yuudamari · 1 year
ill be like idc about jjk and its true but then i see satoru and suguru and its over
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universestreasures · 2 years
Happy Birthday @blasterdiablo​ Part 3!
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Asaka enjoyed spending time with Ren more than anything. The activity itself didn’t matter. All that did was the two of them simply being together and enjoying their company. Though, that didn’t mean the vampire did not have preferences. Oh no, she did. Quite specific ones, actually her boyfriend seem to also share. No wonder they were a match made in heaven, true soulmates as it were.
Currently, the two students were enjoying in a daily preferred activity. Though, one might call it a ritual or a tradition at this point to have tea inside of Asaka’s private office inside of the Pale Moon Club during the afternoon hours of the day. The tea she would make for the two of them did differ each time. She didn’t want Ren to get bored of any particular flavor, but it usually followed their shared pool of favorites. Today’s selected involved a simple matcha tea, made to perfection and served in these adorable cups featuring circus animals she received as a gift. Only Ren was allowed to drink some such special dishware, for he was the most special person in her eyes.
Vampires know that falling in love with humans usually ends bad. Their history has shown that time and time again. Back in the olden times when their kind used to rule the planet, such a thing was even forbidden. There were tales of nobles falling in love with their human blood banks to the point they were willing to die for them. At a time, she thought they were fools for doing such a thing for humans, but since meeting her boyfriend who she admires as he sips her tea, her mind has changed on the subject. 
Ren was like no other human she’s ever met, a sentiment shared even among his own kind. Honestly, he seemed much more like a vampire than anything else. He took the reveal of her true nature super well, did not show any sign of disgust when he learned of their culture and practices, and was for the most part anyway, well liked by the other club members (though part of that might be due to the fact he was dating Asaka, and well, everyone was kinds scared of her. As they should be!). It made her wonder if he had been a vampire in a past life or something, and what would happen if he would be given the chance to become one just like her. Such powers of transformation were usually only given to those of the royal family according to the history books, but with the fall of the vampire reign and that bloodline, such powers seems to have been lost to the sands of time. 
Oh, well. Human or vampire, she loves Ren all the same and will do anything for him. Her life with him might be short. Vampires did live a lot longer than humans, after all. But every single moment, including what was transpiring right now, would be etched into her heart for all eternity. 
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“I hope you’re enjoying your tea, Ren. Our tea time is something I look forward to every day, and I’ve taken great lengths to ensure no one bothers us, especially today.” The only person who could even access this room at this time would be Tetsu, and usually that was only for emergencies. He’s been invited to the tea on occasion, but today, it was just to be her and her human love. Asaka had something she wanted to ask him, and well, she didn’t need any idiots barging in and ruining the moment. 
She moves then to take a seat next to him on the coach, having made sure to grab herself a cup and setting it down on the table in front of them. Now seemed like as good a time as any to ask him, considering he seemed relaxed and in a good mood. Her hands then gently take Ren’s as soon as they are free from his cup, the vampire moving them to hold in between them. The look in her eyes says it all, portraying her love for him, the seriousness of the question, and of course, a slight bit of nervousness. 
“Ren...We’ve known each other for years now. Though, it doesn’t really feel like that. It feels like...I’ve known you my whole life, as if you were always there giving me the support I needed too...face the world and keep going. I...I can’t think of how I would be if you weren’t around, and...I don’t want to think about that kind of life.”
Her past was rough, rougher than most, and yet here she is now the president of a safe haven for her people on this campus. Asaka never would have gotten the confidence to do this if Ren hadn’t been there by her side. Just him being there, had been enough to bring her out from the darkness of her past and into a brighter future, and she wanted to let him know she wanted him to stay with her, too.
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“Which is why...I want to ask you something. You see, vampires have a...special way of showing their love for someone else.” The form of that love differs from vampire to vampire, but to her, it was the truest form of it. “It’s...It’s a special mark we can bestow upon another, a...mark of possession that lets everyone know that you are special in the eyes of the person who gave it to you. Not only that, it acts as a form of protection. It’s a sign to other vampires that you are...off the market, if you get what I mean.”
Now, as far as she is aware, the only person to have bitten Ren other than herself was Kai, and that was only because he and Ren had been friends since childhood. It hasn’t happened as long as she and Ren had been a couple at the very least. The brown-haired male knew, even without a mark, to back off. It was something she respected about him, even if he had recently frustrated her with his resistance to her terms regarding his own human lover.
“What I’m getting at is...I’d...I’d like to give you my mark of possession, Ren. I’d like to give you the greatest sign of love that I can, one that everyone will see and know just how special you are to me. But...I want you to be okay with it. I-It is something that can be removed in case things between us don’t work out. So, it’s not permanent or anything...” 
It would only become that way if they ever became what vampires called ‘mates’, and well, that was the human equivalent to marriage that neither she or Ren were ready for. Still, this was a step towards becoming that, a step towards a future where he truly would become hers and she would become his forever.
“You don’t have to answer me right now. It’s an important decision. Just...Just think about it, okay?” She ends with a kiss on his cheek. Asaka truly wanted to make this next step, but if he wasn’t interested or wasn’t ready, then that was okay. Her having Ren in her life, in any sort of capacity, was enough for her. Though, of course, she wants something more. She’ll just have to wait and see what fate had in store for her and her love.
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jamesvdevstree · 1 year
Devstree, a top software development company, specializes in PHP development services. We deliver tailored, efficient, and feature-rich web applications, websites, and software solutions. With a focus on quality and client collaboration, Devstree's expertise, comprehensive services, and customer satisfaction make them a reliable choice for PHP-based projects.
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phantomime-para · 3 months
I think the previous post will be the last gameplay screenshot for a whilee, we don't wish to oversharee X)
A brief update thoughh, now we are working on the second kingdom you will be able to go to in the gamee!
While you are in a kingdomm, there may be other people in another kingdoms who need helpp, so you may have to go back to a different kingdom and help them outt X>
In the meantime while we work on the gamee, you can send asks to the characters of the game to help get to know them betterr, or you can send us asks about the game's developmentt X)
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xxk3vonicaxx · 8 months
The brand new character sprites are cute, not gonna lie.
Thank youu! I really like them tooo X)
You can go to @phantomime-para for more stuff regarding CS's developmentt, we mainly post about the game theree X>
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cpbunny · 2 months
Another Mystery Case is the Missing Bitcoin Key.
We called in a helper,
fellow elite, the famous " cat detective, on special assignment from Vtech international, Moca, P.R.
Tootie Toot, also known as (Too), has been assigned to Kojak Hayes Sreet Bunny Detective Agency, Division JBL, Fort Wayne, Iowa, and Paris, and a small dept in Spain.
Tootie Toot was assigned the case of the missing Bitcoin Key, which was valued at $266,000 million in USA dollars. more than 200 cases are waiting to be cleared, but this takes top priority.
Our favorite top-cat female detective is on the case,she knows about the workings of the Bitcoin Industry,ups and downs. We will keep in informed of developmentts
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Affordable housing developmentt for you.
Affordable housing developments. It may take many forms, including apartment buildings, townhouses, or homes. The units may and sold at below-market rates. And may have income. Restrictions to ensure. They have no money to survive. Developers of affordable housing. Must navigate a range of challenges. Including securing funding. Complying with local zoning and building codes. And addressing the community. Concerns about the impact of the development on property values and neighborhood character. But, affordable housing developments. It can play an essential role in addressing this. The housing affordability crisis in many communities. And they are providing stable housing options for those in need.
If you're interested in buying affordable housing. there are several points to consider:
Income Eligibility: Generally, affordable housing. is intended for individuals and families with low to moderate incomes. You must check. the income eligibility requirements. for the specific development, you're interested in to determine if you qualify.
Location: Affordable housing developments can find in various neighborhoods. so it's essential to consider. the location and the surrounding amenities, such as schools, public transportation, and shop.
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birthclod · 5 years
i realized something in jr’s journey... the last level in bowser’s castle (east) is called “the power of junior”, whereas the last level in bowser’s castle (west) is called “the power of the koopalings”. Inch Resting
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ocgie · 5 years
me:   what if i made santiago 6′7′’  ? me:   hahahhaha just kidding me:   . .. ... unless ?
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frangstfontaine · 5 years
Frank’s insults crack me up because they’re pretty naff considering he spends his whole life being sour about people and shagging his own ass for being the only person in the world who isn’t a sucker. yeah, he cuts Jack deep with his taunts but when it comes to Tenenbaum he’s just hurling ineffective insults at her mostly by making derogatory remarks about the fact she’s German,, which is weak and just,,, not witty or clever at all. Not like anything he could say would affect her anyway 
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retailmagik · 2 years
If you need a Mobile Application to take your business Online then contact Retail Magik. We provide Ecommerce app development services.
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cdnsolutionposts · 3 years
How iOS App Development Platform Gaining Momentum through Swift?
Created by Apple and delivered in 2014, Swift was initially planned as a language principally for Apple. This open-source, universally useful language has been acquiring fame since its initiation. A few elements drive Swift ahead, like quicker and simpler developments, runtime security, and quick execution, among others.
 Key Factors that Make Swift a Much Sought-After Programming Language
Swift is a momentous programming language for iOS mobile app development as well as for OS X and watchOS. It empowers designers and developers to create applications that can run perfectly. Secure and safe coding is guaranteed, and it gets conceivable to establish an ensured environment, working with stable arrangements.
 Coming up next are a couple of the main factors that drive Swift in front of other programming dialects: 
 The simplicity of reading and composing: 
With a reasonable syntax, Swift ends up being significantly simpler to peruse and compose when contrasted and most different dialects. The code is concise, making the product developed utilizing Swift run rapidly and easily. Coding in Swift is basic and clean. It emulates plain English content, making it simple for engineers to get it and save time.
 Security and dependability: 
Creating mobile applications with Swift warrants supreme wellbeing. This advanced and incredible programming language is viewed as extremely protected, on account of its blunder dealing with the ability and improved composing framework. Designers can see the coding blunders instantly.
 The exclusive speed advantage: 
One of the essential reasons why Swift is so famous among iOS designers is its speed advantage in the creating just as testing stages. The cost and time of application development are impressively reduced. Swift is truth be told one of the quickest development dialects. It empowers engineers to utilize high-request functions and generics, consequently delivering the code spotless and re-usable.
 Quick is profoundly intuitive: 
Working in an active environment, Swift permits engineers to see the yield similarly as they are coding. Mistakes, assuming any, can be seen and adjusted during the coding stage itself. The Playground includes in Swift works with testing new calculations progressively. This element, usually known as Read-Eval-Print-Loop (REPL) demonstrates extremely viable and valuable in getting the hang of, testing, just as speedy prototyping. This makes application development more realistic and open.
 Ease of Maintenance:
Dissimilar to Objective-C that relies upon C, Swift isn't dependent; it is generally simple to keep up. Quick, by consolidating the two code records of C and Objective-C into a solitary code document called Swift. This makes it simple to deal with and oversee. Engineers get more opportunities to design the application rationale and improve the code quality, along these lines making the application run easily.
 Open-source language: 
Swift was reported to be an open-source language by Apple in 2015. Empowering engineers to utilize it unreservedly, and saving the expense of iOS application development for little and huge scope organizations, Swift has from that point forward been getting progressively well known.
    Safe memory management 
Swift backings Automatic Reference Counting (ARC) across all the APIs. This guarantees application development measures. The mechanized memory management in Swift assists with forestalling normal programming botches too.
 Wrap-up :
Swift, with its few advantages, has become the programming language of choice by present-day application engineers. Picking this programming language guarantees powerful, captivating, and secure iOS applications. CDN Solutions Group is a leading Mobile Application Development Company that spends significant time in making appealing and valuable applications in short TAT.
 CDN Solutions Group has been ranked among top mobile app development companies by Good firms, clutch.co , appfutura and designrush etc. Then why are you waiting for? lets convert your dream app into reality now. Contact us at https://www.cdnsol.com/contact or email your requirement at [email protected] .
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phantomime-para · 24 days
How is progress on the game coming along?
We're at the halfway point in the Passive route right noww! We just started creating Shadvaille within the gamee, I just need to make all the sprites for the people of the kingdomm X'D
For one thingg, we are making the Passive route first in our developmentt, then we will make the other routes within the gamee, this will be much easier when we finish the route of Passive instead of making each route all at once like what was done when we were making the demooo X>
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Mun Speaks: Issues with Character contradicting canon.
Okay, so with this recent chapter and SPOILER ALERT for anyone who has not read it yet but a point made in it contradicts a very big part of my character so I’m very torn.
When in the new chapter OC makes his third wish it is shown that Sebastian states he finds making double contracts against his aesthetics. Now, as an OC writer I hate doing major actions that contradict canon character elements so here lies my issue.
Angelina as written by me holds a jointed contact with Sebastian since she and Ciel are siblings and it’s a blood thing. This however now contradicts a part of the manga canon but it’s been a part of her character for YEARS. I wrote this character like this long before anything in current canon existed so I don’t want to change her. My question is should I worry so much about this detail or should I let it rest with my fellow muns that I write with?
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6ug6itte · 3 years
sometthing a6outt dick postts makes my ego inflatte. may6e im justt proud im a freak witth ttwo 6ulges aftter all
charactter developmentt
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jhang345 · 3 years
This Academic Walkway is working under the command, control and close supervision of Higher Education Department (HED), Punjab Higher Education Commission (PHEC) and Higher Education Commission of Pakistan (HEC). The Syndicate of the University of Jhang consists of elites of Higher Education Sector with representatives from; public and private sector, well-known parliamentarians and distinguished citizens. Since its inception, the University has been dedicated to the cause of educating the youth of the country. We consist of a blend of faculty members with dynamic teaching and research experience to their credit. Such highly qualified and experienced faculty is fully supported by the innovative and latest teaching aids in the pleasant and conducive classroom environment. With a vision of meeting the higher education needs of the students and the nation building, our Syndicate and other academic bodies want to establish a state of the art university by hiring senior and highly qualified faculty, introducing the culture of research, developing linkages with industries and grooming the youth as the building blocks of future of the country.
✓ One of the best and leading as w ell new  emerging and growing academic Uoj of Pakistan. ✓Ph.D experts and highly skilled and experienced academicians are engaged in planning, administering and curricula     development of the University of Jhang. ✓ Appropriate and  easy accessible location from the heart of the city/mainland of Jhang City and from M-4 Motorway. ✓ Special lectures by eminent professionals and educationists of the related disciplines. ✓ Offers the best faculty and administrative management. ✓ Emphasis o n personality  developmentt through participation in extracurricular activities. ✓ Arrangements for participation   in outdoo r activities, group tutorials, conferences, symposia, demonstration and seminars both     inland and abroad. ✓ Engagement of students  through practical training in fully-equipped Labs, field and real entrepreneurial activities. ✓ Career counseling opportunity, linkages  with industries and availability of recreational activities. ✓ Lectures through video conferencing from renowned national and international campuses by renowned professionals. ✓ Acting as catalyst towards the great achievements of human development. ✓ Detailed interactive lectures through multimedia by local expert teachers. ✓ Cultivation of academic knowledge and skills in   Pakistani  youth.
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