morbidsmenagerie · 3 months
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I knew they drew in to protect themselves, but oh my her face is so cute! And even tho they're hard to take pictures of, the wooly darkling beetle is one of my favs.
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weirdlookindog · 1 year
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Superargo contro Diabolikus (1968) - Argentinean Poster
AKA Superargo Against Diabolicus, Superargo vs. Diabolicus
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movieposters1 · 7 months
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gnarl3ne-blog · 2 months
Diabolical Ironclad Beetle - Phloedes diabolicus
Diabolical Ironclad Beetle - Phloedes diabolicus by Arlene Schag Via Flickr: I love these beetles, called them rock-buggies until I learned their official name. They aren't really diabolical, in fact they are probably the sweetest beetle around. Some of the other ones will stink you or run away, but not these beetles. They move slowly. Sometimes they will pull their legs in snug against their body and pretend to be a rock. One inch in length. They come out to forage for tasty decomposing plant material. Southern California, Chaparral / Oak Woodland habitat along Santa Margarita River - Fallbrook.
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a-deadly-serenade · 8 months
if u want to listen to something that takes into account the actual story of her life, with its own appropriate twists, i cant recommend opera diabolicus's concept album 1614 enough. its only 8 tracks, & theyre all so wonderfully composed. its dark, gothic metal at its finest. and it takes you thru the story of her life, from the beginning, to the discovery of her crimes, to the very end. the last track is called "stone by stone" for pete sake, which is how she was imprisoned!!! the name of the album is the year she died and even the album cover incorporates her imagery. all the lyrics interweave aspects of her life with the horror of her actions, alongside their creative liberties and it all blends into this glorious, hour long epic that i never tire of listening to, even as it peaks into its 11th birthday.
i am also very biased and love this video. (+ this song is an absolute BANGER)
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xmas-infinite · 1 year
Oniorchid, the Evil Flower Monstar, is next up
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"It can only sprout in areas in which a lot of creatures have died in. As a result, it has developed barbed leaves and clawed flowers in order to keep away scavenging creatures. It carries a strong toxin in each of its petals, but as a result, it can only grow best when fed a very exclusive diet."
Oniorchid is a very clear mashup of the words ONI and ORCHID, and is directly inspired by the telipogon diabolicus, a species of orchid that has a specific coloration that gives it a design of a devil's face in the center of the flower. The flower also has small "claws" at the end of each flower, giving it a more devilish look, which helped in creating a Monstar with a more vicious look to it. Oniorchid is the most cut-and-dry Monstar I've made so far, pretty much directly translating a real life concept into a more monstrous design. Hopefully that doesnt make me too lazy!
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uncharismatic-fauna · 4 months
Uncharismatic Fact of the Day
The diabolical ironclad beetle's name is no joke! The exoskeleton of this species is made of tightly interlocked and impact-absorbing structures that allow it to withstand up to pressure of up to 39,000 times its own body weight!
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(Image: A diabolical ironclad beetle (Phloeodes diabolicus) by David Kisailous)
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autistrix · 23 days
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[https://www.inaturalist.org/observations/34373751] Satanic/Diabolical Nightjar || Eurostopodus diabolicus Observed in Indonesia Vulnerable in location of observation
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Oh geeze, in that article about extranormal schools I completely forgot AbSci University! How could I forget? It’s a college, but it counts.
Abnormal Science University: or AbSci U, is located in Connecticut, and it’s a premiere institution for those in the extranormal community. Despite what one might think, they don’t have a large department for traditional magic and often focus on the esoteric sciences. Noncompliant math, nonstandard chronology, holistic ontology, anomalous anatomy and esoteric surgery, etc. They’re one of the only other organizations in the world that are in custody of a true “upper case” artificial intelligence - two in fact, Eschatron and Red Sonya.
Now, some would say they have a reputation for being “mad scientists.” They definitely are not mad scientists. Eccentric, to be sure, but complete professionals. Just because they have names like Professor Diabolicus, Professor Stitcher, and Doctor Warlock doesn’t mean they’re mad scientists. We’ve only had to have several talks with them over the last decade, and most of those were not regarding world-ending cataclysmic possibilities.
If anyone in ASU’s faculty structures is reading this, please reconsider shutting down Eschatron. We’d all rest easier if he was offline. You probably won’t, but it’s worth a shot.
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chernobog13 · 5 months
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What do you get when you mix masked wrestlers, spies, superheroes, and a total disregard for logic and common sense?
This crazy flick, featuring a hero who is equal parts Santo, James Bond, and Batman. I first discovered this bizarre Italian/Spanish co-production on New York City's Channel 5 Saturday movies at noon (where I first encountered the Starman series of films) when I was a wee lad. So many, many, many years ago.
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German lobby card for Superargo Versus Diabolicus. The German title translates to The Red Phantom Strikes.
Superargo is a masked wrestler, like Mexico's Santo. In fact, he's the World Champion, having one 123 matches in a row. Also like Santo, he never removes his mask. However, where Santo will wear suits and regular clothes with his mask, Superargo NEVER takes his costume off.
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Superargo's girlfriend, Lydia, encouraging her sweetie to mow down some bad guys.
In the opening of the film Superargo is in the wrestling ring defending his title from the vicious El Tigre. Superargo defeats El Tigre by throwing him out of the ring. However, El Tigre lands on his head and dies. Wracked with guilt, Superargo quits and spends the next several days moping about his house - still in his mask and costume!
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Diabolicus preparing to torture Superargo.
His girlfriend, Lydia, can't stand to see him in such a state. She puts Superargo in touch with an old friend, who is now in charge of the Secret Service. Seems there's a problem with some villain named Diabolicus that the Service needs help with, and Superargo is just the man they need.
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It's then that we learn that Superargo is not just any masked wrestler. He has greater-than-normal strength; super stamina; his blood coagulates super fast, so wounds heal almost instantaneously; he can hold his breath for longer than 7 minutes; he is immune to extreme hot and cold; and he can regulate his blood pressure to stay normal even under great exertion. He is vulnerable to electricity (aren't we all?) but, while it can hurt him, it can't kill him.
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He is also allergic to bullets. So the Secret Service outfits him with a new, bulletproof costume, as well as several gadgets typical of the spy movies of the day, including a Geiger counter disguised as a cocktail olive! To sweeten the deal, they also throw in a nifty new sports car. Then Superargo is sent on his way to track down and stop Diabolicus' mad plan for world domination.
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"What is that plan?" you ask.
Well, in a nutshell, Diabolicus had discovered a way to turn base metals into gold. He then wants to flood the markets with the gold, destroying the world economy and bringing civilization to its knees.
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There is just one problem: in order to make the fake gold Diabolicus needs plutonium. Lots and lots of plutonium. Hence the martini olive.
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No, Superargo's not trippin' on LSD. This is part of the bizarre credit sequence at the beginning of the film.
After that, the film follows the typical Eurospy movie formula: car chases, fights, beautiful dames, fights, the hero confronting the villain on his secret island base, the hero fights the hordes of villainous minions, and the secret villain headquarters getting blowed up.
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Let's be clear about one thing: this ain't no cinematic masterpiece. But it is an amusing, entertaining little flick. And it contains two things things that give it extra panache: a totally whacked-out opening credit sequence that is kinds disturbing to watch, and the absolute worst secret island headquarters miniature you'll probably ever see. I think the director's kid made it in an afternoon and filmed it in the family pool.
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It's worth checking out if you're in the mood for some superhero silliness. Last time I checked it was streaming on Amazon, and there's a blurry version of Youtube.
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siglovesbugs · 2 months
what's your favorite bug? (bug you absolutely LOVE the most) and also types of bugs u like
i really like weevils. and beetles specifically i think they are my favorite kinds
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i specifically really like acorn weevils but there are a LOT of unique weevils out therw and thats one thing that i really like about bugs in general cause theres so many to learn about
i dont know if i have a favorite in particular but i really like ladybugs i like identifying which one they are i could identify a 7 spotted ladybug from anywhere
its really difficult to find good information out there especially since theres a lot of misconceptions and misinformation about certain bugs out there so be careful where you get your information from, like there's a whole debate about ladybugs and ladybeetles biting and people calling them the same thing and its generally pretty confusing because a lot of different sites say a lot of different things so im still looking for a good source to like research this stuff
sorry that was unrelated i was gonna talk about the ladybug debate but i got sidetracked and realized i might not fully understand that yet and dont wanna give out ladybug misinformation because of it but as far as ive seen theyve been pretty nice to me
here are some of my favorite beetles (with labels) so you can see which is which
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this is a diabolical ironclad beetle also known as phloeodes diabolicus
i really like them because not only are they literally the strongest beetle out there but their name sounds funny and i have to reference it whenever someone says anything along the lines of devious/diabolical/etc
im gonna reblog this and continue my rant cause i ran out of room for pictures and im not near done yet
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morbidsmenagerie · 5 months
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Beetle appreciation post, love their textures.
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professor Gohan what the strongest bugs in the world also if you weren’t an entomologist what would you be?
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They're also the classic example of insect strength. I mean, what can't these little guys do?! They plow through the ground for their intricate tunnel systems, use their jaws to cut up everything from leaves to their enemies, and even build bridges and rafts by hanging from each others' bodies! The force of a trapjaw ant snapping its mandibles shut on a hard object can be enough to send itself flying several times its body length back, which looks silly but is a great escape route. And of course, they can lift tens of times their own body weight. To explain shortly, smaller animals have the potential to be very relatively strong because the surface area-volume ratio is more even at that scale. They weigh less and so have less to carry, so they can allocate strength to carrying larger objects than usual. A human-sized ant would be very strong, but not as proportionately strong as it was at its usual size. But let's move on from ants!
Apparently, the world's strongest insect and apparently overall strongest animal (once again relative to body mass!) is a dung beetle called Onthophagus taurus which has pulled more than 1,000 times its body weight in a study! This strength may have been sexually selected for due to males competing for females through competitions of brute strength. Beetles in the family Scarabaeidae are generally pretty strong, if you hold certain burrowing species in your hand you'll find that they can prise open your fingers quite easily!
The diabolical ironclad beetle (Phloeodes diabolicus) is another very strong beetle, but in a different way. Its exoskeleton, especially its elytra (the shell on its back), are incredibly durable and are constructed of layers that are meshed like puzzle pieces and cemented together by proteins that make them almost impossible to crush through natural means. The way the parts of the shell are interlaced also has given scientists a challenge to replicate their structure in human materials such as planes. Biomimicry is a crazy field! Also, you can imagine how notoriously difficult these things are to preserve for the... average entomologist.
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(It's true. Entomologists, in the name of science, have run over these beetles with their cars and they just shrugged it off.)
I don't want to make this post too long (you're strong yourself for getting this far!), but I should give honorable mentions to our saltatorial (jumping) friends in the order Orthoptera, which are your grasshoppers, crickets, and katydids. Even less well-known (or rather less-respected) are the fleas, which I personally find fascinating because their closest relatives are likely scorpionflies! Who knew such a tiny, flat insect with no wings but powerful hindlegs could have evolved from potentially such a dainty-looking ancestor.
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As for an alternate career path... I'm very grateful to be studying the insects I love so much, but I've always been interested in all the sciences. One of my backup plans was to become a researcher or lab technician at Capsule Corporation, which would have dealt largely with mechanical engineering. I wonder how that would have gone!
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movieposters1 · 2 years
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paradedanger3 · 2 years
A Biased View of The best murder
Well-known on Find More Details On This Page in the Window The Raven Along Came a Crawler I Am All Girls Lost Girls Identity No One Gets Out Alive The Snowman Your Son Case 39 Brazen Spenser Confidential The Da Vinci Code The Vanished Twin Murders: the Muteness of the White City 10 Cloverfield Lane Primal Fear The Turning Hubie Halloween Nightbooks Murder Puzzle Monster House Striking Distance Grudge The Exorcist 3 Searching Sherlock Holmes Erax The Game Recurrence Bordertown: Mural Murders The Perfumier In for a Massacre The Yin-Yang Master: Dream Of Eternity The Legacy of the Bones New Releases Suspenseful MoviesExplore more 8MM No One Acquires Out Alive Case 39 The Da Vinci Code Brazen Twin Murders: the Muteness of the White City Nightbooks Primal Fear Striking Distance The Woman in the Window Grudge Bordertown: Mural Murders The Vanished In for a Murder The Raven Identity The Snowman The Legacy of the Bones Browsing The Life of David Gale Black Mercedes Sherlock Holmes Security Rebecca The Yin-Yang Master: Dream Of Eternity Recurrence The Game Aapla Manus Zodiac The Forest Inform No One The Warning The Bourne Supremacy Shimmer Lake Nneka The Pretty Serpent The Bourne Ultimatum In Darkness Using to the Storm Red Dragon The Invisible Guardian Action MoviesExplore much more Extremely Acclaimed FilmsExplore more International MoviesExplore a lot more Bordertown: Mural Murders Your Son Bad Black Mercedes I Am All Gals In for a Murder Grudge Twin Murders: the Muteness of the White City Aapla Manus The Yin-Yang Master: Dream Of Eternity The Legacy of the Bones Recurrence Security The Warning Ije: The Journey The Snowman iBOY Unknown Origins Svaha: The Sixth Finger Deal to the Storm The Girl on the Train In Darkness Nneka The Pretty Serpent CBI 5: The Brain The Waiter Toto Diabolicus The Invisible Guardian The Perfumier The Blue Elephant 2 Badla Forgotten Prosta historia o morderstwie Game Guilty Mindhorn TE3N Raat Akeli Hai Detective Downs HOMUNCULUS Photocopier Hollywood MoviesExplore even more Thriller MoviesExplore more The Raven The Vanished Grudge Security The Snowman Aapla Manus The Legacy of the Bones The Warning Recurrence Anon Shimmer Lake Mute iBOY Rebecca The Girl on the Train Unknown Origins In Darkness Svaha: The Sixth Finger Toto Diabolicus Offering to the Storm The Perfumier The Invisible Guardian CBI 5: The Brain Inform No One Concern Dot Com Badla Prosta historia o morderstwie The Blue Elephant 2 Forgotten Photocopier Game Raat Akeli Hai TE3N HOMUNCULUS The Soul Much smaller and Smaller sized Circles Heartbeat Forensic Drishyam Talaash Crime Movies Ije: The Journey Recurrence The Warning The Legacy of the Bones Shimmer Lake iBOY Anon Earthquake Bird Mute Inform No One In Darkness Changeling The Girl on the Train The Invisible Guardian The Perfumier Offering to the Storm Badla Neglected CBI 5: The Brain The Waiter The Blue Elephant 2 Prosta historia o morderstwie Game Responsible Raat Akeli Hai TE3N Drishyam The Soul Smaller and Much smaller Circles Talaash Heartbeat Forensic WHAT DID JACK DO?
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devil-doll13 · 1 year
Jas! <3
Everytime I listen to the Mischa playlist on my way to work, I get super hyped when Ouroboros comes on, the song you put to his moodboard. It's such a beautiful song 🥺
Since you obviously have incredible music taste, do you perhaps have some other reccomendations for me? <333
Hi meadow! Since Ouroboros was a search I did based on the concept I’m afraid I’m not too knowledgeable about folk but here is some good doom metal that I recommend!
Under the cut bc you’ve activated my inner music nerd
I will never not vouch for the Candlemass and Electric Wizard, tbh I’m not sure what kind of doom you usually listen to but also bands like Pallbearer, Monolord, Witchrot, Mansion, and WINDHAND my beloved along those sort of lines:
I also love Faetooth and Messa which have some lovely vocals as well, maybe similar to Ouroboros:
Hooded Menace if you like some death influences
Worm one of my favourite newer bands, again death metal influence but with a sort of almost ethereal synth usage? Well you can be the judge
If you want Funeral Doom: Bell Witch, Esoteric, Shape of Despair, Colosseum and Ahab (their new album is really good btw)
Not doom metal or folk (I think) but I would also recommend early Cocteau Twins (the Album Garlands in particular) and Dead Can Dance which sometimes gives me pathologic vibes:
Dead Can Dance albums The Serpent’s Egg, Within The Realm of A Dying Sun and S/T/Dead Can Dance are my favourites but they have a large discography!
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