#diana's sapphire jewelry
gemville · 5 months
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Diana M. Earrings Featuring 12.25 CTW Sapphires and 17.20 CTW Diamonds
Source: Instagram
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warwickroyals · 5 months
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WARWICK | Lady Dior II
Part two of my ongoing Lady Dior collection, I was inspired to do a Met Gala look since the event is right around the corner. You get Diana's iconic Dior slip dress and her seven-strand pearl and sapphire choker, probably her most recognizable piece of jewelry. Hope you enjoy.
Teen to elder
Base game compatible
All maps and LODS
Custom thumbnails + disabled for random
The choker is very high poly
📌 Inspiration — Diana, Princess of Wales at the 1996 Met Gala
DOWNLOAD (Early Access - Free May 14)
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Rumor #5 - Per the terms of Diana's will, William inherited her things that were being stored at Althorp when he turned 30. According to Karen Spencer (Earl Spencer's wife), all of Dians's things were taken down from the Althorp displays at William's 30th birthday and given to William. Harry didn't know that and when he approached Charles about having some of Diana's things for Meghan and the new baby, Charles told him William had them and Harry flipped out.
Can you do a deep dive into this, I don't think William inherited it all, I think he took it first because ge turned 30 first and Harry joined him 2 years later, there's a thing about Diana's gowns and both her sons having to approve their display.
What William might've inherited,according to helenaurelia (it's not the same here without her) is Diana's official gifts jewelry (The Saudi Suite, Qatari Suite, The Sapphire chocker, etc) it has been a rumor since the C&D divorce, Kate wore pieces from the personal and official collection while Meghan only wore personal pieces
Old ask from May 9th
First, there's not a whole lot publicly known or published about Diana's will and/or the boys' inheritances. 95% of what's out there is largely speculation and gossip.
So let's get into what we do know first, and then talk some rumors.
Diana wrote her last will on June 1, 1993. In that will, she:
Named her mother, Frances Kydd, and Patrick Jephson named as executors and trustees.
Named Frances Kydd and Earl Spencer as guardians for any children who were underaged at the time of her death.
Requested her husband Charles to consult with Frances on the boys’ education, upbringing, and welfare.
Left the bulk of her estate in a trust for William and Harry, with instructions that they should split it equally on their 25th birthdays. She also had instructions that if the boys predeceased Diana (or died within three months of her death) but they had children and those children survived three months past Diana’s death, they should inherit their father’s share at age 21 and it should be split equally amongst them. Grandchildren of a surviving son do not inherit anything.
Diana’s estate was estimated at $35.6 million pre-tax; $21.3 million after tax. The lion’s share of Diana’s estate (about $28 million pre-tax) came from her divorce settlement.
Diana updated her will on February 1, 1996. In her codicil, she replaced Patrick Jephson as executor and trustee with her sister, Sarah McCorquodale. Everything else remained the same.
After Diana died, Frances and Sarah challenged the will and Diana’s estate in probate court using a variance that changed William’s and Harry’s age of inheritance from 25 to 30; however, William and Harry were allowed to access the income (aka interest) generated by their inheritance beginning at age 25. The full details of Frances and Sarah’s challenge, including why they challenged, and the variance aren’t known.
Frances and Sarah later gave one memento of Diana to each of her 17 godchildren - this becomes important later - and also in accordance with Diana’s wishes, gave Paul Burrell approximately $70,000.
In her will, Diana created a trust or a fund (it’s not clear) to keep and maintain all of Diana’s clothes, including her wedding dress. The clothes, especially the wedding dress, were often lent out to exhibitions all over the world; however, upon Harry’s 30th birthday, everything returned to William and Harry as per the terms of their inheritance. The clothing fund/trust supported William, William’s family, Harry, and several special charities. The charities were also allowed to receive royalties from the commercial use of Diana’s likeness.
Here’s where it gets messy. A few years after Diana’s death and probate was completed, there were unrelated court proceedings in which a previously undisclosed  “Letter of Wishes” from Diana regarding her estate was revealed. The “Letter of Wishes” declared more of Diana’s intent on how to divide her estate:
75% of her personal belongings and all of her jewelry should go to William and Harry.
The remaining 25% of her personal belongings (including portraits, paintings, clothing, and china) should go to an additional 17 named beneficiaries - her godchildren.
The discovery of the letter and Diana’s final wishes for her estate really pissed off a lot of people, family members and godchildren, especially. It’s not clear if people were angry with how Frances and Sarah decided to distribute Diana’s estate, if they were angry at the probate court for not exhausting all efforts to uncover or find all of Diana’s last documents, or if they were angry at whomever held the letter for not coming forward years earlier.
(My theory is that the Letter of Wishes was found in the evidence discovery for the Paul Burrell trial. If you’re not familiar: after Diana died, many of her belongings went missing. There was an investigation, in which it was discovered that Paul Burrell had these items, which ended up being around 310 items, including clothing, shoes, and letters. Burrell was charged with theft, it went to trial in 2002, and The Queen intervened at the last moments by all of a sudden remembering that she had given Burrell permission to remove these items.)
Remember those 17 godchildren? The ones who received just one memento of Diana, which some of them called “tacky”? Had Diana’s Letter of Wishes been declared at the time of her death and followed, the godchildren would have been given about $100,000 each.
As for exactly how Diana’s assets, properties, and belongings were split up, we don’t know. Not a lot has been published or publicly discussed. For instance, the speculation is that William took his half when he turned 30, but it’s also possible that William waited until Harry turned 30 so it was an even split of the assets. (The former is probably most likely; William doesn’t strike me as someone who’d nickel-and-dime in his inheritance and since the brothers were on good terms back in those days, William even may have been happy for Harry to get “more” of DIana’s inheritance knowing that he’s the sole beneficiary for Charles when the time comes.)
We do know that William and Harry have the wedding dress. It’s very likely that whatever this fund is that has Diana’s clothes, they probably serve on the board of directors or are somehow closely involved in the administration of it. It’s said that this fund is the one that maintains and holds Diana clothes for display at Kensington Palace. We also know that the brothers got to take a personal item of Diana’s for their own keeping, and William took the engagement ring and Harry took the watch. 
But other than those very few specifics, we only have rumors about how the estate was split. Most of the rumors are about the jewelry:
William inherited the big official jewelry and Harry got the smaller personal jewelry. (Helenaaurellia’s theory)
The jewelry Diana received in official capacity as Princess of Wales was left to a trust benefiting only future Princesses of Wales (aka William’s wife, George’s future wife, George’s son’s future wife, etc.) and the brothers split Diana’s personal jewelry.
All of the Princess of Wales jewelry Diana received (aka the official gifts) actually belongs to The Queen and was given back to Her Majesty on Diana’s death. The Queen then loaned them, or gifted them, to Kate. 
Diana put most of her personal jewelry into a trust for future granddaughters, so Charlotte and Lili are the true beneficiaries, with William and Harry the trustees who sometimes choose to let Kate and Meghan wear the pieces.
I lean towards Rumor #2 - it just makes the most sense to me when you remember that Diana was actually a pretty hardcore monarchist and royalist. She just didn’t like Charles and much of what she did, she believed she was doing to protect the monarchy from Charles for William’s sake. So putting her official Princess of Wales jewelry in a trust specifically for The Princess of Wales makes sense to me…except doing so would have created a loophole for Camilla to take possession of the jewelry if/when she married Charles and we know Diana wouldn’t have allowed that in any capacity.
Which makes Rumor #1/Helenaaurellia’s theory the most optimal one. William gets the official pieces as his future wife would be the future Princess of Wales, Harry gets the sentimental, personal pieces.
I think Rumor #3 is plausible, but I find it unlikely. While it is true that royal protocol states any gift received by the royal during the course of official duties belongs to The Crown, any gifts given in celebration of a personal event even if official (like a wedding or a baby’s birth or a christening) remains the property of the royal. Much of Diana’s “big” jewelry was given as wedding gifts on her marriage to Charles, so they would’ve been hers to do with as she saw fit.
Rumor #4 strikes me as very tinhatty. 98% of me thinks it’s complete bunk, but there’s that final 2% niggling at me. And that 2% is Meghan’s 2019 NYC baby shower, when all the decor was pink and she was hinting to everyone that they were having a girl. We know that a girl is easier to merch than a boy and that may be why Meghan was hoping for a daughter, but I can’t let go of an extremely farfetched possibility that having a daughter meant Meghan would’ve gotten something of Diana’s.
Personally, I think we have to wait and see what happens under a King William. Does Queen Catherine continue wearing Princess of Wales's jewelry or does she use the vault? If Kate stops wearing Princess of Wales jewelry, does George's wife wear them or will Charlotte wear them? And if Charlotte wears it, does she wear them while she's Princess Charlotte of Wales or does she wear them (or continue to wear them) when she's The Princess Charlotte?
We only have about 20-30 years to wait.
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sassyfrassboss · 8 months
She'll never get over Catherine's ring. All those bitchings in the papers about how the ring was kept by Harold so it's rightfully hers and Catherine needs to return it to her. The audacity!
In 2017/2018 when engagement rumors started till the wedding that engagement ring was brought up if not multiple but at least once a week in articles.
Many of them along the theme that the rightful owner is Meghan because according to a butler, that even Harry himself says is a liar, said Harry picked out the ring. I think Harry explains this in his book but I can't remember.
I think because it was the MOST iconic piece of jewelry, other than the Lover's Knot Tiara, that tied to Diana.
After the wedding and up until about 2020/2021 that argument about the ring belonging to Meghan came up about every three months but I haven't seen it in ages so she must have given up the ghost.
The best though was in 2017 when she was pushing engagement rumors was that Harry was going to dismantle an emerald necklace of Diana's and the sapphire choker for Meghan's ring..
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teamwindsorroyals · 1 year
Thank goodness the ring stayed within the BRF.
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the-empress-7 · 1 month
I did, it looks like alternating sapphires and diamonds to me. So I am quite confused why people are claiming it's the promise ring from all those years ago. It's clearly not the same ring.
Could it be a private engagement ring? Hear me out (had a bad night, too much insomnia makes me silly). Maybe W gave C another engagement ring, something smaller and private. Something entirely hers. Not Diana's famous ring, but one for her. To wear at home, on holidays. In private. Not a big chunky diamond, but one she could wear while gardening, or bathing the kids, etc. And just like W getting a beard (I understand it. They are constantly in the public eye, need to dress accordingly and all that, maybe the guy just wanted to not have to shave every morning), it waa "relax mode" and they dis the bit, new it was only fping to be a few seconds, and getting THE engagement ring was not on their mind. Like, "I wont shave my daddy-at-home beard" and "No one will notice it".
Am i crazy? Is this too much for my sleep deprived brain? Am I on a one way trip to delululand here? Jajaja.
I love you but you need to get some sleep 😂 I really don't think there's any great significance behind that ring, she has lots of jewelry and not all of it is a gift from William. I love William but he doesn't always have the best taste when it comes to gifts of jewelry (eg the Van Cleef set 🙃)
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celticcrossanon · 1 year
Hello CC! 
I read about the thing of Meghan retaining Diana’s pieces without permission. Unless Harry gave them to her as in he had them as his share I don’t see her having unwatched access to D’s collection.
She has worn very few items and the only known ones are the aquamarine ring, the cartier watch and the tennis bracelet (this one imo not that much associated with Diana). If Harry had major pieces and, most importantly, gave Meghan the possibility to wear them, she would have already worn them. My assumption is that the private collection of Diana that was divided between the brothers doesn’t have any recognizable jewelry that would immediately scream Diana. I mean the sapphire and emerald chokers, her sapphire pieces and also the pearl lovers knot tiara are synonymous of Diana. There are other pieces like the aquamarine earrings and bracelet or the big pearl choker with ruby details or the amethyst demiparure that are famous and recognizable not by everyone but by the majority. 
I do wonder if any of these last pieces are in Harry’s possession but didn’t want to share them with her. Could this be an interesting idea for a reading? Is Harry voluntarly keeping Meghan from wearing some recognizable pieces of his mother? Maybe he wants his daughter to be the first to wear them after his mom. 
I also suspect that the aquamarine ring was actually in William’s share (private collection), but as a sort of present for the wedding he lent it to Meghan to wear it on the wedding reception night. It could be he allowed her to keep it for the australian tour or she didn’t give it back at all thinking it was Harry’s right to have a Diana iconic ring too after William and Kate had the sapphire one. 
I just wish Catherine was more inclined to wear Diana’s pieces so many mysteries could be solved. I think she pulls out those pieces when ready to do so, so I’m looking forward to see what other piece she will unveil next. My bet is on the Saudi sapphire demiparure (big stud sapphire earrings and matching single sapphire pendant with the matching bracelets). Maybe for a diplomatic reception or a state banquet. I hope Charles will dust one of the sapphire tiaras in the royal collection to give to Catherine. My other dream would be seeing Catherine with the Greville emerald tiara. We know she has emeralds to go with it 😁
Hi Nonny,
You make some good points. A lot of the jewellery that Princess Diana wore was the property of the crown, so of course it went back to the crown when she left the BRF or when she died (I don’t know if she was allowed to keep any pieces from the crown after the divorce; I suspect not but you never know). These pieces include the Cambridge Lover’s Knot tiara, and I suspect that it frustrates Meghan that this tiara is on permanent loan to Princess Catherine, so she never had a chance to wear it during her brief sojourn in the BRF.
I would love to know how the private jewellery of Princess Diana was divided. As you said, Meghan has worn very few of her iconic pieces, with the most noticeable one being that big aquamarine ring. I agree with you that if Meghan had access to the iconic pieces of Princess Diana’s jewellery, she would have worn them by now.
I will add that tarot reading to my list. :)
I see two rumours going around on this topic: one is that Meghan has absconded with pieces of Princess Diana’s jewellery and refuses to return them, the other that Meghan has absconded with Jewellery that belongs to the crown, and refuses to return them (this latter rumour has identified the missing jewellery as the pieces Meghan wore to her reception, apparently per a royal dresser who has now retired). I don’t know if either, both, or none of these rumours are true.
I wish we could know what pieces of Princess Diana’s private jewellery were given to Princess Catherine as well. We will find out one day, I am sure.
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mimiatmidnight · 1 year
So since your a fashion girlie have you even seen something that you wish Meghan would wear? Bulova has this watch called the American girl watch that I need to see on Meg like she's theee American girl and it fits her aesthetic. I also wanna see her in sapphires. A sapphire tennis bracelet or smth.
Hey! :) That watch is totally something Meg would love, it's right up her style alley. I honestly am not too familiar with the trove of potential accessories out there in the world that she could possibly wear, but blue is my absolute favorite color on her, so I'm with you on the sapphires!
Diana had a bunch of sapphire jewelry besides her famous ring, but even though not all of it (as far as I'm aware) has yet appeared on Kate in public, I'd sadly assume she probably inherited the whole set. But just for completely delusional fantasy purposes, gawd could you imagine Meg in the Saudi Suite necklace 🤤 (The other one, which is a similar piece set in a pearl choker, is I think more famous, but is also WAY gaudier and something I presume our minimalist girl wouldn't be caught dead in haha. The Saudi one is much sleeker and more balanced for her.)
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But I don't have much else specific in mind! I think in general I'd like to see her try more color, but she really does love her simple gold bands 😅
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deepbhardwaj123 · 11 months
Sapphire Gemstone: Unveiling the Elegance - Mugal Arts and Gems
Sapphire, often referred to as the "Gem of the Heavens," has captivated humanity for centuries. Known for its stunning blue hues and rich symbolism, sapphire holds a special place in the world of gemstones. In this article, we will take a deep dive into the world of sapphires, exploring their history, characteristics, significance, and why Mugal Arts and Gems is your ultimate source for these exquisite gemstones.
Sapphire Through History
A Royal Heritage: Sapphires have been cherished by royalty and nobility throughout history. They were believed to protect against harm, symbolizing loyalty, nobility, and faith.
Romantic Symbolism: In the modern era, sapphires have become a symbol of romantic love. Prince Charles proposed to Princess Diana with a sapphire engagement ring, reviving the tradition of sapphire as a symbol of love and commitment.
The Allure of Sapphire Gemstones
Sapphires are celebrated for their unique features and enchanting beauty.
Diverse Colors: While sapphires are typically known for their blue hues, they come in a wide range of colors, including pink, yellow, green, and even colorless. The most prized are the deep, velvety blues.
Durability and Hardness: Sapphires are among the hardest gemstones, making them ideal for everyday wear. They rank just below diamonds on the Mohs scale of hardness.
Mugal Arts and Gems: Your Trusted Sapphire Source
When it comes to acquiring sapphire gemstones, Mugal Arts and Gems is a name you can rely on. Our collection of sapphires is carefully curated to ensure that you receive only the finest quality.
Why Choose Mugal Arts and Gems for Sapphires?
Quality Assurance: We source our sapphires from reputable mines and suppliers, guaranteeing their authenticity and quality. Each sapphire in our collection is meticulously inspected to meet our stringent standards.
Variety and Customization: Our sapphire collection includes a wide range of colors, sizes, and cuts. We offer customization options, allowing you to create jewelry that perfectly fits your preferences and style.
The Significance of Sapphires
Love and Fidelity: Sapphires have long been associated with love and fidelity. They are considered symbols of deep, unwavering love and commitment.
Protection and Wisdom: Sapphires are believed to offer protection from harm and negative energies. In ancient times, they were worn as amulets to bring wisdom and inner peace.
Healing and Prosperity: Sapphires are also believed to possess healing properties, promoting mental clarity and enhancing financial prosperity.
Conclusion: Elevate Your Life with Sapphires from Mugal Arts and Gems
In conclusion, sapphire gemstones have an illustrious history filled with symbolism, luxury, and beauty. Whether you are looking for a sapphire to symbolize love, bring protection, or enhance your wisdom and prosperity, Mugal Arts and Gems is your ultimate destination.
At Mugal Arts and Gems, we take immense pride in offering sapphires of the highest quality. We ensure that your jewelry or collection reflects the deep significance and mesmerizing allure of sapphires. Elevate your life with sapphires from Mugal Arts and Gems.
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skippyv20 · 2 years
Hi Skippy,   what a beautiful photo of Diana in the deep pink evening dress with the little shoulder bows.   Would Earl Spencer have the amazing sapphire necklace?   or perhaps William has it ..  and  he is saved it for a special occasion .. none more special than the Coronation. Hi!  Earl Spencer would not be in possession of any jewelry of Diana’s not owned by the Spencer family.  The Spencer jewelry Diana wore went back to the Spencer family.  The necklace you are referring to was a wedding gift when she married Charles.   That necklace is probably with William.  You can be sure Diva has never been near ANY of Diana’s jewelry, and it certainly would never leave the UK.  It will likely show up at some time.  Kate doesn’t seem to be as flashy as Diana was.  She may not be interested in the big chunky jewelry….❤️
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champagnepodiums · 2 years
I loved reading your BRF & tiara discourse!
My two cents into the whole Harry & Meghan situation: First off, I’m honestly tired of hearing it. They said they wanted to leave the monarchy to be free from the media, but since then all they’ve done is be in the media. I’ve heard more from/about them now than ever before.
Harry’s failed everyone massively- especially Meghan. He’s killed all of their credibility (they’ve both been back and forth on their statements and honestly, I don’t believe a thing they say anymore.) and now he truly looks like the pathetic, no-good, childish spare. He blames anyone and everyone but himself for his fuck ups.
This whole thing isn’t about the bullying, racism, etc.. it’s about Harry throwing a prince sized fit because he didn’t get his way.
I agree, Diana would’ve been absolutely appalled by what he’s doing. He had every resource she didn’t have to speak his truth, but instead he’s using it to cry about how the monarchy is unjust for him solely.
My fav tiaras are the Fife tiara (thee goat), the George IV State Diadem, the Brazilian Aquamarine Parure Tiara, the Sapphire Coronet tiara, and the Teck Crescent Tiara (someone pls bring this out of the archives and wear it).
I’m sorry your having a bad day and I hope everything goes well with your grandfather! 💜
I think you summed up my entire thoughts on Harry and Meghan perfectly.
As far as tiaras, I also desperately want to see the Teck Crescent. It was loaned to Camilla but she hasn’t worn it. I had high hopes that she would wear it in her first appearance as Queen Consort but she went with the Belgian Sapphire (TWICE) instead. I have high hopes that Camilla will eventually reach back into the royal vault and pull stuff out that we haven’t seen in awhile. She seems to really like/appreciate jewelry which is a win for those who like royal jewelry.
I wish the sapphire coronet was not in a museum. I would love to see Kate wearing it, it’d suit her well. same with the fife tiara, i’d love to see that on somebody 😭
also thank you! my granddad is doing much better!
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roserypoetryfr · 2 years
Uncommon Involvement Rings - Nowadays They Are Everything About Shade
As far as engagement rings are concerned some ladies prefer to not follow the crowd however instead set out by themselves to locate an unusual wedding piece that no one else has. If you prefer to not go for what everybody else has like a Tacori or Ritani solitaire after that continued reading to find out exactly how you can produce an unique piece of bridal jewelry styled and also fashioned just for you.
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The simplest way and also without a doubt one of the most cost-effective method to create an Princess diana ring on your own that is unusual is to vary the kind of center rock that you make use of for the ring. If you're hung up on the white round great which is the basic traditional rock that goes into 90% of the jewelry out there then you will need to think of some other method of creating your masterpiece. However, if you liberate your facility stone choices as well as select a tinted rock rather than a diamond, then a whole world of fresh layout choices will open up to you. The late princess Diana went with a huge oblong Kashmiri blue sapphire surrounded by rubies in an easy ballerina kind setup. It was uncommon in the feeling that heaven sapphire was the focal point as opposed to the rubies in the ring. Of course, the blue sapphire was of such a high quality that it was much more expensive than many rubies that you see today. Whatever color you might lean towards there will certainly be a gemstone that you will certainly discover very ideal as a facility stone for your uncommon ring. You can also go with a tinted ruby as the facility rock for your bridal item. Rubies as you may recognize can be found in all colors under the sun. The majority of what you see on the market is synthetically created. However, it is feasible to get a beautiful canary yellow ruby of a carat weight or even more for simply 2 or three times the rate of the very same size stone in a white diamond. You can after that flank the yellow diamond with synthetically tinted but all-natural blue diamonds. So you can have a yellow and blue mix involvement ring that goes to once colorful yet still all ruby however. For additional information to go here:-.  Anxiety rings There are a limitless range of rocks as well as motifs that you can make use of to develop your very own uncommon engagement ring around. Such gemstones can be found in a variety of various forms as well as you can personalize your placing to accommodate as well as go with the lines of the rock that you choose. So there is no reason that you can not head out there and find yourself an unusual interaction ring for an extremely reasonable price. Find out more
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The Most Iconic Diamond Jewelry Moments in History
The Most Iconic Diamond Jewelry Moments in History
Diamonds have long been a symbol of luxury, power, and love, making them the centerpiece of some of the most iconic moments in history. From royal engagements to Hollywood red carpets, these sparkling gems have captured the imagination of people worldwide. In recent years, advances in technology have introduced new ways to create diamonds, such as Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD). If you’re wondering, “what is a CVD diamond ring?” and how it compares to the diamonds of history, we’ll explore both in this journey through the most unforgettable diamond jewelry moments.
What is a CVD Diamond Ring?
Before diving into history, let’s briefly explain what a CVD diamond ring is. A CVD diamond is a type of lab-grown diamond produced through a process known as Chemical Vapor Deposition. In this process, carbon-containing gases are broken down, and carbon atoms are deposited onto a substrate, forming a diamond. CVD diamonds are chemically identical to natural diamonds but are often more affordable and eco-friendly, making them a popular choice for modern consumers.
Now that you know what a CVD diamond ring is, let’s look at some iconic diamond jewelry moments from the past and how lab-grown diamonds could play a role in the future.
1. Queen Elizabeth II’s Engagement Ring
One of the most famous engagement rings in history belongs to Queen Elizabeth II. The ring, a 3-carat round diamond set in platinum with smaller diamonds on each side, was crafted from a tiara belonging to Prince Philip's mother. This diamond has become a symbol of timeless elegance, reflecting the legacy of the British monarchy.
Could a CVD diamond ring replicate this? Absolutely. CVD diamonds are optically and chemically identical to natural diamonds. Modern brides looking for an affordable yet regal option can easily opt for a similar design with a CVD diamond ring.
2. The Hope Diamond
The Hope Diamond is one of the most famous diamonds in the world, known for its deep blue color and fascinating history. Weighing 45.52 carats, it’s currently housed in the Smithsonian Museum. Its rare color and large size have made it a subject of intrigue for centuries.
What about a CVD version of the Hope Diamond? With advances in technology, it is possible to create colored CVD diamonds, including blue ones. While the original Hope Diamond is priceless, a similar look could be achieved with a custom-designed CVD diamond ring.
3. The Taylor-Burton Diamond
Elizabeth Taylor’s love affair with diamonds is well-documented, but the Taylor-Burton Diamond is perhaps the most iconic piece she owned. This 69.42-carat pear-shaped diamond, given to her by Richard Burton, became one of the most talked-about jewels of the 20th century.
Can a CVD diamond replicate this? While CVD diamonds are often smaller than such massive natural stones, technology is evolving. A CVD diamond ring in a pear shape can offer a similar dazzling effect, giving wearers the glamour of Elizabeth Taylor at a fraction of the price.
4. Princess Diana’s Engagement Ring
When Prince Charles proposed to Princess Diana in 1981, the world took note of her 12-carat oval sapphire surrounded by 14 diamonds. The ring has since become iconic, now worn by Catherine, Duchess of Cambridge.
Could a CVD diamond complement this style? Yes! While Princess Diana’s ring featured a sapphire, the surrounding diamonds could easily be recreated with CVD diamonds, making it a more sustainable and cost-effective option for modern brides.
5. Marilyn Monroe’s "Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend" Performance
Marilyn Monroe's iconic performance of “Diamonds Are a Girl’s Best Friend” in the 1953 film Gentlemen Prefer Blondes cemented her place as a diamond icon. Draped in sparkling jewelry, she created a lasting image that continues to influence fashion and jewelry trends today.
CVD diamonds in Hollywood glamour? Absolutely. CVD diamond rings and jewelry can mimic the old Hollywood sparkle, allowing fans of classic glamour to enjoy diamond jewelry in a more accessible and sustainable way.
6. Meghan Markle’s Three-Stone Engagement Ring
When Prince Harry proposed to Meghan Markle, he presented her with a custom-designed three-stone diamond ring. The center stone is from Botswana, where the couple vacationed, and the side stones are from Princess Diana’s collection. The ring is both symbolic and deeply personal.
CVD diamonds in modern engagement rings? The three-stone design is timeless and can be beautifully replicated using CVD diamonds. In fact, a CVD diamond ring allows for the same sentimental and personalized designs that define today’s engagement jewelry.
Diamonds have been at the heart of some of the most memorable moments in history, symbolizing love, power, and glamour. Today, with the advent of CVD technology, diamonds are more accessible and sustainable than ever before. Whether you're inspired by the Hope Diamond or a modern celebrity engagement ring, a CVD diamond ring offers the beauty and brilliance of traditional diamonds with added benefits like affordability and ethical sourcing.
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These are all the rumors and theories that have been resolved as “busted” or proven lies. This post will be updated as things happen.
Harry’s Spare
Sussexes threatened to blackball any media organization that gives interviews or publicity to Tom Bower/Revenge.
Harry’s memoir wasn’t what the publisher expected so PRH will bury it between Michelle Obama’s new book and Matthew Perry’s upcoming memoir.
Meghan wanted to re-edit Harry’s memoir to counter Bower’s allegations point-by-point.
Harry to give interview for Spare to Gayle King for CBS.
Harry’s book to be published and released in November 2022 for holiday sales.
Meghan and Harry have been separated since early summer 2022, Harry lives in San Francisco by himself.
William and Harry divided their mother’s jewelry between them and Harry chose the sapphire ring but he later swapped it with William for something else so it could be Kate’s engagement ring and worn by a Queen as Diana wished.
William stole Diana’s engagement ring from Harry (and therefore Meghan) to propose to Kate.
Harry’s 4 book deal involves: 1) Harry’s memoir from birth to meeting Meghan, 2) Harry’s memoir from meeting Meghan to the present, 3) Meghan’s memoir, 4) book on parenting
Harry’s first memoir to be about Diana and the circumstances of her death.
Harry’s book postponed indefinitely.
Harry to rewrite his memoir to be more favorable to the royal family following Queen’s death and Charles’s ascension.
Harry’s book delayed to add chapters about Sussex split and divorce.
Charles to give Archie and Lili titles if Harry drops his memoir.
Harry’s book to cover William’s affair with Rose in great detail.
Harry to claim the IRA was behind Diana’s death like they were Lord Mountbatten’s death.
Harry to claim Charles’s inner circle was behind Lord Mountbatten and Diana’s deaths.
Diana is secretly alive.
Valentine Low’s book Courtiers will cause Sussexes to spiral – Harry to leave Meghan and return to the UK, Meghan to go into a narc rage and file lawsuits.
Harry’s book to allege the BRF arranged Diana’s death to look like an accident.
Harry eloped with Meghan in Botswana on the second or third date.
Harry will attack Philip in new memoirs, reveal racism and classism against Meghan.
Tina Brown, The Palace Papers
Tom Bower, Revenge
Harry arranged his Caribbean tour in 2016 to subsidize his trip to the US to see Meghan on taxpayer money.
Meghan didn't really go to Botswana with Harry and she just photoshopped herself into pictures with him.
Meghan dropped out of Northwestern University.
Secret Windsor meeting between Sussexes and Charles and The Queen in April 2022 was to renegotiate Megxit.
Secret Windsor meeting in April 2022 to initiate divorce proceedings.
Secret Windsor meeting in April 2022 to negotiate giving up their titles.
Secret Windsor meeting in April 2022 for Meghan to be interviewed for the bullying investigation.
Netflix Docuseries
Archie is actually the biological son of Meghan’s friend, doesn’t live with Meghan and Harry.
The “real” Lili is an Australian baby model.
Royal christening for Lili after Charles ascends, before coronation. (According to the Netflix series, Tyler Perry was asked to be Lili’s godfather; however, he accepted the honor only if they didn’t have the ceremony in London with the royals.) (Update, March 2023: While Sussex PR announced that Lili was christened, there has been no photographic proof or solid evidence otherwise to convince me that it actually happened. Meghan’s PR, especially in the 2016 - May 2018 years, often ran with “let’s not and say we did” stories about her relationships to/with members of the royal family. Until there are pictures that Lili was christened in March 2023, I am leaving this here.)
Sussexes wanted to significantly re-edit the Netflix series and delay it to 2023 to remove comments about Charles, Camilla, William, and Catherine following The Queen’s death.
The Netflix series will be called “Chapters.”
The series to be mainly archival footage from their time as royals with new commentary.
Netflix series to be re-edited after use of stock footage in the trailers was universally panned.
Netflix series delayed due to copyright issues over the use of uncredited or unpurchased stock footage.
Series to be re-edited after The Queen’s death because of insults to the BRF that, if left in, would ruin Meghan’s reputation.
March 2023 Updates!
Duke and Duchess of Edinburgh
Charles won’t give Edward Duke of Edinburgh titles.
Edward to decline Duke of Edinburgh titles because his family can’t afford the dukedom/keeping up appearances for the dukedom.
King Charles to establish Duchess of Edinburgh as the new title for monarch’s daughters and retire Princess Royal with Princess Anne as her lasting legacy.
Charlotte to receive Duchess of Edinburgh at Charles’s coronation.
Edward to get Duke of Edinburgh titles as part of Charles’s coronation honors.
Charles to give Duke of Edinburgh title to Harry if/when he returns to London, has never wanted to give it to Edward.
Edward and Sophie to claim Duke of Edinburgh titles for themselves the same way Meghan “claimed” Prince/Princess titles on Archie and Lili’s behalf.
Miscellaneous, about the Prince and Princess of Wales
William and Kate to have pregnancy announcement in January/February 2023.
Pregnancy announcement ahead of the BAFTAs 2023.
Pregnancy announcement sometime the weekend of 3/10 - 3/12 ahead of the Commonwealth Service. Kate to debut baby bump at Commonwealth Service.
Miscellaneous, about Harry and Meghan
Sussex divorce announcement by January 23, 2023.
Meghan pregnant with third baby, will use the pregnancy to force titles on Archie and Lili since 1917 LP isn’t retroactive per 2022 BP, titles are only for new grandchildren born under the reign of the monarch. Sussexes will argue that it’s not fair for only their youngest child to be titled.
Meghan to relaunch The Tig on February 14, 2023.
Public development on Sussex divorce by February 19, 2023.
Sussexes to be on the cover of the Time 100 centenary.
Sussexes to be involved in the Time 100 centenary coverage.
Live to Lead nominated for an Academy Award in documentary categories.
Meghan and Harry attending Davos 2023.
Sussex divorce announcement between February 19 - March 21, 2023.
Sussexes attending Atlantis The Royal opening in Dubai.
Meghan to relaunch social media in February 2023.
Meghan to return to social media in the second half of February 2023 to take attention from Kate’s Early Years work.
Meghan to make a surprise appearance at Oscars 2023 or afterparties.
Meghan to relaunch The Tig during the week of March 13, 2023, with a focus on her children to take attention away from Commonwealth Day Service.
Miscellaneous, about others
Sarah Ferguson to present at Oscars 2023 for the Elvis movie.
Sarah Ferguson replaced Meghan as a presenter at Oscars 2023.
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sassyfrassboss · 1 year
"I have some tea. TW wanted Catherine’s jewelry yesterday."
I doubt Meg wants to wear jewelry that Catherine wore first.
I bet the Sussexes wanted honors to allow them to wear robes to the coronation, not just to look like they're equal to the Waleses but also to make it look like it was the BRF's way of apologizing to them 🙄
"I bet the Sussexes wanted honors to allow them to wear robes to the coronation, not just to look like they're equal to the Waleses but also to make it look like it was the BRF's way of apologizing to them 🙄"
Yep...I said this exact same thing earlier today. The only way Meghan was going to go is if she received the same attire as Catherine.
However, I do think Meghan wants to wear something big that is associated with Diana. She has her heart set on the sapphire choker but that will never happen.
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giacoloredstones · 17 days
How to Choose the Perfect Blue Sapphire Ring from Sam’s Club?
When it comes to choosing a piece of jewelry that is as timeless as it is stunning, a blue sapphire ring stands out as a top choice. Known for its rich, deep hue and exceptional durability, a blue sapphire ring makes a statement that is both elegant and enduring. Sam’s Club offers a wide selection of blue sapphire rings, catering to various tastes and budgets. This guide will help you navigate the process of selecting the perfect blue sapphire ring from Sam’s Club, ensuring that you make an informed and satisfying purchase.
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Understanding Blue Sapphires: The Basics
Before diving into the specifics of purchasing a blue sapphire ring, it’s essential to understand what makes this gemstone so special. Blue sapphires belong to the corundum mineral family, which also includes rubies. The striking blue color of these sapphires is due to the presence of trace elements, primarily iron and titanium, within the crystal structure.
Key Characteristics of Blue Sapphires:
Color: The most desirable sapphires have a deep, vivid blue color, often referred to as “royal blue” or “cornflower blue.”
Clarity: Sapphires typically contain inclusions, but those with fewer and less visible inclusions are considered higher quality.
Cut: The cut of the sapphire affects its brilliance and how it reflects light, making it an important aspect of the stone’s overall appearance.
Carat: Sapphires come in various sizes, and while larger sapphires are rarer, they are also more expensive.
The Appeal of Blue Sapphire Rings
Blue sapphire rings have been favored by royalty and celebrities for centuries, symbolizing wisdom, virtue, and good fortune. One of the most famous sapphire rings in modern history is the engagement ring worn by Princess Diana, now worn by Kate Middleton. This has only increased the allure of blue sapphire rings, making them a popular choice for engagement rings, anniversaries, and special occasions.
Why Choose a Blue Sapphire Ring?
Durability: With a rating of 9 on the Mohs scale of hardness, sapphires are incredibly durable, making them ideal for daily wear.
Versatility: The deep blue color of sapphire complements various metals and settings, whether you prefer gold, platinum, or silver.
Symbolism: Sapphires are often associated with loyalty, integrity, and trust, making them a meaningful choice for engagement rings and lifelong commitments.
Exploring Sam’s Club’s Blue Sapphire Ring Collection
Sam’s Club offers an extensive collection of blue sapphire rings, ranging from classic solitaire settings to more elaborate designs with diamond accents. The variety available ensures that there is a ring to suit every style and budget.
Types of Blue Sapphire Rings at Sam’s Club:
Solitaire Rings: A single, stunning sapphire is the star of the show, usually set in a simple band that allows the gemstone to take center stage.
Halo Rings: A sapphire is surrounded by a halo of smaller diamonds, adding sparkle and enhancing the gemstone’s visual impact.
Three-Stone Rings: A central sapphire is flanked by two smaller gemstones, often diamonds, symbolizing the past, present, and future.
Vintage-Inspired Rings: These rings feature intricate details and designs that evoke the elegance of a bygone era, perfect for those who appreciate classic beauty.
Factors to Consider When Choosing a Blue Sapphire Ring
Choosing the perfect blue sapphire ring involves more than just picking a pretty design. Several factors come into play, each contributing to the overall quality, appearance, and value of the ring.
1. Sapphire Quality
The quality of the sapphire is the most critical factor in your decision. Here’s what to consider:
Color: Aim for a sapphire with a deep, vibrant blue that is neither too dark nor too light. The most prized sapphires have a velvety, royal blue color.
Clarity: While it’s normal for sapphires to have inclusions, the fewer and less noticeable they are, the better. Opt for a sapphire with minimal inclusions that do not affect the stone’s transparency or brilliance.
Cut: A well-cut sapphire will maximize the gemstone’s brilliance and enhance its natural beauty. Look for sapphires with symmetrical cuts that reflect light evenly.
2. Setting and Metal Choice
The setting and metal choice not only influence the ring’s aesthetic but also its durability and how well it showcases the sapphire.
Metal Options: Blue sapphires pair beautifully with various metals. Platinum and white gold emphasize the cool tones of the sapphire, while yellow gold offers a warm contrast. Rose gold provides a romantic, vintage-inspired look.
Setting Style: The setting should securely hold the sapphire while complementing its shape and size. Prong settings allow maximum light to enter the sapphire, enhancing its brilliance, while bezel settings provide extra protection.
3. Ring Size and Comfort
Comfort is key when choosing a ring that you’ll wear regularly. Make sure the ring fits well and feels comfortable on your finger. If you’re buying a ring as a gift, try to get the recipient’s ring size in advance to avoid resizing later.
4. Certification and Authenticity
When purchasing a blue sapphire ring, especially one with a significant price tag, ensure that the gemstone comes with a certification from a reputable gemological laboratory. This certificate verifies the sapphire’s authenticity and provides detailed information about its quality.
Tips for Making the Most of Your Sam’s Club Shopping Experience
Shopping for a blue sapphire ring at Sam’s Club offers several advantages, including competitive pricing and a wide selection. Here are some tips to enhance your shopping experience:
1. Utilize Sam’s Club Membership Benefits
As a Sam’s Club member, you gain access to exclusive pricing and promotions. Be sure to check for any ongoing discounts or special offers on blue sapphire rings. Additionally, Sam’s Club offers a satisfaction guarantee, so you can shop with confidence.
2. Explore Online and In-Store Options
Sam’s Club provides the convenience of shopping both online and in-store. While online shopping offers a broader selection, visiting a store allows you to see the rings in person and try them on for size and comfort. Consider browsing online first to identify potential options, then visiting a store to finalize your decision.
3. Read Customer Reviews
Customer reviews can provide valuable insights into the quality and satisfaction of previous buyers. Pay attention to reviews that mention the ring’s appearance, durability, and overall value. This can help you gauge whether a particular ring meets your expectations.
4. Take Advantage of Sam’s Club Services
Sam’s Club offers various services that can enhance your purchase experience, such as free resizing on select rings and extended warranties. Be sure to inquire about these services when making your purchase.
Caring for Your Blue Sapphire Ring
Once you’ve chosen the perfect blue sapphire ring, it’s essential to care for it properly to maintain its beauty and luster.
1. Regular Cleaning
To keep your sapphire ring sparkling, clean it regularly with warm, soapy water and a soft brush. Avoid harsh chemicals or ultrasonic cleaners, as they can damage the metal or loosen the gemstones.
2. Safe Storage
When not wearing your ring, store it in a soft pouch or a lined jewelry box to prevent scratches. Keep it separate from other jewelry to avoid damage from harder gemstones like diamonds.
3. Professional Maintenance
Schedule regular check-ups with a jeweler to ensure that the sapphire is securely set and that the metal shows no signs of wear. A professional cleaning and inspection can help prolong the life of your ring.
Choosing the perfect blue sapphire ring from Sam’s Club is an exciting and rewarding experience. By understanding the key factors that influence the quality and value of a sapphire ring, you can make an informed decision that you’ll cherish for years to come. Whether you’re selecting a ring for a special occasion or simply indulging in a beautiful piece of jewelry, a blue sapphire ring from Sam’s Club is a timeless investment in style and elegance.
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