#diabetes permanent cure medicine
jeanniebug623 · 8 months
🕸️🕷️ Weaving the Web 🕷️🕸️
Chapter 6: The Diagnosis
Spider was bored. But that was the least of his problems…
Two weeks in a hospital room with nothing to do except NOT go crazy. Well, crazy as in not let out his new unpredictable side. Quaritch checked on him daily as well as a very limited staff of doctors. After those two weeks with no sign of Miles, the colonel felt secure enough to reintroduce Ja. The teen didn’t say anything when the team medic came into the room, only readjusted his arms wrapped around his knees and nodded awkwardly as a greeting.
Ja reassured Spider there were no hard feelings and that his presence was purely professional. He wanted to help the boy understand what he was experiencing. Quaritch theorized that Spider would be more comfortable in the presence of the recoms due to his upbringing. Yes, he’d grown up with other humans but those traitors could barely call themselves that due to their loyalties.
”It’s called dissociative identity disorder.” Ja said as he sat at Spider’s bedside. Quaritch stood at the foot of the bed, arms crossed and gauging the boy’s reaction. The colonel hadn’t even known his genetic predecessor's son was on Pandora and he’d thrown him into the lion’s den without a second thought. A sixteen-year-old boy versus the ruthless might of the RDA. He had to ignore the regret and focus on the present…
”Sounds like a fancy way to say I’m fucked in the head…” Spider said quietly. His voice was sad and empty.
”No, not at all.” Ja reassured him, putting on a small smile for a brief moment before continuing with a more serious tone, “But it is a serious mental health disorder that we can’t ignore. It’s also known as multiple personality disorder. I’m sure you can guess why.”
The colonel felt his brain reeling at the memories of his interactions with Spider’s new personality: Miles. He couldn’t even feel proud that the kid chose that name so proudly. ‘Miles’ was strong, immovable, and highly defensive of Spider. But he was also violent and unpredictable. Miles didn’t care who got in his way; he would destroy anyone he deemed a threat to Spider. But Spider’s safety wasn’t completely in the forefront of Miles’ mind as evident by how he acted without concern for his physical condition.
”So I’m just fucked in multiple ways……awesome.” Spider said, pulling his legs even tighter to his body. So many thoughts rushed through his head. Physically, he felt fine. He’d been in the hospital with lots of rest and solid meals for a couple weeks. He even mentioned a headache, he was quickly rushed to a CT scan and given pain meds soon after. But emotionally? He was terrified. He was still not fully understanding this diagnosis.
”Spider, it’s not about being fucked up.” Quaritch said, his tone equal parts firm and caring. Unlike when Ja spoke and the boy avoided eye contact, he looked up to the colonel when he chimed in. “It’s about knowing and understanding this condition. And acting accordingly.”
”Will it go away?” Spider asked quietly. Quaritch looked at Ja, prompting Spider to do the same. “Like…you can cure it, right, doc?”
Doc was certainly a nicer nickname than ‘wet nurse’ as Miles had called him. Ja wished he had a better answer…
“Spider, I’m sorry. Even with where medical advances are, the brain is still too complex to just ‘cure’.” Ja said, wanting to sound more comforting as the kid visibly deflated and buried his face in his arms. “But the brain is an organ like anything else. Mental health is just as important as physical health. And when you know the problem, it’s easier to control. Do you know what diabetes is, Spider?”
Spider didn’t lift his head up, but he did shake it from side to side in his arms as a ‘no’.
”Diabetes is a condition where a human’s blood sugar level is not properly regulated by their body’s natural process. A medicine called insulin is administered to control it. Modern medicine has discovered ways to permanently control it with implants but not everyone can afford it back on Earth so a lot of people still have to take insulin every day. It doesn’t go away but they can control it.” Ja explained.
”So, is there medicine I can take to control this?” Spider asked, lifting his head a bit and sounding hopeful. Taking medicine every day for the rest of his life sounded like a pain but he would at least be able to live his life. Maybe, escape this circle of hell called Bridgehead City someday. But he wouldn’t feel safe trying to run away…even if he did pull it off, how would he react to his friends? Would he be violent towards them or the science guys or the rest of the Na’vi? That terrified him more than anything…
Ja went quiet and looked to his commanding officer for assistance on this one. The medic had given the entire squad the quick version of what dissociative identity disorder was. The conversation that followed was a free speech conversation but it didn’t go anywhere.
They were on a mission to find Jake Sully. The kid should be left with the medical staff and scientists now. He wasn’t their problem since he hadn’t given them any useful info on the enemy. He was a liability now. Maybe it would be better if the RDA just locked him up for good.
His squad, aside from his old friend Lyle, didn’t understand Quartch’s feelings on the matter. He didn’t have to give his opinion for the corporal to know his bland tone was forced or that the way he ground his teeth while squaring his jaw was very much a ‘human colonel’ cue that he was upset. Even if these squad didn’t have a connection to the kid, they should be respectful that their commanding officer did.
”No, tiger. There’s drugs to control symptoms but not the DID itself.” Quaritch said, those big brown sad eyes looking back at him. It was like looking at a puppy begging for scraps. He leaned forward on the side rails of the bed, creaking under his weight. “But we’re gonna figure this out. Mental health…stuff…it can be handled in its own way. Right, doc?”
”Exactly!” Ja said, finally able to have a genuinely hopeful tone. “YOU are in control, Spider. You are the core identity. ‘Miles’ is an alternate personality.”
”He was always there…wasn’t he?” Spider asked, sounding unsure. Scared even.
He thought back on all the times he was scared or angry as a young child. When he wanted to hit someone or throw something in rage but didn’t due to the consequences.
Ja sighed and shrugged a bit, “I can’t say for sure. I’m sure the trai-…people who raised you kept track of your medical history growing up?”
Spider shrugged and it made Quaritch’s blood start to boil. Did those human traitors not care enough about the humans being born on Pandora to keep track of those things? Their growth, their health? Wouldn’t the kid have at least been a good ‘experiment’ as the first human born on Pandora?
“We only have five months worth of medical records for you in RDA archives.” Ja said.
”What?” Quaritch and Spider said simultaneously.
The good medic opted to look at Quaritch to explain but Spider listened just as attentively.
”Monthly checkups when Paz went in for postpartum care. Despite the backlash from the initial pregnancy announcement, a lot of people changed their tune when Spider was born completely healthy and Paz recovered faster than most new mothers.” Ja explained.
Spider felt a new warmth spread through himself hearing about his mom. She sounded like a tough woman. Made him proud and a small smile pulled at the corners of his mouth.
”Paz was an amazing woman.” Quaritch remarked and, though he only knew her reputation, Ja nodded in agreement.
Ja looked back to Spider, “You might have had preexisting signs of this condition. The fact that you can remember when Miles is in control to some degree is even rarer than the condition itself.”
”I can’t say I remember…” Spider said, finally letting one arm loose and put his right hand to the side of his head, fingers slipping in his locs, “…it’s more of a feeling. Like…something’s off. Like I know I did something wrong…”
”You haven’t done ANYTHING wrong, Spider.” Quaritch said firmly, ear pinning back, “You understand me?”
”I bit someone’s face…” Spider said flatly, giving the colonel an unconvinced look. He hadn’t seen the guy who’d made the mistake of trying to fasten a strap across his chest when Miles was on the loose. But he heard plenty of rumors how savage he’d been in the strike. Miles had managed to sink his teeth into the man’s cheek and lower jaw, tearing a flap of flesh off that was barely hanging on when it was stitched back into place.
“I’m not saying bad shit hasn’t happened but you’re not at fault.” Quaritch elaborated. Spider was a feisty one, but he didn’t have the heart to hurt someone for no reason. THAT much Quaritch had learned about the boy in the short few weeks.
”Did all this happen because of that demon machine?” Spider asked suddenly with a growl. He gripped his head a little tighter, closing his eyes. He could feel a headache starting behind his right eye when he thought about the neuroscanner.
”It’s a possibility…” Ja said cautiously, glancing at Quaritch.
It was more than a possibility in Quaritch’s mind, probably in Ja’s too. They’d seen the brain scans after each session in the neuroscanner. They physically saw the changes in brain activity. Ja explained that the scans focused on probing the frontal lobe where memory is stored. However, he also explained that this is the brain’s primary storage for personality traits. If they were forcibly prying into that part of the brain, it was inevitable that cracks would spread.
”Soooo…” Spider started, closing his eyes tightly and turning into his own hand, “You kidnap me…torture me…break my brain…and NOW you want to help me?”
”None of this was planned, kid.” Quaritch said weakly. “I would’ve put an end to it.”
”Before or after the torture?” Spider spat out, moving his left arm down to grip the starchy fabric of the sheets. “Maybe a little torture would’ve been ok? As long as you got what you wanted, right? But you let it go too far and now I’m broken. Useless to you and dangerous to others! Awesome…”
Quaritch stared at the boy, unable to respond. Yes, he’d been on board with the neuroscanner. But not the four sessions he’d been subjected to. He’d been present at two of them, including the last one he’d stopped when his concern for the boy’s wellbeing surpassed following orders. It would be a poor excuse to divert blame and he knew to say he didn’t agree to all the sessions wasn’t enough to make up for the damage done.
”You’re not useless.” Quaritch said instead, “The team still needs to learn what insults you’re spittin’ out in Na’vi.”
Spider scoffed and rolled his eyes.
”I’m workin’ on it, Spider.”
”On what?”
”Gettin’ you back out in the field.”
Spider looked up at Quaritch, a strange look in his eyes. He looked excited at first but tried to hide it. He was worried it was just an empty promise.
”First, I want to get you out of this room. Sound good?” Quaritch asked. Not that he intended to stop challenging Ardmore on this, but he wanted the boy to be in the loop and have some say in it. If he didn’t want to leave the hospital, he’d accept it with grace but still move forward with the next step in his plan…
”I don’t wanna go back to a cell…” Spider said quickly, his voice cracking in an embarrassing way. The hospital room wasn’t exciting but it was better than a prison cell with four plain white walls, a hard metal platform with barely a padded mat to sleep on, and a toilet in the corner for those perverts behind the cameras to watch him use.
”Not a cell, I promise. You’ll stick with me.” Quaritch said. He put on the most reassuring smile he could, even though he still had a massive obstacle in the way of General Ardmore. “I don’t make promises I can’t keep, kid.”
This promise was nonnegotiable.
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ambiguouspuzuma · 1 year
Type 3
As requested by @sleepyowlwrites, here's a little prequel to this story:
There are three permanent types of diabetes, he remembered from his training. The first you're born with, and have to manage using insulin. The second you pick up during your life, and can sometimes manage with changes to diet and exercise, or other medication. The third you contract upon your death. There's nothing you can do about that.
Dr Theodore 'Ted' Spong was a good-humoured man. As parish physician, he had to be. People only came to him with complaints, and he couldn't very well meet them with his own; if he had any grumbles or gripes, he'd long since learnt to tuck them away, like the good brandy he kept in a cabinet back home. He largely worked in the public eye, but some things were best mulled over in his own time.
He hadn't grown up in the sticks, but he liked it here. Outside of surgery hours, he enjoyed long walks across the moors, taking in the beauty of the mist-soaked landscape; within them, he met a range of fascinating characters, the sort of people you never got to meet in the city, each with their own idiosyncrasies and health complaints. He'd come across conditions he'd only read about, and patients who'd never learnt to read.
The people here led simple lives, divorced from the innovation and progress that drowned the city in smoke, but that meant his job had been anything but. They could be credulous at times, and a large part of his time was spent championing science over superstition, miracle cures and folk remedies. Unfortunately, they now had a champion as well.
There was a new doctor in town, by the name of Madame Silja, and she was undoing all of his hard work. To call her a doctor was a courtesy, for she had clearly never studied for a licence as he had, or read any book of medicine less than a century old. She was driving his parish backwards, towards the dark ages of draining bad humours away, although he never saw her wading for leeches on his walks. In fact, he'd barely seen her at all, until the night she showed up at his surgery door.
"I feel unwell," Silja said. She looked it, too. Her face was gaunt and drained, her body likewise emaciated underneath her clothes, visible even in the gloom. This was a woman at death's door as much as his.
Ted fought the temptation to gloat. Oh, and the leeches didn't hit the spot? Come crawling for some proper medicine, have we? That wouldn't be right. Nemesis or not, this woman lived in the parish, and that made her his patient. He was a good natured man, and a physician first of all. If he was to bring her out into the light, the best way would be to lead by example.
"What are your symptoms?" he asked, ushering her inside. She stood uncertain in the doorway, perhaps also having second thoughts about coming to him for help, but there was no time to lose. "Please, come in."
"I feel... tired," she told him, collapsing on a proffered armchair. The cushion barely sank under her weight.
"You're losing weight?"
Silja nodded. "I'm losing my appetite. But in its place there's this incessant thirst, a void no amount of water seems to sate."
"Any changes to your mood? Feeling suddenly irritable?
"What do you think?" she snapped. "I've just told you I'm thirsty all the time. Yes, it's irritating. Have you ever had an itch that you can't scratch?"
Ted usually told his patients not to scratch any itch, but he kept quiet and let her settle down. Madame Silja seemed so frail, but there was still something threatening about her - something unsettling and strange. It was a tingle at the back of his neck, like something primal, but he forced it down again. He wouldn't scratch that itch either.
He had no room for prejudice in his work, nor outside of it, and that was probably all this was. He didn't often see people with her kind of ancestry, not since he'd left the city. Whatever ancestry that was. Her skin was dark, although it seemed that it had since grown paler. She reminded him of a colleague from his studies, an Ottoman doctor by the name of Şefik. Was her name similar? Perhaps he could try to build a bridge between them.
"Tell me - you wouldn't happen to have any Turkish blood in you, by any chance?"
"Oh, I dare say I might," Silja replied. The question had served its purpose, for she flashed a smile for the first time, but Ted found himself more unsettled than ever. "Why do you ask? Is it something to do with my illness?"
"No, no, I was just curious," he said, increasingly nervous. "I know it isn't my place to guess, but I thought I'd take a stab in the dark."
"I'm not a fan of those, as a rule," she said. "But thank you for taking an interest. My patients are... rarely conversational. I don't often get to talk about myself. Do you find the same? Do you live nearby?"
"The good news is that I think I recognise your symptoms." Ted moved back onto steadier ground. "Although I'll need to take a blood sample."
"Oh, of course."
"For testing," he clarified. Anxiety or not, he wouldn't tolerate any of that nonsense here, in his temple of modern medicine. "Then we'll move on to treatment."
It was diabetes, he was sure, but he didn't know which strand. Was this a late diagnosis of type one? She didn't look much like a typical case for type two. There were others, he knew: gestational diabetes, picked up in pregnancy to meet the additional demands on the body. Perhaps it was something like that. A change, as if the whole body was gestating, metamorphosing into something... no, there was no medical basis for that. What was he saying?
"You might need to start taking medicine," he told her. "But mostly I suspect you'll need to make some changes to your diet."
"That's fine by me," she said, flashing another awful smile. "I'd figured that part out myself."
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bharathomeopathy778 · 1 month
Kidney Failure Treatment without Dialysis: Natural & Alternative Medication for Kidney Diseases
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Bharat Homeopathy Kidney Treatment Hospital
Our kidneys work tirelessly in the background to keep us healthy. Despite their small size, these organs play a vital role in filtering waste, controlling fluid balance, and ensuring our well-being. But what happens if they start malfunctioning? Conditions like Acute Kidney Injury (AKI) and Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD) can put our health in danger. 
 1. Acute kidney injury
Acute kidney injury is defined as a brief decrease in kidney function that lasts less than three months. It usually develops quickly and is caused by kidney problem medication such as allopathic medicines that hurt your kidneys. Also, due to kidney blockages, diseases or injuries that affect the kidneys, some individuals may choose to continue dialysis for a short period of time to aid in the healing process of their kidneys, which is not a permanent treatment for you. After suffering from acute kidney injury, many people recover completely and lead normal lives. On the other hand, if enough damage has occurred, the chances of developing chronic (or persistent) kidney disease in the future increase. Due to this, chronic kidney disease treatment. If the patient adopts the right treatment as soon as the initial symptoms of kidney disease are detected, then he may not have to face many problems.
2. Chronic kidney disease? 
If you are suffering from chronic kidney illness, your kidneys are damaged and can no longer purify blood properly. The two most common causes of kidney disease, diabetes and high BP, are important risk factors for developing this condition. Your healthcare professional may perform tests to determine the cause of your kidney condition. The type of treatment you receive may vary depending on the cause of your kidney disorder. Testing is the only way to diagnose if kidney disease is present. If you have a family history of heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, or kidney failure, get tested. The sooner Treatment for kidney failure, the better.
Manage your kidney with these tips
Manage underlying conditions: If you have a long-term condition that can cause CKD, such as diabetes or high pressure, it needs to be managed carefully. Follow your healthcare advice, and stick to the medication and diet prescribed.
Stop smoking: Smoking raises the risk of cardiovascular disorder, which is related to a higher chance of chronic kidney disease (CKD). This condition includes heart attacks and strokes. Stop smoking will enhance your overall well-being and lower your chance of developing specific dangerous illnesses.
Include a balanced diet: A healthy & balanced diet can decrease your chance of kidney disorder by keeping your blood pressure and cholesterol at healthy levels. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.
Avoid drinking and smoking: Stop drinking alcohol and smoking completely. Also, take medicines only on the advice of your doctor.
Stay hydrated: Drink enough water as advised by your doctor. Proper hydration is important for proper kidney function, but excessive hydration can be harmful. 
Regular checkups: Schedule regular appointments with your kidney doctor to monitor your general health and kidney function.
Bharat Homeopathy Treatment 
Bharat Homeopathy is the best hospital for dealing with every kidney disease in the medical field. It is known for its efficiency in treating many kidney diseases and its commitment to natural medicines. It has a solid reputation and is quickly rising to the top as a kidney disease hospital. Our experts offer detailed advice on a wide range of kidney diseases.
We support a cure for chronic kidney disease without dialysis because we firmly believe that natural remedies can effectively treat kidney failure. At Bharat Homeopathy, we prioritise comfort and rapid recovery while creating tailored nutrition programs based on analysing patients' medical histories.
To ensure that your kidneys get the care they need, contact Bharat Homeopathy now. We are available to help you achieve your ideal level of health. Make an appointment with our top kidney doctor as soon as possible to begin your kidney failure treatment without dialysis.
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naturecurebest · 2 months
Naturopathy Treatment For Back Pain
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Naturopathy Treatment For Back Pain ,
Today, in ready for action life, every one is over load with the work and social everyday jobs. To maintain proficient and individual life, each one will undergo from stress, tension. As a result health will become imbalance and then human body start facing disease one by one including BP, Diabetes, Back Pain, Headache, Joint paints and much more...
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 Although we all conscious that medicine will cure any disease temporary and give side effect to our body elements, but still we go for it.
If u looking for permanent and natural solutions for you any disease then naturopathy treatment is the one of best way accepted by people all around the world. As Naturopathy comes in a mind when someone willing to cure fast and with natural way.
Naturopathy Treatment For Severe Back Pain
Since Naturopathy is nothing but a method of therapy that diagnoses and recommend through the make use of water, air, diet, light, heat and all other kind of daily procedure and modalities, Today Naturopathic is ideal and likely way to cure any disease in natural ways. It focuses on the use of natural remedies.
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Hectic lifestyle, poor eating habits lead to an increase in stress levels and create unevenness and disorders within the body that affects vital energy. All diseases are believed to be caused by what we eat and what we don’t consume.
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 This form of therapy seeks to find the root cause and eliminate the toxins. It focuses on the entire body and uses natural elements and therapies to cure the imbalances rather than eliminate or restrain the symptoms. Naturopaths aid the healing process for a healthy internal and external environment.
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allanlpashcow · 4 months
Diabetes Research Institute Foundation Delivers $50 Million in Funding
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In late 2023, the Diabetes Research Institute (DRI) Foundation announced that it was committing $50 million toward efforts to finding a permanent, biological cure to genetically linked type 1 diabetes. The foundation serves as the fundraising arm of an organization that was formed in 1971 by a group of concerned Florida parents who had children with the hereditary disease.
Since its founding, the DRI has evolved into one of the nation’s leading and most comprehensive centers solely focused on diabetes. The aim of its ambitious efforts is to create a reliable approach for safely restoring normal blood sugar levels and insulin production in patients. One major milestone already achieved has been demonstrating that islet transplantation makes insulin therapy for those with type 1 diabetes unnecessary. The focus now is on removing roadblocks that prevent using this effective cell replacement therapy approach for all but those with extremely severe type 1 diabetes.
The DRI Foundation grant is directed toward efforts within the University of Miami Miller School of Medicine, which is led by DRI scientific director Dr. Matthias von Herrath. The renowned immunologist describes the funds as providing a significant boost to already aggressive efforts in finally developing an easily accessible treatment.
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sevayucuba · 5 months
Managing Diabetes and Finding Type-1 Diabetes Cure
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Living with type 1 diabetes can be challenging. Because of this autoimmune disease, the pancreas makes little to no insulin, which raises blood sugar levels. Are you looking for a Type 1 diabetes cure? It is difficult to get permanent relief from type 1 diabetes, but here we come with some therapies that can help control the illness enhance the lives of individuals who have it, and help you in your diabetes care journey.
Best Ayurveda for Type 1 Diabetes Cure
Type 1 diabetes is one of the many medical disorders that may be managed holistically by the ancient Indian medical system known as Ayurveda. Ayurveda helps you in your diabetes care, which includes diabetes therapy, herbal medications, dietary adjustments, and lifestyle changes, is among the most promising. Ayurvedic doctors frequently advise a customized strategy to treat diabetes's underlying causes and restore the body's equilibrium.
Herbal Products for Type 1 Diabetes Cure
Several herbal products are renowned in Ayurveda for their potential to assist in managing type 1 diabetes. These include Madhuant Tablets, formulated with natural ingredients like bitter gourd, neem, and giloy, known for their blood sugar-regulating properties; Safed Musli Powder, a medicinal herb recognized for its anti-diabetic properties that may improve insulin sensitivity; Gurmar Powder, also known as "sugar destroyer," traditionally used to lower blood sugar levels and reduce sugar cravings; Chandraprabha Vati Tablets, containing a blend of herbs like guggul, haritaki, and Amalaki, which may aid in managing diabetes by improving digestion and metabolism; and Trikatu Tablets, a combination of ginger, black pepper, and long pepper believed to enhance digestion, metabolism, and insulin sensitivity, thus supporting diabetes management.
Sevayucuba is the greatest place to find a type 1 diabetes cure. The diabetes care program is designed to manage diabetes through blood sugar monitoring, stress management, yoga and pranayama practices, herbal supplements, and dietary adjustments.
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dubeyclinic · 6 months
Superlative Sexologist Doctor in Patna, Bihar at Dubey Clinic
Why people search for Best Sexologist in Patna:
Are you a sexual patient with weak erection and low level sexual performance? Actually, you are married and after just three months you have become a victim of this sexual disease. Currently, you have taken some medicines to improve your sexual health but it was a temporary level of sexual relief. You are living in the same condition after that medicine. After discussion with your partner, you have decided to undergo treatment under Ayurvedic medicine.
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Actually, this is your right decision because permanent relief from any sexual disease is available only in Ayurvedic treatments. At present, you live in Patna, Bihar and looking for the best sexologist in Patna. This is Ayurveda medicine and only an experienced and certified Ayurvedic sexologist doctor can provide genuine and 100% natural medicine for your sexual health. That's why; you should choose your sexologist doctor using your wisdom while being patient.
About Gold Medalist and Bharat Gaurav Awardee Sexologist in Patna, Bihar:
Dr. Sunil Dubey, he is a world famous Ayurvedacharya and India’s No 1 sexologist doctor in the profession of Ayurveda and Sexology medical science. He has been involved in this sexologist profession for a long time. He is also the most successful Ayurvedic medicine researcher who has researched on various sexual diseases of men and women. After 5 years of his successful research, he has discovered 100% natural, pure, and most effective Ayurvedic medicines to them. This discovery is a great achievement for him and most beneficial and panacea for all types of sexual patients.
Regarding weak erection in men, he says that it is a major sexual difficulty for the male sexual patient. While on one hand the sexual patient is unable to maintain his erection continuity, on the other hand his partner starts getting irritated by this sexual activity. In this situation both men and women face mental problems. There are many reasons for the weak erection in men but the major reasons are medical, physical, and health-related issues.
Treatment and Medication for Weak Erection:
Dr. Sunil Dubey is also the best sexologist in Bihar and practices at Dubey Clinic. He says that Ayurveda is one of the most reliable and safe medical system for any sexual disease. It has a complete solution to diseases which cures them from the root. Sexual patients from all over come to Dubey Clinic in Patna to get important sexual consultation from him.
This world famous sexologist says that in this condition the sexual patient needs to remain involved in physical activities most of the time. He should take proper diet and controls his weight. He should be aware of diabetes, heart disease, high blood pressure, high cholesterol and kidney problems. He should focus on exercise especially cardio vascular exercise.
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He provides complete Ayurvedic medicines to all those male sexual patients who suffer from different sexual dysfunctions such as- erectile dysfunctions, premature ejaculation, metal disease, nocturnal emission, sexually transmitted disease, penile infection, sexual weakness, low libido, and other sexual problems.
Female sexual patients also come to Dubey Clinic to get their treatment and medication for menstruation problems, vaginal dryness, abnormal leucorrhoea, low sexual drive, sexual pain disorder, sexually transmitted infections, and other sexual problems. He also provides his treatment privileges to all of them in the presence of their parents or partners.
Make an Appointment with Dubey Clinic now:
If you are a sexual patient and want to get relief from your sexual problem, then you should make an appointment with Dubey Clinic now. The appointment is available over phone where anyone can make it easily from 08:00 AM to 20:00 PM every day. Believe in Ayurvedic medicine because it is our traditional and natural system of medicine that provides full-time solution from any sexual disease.
More than six lakhs of sexual patients have benefitted from Dubey Clinic as yet. The experienced hands, quality-proven Ayurvedic medicines, and expert counseling make you strong in your sexual wellness.
With best wishes:
Dubey Clinic
A certified clinic in India
Location: Dubey Market, Langar Toli, Chauraha, Patna - 04
Helpline No: +91 98350 92586; +91 91555 55112
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codshopping · 6 months
How To Cure Diabetes in 7 Days
How To Cure Diabetes in 7 Days How To Cure Diabetes in 7 Days. Are you or your loved ones is suffering from diabetes. Do you want to get rid of diabetes permanently. Do you want to control your sugar level without using medicines. Are you interested to quit from insulin use. Every person who is suffering from diabetes will answer ‘Yes’. Why he/she will answer yes, because no one happy with daily…
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nirogayurveda · 7 months
Can diabetes be cured permanently by Ayurvedic medicine?
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Have you been suffering from diabetes and tried everything you can to get rid of this medical condition? If your answer is positive, then we have some great news for you. Now, you can get rid of your diabetes with the help of Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes.
Ayurveda is a name that has been in existence for eons, and many Ayurvedic doctors as well as holy sages have used Ayurveda to cure scores of people worldwide.
As you already know, a permanent solution for diabetes is impossible with today’s technology. However, it is possible in Ayurveda. Want to know? Read this full blog.
In this blog, we will highlight some points about how diabetes can be permanently cured by Ayurveda.
Ayurvedic Medicine For Diabetes
The herbal market is not short on Ayurvedic medicines, but finding the best one is still a hell of a task. However, this blog is specifically written for those who are confused about which Ayurvedic medicine for sugar they should choose.
Long story short, an Ayurvedic medicine called Dr Madhu Amrit is the best Ayurvedic medicine for diabetes on Nirogayurved.
The best thing about Dr Madhu Amrit is:
Other Treatment for Diabetes
In Ayurveda, there are plenty of herbs that are able to lower blood sugar levels, therefore giving enormous relief from diabetes. Some of these herbs are:
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datameris · 7 months
Best Ayurvedic eye treatment hospital
Macular Edema Ayurvedic Treatment At Matha
Macular Edema is a fluid collection in the macular area, one of the most sensitive parts of the retina. It develops serious vision problems.
The main symptoms are blurring of vision and distorted vision. The straight lines seem to be wavy or double. The patient will also experience the dark areas in the central part of the visual field. Gradually, there may have floaters and flashes also. If not treated carefully, it may lead to further complications, even retinal detachment may happen which is possible to cause permanent loss of vision.
Systematic ayurvedic cure for Macular Edema
In ayurveda, this clinical condition is due to the vitiation of Kapha and pitta functioning in the eye. For this, there is a very successful line of treatment.
Our focus is on providing the best ayurvedic treatment to patients
Our facilities are designed and built for middle class Indian patients.
Our Kitchen provides veg diet suitable for ayurveda and yoga.
Matha is not a research Institute. We do not conduct research on our patients.
We prepare herbal medications in our own GMP certified manufacturing unit.
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If you are Diabetic or Hypertensive, there is a tendency of developing and triggering Macular Edema. So, keep them under control.
Ayurvedic Theory on the treatment of Macular Edema
According to ayurvedic analysis, Kapha and Pitta are the factors involved in the pathology of Macular Edema. The fraction of Pitta concerned with eye is Alochakapitta and the fraction of Kapha concerned with the eye is Tharpakakapha. So, any factor which vititates the Alochakapitta and Tharpakakapha are capable of developing Macular Edema in the eye. So itself, people with Kapha-Pitta Dosha prakriti are more liable to the development of macular edema.
Intake of too much sour tasted food items, hot and spicy, and deep fried food stuffs, exposure to light sources and extreme sunlight, lack of proper sleep, overstrain with computer screens etc are capable of vitiating Alochakapitta of the eye.
Likewise, excessive intake of curd, fried and baked food items, over eating, day sleep, headbath during night, overexposure to cold atmosphere, etc are capable of vitiating Tharpakakapha of the eye. If a person is practicing these factors, then the Kapha and Pitta of the eye become vitiated. If these vitiated doshas are confined to macula of the eye, it develops some pathological changes in this area. Swelling / build up of fluid in the macular area, encroachment of capillaries to the macula, sometimes hemorrhages, etc are the main changes. Gradually, the cells of the area may be degenerated. In this stage, the patient experiences very characteristic symptoms – Blurred vision, distorted vision, dimness of central visual field, intolerance to bright light, etc are main among them.
In ayurveda, this clinical condition is due to the vitiation of Kapha and pitta functioning in the eye. For this, there is very successful line of treatment.
The treatment is conducted in two steps. First, the treatment is aimed to maintain the circulation in the retina of the eye so that the possibility of accumulation of fluid is eliminated. For this, treatment procedures such as sirodhara, udhwarthanam, etc. are preferable with appropriate medicines. In the next step, the retina is strengthened so that functional capacity of retina is revived or increased.
Treatment procedures such as Nethra tharpanam, Vitalakam, putapakam etc. are highly beneficial. Medicines selected for these procedures are very specific. These treatments are to be done under the supervision of an ayurvedic ophthalmologist only. Eye rest also is necessary during the period of treatment. So, hospitalization for a period of 2 weeks is recommended.
Trigger Factors for Macular Edema
Kapha Pitta Prakriti of the patient
Intake of food items which are capable of vitiating Kapha and Pitta of the eye (Alochakapitta and Tharpakakapha)
Habitual factors capable of vitiating Kapha and Pitta of the eye
Physical postures / exercise in head down on bend down position
Imporper sleep pattern
Mental stress and tenstion
Precautions for Macular Edema Patients
Regular scheduled pattern in food items and food timing
Avoid too much sour tasted and deep fried food items
Ensure Regular sleep (6 to 8 hours daily) in the night
Avoid day sleep and night awakening
Avoid exposure to bright light and artificial light sources
While doing exersices, be careful – avoid bend down and head down postures
How to get ayurvedic treatment for Macular Edema from Matha
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kidneytreatment01 · 8 months
Reviving Renal Health: Innovative Methods for Treating Acute Kidney Injury
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Acute Kidney Injury Treatment with Homeopathy provides a range of options that focus on the cause of the damage and improving kidney function. The approach to treating homeopathy is distinct, as it aims to reduce symptoms and improve overall kidney health by addressing the root causes of kidney damage. This personalised approach is based on the patient's symptoms, medical history, and overall well-being. In adopting a holistic method, homoeopathy seeks to provide an effective and safe solution for acute kidney damage, with the primary objective being to prevent further deterioration and assist in kidney recovery.
Chronic Kidney Disease
In recent times, kidney diseases have been reported across all ages, ranging from acute to chronic. If a kidney problem requires long-term, challenging treatment, it is termed "chronic kidney disease." Chronic Kidney Disease is marked by a slow decline in renal function, often known as chronic kidney failure. The most common causes of CKD include diabetes, hypertension and obesity, genetics, smoking, a poor diet, insufficient physical exercise, and many more. It has been noted that people suffering from chronic renal diseases can suffer from a harmful buildup of waste, fluid, and electrolytes. So, people suffering from kidney disease should get treatment to prevent further damage.
Kidney Treatment
Patients with kidney disease often are given recommendations for dialysis and a transplant. Both of which could have undesirable results. Patients should look into a natural and affordable treatment that could quickly cure their disease.
Homeopathy is a secure and effective Kidney Treatment that focuses on the root cause of the illness. With a holistic approach, it aspires to offer a completely safe and effective treatment option for kidney damage. This approach leads to a fast recovery rate, gradually reducing symptoms and enhancing kidney function. The treatment is tailored according to the individual's medical background, symptoms, lifestyle and overall health, which ensures an individual approach.
Kidney Treatment by Homeopathy
Practitioners of homoeopathy have faith in the body's innate healing abilities. Homeopathic medicines made of minerals and plants are safe and natural without adverse, undesirable side effects. Kidney Treatment by Homeopathy aims not solely to heal the patients but also to target what is causing the illness. This alternative strategy focuses on personalised care by considering the patient's signs, history of medical conditions, and general constitution. The primary goal is to avoid further degradation of the kidneys and facilitate their healing. Unlike conventional treatments, which provide short-term relief, homeopathy targets the root cause of the illness.
Homeopathic Medicine for Kidney Disease
Transplants and dialysis do not provide a permanent solution but instead temporary relief. Patients who have opted for modern, conventional treatment options are unhappy because they have not seen any benefits and have experienced only negative consequences for their lifestyles. Homeopathy is a different approach to treating kidney-related ailments. Homoeopathy aims to improve the overall health of the kidney and ease symptoms by addressing the root causes of kidney failure. Homeopathic Medicines for Kidney Disease are made from organic substances like minerals and plants, which means they are safe and natural with no adverse effects. This holistic treatment approach is based on individualised care that considers the patient's condition, medical history, and overall health. The main goal is to prevent further deterioration and encourage kidney healing.
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drbasilshomeo · 11 months
Homeopathy treatment for uric acid | Dr. Basil's Homeo
Homeopathy is efficient in treating uric acid .
Eating any special non-vegetarian food causes intense sharp pain in joints like the toe, ankle, knee, finger joint etc. While consulting a doctor, the doctor suggests serum uric acid. The blood test shows the serum uric acid level is high. This condition is known as hyperuricemia. Rheumatic affection resulting from uric acid is known as gout. Beyond rheumatic affection uric acid also many other health issues. Hence it should be treated properly as early as possible.  Nowadays patients with uric acid complaints are high due to increased intake of non-vegetarian food, Junk food and fast food. Along with this kind of food habit, most prefer works of a sedentary nature. This will make people more prone to risk of uric acid. Homeopathy is very effective in treating uric acid, gout and other health issues resulting from uric acid. 
What is uric acid?
Uric is formed in the body during Purin metabolism. Excess of uric acid is eliminated through urine. Consuming excess amounts of food containing purine like non-vegetarian food, especially organs, sweet bread, and food will raise the uric acid level in the blood beyond a level that the body can eliminate through urine. This will raise the risk of uric acid. Uric acid deposits in the joints, especially the joints of extremities, lead to the formation of renal stones, cardiac affections etc.
The sources of high uric acid levels in blood. 
▶️ The dietary source is the main source. Food such as having high levels of purine, high fructose corn syrup, and sucrose will cause a rise in serum uric acid.
▶️  As we told earlier, uric acid is mainly excreted via urine. If the excretion of uric acid through the kidney is decreased, it will cause the rise of serum uric acid.
▶️ Fasting and rapid weight loss can temporarily elevate uric acid levels in the blood.
▶️ Intake of certain medicines, as a complication to chemotherapy the serum uric acid level will be raised.
▶️ Pseudohypoxia resulting from diabetic hyperglycemia, or excess alcohol consumption also affects serum uric acid levels very badly.
Risk factors for increased serum uric acid.
▶️ Males are more prone to hyperuricemia than females.
▶️ Obesity is a risk factor for hyperuricemia
▶️ Regularly, eating high-purine food, and drinking alcohol will lead to hyperuricemia
▶️ If the family members have hyperuricemia the chance to get hyperuricemia is more.
▶️ Hypothyroidism also may lead to hyperuricemia.
How is uric acid considered high?
 The upper limit of uric acid for males is 7 mg/dl and it for females is 6 mg/dl.
Effects of high uric acid level in the blood on health.
👉 The major effect resulting from hyperuric acid acid in the blood is gout. which is an annoying, painful rheumatic condition affecting joints of the extremities like the ankle fingers knee, etc. Uric acid may lead to permanent damage to bones, joints, ligaments, and tendons.
▶️ uric acid also causes renal stones
▶️ high blood pressure and cardiac arrest may result from high levels of uric acid in the blood.
▶️ Other diseases caused by uric acid or diabetes, metabolic syndrome and fatty liver disease.
Homeopathy treatment for uric acid
Homoeopathy is very effective in managing hyperuricemia. There are many medicines which can cure the condition naturally. In homoeopathic treatment for hyperuricemia, the doctor will consider the lifestyle habits and other causes which lead the patient to hyperuricemia the mental symptoms and physical characteristics family history, and social and moral values also have a very important role in the selection of homeopathic medicine for increased uric acid level. In homeopathic treatment for uric Acid. We are not simply giving the same medicine to every patient. Instead of that We are individualizing every single patient based on their symptom peculiarities. The most important peculiarity of homeopathic medicine for uric acid is, that there won’t be any side effects by taking homeopathic medicine for uric acid even if for a long period. pregnant ladies also can take the medicine without any worry of side effects. The expense of homeopathic medicine for uric acid is very much affordable while considering other treatment systems. Some of the important Homeopathic medicines for uric acid are,
1. Colchicum
2. Benzoic acidum
3. Nitric acid
4. Acinite
5. Thuja
6. Lycopodium
7. Mix vomica
8. Ledum pal
9. Antimonium crud
10. Sabina
 For more details regarding homeopathic medicine for uric acid please contact us.
Dr. Sulfath Chengodan. BHMS
Online consultant, Dr. Basil’s Homeo Hospital, Pandikkad, Malappuram.
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naturecurebest · 2 months
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Naturopathy Treatment for thyroid
Today, in ready for action life, every one is over load with the work and social everyday jobs. To maintain proficient and individual life, each one will undergo from stress, tension.
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 As a result health will become imbalance and then human body start facing disease one by one including BP, Diabetes, Back Pain, Headache, Joint paints and much more... Although we all conscious that medicine will cure any disease temporary and give side effect to our body elements, but still we go for it.
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If u looking for permanent and natural solutions for you any disease then naturopathy treatment is the one of best way accepted by people all around the world. As Naturopathy comes in a mind when someone willing to cure fast and with natural way.
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Since Naturopathy is nothing but a method of therapy that diagnoses and recommend through the make use of water, air, diet, light, heat and all other kind of daily procedure and modalities, Today Naturopathic is ideal and likely way to cure any disease in natural ways. It focuses on the use of natural remedies.
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This form of therapy seeks to find the root cause and eliminate the toxins. It focuses on the entire body and uses natural elements and therapies to cure the imbalances rather than eliminate or restrain the symptoms. Naturopaths aid the healing process for a healthy internal and external environment.
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ayushaktiayurveda · 1 year
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Diabetes is a highly common medical condition that is faced by people in large numbers globally. Although there is no permanent cure for diabetes, certain treatments can help keep it under check and ensure that the person lives regularly. Ayushakti being one of the top medical centers is dedicated to helping people get relief from diabetes. They have a treatment program that is derived after 28 years of research to control high blood pressure and reduce any complications of other bodily functions. Read More: https://www.ayushakti.com/fitness-and-exercise/category/d/diabetes
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i3tk · 1 year
Mesenchymal Stem Cells (MSCs) and Their Crucial Role in Fracture Repair and Treatment of Osteoarthritis
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The most frequent cause of disability is orthopaedic issues. It affects the muscles, bones, nerves, joints, ligaments, tendons, and other connective tissues. Usually, these tissues' injury or degeneration causes damage to them. The prognosis for patients with these disorders is typically poor, and their prevalence rises with age.
Musculoskeletal diseases cause pain in various body areas, yet patients with these conditions often have comparable symptoms and prognoses and may react to similar therapies. We can list non-pharmacological therapies, complementary therapies, pharmacological therapies, surgery, cell therapy, and combination therapy as some of the different treatments. Since there is typically no permanent cure for these painful injuries, the existing therapies are utilized to lessen the discomfort they cause.
Due to their traits, Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are utilized in the regeneration of several tissues. Both stem cells' capacity for self-renewal and their capacity to specialize into distinct cell types may be seen in MSCs. These cells have a fibroblast-like shape and multiply in vitro as plastic-adherent heterogeneous cells. In vitro cultures, MSCs can be differentiated into bone, cartilage, and fat cells and form colonies. To develop some secure and safer alternatives to existing medications, researchers are attempting to uncover and utilize all of the MSCs' potential. Some existing examples of these ongoing initiatives include therapeutic amplification of circulating MSCs, genetic modification of MSCs, drug-coated mesenchymal stem cell treatment, and the use of their exosomes.
Mesenchymal stem cells (MSCs) are breakthrough adult stem cells with an exceptional ability to adapt and grow. Researchers at health research institutes have been studying these cells extensively as it has been found that their capacity to self-renew and transform into various cell types has been beneficial. For quite some time now, scientists have acknowledged the potential of MSCs in tissue engineering, enabling their use in treatments like bone marrow transplants, tendon repairs, and cartilage regeneration.
Lately, MSCs have become increasingly popular in the world of regenerative medicine. The reason behind this is their unique ability to turn into specific cells needed for repairing injured body parts, such as cartilage or nerve cells. What sets MSCs apart for transplantation is that they can be effortlessly obtained from umbilical cord blood without triggering any immune rejection from the recipient.
MSCs have been found to aid in the healing of wounds by reducing inflammation and boosting fibroblast activity
Proteins derived from MSCs could be beneficial in tissue engineering since they encourage blood vessel growth
Cell survival and differentiation
Bone-forming potential
Enhanced wound healing capabilities.
In addition, MSCs perform various significant functions, such as:
Assisting in creating new blood vessels by generating capillaries that circulate oxygen-rich blood throughout your body.
Producing cytokines, substances crucial for proper immune function and helping your immune system ward off infections.
How Bone and Tissue is repaired with the help of MSC?
MSCs are used as an effective cell source in regenerative medicine. In more recent years, researchers at public health institutions worldwide have discovered that these cells can be used to treat injuries and critical diseases. In India, various studies are conducted by health research institutes on the effectiveness of MSCs in various clinical applications. There is an increasing demand for cost-effective stem cell research drugs that can help improve health outcomes in patients with degenerative diseases like type 1 diabetes mellitus (DM1) and rheumatoid arthritis (RA).
MSCs are involved in the repair of damaged tissue, which may be due to injury or disease. They can help repair damaged tissue by promoting the growth of new cells and blood vessels to grow into it. This process is called tissue regeneration known as fibroblast-mediated repair (FBR).
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MSCs have been shown to help with FBR by increasing the production of collagen from amino acids; creating new cartilage; increasing bone formation; stimulating angiogenesis (the development of new blood vessels) around the site where they reside within your body; improving insulin sensitivity; helping prevent osteoporosis (loss of bone density); reducing inflammation associated with chronic musculoskeletal conditions such as arthritis; and even boosting your immune system!
The crucial role played by public health institutions in India toward research in Mesenchymal stem cells' regenerative capacity in patients
The practice of "Regenerative Medicine" is booming in India, with a noticeable surge in the need for MSCs, particularly for bone marrow transplants. While this is exciting, we must remember that these procedures can sometimes be risky for patients since they harm healthy organs and tissues. Moreover, if not handled properly by skilled medical professionals, it could lead to fatal consequences.
Role of International Institute of Innovation & Technology (I3T), Kolkata in MSC study
I3TK has achieved a good reputation in research and clinical practice within a short span. They have been publishing papers on crucial topics related to regenerative medicine. The institute has been involved in research activities with a team of researchers who are trained and up-to-date on the latest techniques and technologies required by modern medicine, such as stem cell identification methods.
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Buy senna alata leaves online | cassia alata leaf online | sema agathi
Senna Alata Plant:
Shop Pure and Organic Malaivel Herbal Senna alata which helps to treat typhoid, diabetes, malaria, asthma, ringworms, tinea infections, scabies, blotch etc.
Page content:
Senna alata is considered as a best medicinal herb of Leguminosae family. It is distributed only in the tropical and humid regions. The Senna Alata plant is traditionally used in the treatment of typhoid, diabetes, malaria, asthma, ringworms, tinea infections, scabies, blotch, herpes, and eczema. This Senna Alata plant also has laxative , antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties. Young leaves and young pods of this plant can be cooked and eaten as vegetables. This medicinal plant can easily be grown by seeds. Candle Bush or Senna Alata is a native to SW Mexico to Tropical America, cultivated and naturalized in India. Medicinal uses of Candle Bush is often called the ringworm bush because of its very effective fungicidal properties, for treating ringworm and other fungal infections of the skin and helps to cure this permanently.
Product description:
Introduction :
Senna alata is considered as a best medicinal herb of Leguminosae family. It is distributed only in the tropical and humid regions. The Senna Alata plant is traditionally used in the treatment of typhoid, diabetes, malaria, asthma, ringworms, tinea infections, scabies, blotch, herpes, and eczema. This Senna Alata plant also has laxative , antibacterial, anti-tumor, anti-inflammatory, and diuretic properties. Young leaves and young pods of this plant can be cooked and eaten as vegetables. This medicinal plant can easily be grown by seeds.
Ingredients :
Natural Candle Bush or Senna Alata Plant.
Benefits of Malaivel Herb Senna Alata:
It helps to treat typhoid fever.
It helps to treat Diabetes.
It helps to cure asthma, ringworms, and tinea infections.
It helps to cure scabies, blotch, herpes and eczema.
This herb also contains the best laxative properties.
This is mostly used for anti-bacterial properties.
The simple remedy for the irritating complaint of the skin disease is applying the leaf paste. Yes, the leaves of this Candle bush or Senna Alata can be ground into fine paste and applied locally with any vegetable oil twice or thrice a day according to the severity of the ringworm infection. In fact Botanically, this Candle bush plant is known as Senna alata.
Fine prints :
The Consumption details and benefits of Malaivel Herbal Senna Alata listed out on our website are taken from Tamil ancient books and Siddha records, as well as its been further fine-tuned by our Siddha Doctors Team. Anyhow you are requested to consult your doctor or dietician before use.
Candle Bush or Senna Alata is a native to SW Mexico to Tropical America, cultivated and naturalized in India. Medicinal uses of Candle Bush is often called the ringworm bush because of its very effective fungicidal properties, for treating ringworm and other fungal infections of the skin and helps to cure this permanently.
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