#despite never having met
fistfuloflightning · 2 years
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a kinslayer and a traitor, in good company
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nikkipettt · 2 years
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Can’t wait to build a team with both of them in it 🥲
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kingkatsuki · 27 days
Bounty hunter!character fisting his cock over the wanted poster he keeps of you in his pocket.
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imaybe5tupid · 16 days
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Traveling alone is quite dangerous for a girl.
(my toshiro overcompensating trans man hc)
bonus 1
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bonus 2 ft. toshiyuki (middle brother) grown up a little but still a menace
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#toshiro nakamoto#shuro dungeon meshi#my comics#i feel like when he announced himself everyone in the household was really excited his dad especially#1) now there’s an heir 2) cause he finally thought his kid was starting to be interesting and for a short time it was kind of novel#he thought it was so cool and edgy to have a son like that but then that quickly wore off#since toshiro didn’t start becoming like him or stop being a boring person to him#and lowkey the little inheritance competition where toshiros peers are like. a bratty 14yo and an 8yo.#is his way to walk it back that he should be the heir#even though he already got acknowledged and everything#meanwhile hien trying to be a woke affirming queen and just feeding his insecurities unintentionally “you’re a man aren’t you”#their friendship changes and they try to slot each other more into their gendered expectations and drift apart#toshiro compulsively works out and trains and carries himself and acts in certain ways#to be masculine in this very conventional way to affirm himself as a man and as the heir of a samurai family#and as a counterpoint to his wastrel layabout father#he becomes the kind of stealth trans guy who lives in constant state of fear and stress. to the point his little brothers have no idea#-> creates that distance emotionally from them#dungeon meshi#i think his relationship with his dad is absolutely horrendous hes a scummy guy through and through#but i personally enjoy bad relationships in fiction where there was something good to lose in the first place#and despite everything he does still care like in the first comic hes genuinely trying to be mindful#in his own condescending thoughtless way which like confirms all of toshiros worst fears about how his father sees him#like he really got assigned the retainers who are 1) 2 teenage girls one who wants to escape the other whos lowkey scared of him#3) his ex childhood best friend who things are weird with currently 4) random woman whos never even met him ONCE before#5) his smothering nanny/teacher ALL OF WHOM dont really respect him as a leader at all or have a professional rapport with him even😭#in his dads pov he was like okay ill assign women retainers so he won’t hide from them (wrong). also ones who wont intimidate him (wrong)#damn im smart! meanwhile toshiro having a breakdown over it
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whirlpool-blogs · 18 days
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Masters of the Air behind-the-scenes
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zuko-always-lies · 2 months
Unpopular Opinion
The people who become master benders without having to put in the hard work and without having to struggle aren't Azula or Toph or even Aang, they're Katara(becomes a master good enough to teach the Avatar within a month of finally getting formal instruction) and Zuko (get's a convenient dragon-shaped powerup rather than having to actually master the fundamentals).
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teamfortresstwo · 5 months
In my head the first thing that actually comforted Vox at all while he was in hell was the radio playing some familiar song .
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vox machina: half of a coed secret society currently facing university crackdown due to excessive rowdiness and flagpole scaling get a sizable townhouse; there they handle lizard escapes, child support requests, police scrutiny, many villainous professors, and members who won't stop getting engaged to each other.
the mighty nein: paranoid houseboat owners renting the absolutely cheapest moorings at a marina in a midsized european canal city band together against judgemental neighbors/local boat safety inspections/the concept of decay/ecosystem degradation in their waterways/their own dark pasts/two art-student ass cults; against all odds succeed at everything.
bell’s hells: posters on a queer housing page in toronto pack 6-11 people (depending on the day) into a two bedroom; ping-pong between icily polite spy warfare and cloying codependence, all while ostensibly working together to save a critically endangered species of salamander—end up involved in years old industrial drama opposing their friend’s shady mining corporation mom.
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merakiui · 1 year
what would happen if you abandoned puppyboy! floyd? like just said “oh come follow me outside and stay here :D” and then dissapeared
Omg T^T poor puppyboy Floyd... he believes you as well because he knows you wouldn't do anything to hurt him, so he trusts you wholeheartedly when he gets into the car with you. Nothing feels amiss until the both of you reach a considerable distance from the house and you park the car in some empty street deep in the city. You walk a little ways further until you stop and tell Floyd to wait there. But Floyd tries to follow after you when you walk away and you turn around and tell him to wait; you say you'll be back soon, but for the first time Floyd hesitates in believing your words. He tries to follow you again and you snap at him to stay, so he listens, albeit while scuffing his shoe on the ground and pouting.
He waits until he can't wait anymore, until he's taking the way back to where he's certain the car is still parked. If this is because he ate your dessert, he said he'd make you a new one! If this is because he's been too clingy lately, he'll ease up. He'll do whatever you want; he loves you! But the car is not there, and you're gone. Floyd realizes that you've left him all alone in the big, scary city and he has no sense of direction because he's never been in the city by himself. You've always accompanied him. For once in his life, he feels lost. He doesn't cry because he's certain there must be some mistake. Shrimpy would never abandon him. Surely not! But as the day gives way to night and Floyd's spent hours walking in what feels like circles, always returning to the place where the car once sat in hopes of seeing it again, it becomes clear that you aren't coming back.
At some point, perhaps he runs into catboy Jade and the two of them survive together for a while before they're taken in by a certain overworked, always-exhausted businessman (Azul). Floyd's goal is to be reunited with his Shrimpy. Jade's is to explore and, now that Floyd keeps talking about this Shrimpy he adores so much, eventually settle down in a comfortable home (preferably your home because it sounds so quaint).
This doesn't mean Floyd forgives you, though! He feels so hurt and betrayed and angry, so when he sees you next you'd better be ready to make it up to him with many apologies because he isn't going to let you get away so easily.
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hella1975 · 5 months
we may have lost another one to the bisexual hotgirl and straight loserboy agenda but trust i am fighting it comrades 🫡
#IM TRYINGGGGG. the fuck of it all is that we've been going on dates on and off for WEEKS now#and i said to him at the start im not looking for anything serious and there's a chance he might be mugging himself off#bc i am just NOT emotionally available and low and behold we were at the pub the other night and wound up having a pretty#serious talk about how ive really liked getting closer to him and i genuinely enjoy our time together but i just cant see anything#serious coming of it NOT BC OF HIM BC GENUINELY I FEEL LIKE IVE MET MY MATCH WITH THIS BOY#NO ONE IRL CAN BANTER WITH ME LIKE HE CAN AND THAT IS SUCHHH A CRUCIAL BOX TO TICK WITH ME#but i just dont think im mentally or emotionally in the place for a relationship and i dont like him ENOUGH to fight for it#like it's been v illuminating v much that 'you never realise just how mentally ill you are until you try persuing a romantic relationship'#bc DAMN. i feel insane like why cant i just be normal about things and enjoy nice things and people in my life#BUT despite me saying all this to him and TRYING NOT TO BE THE ASSHOLE he has fully admitted that he likes me SO MUCH#that he'd like to keep going on dates and stuff regardless of the end result. like he genuinely just likes my company#and will take it in any capacity he can get he literally SAID that he's whipped for me 😭#and im like HOW DO I WIN HERE. IF I TAKE ADVANTAGE OF THAT IM AN ASSHOLE BUT CUTTING HIM OFF ISNT FAIR EITHER#AND I LIKE OUR LITTLE DATES AND BEING SPOILED AND HAVING SOMEONE BE A LITTLE OBSESSED WITH ME#SORRY IF THAT MAKES ME A BAD GUY. GOD FORBID WOMEN DO ANYTHING#ughhhhhhh. so yeah we're going on another date tonight. shoot me i dont care!!!!#hella goes to uni
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aevallare · 6 months
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poisonouspastels · 5 months
Thinking about Rana introducing Groda to other people bc she has to be forced to socialize eventually. And like, Groda meeting Sunny eventually and immediately clocking that he's missing an arm and trying to subtly tug on Rana's shirt almost instantly while being very clearly panicked but still trying to hide it. And Rana eventually pulls her aside like "What?? what is it?" "You didn't tell me he was missing an arm!!" "...Why would that matter?" <- understandably getting the wrong impression from this "Because I've seen it before." "Oh."
And that was the day that Rana learned Sunny's arm was ripped off by Groda's Warden at the worst possible timing.
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jinxofthedesert · 3 months
I recently got out of a toxic and unhealthy friendship on here. I had to be the one to end it; hopefully the other party decides to leave it be and not smear my name due to realizing it wasn't healthy and that I had to end it because of it.
Basically, if someone makes you start feeling like shit, from your life, to your goals, passion, and everything else, then it's not a rewarding friendship. And it's hard to sometimes see it in the moment. Because you want to think the best of peeps, especially ones you care about.
But sometimes the healthiest thing for You is to know when to put your foot down and end it, even if it hurts you and them. At the end of the day, you matter and what you're doing matters and no one has the right to make you feel shit for who you are when you're just living your life. Life is hard enough without adding peeps who make you feel that way or question how you live when, prior to them showing up, you were happy with all of it.
To anyone in a relationship or friendship like that, I hope, like me, you are able to take a stand and realize you deserve better.
I knew I was being manipulated but not how much until I talked to others close to me. I pray you all never have to experience such a thing because damn, you know you did the right thing, but feel so fucking guilty at the same time.
But your happiness matters. You matter. Please remember that.
#personal#me#had to make a post. it's been eating at me since I ended it#you feel so fucking guilty but know it was the right decision.#i feel happier and lighter#its weird cause I've met my closet friends on here who are so incredible and supportive and respectful and I am in return#so to have one spiral into....that....was hard. and hard to realize despite my stomach aching day after day trying to tell me that#this was a shit situation and I deserved better#if someone makes you feel like shit and makes you believe you deserve to feel that way: leave#just leave#block them#life is to damn short to share it with people who will only make it worse and and make you feel bad as a person#i have more self respect than that#and sometimes it's hard to tell cause I want peeps to get along and have a good time when I care for them#i like making peeps happy. it brings me joy. and I tend to do it naturally without thinking.#so it's hard to sometimes see when it's not healthy#i pray for anyone in a relationship/friendship like this#know you are worth it and no one has the right to make you feel like that.#when someone doesn't respect that you have a life and can't be there 24/7 and take it Personally when you can't....like no#I've had so many friendships on here that respect your time and realize messaging comes second maybe even third or fourth#and it sucks when the opposite happens and it just gets worse and worse.#And them using 'i used to be a therapist so I know you better then yourself' should never be an excuse for them putting you down EVER.
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thedevotionaltour · 4 months
even for period typical ableism it still drives me nuts for karen to go oh poor matt how can he deal and get around as if he hasn't been blind most of his life at this point and living on his own by himself as an adult for his entire adult life after college and has also lived in the city his whole life like girl use your damn brain he can get around by himself just fine. good god. like take five seconds to use your brain. literally adult man who lives by himself if nothing else that should tell you he is fine and when he needs assistance has the knowledge and ability to go get it you act as if he can't even walk on the sidewalk by himself. he literally shows up to work by himself. it drives me up the wall sometimes how she sees proof of him functioning fine independently literally witnesses it on the daily and still thinks these things. like again foggy isn't great either bc again the period typical ableism (and just general ableism in the world outside of this period as this is a common attitude of viewing disabled people as helpless and unable to function even if they are people who do live independently (and im not touching on people who do need extra support and caretaking in this context. as this post is about these characters in the context of a story. so im talking about what we see there instead of any truly meaningful nuanced way) but the writing here is like. Particularly this way due to the time) he has a modicum more of understanding that matt is literally a capable grown adult man. literally told karen matt is a big boy who can handle himself and then karen went b-b-but you forget he's blind as if foggy hasn't known him for years of his life and is his best friend like PLEASE SEE HIM AS AN ADULT. I AM GOING TO GO INSANE. PLEASE RESPECT HIM IF YOU LOVE HIM SO DEARLY. AND EVEN IF YOU DIDN'T. JUST RESPECT HIM AS A PERSON!!!!!!
#i think it's particularly maddening bc we have seen characters be able to understand civillian matt is like. more than just Blind Man.#i am always highly aware of period typical writing and can remember the context etc etc but sometimes.#sometimes it truly. truly does drive me up the wall. especially when other characters have been capable of not being That Level#of infantalizing. again foggy still isn't much better in a lot of respects he is just as capable of and has been as infantilizing#and insulting as karen has been. for sure. on multiple occassions. no questions asked. but i dont think he does it to the extent karen does#as in we dont see it on page just as much. it's just a bit less. so we see karen focus on it far more. to an almost exaggerated extent#part of that is the romance plot of ohhh i cannot possibly love a blind man while foggy is matt;s best friend of many years#so of course it will be in the way of the stan lee and old romance comics schools of writing that this goes down and is written like this.#of course we see her focus on it a touch more in a different way bc she's still getting to know matt and hasnt witnessed him#for about like a decade(? they met in undergrad right?) function on his own the way foggy has. but jesus christ man. good god.#at a certain point even with the period time context it does just still leave a bad taste. at certain points it becomes less eye roll#and far more maddening and hard to push down. bc it is gross. no matter what time period it is.#again. both of them are pretty disrespectful towards matt about it at this point even if mostly in their inner monologues or dialogues#with each other and not super to matt's face about it every time. but still. sometimes karen drives me far more crazy about it than foggy.#becase at least foggy can in fact recognize every now and then. matt is a perfectly capable grown man who can function and thrive.#and is someone who lives independently but also can know how to get assistance when needed.#while karen at this point has never really once given matt the benefit of that assumption despite witnessing his capabilities.#because even with his act of trying to fit the image ppl have of him. he still functions within that! and shows he can do things!#and ask for help when he needs it! even within his act of making himself smaller and quieter for others.#he's still like. adult man who lives his life. and does stuff on his own time.#i cant really speak about matt on any more deeper level than that in regards to his disabilities. i am not disabled.#i only speak as a reader and someone watching what these characters do and have proven to be able to do and how they act.#so i can only talk about karen and foggy's behaviors and attitudes in that regard.#and also as a person with like. basic understanding of other ppl living their lives. that all ppl live their own damn lives however it is#like most ppl on planet earth.#i apologize if any of my wording here is bad or if i dont talk on it well as none of this in the real world stuff is my lived experience#and you are free to go hey. incorrect. think about that or word that differently.#ok i promise im done now it's just. EUGH. UGH!!!!!#static.soundz
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So I noticed a parallel between one of Pearl's lines and one of Iris's:
Pearl: I... I really am useless! I didn't even manage to burn the letter properly as my mother had asked of me... Such a simple thing... And I couldn't even do it right...
Iris: But I couldn't get you to give it back... I failed at something even as simple as that. Six months passed and I still couldn't get it back from you.
And it just got me thinking, again, about how crucial they are to each other's development and healing after the events of BttT. Like, yes, Pearl is surrounded by people who love and care for her, but none of them really understand what it's like to have loved, and to keep loving, someone who has wronged others close to you. None of them understand what it's like to feel guilty to have failed that person, even when you know you shouldn't have helped them, nor what it's like to carry these conflicted feelings of love and guilt with you in silence for the rest of time because you can't talk about it. That person was evil. They're a monster. You love them, but you shouldn't. No one understands... except Iris.
Iris, who would have given her life for Phoenix but still feels guilty over failing Dahlia. Iris, who's lived most of her life knowing the sins of Dahlia's past but still says she loves her the moment she's allowed to speak of her. Iris, whose first instinct after her failure was to hide herself away from everyone who loved her, just like Pearl's was. Iris, who can look at Pearl and see so much of herself reflected back that she understands implicitly what it's like. How much pain Pearl is truly carrying with her. How much unspoken grief.
And Iris, who can look at Pearl and see how senseless it really is, yet how inevitable, and hold her through her sorrow while also gradually letting go of her own misplaced guilt because she sees now, truly, how that helps no one and hurts everyone. I'm thinking about Iris and Pearl, who were sisters before they even knew each other and are so alike in so many tiny, significant ways that it's nothing short of a miracle, and I'm thinking about how they're the last pieces of a broken family, but they make the strongest link. I'm thinking about Iris and Pearl.
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claraswald · 10 months
You know what I would like to see in Abbott Elementary season 3? A Jacob focused episode where we get to learn more about his family. if you think about it we got the chance to meet relatives of all the other main characters: Janine's mother and sister, Gregory's father, Barbara's husband and daughter, Melissa's sister and Ava's grandmother. But we have never met anyone from/heard anything about Jacob's family. We only got an hint that his family situation is somewhat dysfunctional from a single line during 2x10. So i am really curious to learn more about his background and i think it could be a way to develop his character more.
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