#dex holder
wardingshout · 9 months
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Family for day 6 of SpeSilverWeek! Edition uuh found biological and crime I guess...
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c0ffee-7 · 4 months
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Stupid ass meme I made (og meme in found on Pinterest under cut)
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silvermoon424 · 10 months
I don't know how many people on here read (or did read) Pokemon Adventures, but do y'all remember the end of the FRLG arc? When Red, Blue, Green, and Yellow are fucking turned into stone and the arc just ends there?
I remember being in the fucking trenches when we were still waiting for a resolution to that. It took a few years I think, and the entire time I was so upset because "When will you help my friends :((((" (I was like 13 at this time lmao)
The payoff in the Emerald arc ends up being worth it but people who didn't have to wait in the trenches to see the Dex Holders survive their predicament don't know the pain the fandom was in lmao. I still vividly remember waiting for Coronis's monthly updates on the Serebii forums (Coronis was the resident manga expert who would update with summaries and pics from the latest chapter releases in Japan).
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wiavi · 2 years
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atomically99 · 2 months
not to expose one of my other special interests, but specialshipping dragon age inquisition au while i am (im)patiently waiting for veilguard news
as is per all my aus i create in my head (i have a lot), yellow is of course the inquisitor. i see her as a rift mage lavellan. lavellan bc yellow being integrally connected to nature like the dalish are is important to her character. i see her as a mage for spirit healing and the fact she has legit powers in canon (telekinesis and such) and rift mage to represent her connection w pokemon as a connection to the fade/spirits.
red is definitely warrior. i see his character as a similar role to cullen. cullen is a seasoned templar who is a solid leader and trains troops (one can see green (m) in this role but this is a special au and not a feeling one lol). red is the de facto leader of the dex holders and that carries over. cullen and red’s physical trauma (lyrium addiction/withdrawal and paralysis of wrists and ankles) has a similar carry over.
in my mind, each gen would have one of each class (mage, rogue, or warrior)
i do think that the kanto quartet should serve as the inky and advisors but while i think blue could be good in leliana’s spymaster role, i don’t think green makes for a very good josephine. josephine is a diplomat who does all of the talking for the inquisition. i do think green would do good at this especially considering he is a public figure both as a dex holder and a gym leader. i think the personality difference is keeping me from really seeing it
i can see blue and silver as rogues. with blue as an artificer (traps and gadgets) and silver as an assassin. i could also see-story wise-them as apostates who fled the circle (led by pryce) and were on the run before the mage rebellion.
gold is def warrior and crystal i do see as a mage. i’m stealing this from dragon age 2 but crys would make a solid force mage. gold would likely be a champion.
i have kinda more abt the other gens but the one ill say is the lowkey equivalent of interpol for rakutsu would be the qun. he was raised in interpol and goes undercover for their interests. it has a similar energy
okay back to specialshipping, can you imagine the angst from this au?? in your heart shall burn??? adamant???? trespasser?????? there’s so much to choose from.
considering clan lavellan and kirkwall are both in the free marches, there could be a whole moment pre-inquisition where they meet. he could save her from a tal-vashoth attack. she could heal him after he deals with abominations or demons. and they meet again after the conclave, under stressful circumstances
is this clear and concise and makes sense? no, but i’ve been lore binging dragon age so i had to do it. if any of you spe and da fans have thoughts or just hate this, hit me up i wanna talle about dragon age
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cheshire387 · 2 months
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lilacstar99 · 10 months
Can't wait until Scarlet and Koraidon finally make an appearance.
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Please stop hiding under that helmet, we know it's you Scarlet
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theviolenttomboy · 2 years
Having finished the final route of Violet, I am now open to the idea of one the Paldea Dex Holders not being completely human.
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flower-ghosts · 2 years
Thinking about the non protag characters of pokespe
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I know not everyone will like having to battle all the gym leaders again but I actually really like having responsibilities as a champion. Community-building, quality control, leadership…it really makes the champion more than just a figurehead
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Btw I must put out that while I have brainworms for unova 75% of the time I love the sinnoh trio so so much
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UAO-022 ‘The Paradox Genes’
Alright, now instead of me doing the narration, I’ll let Dr Wallflower to take over, so, take it away Dr Wallflower!
Dr Wallflower: Well, thanks old friend, and in case you don’t know, hi! I’m Dr Wallflower, and this is UAO-022 (Unidentified Anomalous Object), also known as, ‘The Paradox Genes’
Description: UAO-022 refers to a group of genes which can be divided into 2 categories, UAO-022-01 and UAO-022-02. Usually, these genes are dormant and don't really do anything until they are activated which is when the true horrors start. UAO-022-01 are roughly scarlet colour which is impossible but nonetheless, UAO-022-02 are roughly violet in colour and are found everywhere in the body just like the former. It is unclear when the genes activate but it seems to have a dormant stage of 1-20 years. Once they are activated the host will experience mild mental changes which include:
Slight increased aggression
An urge to be in the sun or an urge to be around areas with electricity
However, once the host of the genes have life threatening injuries, say for example: being stabbed at the back, that's when the true effects of UAO-022 happen. Whenever this happens, the genes will override the host’s body and the process will be divided into 3 stages:
Stage 1: Extreme pain and lost of consciousness
After the fatal blow was delivered, extreme pain will surge through the body causing the host to be unable to stand up and clutch to the ground in pain, shortly after, the host would consciousness due to the pain inflicted
Stage 2: Physical Changes
Once the host is unconscious, the genes will rapidly take over the cells in the body. Changing the DNA of the host causing the host to attain physical attributes of whatever paradox pokemon they turn into. This process is rather quick, happening below an hour.
Stage 3: Full Transformation and Loss of Control
Once the process is over, the genes will hijack the host's mind, causing them to be irrational and violet in their actions. They will appear to have no memory of who they were.
Transformed hosts of UAO-022 are extremely aggressive and will not hesitate to kill anyone in their way. It appears that they have similar behaviours to normal paradox pokemon albeit more aggressive.
While there is currently no way to remove the genes from the host, it is possible to change the host back to normal. If the host of the genes is knocked unconscious, the genes hijacking the minds will be destroyed, severely weakening them. In the weakened state, the hosts will be in control of their body and aware of everything of what's happening but unable to speak their own language. However, it is also shown that it is possible for the hosts to change back between their forms at will.
Little is known about the origins of UAO-022, but what we do know is that the genes are already present in the dex holders since birth, how did they get in there? We don't know, but what's more concerning is the organisation that caused all this in the first place. If you had paid attention in the story from the teaser, you would've remembered the sentence, 'All wearing black uniforms and a tell-tale 'R' symbol, only difference being that it is rainbow coloured instead of being red.' The rainbow coloured R, what organisation has this? More importantly, why are they doing this? Maybe one day, our questions will be answered in the future. Now stay tuned in our blog as we go further and further for more Aus.
Me: Wow, that was amazing Dr Wallflower!
Dr Wallflower: Thank you
Me: Anyways, that's about it on this file, unfortunately I couldn't share the rest of the details (If there is any) because the rest of this stuff is classified.
Well, that's all I have now, this is the-new-pokespe-futures, signing out!
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digitalsnail · 1 year
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since disability pride month is wrapping up i decided to draw some disabled dex holders :')
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lyra664 · 4 months
I finally got to draw her, like, she's my second favorite female Dex holder and I only drew her now.
Now another Yellow for the collection.
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montrealmadison · 7 months
Congratulations on 400 followers! I’m newish to the fandom and your blog was one of the first I followed!
Pair: Nursey/Dex
Song: 28
Vibes: first date (can include smut if it fits in)
Congratulations again!!!!
thank you so much and welcome to the fandom!! this is only the second time i've written nurseydex and it's an honor to do so for you ❤️ i did not manage to squeeze the smut in but i did provide the lead-up so i hope that's acceptable. please enjoy these banana nut muffins being dorky and awkward on their two first dates
28. nurseydex + first date + I Love You More Than You Think by Rizzie Kicks for @hrtstppr95
I think that we know that we know each other really well I know I wanna know you for the rest of my life Because no matter the length of time that’s gone by When I see you, it’s fine It’s like I just saw you last night 
Dex is thinking about why fancy restaurants invest in stupid shit when Nursey says, “Poindexter, I don’t think this is working.”
Their table is a good one, tucked into a private corner and partially hidden by a big potted plant. The downside to this is that apparently nobody thought to install overhead lighting in this swanky Boston seafood bar, and the candle holder—which, for some reason, is shaped like a miniature lobster wearing a chef’s coat—is doing a terrible job at casting light on the worried expression that Nursey is wearing. Dex looks down at his clenched hands in his lap and can’t help but mirror what he can see of the frown.
read more below or on ao3 | request a fic here
God, he knew he was going to fuck this up. Dex doesn’t do a lot of standing on ceremony, but even he can admit that first dates are a big deal, that they deserve care. When Nursey had come to him with this grand plan for a fancy, candlelit dinner, his treat, he’d known it might be uncomfortable, that he might have to pretend to get it. This kind of thing isn’t him, not at all.
But it is Nursey. He looks right here, casually elegant in a blazer he doesn’t wear to games, half-empty glass in his hand with the ice clinking soft at the bottom. He’s been so excited for this, talking it up all week to anyone who’d listen. Of course it’s Dex who doesn’t fit in. Four years in this weird parallel world to the one he’s used to and he still can’t make himself take the shape of someone who belongs in both.
“No,” he agrees, eyes dropping back to his hands. There’s a long fresh scar along the base of his thumb, the brightest thing in the room. “Sorry.”
“Shit—Dex, no.”
Nursey’s hand appears in his field of view, warm and brown and stark against the tablecloth. Dex looks up, surprised, and finds Nursey’s face much better lit and clearly concerned.
“I just meant, like—you look uncomfy, dude.” He bounces the outstretched hand lightly on the table until Dex reaches up to still it with his own. “Are you having a good time?”
“Oh.” He feels wrongfooted by how much Nursey notices. “Uh, yeah, I guess… not really.” 
The thought’s only out there for half a second before he scrambles after how wrong it sounds in the air between them. “I mean, with you, yeah. But it’s, um, fancy here. Didn’t wanna… ugh, it’s stupid.”
“It’s not.” Nursey considers the watery Coke in the bottom of his glass, then drains it in one. “That’s not on you, ‘kay? I should have thought of that.”
The ensuing silent discussion, born of many years of finely honed skill at arguing silently on the ice, leads to an agreement that they need to get the hell out of here as soon as possible. Nursey flags down the server for the check; Dex lets go of Nursey’s hand on the table and spends the next ten minutes cussing out the stupid lobster, who, thankfully, does not respond.
They don’t speak again until they’re back in Nursey’s (asshole) Jeep. The parking lot is packed; the only space they’d been able to find is out in the farthest row from the restaurant, looking down the hill that faces Route 9. The air is freezing in the way that precedes a blizzard. Every leaf is crackling with frost, and even with the doors closed and the engine shuddering to life, Dex can see his breath.
He can see Nursey’s, too, when he says, “Dude, I’m really sorry.”
“S’okay.” Dex shivers. “Really. Not your fault I can’t hang.”
“Poindexter, come on.” The collar of Nursey’s sweater is folded funny over the top of his coat. Dex’s eyes stick on it. “That’s not it. I should have picked somewhere we would both have fun.”
Asshole Dex says in his head, Oh, you think? 
Civilized Human Dex, perched on his other mental shoulder, says, Hey, you agreed to this. Be an adult. 
Dex the Walking Basket Case tips his head back into the seat and wonders how long the chirps would last if he fessed up to talking to himself like this. Out loud he says, “It’s really okay, Nurse. ‘Sides, night’s young.”
Nursey turns the heat up as high as it’ll go, makes that noise that means okay, I’ll bite. He reaches over and folds Dex's fingers into the warmth of his palm, a conciliatory gesture that Dex can never admit makes him feel all soft in the middle like a homemade Bittle pie. “That’s true,” he says. “Any ideas?”
Dex leans on the cold window, lets it chill his overheated skin. Without really thinking about it, he says, “We could go skate.” 
It’s more to break the silence that’s fallen than anything else. When he turns back around, though, it’s to find Nursey looking at him with interest.
“What, at Faber?”
“Isn’t it locked?”
Against all odds, Dex finds himself smirking. “Come on, Nurse, I’m the captain. You think I don’t have keys to our own rink?”
Nursey’s grinning too, now. This is what Dex loves and hates about him, the way it comes so easily. He never wants that to change, no matter how much he used to tell himself otherwise. Despite this failure of a night, he thinks, he’s happy.
“Well,” Nursey drawls. “‘Swawesome.”
He pulls their hands apart and squeezes Dex’s thigh twice. Dex bats him away, smile stretching despite himself, and says, “Just drive.”
Faber is cold and quiet, no signs of life but the hum of the heating vents far above. Dex hits the ice first, sketches a long, curving line towards the box and then back toward the bench. He can’t really see Nursey, but hears him follow through the dark just the same.
The air between them is suddenly charged, heavy. They don’t speak. They don’t even really skate together, each carving their own loops at opposite ends of the ice, watching each other out of the corners of their eyes. Dex feels oddly naked. It’s a weird combination of silk tie and suit pants and his grimy skates, marked up by the years.
He stops on the blue line, bracketed by a big white square of moonlight. The windows are gorgeous, especially without the fluorescents to compete, framing the sky and the spreading branches of the linden tree that Shitty always told the story about getting stuck in. In three or four months they’ll play their last game here, a thought that settles leaden and cold in Dex’s stomach. He watches a cloud pass over the moon. If there’s someone out there to hear him, he thinks, then let them hear him wish, desperately, for five more minutes.
Someone does hear, because there’s sudden warmth at his back. Nursey’s chin settles heavy on his shoulder, and his hands curl around Dex’s bare forearms. Dex leans back and lets Nursey hold him for no reason other than that he likes to, and Dex likes it when Nursey likes the things he does.
“Feel better?”
It’s a whisper. Dex’s whole body goes cold, then hot.
“Yes,” he says.
“Good,” says Nursey, nosing into the side of Dex’s neck. “Nice save.”
Dex shrugs and feels Nursey’s head move with him. He has the weirdest sense that the two of them have become the same being, moving in tandem, breathing as one. “I wouldn’t mind doing dinner again,” he says. “Don’t want you to think it wasn’t a good date.”
Nursey frees his thumbs from where they’re tucked under his fingers and runs his hands lightly up and down Dex’s arms. “Well, I’m flattered,” he says. “Still. We’re just two college idiots, man, no need for fine dining just yet. Sorry.”
Annoyance sparks in Dex’s gut. He was starting to enjoy this, feels like he doesn't need to be reminded every five minutes of how sorry they both are about the whole thing. “Will you stop apologizing,” he groans, and goes to turn around, but Nursey’s massive hands clamp down swiftly on his arms, and he freezes in place.
“No,” Nursey says.
Dex’s heart is suddenly slamming against his ribs, just like that. Huh. Mood officially un-killed.
“As a matter of fact,” he continues, “I was thinking about how to make it up to you.”
Dex is not the poetry guy of the two of them, but Nursey makes him feel like that last long look before a kiss. Maybe they don’t make sense together. Maybe they’re only going to belong in each other’s lives for a little while. College relationships can be like that. But here, now, Dex is in the place where he and Nursey became a team twice, and that means something. Dex knows it does.
“Yes,” he says.
Nursey finally releases him and spins him around so they’re facing each other. He quirks an eyebrow, but he’s smiling, and the moon in his eyes is huge and bright.
“You didn’t even hear my proposition, Poindexter. I had this whole—”
Dex cuts him off with a kiss. The two of them together might not be logical or satisfying, but they’re a damn good twist ending, and besides. The night is young, and he knows what he wants.
When he says yes again, Nursey just shakes his head, laughs, and pulls him towards the tunnel to the locker room.
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cheshire387 · 2 years
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Platinum Berlitz as water elf 🤔
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