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Been working on this diarturia police AU for quite some time now, finally happy enough with it to post!
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Honestly the best love stories are the ones that aren’t trying to be love stories and I think that’s why there is a certain appeal to ships that aren’t “the one” or aren’t the canon endgame.
Like when writers who find themselves changing their outline or surprising themselves with chemistry between characters, or when it isn’t being forced or certain tropes aren’t being uphold.
I was looking through your ships that you posted and the one that stood out that was a good example of this is Zuko and Katara, and also Jason and Barbara. Both ships that weren’t written with the intention of shipping but ended up having parallels and surprising the writers by the natural flow of chemistry.
Don’t know how you came to ship Jason and Barbara but for most shippers it seems to be from Batman Eternal and the writers for that have talked about being surprised where that relationship went and leaving the door open for more.
I don't remember the exact moment i saw them and said "They make a good pair". It was bunch of moments,Batman Eternals was one of those that attracted me to JayBabs.
Romance can be either too complex or rather pretty simple. Besides,I think the author must flesh out characters first,let them develop feelings for each other in a relatively long term,let them go through some troubles and have some ups and downs,argue with each other but not in a toxic fashion. This way,people won't accuse the writer of forcing romance on their characters.
That's why it's hard for me to write a fanfiction. It's cool to find love interest for my fave boys/girls and difficult to portray an awsome love story. On other hand,it's too easy for me to set up an arc for them and allow them to explore the world and seek their purpose in life. It's like my goal in life is independance and success in a profession,then romance can have a place in daily routine.
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akampana · 1 year
28. Diartoria
Prompt: 28. "Your smile brings me so much joy." Ship: Diarturia Tags: Romance
As he stared into her eyes, brushing her blonde hair from her cheek, he wondered if she’d let him kiss her. She looked so beautiful like this, with the sun casting its golden glow upon her face and a lovely tinge of red dusting her cheeks. Her gaze was fond, and her smile soft. The Irish knight was half-convinced he was lost in a dream. He never had any luck with love, after all, and yet, here he was, so smitten .
Describing exactly what the Once and Future King meant to him was a challenge all on its own. There was no one quite like her, and no one with whom he shared the same connection. Theirs was an everlasting dance of blades made to the rhythm of steel on steel. When their weapons clashed, he felt like he was dancing on the clouds. When they were apart, it was like gravity itself drew them together till they clashed once more in a flurry of sparks. 
Something in her green irises told him she could see right through to him; take the pages that were his life; read between his every line. He bared his soul to her unafraid, because he knew that with her there was no gavel nor jury that would damn him to a life on the run. There was only her, the regal knight who turned out to be so much more than just the chivalrous figure he met at the docks. He fell twice: for the king she became, and the girl she didn’t get to be. 
He was sure the day he met her. He was sure now. She was the culmination of all the work he put in as a knight, the light at the end of the tunnel, the reward that awaited him for his service. He wouldn’t trade anything for the fire he saw in her eyes as they exchanged blows, or the laughter that erupted from his lips when she won, or the smile that graced her face when he claimed victory. She was everything he wanted. Everything.
Arturia’s lips tasted like a warm welcome after a long journey; her mouth, like an embrace before a hearth; her kiss, sweet as hot chocolate on a chilly night. As they parted for a breath, she cupped his cheeks and nudged her forehead into his fondly. She wore a delicate smile upon her face as he pulled her body closer. Diarmuid decided that very moment that he wasn’t losing her again, he didn’t care what impossibilities he’d have to overcome. He’d march up to Avalon and take her to his Tech Duinn, if he had to. 
“What is it?” she asked lightheartedly, drinking in the soft chuckle that escaped Diarmuid’s lips. 
“Nothing, my lady, I just…” the knight lightly touched the pad of his thumb to her lips. “Your smile brings me so much joy. I no longer believe I can continue on without it– without you.”
Diarmuid took a deep breath, distracted by the smell of her hair.
“I want you to come home with me,” he whispered happily for only her ears to hear. There was confusion in her eyes, but she stayed comfortably circled within his arms. 
“What do you mean?” she asked him, stroking her thumb across his cheek. “We do not exactly have lives to live anymore.”
True, they were both Heroic Spirits after all, neither resurrection nor incarnation awaited them now that they were relieved from service. The knight chuckled again, feeling her grin against his mouth as he stole another kiss. “And yet, we have the afterlife, do we not?”
When they parted, Diarmuid dragged his finger down the curve of her lips until the corner. He had always been proud to be one of the few privileged enough to see her so happy. Not everyone could make her feel this way. 
“This smile–your smile…” he professed endearingly, “brings me so much joy, my dearest king. No heaven awaits me in my father’s home without it. I would simply waste away.”
Arturia nearly glowed red hearing his words. She didn’t know where he’d found the courage to make such declarations without even a hint of hesitation, when every word was laced with the same truth: he loved her. He loved her so much, he’d denounce eternity’s paradise if it meant he wouldn’t be with her. She’d always thought maidens were being dramatic when they swooned, but she was just short of it herself. 
After all, she too would find it terribly lonely, if she were to spend the afterlife without the spearman she grew to love. She didn’t know how Diarmuid could pull this off, nor if it were even possible to leave Avalon and leave with him to Tech Duinn. All she knew was that she wanted the future that he envisioned. They would have each other, forever, and that would be enough. 
“Then yes,” she said at last, sealing the promise with another kiss. “I’ll go with you.”
You can't tell me Aengus wouldn't kick down the gates of Avalon and ship Arturia off to Tech Duinn with an exclusive passport made by Donn, you just can't. HAHAHA
thank you for the ask. I hope you are doing well.
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number1mongrel · 10 months
Diarthuria 10 and 20
#10. What's an au you have for them?
oooh so, Diarmuid is a disgraced former bodyguard of a prominent businessman Fionn mac Cumhaill, who went viral after paparazzi caught Fionn's wife kissing him. While initially he was able to quietly break it off with Grainne and step away from Fionn's service, once it went viral it just made everything worse. He wants to redeem himself under a new position for much shadier businessman Kayneth El-Melloi Archibald, but the paparazzi won't leave him alone.
Artoria recently inherited her father's large company. While she was given up for adoption as a baby, her birth father still left Camelot and Co. in her name. She was raised in a lower middle class family, so she is still adjusting to this new life. The life of a CEO is stressful, and she doesn't know if she's handling it properly.
They meet in the elevator of a large corporate office building, vaguely recognizing each other from the news. Both of them want to escape their circumstances for just a bit, so they decide to leave together out the back entrance where no one can find them. Then they go somewhere and start talking or something idk lol I haven't gotten far past the initial concept.
#20. Who would be the type to walk out of the bedroom all sleepy and tired and wrap their arms around their partner who's making coffee/tea or breakfast for them both?
Diarmuid definitely! Artoria is dressed and formal as soon as she wakes up, as we see in FSN. Though as we know she can't cook lol so ig she's making coffee/tea. Diarmuid is also able to get up first thing in the morning if need be, after all he spent a very long time on the run, however he also knows a bit more about how to relax compared to Artoria, who comparatively doesn't have much experience being affectionate with people.
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teatitty · 6 days
Lets be clear here, the real charm spell is on Diarmuid's waist. Like, that is not the waist of a man who tops. I may be more into Diartoria than Diarcu, but even then I can confirm that this man gets pegged.
I don't think he gets pegged but I did once write MedbDiar smut in my docs where she topped him because Medb tops everyone in my mind and would go absolutely feral for a guy as devoted and loyal as he is. He's just very grabbable lol
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Diarmuid for that 'send me a character' meme!
sexuality headcanon: he's bi
gender headcanon: generally i just think of him as cis though i would be so honored to have him stand among our ranks if he were trans
a ship i have with said character: i like him with cu alter, but i've always been a diartoria fan too
a BROTP i have with said character: like i said the other day, i also think he and saber make for really good friends
a NOTP i have with said character: uhhhhh him and k*yneth ew. not a huge fan of him and fionn as a thing either
a random headcanon: he thinks puns are funny. he likes gardening but does not like camping. he's good at most things he tries and has good taste in general. he has a lot of friends and doesn't like to be alone for very long
general opinion over said character: diarmuid is one of those characters who i regard as a test of a person's overall taste in fictional characters. you don't have to love him, sure, but if you specifically dislike him, you have bad taste overall in my eyes. there's the obvious fact of his appeal as just being a very good guy - one who keeps his word and tries to have a positive outlook and makes every effort to do the right thing and to see the good in the situations he finds himself in and the people who surround him no matter how fucked up those situations and people might actually be. however, what really makes me love him isn't just that he's the pure cinnamon roll too good for this world but also underneath all that just deeply fucked up in his own way. he's full of all kinds of nasty feelings that he suppresses to the point that they manifest as outbursts because he thinks that he has to be a perfect knight and that he's not allowed to take issue with anything or show anger or screw up, which is in and of itself a really unwell mindset to have. i don't love how fgo handles his character a lot of the time but in f/z he's really just so well-written and interesting and lovable. he's definitely a comfort character for me if there ever was one
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fateverse-exchange · 4 years
Gift from @/inktrashing on Twitter for @justanothershippingcan!
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leafbunnysketchbook · 5 years
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Inktober 24, posting early again ‘cause why not? Also cringe culture is dead and an ot3 plus AUs are how I reconcile loving Diarmuid but also loving Diartoria as a ship. And sometimes group hugs are nice you know? Even nicer if it’s an ot3 sandwich.
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I don’t like it but I gave up x.x
more Diarturia of my faerie au which I keep writing but have yet to post x.x
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Why do people act like you can only ship something if it’s canon? Canon ships can becomes overrated over time and rarepairs take a lot more creativity and dedication since you are working on scraps and only getting a small portion of overall content. Shipping Kara and Stephanie with Jason can be fun. Barbara and Jason was canon for a short time and surprisingly they were really good. It was unexpected and caught them both off guard and was slowburn so you actually got to see the slow progression of their developing feelings and that is what made it really fun to see.
Do you have any Dick Grayson ships or any characters in DC you like that would make you want to read a comic again? Nothing is good at the moment so you aren’t missing much.
There's bunch of reasons to be honest.
First of all,they feel those who ship characters who have little to no romantic afflication with each other are deluded and doing a pointless job. They think the fanon-ship supporters are inferior creatures.
The funny part is,they fail to realize the fact that the authors can mess up when pairing two characters,sometimes these poor souls have no chemistry at all. It could be controversial for god knows reasons...huge age gap,incest,etc.
People escape reality and seek comfort in endless plane of imagination. Let them find peace with their ships,don't harass them so casually and with no remorse. Leave them alone.
I only ship Dick with Kori. That's all i have to say.
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akampana · 2 years
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“You don’t seriously think friendship is all I want from you, do you?”
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number1mongrel · 1 year
god i really should just track the diartoria/diarturia tag huh
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rexcaliburechoes · 6 years
Challenge:  List 5 OTPs then tag 5 people
I was tagged by @gayestcuchulainnfan!
I’m tagging @b-robinson, @emptyolivejar, @novelelitist. @mt07131, and @theacetherapist, but feel free to ignore this tag if you want to!
Tbh I don’t have a lot of OTPs, but I tried. Some ships (AsaKiku and Klance) are from fandoms I’m not in anymore, but I put all five down because I like the dynamic between both characters, regardless.
Klance (Keith/Lance; Voltron: Legendary Defender)
AsaKiku (England/Japan; Hetalia)
Diartoria (Diarmuid/Artoria; Fate/Zero)
Tristan/Bedivere (Fate/Grand Order)
Chrobin (Chrom/Robin, both genders; Fire Emblem Awakening)
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i appreciate diartoria as a ship, but i also like that they’re just friends in canon. depictions of positive, supportive friendships between men and women that don’t have romance as the narrative’s endgame are just so uncommon in media in general that it was refreshing to see fate/zero portray one so well. a rare urobuchi w you might say.
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novelelitist · 6 years
Me: Diartoria is my OTP
Me: Except without Artoria
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gayestcuchulainnfan · 6 years
Ah, whoops; sorry about that! How about maybe Diartoria? Thanks!
“I can’t believe you talked me into this.”
“Boyfriends are supposed to get gifts for their girlfriends!” the petite girl huffs, handing her partner another quarter.
With a mumbled complaint about how gifts are supposed to be willingly given, Diarmuid inserts the coin into the slot and grasps the joystick again. How many times has it been? He’s long since lost count, but Artoria apparently hasn’t. “Attempt Number 246, let’s go!”
He does the mental math, and holds back his tears in order to avoid angering the lion next to him. $61.50 and an enormous pile of stuffed animals, all for the lion in front of him.
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