s poor health so… if you wanna try it out, it won’t take too much of your time.
I feel like Desmond wouldn’t do what Dan does to his ‘victims’, mostly because the Brotherhood stresses to respect everyone, even the people they kill. The Hidden Blade is meant to deliver swift deaths, prolonging the death of the target as some sort of punishment would be against that ‘tradition’.
Although, to be fair, if we set this up as Desmond having lost a bit (or most) of his sanity after the Solar Flare, it would work.
This would be a Desmond who joined the police force after leaving the Farm. It’s highly unlikely since Abstergo would be all over him once he delivers the necessary paperwork and the results of his medical checkups but maybe he gets a lucky break, maybe Erudito is actively helping him by changing all of his information before it could get to Abstergo…
Maybe someone in the Calculations is ensuring he stays away from Abstergo’s radar. Weird computer glitches, strangely timed bad luck, accidents leading to data corruption… No one would think that someone is behind it unless they believe that that someone would be a ‘higher being’.
In this scenario, Desmond would see the worst of mankind and how the world as it is right now let some of these monsters get away. Desmond would use both the skills and techniques he learned from his profession and his childhood training in punishing these monsters the way they deserve to be punished.
In either scenario (Desmond becoming unhinged after the Solar Flare or Homicide Investigator!Desmond), Desmond wouldn’t care if they were Templars or not. As long as they have done something ‘bad’ and got away with it, they become his targets. 
But he’d still wear a hood and a mask to hide his identity.
So when Abstergo ‘finds’ footage of him, they assume he’s an Assassin out for revenge and they wouldn’t think that the other non-Templar/Abstergo related disappearance are related until it’s too late.
The Assassins would think he’s a rogue Assassin, most probably a survivor of the Great Purge that has cut all ties with everyone. They don’t necessarily agree with his ‘methods’ but they let him do as he pleases because (1) they have no idea who he is or even how to predict his movements (2) he’s only targeting horrible people so it’s not technically against the Creed, and (3) they need all the help they can get.
(It would be funny if Desmond’s fake identity’s first name is Dexter. I mean… I’d probably go for Derek as usual if I was to write this (big IF) but giving him Dexter as a fake name would be funny)
Hey, nonny.
You know what would be funny?
If Desmond goes to Japan after the Solar Flare to sorta-chill, sorta-relax, sorta-have a vacation and he just starts becoming some sort of vigilante during his time there. And Dan… falls in love with him. Both as the vigilante and as the nice foreigner working as a barista in the cafe near the police station or something. Just imagine a fusion of cafe au and serial killer au with a heavy topping of yandere from Dan and ‘I have really bad choices in love interests and I know it’ from Desmond XD
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phinal desdanation
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like. literally what the fuck was this. what the fuck was any of this.
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fatherramiro · 3 years
truly if the lost writers had let dan and desmond achieve their full potential and loosened their heterosexual worldview just a little, desdan could’ve been the next great american queerbait
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sevimsiz-adam · 7 years
Kardes napmıssın ya senle sohbet etmiyolar mı sana halini hatrını sormuyolar mı küçücük kendini tanıtma yerine destanlar yazmışsın suan beni cok üzdün gel seninle bi sohbet edelim ama etmek ister misin bilemem eğer istersen 18 yaz ileti atıcam
Neden 18 dasdghjkljg o desdan daha çok ölürsem beni tanımayıp bloguma rastlayanlar için çünkü ölüm çok uzak değil hal hatır soran çok lakin mesaj kesmiyor insan sarılmak istiyor sanısın tanımasın böle sarılıcan sonra hiç bişey demeden çekip gidecen :d öyle bi ruh halindeyim fkkflskffk
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fatherramiro · 3 years
thinking about thee constant makes me mad all over again about how the variable should’ve highlighted desmond and dan in a far better way instead of having des comatose for most of it (and once more forgetting the desdan dynamic) and dan having literally no agency to a point where it just makes me see red
like yes whatever happened happened but you all set up desmond to be a variable so why not allow desmond and dan to actually be variables or, in a reverse of the constant, have desmond use his variable-ness to save dan
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like for all that i refused to shut up about desdan in 2014, cl*yleb is worse for me and therefore for all of you because they’ve shared maybe 20x more screentime and there’s a chance that they’re not straight
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cl*yleb is just desdan with actual potential 2 become canon, a post that only makes sense to me
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my life but every time one of my mutuals reblogs the desdan names video it gets faster
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hope it isn't too much but: 001 for kate/claire, and 002 for daniel faraday and desmond hume, separately.
under a cut!
WHEN I STARTED SHIPPING IT IF I DID: probs like? halfway through s1? i don’t remember it was just something i was into
MY THOUGHTS: they’re just…. they’re My Girls, ya know? they keep me worm. idk it’s got a lot of in-canon backup which is really good to me. 
WHAT MAKES ME HAPPY ABOUT THEM: they Know each other, esp. in early seasons? like they just, in spite of everything, click. and i adore that! good dynamic.
WHAT MAKES ME SAD ABOUT THEM: most things??? like. i love late lost, in spite of its flaws, but claire’s writing was… Not Good after season 3 unfortunately and. i feel like that fucked with the dynamic. like, i adore s6 k/c, but they. they really goofed it up, with claire. idk.
THINGS DONE IN FANFIC THAT ANNOYS ME: the part where i’m producing a solid 25% of the content (exaggeration but. please write more, y’all.)
THINGS I LOOK FOR IN FANFIC: domestics, post show, actual communication and acknowledgment that they’ve done some messed up shit? and actual fic. ofc.
WHO I’D BE COMFORTABLE THEM ENDING UP WITH, IF NOT EACH OTHER: i’ve been… comfortably Skating by, let’s say, but kate/ladies is the way to go, esp. kate/sun. claire, i ship with a comforting hug and good writing. 
MY HAPPILY EVER AFTER FOR THEM: post-island they talk out their issues and run away together with their son and get married and it’s Nice. 
WHO IS THE BIG SPOON/LITTLE SPOON: claire is the littlest spoon on the planet. fuck you.
WHAT IS THEIR FAVORITE NON-SEXUAL ACTIVITY: just… being w/ each other and hanging around, even if it’s quiet. it’s real sweet. 
HOW I FEEL ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: he means the world to me and i would die for him. 
ALL THE PEOPLE I SHIP ROMANTICALLY WITH THIS CHARACTER: FUCK, uh, penny, dan, sayid, charlie, sawyer, libby (as a one-night-stand-uncomfortable type deal), jack. 
MY NON-ROMANTIC OTP FOR THIS CHARACTER: hurley/des needs the Most Love
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: like… he’s my dude but FUCK he is not more of a main character than hurley, sun, jin, or sayid. also some of his actions in the constant were real creepy. again, he’s my dude, but like. i gotta be Critical.
ONE THING I WISH WOULD HAPPEN / HAD HAPPENED WITH THIS CHARACTER IN CANON: i want more backstory and less ugly wigs–and i also kinda wish they had given him a real happy ending like. with his fucking family and all that.
MY OTP: des/pen… cmon.
MY CROSS OVER SHIP: desmond/avi from taz. i think they’d Connect this is very obscure. welcome to my new crackship cave.
A HEADCANON FACT: he’s a secret fuckin nerd ass and will gush about fantasy/scifi if prompted. do not tell anyone.
danny boy:
MY UNPOPULAR OPINION ABOUT THIS CHARACTER: i agree w/ most talk around him
ONE THING I WISH WOULD HAPPEN / HAD HAPPENED WITH THIS CHARACTER IN CANON: Let Him Meet Penny Let Him See His Fucking SIster Also Let Him Kill His FUCKING PARENTS. also, more depth on his brain shit? i guess?
MY OTP: desdan. it never ends.
MY CROSS OVER SHIP: dan/. um. jake peralta? the nerdiest boy and the best boy.
A HEADCANON FACT: in a modern au, oxford dan died the tips of his hair with koolaid. i don’t fuckin know.
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10 + desdan ?
high school popular kid/nerd au
sorry mobile people.
prompts from this list
“hey,” he hears behind him at the library, “you’re in physics third period, right? with chang?”
he doesn’t look up from his work- well, not really work, he’s composing for fun, and he’s doing it because he can’t at home anymore- but he says, quieter than he hopes, “yeah.”
“you sit with juliet, right? daniel.”
“that’s me.”
the speaker sits down, almost slams his physics textbook on the table, and then quietly gasps as if that will take back the noise.
“i need help,” he says, and daniel decides to finally see who he’s talking to. he probably could have guessed from the accent, but the boy across from him doesn’t talk much in class and daniel is, frankly, not the most observant when it comes to people.
“i’m, uh. desmond,” a pause, and a clarification, “david hume chacón.”
daniel knows, because juliet gave him his name when daniel whispered, “he’s cute,” by accident three minutes before class started a month ago. and he knows because he goes to track meets for frank’s sake. and he knows because his half-sister might have slept over at the hume household after a party, after which his mom bragged about her child not behaving like that. and he knows because he read the program for the last school play like the bible for a week, all the names of the actors and the people who built the set.
“nice to meet you,” he says, instead of all this. desmond smiles at him.
“i asked sayid jarrah for help, ‘cuz he’s in ap, but he was busy and he told me to ask jack shephard, who said just to go to juliet, and she’s… slightly scary. so, i was wondering what to do, and then i saw you. and you’re, uh, remarkably intelligent. sorry to bother, by the way.”
“uh, no problem,” daniel says, because he really doesn’t need to be doing what he is right now, “what’s your, uh, what’s your issue?”
“time travel.”
“please, please, please be serious.”
“no, see, my time machine is supposed to oscillate at eleven, but— my math on the homework doesn’t work, okay?” he messes up his hair in the way that jim ford always does, but it seems more nervous than jim’s attempt to be cool.
it’s an easy mistake to make, daniel knows, so he helps.
desmond thanks him, goes on his “merry way,” (the real words he uses to describe leaving, which daniel thinks is adorable. miles, when he hears this the next morning as daniel gushes, calls it the, “weirdest shit i’ve heard out of someone’s mouth.”)
desmond smiles at him more, afterwards. dan gets butterflies.
when daniel wins the science fair, desmond is at his side, smiling— “when you invent the time machine, please don’t use it to mess with my timeline,” he says.“it’s gonna oscillate at eleven, and also, it’s also gonna ruin your life.”“of course.”
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do the parents meme for desmond and daniel faraday plz ?
who’s the one to wake up the kids: des, usually, bc he doesn’t sleep to begin withwho makes the breakfast: also des!!! dan can’t cook to save his lifewho’s the one to cry for everything: dan maybe??? who’s the more discipline parent and who’s the more lenient one: des is definitely more protective, dan’s just like “U DO U!!!!”who helps with the science fair: dan will help!!! my science sonwho does baby talk: neither of them... des tries but feels embarrassed immediately after doing it so from that point on he stops.who wakes up for midnight feedings: again: des hume never sleepswho’s the one who always worries: DAN ....who picks up the kids early from school for some fun: des... he goes wildwho’s the competitive parent: ANOTHER SOCCER DAD FAVE IS DES, TBH....who kisses the ouches: also des, he’s very gentlewho’s the sucker for the puppy eyes: BOTH OF THEM... they’re so emotional and easy 2 fool even if their kid was the devil they would melt bc of puppy eyeswho makes the “dad jokes”: des.....who embarrassed their kid for fun: dan omg but he wouldn’t do it meanly he’d just be like the. goes 2 every school event yelling “THATS MY KID!!!”who’s the over protective one: DESwho’s the “take a sweater!” parent: both of them. oh my god.
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something really, really important to you.
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who controls the netflix account and what have they dominated the suggestions with by watching: DANIEL oh My god..... he watches so many shitty sci-fi shows with like. 23 seasons and the recs are FULL OF THEM and their associated spin-offs. desmond occasionally watches chopped, so like. good eats and ace of cakes are recommended 4 them also.
who snores: desmond holy shit.
who has an embarrassing ringtone that the other calls them in public just to get to go off: desmond goes wild at the concept of ringtones. he sets cheesy music for all of them. 
who sleeps on the top bunk if given the chance: des, i think??
who plays the piano at 6 in the morning to wake up the other: daniel hates the piano, his baby, being misused. desmond knows that this atrocity will wake the tiny science up. so he does.
who has accidentally set something on fire by attempting to cook a birthday meal: DANIEL bc he left the pan alone and got distracted in another room.
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can u do desdan for the otp thing
which one hogs the blanket: both of them. it’s a constant (haha) war 4 warmth
which one cuts the other’s hair: des cut’s dan’s once, but not very well, and dan does NOT trust himself with scissors, so they both just go out to get their hair cut.
which one makes coffee for the other every morning: desmond.... he always forgets how much sugar dan likes in his, though
which one picks up the pizza: dan can’t drive, so desmond. dan orders it though (pineapple, because he is ridiculous)
which one likes their music on full volume: desmond needs to hear his music everywhere he goes. daniel cant STAND noise, tbh
which one complains about the crumbs on the bed: DANIEL like softly whines about it ALL TH E TIME
which one is ticklish: daniel, and he GIGGLES when he’s being tickled.
which one sings and which one plays the music: desmond scream-sings, dan jams on the piano
which one proposes: god, neither of them. desmond’s too afraid and dan just isn’t the marrying type, he thinks
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