#did you know that a lot of Cheshires action are actually more up to interpretation like how it was in the book
thatrandomartistjavi · 4 months
“Actually the Cheshire Cat from the 1951 movie is a villain and hates Alice and wants her dead and—“
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cheekbites-moved · 4 years
oz, alice & the creation of love: an ozlice meta
hello it is i, known ozlice defender. here to explain why they need to be credited for inventing love, bc. They Did That. & i just wanna gush about my favorite scene of all time, involving my favorite couple of all time, because both are very precious to me and i’m very passionate about them!!
disclaimer: if your interpretation of oz/alice’s relationship differs from mine, i respect that. all i ask is that my interpretation of their relationship being romantic be equally respected. i am simply writing my own post, on my own blog, discussing my own interpretation of this scene and their relationship dynamic within it/as a whole. if you disagree, please refrain from debating me on my interpretation. my voicing of my interpretation doesn’t mean yours is in any way invalid or not allowed to exist, so please don’t treat mine that way if you don’t share it. thank you. 
tw for blood, gore, and mentions of neglect/abandonment issues.
anyway so! the scene in question is the cheek biting scene from chapter 41. in my opinion, this is one of the most crucial scenes for oz’s character development, & is a scene that beautifully encapsulates the depth of the impact oz and alice have on each other.
before i get into the meat of the chapter itself, i’d like to first establish my perception of oz’s character up to the point this chapter takes place, to really get across why this moment is so pivotal for him.
pandora hearts is one of those series that begins with a collection of stereotypes, both in the story and characters, then works to completely dismantle them as the story goes on. oz is no exception to this trend.
he starts out as a pretty typical protagonist, to be honest. he’s bubbly, peppy, (also flirty) and is always the first to bounce back from the rougher things the cast goes through. he’s an optimist, and prefers to focus on happy distractions rather than the reality of the harsh situations the cast finds themselves in.
but, see, that’s the thing. his entire outward personality itself is a distraction. it’s all a facade. oz hasn’t forgotten any of the pain he’s been dealt, nor has he even begun to heal from any of it. because he has put the role of “the happy friend who has to stay happy for their friends’ happiness’ sake" on himself. which has caused him to learn to bottle things up. which has lead his mind to believing that presenting any negative emotion would be a burden to those around him. he’s afraid of presenting them because he fears rejection, but also, he’s afraid of his loved ones hurting for his sake. 
a lot of oz’s arc revolves around him overcoming this mentality, and the development that entails starts with chapter 41.
for those who need a refresher, chapter 41 takes place while the group is exploring the ruins of sablier. they all get separated at one point, lead astray by the hauntings of their unremembered pasts. 
oz finds himself alone, and is confronted again with the horrors of the tragedy, as well as his own unremembered past, and begins to panic.
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elliot and leo hear him screaming, so they go off to look for him. 
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after they first arrive and oz properly notices them, he instantly snaps back to his bubbly self, acting like nothing happened.
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they walk together, eventually running into gil and also xai. xai’s appearance, and proceeding dismissal of oz’s presence further burdens oz with the trauma of his father’s neglect, on top of the already previously disregarded distress from his past.
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xai was sent to retrieve elliot, who denies his help, saying it should be offered to his own son instead. xai scoffs, and further dismisses oz’s existence in a more direct manor by speaking ill of him, further contributing to oz’s increasing emotional instability.
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leo manages to get xai to leave, explaining that he and elliot already have plans to get back on their own, so his help isn’t necessary. xai departs as oz’s emotions start to fully destabilize, with oz thinking to himself about the pain he’s feeling. he attempts to reach out to gil, but gil runs off after xai to confront him.
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oz canonically has abandonment issues, and they originated from xai’s neglect. i’m sure in the moment, after just having confronted the source of his abandonment issues, having gil leave him behind felt like a further abandonment, and it breaks him down the rest of the way.
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his mind starts to spiral, putting him in conflict with himself, as his tendencies to remain stable and happy are pitted against the destructive urges arising within him to cope with the instability.
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he begins a descent into darkness he can’t control as his powers start to spark up and begin causing destruction, a very similar scenario to his breakdown in the cheshire arc.
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before he can commit any permanent damage, however, alice arrives at the perfect time to disrupt his spiel.
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her interruption snaps him back to reality, and he is instantly tamed by her appearance
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as he regains himself, he also defaults to putting up his facade yet again, casually talking to her as if nothing happened. alice knows him well enough to notice the subtle cracks in his mask, though, and asks him what’s wrong.
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oz holds to his habits, and attempts to brush his emotions off by saying it’s nothing,
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but alice interrupts him before he can continue disregarding his feelings through biting his cheek
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oz is completely taken aback by the action, and alice explains to an equally baffled elliot that sharon showed her a book where a woman ‘bit’ a man’s cheek to cheer him up.
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alice further explains herself to oz, telling him that she heard him calling out to her (through a memory, though she’s unaware of that in the moment), with “such a pitiful voice she had to go find him.” 
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noting afterward that she wished he would be that open with his emotions more often, so she could cheer him up.
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as she says all of this, oz looks at her in pure bewilderment
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but then, realization strikes him
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he notes his realization, thinking to himself:
"My anxiety, my weaknesses.. I thought if I gave my voice to them.. I would be burdening the people around me... But... ...I guess it’s not always like that."
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this line is crucial for the rest of oz’s character arc, and the weight it entails carries on throughout the rest of the series. 
this realization, this moment as a whole, is the first time oz lets himself properly acknowledge the deception behind how his mind has forced him to perceive himself. this is the first time oz actually acknowledges and processes that he is allowed to feel pain. that having pain does not make him a burden. and from this moment forward, oz begins to open up about his feelings more.
starting moments later when they reunite with gil, and oz openly expresses that he’s hurting to gil for the first time.
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this progresses to him slowly becoming more direct about his feelings, both through his words and the facial expressions he allows himself to show.
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(chapter 60)
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(chapter 74)
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(chapter 75)
and this all culminates full circle when he finally allows himself to fully cry in later volumes when he needs to.
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(chapter 82)
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(chapter 87)
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(chapter 92)
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(chapter 97)
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(chapter 104)
that scene in chapter 41, is what directly leads to the emotional vulnerability oz allows himself to have as the series goes on. alice loved oz enough to feel his pain, and to make an effort to seek him out so she could cheer him up when she was aware he was hurting. oz’s love and trust for alice finally allowed him to feel comfortable enough to let down some of his walls to someone for the first time. 
after the realization sinks in fully, oz notes that despite how strange her words are to him, they still spark a fire in his heart.
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he observes alice afterwards, noting that her presence is what brings beauty in the scenery of the rain, something he tended towards disliking before.
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alice is the first person oz allows himself to be vulnerable around because he’s that comfortable around her. alice is the reason that in a moment of negativity, he is able to pause and admire something that’s beautiful to him; something that genuinely puts him at ease, rather than him just faking a moment of serenity to avoid being vulnerable.
whether you see their relationship as romantic or platonic, their deep love for each other is undeniable. and this is the moment that it shines the brightest, in my opinion. this is the moment they invented love together. and i think it’s beautiful to witness.
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roseydeloom · 4 years
Gremlin Izuku
Ok so this is a continuation of this post that @lovelyflowerlov and I are working on. It started as a shitpost and now we’re here and living our best lives. I’m making this separate just because the other is getting too long to scroll through. Click the link for context on the AU
Before some more Battle Trial stuff (which I will get to later) I thought about what exactly Izuku’s quirk and appearance is.
Possible Quirk names: Gremlin, Unhinged, Energize
Because we’re having Izuku be a Gremlin Boi™ and thus have, in the words of flower, “Teeth that are even more sharp than a shark, Amazing Bouncy Skills™, never ending enthusiasm, a night owl, and Bastard™ Energy” I say that his quirk is the ability to inhibit the body’s inborn limiters. You know, the things that make it so you don’t tear your muscles from bones everytime you use them. A common example being how your jaw is strong enough to bite off your finger, but your brain prevents you. Mainly basing this off hysterical strength and this video. Izuku can consciously turn this limiter off, both on himself and others. He could chomp his fingers like carrots if he wanted to. But it’s not just muscle limiters
You know that little voice in your head that tells you not to do or say stuff? The social conventions you know to follow, and thus what to do or say? The things that limit your actions? Ya, Izuku’s quirk prevented him from getting that. Though he does kinda have the opposite of it, explained later. He has to actively think about what he can and can’t do in a situation, and sometimes he just forgets or doesn’t understand that there are unspoken “rules” he needs to follow or behaviors he shouldn’t express. When activated on another person, they no longer feel pressured to act a specific way. His quirk also encourages reckless behavior; acting without care for possible harm to self. Izuku has grown up with this urge so he has learned how to fight it off, and actually has remarkable self control to not do 90% of the stuff his quirk tells him to. Not so much the case for people who have this pushed onto them for the first time. Kinda like Trigger and making people act differentenly :)
Example: during the Entrance Exam when he saw Uraraka trapped under gravel and the 0 pointer coming closer, his first instinct was to destroy the robot. To him, the rubble wasn’t the immediate threat and instead the robot that was walking towards her was. Shinsou was the one to convince him to try getting the debris off her first, and go from there. Only after that failed did Shinsou let Izuku enact his insane plan of eating the 0 pointer’s wires (which Izuku then teased Shinsou with the fact it worked and we should have just done that first, Hitoshi)
Because he can use all his muscles whenever he desires, his body naturally has a higher glucose stockpile than normal people to make up for the fact he will use more ATP working a higher volume of muscles (since muscle contractions use energy and glucose is the first energy storage the body burns through). However, he also needs to burn through that energy or else he risks damaging his nerves because of too much glucose in the blood (reason for nerve damage in diabetic people). Thus, he naturally has a higher energy level than other people so he jumps jumps jumps, has never ending enthusiasm, and always likes to be doing stuff. Tapping his foot, twirling his pencil, humming, analysising and writing in his notebook. This does infact burn his energy; mental fatigue is a thing my dudes. This also makes it so he loves to cause chaos, mischief, create pranks, and generally be a little nuisance, since it requires careful planning and energy running around to set it up, but that’s mainly just him being a little Bastard™
So I definitely like the idea of him having sharp teeth and being shorter than cannon. I also think this boy would have BIG BONES to make up for the extra stress his quirk puts on them when his muscles are used. This translates into Izuku being a bit more on the chunky side, along with the natural ability to grow big muscles as, once again, a defense mechanism against his quirk. Sum up: he’s that dude that has always been on the bigger side and won’t get stick thin no matter how hard he tries, but when he flexes his arms turn into pure muscle and he can jump over your head from a standing jump. So basically chubby bulky
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[Sources: 1 and 2, 3. These images are close to what I’m thinking]
Also I thing he would be darker skinned since he runs around outside in the sun constantly to burn off energy, so he got at least a tan from all that
Quirk Apprehension Test
So once Flower mentioned that we totally just forgot about this part of the plot, I proceeded to laugh for like 5 minutes over the fact we did. I totally forgot this existed until you mentioned it. My idea is as follows
Aizawa: This test is to gauge your abilities, quirks, and potential to be a hero. You are to use your quirks during the test to increase your scores
Some idiot: This sounds fun! We get to use quirks!
Aizawa: Fun? How about this: whoever comes last gets expelled
Class: *shouting*
Shinsou: *worried because his quirk doesn’t help him physically*
Izuku, manic grin spreading across face and turns to Shinsou: *whispers* I have an idea. I’ll use my quirk to help both our scores
They then proceed to complete the test with Shinsou getting better scores than he should be able to get. Aizawa knows this since, while he doesn’t read the entire file on students so he can form his own opinions, he does look over the basic info of name, photo, and quirk name/description. Shinsou shouldn’t be doing this well, and he also acts differently once it’s his turn to preform. Aizawa sees Shinsou and Izuku being more comfortable with one another than they would be if they just met, and in addition to the fact they were together during the Entrance Exam, he guesses that they’re friends and Izuku is using his quirk to bost Shinsou. During Shinsou’s turn for the ball toss, Aizawa cancels Izuku’s quirk so Shinsou no longer receive its effects and throws the ball a lot shorter than everyone expected
Aizawa, glaring at Izuku: I knew it. You’re using your quirk to help your friend
Izuku, turning and smirking: And? What about it?
Aizawa: I could expel you both right now for cheating and interfering with results of a test
Shinsou: *face deadpan but shitting his pants, hoping Izuku will weasel their way out of this*
Izuku, gremlin smirk forming: No you won’t, Eraserhead. If you were doing this test you would have used your quirk to cancel your clasmates’ quirks to put you on a even playing field. I’m doing the exact opposite and helping. Plus, you only said “use your quirks during the test to increase your scores.” You didn’t forbid using our quirks to affect other people’s scores, nor saying we could only increase our own score.
Aizawa, cheshire grin: So you are related to your brother. Alright. Shinsou, throw the ball again and Midoriya, you can use your quirk
Shinsou, thinking: how is always able to pull us out of repercussions for our actions?
Battel Trial
Finally back to what this whole things should have been about! Jeez that took forever and I’m starting to get sleepy typing
Based on the pros and cons you gave and also what amusing me the most because I’ve writing this for 5 hours is that the Villains (Shinsou and Uraraka) should win.
Once Izuku gets over the fact he’s having to battle his basically second brother, Shinsou calms him down and tells him it’s fine, just pretend we’re sparing with Tenko again, he gets pumped af to brawl. Maybe a little too hyped up, since it makes his energy levels twice the ridiculous amount they were before and makes him even more jumpy and animated. Iida interprets this as him not taking things seriously and chastises him for it, which pisses Izuku off because he is taking it seriously. It’s just not being expressed in the way Iida expects it to be expressed. So, he’s definitely not as helpful to him as he could be while in the planning phase, and might have made things a bit harder than they needed to be when explaining the blueprint, just to annoy him.
Shinsou and Uraraka don’t have this problem and quickly come up with the idea to put the bomb on the roof. This is so Uraraka can use her quirk to send things high into the sky with only her nausea as the limit instead of the ceiling, and they’ll bring some more ruble and boxes up there too so she has ammo. She’ll try to stay as quiet as she can to guard and hide the bomb while Shinsou is a few levels below to make the heros think the bomb is there.
A trick they have up their sleeves is that Uraraka noticed that the blueprints had really weird airducts (something only she would notice because it’s so minor) and when they went to check it out, the airducts were actually tunnels disguised as airducts. So now the villains have a way of getting around that the heros don’t, and won’t be seen. With Uraraka directing him from the blueprints, Shinsou has his own private hallways! He can definitely use this in combination with his voice changer :)
I’m not too sure how the fight would go down, but some parts I think would happen is Shinsou trolling them from inside the tunnel with his voice changer. I don’t think he would spring the mind control on him just yet, Izuku taught him to have Fun™ afterall, and would switch between Inko’s and Tenko’a voices while messing with him. I just want my baby to create some psychological torture ok Another thing would be them finding the bomb on the roof and when Izuku’s about to grab it, that’s when Shinsou uses his mind control with AFO’s voice. I’m guessing they had some family videos with him in it so that’s how we knew what his voice sounded like.
Like you said when Izuku got controlled he was in a jump so when he fell he breaks out, but at that point Uraraka had moved the bomb and Shinsou is dealing with Iida. They’re running out of time so Iida and Izuku are starting to become a little desperate, so Iida yells at Izuku to use his quirk on him to make him extra fast so he can grab the bomb. He does, but Iida doesn’t expect it to be so powerful since the other times in the exercise Izuku used it on him he was holding back. Iida becomes a knockoff Sonic and shoot towards the bomb way faster than he expected. He didn’t expect to go the speed of Retro Burst without trying, so he overshoots it and ends up falling off the ledge near Izuku. He’s able to catch himself on the roof, but he’s not able to pull himself up without help and he’s starting to slip. Izuku has to pick between the bomb and Iida, and he decides to save Iida. While pulling him back up the timer goes off and the villains win.
Iida thanks him for saving him while Izuku just kinda goes “Duh, I wasn’t gonna let you get badly hurt if I could stop it. Annoy and inconvenience maybe, but not hurt. Of course I picked you. Anyways gotta go bug Hitoshi”
Just because Izuku is a dramatic bitch, while they’re walking back Izuku jumps unto Shinsou’s back and starts rambling to Uraraka and Shinsou about how cool their plan was, asking about the voices in the hallway and Shinsou’s new mask, clarifying some parts of their plan he didn’t get, and just generally being very animated and his talkative, analyzing self. Iida starts to think that maybe he was too quick to judge the green bean
#bnha#midoriya izuku#gremlin izuku#my writing#gremlin izuku au#look i just finished a 8 hour shift that was HELLA slow#so i probably had like 6 hours of doing nothing but messing around in my head#and i decided to play with this au for 6 fucking hours#so I got Ideas™#also I think for the mental part of the quirk I might have just made him autistic#i realized that while writing that ‘wait this is basically the situation for neurodivergent people in respect to social expectations’#so his quirk might just be ‘Socially Accepted Neurodivergent but with benefits’#if anyone has a problem with this tell me and I’ll gladly change the specifics#don’t wanna hurt anyone or spread false info#also I know that this has the tone of speaker to the reader instead of talking to you Flower#i blame the fact that this is the first part of the new log and the content made me go into Academic Essay mode#I’ll go back to talking to you in the post in the next part#also the entire 8 hours I was at work I kept going back and forth on who should win becauss they both have nice consquences#eventually I just went ‘fuck it’ and picked Shinsou since that adds some nice Angst of him winning as a villain#and the heros infighting biting them in the butt#also I do want them to be better friends down the line (Iida and Izuku)#but right now their body languages clash and they don’t understand eachother so they do as teens do#and fight amongst themselves because of miscommunication and lashing out against things they don’t understand#the more i write about this Izuku I realize I *definitely* made him have something like quirk induced high functioning autisum or similar#neurodivergent characters!!!!!#am i including the things I want to see in media in this Izuku?#why yes i am#once again add anything you can think of! This was the result of me having nothing else to think about for hours on end#also what exactly is the relationship between shinsou and izuku?#is shinsou another adopted brother? friend that hangs out with them more than his own family?
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ziamhaze · 4 years
Hi, I hope you're well! I just want to start off by thanking you for all the wonderful fics you have blessed me with!
I just finished Red vs. Black and was hoping you wouldn't mind answering some questions I have. As someone who risks his own life to save others, how does Liam justify being with someone he knows has killed innocent people? It'd be one thing if Zayn had only killed those directly involved with what happened to his family, but he's killed innocent civilians over minor inconveniences (such as the teenagers in the convertible). Does Zayn still think he is justified in doing so? Does he ever feel guilty about it? If not, how would Liam and Zayn be compatible if their moral compasses are so different?
Also, did Zayn's father ever make his way to the UK? Or was that just a lie he told Zayn to comfort him? Does Zayn ever find his family, especially his younger sister?
I know it's a lot, but I'd really love to hear your answers if you want to give them! Again thank you for all of your wonderful works!
So sorry it’s taken me this long to reply, but I didn’t forget!
To start I’d like to thank you for clicking, and finishing, Red vs. Black.  It isn’t the shortest of fics, nor is it the most delicate - to put it lightly.  For the latter alone, thank you.
These are such poignant, important questions.  Ones that are nearly word for word what I asked myself while planning the ending.
                         SPOILERS FOR ALL OF RED VS. BLACK
1)  How does Liam stay with Zayn after learning of all his senseless killings?
Honestly, I questioned this the most when feeling out the concept.  As a fic writer it’s expected of me to write not only a romance, but also a happy ending.  Of course fics exist that do neither, but they’re very rare and not exactly well-loved.  And truthfully, a massive point that I wanted to get across - and which in effect answers this question - is that despite people’s pasts, they cannot overcome them without being given the opportunity.  100%.  No ands, ifs, or buts.  For a prisoner to assimilate back into society and not go back to their old ways, they need to be trusted with a job.  With a salary (no matter how small), they need to trust themselves to be able to not buy anything that may contribute to poor habits: drugs, alcohol, weapons, gambling, a means of transport that will give them the ability to visit bad influences (more of a psychological thing, but still).  A lot of prisoners are never given this opportunity (especially in the United States), and therefore fall back into their old ways, which are more often than not coping mechanisms to deal with the fact that they can’t fit into society as easily as privileged people to begin with; it’s a terrible cycle.  However, there are plenty of success stories of those that truly wish to change and are lucky enough to stumble upon an employer or mentor or sponsor of some sort that hands them an inkling of hope/trust that they use to fight their way back up.  The fic is fantasy, and while Zayn’s story is rooted in real world PTSD, I think the prisoner analogy is easy for us to envision and therefore, understand why Liam acts the way he does.  I also made it a point in the last scene when they’re talking things out to have Liam voice his contingency: if Zayn so much as spits at anyone, he’s done for.  That’s to say, he’s not wiping his slate clean just yet.
2)  Does Zayn still feel his useless killings were justified?
I’m going to answer assuming that you’re referring to the time after the fic ends.
Looking back at his actions is something that would be inevitable when he starts therapy, and this is a perfect example of one of the questions his therapist would ask.  You may not like my answer, but as an author I find it imperative that I speak of my characters realistically and to keep them true, not how I want them to act.  That said, yes, Zayn would still find justification in why he’s done what he’s done.
There are a few instances in the story where this is actually explained.  Take the scene in the bar with fancy mixologists.  Zayn begins to get aggravated over the people in the room simply because they’re ignorant to the feeling of significant pain.  There’s also the scene where he’s back home in Cheshire and Harry straight out tells him, he may be furious at the unfairness of the world, but he needs to learn how to come to terms with it.  It’s not going to change.  This right here is what a therapist would work with him to do, and also why I had Harry be the one to bring this up in the story - he is one.
I know it sounds incredibly foreign to the average person, but trust me when I say that people struggling with anger problems founded in (un)fairness, exist.  I’ve spoken with professionals about it.  Add on crippling childhood PTSD and a villain like Zayn can definitely be born.  It’s why treatment is needed, and why the answer is ‘yes’ in the beginning of Zayn’s journey to peace.  When his answer switches over to ‘no’, that’s when it’ll be outwardly apparent that he’s beating his ailment.  Unfortunately, for many, the inner battle with mental health is lifelong; the answer ‘no’ will never turn solid.
3)  Does Zayn feel guilty about the above?
Again, there are a couple times when I write Zayn to literally mention how he feels zero guilt.  However, if you really really pay attention you’ll notice that these instances aren’t villain related.
For example, meeting Liam’s parents:
After handing his father and Zayn each their tea, Liam looks between them suspiciously. "Leaving the two of you in a room together was a bad idea."
"Don't know what you're on about," Geoff replies innocently. "We were just talking about cars, weren't we Zayn?" Even with all eyes on him, the pressure of lying doesn't get to Zayn. It never does.
"Yeah," he agrees, bringing his drink up to his lips carefully, "cars."
Or, after Zayn walks out from the comedy club:
"It takes a lot of courage to get up there and do something like that, don't you think?"
"Not really."
Liam looks to the side, hoping that he can interpret more from Zayn's answers by seeing the expressions that go with their frankness. "So if I signed you up, you would do it?"
"Why would I want to make a room full of strangers laugh?" Zayn retorts, his right eye scrunching up in distaste, like it's a mannerism of his provoked by moronic questions. "I don't have a superiority complex." Liam thinks he might, but. "I know I'm better than those people, no mediocracy to cover up here."
So we’ve got those, but then we’ve also got this massive character point:
Right as the last of the snake's body emerges, Zayn snaps his fingers, triggering heavy hip-hop music to flow through his headphones and drown out the man's blood curdling cry.
If he could permanently damage people who deserved it, not always because they did something to Zayn, but because he liked to play god and throw them a massive curveball like life had done to him, then why shouldn't he? So long as he pulls his soundproof headphones off the little robot on the inside of his right arm to avoid listening to the pain his choice brutality caused, there's no valid reason he shouldn't take advantage of the gift he was given.
From where he's sitting, he probably won't be able to hear anything, but he fastens the equipment over his ears just in case.
All at once, the atmospheric sounds of central London, mixed with the terrified screams of those in the burning building beneath them, hit Zayn at full force. The sensory overload alone would normally be enough to piss him off, but tack on his protection from audible trauma being taken and being spoken to while in villain mode, and he's seeing red as deep as the pits of hell he knows he's destined for.
I wrote Zayn’s headphone usage as a way to alert that the reader that he does, in fact, feel villain-related guilt.  He can’t act on his anger without them on.  He’ll have his victims screams stuck in his head, and he’d never be able to handle that a.k.a. there’s zero satisfaction from their literal pain.  Think about that and it’ll answer your follow-up question.
4)  What happened to Zayn’s family?
Zayn’s father meant what he said - he’d do whatever he needed to reunite his family.  That wasn’t a falsity at all.  The problem is money.  And politics, but let’s start with the issue of money.  It took Yaser nine years to save up the amount he paid to have Zayn and Waliyha smuggled across the border.  The whole concept of smuggling is that it’s a cheaper option than the legal one.  So if we look at this, you can see how long it would take him to save for three adult visa fees, three adult plane tickets, and enough to stay afloat for a month or so when they get to England.  Now add in the politics of the early 2000s and the Afghanistan/Pakistan region.  We know that Yaser fixed air conditioners for a living.  No person with that average of a background is going to have an easy time immigrating anywhere.  Even so, would it really take him over 18 years?  While it’s plausible, perhaps a man with such determination would find another way.  Or...was that unnecessary because he was fed lies?
Think about it.  After several weeks and no word from his children, don’t you think he’d cause a riot?  He’s the type to drive over to Badar’s house and demand his relatives get in contact with him to find out what’s going on.  But, given the flashback Zayn has, it’s obvious that Badar never planned on accompanying any of the children to the UK, and if that’s the case, he clearly couldn’t return to Quetta.  I imagine a fully rehearsed story was told to all of the children’s parents about how they were killed somewhere along the way.
As for Waliyha, her whereabouts were told to my gang over on Patreon a while ago.  In short, yes, she’s still alive and I plan on pitching the book’s sequel to publishers as a graphic novel series revolved around her location.  Louis’ dark web bot finally found a hint as to where that might be, so Zayn and Liam go on a journey across Europe to find her.  Each issue would (probably) take place in a new city and involve both fighting a single bad guy.
Just a quick reminder to anyone who reads this, Red vs. Black and all involved characters are my intellectual property and cannot be replicated, manipulated, or stolen.
Again, thank you for your question and time!  I know my fics aren’t short and take a huge time commitment to finish.  If you have any other questions, don’t hesitate to send them my way!  I’m super busy writing the next story and doing critical work, but I promise I’ll get around to it.
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New Teen Titans #20
Donna pulls together a new team of Titans, which includes Jason. Somewhere in the world, Cheshire is up to no good. 
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Jason, you’re such a little dork. Note Flash hanging a lampshade on Batman’s grim demeanor. This early in Post-Crisis it’s probably quite deliberate as DC goes for a more serious vibe than Pre-Crisis. The grimdark and edgy 90s approach. 
Sheltered Bird - 2
What’s the bet that Batman probably let him go expecting him to be on monitor duty only? I wonder if Batman even knew that Nightwing is currently not with the Titans. He didn’t really have much time for a heart to heart previous issue.
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 Sheltered Bird - 3 
Has any Robin before or since been so very dad-ed? Probably not.
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Geoff Johns did Jason dirty when he had Raven (who barely ever meets him) talk shit about Jason’s time with the Titans in the 2000s. Geoff Johns did a lot of Titans dirty tbh but this one hits particularly close to home because this is such a cute run. 
Good Kid - 1 
Jason was not a Bad Robin, and DC’s victim-blaming agenda trying to cast him as one beyond the grave doesn’t hold up when you actually go back and read his stuff. There is a period where he goes through a deliberate character assassination to make him unlikable, but it ends up somewhat sympathetic anyway and is still not as bad as DC tried to make him out to be later. This counter is to track the times Jason is shown to be a good kid. 
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The Titans like to tease the baby bird, okay, it’s very cute. Poor lad. He’s very confused about Donna basically treating him like Dick and trying to defer to him, because in his eyes she’s the obvious leader. He also doesn’t rise to Hawk’s borderline bullying at this point. 
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Jason expresses his opinion on the Robin costume early on. 
Note: At this point in Post-Crisis, it’s actually Bruce’s fault, not Dick’s. This is confirmed in Nightwing’s new Post-Crisis origin in Secret Origins #13. 
So, Bruce is the sadist. Moving on. 
The Titans settle in for the night and Cheshire attacks. Jason and his acrobatic skills means he’s in the best position to try and stop her. 
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Boy Wonder - 1
Jason isn’t just a brute that punches people, he’s Robin, the Boy Wonder, and that comes with well-rounded talents including detective skills, agility and strategy/tactics. This counter is for Jason showing off any of those talents that earned him the suit. 
Jason and Hawk are the only two heroes in play, and Hawk basically shoves Jason out of the way so he can attempt to kill Cheshire and the thugs. Cheshire makes to kill Hawk and Jason...
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...is a good boy. 
Good Kid - 2
Anyway, Donna comes to the rescue and then Cheshire escapes and Donna and Hawk get into it over his excessive violence and willingness to kill. Donna goes completely off on him.
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And Jason is the voice of reason. 
Good Kid - 3
I’m counting each separate instance more freely than I might’ve if Jason had a long Robin run, just because it is so short so there’s not use condensing his actions and appearances. 
Of course, Donna is still confusing him with his big brother, and so she decides that the correct course of action is to step down as leader and put the 14/15 year old in charge. Yes. That sounds great. What do you think, Jason? 
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He seems thrilled. 
And then is like ‘yeah nah, m8′ only he does it by running after Donna and telling her what’s what.
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People Skills - 1 
Jason knows people and their motivations very, very well and can usually accurately figure out where they’re coming from or how to approach them best.
Anyway, this issue nicely establishes a big sister and little brother relationship between Donna and Jason, now that she’s remembered he’s not Dick Grayson but instead about six years younger and smol. It’ll continue through his run with the Titans. It’s very cute.  
The next morning the Titans discuss Cheshire and the ethics of killing. The Titans apparently don’t have a ‘no killing’ rule, it’s a ‘no needless killing’ rule which is...a bit more open to interpretation. 
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An interesting look at where Jason currently stands on it. It matches up with his consistent portrayal as someone who dehumanizes murderers, allowing him to basically write them off and consider their death and motivations and humanity a ‘who cares’ scenario, which will eventually turn into ‘they deserve to die and I’ll kill them’. 
They Deserve It - 1 
This is going to track Jason’s tendency towards the kind of morality that sees him dehumanize the worst criminals, leading to his later motivations and actions as Red Hood. 
Anyway they’re doing their plan Titan things and Jason goes off inside because he’s hella cold (no kidding) and Roy joins him and then Jason basically turns around and probably gives Roy flashbacks of trying to hide things from Dick
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Boy Wonder - 2
People Skills - 2 
Not just boy detective, but that’s a lot of insight into people and how they react to things. Very impressive, little Jay. 
Anyway Cheshire is basically like ‘YOU KNOCKED ME UP’ and Roy definitely did not see this coming. 
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