#did i go see this movie  entirely bc fall out boy was in the trailer??? maybe
iamfitzwilliamdarcy · 2 years
bc of @byjoveimbeinghumble i am starting stick it 
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zirkkun · 4 years
1 - 20.
(sits down) alright this is gonna be one hell of a post
What was your first viewing experience of Promare like? Was it in theaters or at home?
In theaters! I saw a trailer for it as an ad just before it started rolling out in the US and I was like groaning to my friends I wanted to see it bc Lio was hot (yes this was my only motivation to see the film, one smol pretty boy). And then we just decided at 11 am on the Saturday after it came out that we were gonna go watch it. At a theater 3 hours away. For a showing at 3 pm. It was worth it.
How would you rate the film?
10/10 would HIGHLY recommend. It's so good from the animation to the soundtrack to the plot to the character design,
Did you make any new friends through Promare?
Kinda yeah! Not super close friends, but my friend (that I already had lol) and I decided to make a discord server, and it was really fun for a while! But eventually it died down and now there's just a couple people in there who send memes every once in a while.
What made you want to watch Promare? What drew you in?
Lio Fotia being pretty. The only motivation I had to see the film.
Did your opinion on a character change over time?
Galo! I typically hate the dumbass protagonist thing, esp when like he was introduced and kinda came off pretty vain by like, acting as the center of attention lol. But by the middle of the movie I had changed my opinion on him pretty much entirely.
What is one of your favorite moments in the film?
thhhhheeee whole film,
No but actually I feel like the intro scene from the beginning of the film to when the Mad Burnish trio show up is a phenomenal scene in the movie that no one really talks about. The timing of the music, the animation, the sound design, the short introduction to the world and characters that was created so fluidly, like, it had me on the edge of my seat. Of course, I do like the following scene with the Mad Burnish just as much, but I feel like no one talks about the intro scene as much.
What is the worst moment in the film? How’d you want it to change?
uhh. uhhhhh. Oh no this is really hard. I know it's not a perfect piece, nothing is, but at the same time I don't dislike any part...? I guess maybe when Deus shows up. The dump of plot is kinda meh, also I feel like the poor animators had to rush that part out based on a lot of the choppiness of the walking animations and stuff. I'd like that scene to be a bit more fleshed out, really. Give Trigger a chance to work with it without feeling the rush of a deadline.
Who is your favorite character !?
Gueira!!! I cosplayed him in February (we actually had a whole Promare cosplay group) and even dyed my hair red bc of this man. I secretly want him and Meis to have their own little spinoff thing, because Trigger did tell us Gueira's backstory, so I kinda want them to tell us more about their characters. Especially since??? Them not telling us their last names specifically is very suspicious?????
Who is your least favorite character/character you just don’t really care for?
Kray Foresight.
What character do you feel is under appreciated in the fandom?
Pretty much any character who isn't Galo or Lio. I feel like they're the only ones I see people talk about, with the occasional Aina or GueiMeis, but like that's it.
What character do you think deserved better in the film?
Ainaaaaaaaa oh my god. They built up such a weird character arc for her that got so tossed around? She really deserved so much better.
Any unpopular opinions on a character/moment/etc?
Because I see people very aggressive sometimes on Twitter about it, uh, people are allowed to like Kray even tho that's not the popular opinion. I wouldn't touch anything with him with a ten foot pole, but that doesn't mean I should tell people to hate him 😅
Your favorite pairings? Platonic or Romantic!
GaloLio (this is almost like a freebie) and GueiMeis for romantic. Aina and Galo platonic friendship and actually I wish more people would think about the absolute chaos Gueira and Lucia would cause together.
Least favorite pairings? Platonic or Romantic!
Kray and Galo probably. I just can't see Galo liking him. The only time I could see this like maybe working is if like, in a Foresight!Galo AU where Kray just kinda trains him to work for him. I'm also not a fan of the age gap.
A popular opinion in the fandom you just wish would go away?
uhhhhh that doing x thing they say is bad means you should be blocked by the entire fandom? 🙃 These are things I have seen, genuinely, on Twitter, and Promare is the only fandom I've seen do it and it's a yikes. It's not even like, actually bad things. I saw one like "this person is a Kray stan go block them" and I'm just;;; that seems a bit harsh.
Though the Twitter fandom has kind of died down recently, so I haven't seen much of that since like fall of last year.
A popular opinion in the fandom you can’t get enough of?
Gueira and Meis are Lio's dads now. They've adopted him.
But like I feel like it would be in like that friend way where it's like "yup we're your dads now" and then Lio lowkey hates it bc hes like "you're like 3 years older than me" and they're like "still your dads. You should respect your parents no matter our age."
Favorite AUs you’ve seen/heard of or your own?
I always love the ones that mess with Galo's role in the story. I love the Foresight!Galo AU idea, I love the swap AU where Lio is a firefighter and Galo is a Burnish, and I like this one AU I came up with but didn't do anything with where Galo's "burning firefighter soul" actually ended up being Promare and he turned into a Burnish mid fight with Lio.
Oh! And the fast food AUs. McDonald's Gueira, Hooter's Galo, and what I made up, Domino's Meis. McDonald's McGueira is an iconic visual novel for the ages and it will go down in history.
Would you want a sequel/prequel or any sort of extra story? And what about?
More GueiMeis official content please. It's all I ask for,
What are your self indulgent head canons?
Gueira and Meis are married and that's why they can't officially tell us their last name bc it's the same and they can't spoil their wedding day to us just yet.
Would you/have you recommended Promare to anyone?
Oh absolutely! I have both already recommended it and would recommend it to people! The DVD came out recently, so if you can I totally recommend checking it out in either the original Japanese or the English dub! I haven't seen the dub personally, but I've heard it's good and actually a lot of Japanese fans prefer it even which is wild.
Okay that's the list!!! Thank you anon this was a great way to start my morning 😊
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aniseandspearmint · 5 years
OKAY (Long post is LONG because I am incapable of being concise, sorry. Why use ten words when a hundred will do?)
First off: I would like to thank each and every person that bought something on my Walmart or Amazon wish lists. It was of unimaginable help, especially the dogfood. The state randomly decided to cancel my EBT (again) for no discernible reason, so we had to spend money on food and would have had to dip into the money we had saved for a rental deposit without your help on those household essentials. So, T H A N K  Y O U.
(Note: If you bought something off our Amazon list, please PM me. Most of it’s gotten here okay, but one thing never arrived, but I don’t know who purchased it and you gonna need to contact amazon on your end)
Full situation recap: As a lot of you know, I have been desperately searching for someplace to move for the last few months. 
The property we live on right now is being sold, and the new owner doesn’t want our place, so it’s gonna be striped and used as a fire training stage.
There have been some false hopes. I was literally about to hand over a deposit on a place in June, even, when the property manager got a call from the big boss with an order to halt all rentals at that park (like, I am not even slightly exaggerating, I was about to initiate the bank transfer when the call came through).
So back to searching it was, which included many many fruitless calls, three attempted scams (hoo boy, was the last one a doozy too), and more tears and panic attacks than I care to admit (no, I’ll admit it. SO MANY).
BUT! I have prevailed! I HAVE A PLACE. 
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Went and put the deposit down this afternoon and a hundred towards the first months rent (threee houuuuur caaaaar driiiiive. Both ways. Ugh. A thousand thanks to my current landlady for driving me across the state.)
This place is,,,, Well, better than the place I was fixing to put money on before? Bigger anyway. It’s an actual house, not a trailer, and rent-to-own direct from the owner not a bank (banks all want upwards of a thousand down on RtO; WHY?!?!). Walls, roof, windows, and floor all intact. Owner seems the decent sort for an old white southern dude (I’ll have to keep ace-ness and such on the downlow, but I expected that. This IS Georgia.)
However, there are some issues.
The entire thing, barring the (tiny TINY shotgun) bathroom and (awkwardly designed) Kitchen, is floored in THE most gawd AWFUL 70s olive green shag carpeting I have seen in AGES. 
I have pictures. 
I will totally share once I find where the hell my fxxkin’ camera specific USB cord went (may have to see if I can borrow one from someone tbh).
Also, the walls? Not only are they a funny pinky-grey tan, they are popcorned/cottage cheesed, not just the ceiling. It is one of the most yuckbadno combinations my autistic ass has encountered recently.
The owner also did a weird thing in the living room and boarded up and spackled over large windows on each side and replaced them with a single window in the front, which, okaaaay, but the spackle job is,,,, not the smoothest. like. At All.
 I don’t want to be too down on the owner, bc he is Old, and clearly not the finest handyman, but it is Bad. (I also have clear pics of this and will share).
The walls are handleable for the most part. I have a line on some paint, hopefully, and spackle is cheap. That can be handled after we move in, even if the color/texture makes me want to hurl.
The main problem is the carpet. 
Mom’s (mostly) in a wheelchair. And anyone who’s tried pushing themselves around on shag carpeting in a wheelchair knows, you get nowhere at a snails pace.
That stuff needs to go, ASAP.
So, I’m looking into flooring options to add to my Walmart Registry and my Amazon Wishlist. Mom’s adamant it HAS to be the solid sheet kind, not tile, so that limits what we can do. I’ll add some in the next few days once I figure out which ones are cheaply priced but not too cheaply made, and mostly lighter colors since the place really needs lightening tbh. I did toss a kind of flexible plastic runner on the lists, which will help if we can’t get flooring right away. She’d be able to move from room to room on those, I think. If anyone could possibly help out with some of the other items so we can save to buy the vinyl or pvc sheeting ourselves, I would be so grateful (dog food is always welcome).
Note: I’ve added some frivolous things to the Amazon list. Mom is currently very very disappointed that this is the best we could find and afford, and is tipping into a lovely depressive episode now, I think. The fact that it’s all fixable things is falling on deaf ears right now, all she can see is that it’s not what she’d hoped. She’s also still quite upset at the death of one of our dogs earlier this month. She usually bought herself a DVD or two a month, but we’ve been frantically trying to save money the past year, so it’s been a long time since she’s been able to. So I went and looked over her Amazon Wishlists and tossed a bunch of things she’s had on them for a long time. If anyone would be willing to grab her a favorite movie, or a book, or a hair clip, to raise her spirits a little, I’d be very grateful. (Her birthday is also in August, and at this rate, there really isn’t going to be anything left for us to have any kind of ‘Happy 69th Birthday’ celebration)
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alastheatlas · 6 years
So I haven’t seen the entire thing, but there’s a movie called Voltron - Fleet of Doom (80′s voltron) where there’s kind of an interesting part. I don’t know if it is relevant to what we’re going to see in s8, but the place reminds me of the famous new scene where we see Keith fighting someone/something in the season 8 trailer. 
This is some long ass shit but interesting.
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So, previously, Allura has been taken by Haggar. Haggar freezes everyone and captures Allura’s spirit before disappearing.
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Alfor suddenly shows up and Keith wants to know how to bring Allura back, and Alfor tells him that he has to battle Haggar. 
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He then teleports Keith to some place. A place ‘beyond space and time’. He says “This is a land where dreams becomes real, and so do nightmares.” 
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Alfor continues, “There are no weapons to fight with. Yet all fears can be overcome by hope, courage and imagination”.
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On a random note, black paladin Pidge lol?? Coran, Hunk, Lance and Pidge are in space fighting while this goes on.
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That’s the black lion right?? Did Pidge take over the black lion or what’s up?? I'm not sure bc I didn’t watch the whole thing lol.
Anywho, back to Keith.
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He’s walking around in some red liquid when he becomes attacked by monsters (from his dreams).
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“Those creatures, they’re just like in those dreams I used to have. I feel so --(can’t hear what he says here lol) like the time I was a little boy and I got lost”.
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Damn Keith that’s some nasty ass dreams.
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Keith then becomes his younger self.
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“I’m scared!”
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He starts to run, and the monsters follow him.
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He grabs his gun to shoot one of them,
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But weapons don’t work, remember? His gun turns into a snake.
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Keith runs some more and his struggle with the monsters continues.
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He falls further down into the liquid somehow,
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He becomes attacked and uh, yeah, continues being chased.
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He then stops and gets a ‘revelation’. Which is Alfor talking to him, “- they’re a part of you, Keith. You’re creating them out of your own imagination. They are your deepest fears, but you can overcome them with courage”.
And Keith goes like “Mmmmhmm!” and starts to resist, ignoring the monsters attacking him.
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The monsters disappear...
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... and run away lol.
The sky then changes...
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“That must be where the princess is”.
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... and eventually he runs into Haggar.
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Haggar creates an illusion and makes Keith guess and choose which one is Allura (the rest are evil witches), and makes a really bad “which witch is which” pun fjhdiuhsuifh
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Keith gets one minute to choose, and he uses his magic senses to figure out which one is the real Allura.
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He finds the real Allura, but Haggar’s like ‘Nope, sike!’ and steals Allura (or well, her spirit I guess) again and flies off.
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Keith runs after them.
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He shoots at Haggar, but it fails and she tells him “Guns are useless here -”.
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“- but magic blades -”
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(Keith tries to shoot again but it still won’t work).
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Allura then interferes,
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“There’s still goodness inside you”.
She tries to convince Haggar, but Haggar turns away.
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And yeah, the scene goes on. At the end the entire place explodes. “None of it was real. It was a place created out of fear and sadness”.
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So what’s so interesting about all this?
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I could be ALL WRONG, and I’m sure there could be more similar scenes to this, but as I saw this I couldn’t help but think of the part where we see Keith fighting in s8. 
I think that wherever Keith is in this scene is the same place as Hunk and Lance are here, which I’m not alone about.
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The environment where Keith fights and where Lance and Hunk are looks quite same to me. And this environment looks quite similar to the environment in the scenes from the 80′s voltron movie. 
The ominous sky, the red elements in the scenery... THE PART WITH THE SWORD??
The more ‘bluer’ elements from the scenes in the movie maybe reminds me a little of the environment Pidge and Allura are in too in the other trailer.
Anywho, where we see Keith fighting in the s8 trailer he also looks a little bit.. not quite in control. What if what he is fighting isn’t necessarily real? Maybe rift creatures are playing with his mind? Maybe it’s Haggar? Maybe the place got gas (lol) that makes others hallucinate? 
Which also reminds me of that episode in s7 when they are lost in space and Keith loses it.
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“- and we’re being attacked by things we can’t even see!”
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“Keith what are you talking about, there’s nothing out there. It’s just us.”
... Or Keith is fighting someone/something real.
I’m not sure if the space madness thing is relevant to anything either, but there are the red elements again, and Keith hallucinating and going out of control. And now when I’m thinking about it, it’s also pretty interesting how he can’t use his bayard.
Which we also happen to not see in the s8 fighting scene. Instead he uses the marmora blade.
Recall how in the 80′s movie, Haggar said, “Guns are useless here, but magic blades are quite effective”. It kind of makes me wonder. The word ‘blade’ is extra interesting. The marmora blade is a little magical right? But.. couldn’t the black bayard sword also count as a ‘magic blade’? Shouldn’t Keith also be able to use that one? And then there’s also the part from the trailer where we can see Hunk use his weapon to fight off something. So Hunk’s weapon shouldn’t work, right? But it seems like it worked indeed (unless it ends up being useless anyway).
One theory if Keith ends up not being able to use his bayard, but his marmora blade, could perhaps be because Keith isn’t ‘in his right mind’ and hence can’t use his bayard. But he could always use the marmora blade.
Anywho, another interesting similarity between the scenes from the s8 trailer and the movie is earlier in the 80′s voltron movie, where Haggar spies on them and looks into what Keith is dreaming of, and she sees this,
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The red in the trees reminds me of the red elements we can see in the trailer where Hunk and Lance are, and of course also the place Keith is in the movie which was inspired by this dream. And being (feeling) lost I think is something we all can associate with younger Keith. Maybe we’ll see it resurface?
And the environment in the movie when after Keith stands up against the monsters and finds Haggar reminds me a little of the environment where we can see Keith fighting s8.
Also black paladin Pidge???? Can we expect a black paladin Lance in s8 perhaps, taking over the black lion due to the absence of Keith??
All in all, I just found these things interesting. Will it be relevant? Will it mean anything? No hecking idea. Y’all are free the theorize away and make whatever of this as you like. I’d love to see theories about how this could connect together, or maybe if it doesn’t connect together at all. 
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lnseong · 6 years
jump scares.
(idk how to do anon on this ;;, but regardless, i’m starting with a short youjin fic, bc i miss that cute boi. i hope he’s doing a lot better!!)
|| pairing; kim youjin + reader ||
|| warnings; blood (but in movie form), fluff. and a stoic youjin. ||
|| a/n; i’m a big ol’ baby when it comes to scary movies. so i think having a strong, unmoving youji mochi there would be good protection from the spooky ghosts and fake blood. ;; hope you like it!! ♡  ||
In hindsight, saying yes to this movie was definitely a bad idea knowing good and well you’re a giant scaredy cat. But who in their right mind would torment themselves by saying no to a second date with this stupidly amazing guy? Not you, that’s who!
When he called to inform you about the two crisp tickets to the latest horror flick, you didn’t bother giving it a second thought. Much like many of the characters in this film, any rational thought crawled to the back of your head and died, just less… bloody and painful.
“Pick you up at eight.” He had told you in the sweetest voice known to man.
That gave a good five hours to figure out what on earth you’ve gotten yourself into. To do some quick googling on what this movie could be about. The title sounded foreign, like some French romcom based on a novel. Only problem was, when the results came flooding in the first couple lines had you sweating bullets. “World’s best ‘Gorror’ film since Saw!” “The year’s most ANTICIPATED horror flick!” Were you really about to embarrass yourself in front of this guy? The last horror movie you saw almost got both you and your friends kicked out. Guess other’s actually enjoyed hearing the movie, and not some teenager screaming their head off.. You decided to skim through some of the trailers, give yourself a little insight of what you’ll see beforehand. Maybe it won’t be as blood rushing and heart pumping as you expected. Maybe you’ll be able to- oh, there’s a masked villain? Like Jason? How clichéd. Can’t be that bad you thought, even though you’ve never seen “Friday the 13th”, and it’s definitely a little more realistic when it comes to the goreish nature. It’ll be fine! You had said, coming to terms with your decision. It’s not a big deal. If anything you’ll just close your eyes!
Even the sounds are disgusting. The slicing of skin, choking on blood, even the murderer’s maniacal laugh is disturbing. It puts the definition of horror into play tenfold. You’re positive the seat you’re sitting in will have nail marks on the armrests, and maybe even a gross sweat spot. You fought back screams, and even held your breath a couple of times. You wanted him to think you were macho, not scared of a few fake dismembered bodies, or popup faces. No matter how real it all looked you wouldn’t-
“Holy shoot..” You gasped, absently taking a hold of his forearm and squeezing it for some kind of reassurance.
He’s caught more off guard by your sudden movements rather than the screaming, bloodied girl on the screen. His gaze shifts to your frigid form, the way your nails aimlessly dig delicately into his sweater and the chair. The smile that grows on his cheeks is beautiful. Too bad your eyes are wide and glued to the screen. The obvious losing battle of looking away as you begrudgingly force yourself to soak in the plot, what little there is.
He suddenly leans in, warm breath tickling the shell of your ear, “Are you okay?”
You jump, your soul visibly leaving your body with a tiny squeak. You didn’t expecting him to whisper in your ear, let alone pay attention to you during the movie at all. Your head whirls in his direction, eyes glitzing down to notice your fingers kneading away at his dark sweater. Your hand is snatched away, a sheepish smile on your face as a slight red takes over.
“Yeah, I’m.. awesome. Great movie!”
The words come out a little more shaken than anticipated, with an awkward smile and laugh to follow. Youjin chuckles to himself, thinking you’re the cutest thing in the world.
“You can squeeze my hand if you’re scared.” Making his move by taking a hold of your hand and lacing your fingers like lego pieces. Seamless and perfect.
Despite your palm being a little on the sweaty side, his attention goes back to the movie, yours lingering on your conjoined hands, heart beating harder than during any of the spine-chilling scenes, your cheeks ablaze at the simple action.
You’re absolutely baffled, be it the hand holding or him being completely unphased by, well, anything that’s happening while you’re having an internal breakdown. Your thoughts are racing at the speed of light, eyes shaking back and forth, stealing looks at him and your hands every now and again. It’s not like you’ve never held hands with someone, you definitely have, but why during this movie? Why not after, when your nerves are less frayed and your hands aren’t literal waterfalls? Doesn’t he find it gross? This could’ve been so much cuter! With your mind reeling with thoughts, you’re brought back to reality with the sight of a man getting ripped apart; organs and blood filling the screen. You grip his hand like a vice, teeth sinking nervously into your bottom lip as your eyes get shut tight, not wanting to see this gross display. His thumb tenderly runs across your knuckles, trying to calm the tension radiating from your seat. A cheesy grin plays at your lips, falling head-over-heels for this guy in a matter of minutes.
The film comes to an end, people beginning to stand and stretch, chatting amongst themselves about the build up and climax and how there were so many twists and turns. It was genuinely not that bad, shocking at times, but it cleaned up any loose ends rather well. You only hope to never see a movie like this again. You can go a long while without seeing another, but if these dates progress, there might be more eggs in your basket some time soon. Strolling down the sidewalk, Youjin glances down at you, basking in the beauty of your face being brightened by the moon, features accented by the soft glow. He stumbles when your eyes meet, having not seen something so breathtaking. The theater was too dark to really appreciate the warming gaze you hold.
“I take it you didn’t enjoy the show all that much?” He asks with a small teasing undertone in hopes you didn’t catch his gasp.
You blush a bit, smiling back at the ground. “It was okay, alot better with you there, of course. Still can’t believe her dad was the murderer the whole time! I only hope my cowering didn’t get too annoying..” You worry, knowing how bothersome that kind of thing could be.
“Not at all. I thought it was adorable, but you have quite the grip. I thought I was about to lose my hand.” Youjin jokes, earning a light giggle from you. “…I was wondering though, would you want to have dinner with me this Friday? I promise there won’t be any psycho murderers this time.”
His grin is absolutely blinding, eye smile to match. You nod, a smile to rival his tugging incessantly at your lips.
“I’d like that.”
He’s almost buzzing with excitement, his entire face lighting up with those three words. His brain playing them over and over. How’d he get so lucky? An amazing person like you, willing to go another date with him. It’s unbelievable! Little did he know, you’re thinking the same thing. How did you get so lucky? To think, after this messy display of your skittish self, he wants a third date! How amazing is that? You feel your stomach begin to fill with frazzled butterflies, smile never wavering as you think of the days to come.
~ || a/n 2.0; i apologize if it seems a bit rushed and messy, or there’s a lot of talking in circles. i’m still working on improving my writing, and stuff! i’ll get better, i promise.
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jeongincore · 7 years
Shit i really liked and kinda didn’t like about Ragnarok
I recently saw ragnarok and became so rejuvenated that i brought my marvel blog back but i wanted to seriously talk about like things that i liked and really didn’t just to get shit out there. 
Things i really liked (like so much that i am obsessed)
-Thor’s new hair cut/outfit, i think its actually super suitable. Gives that sort of cool ass warrior refugee look. Plus, Chris Hemsworth is beautiful. 
-The humor, oh god it was hilarious, i’ve never laughed so genuinely and so much in my life and it made the movie so charming and relatable. It was also such a departure from The Dark World and the first Thor, which dealt with so much emotional baggage for not only just Thor, but for Loki, who basically suffered throughout both movies. 
-Hulk being an actual toddler/Bruce Banner being so fucked up and anxious because WHEN DID HE GET ON AN ALIEN PLANET. 
-”You’ve been on other planets before i assume” “Yeah, one!” “well now it’s two” 
-Valkyrie. Her entire everything gave me so much to love and adore. Tessa Thompson has stole my heart yet again. 
-The little tiny glimpses of Loki and Thor’s childhood, aka the snake story, get help. It really showed how much time Loki and Thor had spent together, which i assume is a lot because age in Asgardian years work differently probably? Like imagine that, Loki and Thor spending time together and being inseparable for 100 years. It showed that they were always close despite loki feeling different or alienated, which explains why its so hard for Loki to just leave thor for dead. 
-”You’ll always be the god of mischief, but you can be so much more” See that shit destroyed me. Thor acknowledges that Loki is not like him. He’s a trickster, manipulative, and selfish. But he also acknowledges that Loki is so much more than his tricks and lies, which shows so much character growth in Thor, who sees loki as more than just an asgardian prince that was raised the exact same way opposite of Thor, but as his own fucking person.
-Thor actually not being stupid and falling for Loki’s tricks, aka his magic projections of himself/his petty, stupid betrayals. Tom mentioned that Thor was evolving and that Loki was finally starting to realize that he’s the only one not growing. Scenes like the betrayal scene and the snake scene, although meant to be hilarious, point out that Thor isn’t that idiot that just was too trusting of his brother, he sees through Loki’s tricks, he’s seen them for years, and it really shows that Loki’s getting predictable with his fake deaths and betrayals, which might hint at him changing? 
-IT FIXED THE INCONSISTENCIES. The main reason i didn’t like Dark world, though i did see it as amazing for its ability to mix the emotional darkness between Loki and Thor along with the humor throughout the movie, was because it pointed Loki out to be the type of cold blooded monster that would murder his own father. I mean I’m no Loki apologist, i love the kid but he’s killed, he’s manipulated, he’s hurt everyone around him, but i doubt he could ever kill Odin, no matter how much of a shitty father he is. Also low-key hated the whole “Loki if you betray me, ill kill you” Thor bullshit. We all know thor wouldn’t be able to do that, he still hopes Loki is his brother. 
-”I thought the world of you Loki.” Ouch. 
-Hulk and Val’s bromance. 
-The entire Valkyrie v. Hela scene. It was so beautiful and ethereal i actually nutted. 
-Loki’s face when odin called him his son. 
-Loki’s face when Hela told him to kneel. 
-Loki refusing to let Thor go back to Asgard. “Are you serious? you can’t be thinking of going back there, that’s madness!” is that? Loki cARING? 
-Loki’s character development. 
-thor in a jean jacket and hoodie in new york. 
-Thor spilling beer everywhere. 
-Loki letting Thor take the orgy ship. 
-Jeff Goldblum. Thats it. 
-”Hello father” “OH SHIT” 
-The entire play. Loki’s rule as a benevolent god/king in which, before everyone feared him for a dictatorship militaristic form of ruling he could have, but in reality he just like ate grapes and watched plays. 
-Thor wanting to be a Valkyrie. The crowned prince of asgard, wanting to be an elite team of woman warriors. 
-Val kicking Loki’s ass. 
-Loki in a suit. 
-”I thought you didn’t want to talk about it” “heres the thing” 
-”Hello!” “Hi” *blasts everyone in room with giant laser guns* 
-”What are you? Thor, god of hammers?” 
-”i swear i left him right here” “where? on the street? Or in that nursing home thats being torn down?” 
“I’m not a witch” “Why do you dress like one then?” 
-Loki rolling his eyes when thor is approached by fans. 
-Loki calling stephen strange a shitty sorcerer and going at him with stabby hands. 
-Confirmation of loki’s love of stabbing. 
-Confirmation that Loki is a snake, and also Thor’s favorite snake.
-Loki reciting Thor’s prayer to odin with him mY SON. 
-The avengers parallel. “He’s my brother!” “adopted.” 
-”Where? the devil’s anus?” 
-Bruce fighting evil with fireworks. Good job sweetie. 
-Bruce flopping like a fish on the bifrost. 
-Thor and his sparkles. 
-Lightning eyes. 
-*Loki on a death trip* ‘this is a terrible idea” 
-Loki somehow reciting a spell to bring surtur back. what a weirdo. how did he know that. 
-im here. 
-Thor and Bruce’s bromance. 
-Jane not being there. I mean it makes sense she dumped him, he left her for two years chasing down infinity stones and constantly almost dying while she had no way of contacting him because Thor’s ass didn’t know how to use fucking email. Also i just really honestly never liked her character to begin with, i mean sure i love that Jane is a strong, smart woman but tbh i just wanted to Fast forward every time she was on screen. 
-The cute death wolf. 
-”THATS HOW IT FEELS!” “sorry i just really like the sport” 
-Val being there as a cool as member of the team rather than just the love interest of Thor. Protect her at all cost even though she probs doesn’t even need it. 
-Stan Lee’s cameo as the dude who cut Thor’s hair. Thank you for doing all of us a giant favor. Please do the same to Loki. 
-loki beating someone up with his horn hat. 
-Loki twirling his horn hat. 
-Loki being such a self serving, extra asshole that he came from the fucking fog screaming “YOUR SAVIOR HAS ARRIVED” 
-Bruce asking where tony was and then complaining about his tight crotch pants. 
-Loki’s costume being mainly blue, black, and gold :-)))))))
-Loki being 100% done with everything that happens. 
-Val knocking Loki out when he makes her relive her trauma why do people ship this you go honey that was a dick move
-Thor throwing various things at Loki to make sure he’s not a mirage. 
-he’s a friend from work, something a kid from make a wish that met chris suggested, being in the film and all of the trailers. I hope that made that kid smile. 
-”In return, i wish to be granted safe passage through the anus” 
-Loki being genuinely worried about and double checking if Thor really wants to bring him back to earth after what he did kill me honestly that would probably hurt less. 
-Loki’s face when thor said that going their separate ways was what Loki always wanted bc in reality that is the opposite go back. 
-Hela not being Loki’s daughter because 1) it proves that ya’ll should stop hoping that a comic soap opera about rich petty alien boys with daddy issues would be anything like classic norse mythology, and 2) when the fuck and how the fuck and why the fuck 
-Loki suggesting that he and Thor both rule over Sakaar together lmao ouch. 
-Loki just being really cute and quirky. 
-Thor being so fucking amazed by Val all the time. 
-”You’re late.” 
-”I saw you coming” “course you did.” 
What i didn’t like much; 
-Hela. I loved her character, but honestly here is where i think there might’ve been some failure despite how much i loved that movie. She seemed so out of place as a villain, and i feel like the whole related shit tried to mimic Guardians vol. 2, but honestly the fact that Thor didn’t care much about her made her feel so out of place. But i did like some parts, like how she was so disappointed about not being remembered or what her existence and disappointment did to how loki was raised. 
-Dr. Strange? Ok that was weird. It makes sense and it was funny to see him but to be honest i wasn’t into it. 
-tbh was not fond of frost master, don’t hate me. 
-Loki possibly taking the tesseract????? And hinting that he might turn evil again??? don’t do this to me marvel. 
-loki possibly being turned into the quirky sidekick of his brother. Loki is Thor’s equal, not his annoying little brother/wacky sidekick. I didn’t get that vibe often, but sometimes i did honestly. 
-RIP thor’s hammer. 
-Hela’s entrance. it was so quick and like out of place i was like what wait, Loki and thor didn’t even have time to prepare or even mourn. 
-the comedy. It was its best and worst part of the movie. Sometimes it was tasteful. Other times it was too much. Thor and Loki didn’t even get to mourn for their dad who tbh was an asshole but still their dad before there was a annoying joke about kneeling. It took away from the story sometimes.
-the lack of hugging between thor and loki.
-The way they glossed over the warriors three’s death like they weren’t Thor’s closest friends and the only ones there for him when Odin tried to banish Thor to earth :-))))) I mean after all that shit he went through I’m pretty fucking sure it probably hasn’t caught up to him but ya bitch still pissed. 
-The way, Thor, who basically admitted that Loki actually meant the world to him and was the only family he had left, didn’t ask where he was after asgard exploded? Like tbh i get it, he trusts Loki, his brothers capable and strong and most of all really fucking smart, but i’d still be like :-) the fuck is Loki. I think this is a directing error though rather than like the characters fucking up but i was freaking out, i mean asgard was literally pebbles and everyone was out BUT my son. 
-No sif, i mean i get it Jaime Alexander was busy but like y'all could’ve explained smh. 
-Loki not getting a hair cut. When will his emo phase end. 
-Not getting that one flashback to 80′s asgard with mullets and emo loki. 
Overall it was pretty fucking cool, one of the best movies of the trilogy. I fell in love with the marvel cinematic universe all over again. But it wasn’t perfect. 
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spockula · 7 years
a list of things i loved about thor: ragnarok
most of it is just me yelling
​thor being cocky with surtur and making fun all the time like u literally playing with fire i love u this is my boy
fucking skurge
“ᵒʰ ˢʰᶦᵗ”
anthony hopkins deserves an oscar for this performance
“my sons” aaaaa
“frigga would’ve been proud” AAAAAAAA
“you sound like him” FHSDKFHKDJSFDKF
loki honest to god panicking (how absurd is this sentence but i do mean it)
i’m only sad abt warriors three bc they were thor’s friends and he’s going to be sad other than that bye
is this skyrim
honestly some score in the bg reminded me of skyrim soundtrack i don’t remember when but it did ??
valkyrie falling off the ship 👌 👌 👌 legend
“ʷʰʸ ᵃʳᵉ ʷᵉ ʷʰᶦˢᵖᵉʳᶦⁿᵍ”
ass place
“please kind sir don’t cut my hair”
“HE’S A FRIEND FROM WORK” i know this was in the trailers but. i just love the pure joy on his face he was so fucking happy what are the chances
trying to calm hulk down was so sweet tho. this is the love story we deserve
thor would’ve wrecked hulk and that is a Fact
hulk in a hot tub
bc that’s what heroes do
i’m gonna be tony stark
“i can see your face” “not if i do this” comedy gold pls i love
i support thor throwing stuff at loki please do that more often
safe passage through the anus is the new code for lube
honestly that whole thing thor said was beautiful
when in doubt disconnect from yourself and your surroundings and imagine odin being zoomed in on it will solve all your problems
yo honestly where is sif
“i’m not doing ‘get help’“ ily
ᵗʰᵉ ᵗᵉˢˢᵉʳᵃᶜᵗ ᵖˡˢ ⁿᵒ ᶦ'ᵐ ʸᵉˡˡᶦⁿᵍ
so i guess we’re …… not ever gonna see enchantress and skurge being mean girls :((((
what do you mean a king. this is captain’s log star date 1999.99
i’m glad asgard is destroyed that shit ugly
on a more serious note i don’t think thor has finished the process of letting go (he didn’t even have time to properly mourn yet) but i’m so proud and happy my bby is all grown up he’s learned so much :’)
(but also the whole destroying asgard and all is also sort of like a fuck you to the previous thor franchise. taika waititi gently scoops us as we watch it burn and tells us it’s okay now. we’re okay.) (that’s actually literally what he said when he was interviewed by hazel pls watch that)
(i’m sorry the old thor can’t come to the phone now. why? oh cause he’s dead)
for the first time ever on your cinema screens loki’s characterization is ON POINT
same for thor he’s not the angsty boye the previous movies made him out to be BLESS THANK YOU
i owe my life to taika waititi now
i’m not saying it was perfect but for the majority it was
will i ever write in-depth analysis of a movie? probably nah i suck at that
kinda sad that we didn’t actually get much of hela? but also it kinda fits the plot at least for me
ragnarok is simple like that (or not???? i’m not sure anymore)
i just love hela
and cate blanchett
that bit about loki turning into snek ...... god .......... kids amirite?
i love valkyrie
and loki is still         beautiful       fuck. a beautiful fuck
very turned on by the scene of them fighting tbh
ok bruce is a little bit in love with valkyrie which, understandable, who isn’t
this is not all of it but it’s all i can think of now i’m still overwhelmed
bye thanks for coming to my ted talk i love taika waititi and the entire cast
also loki u got that lil fanfic of yours wrong you were actually found in a temple which is a Whole Chapter of Stuff i’m not getting into :’)
the connection to iw :””))))))) i’m fine my sanity totally doesn’t verge on this
give me beta ray bill or give me death
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underthebluerain · 7 years
Watched Thor: Ragnarok yesterday. Some of it I liked, some of it I loved, most of it was a mess, some of it I hated. The things I loved made me really emotional and saved it from being a wholly bad experience. The things I hated are the reason I am really glad I didn’t spend money on it.
Fair warning, this "review” is as messy and disjointed as the film. Also long.
-The moment the movie started with Thor’s monologue it was clear it was 100% off tone with the Thor universe. Like what.
-The first woman we saw in Thor was Jane Foster doing scientific research. The first women we see in Ragnarok are two unnamed fanservice extras who are presumably skurge’s conquests and are there for the guy to show off to, with barely any lines, no important role and (I think) never seen again. Just a thought.
-I will admit, I did fid some moments funny and genuinely enjoyed them. Others were just ridiculous, a sign they completely ignored the kind of story and especially characters they were showing. And the moments that should’ve been dramatic but that were played in a funny way, even worse. Like Thor and Loki’s reunion. Thor thought he was dead, again. Honestly. Take away all the emotional depth why don’t you. (Yeah I still laughed but it was a Robbed Angst Moment).
-Not to be That Guy but... Loki’s in-universe The Dark World play has Lady Sif and the Warriors Three in a bigger role than they had in it (since they are present at Svartalfheim) and also has Jane in it so 1) it’s keeping both Sif and Jane UNLIKE THIS MOVIE and 2) how shitty is that the in-play acknowledges these characters and the film proper doesn’t. I am so tired of Marvel’s self-referential “haha let’s lampshade the fact that the women are missing but not actually do anything to remedy it!” also unashamedly used in AOU and Antman.
-The bit they showed us about the play I liked in general though, it had plenty of Bro Feels. And Odin!Loki mouthing “I didn’t do it for him” lol but also aww. Also interesting that Sif and the W3 were included (just like in his deleted TDW imagining. He really wants Thor’s friends to like him damn) worried about him and Sif was sent to get help...?? They are not helping me forget about sifki tbh
-Also I shouldn’t be surprised that something serious like Loki’s origins was mentioned only to be funny but like... what?? He seriously decided to let everyone know?? Really?? And is this play seriously how he decided to do it?? When was this?? Was everyone chill with it?? When did he become cool with it?? 
-Was Jotun!Loki called a blue icicle or did I hallucinate that
-Literally the only mention of Jane is of how she dumped Thor and him saying he dumped her instead. Besides Jane being missing, several reasons why this is shitty: 1) again, only one mention of her in the entire film 2) the only mention has her referred to only insofar as her relationship or lack thereof with Thor goes 3) Thor wouldn’t be trying to save face regarding the breakup, he’d just be sad about it 4) it isn’t a good enough reason to have her missing, fuck you.
-Thor to Strange: “Who are you and why should I care” lmao same
-Hela being Odin’s daughter is so out of left field. The backstory regarding her helping Odin win the realm even more so. What?? Just what??
-On the other hand, nice to see the fishiness about Odin and Asgard’s treatment of other realms acknowledged as shitty. But they still had Odin’s only scenes  being good to his sons...?
-I am conflicted about Hela’s design because on the one hand I am gay and find it sexy but on the other I kind of resent they gave her the Black Skintight Catsuit™ of Sexy Female Characters.
-The W3 didn’t deserve those sudden deaths and Thor didn’t deserve to not find out about them.
-I SO loved Thor and Loki’s interactions. I'VE MISSED THEM SO MUCH
-The mural with the family was nice. I didn’t like how frigga was depicted lower than her husband (and this even though she’s taller...) and looking at him/the ground while the men are looking forward, but it does make sense given Asgard’s sexism (as established in other movies, because apparently now they have an all-women army. Ok then why was Sif being the only female warrior a big deal?? Answer: this movie doesn’t give a shit about continuity)
-So... Odin was ashamed of how he got the realm... but he still made a hugeass mural about it??
-I do like hearing Odin get called out. also Odin manipulated history, who else isn’t surprised?
-Again with the humour being used to reference a tragic past event: Loki’s apparently telling the Sakaar gang (whom he barely knows) about how he let go of the Bifrost. As if it’s a funny anecdote. They all laugh. What.
-Just let Hulk stay there and rot Thor
-Hulk is an asshole, I didn’t need more reasons to hate him but they gave them to me
-They didn’t just made an AOU reference they actually had the gall to show me ooc!nat and fucking brutasha AGAIN EW EW EW WHY FUCK aaand I officially hate Taika Waititi. I am SO glad I didn’t go see this movie in a theatre can you imagine giving more money to be traumatised with the same shit again omg
-Lmao they literally threw in a line in just to give Banner more degrees than Jane, Phd’s actually, so his are more important right? The male ego truly is astounding
-I thought we’d see more of Valkyrie’s backstory and her grudge against Hela, but at least we got something. Also her name wasn’t revealed?? Was it in the credits? She is cool though. I liked that her introduction was not at all dignified (falling off the ship bc she’s drunk? lol. Wasn’t expecting it tbh) but she got her dignity back. I’ve seen it mentioned that her story of “badass warrior leaves after traumatic battle and becomes jaded drunk who pretends not to care about anything but eventually finds it in herself to come back and fight for what’s right” is a story usually reserved for men and it’s great that she got it.
-I feel so defeated that Asgard had to be destroyed.
-The rock alien was quite funny.
-Thor has literally lost his home, his girlfriend, his mother, his father, several of his friends (not that anyone told him) and his fucking eye give this boy a fucking break
-Thank god Thor didn’t end up believing Loki was dead again bc I would’ve gone there and killed him myself tbh
-I think one of my main problems with the film is that I actually enjoyed the adventure, some of the humour and few emotional moments, but it ignored and/or glossed over so much that was important that it’s not as gut-wrenching as its predecessors. To sum up: this movie was a good fic, but not a good enough Thor movie, you get me? Especially given how this is probably the very last Thor movie.
-Even without watching the Infinity Wars trailer it’s obvious Loki’s taken the Tesseract you little shit. I hope Thor knows and is like “take it out let’s see what we do with it hmm?”
-Fuck, I really enjoyed Loki and Thor’s relationship in this movie. On the one hand, the movie robbed them of several emotional moments (Thor finding out Loki’s alive, their reunion, a longer confrontation), but on the other the humour gave them several great scenes of sibling banter and backstory that I loved so much (even if some of it didn’t make sense like the snake anecdote: cute, funny but nonsensical). And despite the movie’s light tone not fitting with the other films’, I... feel like it did kinda fit their relationship here? The film made it work. I still wish we’d gotten more emotional scenes and arguing and angst, but I did like to see that it’s been quite some time since their grievances and that has sort of caused them to cool over a bit, so things are calmer, lighter. And that allows Loki to act less like a “I’m gonna betray you” (which is still there, but he doesn’t play it up so much), and above all allows Thor to say, “look, this has been fucked up for a few years, I don’t think trying to stay together will work”. Which I think is both sincere and reverse psychology. Sincere because Thor has been through a lot of pain and he knows Loki has too, so he doesn’t think he can handle having Loki there but not being able to trust him, and if Loki wants out he’s not gonna force him to stay. And reverse psychology because he’s hoping so bad that he’ll want to stay, that he’ll choose to. Freely. And he knows that the only way he will make a free choice is if he thinks Thor has made his and that it’s to stop pursuing him. I AM EMOTIONAL
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geminnas · 8 years
massive spoilers below. a list of the things that i loved about the movie. kind of long post
- flashback scene:  zordon just helplessly watching the yellow ranger die
- “seek those who are worthy”
-“we could have ruled together!” “that was never going to happen.” “so be it. you’ll die.” “we’ll die together, rita.”
-jason has abysmal driving skills
-”like you said. never going to understand each other.”
- “beefy and i have a connection.”
-she just walked right past jason
-detention guys calling jason out “you sure you’re in the right class, scott?”
-‘‘did you just slap me?” “i did. weird, right?”
-kimberly “i need to go to the ladies room” hart
-they cut her out of the photo right there and sTUCK IT TO THE WALL WITH SCISSORS WHAT THE FUCK
-kim coming back from the restroom with her hair cut like a bamf
-the look jason gives her
-billy asking jason to come hang out
- “billy crams-a-ton”
-jason freaking tf out abt his ankle monitor and billy just calm af
-jason hugging billy and billy going “don’t touch me”
- autistic people rule
-on the roof. a fire on the ground. observing trini through binoculars. calling her “crazy girl”
-jason freaking out when kimberly dives and doesn’t emerge
-the entire van conversation between kim and jason
-”dad, i’ll make you proud”
-the explosion
-zack, billy, kim and jason just standing there like “shit what did u do”
-“hey, this is a restricted area! you shouldn’t be here!” “oh yeah, einstein? we shouldn’t be blowing things up either, now should we?”
- how the fuck did you think her name was deedee
-then trini calls him something like “trailer park boy”
-the entire cliffside just collapsing
-zack immediately taking the pickaxe and hacking the coins out of the ice “how much do you think this is worth?” like i feel him hes struggling with money???
-the way he says “security” like he knows it all too well and probably curses under his breath
-billy and jason getting into the car “wait what about the others”
-alternatively “where’s the other guy?” pause. “JUST GO”
-all shrieking when zack lands on top of the car and sticks his head upside down
-”are you crazy?” “yeah, i am.”
-*billy drives towards train* jason: you’re gonna make it! zack: yeah, dude, we’re gonna make it! trini: i don’t know if he’s gonna make it! kim: he’s not gonna make it!
- “im just going to quietly snap your wrist, you little bitch” like fuck off asshole
- wrist turns out to be unsnappable
- “billy cranston just knocked [bully’s name] out cold! holy shit, cranston!”
- billy holding court to his many admirers
- “billy is awesome”
- the mean girls literally get sprayed with soda or shit
- three of them seeing zack “your name’s zack, right?” “yeah”
- “you still go to angel grove?” laughing. “sometimes!”
- trini scrambling up the cliffside like spider man
- “try to keep up”
- “girl, you’re crazy! but so am i!”
- *holds her ankle* “ive got her” *kicks zack off* “don’t touch me”
- dancing and then toppling backwards
- “did we just kill the dude?”
- zack jumping off with absolutely no hesitation whatever
- “sorry for what?” “this.”
- black and blue joke
- trini falls on top of zack. zack: “hi” trini: “aGAIN”
- “holy sh-” “sHHH”
- “we’re gonna be famous”
- “any questions?” “nope. nope, i’m good.”
- the pit
- “it’s just a hologram, like a video game” nuh uh
- scratching lines into the wall for every day
- trini getting zack in a chokehold qUEEN
- “come on zack, let’s go.” “yeah. let’s go.” that camera angle is perfect you can literally see his damn smile and the way his eyes shine
- jason and zack punching each other in the face
- tbh they have a lot of wasted “bro” potential
- billy trying to separate them and then morphing
- the campfire scene i cried no joke
- doing impressions of zordon
- not afraid to admit that he’s scared, and that he loves his mom
- trini and zack form the beanie squad
- “boyfriend problems?” “yeah, boyfriend problems.” “...girlfriend problems?”
- “are we friends, or are we power rangers?”
- rita and trini
- “i killed yellow once.”
- “deedee my friend”
keeping it brief bc its getting way too long
- rita is terrifying. literally. no joke.
- g o l d
- “you did an awful thing. doesn’t make you an awful person.”
- trini “rita visited me” kwan
- you can legit see everyone thinking “im going to kill rita”
- the way each of them raise their hands
- “eeny, meeny, miny, moe... blue”
- “you can tell me now, or you can tell me after i kill all your friends. let’s start with black.”
- zack shakes his head
- ‘krispy kreme. it’s at krispy kreme.”
- you can see how each one of them deals with grief
- they carry him all the way back
- all of them agreeing that they’d give their lives for his
- “only one can return”
- jason hugging billy like he’ll never let go
- their fighting tho
- zack jumping off the cliff still fighting a putty in order to get his zord
-the way all the gold cuts through the ground to make goldar
- “that’s a lot of gold.”
- everyone in their zords
- go go power rangers playing as they run into battle goddamn
- “how cute. the rangers found their costumes and their dino cars.”
- kim saving jason’s ass
- “sorry bumblebee!” i DIED
- trini jumping right on top of goldar
- *dropping billy on top of goldar*
- “is it over?” heartbreakingly hopeful
- “she’s back.”
- “hold the line!”
- trini screaming down the channel “zack, stay with me!”
- “no one dies alone.”
- then they disappear in fire.
- and rise again.
- rita merging herself with goldar and they’re all too confused to do anything
- “i got the leg!” “oh, you got the leg too? hi five!”
- “oh, i wish i could punch!” *kicks goldar*
- “remember the pit?” “oh, i hated the pit.”
- trini “bring it on” kwan
- “kim! swords!”
- “duck, grab, lift!” 
- “whatever zordon says, i know i am worthy!”
- getting bitch slapped into space
- “did you just slap her?” “i did. weird, right?”
- “told you we were gonna be famous”
- making the megazord dance
- “what about yellow?” “yeah, yellow! he’s cool too!” “how do you know it’s a he?”
-kim pasting that photo of all of them laughing that pic is pure ok look at them
- zack playing chess with his mom “帅吗?” literally asking whether they were handsome and his mom checkmates him then hi fives him god i love them
- “deedee!” “mom, it’s trini!”
- trini and zack show up at angel grove for possibly the first time
-zack sitting on a backward facing chair
-flicking papers at each other
- i love them all.
- ships: jason/kim, jason/billy, zack w everyone, my hetero ass ships trini and zack but my gay ass ships kim and trini
summary: this movie is possibly the best thing to happen to me. amazing. i love it and my children. go watch it. it will bless your soul.
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imaginesfordayss · 8 years
If I had a 100 years.
Tumblr media
Summary: Sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time Word count: 1842 Warnings: Angst, sad things bc Kai cant catch a break
*I saw a trailer for a movie that was very sad and cute and it had a quote in it that made me immediately want to write this* (anyway here I am 5 months later finishing it)
Diagnosis: Stage 4 pancreatic cancer
In other words, you were screwed and everybody knew it. In the days after getting the results back, you wondered if you should have taken Damon up on his offer to turn into a vampire way back when, of course now it wouldn’t do any good.
You knew they pitied you, the way Elena’s sad eyes followed you around the Salvatore house when you had the energy to leave bed. The truth was, you weren’t scared to die. You were scared that you hadn’t done enough, hadn’t lived. Hadn’t loved.
If I had a 100 years we could travel the world. Italy Paris Japan We could go anywhere
“Yum, cupcakes!” The unfamiliar voice exclaimed behind you successfully causing the half iced chocolate cupcake to fall out of your fingers and onto your shoes.
“Are you fucking kidding me?” You groaned, staring at the mess. You ignored the intruder, grabbing napkins to wipe off the goop on your now ruined shoes. You heard someone clear their throat, now irritated you turned to said intruder. “Did you need something?”
“Jeez, what does a guy have to do around here to get some attention?” He joked. You rolled your eyes turning back around to dispose the dirtied napkins into the trash. The approaching foot steps indicated that this guy clearly did not get the hint, turning back towards him you were again surprised to find him now mere inches away from you. He didn’t speak, opting to stare with an arrogant smirk on his face.
“Again, need something?”
“Oh sorry, manners, I’m Kai.” He held his hand out, yet again receiving no response from you. Subconsciously, you were definitely attracted to him but at the moment, you wanted nothing to do with him or his cheery attitude. You wanted to be alone.
If I had a 100 years we could start a family A girl Maybe a boy We could have the white picket fence   And grow old by each other’s side
“There she is! The moody one.” His voice rung out, aggravating the already pulsing migraine you had going. You kept your hand over your eyes blocking out the light in the room hoping that if you ignored him, he’d just go away. Now if you had asked Damon, you would have known Kai doesn’t just go away. You did, however, learn a bit about Kai after his last visit and yet, somehow you weren’t afraid of him. “Tell me something, you’re human right? Why do you live in a house full of vamps?”
“Don’t you have other people to torment?”
“She speaks!” He stared at him through narrowed eyes. “As much as I enjoy making your friend’s lives hell, you’re more interesting. In that dark and broody kind of way.”
“Yeah well cancer will do that to you.” When you looked up again, his brow was furrowed and the way he looked at you, it almost made you laugh. “Don’t worry, you don’t have to feel bad for me, they already do enough of that when you’re not here.” He didn’t reply instead walking over to the couch to sit across from you. It was quiet for a while, uncharacteristic for Kai but you didn’t mind it, the quiet gave you a chance to let your head stop aching.
“Don’t they have like, treatment for that?” He spoke quietly, the gentleness in his voice surprised you, if anything you expected him to have stabbed you in the stomach by now, at least that’s the impression you got from anyone who’d spoken about him.
“We tried a lot of things, it’s, i’m a lost cause.”
If I had 100 years we could have a story worth telling Go on adventures Be spontaneous Be reckless and in love We could do anything and everything
It’s not like you expected him to stick around, but he did. It was strange how quickly Kai changed after you told him you were sick. Frankly you weren’t sure why he cared at all but he showed up increasingly more over the weeks. And over the same course of time, you felt your body continue to rot away.
You didn’t bother to go to the doctors appointments anymore, opting to lounge around the living room with Kai instead. He was good company when he wasn’t trying to murder people. You taught him all about modern technology and daily movie binges kept him up to speed with today's pop culture.
You kept your sickness away from him, leaving the room whenever you noticed blood on your hands after sneezing or the sudden tiredness in your bones for no apparent reason. You didn’t want him to treat you like a sick girl. But sometimes, you couldn’t help it.
“Kai, you know I can’t do that.”
“Come on, I’ll make sure you don’t fall. Come on, it’ll be fun.” You gave in eventually unable to resist his boyish charm. He took your fragile hand in his, lifting you up until he was sure you could stand on your own two feet. He walked away from you, turning back and holding his arms out. “Okay so you just run and jump and I’ll lift you up.”
“If you drop me, I’ll burn your dirty dancing dvd, Kai.” He laughed urging you to run forward. For a moment, you almost thought you could do it, it was a split second before you jumped and then your vision blurred and you found yourself moving down instead of up. You heard him calling your name but all you could do was fade out.
You woke sometime later in your own bed, an anxious Kai sitting beside you vigorously running his hand through his hair. He noticed your staring, automatically pulling you towards him.
“I’m sorry.” He breathed into your hair, you could swear you heard his voice shaking as he said it.
“Don’t worry about it, I’m just, not as capable as I used to be.” Kai pulled away putting his hands on either side of your face lifting your chin to look at you. You searched his eyes waiting for him to say something.
Instead, he closed the gap between you, pressing his mouth lightly over yours.
If I had a 100 years I could learn every little thing about you How you like your coffee Which side of the bed you prefer Hell, even your favorite color I’d want to know it all
You weren’t sure when or how it had even happened, one day Kai was only a person in your life and the next he was the only person you wanted in your life.
Maybe that was the worst part, he was just starting his new life while you were nearing the end of yours. You were afraid of leaving him behind. You were angry that there was this entire live you wanted to live and you couldn’t have it. Not like Elena and Damon.
“If you could do anything, what would you do?” You asked him, resting your head on his chest listening to the steady beats of his heart. He was quiet for a long while, you thought he may have actually fallen asleep but when you stared up at him, you found his watery eyes glued to you.
“I would heal you.”
If I had a 100 years I could map out every inch of you I’d know the exact shade of your eyes Every scar and how you got it Every freckle that dots your skin The best places to kiss you
You couldn’t remember the last time you laughed like this, or the last time you felt this alive. Kai watched you from across the dimly lit bar, your smile motivating him to keep going. He knew he was awful at karaoke but anything to see that smile, it was worth it.
He made it back to your table, wrapping an arm over your shoulder and brushing his lips against your temple. “Wasn’t that the best singing you’ve ever heard?” You smacked his shoulder holding in another fit of laughter at the sight of him prancing around the stage in an off pitch rendition of ‘Don’t go breaking my heart’.
“Yeah definitely, the best. Kai, are you sure you’re not tone deaf?” You joked. You watched others go on stage and give it a try, Kai occasionally making fun of the awful song choices beside you. You closed your eyes, taking in the moment, feeling the warmth and happiness surge through your body.
You didn’t realize this was what they meant when they talked about the last ‘good’ day.
If I had a 100 years I could show you who I am What I love What I hate All my stories All my dreams
You smiled at his teary eyed face. You’d never seen him this way before, hell, you weren’t even sure it was possible. Kai holds you in his arms, his fingers lightly tracing your face, brushing over your lips and down your chin. You can see he’s holding back, he’ll wait to fall apart when you can’t see him. Truth be told you were never supposed to love him but loving him had become the best part of your life, the most bearable part of it all. It’s like when you looked at him the stars aligned, when you kissed him, you hardly noticed the burning sensation that pervaded your body.
“Maybe there’s a way, I’m a gemini, maybe I can, a spell or something-” You lifted a hand to his face silencing his rambling. There was no use in hypotheticals.
“You remember when we met?”
“I remember the cupcakes, I was on my way there to kill all of you..but I couldn’t do it.” You mustered up a smile at the thought. He was so different then, all sarcasm and anger. You saw good in him, something light that he himself hadn’t realized was there.
“I think maybe, you should have. It would be easier than saying goodbye to you.” You heard the sharp inhale from beside him, looking away to let him compose himself. You weren’t even sure how you were holding it together. Maybe for him, maybe because the searing pain in your lungs kept you from crying. You were tired, you were so tired.
“I don’t want to say goodbye to you. I want more time.”
“I wish I had a 100 years…. a 100 years I could give to you, Kai.” He leans down, laying his head in the crook of your neck, inhaling the familiar scent of you. You run your hand through his hair until the drowsiness takes over, you let your eyes fall shut to the sound of Kai’s unsteady breath beside you.
If I had a 100 years I would love you The way that you deserved to be loved And I would find every possible way in the universe To make sure you knew it
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