#dghda theories
urlocallesbiab · 9 months
pararibulitis observation:
the disease flare-ups in both of the brotzman siblings are stress-triggered, but it's sensory-heavy for amanda and emotion-heavy for todd. cases in point,
freezes when she goes out on the street;
hurts her hand when she drums;
bursts into flames in a loud & bright store, despite feeling proud of herself for leaving the house;
gets a burn on his hand in which he held the phone when panicked amanda called him;
chokes when farah leaves him alone and he ends up running into police (while on the run from the government).
though, despite the difference, there's a similarity in that both cases somewhat represent the idea that "what you fear most in yourself, will hurt you (so let go of the fear)":
— amanda knows she's got the disease, so she stays holed up indoors despite hating the boredom, so even mild sensory distortions send her careening.
— todd believes his feelings are not worth examining, so he doesn't, and they boil under until they boil over.
advice for amanda: live your life, even if it's dangerous.
advice for todd: be honest, even if it's inconvenient.
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elester01 · 2 months
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guess who just colour theoried (murica)
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clockworkcheetah · 9 months
couple of theories as to why amanda was okay with todd in her life
these are just theories/headcanons i dont think these are necessarily canon
only had vogel as company for two months (i love vogel but i cant imagine amanda was thriving with just him as her company)
to add to that- two months of being heavily isolated again- she clearly prefers being social and interacting with people
once again two months alone- lots of time to think and reflect
in 1x08 she was already seeing todd try and be better (with saving lydia)
in 2x08- she basically admitted she wants todd back- like she doesnt wanna hate him/be angry at him (i dont think shell ever forgive him for what happened but you can not forgive someone but still want them around- also cutting off someone completely for slighting you isnt always the healthiest mindset)
she also saw todd doing better
she probably realised shes always gonna be conncted to dirks cases and todds always gonna be there- no point staying angry constantly
in wendimoor the whole thing really is messy fucked up family dynamics- like she may of had some perspective on things
she herself almost died- you do a lot of reflecting in those moments
in 2x10 when suzie showed up- todd straight up was gonna self sacrifice himself for her- aka being selfless which is what she wants him to be
he nearly died in front of her- she doesnt want him to die
she saw what suzie had become- a miserable hateful angry person and probably doesnt want to become that
and finally- its a tv show... if they prolonged it the general audience probably wouldve gotten annoyed at her still being angry even if shes justified
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neeturnal · 3 months
i have so many thoughts about dghda and age, first off the blackwing gang(TM) never realy understand it (eg. vogel saying he can be amanda's grandson) and ALSO
since we don't have the official ages of the blackwing folk, this is what i feel each character gives off (and i'm not counting francis, bcs we know how old he is and he's def the oldest)
first we have the OG rowdy 3, who are probably around late 30s to 40s
then i actually think mona could be older too. think about it, she's literally a shapeshifter so is technically ageless.
y'all know i'm obsessed with dirk/mona being found family siblings, that's why i think mona would be older than dirk/bart/vogel. idk dirk just gives off younger brother energy, and i think because of that mona did a lot to protect him in blackwing, yk bcs she's like a god essentially. bcs of this i always saw her as an older sister type, bcs i feel thé sheer power of her was so often used to protect dirk in blackwing.
now i'm like a firm believer in dirk and bart being the same age. like, their abilities parallel eachother so much it makes sense if the universe decided to drop 'em both onto earth at the same time (i would even not necessarily doubt bart and dirk being biological siblings, but that's just a bit too off canon for me to fully adopt dkfjdjf)
and then i think vogel is def the youngest, just because (iirc) riggins/preist/freidken/someone mentioned that when vogel joined blackwing was when the project became too unstable, causing the initial breakout. so clearly, there was alot of time before vogel joined.
again obv just a theory (a GAME theory) and i would gen love everyone else's thoughts
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lavinialost · 8 months
"pov characters" + dghda
I have two conflicting thoughts as to the concept of POV characters in dghda, specifically in relation to who the POV character in S2 is!
First: What is a POV character?
Simple answer: whichever character serves as a vehicle for the audience in a story, usually the main character. This is determined by whose point of view the audience is following as the plot unfolds. A story can have more than one POV at a time, depending on which characters are in which scenes (or even debatably no POV character if the story uses a third person omniscient narration style). But you've generally got one main POV character. A really basic example would be that Katniss is the POV character from the Hunger Games.
Second: Who is the POV character in S1?
DGHDA's a bit complicated because of how many story lines it's juggling at any one time, but if we stick with the MAIN storyline, it's Todd. We know what he knows in terms of the case, and therefore the plot, unfolding. The only information we're not immediately privy to in the main plot is the pararibulitus lie, but other than that, we're typically on the same page as him in regards to the main plot. He says "what the hell is going on" and the audience resonates with that.
Third: Who is the POV character for the main storyline in S2?
This is where my two conflicting opinions come into play!
One interpretation is that there's a switch between POV characters in S2. Like with Todd in S1, Dirk says "this is all stupid and doesn't make any sense" because that's the page we're on as the audience, and we have similar doubts about the progression of the plot.
My alternate theory is that the POV character hasn't flip-flopped at all between S1 and S2, and we're still with Todd. It's just that after S1, it's assumed that the audience is sort of in the loop. Likewise, Todd's all gung-ho about the whims of the universe and everything being connected. This, in turn, allows Dirk to have his total emotional breakdown arc without the balance struck in S1 being upset (i.e. having two characters who have doubts about the universe instead of just one).
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sacred-algae · 2 years
Rewatched season one on Saturday and like…
Todd is a lot more psychic than I first thought. And yes, I use the term psychic for him and Amanda, I have my reasons and I have a whole theory about it but that’s for another post. But I digress. My point is, that I forgot about this moment.
For those of you who haven’t read my books, I do write Todd as psychic like Amanda, but not to the same extent as her. They both have visions with pararibulitis, but his visions are like Amanda’s when she first got them, choppy and vauge. Only Todd won’t ever be able to get past that point because he was never supposed to be psychic and Amanda was. How he became psychic is a whole other thing that takes place after season two and if you want to learn about that, read my books. (Book 2 isn’t finished but I hope to do that soon)
But this is season one, meaning that the event that made him psychic in my continuation hasn’t happened yet, and I forgot about this. Every time I rewatch the show I pick up on something new and that’s the beauty of DGHDA. And I find it amazing that this is canon and I didn’t think about it when I made Todd psychic.
Because how could he know that? I mean, yeah, the police thing is obvious, and the blowing up thing is just a statement… but how could he possibly know about Lux Dujour? There are so many other reasons why Gordon could be obsessed with him, and being a man of the machine doesn’t change anything to make it more obvious.
And Dirk… at first I thought Dirk’s face was like that because he was worried Todd was going to figure out the loop… but no. His face is like that because he’s realizing that on some level, Todd is like him. He’s realizing that this is why the universe handed him Todd. This is the reason he’s with Todd.
Anyways, that was my little rant.
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setmeatopthepyre · 7 years
S02E06 “GIRL POWER” thoughts
OH man okay what an episode. I have a LOT OF THOUGHTS so I added a Read More somewhere down there for you. Once again it’s a ton of observations mixed with mental notes and a lot of half-thought theories.
- We know what the Bergsberg sign says! “Once you’re here... you’ll never want to be gone”. --> because everyone somehow finds what they need there?
- I was waiting for the scene where Friedkin finds out the Rowdy 3 are gone. It was fantastic. Lieutenant AssistEnt?! Mental note, teleportation is linked with water and an electrical surge that also manages to interrupt surveillance.
- Ken is just so freakin’ happy with this new living quarters. I wish I could go through those files he has there. Also the only bit of color in the room is in the shower - a red soap thingie and a yellow soap thingie and a blue and a red loofa. What’s going on with that? They remind me of the buttons on Vogel’s jacket.
- Nice leopard print tights, Todd. Also Todd is wearing Dirk’s glowsticks. And they’re red and blue which is a THING because a TON of things in this episode are red and blue (just like the Dengdamor sigil?).
- Pink-coated Dirk vs. Bart in blue! “Are you back to being scared of me?” sounds to me like Dirk wasn’t when he was high on a love spell. I wish we could see what went on there.
- The Mage’s little speech is super interesting and there’s lots to unpack there. The world he conquered was supposed to be different and he was supposed to lose. What changed? If it’s the boy in the murals that’s supposed to defeat the Mage every time, he’s been missing for a long time. Why are we only looking for The Boy now?
- Odd thing I noticed: the boy is dressed the same in every instance of him defeating the mage (same kind of shirt, either yellow or green, blue pants, and a crown) but his hair is a different color nearly every time. It’s black or brown in one, red in one, blond in another.
- Suzie’s “Do you think I’m gonna let other people make me feel small again?” makes me feel like something happened to turn her into the horrible person she was even before the accident. “I won’t let your negative attitude drag me down” --> okay, sounds like a good quote from a self-help book. And then boom. “I will cover myself in your blood”. 0-10 REAL FAST. Also who in the world is she channeling when her voice goes scary at the end?!
- So the project Alpha emblem on Ken’s bathrobe is yellow. Is that important? Probably not but MAYBE IT IS. His jumpsuit is blue + yellow too! (just like the Trost sigil. Coincidence?)
- When Ken says “You know I’m going to need higher clearance for that.” you can just see a plan unfolding in his mind. What are you going to do, Ken?
- THE ROWDY 3 SCENE THOUGH. There’s tons to unpack there. First of all, the cubes say ‘Canadian Made’ apparently, which means they come from (near) Bergsberg too? Which makes sense since the Kellum Knights are supplied by the Mage. Cross does some 4th wall breaking too because he points out that they’re in Canada (and parts were filmed in Canada). He also mentions that he doesn’t trust cubes because they have too many dimensions and it’s confusing. Which honestly sounds like the plot of the show at this point.
  - Martin mentions he’s been around for a long  time and sort of makes it sounds like it’s longer than we’d expect? I’m not sure. They are vampires, after all.
- Amanda says she’s trying to ‘go with the flow’ which is funny because she’s using water for her visions and stuff.
- Where you go, we go + the hug + everyone just doting on Vogel = what happiness is made of.
- Dirk just losing it as soon as he realizes Blackwing is in the vicinity. “You are all now actively in danger and that’s my fault.” Because they were already passively in danger just by associating with him but now that Blackwing is here..
- The information in the corner of Priest’s goggle vision thing is what looks like the CSS for a stock photo website. Just thought I’d throw that out there.
- Where does Wakti’s knowledge of punk come from? Just wondering. She knows exactly how to motivate Amanda and that’s either awesome or a little terrifying.
- The hospital is full of paintings/pictures of water. Like literally. They’re everywhere, just like in the sheriff’s department. In the intro, Mrs. Cardenas says there’s no water for miles. SO WHY. Also a ton of pamphlets that say ‘STOP’ on them in the waiting room. Nice foreshadowing. (and a blue and a pink jacket hanging from the coat rack. those colors. again.)
- “Wendimoor can’t be real. If it is, I can never be forgiven.” By who? Why?
- Kellum wanted to buy the Cardenas’ farm. Why? Is this the place where the digsite is now? What were they digging for?
- Mrs. Cardenas stabbed her husband with the scissors? But Arnold lost both his parents that night. What happened to her?
- Someone promised Arnold that he would be taken to Wendimoor, that it would a safe haven. But Arnold says Wendimoor can’t exist. At the same time, he knows how to get there. So it’s not like he can’t believe it exists but maybe it should be impossible or it’s bad that it does.
- Todd’s  jacket has a blue and a pink/red stripe on it. Farah’s all in blue. Dirk’s in pink. It’s those colors again but what do they mean.
- So is Suzie’s spell straight up summoning glowing hot metal shapes?
- Where was Arnold running off to before he became a hexa-goner? Also Dirk is so caught up with Arnold’s death that he doesn’t even notice Priest arrive and Priest is doing as he’s told, which is protect the subject.
- Priest laughing while gunning down Suzie. I’m not sure if I love him for it or if I’m just extra terrified. Then he says ‘Goddammit baby, I miss(ed) Blackwing.’ I’m not sure if he says miss or missed, but I feel like it’s ‘missed’ because Priest has said before that working for Blackwing was the most fun he ever had. He is enjoying this immensely. It’s all a puzzle to him. Which makes me think he’s special in some way too. He has the air of someone who knows it’s all going to work out for him and the ease with which he takes down Farah later reminds me of Bart. My theory is that Priest is/was Project Cheron - the mythological ferryman who takes those who pay him across the river Styx into the underworld.
- I forgot that those creepy figures in Wakti’s hut are still there, listening, watching. They seemed to react when Amanda mentioned her brother.
- Wakti is using Mona to see  - CONFIRMED. She calls Mona a friend, but what is Mona getting out of this?
- Panto’s talk about how Bart should forget fate, forget the universe sounds like a really bad idea to me. When Panto says that he’s fighting for a happily ever after there’s recognition in Bart’s eyes. Is she thinking of the commercial with the princess?
- I love how the Rowdies immediately notice something’s up with Amanda. Interestingly, Farson is the first to notice her and head over. He’s got the ‘notice when something’s up thing’ down fast and he was quick to notice her powers when they were in the cage and he was already hanging out with Wakti Wapnasi. What if Farson’s special too?
- The moment when Amanda tells them she needs them to see if the visions are real or a metaphor and Martin and Cross both quickly explain to Vogel & Gripps what a metaphor is. Aw man my heart. Also apparently the way to turn anything into a Rowdy outfit is to make it really dirty and add leather. Perfect.
- When Priest & Farah meet, Farah says she knows who he his. Did she find out about who Priest is when she was looking for information on Blackwing? How much does she know?
- Holy what? Priest just straight up knocks out Farah without flinching. Farah. Who injured Bart and defeated Panto Trost, greatest swordsman in Wendimoor? The only two people who were able to injure/capture Bart had a split-second showdown and Priest won. Crap.
- Dirk is so freaking terrified. What did Priest do? I’m more and more convinced that the ‘Diamond Incident’ has something to do with child Dirk.
- Toad Scott is just sitting there, listening to everything. He has been listening to every single conversation the Mage and Suzie have had this episode and he’s listening to the Mage talk to Bob. You just know someone is going to have to kiss the toad and have it turn into Scott, who just happens to know everything the Mage has done and everything he’s been plotting. Find the boy. Defeat the Mage. Because the Mage told the boy EVERYTHING.
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Siblings in dghda2
I mentioned it before a couple of times, but it deserves a bigger post really. I believe that it’s not unintentional that season 2 has so many sets of siblings, and that it hints to the major plot point.
Let’s review the facts.
In season 1, we only have one pair of siblings: Todd & Amanda. The only other mention of siblings is Princess_ad.mov, with the “It’s like you wake up one morning, and suddenly your parents hate you and your brother’s gay” line.
In season 2, we suddenly get influx of new sibling sets. In first episode alone, we learn that Silas Dengdamor has a brother, Farah Black has a brother, and even Sherlock Hobbs has a brother. Episode three also introduces us to Panto’s sister. 
That’s five sets of siblings. That doesn’t sound like a coincidence at all.
And, of course, there are parallels between them.
@wendimoorandinglenook has made a great post comparing opening scenes of episodes 2&3, pointing out the parallels between Silas and Litzibitz: [link]
Farah and Sherlock talk about their families in ep2, and their stories are similar.
At the same time, Farah and Eddie also parallel Trost and Dengdamor siblings: one sibling runs away, the other stays with the family. Also note how all three families only have one parent mentioned this far.
Remembering the Princess ad, by the way: with current info, “suddenly your parents hate you and your brother’s gay” line suits Litzibitz the most - we’ve already seen her get shit from her dad and also she is a princess. But with all the parallels, she might not be the only one.
On the less obvious parallels, a case could be made for:
Farah, Sherlock, Silas and Litzibitz getting the “you’re a disappointment” treatment from their families
Todd and Amanda, Farah, Panto and Farson running away from their families, even though their reasons and willingness to do so vary
Now, where am I going with this? Well, I think that those aren’t all the sibling sets we’re getting.
My guess is: Cardenas family had two children. We know that Arnold Cardenas makes appearance in ep5:
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But the marks on a doorframe, the ones Farah noted, come in pairs (here’s a post with screenshot), and only half of them are marked AC. Another thing that might hint at two children: see screenshots from the on-set video of ‘house within the house’. There are four wall pictures. Man with a tree, presumably Hector Cardenas who later ended up in a tree. A woman with a car under the motel sign, Marina Cardenas, found in a car. And two pictures of children. While not impossible, it would be kind of weird to have one portrait picture of each parent but two of their single child. 
And with the number of sibling sets this season, why wouldn’t there be two children?
Then, Wendimoor is an imaginary kingdom made up by those two children. Which one of them had the power to actually make it real is a question, but it’s not as important for this theory as the fact that they were inspired heavily by their surroundings. 
First of all, it would explain why both families in Wendimoor have two children - because the characters were made up by two children. I saw a theory in the russian part of fandom that Frija Dengdamor and Jeppum Trost might be modeled after Cardenas child’s parents, and that the family feud might actually represent the fights their parents had (btw if you’re the author of this theory and are on tumblr def message me so I could credit you) - one of which very likely ended with Marina stabbing her husband in the head with scissors, just to remind you. I believe that theory is right. 
And that means that similar stories of Dengdamor and Trost siblings might be similar to the story of Cardenas children, too. One of the siblings runs away, and their parents fight over it, completely dismissing both reason and their second child.
We might even know where the child that ran away went: one of the children in the pictures holds a familiar sound(?) gun, which Dirk found in the barn. The same barn that has a wet circle on a wall, which we know to be a leftover of a portal. So it’s possible they actually went to Wendimoor.
And with the number of parallels between other sibling sets, I wouldn’t be surprised if Cardenas children also paralleled people they did not create. Since it seems that Trosts-Dengdamors and Sherlock-Farah parallels are the strongest, my money are on Cardenas paralleling Brotzmans heavily, which is another bag of cats entirely, and I’d need to get into what i think is Amanda’s storyline this season, but for now let’s just say: it seems the sound gun is almost always with Todd this season (he has it in ep4 and the trailers show him with it in Wendimoor, so after ep6), so the child with it in the picture might be his parallel.
Also, “suddenly your parents hate you and your brother’s gay” line might also actually be about Cardenas children, make of it what you will.
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gently-holistic · 7 years
Am I the only one who thinks that Farson is The Boy? Don’t get me wrong, all the theories I’ve seen for Dirk or Todd or Arnold or even the Mage being The Boy are great, but like, what about Farson?
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charlieism · 2 years
it is not only an honour but a duty to introduce every friend i make to dirk gentlys
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urlocallesbiab · 2 years
webb built his machine in 1886; pararibulitis has run in the brotzman family for 5 generations, and a generation is anywhere between 20 and 30 years, and 5 generations is between 100 and 150 years, which means 1886 fits into the time period of "5 generations ago from 2016". and i'm not saying i'm certain that webb fucking around with the time-space continuum somehow caused pararibulitis, but — who knows?
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soli-net · 7 years
"The show has more in common with the books than you think"
So said Max in one of nycc interviews (quote may be not direct). But considering this statement, I've got some thoughts.
Part 1
Patrick Spring's s1 case started as case of Mr. Ensty from The Long Dark Tea-Time Of The Soul- Dirk is too late to his client and fails to save him.
Now, s2 season has The Boy. And this is a point there i thought of Mr. Ensty's case again: If you remember, while looking around in his client's house, Dirk finds in the attic a boy, who is living here, watching tv (mostly commercials) and is so depended from it, that can't be separated.
I don't mean to link this boy to Patrick Spring and his case in any way, but I think it's important that he kinda... has no connection to reality? Sounds intriguing, considering s2 fantasy world and s1 "princess commercial".
Part 2.
If Blackwing is inspired by the Woodshed hospital, then could Project Moloch be kinda Mr. Odin? He is old(?) and is in coma, or sleep...
Odin is not only a warrior god, but also a shaman and mage. He takes part in creation of Midgard (cosmogenic aspect) and also is patron of poets (being a poet himself). Shamanism itself is an ecstatic act; poetry used to be considered as such too.
You wanna say, Dirk's self-oblivious way of speaking isn't kinda ecstatic and, in that ancient sense, poetic? 😏
This theory may be bullshit, but it was such fun to create....
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clockworkcheetah · 9 months
dirk reaching for todds wrist when he tries to reach amanda
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star-catcher · 7 years
Find the Boy
I think we're all now (fairly) certain that Project Moloch/the other Cardenas boy is The Boy from the prophecy. Okay, so the prophecy is a complicated, vague, and slightly off-course/unhinged guide to resolving the conflict in Wendimoor (and potentially our world as well). Dirk (the man) and Amanda (she who sees all) are keys to the prophecy. I think if Project Moloch/other Cardenas boy is the Boy, the creator of Wendimoor, and vital to the resolution of conflict/the prophecy, they will have to literally find him in his own comatose mind. I think the abandoned castle and ruins with the paintings is where Moloch imagined would be where he or Arnold ruled from once they came to Wendimoor.
About the Cardenas brothers, I think their parents near constant fighting and repression of Moloch's abilities caused the boys to bond together and cling desperately to the fantasy of Wendimoor as a safe haven where good always triumphs. I think the night Marina Cardenas came home in the new car after having made the deal with Kellum, she and Hector got into a huge fight which resulted in Hector getting stabbed in the head with scissors. And Marina also ended up dead somehow (flower pot). The Cardenas boys are freaking out because neither of their parents is waking up. So when Moloch eventually falls asleep, he wants their bodies to disappear, so in his dream, Hector's corpse is merged with a tree and the car with Marina inside is out of sight in a different tree.
Moloch discovers/creates a portal to Wendimoor and invites Arnold to come with him. Arnold is traumatized, afraid, and in shock because of the death of their parents. Blackwing enters the picture after the Cardenas' deaths. Moloch is powerful and cautious of Blackwing, but he'd do anything for Arnold to keep him safe and make him happy. Blackwing offers Arnold a new life safe and far away from the horrors/trauma of his past, but at a price, they want his brother. Arnold makes a deal with Blackwing; they provide him with a new name/identity and a family after he betrayed Moloch. Moloch's psychic/emotional had been building up since his adoptive parents deaths two days prior and after Arnold's betrayal; the energy is released in a horrific electric explosion (looks similar to Amanda using her powers on the Kellum knights for the first time), but on a scale so much larger than it affected all of Bergsberg. Moloch then passed out and was taken by Blackwing.
Moloch was free of Blackwing for a bit but was “recaptured” in a hospital. While Blackwing was capturing/transporting him he had a stroke and went into a coma. When that happened is when everything started going wrong in Wendimoor. Moloch no longer had conscious control of the narrative of the world. I think that Moloch’s consciousness (or some sort of projection of himself) is within Wendimoor, but he doesn’t remember who he is and has no control of the story or his powers (if he even remembers them at all). I think the Boy in the first couple of prologues is Moloch lost within Wendimoor. Also, Wakti Wapnasi (rest in trees) observed the prologue boy through the pool and voiced a warning:
“Once upon a time, a boat in a field, a married couple has gone missing, a gun that shots air, and then there’s a hidden house, a prophecy from another world. Surely these pieces don’t fit. Left unwatered, a plant will die. Left unloved, a good child could go bad. Left untended, a dream could become a nightmare.”
-Wakti Wapnasi, DGHDA 2.05
I think the last three phrases could all refer to Moloch. If his consciousness is not returned to his body, his mind will fade away and his body will die. With his parents dead and his only friend’s (Arnold) betrayal, Moloch could have become evil or cruel (potentially having become the mage?) or his outlook on life could have become darker and that is what’s affecting Wendimoor. Without Moloch’s memories about the stories of Wendimoor to keep the narrative on track, the balance/plot of the Wendimoor has been overturned. 
Anyway, these are just some thoughts I have. Unbetaed ramblings of a very fond fangirl. I would love it if people contributed to the thread or messaged me to ramble. I am always down to chat about Dirk Gently.
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dangdamor · 7 years
if moloch is the boy who created wendimoor, it would make sense that dirk is in the prophecy. moloch would know about dirk’s ability and he’d also know that dirk would be able to save his creation.
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sapphicsidonia · 7 years
Okay so I feel like we can all agree that Farson Dengdamoor is the boy? If the witchakookoo has those green eyes and Mona does sometimes I think that means that when Mona has green eyes that is the witch talking and she wants to find the boy and reasonably no one from Wendimoor would know about Arnold and the witch would only know about Farson so he is the boy? I mean reasonably there is no reason for Arnold to be the boy if he doesn't know who Mona Wilder is because if the witch uses Mona as eyes sometimes I feel like that means that she knows everything Mona knows and that's why I Dirk Gently is the key to it all so you know
Idk this is all speech to text so I dont feel like it makes sense.
Also if the powers that Amanda has in Wendimoor are her pararibulitis attacks and Arnold created Wendimoor does that mean that she can only utilize and manipulate her attacks if she's there? And will she be able to do it still once she gets to the normal world? Because no one in the quote-unquote normal world can see her pararibulitis attacks but everyone in Wendimoor can so does that mean as long as Wendimoor exists she can manipulate them and do it in the real world and if that is the case and Wendimoor has to be destroyed or something I can't remember what they said in the episode does that mean that once it is destroyed Amanda won't be able to mess with her attacks anymore?
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