#desmond is BROWN DAMMIT
crispyjenkins · 1 year
more ac teasers bcause you can't stop me
to the lovely in my dms who wishes to remain anonymous, here's a lil look at that other ac thing i'm poking at, with that good good bleed effect angst 🤌 y'all get zero context for this scene i said in the tags but i'll say it here too: desmond miles is 🤏 this close to being my new obi-wan so you can imagine my current state of mind. do not even get me started on jaskier.
(modern plot era, gen or pre-slash, william miles' a+ parenting, off-screen blood n violence, in this scene they're still hiding out in monteriggioni, bleed effect, MASSIVE h/c in the full fic)
  “Did your mom know about this?”
  Growing more confused by the second, Desmond humours him if for no other reason than his own curiosity on where Shaun is taking this, “I mean, she was still around the Farm back then, so she must’ve. She went back to the Italian Order when I was fourteen, though.”
  This seems to surprise Shaun, even though Desmond is pretty sure all this would be in the file the Brotherhood has on him. “I didn’t realise you were actually Italian,” he muses, stepping back to start cleaning up their garbage, while Desmond holds up his jeans and frowns at them.
  “How else do you think I’ve made it this far with the gaps in Baby’s translation system?”
  “To be quite honest, I thought you were faking it.”
  Desmond barks out a laugh, before deciding there’s no way he’s putting his damp pants back on. His bag of things had been missed when escaping the warehouse, but he’s pretty sure Lucy and Rebecca had thought to buy him more clothes on their last supply run. Y’know. Hopefully.
  When he tries to help Shaun clean up, the man just shoos him off, so Desmond shrugs and leans against the table to wait for him to finish, tossing his jeans over his shoulder. “I’m Native and Kiwi on my dad’s side,” he says, scratching the beginnings of the growing beard on his jaw.
  “Native American?” Shaun clarifies, snapping the kit closed and gathering all the garbage in the poncho.
  “Yeah, something from the Pacific Northwest, he never did tell me exactly what. Uh, then I get the Italian and Colombian from my mom, and we’re pretty sure her grandma was Arab but she never talked about her life before immigrating to Rome, so.”
  “Quite the melting pot,” Shaun says, offering to let Desmond lean on him, but Desmond shakes his head: he’s walked off far worse than this. “Is she still with the Italian branch, then?”
  He almost doesn’t answer, clenching his jaw as Shaun leads them from the crumbling room. But eventually, when they’re almost to the bottom of the staircase and in danger of actually being heard by their other teammates, Desmond mutters, “I don’t know.”
  The look Shaun sends him is actually flatteringly distressed, without any of the usual sort of pity he gets when people realise just how distant he is from his parents. He awkwardly gives Desmond a pat on the shoulder, but doesn’t press for more — Desmond doesn’t know what he’d have done if he did.
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rat-crunch · 3 years
Memento mori (part one)
Prologue: A hand streaked his head. Desmond gazed up to see a White haired woman, her brown horns curled around her ears. She smiled at him. 
“Good morning sleepy head.” A fire crackled in the background, He rubbed his eyes and groaned. She hummed softly to him and sang quietly. 
“Nortic emruden.Milgen en ralden” His mother quietly sang. It soothed his racing thoughts. (not to mention the voices he’d always been cursed with) The song was a protection rune, even he would know. But why would she have to protect him? What happened? A loud crash erupted from outside. His ears perked up. 
“M-mumma..?” she covered his pointed ears and shushed him. 
“Hush now.. You're alright, It's gonna be okay..” What's wrong? Is she alright? A boiling tear went down her cheek. It went down on his cheek. At the time father was fighting for abler (more as taken prisoner but his mumma always told him it was his choice) he held his teddy bear in one hand and his mothers in his other hand. Someone jiggled at the door handle, His mother opens the trap door and runs out. She wrapped him up in a blanket and gave him a basket. “Wait here. If anything happens to me, or- even if I'm not here in 2 hours. Run, there is food and water in the basket. Money too. There's a city not too far from here-” she was choked up by her tears. “Baby, I want you to run if I don't  come back. Run until you get to the city. I love you” he hid in the bushes as he was told to. Two men in black and gold uniforms grabbed her. She turned around and kicked at them, she screamed as her tail lashed. He whimpered. Look at you. Pathetic. Letting your mother be taken so easily. Unleash your power, you can tear them apart. He grabbed his head. It throbbed in pain. After waiting a few hours for her to come back he got up, his house was gone, all that was left was a smoldering heap. He grabbed his basket and walked, knowing it would take a while to get there.
Chapter 1 
“My world was lit on fire”
(7 years later)
Desmond trekked through the woods. The rain pounded. His hair was soaked, As well as his coat he made when he was 13. He continued walking down through the forest, the chilly frost nipping at his nose and lingering on his fingertips. It was just turning to winter. Leaves were falling off the trees and covering the ground. It reminded him of a time when he was young where he would chase the other demons through the village. He felt a strong sense of guilt in his stomach. It sat there like a brick, He shook it off. Weakling. You're weak, we’re surprised how you're even alive. His head throbbed. It was so agonizing he had to clutch his forehead. The voices had been there for as long as he could remember. They were always there, giving him migraines if he didn't do their bidding. Of course, that's why he hunted. He did it to please them. That's always how it's been done. Whatever he'd have to do to calm the ever so murderous voices. It would be done. Snap he stopped everything he was doing. What the hell was that? He pulled out his bow and was ready to let go of the String. Snap, Crunch. He Searched around him. 
“Show yourself.” he paused. “Slowly.” Nothing came out. “I said-” A Small girl came out the bush and sprinted away from him. “Dammit!” He mumbled as he chased the young girl. She was draped in brown clothing. (which was not helping him at all) They were running for what felt like hours, Every now and then she would take a turn trying to throw him off track. His heart raced. Hunt! Hunt! The voices chanted. Ahead of him was a city. It was the city, the one his mother wanted him to go to. He sat there astonished, staring up at the buildings. Shit. He lost the young girl. Look at you. You need us, we got you here. He clutched his forehead in agony. The floor seemed to sway underneath his feet. He shook his head to ease the headache. His head spinned, His footsteps were slow as he took in everything around him. He stumbled for the closest object to hold onto, after the piercing headache was gone. He pushed himself away from the wall.  Dammit that hurt.. Worse, it's been in weeks. He thought to himself. It was great to be alone in his own mind, not having the voices giving him head-splitting pains. Of course; it never lasted long. Only a few minutes later They started whispering in his mind about every little thing he did. The air smelt smokey and the sky was darkening turning to night. He looked around and realised his tail was flaming again. It usually happened when he got overwhelmed, Desmond never really knew why. He walked down the street, the rain fell heavily on the ground making it cold and wet (which Desmond despised, but usually sucked it up because living in the forest, there was no hiding in a house) He stopped at a small building in between two taller ones. Golden light poured out of every window, piano music was playing so loudly. Even he could hear it while standing outside. He pushed open the door. Two men stopped arm wrestling and looked at him. They’re challenging you. The voices whispered. He shook it off. 
“Oi, who The hell let you in ‘ere?” Desmond backed up and glared at the round man. 
“Who the hell asked?” He sneered. The man sat up and grabbed Desmond by his bandana. “If you think you can show up ‘ere and think that your sorry arse will be welcomed, you thought wrong” Desmond wriggled and managed to break free. The man punched him and he almost fell over. Desmond wiped the blood from his nose and looked back at him. He punched the fat gentleman back, The man practically flew into a table where a lanky blonde haired man sat. “Alright, That's Enough” the man smacked his hands on the table. “Why are you fighting this young man Yine?” Yine pointed towards desmond “Well look at ‘em Durgan he's a Damn demon! Didn't Akolaz send a bounty for Them?” Durgan patted him on the back. “I think you’ve been drinking too much friend, How about you go sit down and have a nice bottle of gin with some bread. What'd Ya think of that??”  Yine grumbled and walked off. “Uh.. Thanks?” Desmond Admitted. Durgan slapped him so hard on the back he almost fell over in pain. “No problem! Y’know if I had not stepped in when I you woulda been toast, Anyways i'm durgan!” Desmond rolled his eyes. “Im Desmond, And Will you just leave already? I can handle myself.” he scowled at Durgan. He backed up with a wounded look on his face. Desmond sighed. “Why are you in this Joint of town?” He tilted his head. His white hair blocked out his face as he did it. Desmond was amazed at how long his hair was. “I just found the place while I was trekking through the forest. Is there a problem with that?” Demond replied snarkily. Durgan raised his hands up and smirked. “No. none at all!” He nodded and went for the door. “Wait-” Desmond stopped. “There has to be a reason!” he turned around and sighed.“I’m here to find someone.. Okay?” He snapped. Desmond sighed and walked to durgan. “I-im sorry.. Just.. a lot has been happening.” All of a sudden he dropped to the floor. His head was pounding. The ground below him started to spin. “Desmond?” durgans muffled voice asked as his vision blurred, Eventually leaving him in a vast dark void.
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