#desire is annoyed by their brother and they plot to trip him up constantly and they laugh at his misfortune
never gonna stop thinking about the fact that desire is the only one of dream's siblings who has never ignored him when he's asked for help
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Hospital Visit // Steve Harrington
Summary: Being pregnant during the time the Gate needs to be closed isn’t the most desired time especially when your boyfriend is Steve Harrington. In your senior year Steve and you were involved in the fight against the Demogorgon. You thought it was done until weird things happen during your return to Hawkins for break while pregnant.
Characters: Steve Harrington x pregnant!Reader, Dustin Henderson, Lucas Sinclair, Will Byers, Mike Wheeler, Max Mayfrield, Eleven, Nancy Wheeler, Billy Hargrove, Jonathan Byers, Joyce Byers and Chief Jim Hopper.
Words: 3076
Disclaimer: I do not own Stranger Things or the characters involved. I also do not own any gifs or images that may appear. Our desktop theme automatically provides the owner for the gif. Image that does appear, I couldn’t fine the original poster on google images.I only own the reader and the plot.
Warnings: Swearing, fighting, angst, pregnancy, and fluff.
Author: Caitsy
A/N: Bumping Steve’s age up one year for this fic. Nancy and Jonathan are in senior year of high school while Steve and Reader have graduated.
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You were hot, tired, annoyed and scared having been dragged into this because of your highly protective boyfriend. Steve was intensely protective of you while being freakishly loyal to the kids he had taken under his wing during your senior year when the shit show began.
In your senior year Steve was dragged into the Upside Down business when he was on his way to apologize to both you and Nancy. He didn’t have the balls to directly hurt you so he went the indirect way and used Nancy as the person for the Hawk billboard. You, Nancy and Jonathan had come across it and Steve with Tommy and Carol. You let Nancy deal with it while you just shook your head.
He crawled back to apologize to you with a beat in face as you and the other two tried to take the Demogorgon down. He jumped in and it’s probably the reason you didn’t entirely break up with him. Now on break from community college you were settled into Hopper’s house he was renting you guys after moving into the cabin in the woods with Jane.
“Yeah and we all die!” Steve shouted bringing you back into Byers mentally. You shook your head scanning the room to see the expressions on the kids and your boyfriend.
“What did I miss?” You asked rubbing your lower back.
“Nothing sweetheart.” Steve’s tone of voice changed as he helped you sit down on the couch, “How about you have a nap?”
You shot him a scathing look.
“I’m pregnant Steve, not a child.” You spat wincing as a pain shot through your lower back.
“That’s one point of view.” Dustin nodded ignoring the small spat you and Steve were having, “We need to do something Steve.”
“I’m guessing you all are suggesting a highly stupid plan that’s increasing Steve’s blood pressure?” You asked struggling to climb back on your feet. Sitting was hurting too much with the large belly.
“I got it!” Mike exclaimed making his way to a specific room that you didn’t have the energy to follow to. You get them find whatever they were doing while you stayed in the living room, “This is where the chief dug his hole. This our way into the tunnel. So…here right here. This is the hub.”
“Oh? Yeah, that’s a no!” Steve exclaimed.
“The Mindflayer would call away his army.” Dustin inserted excitedly.
“They’d all come to stop us.” Lucas added gaining the same excitement as Dustin was.
“We circle back to the exit.” Mike said sharing a look with his fellow young friends while slightly still ignoring Max.
“Guys!” Steve exclaimed.
“By the time they realize we’re gone-“
“El would be at the gate.” Max joined in slowly thinking her way through the potential plan that would greatly help.
“Hey! Hey! HEY! This is not happening!” Steve shook his head with much more force than before, “No, no, no, no. No, buts! I promise I’d keep you shitheads safe and that’s exactly what I plan on. We’re staying here. On the bench and we’re waiting for the starting team to do their job. Does everyone understand?”
“This isn’t a stupid sports game!”
“He said does everybody understand that?!” You shouted from the living room severely annoyed by the stupid dangerous plan.
“I need a year.” Steve slowly calmed down but the revving of a car took the attention away. Your attention was dragged away when you felt your feet get excessively wet and you started to panic.
“Oh fuck!” You swore as a pain crawled around your belly.
“It’s my brother! He can’t know I’m here. He’ll kill me. He’ll kill us!” Max gasped leaning against the back of the couch to peer out the window to the very familiar car outside the Byer’s home.
You made your way into the kitchen to not draw attention to yourself once you had pushed a pillow onto the wet mark from your water breaking. You groaned lowly as you leaned down on your forearms on the kitchen counter.
“Y/N?” Steve shouted from the living room.
“Just getting some water!” You called out keeping the pain from your tone. You didn’t need to add to the tension.
You were completely wrapped up in your contraction when the door slammed open with such force it brought you out of your pain. You peaked to see that egotistical Billy Hargrove was standing in the doorway in his mullet wearing glory.
“Well well well.” Billy smirked slamming the door behind him, “Lucas Sinclair. What a surprise. I thought I told you to stay away from him Max.”
You were highly concerned at how close Max was to her older step brother but you can’t exactly help when you’re hours away from pushing a baby from your vagina. You were concerned also where Steve was because he was taking his sweet time from outside.
“Billy, go away.” Max said finally standing up for herself.
“You disobeyed me and you know what happened when you disobey me.”
“I break things.” Billy finished before shoving Lucas back by the front of his shirt until he was tightly held against a cabinet.
“Get off me!” Lucas weakly exclaimed struggling under the older boys strength. The other kids screaming at the scene.
You made your way into the living room almost blinded by the sheer fury held neatly by the instincts flooding your system. You attributed it to the pregnancy. You carefully watched as Billy kept his mean grip on Lucas.
“Since Maxine won’t listen to me, maybe you will. You stay away from her.” Billy growled before he screamed in the face of the young minor, “STAY AWAY FROM HER. You hear me?”
Lucas was quiet for a moment before he did something he probably shouldn’t have done but you fucking lived for the moment.
“I said GET OFF ME!”
Next thing you know Billy is hunched over from a hard knee shoved into his STD invested, let’s be real here, genitals.
“You are SO dead Sinclair!” Billy seethed, “You’re dead.”
What Billy didn’t realize was that Steve was situated behind him in that state of fury that their calm. It was when Steve shoved Billy around to face him that he noticed exactly what was going to happen.
“No. You are.” Steve calmly spoke before winding his arm back and violently landed a good punch to Billy’s face. At the exact time his fist landed another contraction began and it fucking hurt but the evil laugh by Billy broke through the pain.
“Looks like you got some fire in you after all.” Billy said wiping his arm on his face leaving a streak of blood on his arm and face, “I’ve been waiting to meet this King Steve everybody’s even telling me about.”
You hissed hunching over inconspicuously to the group in the room. What you wanted was a fucking pain reliever and quiet room!
“Get out.” Steve stated giving Billy a single glance over. You leaned your body over ignoring the situation at hand before the pain passed and you saw that that Billy was landing on the table in the kitchen a few feet away from you.
Billy was punched once more sending him into the counter near the sink where the dishes Steve had done were sitting. Things seemed to be going good for Steve before Billy’s hand searched the counter until it came across a thick plate. Steve then was hit in the head with the plate to your horror and that’s when the game changed with Billy landing a punch on Steve.
“No one tells me what to do.” Billy swore before head butting Steve into the ground. You hated yourself when he was solidly punching Steve constantly.
You didn’t know if it was the desire for the fucking hospital or dealing with the pain that you quickly made your way to Billy. You moved faster than you had since your first trimester and bent down as far as you could before shoving a sharp knife into Billy’s thigh.
“Oh shit!” Dustin’s voice called out as Billy grunted in pain and looked down at the knife in his leg and at you with a blood splattered hand.
Billy stood up almost as if he couldn’t feel the pain and lunged at you before Max tripped him back and shoved a needle in his neck.
“Oh fuck!” You swore leaning over again sweat slowly crawling down your temple. You didn’t hear anything as the pain intensified until it slowly went away.
“What is that?” Dustin gasped seeing the spot on the carpet that was a nicely huge spot of wetness. The pillow had been kicked aside in the fight, “Oh my god.”
“She’s in labor!” Max exclaimed freaking out more holding the keys to Billy’s car.
“We don’t have time.” Mike exclaimed.
“It’s not like we or she has the ability to schedule when she gives birth!” Lucas exclaimed.
“Just go!” You screamed moving towards the door, “We don’t have time. I’ll stay in the car just get the job done!”
Max was driving with Lucas beside her giving directions while Dustin and Mike sat in the backseat shoved into the doors. Steve was out cold while you waiting with bated breathe for the next contraction. The in sync groaning from Steve and you flooded the small space in the car.
“Y/N?” Steve asked looking over at you. His head reached up to touch his face before Dustin grabbed it.
“No, don’t touch it.” Dustin soothed his older friend, “Hey buddy. it’s okay. You put up a good fight. He kicked your ass, but you put up a good fight. You’re okay.”
You grunted leaning over while Mike awkwardly rubbed your back as he had seen you do before.
“Okay, you’re gonna keep straight for a half a mile then make a left on Mount Sinai.” Lucas spoke up to Max.
“What’s going on?! Oh, my god!” Steve started furiously scrambling on his back as he noticed, quite blurry, Max driving and Lucas in the passenger seat.
“Just relax.” Dustin said, “She’s driven before.”
“Yeah, in a parking lot.” Mike sarcastically said stalling his soothing gestures to you to glare over at Dustin.
“That counts.” Lucas defended the red haired girl.
“Oh my god.” Steve gasped looking over at you resting at the painless point.
“They were gonna leave you behind-“ Dustin was cut off by an increasingly panicked Steve.
“Oh my god.”
“I promised that you’d be cool, okay?” Dustin urgently spoke holding the ice pack against Steve’s head.
“Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa!” Steve exclaimed, “What’s going on?!”
The car lurched faster on the road amid the car filled with young teens, a pain filled young girl and her beaten boyfriend. He didn’t need to know that you were going to be a parent within a day at most.
“Oh my god. No! Whoa, stop the car! Slow down.”
“I told you he’d freak out.” You muttered wincing at the speed the car was travelling. You didn’t like how dangerous and stupid this plan was but something needed to be done.
“Stop the car!”
“Everybody shut up! I’m trying to focus!” Max screamed frustrated by the boys and you if she was honest.
“Peace would be greatly appreciated.” You added sighing.
“Oh wait! That’s Mount Sinai. Make a left!” Lucas shouted pointing to the turn just a little up ahead.
“What?” Max demanded looking over.
“Make a left!” You screamed at the young girl bracing for the turn you had a feeling would either be success or send you in a roll over. You hit the mail box and went onto the grass as everyone started screeching and thrown around the car at the tight turn. You fucking swore the car went on two wheels.
“Ah hello!” Steve screamed at the car came to a sharp stop in front of the hole to hell otherwise known as the Upside Down tunnels.
“Whoa.” Dustin breathed.
“Incredible.” Mike spoke staring out the front of the car.
“I told you Zoomer.” Max said getting out of the car. Mike got out before helping you out also to get on the ground where you leant down on the hood breathing through another contraction as the group collected the items to go down into the tunnels.
“Guys. Oh no.” Steve spoke stumbling around on his feet seeing the kids suiting up in gloves, goggles, and clothes wrapped around mouths, “Guys. Hey, where do you think you’re going? What are you, deaf? Hello!”
“Calm down.” You spoke glancing up at him but Steve completely disregarded your words.
“We are not going down there right now. I made myself clear. Hey, there’s no chance we’re going to that hole, all right? This ends now!”
“Steve, you’re upset. I get it but the bottom line is, a party member requires assistance and it is our duty to provide that assistance. Now I know you promised everyone that you would keep us safe.” Dustin said grabbing another bag from the trunk, “So keep us safe.”
“Y/N stays here.” Steve said towards everyone.
“Should we tell him…?” Max whispered to Lucas as they handed a thick blanket to you sitting in the passenger seat.
“No.” Lucas shook his head.
“We don’t need him worse than he is right now. Besides it will be hours before she needs the hospital.” Mike said as he dropped the rope down into the hole as the other congregated at the hole.
“Let’s burn this shit.” Dustin spoke as they started down the hole.

“Be safe.” You called out to the group before settling back into the car that you locked once they all went down, “Okay baby let’s wait until everything’s over.”
You didn’t know how much time passed from the moment they dropped down in the hole before they scrambled out. You cracked the window when the lights of the car went out and then on.
“We should get to the hospital.” Dustin spoke up looking over at Steve, “Y/N’s been in labor for a while.”
“WHAT?!” Steve screamed at the kids looking over as you were once more outside the car leaning on the hood, “How long?”

“Since before you fought with Billy.” Max spoke up as Steve raced to the car helping you into the passenger seat again.    
“Get the hell in the car!” Steve shouted speeding when the doors were barely shut.
“I can’t do this!” You screamed looking at your patched up boyfriend. You had been pushing for so fucking long.
The night had bled into the early morning by the time you were in the delivery room in the same hospital Will was at. Separate rooms the party would take shifts outside each door freaking out for when Will would wake up and when the new member of the party would join.
“Come on sweetheart.” The nurse spoke from your one side, “You’re doing the hardest but most fulfilling job in the world.”
“You can do it.” Steve spoke, “After the weeks we’ve had?”
You followed the doctor’s steps bearing down hard for another half hour before a loud cry split the air amid your screaming. In a blur Steve cut the baby’s umbilical cord before the baby was placed on your chest for a few minutes.
“We’ll get her cleaned up and checked out.” The nurse said gently taking the baby from you, “We’ll be right back.”
She was right. Your sweet daughter was brought back to you and Steve cooing softly before Steve was given permission to take her to the care while you delivered the placenta.
Time passed as you gazed down at Ellie’s face as she rested in your arms in the private room with Steve wrapped around you. Soon enough the door gently opened revealing the kids, Nancy and the Byers in the doorway.
“Hey.” Nancy whispered making her way to your bedside, “Oh my gosh.”
“Is it a boy?” Dustin inquired.
The group came closer to see the little pink hat on the baby’s head as she yawned earning a collective aw. Joyce wrapped her arm around Will’s shoulders as he rested in the wheelchair.
“No, Dustin.” You gently smiled down at your daughter, “We want you to meet Eleanor Jane Harrington.”
Eleven gasped from the group as she came closer to the little girl in your arms.
“We decided to name her after a special girl that brought Y/N and I closer. Someone stronger than we have ever met with a kind soul despite the horror she faced.” Steve said looking at Eleven, “We’re hoping you would like to be her god mother.”
“God mother?” Eleven inquired before Joyce explained it easily, “Yes.”
“Welcome to the party.” Dustin spoke moving closer, “I’m going to kill anyone that hurts you. Uncle Dustin won’t ever let harm hurt you.”
You silently cried as Dustin moved closer to peer at the little girl before Steve lead him to the chair situated by the bed. Everyone held their breathe as Steve placed Ellie in Dustin’s arms and instructed him how to hold her.
“I was bullied because I’m different.” Dustin said peering down at the little girl, “I have a condition called cleidocranial dysplasia that makes me different. Your mom and dad are seriously cool and if you ever need a friend or your hurt because you’re different. I’m going to be right there silently planning a slow death.”
“Hey Jonathan?” Steve said looking up at his friend, “I know we weren’t the greatest friends…well I was a douche to you but I want you to know. You’re one of my best friends.”

“Thanks.” Jonathan spoke quietly from his brother’s side.
“That being said. Y/N and I want you to be Ellie’s godfather.” Steve said looking up at Jonathan. Jonathan wordlessly walked over and pulled Steve into a tight hug. Not one of the bro hugs but a serious hug.
“I’m going to make him an offer he can’t refuse.” Lucas piped up with a grin before Dustin, Mike, Will and even Hopper joined in.
“You see, Johnny, we feel that entertainment is going to be a-“
Ellie’s cry burst their movie portrayal scaring the living shit out of Dustin as he held her before Steve took her to bounce her to soothe his little girl.
“I’d be honoured.” Jonathan said leaning down to hug you.
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oddsnendsfanfics · 7 years
Two Strangers : Doubts
Genre: Fan Fiction (Vikings) Pairing: Ivar/Reader Warnings: N/A Rating: G Length: Drabble Disclaimer: a strict work of fiction, I own nothing except the original characters and the plot line. In no way am I affiliated to any of it.  
A/N: More Modern!Ivar, because he is clearly a hit ;) 
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Two Strangers Master List
Across the room your iPad dinged, telling you that there was a new video call waiting to be answered. Without looking at the person sending the request, you knew straight away that it would be Ivar. Sure enough, on the other side of the screen his smile met you – making your stomach flutter and your heart grow tight. You hadn’t seen Ivar, in person, in three months but the constant video calls and communication were almost enough to make up for the absence.
“Miss me, yet?” You asked settling in on your couch. You may as well get comfortable now, this was going to take a while. Not that you minded, the marathon video chats with Ivar were the best part of your week.
“Always do, Gorgeous,” Ivar spoke, smiling like a fool. You watched as he shifted around, recognizing the room he was in as the living room. Behind him the soft brown leather couch gave the perfect back drop. “Did you miss me?”
“Of course,” You smile with your reply.
Missing Ivar was the precise reason you had asked him to move this chat to today, instead of later in the week like you had originally planned. You would get to that, all in due time, but for now you simply wanted to enjoy the idle chit chat that came with every video call. They were all the same, you’d tell other how much you’d been missing them, ask about their day, tell about yours, and then whatever else needed to be said would come into play.
“How was your day?” Ivar asked, lifting a blue towel from around his neck and running it over his hair. You hadn’t noticed it before now, but his hair was damp and his bare shoulders were staring you down. He was looking much tighter and better built than you remembered.
Distracted by the innocent, as if, action, you blinked rapidly bringing yourself back to the conversation. Damn Ivar, he was such a tease.
“My day has barely begun,” You speak clearly, glancing up to the window in your living room. The mid-morning sun is streaming through, making the lazy Sunday the almost perfect day.
To be a proper perfect day, Ivar would have to be there in person. For now, this was good enough.
“Did you make it to kick-boxing this morning?” Ivar inquired knowing that you had been talking about going.
Crinkling your nose, you smile sheepishly. “I ended up sleeping in, but it was worth it.” Your alarm had gone off and instead of dragging yourself out of bed and to the gym, you’d been happy to silence the alarm and roll over. One week wouldn’t hurt. “Did you make it to the gym today?”
Ivar slowly nodded, rolling his eyes. “Ubbe had me awake at 5 to go.”
Ivar was content to tag along, after all being active was one of the best things for him, the fact his brother constantly turned their trips to the gym into some sort of competition heightened Ivar’s desire to go. His physio therapist had recently commented on how the frequent trips were paying off in more ways than Ivar could have imagined.
Flexing his left arm on the other side of the screen, he winked and made what you assumed to be a sexy pout.
“Hey babe.” He lowered his voice, mocking the typical American Muscle Head. “Which way to the beach?”
“You’re terrible,” You giggle at the antics. “But seriously, you feel okay? No over doing it I hope?”
“I feel great,” He half lied, after this Ivar was going to have a date with his bed. The physical part of his morning had left him beat. “Hvitserk and Sig came too, we played basketball.” He beamed proudly. Having to play in a wheel chair would give most people a disadvantage, especially when their opponents were all 6 feet and over. Ivar on the other hand had something his brothers didn’t - great aim. “Sig and I won.”
“So, when is the NBA calling?” You engaged.
Ivar rolled his eyes and smirked, “I already turned them away. They’re not ready for all of this.” He teased,
“Well, when they call, don’t forget about us little people?”
Sighing, Ivar smiled softly. “Forget you? Not happening, in fact,” He paused biting his bottom lip. “I was wondering, when are you coming back to see me?”
About to tell Ivar that you had been thinking about your next visit, you paused hearing someone talking in the background on his end. Ubbe was casually yelling for Ivar, his tone softening and Ivar’s attention leaving the screen. Listening to the brothers, you waited for a lull in their conversation – Ubbe was going out and there was a possibility he wouldn’t be back for the night. Ivar was nodding, agreeing, and assuring his brother that things would be fine – before calling out to Ubbe.
Ivar’s video began to spin and you were face to face with Ubbe. “When are you coming back to see me?” He parroted his baby brother’s question. “It’d be nice to have a prettier face than Ivar’s around here.” Ubbe winked.
“Well,” You purse your lips together, “I was thinking that maybe Ivar should come visit me this time?”
Ubbe’s eyebrows shot up, his blue eyes wide, and his beard hiding the smirk on his face. “That’s a great idea, but then I miss out.” He teased.
“You have Margrethe,” You shot back. Remembering the details Ivar had given you on Ubbe’s new girlfriend, the waitress from across town. You had saw photos and she looked very much like the type of girl you would have hand picked for Ubbe. “You don’t need me hanging around.”
“I don’t know,” Ubbe drawled out the words, “Ivar’s not much of a traveler.”
“What? What is she saying? Ubbe!” Ivar was frantic in the background, growling at his brother. Ubbe moved quickly to dodge a slap in the back of the knees. “Ubbe!” He was practically shouting. “Give that back!”
“Do you think you’d even want him? He’s a shit roommate.” Ubbe continued to torment you and his brother. “At least here, if you get bored with him there are three other brothers to pick from.”
“Ubbe you dick,” Ivar continued to rage, annoyed in the background.
“I don’t know what you’re talking about, Ubbe.” You play into his torment, “If I get bored with Ivar, you’d be my last choice.” You laugh and wink.
“You just keep breaking my heart,” Ubbe placed his hand over his chest. “Here, I’ll give you back before Ivar has a tantrum.”
Another blurry screen, a thump, and Ubbe shouting happen before Ivar’s pouting and innocent eyes reappear. Sighing heavily, he settles in and clears his throat. His hair is starting to dry and curl on the ends, you want so much to run your fingers through it. To stroke his cheek and reassure him that you and Ubbe were only teasing him.
“Ivar,” Your voice is even and sweet. You fight the urge to stroke the screen, gently connecting the freckles on his left cheek with your finger tip. “You know we were being dicks.”
“I know.” He grumbled, his eyes a dark blue and his frown making his lips look even more inviting.
Logically, Ivar knew that you would never cast him aside for one of his brothers. At least he hoped you would never cast him aside for one of his brothers. Ivar had always hated having to share, mostly because his brothers would take his things and never let him have them again. Childhood toys were one thing, but a woman was another. Ubbe had crossed a line in his comments and Ivar had gained his revenge. Now Ubbe was heading out on a date, his arm sporting a new bruise, and his shins beat from Ivar’s crutch.
“What I wasn’t teasing about, was you coming to visit me.” You continue to smile at him. “I mean, if you want to.”
You’d love to have another chance at visiting Ivar at home, but this time, having him come to you felt right. You knew his family and his friends, it was time that Ivar got to experience that on your side. You could show him all of your favourite spots and sights, take him around town and show him off.
A vacation from home and his brothers wouldn’t be that bad, getting to spend time with you would be amazing. There were a few tiny details which kept Ivar from jumping on a plane this very moment. His heart clenched and his stomach twisted. He shouldn’t be so nervous.
“A…are…Are you sure?” Ivar’s question was barely above a whisper.
“Of course, I am, silly.” You encourage. “Ivar, I want you to come and see where I’m from. I want you to meet my family and friends, to show you around like you did for me.”
“But what…never mind.” Ivar sighed heavily, a low growl resting in his throat.
“Ivar.” You hardened your gaze. “What’s wrong?”
Rubbing the back of his neck, Ivar idly chewed his bottom lip, trying to find a way to voice his concerns. “What if I come to visit and your family hates me? I mean, do they know?”
“Know what?”
You could understand his concerns, because you’d had the same ones when meeting his family.
“About me.” His eyes locked on your through the screen. A shiver ran through you.
“Of course they do! No, I’ve been seeing you for almost nine months and decided it wasn’t important.” You shook your head in disbelief. “Yes, Ivar. They know about you and I.”
Shaking his head, Ivar spoke. “Not about us, I mean about me. Do your friends and family know that you’re dating a guy whose legs don’t work, who you met on a plane?”
“Ivar!” You loudly scold him. “Don’t be like that, what is this about? Are you mad because Ubbe and I were teasing you? If you are then I’m sorry. If you’re not feeling well, then we can discuss this later.” You huff at him. “I hate when you talk that way, you know it. Ivar, I love you for you. Legs or not.”
“So they don’t know?”
“They know,” You answer with a deadpan stare.
You’d told your best friend about Ivar almost immediately after hanging out together in Paris. When you realized the photos that you’d taken with Ivar were mostly selfies or waist up, you had told her everything. How he had sat by you on the plane. How he’d really managed to make you like him with that stupid wagon joke. Even how he never let crutches and braces slow him down. After meeting Sigurd, you’d even had the odd idea about setting the two of them up. Once Ivar met her, you may go through with it.
Your mother had spoke to Ivar on the phone and briefly on a video call one morning. She had been elated, commenting on his manners and not to mention looks. Knowing that she wanted the best for you, while having dinner one evening you had told her everything about Ivar. About his brothers, his parents, even his legs. Her only reply had been to ask when she got to meet him.
“And you know what, babe, they don’t care.” You continue, not without noticing the doubt on Ivar’s face. “You make me happy. My friends and family will respect that. My mom can’t wait to meet you.” You smile sweetly. “And I can’t wait to have you here.”
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