#did you know wikifur is a thing? the furry encyclopedia?
tomwambsmilk · 2 years
Brenna you can’t just say Furry Logan Real on my post without telling me what his fursona would be. I expect it would be a major point of contention over what his kids’ fursonas would be too
Okay so that’s actually incredibly fair…… I’m afraid that my knowledge of fursonas and furry culture is far from exhaustive, but my gut instinct says that he would be a wolf. Symbol of sexual potency, origins of Remus and Romulus, “wolf in sheep’s clothing.” In fact I think everyone in the Wolf Pack was a furry with a wolfsona, and that’s where the nickname “wolf pack” came from.
Kendall would want to be a wolf; and would get a wolf fursuit and everything because he wants to be like Logan - but deep down he actually had a bunny fursona. This is why he was instinctively drawn to give his kids Megathump as a pet. He’s so deep in denial about this though that he doesn’t even fully realize it himself, although he does cry whenever he puts his wolf suit on.
Shiv’s fursona would be a dragon, no questions asked, specifically one of those dragons can alternately breathe ice and fire. The sense of superiority, territorial/defensive nature, jealously guards what’s important to her. Logan very much approves of this, it’s not a point of contention with him whatsoever. All of her brothers are jealous of this.
Roman has a cat fursona. Logan looks down on this with disdain. Roman has repeatedly considered announcing that actually he had a wolf fursona to please Logan, but he knows he wouldn’t be able to stick it out. It’s also very much rooted in the fact that he CANNOT have a dog or dog-related fursona (dog pound trauma). But the traits fit - solitary, lazy, kind of an asshole, but will be very affectionate if you earn his trust.
Connor has a horse fursona. (Well - if he had his way it’d be a unicorn fursona, but unfortunately he knows this would push Logan too far). Emotionally sensitive, views himself as the Special Boy, so fragile that if he breaks a leg Willa is going to have to shoot him. (Also this makes Willa the emotionally unstable 12yo who’s formed a bond with him).
Greg has a fox fursona, of course. Logan greatly approves of this. Wily, cunning, seductive vixen (which only works on Tom, but you win some you lose some I guess). Not quite a wolf but closely enough related that Logan can respect it.
And Tom? Dog fursona. Doesn’t have quite enough bite to be a wolf, but is in the same family. Loyal to a fault. Will accept any affection. Keeps crawling back even when he gets kicked. Shiv likes him because she has a fascination with her small eager dog companion; Greg likes him because he can run circles around him when he really wants to. (Tom could theoretically take Greg out if he wanted to, but he won’t).
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