#Megan I know I brought this on myself
cactus-cuddler · 2 months
Chapter 1: 𝐓𝐡𝐞 𝐦𝐚𝐧 𝐰𝐢𝐭𝐡 𝐚 𝐠𝐥𝐨𝐯𝐞
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word count: 1,1 k
plot: You work in a small bar but you don't like your job, you don't feel safe and the uniform you are forced to wear doesn't help.
One day, during one of your shifts, a mysterious man comes in asking you for the most alcoholic drink you sell. After glass after glass you decide to stop him, your heart's too big to watch a man get drunk in the sunlight.
With your kindness and your sweetness you will little by little penetrate the heart of this man who will decide to become the bodyguard of the bar where you work just to protect you from other men, no one knows like a man what they are capable of doing.
warnings: nothing for now
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You are behind the bar at your workplace, dressed in a skirt that falls above your knees and a matching blouse, both in a pale red. Working closely with an almost entirely male clientele while dressed this way makes you feel uncomfortable. But quitting isn’t an option; finding another job now would be too difficult, and you need the income.
The bar is empty, and with no customers in sight, you sit on a chair behind the counter and open a book you brought with you for moments like this. The doorbell rings, signaling the arrival of a customer. You stand up, smile on your lips, and look towards the entrance. A tall, imposing man with a serious expression enters, dressed in a long-sleeved shirt, a glove on his left hand, and dark jeans.
“Good morning! What can I get for you?” you ask cordially. He sits at the bar, and his expression remains unchanged.
“Give me the strongest alcohol you have,” he demands in a rude tone, with an anger he’s trying to suppress. You hand him the drink without comment. It’s eleven in the morning, and it seems unusual to be drinking so early, but you simply follow his orders. He asks for four more drinks, and now you are serving him the fifth. He takes the glass, downs it in one gulp, and asks for a sixth. You try to stop him, feeling that he has reached his limit, and you were never taught to stay quiet while others ruin themselves.
“Bring me another one, or I’ll go to another bar!” he exclaims angrily. The alcohol has taken its toll, and he’s no longer fully conscious. His mind is clouded, and his vision is growing blurry. You hand him a glass of water.
“I know this isn’t what you asked for, but drink some water and wait until you recover,” you tell him, smiling sweetly to gain his trust.
"The more I try to hurt myself the more I find someone with a heart trying to stop me" he tells you chuckling. He drinks the water, and you observe him closely, trying to decide if you should ask him more about himself. Isn't this the first time he's tried to hurt himself?
He doesn’t seem willing to share, so you leave it for now, though his words have left a troubling impression on you.
As rush hour arrives, more people start coming into the bar, and the man is still there, watching you work. You move back and forth, serving tables, receiving unsolicited compliments, and collecting tips. When all the tables are served, you take a short break to wipe the sweat off your face. At the end of your shift, your colleague Megan arrives to take over. She is a tall woman with brown hair who is not as kind to customers and has no qualms about serving excessive amounts of alcohol, even encouraging men to drink more. But the boy from earlier, still sitting at the bar, you don’t want anything bad to happen to him. From his words, you sense that if he gets completely drunk, he might do something reckless.
“There’s a guy on the balcony, the one with the glove on his left hand. Please stop him if he tries to drink too much; he can handle up to five glasses. I’m not sure beyond that,” you warn Megan. She looks you up and down, chewing her gum.
“I can’t promise anything,” she replies.
You exit through the back door reserved for employees, donning a light cardigan over your uniform, and head briskly towards home. Your small studio apartment is in a building with a gruff landlord who complains if you’re even a day late with the rent. You can’t help but think about the boy from the bar; his words in a moment of weakness have stuck with you, and you feel guilty for leaving him in Megan’s care. You have some instant noodles for lunch and try to distract yourself by reading a few pages of your book, but before you know it, it’s almost time for your next shift. You put your uniform back on, spritz some perfume, and head back to the bar.
“Sorry for the delay!” you tell Megan breathlessly.
“It’s fine,” she reassures you. “That guy asked about you as soon as you left. I told him your schedule. I hope you don’t mind; I thought you were interested. His name is Bucky. I heard him talking on the phone,” she says with a wink before leaving, and your shift officially begins. Knowing that he asked for you as soon as you left makes you smile unconsciously, and you start your shift in a better mood than usual, even humming the notes of your favorite song while you clean the bar and wash the dishes.
The bar is quiet, and everyone is served, so you sit down in a chair and read. After a quarter of an hour, the bar is empty, and you hear the bell announcing a new customer. It’s Bucky. As he enters, you’re filling the fridge, and upon seeing him, you greet him with a friendly smile. He doesn’t know that you’re aware he asked Megan about your schedule.
He sits in the same spot as before, with the same cold expression.
“The same alcohol as before, please,” he requests before you can ask him.
As more people enter, including groups of kids, some elderly ladies, and others who have come to socialize, you serve them all under Bucky’s watchful eye. He only asks for another drink when he sees you’re not busy. You appreciate customers like that.
By eight in the evening, the bar is empty, knowing it will start to fill up again after nine. Bucky is still there, and after the fourth drink, you tell him to take a break.
“You shouldn’t be so nice to people who don’t deserve it,” he says, sipping the glass of water you offered him.
“It’s not about kindness. If you get drunk, I’d be in danger too,” you reply, giggling and looking at him.
“I haven’t touched a woman in years. I don’t think I’d start now.”
“Better not to find out. How come such an attractive man hasn’t touched a woman in so long?” you tease him, having given up on focusing solely on your own thoughts.
“How come such a pretty girl works in a place like this?” he counters, hitting the mark. You giggle and put your hands up in surrender.
After half an hour, the mysterious man pays for his drinks and leaves a generous tip.
“Thanks for your company, pretty girl,” he says as he departs, making your heart race.
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a2a2a2-1 · 3 months
Back in Town Part 4 (Ali)
Check out Part1 (Back story) and Part2 (Megan) Part3 (Dave) As noted before Disclaimer: This is my first story so please forgive any typos and Errors. This is fiction.
Ali: Oh my I thought as I pedaled away from Megan and Dave’s house. That was unreal!! Their house was at the bottom of a hill, so I had to stand and pump the bike to get up to the top. My Mind was in a daze. I was reliving the nights activities as it climbed. Replying how big Dave was as Megan released it from his pants. How she caressed and teased his long shaft while playing with his hanging ball sack. There was a beauty to the rhythm both of them had as she worked his cock while teaching about each step. Then the beauty of Megan’s wet pussy. Dave was so deliberate as he teased her. He clearly enjoyed watching his wife squirm and whimper as he let her orgasm build. I could hear the Fap Fap fap in my head of Dave balls pounding against Megan clit. I never realized how wet I could get from just watching others playing. I heard a car coming up behind me was brought back into reality. It was then realized I was already past the top of the hill and had instinctively rested back down on the seat. I now also realized I was grinding on the front of the bike seat. The fear of a stranger seeing me teases by clit washed over me. As they passed, I returned to grinding and a little harder as the thrill gave me a rush. I settled down to let the road vibration tease me further as I coasted home. I was getting rather close to climax when I heard Dave’s Rule for Megan replaying in my head. I had never really thought about resisting the Release before. So figured would see if I could hold off until I got home. I felt like I was in a gentle fog as I got home. Grampa was half asleep on the couch when I came in and Gramma busy in the kitchen baking something as always. I did what I could to ask normal as I walked in. Saying my hellos then headed up to my room. I sent a text to Megan to let her know I was home and if I could stop by tomorrow as well? She agreed with no objection, and I could feel a wave of excitement flush over me. Got my pjs and hoped in the shower. I couldn’t help but play with the handheld shower head. I got back to the edge very quickly and the rush of willpower vs pleasure was so exhilarating. Finally, as the hot water was starting to end, I let myself release as I imagined what would happen tomorrow. I cleaned up quickly with the last of the hot water and headed off to bed.
The next day it was all I could to from telling the other girls what had happened while we were on our run morning. I had hoped to see Dave as yesterday, but that wasn’t in the cards today. I got back home, showered and did all I could to keep my mind occupied waiting for the day to tick by. I let Gramma know I was going to head back to head back to Megan’s for dinner so headed out as they started eating. I was so giddy with excitement on the ride over. I could not help but tease myself a little as I coasted down the hill to their house. I got there before Dave got home. Megan was clearly in the same mood as I, given she answered the door in a shimmering pink silk robe. My eyes were glued to the v created by the two sides that pointed to her beautiful cleavage. As last time she pulled me in for a hug, my face squeezed right in between her breasts. I held on as she brought it into the house. We talked for a little while as Megan was just finishing making dinner. Dave was able to get out of work a little early and before long we were done eating. Both Dave and Megan were enjoying some wine and much to my excitement they let me have a little sip here and there. Dinner was filled with sexual innuendoes, and it did not take long until Megan and I found ourselves in the bedroom while Dave cleaned up the Dishes. I tried to reach forward and pull to untie Megan’s robe, but she caught me. “Oh you have to be quicker than that” she said, as she grabbed my hand and spun me around, then pulled me in close for a kiss, while backing me update against the wall. Before I realized what was happening her soft tongue was dancing in my mouth and waves of lust followed over me. She slowly helped me out of my tank top and tight spandex shorts. Her soft hands and lips teasing me as she worked her way down my thin young body. I giggled a little as she leaned down and caressed my thin wisps of public I hair I had. “Oh look who’s already wet!” she said as finger slid between my lips. Right on cue Dave walked in. Megan sucked her finger and looked at Dave. “I think she’s ready for some fun” she said. I couldn’t see her Face, but Dave returned a nefarious grin and wink. Megan stopped back and said, “Now to see if you learned for yesterday’s lesson.” Pulling my hand she guided me over to the edge of the bed then looked and Dave. “I think some’s a bit over dressed” I picked up on the hint and helped Dave unbuckle his belt as he unbuttoned his dress shirt. I could see movement under his dress pants as I unzipped his pant and pulled down his slacks and boxers. My eyes were glued to his long dick that looks bigger that yesterday. I studied the mushroom head and hanging ball sack as he stepped out of the last of the cloths. This thing looks almost long as my forearm I thought. I reached up and felt the warmth radiating as I followed my finger along a big vein that ran down his shaft. The change from shaft to tip was intriguing. I lifted it up and around studying in detail. I could feel it getting rigid as I moved it around and was surprised by how firm the shaft seemed as compared to the softer tip. I gripped my hand around his shaft and jerked it forward and back like Megan done yesterday. I sensed Dave liked this as he took small stop forward and had a smile on his face. Remembering further I reached up with my other hand up alone his thigh and Dave moaned a little as I gripped by hand around his balls. I leaned in and kissed the tip of his now fulling ridged dick. Stretching my jaw a bit I wrapped my lips around and teased the tip with my tongue. I felt Megan behind me and felt her soft hands cup by budding nipples. She massaged them as I them as I played with Dave. Her hand then slid down my abs and down to my legs. Her hand slid down to my knee, encouraging me to spread my legs wider. She then slid her hand up slowly teasing my sensitive inner thigh.
I caught myself slowing my other duties a little in anticipation. Realizing this, I pulled out his now very hard unit from my mouth and used give it some longer strokes, as I studied how the skin slid up and down his shaft. I looked up at Dave who was watching Megan tease around my wet lips. I pumped a few a few more times watch is balls giggle and move around with the motion. As Megan had done, I lifted his shaft and started kissing just under his tip. We then locked Eye as I felt Megans hand finally reach my clit. He Smiled looking down at me as I melted with pleasure. My mind when blank as she teased and toyed with my clit. I tried to regain my senses and pulled his dick back down and sucked on the Tip some more. I tasted a new tag as I wrapped my tongue all around his Mushroom. I moved my other hand back to his balls squeezing softly as Megan had demonstrated. I felt Megan’s hand shift down and I moaned as finger entered. Dave moaned as well and I realized I had gripped a bit tight and was pulling on his sack to steady myself. “Ohh Sorry” I said before I even had his tip all the way out. “That was pleasure sweetie, you’re doing Great! Such a fast learner!” Dave said as he ran his hand thought my hair. I smiled wanted to please he even more now. His hand guiding me deeper on his shaft as I felt Megan working to get a 2nd finger in me. I moaned with please and it was all I could do to concentrate on Dave. I pumped my hand faster as Megan’s fingers were sliding in and out of me. I couldn’t take it much more. Pushed a little deeper on Dave, then pulled out to catch my breath. “Oh look like someone’s getting close” Megan said, taking the opportunity to sneak in for a kiss. Her tongue beckoned for every bit of Dave’s precum still in my mouth. Dave started stroking as he watched us kiss. Megan pushed me on my back. Straddling me as she stripped off her robe, then her Lace Bra letting her beautiful mountains rest back at their natural position. I could see a nice little wet spot as she pulled off her matching panties. She spun me around, so my head was on where I was sitting. I squealed I muffles excitement as my mouth was covered by her wet pussy while at the same time her tongue immediately when to town on my clit. I was in sensation overload! I licked up savored Megan’s juices as fast as I could but could barely concentrate. Megan’s tongue was going crazy. It was like a tornado spinning all around. With each flick I could feel the hood of my now hard clit slowly moving up and out of the way. I started to squirm as was almost too much. Megan repositioned her leg and lifted her pussy just enough for Dave to seize the moment and slid in his Shaft into Megan’s wet pussy. The timing was perfect as it distracted Megan from my clit for a moment. I wanted to cum so bad but riding this edge of potential release as exhilarating. I reached my hand around and adjusted so I could explore Dave’s balls and sack. I studied Dave’s long shaft moving in and now. Quickly the two were in a rhythm Dave had clearly found the right spot judging by Megans moans. I massaged Dave’s balls pulling slightly as I did before. They picked up the pace and I could tell they were both getting close. I leaned up and kissed Megan’s clit. I tried to do the flicking motion she had done to me. I apparently did things right as I heard Megan cry out. “Fuckk… MMeeee” I wiggled my pussy as I shifted up further to lick up the mix of juices that were dripping as Dave fucked her even faster.
“Cum on my Dick” Dave said with a commanding tone.. I worked my tongue as fast as I could. And feel Megan bury her face in my pussy and let out a loud moan of pleasure. Dave pulled his dick out after a few more thrusts and I reached up and pulled to luck it clean. Megan started to return to her senses and moved from on top of me. Dave was still very hard, and I asked for confirmation “Did you cum yet?” while looking up at him. “Not yet Sweetie” Dave said with a smile. “Did you want a ride too?” I was so horny I almost came at that just the proposition. I just Nodded and smiled. Megan that spun me around and lifted my legs up to my chest, then spreading them as wide as I could. I felt a wave of nerves and excitement full by body as Megan presented my wet pussy to Dave. He moved in and started by rubbing is dick between my lip and I couldn’t help but let out a Moan at the soft touch. He worked his tip up and down then slowly pushed in my tight pussy. Megan reached down and teased my clit slightly as he worked his dick inside of me. He pulled back and slid in and out, working a little deeper with thrust. I felt like I was in a fog. The tight pain was overwhelmed by the pleasure. I didn’t want this to stop. I could feel him in me can couldn’t keep from moaning as he worked me deeper. Megan then moved in taking turn teasing my click with her tongue then sucking off my juices from Dave’s cock “I… need…” works were lost on me as I tried to speak Dave winked as worked himself deeper inside of mee and I could not hold any longer. “Cum for us Ali!!! Dave said as I locked deep in his eye. Megan’s tongue when into overdrive as Dave pushed in deeper and pushed me right to the edge. I was about to explode as I ran my fingers thought Megan’s hair. I pulled her in as I felt the waves of euphoria explode all over me. I could feel my self-squeeze down hard on Dave’s shaft. I felt my muscle converse in waves of pure pleasure. Closing my eyes enjoying the ride. I was brought back to reality with the cocktail of Dave and myself on Megan’s tongue as it slid in for a succulent kiss. I was still in a fog as Megan teased my nipple slightly as she continued to kiss me. I heard Dave give Megan a spank and realized the rocking motion I was feeling was Dave pounding Megan hard and fast. Megan pulled up from the kiss clearly in need of air and to adjust for a more stable position. She was now straddling my leg with her left knee right between my legs. And I could feel it inching close to my wet and sensitive pussy. I shifted my had around and squeezed Megan hanging nipples, as the danced right front of me. I could tell they were both getting close, so I moved my hand down searching for her clit. Megan moaned at the touch as I worked to match the rhythm. My hand sliding with ease as she was dripping wet with enjoyment.
Twisted and reached for Dave’s sack and right on queue they both came hard and loud. I found myself teasing myself on her knee and leg with Dave’s final thrusts. Megan collapsed next to me I snuggled up close to her. I was in aww. I had cum before on my own a couple time but nothing like this. We were brought back to reality with a low steady rumble. I did not process it at first but then when I saw the lightning strike I realized it was time to head home. Dave came back partially dressed and advised us to get dressed and they would drive me home. We loaded my back in Megan’s suv and we headed back home. Along the way the 3 of us mapped out the lesson plan for the rest of the summer. This was gonna be the best summer ever…
The End
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neptunes-sol-angel · 11 months
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Channeling from my inner cobra 🐍 to tell you guys something from your past that needs to shed. Pick the gif(s) that you feel drawn to the most, and then scroll for their corresponding message. Enjoy and STREAM COBRA!! 🐍
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Pile One 🐍
There's a situation with a failed outcome that you're still clinging on to, that makes you either not want to try anything new or see how just because something that made you flop, doesn't mean that you have to stay down. This failure could have brought you some embarrassment or put you in a mood to where you don't want to feel seen, but you need to shed this part of the past because making mistakes or falling short in something doesn't mean that it can take away your confidence or right to try again. We fail to see now what we can do different, whether it is to start anew, or find a way to elevate from where we are. All you have to do is put one foot out there make your first step, but it doesn't mean that you have to obtain immediate perfection, you can do it slow and take your time, the goal is however tempo that you're moving in, it's beneficial for you to go forward than backwards, even if you have to take some breaks. Practice saying affirmations like "I am safe to trust in myself and the process".
Pile Two 🐍
Something from your past that is affecting your present, is how you soothe yourself from emotional pain with superficial pleasures or things that make you fake your happiness. Surrounding yourself with depthless connections that aren't serving you anymore is only going to make your sadness worse when have those moments where you realize that certain things are just not providing you with what you need. To know what makes you feel authentic joy, you need to utilize duality by not holding back in feeling out your sadness. I also have this feeling that you guys could be in a phase where you're like a caterpillar in its cocoon. You're transforming, and this person that you see in the mirror is someone you can't recognize, and I know it scares you. Not only because of what you're growing into, but because deep down you know that eventually you have to let go of what and who you're outgrowing. See the value in acknowledging that being at your lowest point is how you'll get back to the top.
Pile Three 🐍
Trying to have your mind and body adjust to a peaceful environment can be frustrating when it doesn't know yet that you're somewhere safe. You don't have to put so much pressure on to yourself because it's what you were used to in the past, that person that always put you down as if you couldn't do anything right, is not there anymore. Those people that spiked your anxiety and had you in survival mode. They can't harm you anymore. But it's even those their presence is absent, there's this phantom that possesses your mind and makes you so harsh with yourself that it's hard to believe that they've really truly left. You need to give yourself your flowers for the challenges you've prevailed over and the leaps of faith you took despite the people that told you that you couldn't. Don't stop there, continue to take those chances in the things that you want to do for yourself and others. Recognize both your strength and your capacity to also be soft with yourself. Relax more, release the tension that makes you feel like you can't do anything other than be productive.
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Cruel Summer Ch. 2
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Cruel Summer Series (Coming Soon) | Chapter 1 | Donations | Thoughts & Feelings
You looked down at your lap, “yeah…that's why I’m waiting on a text, I told him last night that I wanted to be more than friends with benefits…I’m falling in love with him! You should see the things he does! And the things he says to me!” you got up and walked over to your bag, “anytime we have dinner together, he always makes me a paper ring, every time.” you pulled out the small clear container full of cute colorful paper rings made from different menus. “Okay, that's some wedding reception bridal party speech shit,” she raised an eyebrow. “That is seriously so cute.” you smiled pulling out a little notebook, “he even drew this cute little archway, from the spot where we first kissed one night in New York...on Cornelia Street.” you bit your lip grinning down at the drawing he’d made for you.
“Ready?” Your assistant brought you back from your mind. “I…” you let out a huff of air before the door opened and you ran out on stage grinning and waving at the crowd again. Megan, your assistant, who’d been with you since the beginning of your acting career, watched on the monitor in the back.
You grinned watching the crowd go wild as you laughed softly. “Wow…you know you guys are just amazing. Truly. I had no idea you’d be so much fun!” you laughed again as they cheered. “I wanted to take a moment before I started my surprise songs for the evening.” you laughed as they cheered louder. “You guys mean so much to me...my music, you know, is how I communicate a lot of what I'm feeling, what I'm going through, and expressing everything I can’t bring myself to say.” You smiled looking up at the nosebleed sections as they clapped and whistled.
You bit your lip a little as you laughed softly, “So…tonight's special because….” you couldn’t even get the words out as the crowd roared in excitement. “I think it’s just better if I show you! So, if you could turn your attention to the screen behind me,” you said, turning toward the screen, as the new album cover rolled out of the screen, you grinned, tears brimming your eyes as the crowd screamed out in excitement. Looking at everyone and walking away from the microphone to just take in the moment as everyone snapped photos, recorded you.
You looked out over the crowd, locking eyes with Chris again; his girlfriend was jumping up and down beside him, screaming excitedly, but he stared at you, smiling softly like he was proud of you. You looked away before walking back over to the microphone. “I had planned to sing you guys a very nice surprise song…but I’ve changed my mind….I’m going to debut a song off my new album!” you grinned and started to strum the guitar in your hands.
“Make sure nobody sees you leave
Hood over your head, keep your eyes down
Tell your friends you're out for a run
You'll be flushed when you return
Take the road less traveled by
Tell yourself you can always stop
What started in beautiful rooms
Ends with meetings in parking lots
And that's the thing about illicit affairs
And clandestine meetings and longing stares
It's born from just one single glance
But it dies, and it dies, and it dies
A million little times”
You laid beside him in bed, laughing as he told joke after joke, enjoying each and every moment with him. “I have a present for you,” you told him as you kissed his shoulder, before sitting up and wrapping the sheet around you as you moved over to your bag and pulled out a small box. You gave it to him and watched as he opened it. “Y/N….you didn’t,” he chuckled, pulling out the small burgundy bottle. “I can’t believe it. Is it the same one we saw in that shop?” he grinned as you nodded and curled up beside him again. “I knew how much you loved it, so I went back the next day and bought it.” you said softly as he leaned down kissing you deeply.
“I can’t believe it, this was the same cologne my grandfather always wore. I can never ever find it." He smiled and kissed you again. “That's because it’s discontinued. But you have this bottle, you can always keep it on your bathroom shelf,” you whispered as he smiled down at you. “This is the best gift I’ve ever gotten baby, thank you” he kissed you passionately pulling you into his embrace.
“Leave the perfume on the shelf
That you picked out just for him
So you leave no trace behind
Like you don't even exist
Take the words for what they are
A dwindling, mercurial high
A drug that only worked
The first few hundred times
And that's the thing about illicit affairs
And clandestine meetings and stolen stares
They show their truth one single time
But they lie, and they lie, and they lie
A million little times”
Chris held a playful grin on his features as he stood on one side of the island as you stood on the other, giggling, a can of whip cream in hand as he held chocolate syrup. “If I disarm myself….are you gonna disarm yourself?” he smirked, raising an eyebrow. You laughed nodding, “Yes! But you put yours down first!” you bit your lip as he began to lower his, suddenly he squirted you with chocolate syrup all over you as you sprayed him with whip cream laughing loudly.
He darted around the island, laughing as you wiggled against his chest as he wrapped his arms around you. “Wanna call a truce Kid?” you laughed and nodded as you pressed your lips to his nose. “Truce.” you said softly. “Truce.” he smiled and bent down kissing you deeply again.
“ And you wanna scream
Don't call me "kid"
Don't call me "baby"
Look at this godforsaken mess that you made me
You showed me colors
You know I can't see with anyone else
Don't call me "kid"
Don't call me "baby"
Look at this idiotic fool that you made me
You taught me a secret language
I can't speak with anyone else
And you know damn well
For you, I would ruin myself
A million little times”
As the song came to an end, tears brimmed your eyes again and you kept your head down for a moment trying to will them away. The crowd erupted in cheers, applause, and screams. You looked up smiling at everyone as they continued to cheer. As you looked out through the crowd, your eyes landed on him again. He stared back at you with an expression you didn’t quite recognize. He looked away from you and whispered something to his girlfriend before walking off.
You smiled at the crowd and waved as you looked around, suddenly you dove into the stage and began getting ready for the next set. You looked at Megan as she eyeballed you. “You were not supposed to sing a song off that album. It doesn't even come out for two more damn months!” She sighed checking your social media’s. “Oh my god…..it's…everyone loved it.” she looked at you as you smirked “yeah….not everyone loved it.” you walked over getting on the platform in your final outfit of the night, “Let’s go make some memories,” you took a deep breath. Something felt better within your heart. He was finally understanding how he crushed you.
Coming up on stage, you grinned as the crowd knew what album you were singing from next. You laughed to yourself as the music started and they began to clap and jump around. You stood there in a blinged out tshirt dress, a fuzzy jacket and your diamond thigh high boots. You sang your heart out, dancing, smiling and waving at the crowd. You barely met Chris’s eye line again and when the show ended, you took your time bowing and waving around to the crowd as they cheered and applauded you.
“What an excellent show tonight!” Megan grinned at you as you walked backstage smiling softly. “I agree, it was great.” your head snapped around at the sound of his voice. Chris stood there, the petite brunette clinging to his side. The air was thick and the tension could be cut with a knife between the two of you. “Chris, hey!” you tried to snap out of it quickly. You smiled at him and his girlfriend. “Hi there! Did you enjoy the show?” you smiled asking her. “Hi! Hello! Sorry! I'm Ali!!” She grinned darting toward you.
You gasped as she hugged you tightly. “Ali!” Chris snapped, pulling her off of you. You looked behind you as the guards came running, “No it's fine. She’s just excited, it's okay, really I know them, they're friends of mine.” you smiled at the guards as they nodded and stood off to the side keeping an eye on her. “We’re friends?!” She giggled as Chris rolled his eyes a little. “You are my idol! I love everything you’ve ever done! Your music helped me through some very dark times in my life, you have no idea how much you mean to me.” Ali said quickly. You smiled sweetly at her. “Aw, Thank you Ali, yes of course we’re friends.” You grinned at her. “Why don’t I go get changed and we can hang out for a little bit,” you stated, looking from her to him. Ali turned to Chris and clasped her hands together. “Oh my gosh, can we Chris?? Can we please?!” she begged as he let out a breath, “uh yeah, but I'm sure Y/N’s real tired so we don’t wanna keep her up all night okay?” he smiled as she jumped up and down excitedly.
“Um, we’re staying across the street, The Inn at Meadowbrook, why don’t you come by and we can all grab some dinner at the restaurant in the lobby and then hang out on the back patio. It’s gated, no paps.” Chris smiled at you as Ali grinned. “It’ll be great!!” she watched as you laughed softly “yeah, absolutely, I’ll go change and meet you guys there.” you said as they smiled and left.
Megan followed you as you walked back to your dressing room. “Do you really think this is a good idea? Hanging out with him and her?” she asked as you entered the room. “It’ll be fine, I’m fine, and it might lead the press away from what else I’m working on.” you said smiling as you grabbed your lounge clothes and got changed. “I guess…just worry about what’s going to be said.” Megan sighed as you smiled softly. “It’s okay, just relax, and take the night off.” You walked out of the building, getting into your car quickly hearing fans screaming for you.
You’d managed to get inside the hotel without being seen and walked into the restaurant, noting how empty it was. “Rented it out for the night,” Chris said, coming up behind you. You turned and looked at him, looking him up and down. Dark blue jeans adorned his lower half, while a black t-shirt and red plaid button down fit his torso perfectly.
He stretched out his arms and pulled you into a hug. For a split second you wanted to bury your face into his neck and remember how it felt to be curled up with him. But, you knew better than that now. You knew he didn’t actually care about you.
You pushed yourself back and smiled softly at him, “best we don’t try anything other than a friendly handshake.” He threw his head back a little and gave you a “ah, I understand” before holding his hand out. You slipped your hand in his, holding it a moment longer than you should have before finally dropping it. “We can sit anywhere,” he spoke into the looming silence. “Oh, well why don’t we wait for-“ “hey!!!” Ally’s voice shot through the Restaurant loudly causing you to flinch slightly.
“Ugh couldn’t find the shoes I wanted to wear but it seems here my little Chrissy wrissy bear had put them in his suitcase!” She laughed, wrapping her arms around his as he stuck his hands in his pockets. “Oh, isn’t that sweet?” You commented with a smile. Dinner was going to be….great.
Once seated, by a window per Ali’s request, you began looking over the menu. “They have a fantastic burger and fries here as well as an awesome tenderloin,” Chris told you, causing you to look up at him. “God you can be so dumb Chris,” Ali laughed and shook her head “don’t listen to him. He doesn’t realize what us girls go through to stay in such perfect shape. They had a great grilled chicken salad,” she buried herself back in her menu, before she set it down. “Be right back gotta run to the little girls room,” she kissed Chris’s cheek and got up leaving the two of you at the table.
You set your menu down and let out a small sigh, “I think I’m going to get my dinner to go…I’m pretty exhausted and…” “Ali’s a lot. I know. She’s not normally like this…..well she is but it’s usually much more toned down. Why don’t I go talk to her and you order?” Chris said as he stood. You sighed “Chris…does she even know about us?” You asked softly. He looked down before he shook his head. “No, I’ve never told anyone.”
You sat back and watched him walk toward the bathrooms, why were you doing this to yourself? You felt that familiar pain upon hearing, “No, I never told anyone.” He was the one who had your heart in a Vice grip, even now, and you thought having dinner with him and her was a good idea? You were clearly insane.
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baby mama ~ machine gun kelly
word count: 2655
request?: yes!
@kellysimagines​ “well I had one in mind where the reader and colson have a child but are not together anymore and hes dating Megan now but the reader and colson have good contact for their child but also together and she comes over alot and also to bring and pick up their child and she secretly still loves him and Megan somehow knows and she demands that colson stops with the contact and he gets mad at her and wont do it cause they havea kid together and he begins to realise he also still loves her and breaks things off with megan and they talk again t eachother and get back together? :)”
description: in which his new girlfriend does not like how close he is to the mother of his child
pairing: machine gun kelly x female!reader
warnings: swearing
masterlist (one, two)
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When Colson and I broke up we made a promise to one another that we would stay civil for the sake of our one year old daughter, Melody.
The break up wasn’t bad to begin with. Colson was busy and constantly working, meanwhile I was home dealing with my pregnancy on my own, and then I was raising Melody on my own. It felt like we were just growing apart and we decided to end things before our relationship took a negative turn. It was hard because I very much did still love Colson, but I knew it was best for us and for Melody.
Colson continued to be in Melody’s life. When he wasn’t touring or filming, he would come over to take Melody. He would spend so much of his free time with her and Casie; his girls. Sometimes he would even invite me to come with them. He was, unsurprisingly, a great father, and something I would convince myself that this civil co-parenting thing would result in us getting back together eventually.
And then he brought Megan over to meet me.
I was getting Melody ready for Colson to pick her up when I heard the front door to my apartment open. I wasn’t too concerned, I usually left the door unlocked when Colson texted me to let me know he was coming to get Melody.
But then an unfamiliar female voice asked, “You just...walk in? You don’t knock?”
“I texted her to tell her we were on the way,” Colson’s voice responded. “She leaves the door unlocked for me.”
I stepped out before Colson answered to see him stood in my porch with a woman. But not just any woman. He was stood there with Megan Fox.
“Oh, hello,” I said. “I had no idea Colson was bringing a guest over. I’m sorry the place isn’t really prepared for guests.”
“Colson is a guest. You knew he was coming,” Megan said.
I didn’t really know how to answer that. The look Megan was giving me was not a friendly one. It made me feel so small and insignificant.
Colson didn’t notice as he happily introduced us. “Megan, this is (Y/N), Melody’s mom. (Y/N), this is Megan. I wanted to bring her by to meet you before you heard the news through some bullshit tabloid website.”
It took me a moment to realize what he meant and I tried to make sure my expression showed only shock and not the heartbreak I was also feeling.
“Oh, good for you, Colson,” I managed, with real shock by fake enthusiasm. “And it’s really nice to meet you, Megan.”
I extended a hand to her. She glanced at it for a moment, a look of disgust passing through her eyes before she took my hand and gave it a quick shake.
Colson let himself into my place, as he usually did, and effortlessly made his way to the living room where Melody was watching cartoons in her playpen. Megan seemed shocked by Colson’s comfortability in my apartment, but followed him anyways.
“Hello beautiful princess,” Colson cooed. Melody immediately smiled at the sight of her father. “Are you ready to come with daddy and his new friend?”
Melody cooed in response. Colson took her from her playpen as I went to grab the overnight bag I had packed for her.
“What’s your plan for the day?” I asked.
“I was thinking of taking Melody to the park while we wait for Casie to get out of school. Then we’re going out for dinner. Did you want to come? Casie has been asking to see you again.”
Normally, I would happily accept his offer. I loved to spend time with Casie and still considered her to be like my step daughter even though Colson and I weren’t together anymore. But I could see Megan stood behind Colson, glaring daggers into the back of his head before turning her deathly glare on me. She very clearly did not want me to join them in their plans.
“I...I actually have a lot to do around the house,” I told him. “Maybe next time.”
Colson wasn’t discouraged by my rejection. He shrugged and took the overnight bag from me. “I’ll have her back tomorrow evening.”
I saw them both out, calling for them to have a good time. Colson paused to turn back and wave Melody’s tiny hand at me. Megan silently got into the front seat and slammed the door shut.
I knew there was going to be some trouble in paradise over this whole visit.
I was proven right later that night when I texted Colson after not hearing from him all day. Usually, when he had Melody and I Wasn’t with them, he would send me messages and picture updates. The fact that he hadn’t texted me at all was starting to worry me.
It was a simple, friendly text: “hey, just checking in. is Melody okay? :)”
The response was quick and colder than normal: “she’s fine. we’ll be back tomorrow.”
I sighed and placed my phone aside. I figured that our “civil” co-parenting relationship was officially over because Megan didn’t like it. I guess I should’ve expected this for whenever Colson got a new girlfriend, but I hoped he would care enough about Melody to stand up for this decision we had made.
Or maybe I hoped he still loved me enough to want me in his life.
When he came by to drop Melody home the next evening, he knocked at my front door - further proving that he was allowing Megan to wedge herself between us.
I wasn’t shocked to see her in the passenger seat of Colson’s car, watching the two of us like a hawk.
“Hey,” I said, putting on a smile for Melody’s sake. “Hello mama’s girl. Did you have a good time with daddy?”
Colson passed her to me, a ghost of a smile on his face before it disappeared. “I’ll - uh - be back again next week. I’ll let you know when I’ll come by to get her.”
You could cut the tension with a steak knife.
I closed the door as Colson made his way back to his car; back to Megan.
I looked at the sweet infant in my arms. “I think things are about to become very tense between mommy and daddy.”
I didn’t hear from Colson for the next week, which I tried not to let bother me. If he was going to let a new girlfriend get between the promise he made to his daughter, that was his choice.
When he finally texted me, it was early one morning to let me know he was on his way to pick up Melody. and he’d likely be taking her for a few nights. I opted not to respond and just went to pack the bag for Melody’s visit.
A knock came at the front door. I went to answer and was shocked to find that Megan wasn’t with him.
“Hey,” he said.
“I’m still packing Melody’s bag,” I said, coolly.
“That’s okay. Can I come in while I wait?”
“I don’t know. Are you allowed to come in?”
Colson grimaced, which made me feel some pride. At least he was feeling bad for letting Megan control him the way she had.
I stepped aside and gestured for Colson to come in. I expected him to just wait in the porch since apparently it was a very big deal to his relationship if he came any further than the front door, but he walked in like he always did, making his way to the living room to see Melody. His mood immediately changed when his eyes landed on his daughter. He sat down next to her on the floor and started playing with the toys she had scattered around her.
I packed her bag as quickly as I could, still fearing the worst. It was Colson’s decision if he no longer wanted to be civil because of Megan, but I refused to be on the receiving end of Megan’s venom. She had to know there was nothing between Colson and I. He had chosen her. That was the end of it. There was no need for this childish jealousy she was seemingly displaying.
When I walked back out to the living room, I was hit with a flash of what life was like before Colson and I split up. He had her on his lap, both of their eyes glued to the TV where Melody’s favorite cartoons were playing. I had seen this image many times before when I was living at Colson’s house after Melody was born. I found myself longing for those days again, but quickly shook myself out of that train of thought.
“Here,” I said, holding the bag out to him. “She should be set for however long you decide to keep her, but if you need anything you can let me know.”
Colson stood from his spot on the floor, Melody in one arm as he took the bag with the other. “Thanks.”
A tense silence fell over us. We were just stood there, looking at one another. I tried not to get lost in those blue eyes that I loved so much because it just made my heart hurt even more. I hated having to remind myself that he wasn’t mine anymore. He belonged to someone else now.
“(Y/N),” he started, but then hesitated. Finally, he said, “I’m sorry.”
I felt a lump growing in my throat at his apology. I turned way from him, trying to make it seem like I was busy picking up Melody’s toys. “Shouldn’t you be going? Wouldn’t want Megan getting upset because you’re here too long.”
“We broke up.”
I turned quickly to look back at him. “What?”
Colson sighed and placed Melody back on the floor, along with her bag. He gestured to the couch, “Can we sit and talk? I think I have some explaining to do.”
I sat next to him. I was feeling very cautious for some reason. Like I needed to have my guard up in case this was some “gotcha” moment he was trying to pull on me. He wouldn’t look at me at first, opting instead to look at his lap as he spoke.
“The way I’ve been acting the last week...it wasn’t right. We made a promise to be civil for Melody’s sake no matter what, and the way I was acting wasn’t civil.”
“No, it wasn’t,” I agreed. “It really hurt me that you were so quick to throw away that promise for the first person you dated after we broke up.”
“I know. It wasn’t fair to you or to Melody. But after we came to get Melody that day, Megan just started freaking out when we were alone. She said that me and you were far too comfortable with one another for her liking, and she said it was obvious there were still feelings between us and that made her uncomfortable.”
I shook my head, trying to hide my face in case it displayed any signs of Megan’s analysis being right. “We’re just close for the sake of Melody. You’re the same way with Emma.”
“Yeah, that’s what I told her. But then she brought up me inviting you to come with us, and she wouldn’t listen when I told her that we always go out together and I didn’t invite you to be disrespectful to her or to make her uncomfortable. So I just left it. I told her I wouldn’t do that if it made her so upset, but she escalated it to she didn’t want me to talk to you at all unless it had to do with Melody, and she didn’t want me coming over and being all friendly in your apartment.”
I rolled my eyes. “And you agreed to that?”
He shrugged. “What else was I supposed to do? She was upset. She was freaking out in the car with Melody. I didn’t want her to scare Melody, so I just said I would to calm her down.”
I clenched my jaw at the thought of Megan scaring my child. If she was the result of anything negative happening to Melody, she’d be seeing me much more than she would want to.
“She seemed satisfied when I dropped Melody off the next day and it was a quick exchange and then we left. She saw that you had texted me that night and told me she didn’t like that, so I refrained from texting you the next week just to make her happy. But after a few days I realized that I wasn’t happy because I wasn’t talking to you and we weren’t going out and doing things as a family with Casie. I mean, yeah Megan was nice enough to the girls and Casie got along with her, but it’s not the same way you get along with Casie. She even asked me when she would get to see you again. Not when Megan was around, luckily.”
“So...what, you broke up with her because she didn’t like that you were close to the mother of your child?” I asked.
“No. Well...kind of. That was part of it. I tried to talk to her again to assure her that there was nothing between us besides the love for our daughter, but I realized as I was saying it that it wasn’t true. Because...that week of not taking to you was like hell to me, (Y/N). I hated it. Not sending you pictures or videos of Melody that day I had her killed me, and then to give you the cold shoulder and not talk to you at all for a week made me realize that...that I love you too much to not have you in my life.”
My heart skipped a couple beats. I tried to tell myself he didn’t mean it in a romantic way, but it was hard to deny his meaning when he was looking at me the way he was. With the love in his eyes that I used to see when we first got together; when I was pregnant with Melody; after Melody was born.
“This is going to be really awkward if you don’t feel the same way,” he continued. “But I don’t regret breaking up with Megan for you. Even if you don’t have feelings for me anymore and that potential romance between us is done forever, I still want to be in your life. I still want to be a family with you and Melody and Casie. But if that’s not what you want, I understand. I treated you like shit this last week because of someone I thought I loved, and if you don’t want to give me another chance because of that I understand. But I - ”
I cut off his rambling by jumping into his lap and attaching my lips to his. It took him by surprise at first, but he soon was kissing me back. His hands were roaming my body while mine were running through his soft hair. We were so lost in one another that we forgot we had a child sitting on the floor just inches away from us until she started cooing.
We pulled apart to look down at Melody, who was watching us with big, blue eyes; a mirror image of her dad’s. We looked back at each other and started to laugh.
“Why don’t you come over tonight, too?” Colson asked. “That is, if you don’t have any plans.”
“I don’t have any plans for the next few days,” I told him.
He smiled up at me and I smiled back. I quickly got off his lap and raced for my room to pack an overnight bag for myself.
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bellaxgiornata · 1 year
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Safe Haven [Chapter Eleven]
Pairing: Michael Kinsella x Fem!Reader Word Count: 5k [Series Masterlist]
Warnings/tags: 18+ for this series; contains violence, drug use, domestic abuse, smut, hurt/comfort, angst, mutual pining, friends to lovers
a/n: Finally getting chapter eleven up after a little break working on this fic! We get some cheeky Mikey fluff at the end of this one and the date you're all probably looking forward to will be in the next chapter! Feedback is always appreciated!
Tag list: @loveroftoomanyfandoms @farfromstrange @rotscinema @1988-fiend @shouldbestudying41 @shiorimakibawrites @norestfortheshelbywicked @mattmurdocksstarlight @acharliecoxedfan @roseallisonparker @yarrystyleeza @dramaholic18 @mattkinsella @ms-murdockswift @theetherealbloom @24hflower @mattmurdocksscars @schneeflocky @the-nursery
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"You were going to leave without saying anything to me?" Megan snapped.
Her hand darted out across the table, slapping your arm sharply and causing you to press a few keys on your laptop keyboard accidentally. Your head turned towards her, a guilty look on your face. 
"What the fuck, sis?" she shot. "You could have at least told me!"
“You’d have tried to come up with some ridiculous plan for me to stay,” you replied. “Don’t tell me otherwise.”
“We both could have talked to Birdy!” she exclaimed. “She likes me! Or we could’ve talked to Michael! I’m sure she would’ve listened to him .”
“I didn’t know that was a possibility, okay?” you explained. “I kept telling myself he’d believe her over me. And I figured if I told you I was leaving, you’d do something crazy like tell Michael–”
Megan pointed a firm finger at you, her expression serious when she cut you off. “You’re damn fucking right I’d have gone and told his ass you were getting run out of the country by his aunt. Because I’m pretty sure he wouldn’t be too thrilled if you just up and left on him. That man has caught feelings for you.” Her hand lowered, picking up her mug of coffee from the table with a sigh as she brought it to her lips. “So what did end up happening? Since you’re still here, I assume something happened.”
You sighed yourself, sitting back in the kitchen chair and focusing on your sister instead of the emails you’d been looking through. “I had my bags in the trunk of the car, was ready to make my way to the airport, but then Michael just literally shows up at that exact moment before I could leave,” you told her.
“Wow, that is some fortuitous luck,” she muttered.
“Birdy had been driving him back from the Garda station,” you continued. “So she was trying to tell him I was a liar and then I just–just blurted out the reason why I was actually leaving. It seemed to change her tune real quick. But oh Meg, you should have seen how pissed he was.”
“At you?” she asked, her brows pulling together.
You shook your head quickly. “No, at Birdy. For threatening me,” you told her.
Her eyes went wide as she swiftly leaned across the table towards you. “Was he screaming and cursing a bunch? Threatening her back?”
“Threatening her a bit it seemed. But no, it wasn’t some violent, loud outburst,” you answered. “It was like…this really calm, really collected rage. She practically shrank under his stare. It was…”
“Scary?” Megan supplied.
“No,” you admitted, a sheepish smile on your lips as you ducked your head. “It was…kind of hot, actually.”
Megan barked out a laugh, the sound only drawing a blush to further form on your cheeks. 
“Oh my God!” she squealed. “You want him to do some bad, bad things to you in the bedroom, don’t you?”
“What?” you asked in alarm, eyes going wide as your head darted back up.
“Stop it,” she said, grinning at you. “Because I also want him to do some bad, bad things to you in the bedroom. Damn girl, you need it.”
“Shut up,” you grumbled, eyes returning to your laptop.
“So was that all that happened? Because you were passed out last night when I got home, so you didn’t really tell me anything before bed,” she pressed.
Your bottom lip rolled between your teeth as you tried to bite back a smile. Megan caught on quickly, gasping audibly before she was leaning across the table again, slapping your arm repeatedly.
“Spill, bitch! Spill! Did you two finally fuck?” she pried.
“No, we didn’t do that!” you answered her, trying to swat away her hands. “But we talked briefly about Victor. And…some other things. But then he asked me out for coffee tomorrow morning and then we…kissed.”
Megan’s expression quickly changed to something soft as she cooed, “Aww, you finally kissed him? How was it? Was it good?”
Your gaze lowered to the table, the smile growing on your face as you recalled that moment from yesterday morning. You remembered the heavy sexual tension you felt in the air with his forehead pressed to yours, his warm breath falling over your lips. The way he’d finally and so carefully pressed his lips to yours in a gentle, sweet kiss. How your heart was pounding in your chest when his mouth had moved so deliberate and slow against yours. You’d melted into him on that couch when his big hands gradually held you firmly to him, right before his tongue had slipped into your mouth. You could still recall the way he tasted, the way his tongue felt against yours, and the memory of that alone was beginning to stir a heat within you. 
“Okay, well it must’ve been good because it looks like you’re getting a lady boner thinking about it,” Megan said, breaking through your thoughts.
You cleared your throat, licking your lips as you focused back on her. Biting back a smile you admitted, “He’s a really good kisser. And I would certainly like to explore… more of that with him.”
“And more of him , I’m sure,” Megan teased.
You rolled your eyes, your focus returning back to your emails. “Okay, yes, I would,” you agreed. “But I’m–”
Your sentence hung unfinished in the air when you spotted a new email that had come into your work email address inbox. The sender’s email address instantly caught your eye. It was your previous address from where you’d just disappeared from before uprooting and moving to Dublin. Swallowing hard, you realized Victor must have finally caught wind of your place in Wisconsin. It was probably only a matter of time before he discovered you’d been in Chicago next. Would he be able to figure out where you’d flown to from O’Hare airport?
“But you’re what?” Megan said in annoyance, nudging you with her foot under the table. “Come on, you know I hate when you leave me hanging like that.”
Mouth opening, no words came out as you continued to stare at the email. You felt the cold prickle of fear steadily creeping up your spine, blanketing you in the unpleasant sensation. 
“Grace?” your sister called out.
“It’s him,” you whispered, eyes glued to the screen. “He’s getting closer.”
Megan pushed her chair out, rising to her feet. “What?” she asked.
Stepping around behind you, Megan placed her hands on the back of your chair and leaned over your shoulder. You pointed at the email address on the screen. 
“That’s my old address in Wisconsin,” you explained. “I’d noticed he’d caught onto where I’d last stayed in Washington and slipped out to Chicago for a few weeks. I was afraid he’d find me in Wisconsin if I didn’t. And then I–I panicked in Chicago and that’s why I came out here.” 
You turned, looking at your sister beside you. Her focus steadily shifted back to you.
“I thought my best chance to get away was to finally leave the States,” you told her. “But I’m starting to worry. Birdy mentioned the Serpents have a chapter in Cork.”
Megan’s face fell as she stood upright, her hands landing on her hips. “You’re kidding me, right? They’re here now, too?”
“Yeah, apparently,” you answered. “Running guns in Ireland. Probably a new source for the Club Stateside. It makes sense.”
Megan’s eyes slowly returned to your laptop screen, your own gaze following it. She gestured a hand towards your computer.
“So are you going to open it?” she asked.
You shook your head quickly, staring at the email address that felt like it was taunting you. “No,” you said. “I’m starting to wonder if he’s tracking me through some of this. It’s better that I change my work email address again, but my editor is going to be pissed because I just did that a few days ago.”
“Who cares,” Megan said. “I’d rather she be pissed than you be dead.”
"Yeah," you breathed out. 
With your pulse still racing, you exited out of your email and closed your laptop. That feeling of being watched returned and the sensation only made your skin crawl. 
"We'll figure it out, okay?" Megan assured you. "And maybe it'll be harder for him to find you here. He's probably expecting you somewhere in the U.S. still. I doubt he'd think to look in Ireland."
"Right," you replied softly. "You're–you're probably right."
Movement outside of the kitchen window caught both of your attention, your heads both quickly spinning in the direction to see what it was. Birdy was making her way up the paved driveway and you noticed she was carrying a plate in her hands. What the hell was she up to now?
"Not what I needed this morning at all," you complained, rising to your feet.
"Maybe she isn't coming to run you out of Ireland this time?" Megan suggested. 
You didn't answer her as you made your way to the front door. Opening it, you came face to face with Birdy and the polite smile on her face. Crossing your arms over your chest, you leant up against the doorframe as Megan came to stand behind you. 
"Birdy," you greeted sharply. 
"G'mornin' dears," she said cheerily. "I hope you're doin' well?"
"Better than I was doing earlier in the week," you answered flatly with a pointed stare. 
Her smile briefly faltered at your words, her eyes landing on Megan behind you for a moment before they returned to you. Awkwardly she held up the plate in her hands, your eyes dropping down to the baked good that was on it.
"Made ya both a coffee cake," she said. "Couldn' exactly sleep last night and I felt bad for…what I'd done."
"How do I know you didn't poison that?" you asked, gesturing to the coffee cake.
Birdy’s face fell as she nodded. "S'pose I deserve that," she said. "But I didn't poison it. I came to offer a proper apology. For what I unknowingly did to ya, dear."
One of your brows arched in surprise at her. You certainly hadn't been expecting that as the cause of her visit. 
"Would it be alrigh' if I come inside for a chat, Grace?" she asked hopefully. "Just the two of us?"
For a moment you contemplated what she was asking of you, your lips pressing firmly together as you stared back at her. Eventually you pushed off the doorframe and stepped aside, waving Birdy in. You figured it was probably better to hear her out. If she really was going to make amends it was better to have Birdy on your side than against you. 
Birdy made her way straight to the kitchen as you closed the front door, hearing Megan following behind her. When you stepped into the kitchen yourself, you saw your sister grabbing her half empty mug of coffee from the table where you both had previously been, her eyes lingering hungrily on the coffee cake as she began to make her way out of the room.
"I'll be in the back garden if you need me," she said to you as she passed by.
Your attention focused on Birdy, arms still firmly crossed over your chest as you stood opposite the kitchen island from her. Neither of you spoke until you'd heard the back door slide open and then closed again, signaling the pair of you really were alone. 
  "I'm sorry for jumpin' to conclusions, Grace," Birdy began, her tone shockingly sincere. "I noticed somethin' seemed off from the moment I met ya and I couldn' let it go. I had to look into it because that naggin' feelin' wouldn't leave me be. I needed to make sure ya weren't some sorta threat to my family. Ya have to understand that, at least."
"I do," you replied, arms still crossed over your chest. "I understand that, but you also threatened me, Birdy."
That look you'd seen her give Mikey yesterday morning was on her face again now. It was oddly disarming as she glanced down at the coffee cake on the counter before her. Her fingers were nervously tapping along the edge of the plate.
"I–I cannot apologize enough," she said, gently saying your real name. "I didn't know he was your ex-fiance. Nor did I know he was…violent with ya. There was–was nothin’ in my searchin’ that woulda been able to tell me any of that." 
She winced, her gaze still on the coffee cake but it looked distant. As if she was somewhere else right now, somewhere besides your sister’s kitchen. You watched her in silence, waiting for her to speak again. 
"I s'pose I should have read it on your face, dear," she continued quietly. "I understand what it was that caught my attention with ya now. Because I’ve been there myself."
You stiffened at her admission, sucking in a sharp breath. The sound drew her eyes back up to yours. She sent you a sad smile before she slowly nodded.
“Ya aren’t alone, Grace,” she admitted. “But ya say you're here in Dublin hidin' from your ex then?" 
"Yes," you answered. 
Birdy’s eyes narrowed a little at your response. "How long have ya been hidin' from him, dear?" she asked next. 
"Almost two years," you confessed. 
"And he’s lookin' to hurt ya, is he?" she pressed.
You nodded, your arms further tightening over your chest. The email from just a bit ago flashed through your mind.
"More like kill me," you told her.
Birdy eyed you for a long moment, her eyes softer than they'd ever been towards you. You felt yourself gradually relaxing in her presence this time.
"Have ya ever thought 'bout fightin' back, pet?" she asked curiously. "Instead of hidin'?"
Brows rising up onto your forehead, you gaped back at her. "What?" you questioned.
She pressed both of her hands to the countertop, leaning forward towards you. There was a dangerous smile drawing the corners of her lips up, something devious in the piercing blue of her eyes.
"Have ya thought 'bout takin' him out yourself, dear?" she clarified. "Standin' your ground? Stop lettin' him scare ya away from living your life?"
"Are you suggesting I kill him?" you gasped, eyes widening.
"I'm suggestin' exactly that," she replied. 
Mouth still open, you could feel your heart beating wildly in your chest at the idea. You'd never considered that before. You'd certainly never killed someone before and you didn't think you had it in you. Victor was dangerous and he certainly would not hesitate to kill you, but you? Kill him ?
"Now I don’t necessarily mean you need to be doin’ the deed. But it’s just a thought, dear," Birdy said, pushing back off the counter and shrugging a shoulder. "Ya caught Mikey's eye and I have a feelin' he's already thinkin' along those lines himself."
"I don't want him involved," you said immediately. "I don't want him to get hurt."
"Ohh, love," Birdy said with a light laugh. "I assure ya that our sweet Mikey can certainly handle himself. Ya don’t need to worry your pretty little head ���bout him.” Birdy’s head tilted to the side, her eyes narrowing again. “D’ya have a gun, dear?”
“What?” you asked, surprised again by her bluntness. “No–no. Not here. It’s not exactly like I could travel with one.”
Birdy’s hand lightly patted the countertop. “I’ll get ya one, Grace. In case ya have need of it. Ya never know,” she said. “But maybe let’s not tell Mikey ‘bout it, yeah? I imagine he’ll be wantin’ to be doin’ the protectin’.”
“I–” you paused, your brows knitting together in confusion on your forehead.
All week Birdy had been wary of you. Making threats and trying to push you out of Dublin. Now she was showing up with coffee cake and chatting, offering to bring you a gun for protection. It was a drastic change from how she’d been and it had made you more than a little curious and confused.
“Why’re you suddenly trying to help me?” you asked. “You’ve been spending this past week trying to get rid of me and now you’re offering to bring me a gun?”
“I don’t like men like your ex,” Birdy stated sharply, her jaw set firm. “And I look out for my family. Even though I know ya aren’t family, pet, ya mean somethin’ to my Mikey. And that means somethin’ to me. So as long as you aren’t a threat to the Kinsellas, you’ll have me lookin’ out for both your sister and yourself.”
You swallowed the lump of emotions forming in your throat at her words. It had been so long–too long–since anyone else had looked out for you. Now here Birdy was, easily switching from enemy to ally just like that.
“I’ve seen how happy you’ve been makin’ Mikey lately,” Birdy added softly, a little smile returning to her mouth. “It warms my heart. He cares ‘bout ya. And I’m guessin’ the feeling’s mutual?”
Heat crept onto your cheeks, your eyes dropping down to your feet. “I haven’t exactly had the opportunity to be with anyone in a long time,” you admitted. “Never stayed anywhere long enough after Victor. I tried to push him away but–” you bit your lip, recalling the way his hazel eyes saw you. “I can’t–can’t seem to stay away from him. It’s like he gets me. Sees me. Doesn’t judge me. And I just…find myself wanting to let him in.”
“Hmm,” Birdy happily hummed out, making her way around the kitchen island towards you. “He’s a good man, Michael. A very good man. One with a very big heart. Don’t let his past scare ya, dear. He’d never hurt ya. Despite the things he’s done, Mikey’s a very gentle soul.”
Your eyes rose back up and landed on Birdy’s warm smile. Somehow the heat only increased in your cheeks at the conversation.
“I’m not afraid of him,” you said. “I’ve already told him that.”
“Good,” Birdy stated. “Bet he needed to hear that. But I won’t overstay my welcome, pet,” she continued. “If ya need me, ya know where I live. Don’t hesitate to ask for help with anythin’–especially if it’s some of the Kinsellas themselves. Sometimes they can be a handful and we currently have some… things keepin’ us on edge.”
“I haven’t exactly met the others,” you told her.
“Ahh well,” Birdy said, a grin on her face. “I’m sure ya will soon enough.”
You watched as she turned, making her way out of the kitchen and towards the front door. A few seconds later you startled when she popped her head back into the kitchen.
“I’ll get ya that gun, soon,” she assured you. “Don’t ya worry.”
“Thank you,” you whispered.
Birdy sent you one last smile before she opened the front door and stepped out. Through the kitchen window you watched as she made her way back down the driveway and turned towards her house. 
So she was going to get you a gun and she wasn’t trying to run you out of Ireland anymore. She seemed sincere in her apology, too. Things seemed to be working out, for now at least.
Maybe Dublin wouldn’t be so bad. Maybe you could let your walls down a little bit here. And maybe Birdy was on to something about standing your ground instead of hiding.
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Resting your back against the headboard of your bed, you were working on interacting with your fans on social media just as Angela had reminded you to do earlier this evening. As you’d predicted, she’d been quite agitated when you needed to change your email address yet again so soon, but when you’d told her you’d made progress towards the deadline, she’d quickly eased up on you.
After Birdy’s visit earlier, despite the intimidating email this morning, your mood had lightened a bit and you’d found the words just seemed to flow right out of you. You’d managed to write quite a few thousand words before you’d gotten a bit of a headache and decided to focus on social media before calling it a night. Which is why you’d been relaxing on your bed for the past hour now, responding to messages and comments. Thankfully none of which were from your ex this time.
The light turning on in Michael’s room caught your eye and you immediately glanced up from your laptop screen on your lap. Michael was making his way into his bedroom, one hand running through his hair. He looked tired as he shuffled into his room, but he stopped in his tracks when he spotted you laying on the bed. Hand slowly dropping to his side, a smile began to form on his lips.
You hadn’t seen him since yesterday morning when he’d stopped you from leaving. You’d admittedly been a little disappointed when he hadn’t reached out to you at all today–or later last night to potentially continue where things had left off–but you knew you were getting coffee with him tomorrow morning. You’d see him then. But watching him now as he slowly made his way towards his bedroom window with his eyes locked on you and that grin steadily growing on his mouth, you realized you’d really missed him today.
Michael eventually came to a stop at his window, his hands reaching down and pulling it up. He stuck a hand out, gesturing towards your window and clearly asking you to do the same. With a playful roll of your eyes, you closed out of the tabs on your laptop and closed it, setting it aside on the mattress. And then you slid off the side of the bed and rose to your feet, making your way over towards the window. Grabbing onto it, you pulled it up high and were greeted with the chilly night air outside. You bent down and stuck your head outside, resting your elbows on the window ledge. Across from you, Michael copied the gesture, a tired smile on his face as he did. With the pair of you leaning out of the window like this, you could have been close enough to touch if you both had just reached out.
“Hi,” you said, unable to resist the grin forming on your own mouth.
“Hey,” he replied.
“Haven't seen you in awhile,” you told him. 
“I’m sorry ‘bout that,” he replied, a hand scratching at his beard. “Family shite came up. Been dealin’ with the…aftermath of some things.”
The shooting he’d done the other night, no doubt. It had probably started a feud. You hoped it wasn’t anything too serious though.
“I understand,” you said. “Been…dealing with a few things myself.”
His dark brows pulled together instantly, his expression switching to concern and worry. “Your ex?” he asked.
You shook your head, eyes focusing on your fidgeting hands. “Nothing serious at the moment. Nothing to be too worried about just yet at least. But Birdy paid me a visit this morning,” you told him.
“She come 'round to make more threats?” Michael asked, an edge to his words.
“No!” you answered quickly, eyes flying back up to his face as you shook your head. “No, she actually came over to apologize. And it was…surprisingly genuine. I hadn’t been expecting that. Or the coffee cake."
The muscles in his face relaxed, the tension in his shoulders easing. He ran a hand over his mouth, a small smile already back on it.
“Yeah, Birdy she–she's a good one," he said, the fondness clear in his voice. "She means well, but she's very protective over the family." The smile faltered on his face, the corners of his lips curving downward as he continued. "And I'm sorry she did what she did to ya, Grace. It wasn' right."
"Well it's settled now," you assured him.
"I'm–I'm glad ya didn't leave, either," he admitted softly. 
"Me too," you agreed. 
A coy smile gradually spread over your lips as you continued to hold his gaze. Michael’s brow rose curiously at the sight of it. 
"Because I'd have apparently missed a really good kiss if I had," you added.
A bark of surprised laughter flew out of Michael, a bright smile lighting up his face once again. The sound stirred something warm in you, your heart skipping happily in your chest. You watched as he bit his lip when his laughter subsided, eyeing you fondly across the small distance.
"Yeah?" he asked, a boyish grin on his mouth. "Ya weren't the only one who would've missed it. I'll tell ya that."
"You know," you continued with a sly smile, watching as his only grew when he leaned further out of his window towards you, "we never did get to pick up where we left off."
"Mmm," he hummed out, coming to rest his chin in his palm. "You're right. We didn't. Maybe tomorrow mornin' we can."
"Oh that's right," you teased, feigning innocence. "You asked me on a date, didn't you?"
"Only took ya two times to finally accept," he countered.
You laughed, your body feeling like it was lighter than air right now. It had been so long since you'd felt like this and somehow Michael kept managing to achieve it without really even trying. There was just something about him, you didn't understand it, but he made you feel safe. When you were with him, you forgot all your worries and fears. It was just the two of you. 
You liked it.
"I'm lookin' forward to gettin' coffee with ya in the mornin'," Michael confessed. "But I should probably get some sleep myself. Been a long couple of days for me."
You nodded, ignoring the disappointment that flooded you. You'd see him tomorrow, you reminded yourself. For a date. And you'd surely get to kiss him again then. 
"I won't keep you up," you told him. "I should probably get some sleep soon, too."
"G'night, Grace," he said, a warm smile on his mouth. 
"Goodnight, Michael," you replied.
Both of you slipped back through your windows, your eyes still locked on each other as you both closed them. You couldn't help but laugh when you saw him grab onto his curtains to close them.
"No show tonight?" you joked, knowing he couldn't hear you. 
Michael paused, his eyes on your lips as his brows drew together in confusion. His hand released his curtain and instead came down to reopen his window. He gestured back to yours and you felt heat creeping up your neck. Slowly you opened your window back up.
"What'd ya say, pet?" he asked, brows still pulled together. "Didn't hear ya."
You cleared your throat awkwardly. He wasn't supposed to have heard what you'd said to begin with but how else did you respond to that? 
"I uh, I was just saying there's no show for me tonight," you said, your cheeks burning.
Michael’s eyebrows rose slowly onto his forehead, a cheeky grin snaking its way onto his lips. "Oh yeah? Enjoyed that did ya?" he teased. 
Swallowing hard, you wished you could disappear into the floor. "I was–was just joking," you replied awkwardly.
"Mmm," he hummed out, that cheeky smile still on his mouth. "Well I been wonderin' where my show was," he teased.
Your jaw dropped at his unexpected boldness and Michael chuckled. You hadn't anticipated that to come out of him.
"Michael Kinsella," you said, his name coming out more breathless than you'd intended which only appeared to grow his smile. "And here I was thinking you were a little shy ."
He laughed again, shaking his head at you. "I assure ya, pet, I'm not shy," he told you. "But I'm only jokin' myself."
Closing your mouth you tried to recover, but it was difficult considering the look that Michael was still giving you from his room. Especially after that comment. You wished you could jump the gap into his room and discover just how not shy he really was.
"I'll see ya in the mornin', Grace," he said, shooting you a wink.
You tried to bite back the smile on your face, your cheeks burning still. You wondered if he could see it as he lowered his window, that cheeky grin turning a little smug smirk on his face. Reaching up, you lowered your own window, your eyes still fixed on Michael as you did. 
You were about to send him a wave and close your curtains, but you saw his hands grab the hem of his navy sweater before he pulled it up over his head, tossing it onto the floor behind him like he'd done the other morning. Laughter bubbled out of you, a hand lifting to cover your mouth as you watched him point to you through the window. You swore he'd said 'just for you' before he grinned, the brightness from his smile reaching his eyes. Your own eyes openly roved the sight of his now exposed chest, your fingers desperately itching to touch him.
He was certainly attractive, you couldn't deny it.
You were still laughing when he sent a wave your way, your hand falling from your mouth to return the gesture. Slowly he closed the curtains, cutting off your view of him. It took you a moment to stop the giggles that your laughter had fallen into and finally close your own curtains. 
As you made your way back to your bed, flipping open your laptop to finish what you'd been doing before you went to sleep, you couldn't help but realize you were still smiling. You certainly liked Michael Kinsella, that much was incredibly obvious. And whatever this was forming between you both had been absolutely unexpected when you'd disappeared to Dublin. But you were quickly becoming grateful for it.
And as the night wore on, you found yourself steadily growing giddy and nervous for your coffee date with him tomorrow morning.
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hollywoodxwhore · 1 year
Ours - Epilogue
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Synopsis: Presley and Colson fell in love accidentally, but they were meant to be. Now that all the obstacles have been removed, they're moving in together in LA. Now, they have all the time in the world for Colson to teach Presley all of the things he knows. This fic is the sequel to Mine, which can be found in my masterlist!
Warnings/Content: mentions of mental illness (PTSD, anxiety), mentions of therapy, short & sweet with fluff
I can't believe I'm wrapping up the second part of this story. It's wild to me how much y'all loved this and even more wild that I've decided to write a third part! You might be able to guess the title after reading the epilogue. Thank you all so very much for your support!
Three Months Later 
Presley received a diagnosis of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. PTSD.
I should’ve seen it coming. All the signs were there. At least now we have a name for what’s happening, as well as a treatment plan. 
Couples therapy once a week. Individual cognitive behavior therapy twice a week. Medication for panic attacks as needed as well as a daily anxiety pill. I find myself feeling very thankful for our financial situation. I can’t imagine how hard it must be to get help for people who don’t make much money. That’s why there's such a mental health crisis in our country. As mad as it makes me, I’m relieved that I can provide support for my wife.
At our first couples therapy session, we both cried. A lot. Presley admitted that she blames herself for the choice I almost made. She can’t let go of the fact that if Cash hadn’t shown up, I would’ve gone through with it. The therapist told her that if we always live in a world of what-ifs, then we can never live in the present. It’s something we’ve been working on ever since.
We’re closer than ever after what happened. We’re so good at talking things out and taking care of each other. We’re at the point where I can leave the house without Pres if I need to as long as I give her a heads up. It’s not like she’s “healed” yet. Healing is a long process but I’m confident we can get there.
The boys and I are going on tour finally. We delayed it because of everything that happened, but when we finally put tickets on sale, everything sold out fast. Somehow, the whole Megan situation brought us more fans. I’m not complaining. We’ve even added a couple of dates at bigger places and those are almost sold out, too. It’s crazy and surreal and I’m so proud of us.
Presley is going to come on tour with us, and this time, she’ll be around for the whole tour. I loved touring with Pres. I loved coming backstage to find her there, to catch her in my arms. It means so much to look out and see her smiling back at me, singing all my songs. It fills my heart with so much love that I don’t even know what to do with it. 
We leave tomorrow. I’ve been packing all day and Presley is due home any time. She went out for lunch with Olivia. Once a week, she’s encouraged to leave the house without me. She’s been following the plan religiously and doing such a good job, but I do miss her. I can’t wait to see her, to hold her. I can’t wait to have her on tour with me. 
Just as I zip up my suitcase, I hear the front door open and I smile, eager to see my girl. I rush out of my room and jog down the stairs, but I stop in my tracks when I see my wife. Something is off. 
She stands stiffly in the doorway holding an envelope with something inside of it. My brow furrows as I glance at the envelope and then up at her face. She looks worried but also…happy? Her eyes are especially bright today. 
“Pres?” I question, walking closer. I place my hands on her waist. 
“Hey, babe,” she says quietly. Her voice shakes a little.
I frown at her. “What’s wrong?”
“I…um…” She bites her lip and then hands me the envelope. “Just open it.”
Confused, I take a step back from her so I have room to reach into the envelope. My brow furrows when I pull out…a Covid test? “Shit, baby,” I say, stomach dropping. “You have Covid?”
She shakes her head, face screwing up in confusion. “What? What are you talking about?” 
“This is a positive Covid te–” I stop in my tracks when I realize what a fucking dumbass I am. I look at the test again, my eyes going so huge it must look comical. This is not a Covid test. No, it’s got a pink cap and a screen with a plus sign. I lift my eyes to Presley, my own dangerously close to shedding tears. “Presley…” I breathe.
Presley lets out a little laugh as her own eyes fill with tears. “Yeah.”
“Is this…this is real?” I ask, bouncing on my toes. “Are you sure?”
Presley giggles and the tears finally spill down her cheeks. “This is one of three tests I took. All positive,” she says. She takes it from my hand and sets it on a little table by our front door. Then, her jade eyes find mine again. “Colson,” she says, then takes a deep breath. “I’m pregnant.”
Time stands still. My heart suddenly feels too big for my chest, like it’s going to explode out of me. My palms tingle and elation builds in my stomach. “R-really?” I ask quietly. 
Presley nods, lip quivering, but she smiles. “We’re having a baby, Colson. You’re going to be a dad.”
It’s those words that finally break me out of my trance. I lunge forward and heave my girl into my arms. She shrieks as I lift her up, her legs surrounding my waist. I laugh and kiss her hard, rocking her in my arms. My tears spill out, too. A baby. I’m going to be a dad. We’re going to be parents.
“I know we’re going on tour and it’s not the best time,” she says breathlessly against my lips.
I shake my head. “It’s the perfect time,” I say, because I don’t care what’s happening in our lives. We’re having a baby. I laugh again and kiss her lips, holding the back of her head while my other arm holds her up. 
“So you’re happy?” she asks.
“God, Pres,” I laugh. “I’m fucking ecstatic. This is the best day of my life!”
Presley laughs tearfully and nods. “Mine, too.”
“I love you,” I say, kissing her again. “So much.” When I pull back from the kiss, I glance down between us. I set Presley on her feet and sink to my knees. My hands go to her belly, still flat and toned, but soon enough, it’ll be perfectly round, carrying our child. I smile to myself and press a kiss to her belly. Presley runs her hands through my hair and looks at me lovingly.
I take a shaky breath and look at her stomach. “Little bean,” I say softly, “this world is yours.”
Taglist: @triplexdoublex@jaxbreaker@mgklove99xx@jinx-on-mars-19xx@iamnotanearthlingmotherfucker@anonymousme86@whiteleoqueen@feroniakutenpuu@hxllywoodwhxree
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transastronautistic · 1 month
Example of a sensory meltdown — buildup, lashing out, shame & relational repair
Excerpts from episode 44 of the Divergent Conversations podcast, hosted by two AuDHD mental health professionals.
MEGAN NEFF: ...I like to link [sensory meltdowns] to nervous system states...that fight/flight energy. And so it's pretty visible to the people around us. And so it's kind of like our brain is melting from all the sensory overload.
And then, like, I know, for me, like, I actually just had a sensory meltdown, which is, I haven't had one in years, Patrick. But I had one last week.
PATRICK CASALE: What was going on?
MEGAN NEFF: Well, we got a new puppy, so I haven't been sleeping well. And then I forgot how overstimulating puppies are. And he has this really loud, high-pitched bark. ...And so I hadn't slept well. ...I was trying to, like, manage the puppy, but then upload something to WordPress, which is a platform I do not understand. ...
And you've seen my desktop. I was like trying to find the file and I couldn't even find the file I was trying to upload. So, it was like this series of fatigue sensory overwhelm. I was having a really bad health day. And it was just like too much.
So, the way I describe it, like, I feel like I want to lash out, which is, again, very not normal for me. And at times, it's looked like lashing out at myself.
In adolescence, I think, I was having a lot of meltdowns, and that's what led to a lot of my self-harm. So, there's this, like, very kind of aggressive needing to lash out. And I see that as like needing to get the energy out is what it feels like.
So, I'm so not proud of this. But I'm going to say this because a lot of autistic people have a lot of shame around their meltdown. So, I'm going to be really transparent here. In that moment, my husband was in the room. And I was like, "This was a terrible idea. I think we should give this puppy back."
I knew when I said it there's no way we're, like, rehoming this puppy. Like, that would crush the kids. Like, that doesn't feel ethical to me. And like, I knew it wasn't true. But I said it.
And I think what I was saying in that moment is like it's too much. ...I was like, "It's too much, it's too much." And I started to cry. And I went upstairs and I put the dogs in their crate, and they napped, and I napped. And then I was tired for the rest of the day. But it was better.
Yeah. So, like, I feel the cortisol when I'm in a meltdown. And I'm someone who, typically, has a lot of control over myself. And so these moments when it feels like I have less control are really disarming, they're really scary.
...Before I explain shutdown, do you want to add anything about meltdowns or your experience of them?
PATRICK CASALE: Yeah, I wanted to say, like, one, thanks for naming that. I know that's an inside look into what was happening. And I know that was a lot.
It sounds like to me, like when you hit that moment, right? And this is just my own experience with any sort of sensory meltdown, when you said, "I want to give this dog back." Or whatever, you were just at your limit. You were just like, so overwhelmed, and so frustrated, and so worn down, and that was the old way to express those emotions that you were experiencing.
And then once you once you say it out loud, you're just kind of like, "Yeah, obviously, we're not going to do that. And I'm still really overwhelmed."
And I find for me, the best answer all the time is that quiet dark like, "I need to sleep, I need to lay down, I just need to be in a state where I can just, like, melt into the bed and not have to have any responsibilities."
And I will be honest, as I'm watching my two dogs circle each other for a treat...One of them has created that sensation for me so many times because he's tiny. He has that like high pitch bark. He barks at everything. He is a lot.
And I have lived with my dad for about two months down in Florida, two years ago. I had brought both dogs. And my dad's house is not 100 square feet, two beds, one bathroom. It was hot, it's humid, it's Florida. Everything that could happen that led to like these sensory meltdowns was happening...and I'm in my dad's house and the dog is barking at everything...And my dad is getting frustrated. And I'm like, "Okay, how do I handle this?"
And then I was like, scared to leave my dad's house, because I didn't want my dog to just be barking and my dad to have to deal with it. So, it was becoming a situation where I was literally having these sensory meltdowns on almost multiple times a day.
And it felt like I was at my wit's end. It felt like I'd really, like you've said, my cortisol is ramping up. I also consider myself someone who's pretty in control of how I experience my emotions a lot of the time or how I, at least, put them into the world. And I was just getting very short, very frustrated. Like, no longer could function, right? Even the littlest of tasks become the biggest of tasks and they become almost impossible, because my executive functioning is just out the window. It's just not existing. I'm like, "I can't even think straight right now."
And it becomes a situation where, like, I feel so shameful, and so defeated, and so overwhelmed, and I want to cry--I never cry, it probably would be helpful in those moments. And I just feel lost, like I don't know what to do.
And they do pass but in those moments they're really painful...
MEGAN NEFF: Yeah, they're so painful. And they're so embarrassing. Like the other day, I felt like a child tantruming. And like, I'm a...39-year-old like human who like, yeah, it's so embarrassing.
And I hear that a lot from people, that that's one of the hardest things about a meltdown is afterwards, like, embarrassment and the shame.
And also, like, they can do a lot of relational damage, right? Like, I was talking about my dog, and I was able to circle back to my spouse, and be like, "I didn't actually mean that. I knew I didn't mean it, here's what was happening."
But like, there's scenarios where, you know, maybe that comment, "I want to get rid of this puppy." Maybe for some people it's, "I want to divorce." Or, "I want to…" Like, if it's coming out at another person, I think, in meltdowns we can say some really harmful things out of that. It's too much energy. And I think that gets really complicated.
And, again, we're acting very incongruent from our values in meltdowns for a lot of time. And so, naturally, we're going to experience a lot of shame in the aftermath of that.
PATRICK CASALE: And one thing you just mentioned that I think is important is when you said, "I'm a 39-year-old person, but I feel like a child."
But in those moments, there's a lot of inner child wounding happening. And there's a lot of inner child stuff going on where I think we can all think back to when we were kids, when we weren't attuned to, when we weren't tended to, when we weren't co-regulated with, when we weren't supported...and you act out, feel like I have to get my point across, I have to be able to express myself.
And as adults, we learn to keep that contained. Like, we regulate ourselves. We don't let those emotions come out in a way. And it's almost like this volcano, right? Like, it's like bubbling, bubbling, bubbling, also, a rupture. ...
And then you immediately go into that shame spiral of like, "What did I just do? What did I just say? How did I just react? That was so embarrassing of me. I didn't have control over myself." …
MEGAN NEFF: So, okay, I like don't even want to go there, because I don't have an answer, but...here's the tension I feel of this idea of like, we don't have control in a meltdown.
And that's actually been really helpful, also, in my parenting of understanding like, if one of my children has a meltdown, like, they're not trying to be hurtful, this is not something that they have a lot of control over.
And again, I'm not sure is it that we have no control, is it we don't have much control? Like, I don't know, categorically.
MEGAN NEFF: There's this idea of, like, accountability. So, let's say we do have a meltdown. And we say something painful. And we also understand we had less control over what we were saying or doing. Or if we do something painful, like what does it look like to repair relationally after that? How much accountability should we be having for those moments? …
And then this is, again, something that when it's talked about, it's talked about with a lot of like harshness, and quietness, and shame. But like, you know, there's a lot of parents out there, specifically, who are wondering "what do I do when my adolescent has a meltdown and they become aggressive, like toward a sibling or toward me?" Like, this is really hard territory we're talking about.
PATRICK CASALE: Yeah, yeah, yeah. Very, very, very hard. From that perspective, like, what do I do if my loved one is becoming aggressive in public? What do I do? You know, and let's say, if I'm thinking about my nieces and nephews who are young black kids and so, what if that happens in public? There's so many safety risks there, like jail. ...
But I know that there are often ruptures that need to be repaired. And when you mentioned accountability, that's huge, right? Like, if I was having a meltdown and I'm with my wife, I will often fall into that shame aspect. "I shouldn't have acted like that. I shouldn't have reacted like that." And it takes time for me to regulate, and ground, and sooth.
And I oftentimes will say to her, "Hey, this is what was happening. And I'm really sorry I reacted like that." And she'll always say, "I know."
And I'm like, "Well, I guess thank you for understanding. But I still wanted to take accountability over that."
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moosekateer13 · 9 months
Chapter 11: Electric Touch
3 weeks later…
Canyonwood Ridge Chapel
Drippings Springs, Texas
Well, today is the big day Jared and I are getting married. I'm so nervous. 
I look at myself in the mirror. This silk dress with lace overlay and beaded straps is gorgeous. For something old and borrowed I'm wearing my mom’s veil, the one she wore at her wedding to my dad.
My bouquet contains lavender and tiger lilies with ribbons from the dresses Emery and Odette wore when they were little. Lavender is my favorite flower while tiger lilies were my grandmother’s. I remember her planting them when I was a kid. It's a way of having her here; she's no longer with us. Both of my parents will walk me down the aisle. 
Emery is my maid of honor of course I wouldn't have it any other way. Holy, Genevive, Megan, and Hilarie are my bridesmaids. Who would've thought Hilarie would even be one of them? We've grown close in the last couple of years.
Jared’s brother Jeff is his best man. Jensen, Jeff, Anson and Cliff are his groomsmen.
Okay, my dad’s here it's time.
Jared’s smile could light up the room. The loving look he gives me while I make my way down to him makes my heart skip a beat.
My parents hand me off to Jared.
“Okay, we are gathered here today to join Y/N Y/L/N and Jared Padalecki in holy matrimony. The bride and groom have written their own vows.”  Pastor Hudson Cofrancesco said.
“I've witnessed true love once in my life and that is my parents. Who has been married for over 3 decades. I never thought I'd find it but you proved me wrong when you walked into my life. You make me feel loved and cherished. I promise to make you feel the same way as long as we both shall live.” I said.
“It's been a long road for both of us to get where we are now. I'm forever lucky you ended up coming into my life. I will continue to make you feel loved and cherished for the rest of our lives.”Jared said.
“Jared and Y/N will now exchange rings.” Pastor Hudson Cofrancesco said.
“Jared take this ring as a symbol of my promises today,” I said as I slipped the silver band on his ring finger.
“Y/N take this ring as a symbol of my promises today,” Jared said as he slipped the matching silver band on my finger.
“I now pronounce you husband and wife Jared, you may kiss your bride.” Pastor Hudson Cofrancesco said 
Jared eagerly pulls me into his arms and we exchange a passionate kiss.
“Now presenting Mr. and Mrs. Jared Tristan Padalecki.” Pastor Hudson Cofrancesco said with a smile. 
Jared and I walk arm and arm down the aisle.  I feel all warm and blissful. I never thought I would feel this happy.
Our guests blow bubbles as we exit the church as we make our way to the impala.
We head off to our reception at Jensen’s Brewery.
The place is gorgeously decorated in Our colours for the wedding blue with a hint of lavender.
After the speeches are done, and the dinner is eaten. We share our first dance to Taylor Swift’s Electric Touch. It fits our relationship so well since his touch brought my heart back to life. Regarding believing in love.
All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life
Got a feelin' your electric touch (oh)
All I know is this could either break my heart or bring it back to life
Got a feelin' your electric touch could fill this ghost town up with life
And I want you now, wanna need you forever
In the heat of your electric touch, mmm
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wqintraining · 8 months
 We open in Dr. Sean Garrison’s office, where he’s having a seemingly normal session with Quentin. 
GARRISON: “Anything new in your life? Friends? Crushes? Anxieties?” 
QUENTIN: “Don’t think I’m welcome with my old “friends” anymore, but I don’t care. I’ve got my own gang now.” 
GANG: “A gang?” 
QUENTIN: “Just a name. Was actually thinking of calling us “The Omega Gang”. You know. For the infinite potential we’re going to show humanity we have.” 
Garrison laughs. 
GARRISON: “Cute.” 
QUENTIN: “Some of the girls in the gang brought in a kid. Still unsure about her. Crushes? No. But I figured out my best friend has one on me a while ago.”
GARRISON: “Brian? I thought you were out of that crowd.” 
QUENTIN, smiling: “He’s different. He never belonged with them. He’ll see that soon.” BEAT. “Anxieties? Heh. No. Ever since you helped me find myself, I’ve only felt alive.” 
GARRISON: “I am so happy to hear that, Quentin. Usually, therapy can take months or even years to see any progress, but you’ve gotten this far in mere weeks.” 
QUENTIN, overly proud of himself: “I’m one of a kind.” 
GARRISON: “I agree.” Garrison stands up, pruning tool in hand, and approaches his flowers. “Now, update me on our plan to destroy the Jean Grey School.” 
QUENTIN, cracking his knuckles: “I got everything we needed off Cerebro. I’ve gone over the plan with The Omega Gang a million times. And Laurie Collins moves in tomorrow.” 
GARRISON, grinning as he prunes a flower: “Brilliant.” 
QUENTIN, eagerly leaning forward: “It’s going to be awesome. I don’t know if the X-Men will get the message, but no parent will ever send their kid to this rancid school again. So…” He eagerly leans forward. “When do I get to meet Lady Akabba?” 
Garrison prunes another flower. 
GARRISON: “My lady is the inheritor of Lord Apocalypse’s will. To be granted an audience with her, you must first prove that you are fit.” 
QUENTIN: “You know I am!” 
GARRISON: “Of course I do. And when you and the Omega Gang are triumphant, she will understand that.” Quentin nods along. “Before you launch your attack, there’s one more thing we need you to do.”
QUENTIN: “Name it.” 
GARRISON: “Introduce yourself to your newest classmate.” 
Garrison prunes another flower as we hard cut to Laurie being toured through the Jean Grey School by Sofia. 
Laurie looks at everything and everyone with wide eyes. This is so cool! She hasn’t gotten to go to a real school in almost two years, and now thanks to Sofia, she can be in a school with people like her. 
Sofia is glad she’s happy, and she’s very excited to introduce her to all of her friends. 
LAURIE: “They sound really cool from what you’ve said.” 
SOFIA: “We have had our many ups and downs, but they are my family. I fight for them. Who do you fight for?” 
LAURIE: “I don’t really fight. But I guess I wanna make my mom proud?” 
SOFIA: “She is a lovely woman. What about your father?” 
LAURIE, sullen: “I never met him. He died a long time ago. Mom has never had anything nice to say. She never even told me his name.” 
Sofia doesn’t think that’s fair. Passed on or not, there is nothing like the bond between father and daughter, and she deserves a taste of that. 
LAURIE, confused: “I…thought you hated your dad.” 
Before Sofia can respond, Pixie flies up to the two other girls, no longer wearing her helmet, chewing bubblegum, and with a black streak in her pink hair. 
PIXIE: “Hey new kid!” She pops a giant bubble in her face, scaring Laurie. “Try not to look so cute and helpless, okay? That’s my thing!” 
SOFIA, as Megan flies off: “So glad you are doing better, Pixie!” BEAT. “And I was worried she might turn out like her sister.” 
LAURIE, confused and afraid: “Huh?”
SOFIA: “Don’t worry about it.” 
Sofia grins and hooks her arm around Laurie’s as the two enter the cafeteria. Sitting at his table with the Omega Gang, Quentin sets his eyes on Laurie while Glob and Redneck play “Draw the short straw” with their french fries, Redneck lighting up his molten hands in frustration and Glob laughing after the former’s consecutive losses, Tattoo and Radian are scribbling doodles of dead X-Men in their notebooks, Tattoo using her power to imprint titles underneath the pieces, and Ernst frustratedly asks Martha where Shela is; this is the third day in a row she’s skipped out on lunch with them. 
Quentin tells all of them to shut up. He’s got his eyes on the target. 
RADIAN: “You do not get to tell us to shut up.” 
GLOB, confused and looking around: “I don’t see any targets.” 
Quentin seethes, before putting on an obviously fake smile and floating over to Sofia and Laurie. 
QUENTIN, telekinetically shoving Sofia out of the way (with Sofia momentarily dropping her “mask” and looking like she’s about to murder him): “Why hello there!” He takes and kisses Laurie’s hand, her face instantly going red. 
LAURIE: “I’m…um…” 
“Not interested.” 
Quentin’s head aches, Sofia taking the opportunity to remove Laurie from the situation. 
QUENTIN, telepathically: “Cuckoos? What’s your problem?!” 
SOPHIE: “You are.” 
Quentin is confused. He thought they were cool now. Sophie points out to him that was before he drugged Surge. “And not in a fun way”. 
CELESTE: “We like your style.” 
ESME: “And how you handle humans.” 
SOPHIE: “But you’re still just the same old Quentin.” 
Quentin sneers, with a veiny forehead, glaring over at the friend group’s table and, in particular, Brian, as he’s just having fun and messing around with Noriko, Cessily, Roxy, Sooraya, and the no longer distracted Cuckoos. From the brief look we get at their game, they’re playing a Mutant version of snap, with powers allowed, but Noriko being forced to play with her teeth to keep things fair. 
Their happiness and friendship only serves to piss him off more. 
On the lunchline, Julian approaches Sofia and Laurie, telling them good morning. 
LAURIE, shrinking behind Sofia: “Um, I’m not interested.” 
Sofia tells her not to worry and that this is Julian; her ex-boyfriend. 
JULIAN: “I know it shouldn’t, but it still stings hearing you call me that.” 
Julian introduces himself to Laurie, with Laurie questioning if he isn’t dating Surge. Julian cringes, and Sofia apologizes for giving Laurie out of date gossip, letting her know that they broke up. 
SOFIA: “I really am sorry things didn’t work out.” 
JULIAN: “Not your fault. It’s Quire’s. For the best anyway.” 
SOFIA, smiling and delicately resting a hand on his shoulder: “I am sure you will find exactly who you belong with eventually. Perhaps sooner rather than later.” 
Julian cycles through multiple expressions at her touch, including shock and pleasure, before asking if they can talk later after class and training. Just the two of them. Sofia tells him she’d love to. 
Julian, pleased with how that went, walks away with his head held high. Laurie is confused; it sounds like he wants to talk to her about getting together again, but she’s still dating Laura, right? 
SOFIA, still smiling: “We’re just going to talk. I promise. I would never hurt Laura like that.” Sofia and Laurie reach the front of the line. “Now, would you like the meatloaf or Doop’s Surprise?” 
LAURIE: “What’s the surprise?” 
Doop scratches himself, with flakes flying off of him. 
LAURIE, grossed out: “Meatloaf, please.” 
In the Mission Room, the six current adult X-Men are having a meeting. Cyclops starts things off by sarcastically thanking Sunspot for taking time out of his very busy schedule to join them; he knows that can’t be easy. 
ROBERTO, staring at his nails, unbothered: “I wouldn’t still be here if I wasn’t worth it.”
Scott points out that this is actually a good place to start; he’s not asking them to put in as much as the rest of them, but Sunspot and Magik should both become more involved in the school. Magik laughs at this, balking at the idea. 
MAGIK: “You want the soulless monster influencing the little children? You must be dumber than those sunglasses make you look. I mean I’m not complaining but–”
KITTY, holding Magik’s hand: “I think you’d make an excellent teacher.” 
MAGIK: “But I think I’d love to give it a try!”
Beto makes a whipcrack sound with his mouth, Magik sticks her tongue out at him, and Magneto ponders to himself if he’s traveled back in time five years. Sunspot points out that he does teach a class, with Emma quickly countering that, yes, he teaches “a” class, far fewer than herself, Kitty and the others. And with Kurt having run off with Pitor to join Logan and Storm, all of his classes are now up for grabs. 
SUNSPOT: “I’ll think about it. Could we please move on to the ongoing crisis at hand?” 
Cyclops obliges that request. As far as finding the Horsemen and figuring out what happened to Sofia, they think they may finally have a lead. Thanks to Magik. 
Magik, who’s already stopped paying attention, is brought back to attention by Kitty phasing a hand through her. Startled, she tells them all that the Horsemen definitely used Pixie to make their knockoff Gem of Cyttorak; a chunk of her soul is missing. 
KITTY: “That explains the personality change.” 
EMMA: “Did she fling mashed potatoes at you, as well?”
KITTY: “No, I think she just doesn’t like you.” 
Magik continues to say that she was able to track the source of the magic, to a point; they definitely have a teleporter, and that makes things fuzzy. 
MAGNETO: “So you have nothing?”
MAGIK: “I didn’t say that, Teach. I took a closer look at what was going on in the remnants of her soul, and at what had been done to it. It’s…indelicate. The soul is chipped, not cleanly broken apart. Comparing it to the energies coming off the sapphire, it should have been far more difficult for me to destroy.” 
SUNSPOT: “All this to say?” 
MAGIK, kicking her feet up on the table: “Lady Akabba isn’t some long-lived, perfect heir to Apocalypse, capable of all that he was. She’s a novice. I’d bet Cyclops’ head she’d never cast a spell on this level before.” 
BETO, suspicious, with gears turning: “I see.” 
Emma asks Magik if she’d be willing to help her provide counseling for Megan, potentially able to offer a valuable perspective on what she’s going through, while Magneto brings up that that can’t happen today, as she’s already agreed to try examining Wanda to see if magic can undo Pestillence’s infection. 
Magik groans in frustration, pulling at her hair over what all the headmasters want from her. They know she runs a hell dimension, right? 
KITTY, intentionally overly sweetly: “Please?” 
MAGIK, cringing: “You are taking advantage of my devotion to you.” 
KITTY, still smiling: “Yeah, I am.” 
She kisses a grumpy Yana’s cheek. 
Cyclops asks Emma to use Cerebro to check in on all of the planet’s teleporters. Amelia Vought, Lila Cheyney, all of them. See if any of them can lead them to the Horsemen. Emma agrees to get on that as soon as they’re done here. 
EMMA: “But we have another matter to discuss. Mr. Quire.” 
The X-Men continue to speak via voice over, as we cut to Quentin, sitting in his gaming chair in his room with his eyes closed. They note that the kid is spiarling out of control, he didn’t regret using Cerebro without permission or fighting Hellion, he’s talented enough that he could have hidden info from Cerebro from Emma when she scanned his mind, he’s still been seeing Dr. Garrison despite the X-Men cutting off their relationship with him, and while he did show regret over what happened to Surge, they doubt he isn’t still finding ways to take Kick himself. 
SCOTT, voice over: “We go easy on these kids because the world throws enough at them already, but we need to come down hard on him before he slips through the cracks.” 
Quentin sneers as we zoom inside his head. Inside Quentin’s mindscape, which takes on the form of an elegant museum full of portraits and sculptures of himself, The Omega Gang, now including Escapade is waiting. 
QUENTIN: “Listen up. We’re going over the plan one more time.” 
The Omega Gang groans. 
TATTOO: “We all know what we’ve gotta do to take this place down, Q. Don’t sweat it.” 
QUENTIN: “Never call me that again.” Quentin glares at a clearly anxious Shela. “Martha, Ernst, why does your friend look like she’s about to piss herself?” 
MARTHA, able to speak here: “She’s fine. Right, Escapade?”
QUENTIN: “I think she can speak for herself.” He gets right in Shela’s face and makes a big toothy grin. “Tell me what’s wrong.” 
SHELA, creeped out: “Uh, nothing. I just kinda sorta don’t understand why we’re doing this?” 
MARTHA: “We told you already!” 
ERSNT: “The X-Men don’t care about us.” 
RADIAN: “They care about Mutants, obviously. And about keeping us safe.” 
TATTOO: “But they don’t care enough to take real action. Not when they can play superhero for the flatscans.” 
REDNECK: “We would be ruling the Earth right now, never needing to worry about Purifiers or U-Men or politicians again if it wasn’t for them.” 
GLOB: “And however nice they seemed when they recruited you, don’t believe it. They only care about their “special” kids.” 
QUENTIN, still grinning and putting his hands on Shela’s shoulders: “That’s why we need to teach them a lesson. Some people may get hurt, but the X-Men will finally understand what it is they owe us, and what all of Mutantkind is owed. Do you understand?” 
Shela nervously looks over at Ersnt and Martha. They shake their heads at her. She looks back at Quentin. 
SHELA: “Yes. I understand. This is for the best.” 
QUENTIN: “Glad that’s settled.” 
Shela breathes a sigh of relief as Quentin turns and walks away from her. 
Quentin gets them back on topic and explains that he knows even the dumbest among them understand their assignments But he’s making a last minute change of plans. They need every bit of firepower they can get to pull this off. There’s someone he wants to be a part of this. The person who first helped him see he could be more than what he is. 
Quentin psychically drags a very confused Tag into his mindscape. 
BRIAN: “Huh?! What the Hell?!” 
QUENTIN: “Hey Bri. Hope you weren’t doing anything important. We need to talk.”
Taking a look around him, and at Quentin and the others, Brian is able to quickly assess that something bad is going down. 
Back in the Mission Room, everyone is getting up, having each been dealt their assignments. Kitty tells Magik not to take too long helping Emma and Magneto; they still need to make up for being too exhausted to do anything on Valentines. 
Kitty opens her mouth to say something to Scott and Emma, but she decides it’s a bad idea. Scott asks her what it is. 
KITTY: “I was gonna ask if you two wound up doing anything on Valentines, but then I realized there’s nothing I’d rather not know.” She immediately transitions to saying, “Emma, put the knowledge in my brain and my hand goes through your chest.” 
Emma’s amused, while Scott’s a little embarrassed. She tells Kitty that she’s sure she could get them separate seats for the opera she and Scott are attending that night, but Illyana shuts that down, saying they’ve already got tickets for monster trucks. Emma facepalms as she’s walked away by Scott, the younger women both clearly enthusiastic about their plans. 
Erik asks Roberto if he’ll be choosing what other classes he wants to teach immediately,  or if he has another flight to catch. 
ROBERTO: “I should actually be around for quite a while, now. I have someone else to handle flying for me.” 
Beto more somberly asks Magneto how he’s managing with everything that’s happened with his children. 
ERIK, glaring at him before speaking: “I’m afraid unless you’re prepared to pick up where we left and share with me what’s going on, that isn’t a question I’m comfortable answering.” Roberto cringes. “That’s what I thought.” 
Erik dramatically departs with a swing of his cape, leaving Beto on his own to kick his feet. 
BETO: “Shit.” 
 In Quentin’s mindscape, Brian has been filled in on what The Omega Gang is doing. 
BRIAN, shaking his head: “No. No, this isn’t you.” 
Quentin laughs. His gang laughs with him. 
QUENTIN: “Of course it is. You know that better than anyone.” He puts an arm around Brian and looks at the others. “Did you he know he was the one who helped me bury those humans whose brains I cooked?” 
The Omega Gang cheers and applauds Brian.
Brian shoves Quentin away. Yes, he did do that! Because he cares about him. But drugging Nori crossed a line. And what he wants to do crosses every line. 
REDNECK: “Of course you’d think that! You’re one of their special little X-Men in Training.” 
RADIAN: “Yeah. Some of us don’t get to have futures outside their welfare.” 
TATTOO: “We won’t even all get to stay together. Only so much space here. A new crop of kids will come in, and we’ll be out.” 
Brian grimaces, as he flashes back to his fight with Firefist. 
FIREFIST: “The X-Men somehow win and you’re still with them? A loser like you will be dropped just as quickly as I was.” 
Brian contemplates for a moment before his face fills with determination. 
BRIAN: “I get what you’re saying. It’s something I’m worried about too. But I won’t betray everyone.” 
QUENTIN, irritated: “What, then? You’ll rat us out? Watch and chortle with your friends as they “come down hard” on us to set an example so that no one ever dreams of calling out the perfect X-Men again?” 
BRIAN: “No, dude, I’m saying let’s just talk to them so we can tell them our problems. They’ll listen!” 
ERNST: “Exactly which of the supermodel billionaires or monarchs past or present will listen to US?” 
BRIAN: “If they’re really as bad as you all think, they’ll at least listen to me. Like you said, I’m part of that crowd. For now.” 
Quentin sneers. 
QUENTIN: “Maybe we should do things your way. Then you’ll see exactly what I’ve been telling you since we met. Not a single one of your friends or mentors cares about you for you. The second you step out of line, you’ll be cut. Don’t expect to come crying back to us after that though. You’ll be all alone. Again.” 
BRIAN, cracking: “You’re wrong.” 
QUENTIN: “Or maybe I’m right and we should just skip the heartbreak and get to the part where I save all our futures.” Quentin takes Brian’s hands as he smiles at him and makes him shiver. “Them abandoning you is inevitable. But I never will. We’re the same. You just need to accept that.” 
Brian sweats, panicking and breaking down as different members of the gang either egg him on to join or mock him, and Quentin psychically applies just a little extra pressure. 
Brian breaks, putting his hands on Quentin’s mouth and making out with him. Quentin goes along with it and keeps it going. Most of the gang is grossed out, but Glob thinks they’re cute. 
Night falls on the Jean Grey School. 
Julian hangs out above the school, floating in mid-air and looking up at the stars. He pounds his metal fists together and stares down at them. 
“Why aren’t you wearing a jacket?” 
Julian instantly smiles as Sofia flies up next to him, wrapped in a blue trenchcoat. 
JULIAN: “I learned more tricks while you were away than what I show off in training. I don’t even need to make my telekinesis visible to keep myself warm with it now.” 
SOFIA: “Very impressive.” She blows her coat off of herself and onto Julian. “But you still look like you could use one.” 
JULIAN, liking this, teasing and not complaining: “What are you now, my mom?” 
SOFIA: “No, I do not think I’m an uncaring baseline with terrible skin.” 
JULIAN: “Ha!” 
SOFIA: “I’m serious. I’ve sponsored some products that could help her.” 
JULIAN: “Only help my mom needs is a shrink.” 
The two giggle. 
JULIAN: “Aren’t you cold now though?” Sofia blows a gust of wind in his face, messing up his hair. “Ah. Right.” 
Julian tilts his head back. 
JULIAN: “What are we doing here?” 
SOFIA: “You wanted to talk. You tell me.” 
Julian bites his lip. He hates this. 
JULIAN: “Do you love Laura?” 
SOFIA: “What? Of course I do.” 
JULIAN: No. Not like you love all of us.”
Sofia doesn’t answer. 
Julian almost silently mumbles, “Sorry, Laura.” 
JULIAN: “And what about me?” 
Sofia widens her eyes faux innocently. 
SOFIA: “I told you I still loved you when I came back. But you were with Surge. If you weren’t going to wait, neither was I.” 
Julian cringes, shutting his eyes. 
While his eyes are shut, Sofia kisses him. He opens his eyes in shock. 
SOFIA, smirking flirtatiously: “What? Are you not your mentor’s protege?” 
Julian nervously laughs and stumbles over his words. He pulls himself together. 
JULIAN: “Were you just trying to make me jealous?” 
Sofia shrugs, as she effortlessly positions herself in Julian’s arms. 
SOFIA: “I obviously don’t want to hurt Laura. But I want you more than anything. So if you want me…” 
JULIAN, holding her tight: “Yes. A million times yes.” 
SOFIA, face unseen by Julian, smirking evily: “Then I will make sure Laura wants to end things herself. And everything can be how it should.” 
Julian wishes they hadn’t screwed things up so badly, again, but at least they have a plan. Sofia promises him this will all be over soon; in fact, she has an idea to make Laura happier than ever. 
JULIAN, holding Sofia in front of himself, the two looking into each other’s eyes: “I’m never letting anything come between us again, Beautiful. I don’t care if I lose my legs, or if you lose your powers for good, or about anything else; I’m not letting you go again.”
Sofia, pleased for clearly more reasons than just her evil plan, gives him a quick peck. 
SOFIA: “I love you too.” 
The two passionately make out, beginning to take off their clothes as they fly swiftly down into the bushes. 
In the common area, Sunspot and Warpath are playing chess. They go back and forth as James takes one of Roberto’s pieces after another. He gets annoyed. 
JAMES: “Why are you letting me win?” 
BETO: “Letting you win? That doesn’t like me. You know I love winning. It would be too painful not to for me.” 
JAMES: “Uh-huh.” 
As the two continue to play, Beto asks James how he’s been feeling; he heard about his tussle with Juggerlossus. 
WARPATH: “Yeah, it happened while you were off kissing some girl halfway around the world.” 
SUNSPOT: “I’ll have you know I showed her the very best of times on Valentines Day, not that she particularly cared.” 
Beto is serious though. What prompted him to jump into battle like that? James makes clear there was no special reason; he may be finding more to himself than just a warrior, but that’s still who he is. They needed backup, and he could provide it. 
Beto catches James by surprise as he takes his knight. 
SUNSPOT: “Any interest in returning to the X-Men full-time?” 
WARPATH, making his next move: “You going somewhere?” 
SUNSPOT: “Just a question.” 
WARPATH: “It’s never “just” a question with you.” 
SUNSPOT: “I’m just wondering where your head is these days. If you’re longing for anything more than being a teacher.” 
WARPATH, taking another piece: “These kids need me. I’m doing something that matters. That’s where my head is.” 
SUNSPOT: “And that’s completely fair.” Beto takes James’ queen, stunning him. “I just think you could be thinking bigger.” He smirks. “You are the biggest man I know, after all.” 
James glares at Beto as he tips over his king. 
Laura enters the room. 
LAURA: “Can we talk?” 
In Laura’s room, James examines various pictures arranged of her with Sofia (and the rest of her friends). He asks what’s up; she knows she doesn’t need to ask to talk to him. 
Laura tells him that, the last time she ran away, she didn’t tell him anything; she’s sorry about that. James tells her not to bother. He understands from what she’s told him. Kimura hurt her bad. But the important thing she didn’t let her get to her for long, and she remembered who she is. They’ll pay Kimura back in blood one of these days. 
Laura thanks him, but he’s wrong. Kimura was right about her. She is a weapon. And that’s why she’s doing what she’s doing now. 
LAURA: “Sofia has a plan to find the Horsemen. With just the two of us. And we’re leaving tonight.” 
James is very concerned. 
Also concerned, sitting alone in dark in his room, is Brian. In only his boxers, he stares into the glow of his phone, with the “X-Men in Training” group chat open, and Emma and Dani tagged. He shivers and pants, before furiously typing. 
He gets a message written out, explaining Quentin’s whole plan, not that the audience gets to see the specifics. He hovers his thumb over the send button. 
In Shela’s room, Escapade pretends to be asleep, revealing herself not to be as she checks to see if Martha and Ernst are passed out. 
Shela tosses on a robe, sneaks out of her room, and races toward the headmasters’ office. She bangs on the door, calling out for someone to open up. It’s important! 
Alas, Shela freezes part way through her next knock, as her eyes flash pink. 
QUENTIN, telepathically: “And this is why I don’t work with kids.” 
In his room, Brian deletes his message, and smashes his phone against the wall. 
In the boys bathroom, Julian sweats and pants heavily as he stares at himself in the mirror, exhausted and guilty. 
JULIAN: “You didn’t do anything wrong. Sofia shouldn’t have used Laura like that, but you’re just setting things right. You’re not hurting her, you’re keeping her from getting hurt.”
Julian coughs. He clenches his fist and screams as she punches his reflection , not only shattering the mirror, but accidentally putting TK energy behind the punch and destroying part of the wall. 
JULIAN, panting even harder: “Shit.” 
“You SHOULD be upset; you can’t afford to pay to fix that anymore.” 
Julian seethes as he exits the bathroom, where he finds a lone Cuckoo waiting for him in the hall. 
JULIAN: “I’m not in the mood to talk, um…” 
CUCKOO: “Oh my god, even you can’t tell us apart.” 
JULIAN: “Sorry. Sophie?” 
SOPHIE, rolling her eyes: “Idiot.” 
As the two walk, Julian tells her to cut him some slack. He’s having a rought night, and it’s been a long time since just the two of them hung out and…
SOPHIE: “Interesting way to describe having sex. Like you and Sofia were just having.” 
JULIAN, sighing: “Please tell me you weren’t spying.” 
SOPHIE: “Eww, no, gross. Your mind is screaming. You’re hurt worse than you look.” 
JULIAN: “That so? Then why didn’t the others hear?”
SOPHIE: “They did. I’m the only one who wanted to come check on you.” 
They each crack a half smile at each other. 
JULIAN: “Thanks. But I really don’t want to talk.” 
SOPHIE: “You’re lying.” 
JULIAN: “Maybe, but there’s nothing to say. I’m a jerk who can’t stop being selfish. All there is to it.” 
SOPHIE, getting in front of him: “I know I just called you an idiot, but are you really that dense? Or did you just just your brains screwed out?
Julian tries to get past her, but she shoves his back with telekinesis, Julian not resisting. 
SOPHIE: “How many times have you fought to protect everyone here? And the world? How many times have you wound up in the medical bay because you’re always the first to put yourself in the line of fire?” 
JULIAN: “I know I’m an awesome X-Man. Doesn’t mean I’m a good guy.” 
While Sophie acknowledges that to be true, she’s seen who he is at his core. He’s a dimwitted blowhard, like all boys, but he always put his friends before himself; from her limited understanding of the situation, being honest with Laura is the only thing he could do, and that would be far crueler than Sofia’s plan. The guilt he feels is because he knows this is all wrong. 
SOPHIE: “If anyone should feel guilty, it’s Sofia.” 
Julian shakes his head, telling Sophie that Sofia isn’t a saint; with what she’d been through and found out, of course she lashed out. 
JULIAN: “I can relate.” 
Julian bursts ahead with his telekinsis, with Sophie following behind. She isn’t trying to make this about Sofia. She’s not about to judge what she did; she can respect the cold-bloodedness. 
SOPHIE: “When we first arrived and were on a rampage, you stopped us. Made us rethink our approach. Helped us make actual friends. Ones we could have forever. And since then, we’ve gotten to fight with you.” Sophie hangs her head, smiling. “My sisters have varying thoughts…but I think becoming an X-Man sounds really cool. Being one doesn’t mean you’re responsible for what everyone else does.” 
Julian stops walks and sticks his hands in his pockets. 
JULIAN: “If you wanted to, you could have just zapped the guilt from my brain.” 
Sophie kisses his cheek. 
SOPHIE: “No need. You’re a superhero. Try not to think so hard about it.” 
Sophie starts walking away, with Julian not saying anything, until…
JULIAN: “Hey, Sophie!” She turns her head. “Looking forward to you joining the team. Means I’ll get to be your boss.” 
SOPHIE, smirking: “Dork.” 
As Sophie departs, Julian is a little more at ease. 
Laura and Warpath exit the former’s room, James wishing her good night. Once he’s gone, a gentle breezes passes by Laura, making her smile. Sofia flies up to her, in full costume. 
SOFIA: “Ready to go?” 
Laura bends down and, right next to the door, grabs a bag.  Sofia takes her hand. 
SOFIA: “Are you nervous?” 
LAURA: “You’re asking me?” 
The two smirk. 
Outside, Sofia calls out mentally to Exodus, saying they’re ready. 
Exodus telepathically laughs, mockingly. 
EXODUS, telepathically: “You are making the right decision, children. Lady Akabba will make you both stronger than you ever dreamed of.” 
Sofia and Laura both scowl as Lila Cheyney appears in a flash and, just as quickly, teleports them away. 
Night turns to morning, as the sun rises. 
Emma, Kitty, and Magik slump into the teacher’s lounge, where Dani, Karma, and Rahne are already having coffee. 
DANI: “Wow. You guys look like crap. What happened?” 
Emma, clenching her forehead as she telekinetically prepares a cup of coffee, asks Magik if she’d like to explain or if she. 
Magik shrugs. 
MAGIK: “I thought the monster trucks could be spiced up by some actual monsters.” 
KITTY: “It got a little out of hand.”
The other New Mutants start laughing. 
EMMA: “It isn’t amusing. Cyclops and I had to come clean up the mess. In spite of that, he wanted to get straight to work despite the lack of sleep, so I told him I’d be a dear and get someone else to make his coffee.” 
As she says this, we see Scott yawning as he sits down in his office, alone. 
DANI, sarcastic: “How sweet of you.” 
EMMA: “Yes, I’m a positive housewife.” Getting more serious, she turns to Rahne. “Wolfsbane, how did Escapade do on her first remedial history quiz yesterday?” 
RAHNE, nervous: “Oh. Well, don’t be mad, but I didn’t give it to her.” 
EMMA, this being the last thing she needs, deadpan: “Why?” 
RAHNE: “Lass said she was anxious! I can’t blame her. Poor thing hasn’t been gotten schooling in years.” 
EMMA: “Hmm. Well, hopefully she’s at least well rested for a makeup.” 
We cut to Shela’s room, where she’s stuff in a trance in bed, her eyes glowing purple. 
KITTY: “Well, I need sleep. I’m just here to grab that whole box of donuts and–” 
Kitty is cut off as the power goes out. 
KITTY: “Oh come on!” BEAT. “Wait, aren’t we supposed to have multiple back up generators?” 
EMMA: “Yes. We are.” 
In Scott’s office, he yawns. He tells himself not to fall asleep just because of a little blackout. The backups should be on any minute. 
Scott yawns again. 
SCOTT: “Well, maybe a quick nap after I get a little done.” 
Scott turns his computer on, the sounds of it booting up all we hear. 
The screen flashes on…brightening up the room more, and startling Scott, as he finds a grinning Quentin standing on the other side of his desk. 
QUENTIN: “Hello, Mr. Summers.” 
Scott tries to take action, but he finds himself immobile, as the rest of the Omega Gang becomes visible, sans Shela, enters sight. 
SCOTT, pissed and concerned: “Kids, what are are you doing?” 
“No, Mr. Summers.” 
Scott is shocked as Brian joins the rest of his gang. 
BRIAN: “What are you doing?” 
Quentin smirks triumphantly, putting an arm around his friend. 
Around the school, various students react to the blackout. Some gather around Match for light, Eye-Boy starts looking around his and Prodigy’s room for his blacklights, Mercury and Bling! see it as an excuse to get back into bed and snuggle, and Pixie cackles faux-manically, plotting to pants everyone and then act like it was an accident. 
Before she can do that, however, everyone in the school covers their ears as their heads are filled with eardrum shattering British punk rock. 
QUENTIN, telepathically to everyone: “Students and faculty, the Jean Grey School is now under lockdown. I am in everyone’s minds, and if any of you attempt to leave, I will execute my hostage, Headmaster Summers.” 
While many students gasp, and are afraid and confused, including Laurie, the X-Men and teachers in the teachers lounge, Magneto in Wanda’s room, and Sunspot, Hellion, and the Cuckoos in their respective bedrooms look ready to beat this kid. 
QUENTIN: “My team, The Omega Gang, and I, are currently located in the headmasters’ office. Should anyone attempt to enter the office, I will execute him. But fear not my classmates, I mean you no harm. Today, my compatriots and I simply mean to bring attention to a critical situation: the failure of the X-Men.” 
As the X-Men rush to meet up, Emma telling everyone, teachers included, to get to the Mission Room NOW, Quentin continues to say that he knows the student body doesn’t care for him, and that’s okay; he hates who he used to be too. Fortunately he isn’t that weakling anymore, but it is true that he and his gang are largely friendless…with one exception. 
As Hellion races through the halls, he’s stunned to hear Brian take over the announcement. 
BRIAN: “The X-Men have let down each and every one of us. They give us comfort, a roof over our heads, meals, and an education. That’s great. No one’s saying they don’t care about Mutants. But they don’t care about US.” 
As Brian continues his speech, Emma, Dani, and all of Brian’s friends are in complete disbelief. 
BRIAN: “They provide us the illusion of protection, but that’s all it is. Yeah, they’ve saved some of you, and they’ve fought some bad guys, but all they do is fight symptoms, not the cause.” 
BRIAN: “They keep hunting us! They keep trying to kill us! And what do the X-Men do? Put them in human jail and wait for the next ones! And while we wait, do they give us all the same treatment?” 
BRIAN: “Of course not! The X-Men are the privileged elites of Mutantkind. Billionaires, monarchs, handpicked from youth prodigies. And it’s the same story with those they prioritize. I don’t even need to say their names. You know I’m talking about my friends. This message is from me to them.” BEAT. “Surge, Dust, Wolverine, Wind Dancer, Bling!, Mercury, Cuckoos…Hellion…” 
Each of them are shown reacting as he says their names, save of course for Laura and Sofia. In particular, Cessily and Roxy just look worried about him, while Dust is as angered as everyone else. 
BRIAN: “I love you guys. You’re the best friends I’ve ever had. But I’m done pretending like I belong with you.” 
Quentin down more Kick, just pouring pills down his mouth from the bottle, as he pats Brian on the shoulder. 
QUENTIN: “But oh, it’s not like the X-Men have all the time in the world. If they’re not saving it, they’re spending as much time as they can with us, right?” 
OMEGA GANG: “Wrong!” 
QUENTIN: “They go to the opera and sky shows! They party half-way around the world and are never around! One of them I don’t think has spoken to a single one of us! You know she’s an actual demon from Hell, right?!” 
ILLYANA, to herself: “Tch. Limbo.” 
QUENTIN, screaming in Scott’s emotionless face: “Some of them leave! Some of them are pushed out! Some of them invite school exploding robots to teach science. Some of them transform into dark, flaming gods that threaten to end all life on Earth!” 
Quentin knows this is a lot, and that they must be wondering what the point of all this is. Simple! The time is now for the future of Mutantkind to make their voices heard! The time is now to demand that the X-Men embrace what it means to be homo-superior!
QUENTIN: “I ask all of you…do you not want more?” 
Quentin pants as he finishes, and silence spreads over the school, everyone wondering what they should do. Until…
PIXIE, having just knocked over a vase: “Yeah! Riot!” 
Quentin grins as students follow Megan’s lead, and begin screaming and tearing things up. 
In Egypt, Lila Cheyney materializes with Sofia and Laura inside the underground base, shoving them forward. 
LILA: “My masters will be with you shortly.” 
LAURA: “Wait…I know you. Aren’t you a musician?” 
LILA: “No, hon, I’m a certified rock icon. Doesn’t mean I can’t also fight for a good cause.” 
Lila disappears. 
SOFIA, shaking her arm, whispering: “Definitely not listening to her music anymore.” 
Wide doors open, Sofia and Laura bracing themselves as Exodus, Malice, and Akihiro appear before them. 
EXODUS: “Ladies, welcome to the headquarters of Clan Akabba.” 
MALICE: “What is it you X-Men say? “Hope you survive the experience”?” 
AKIHIRO, glaring at Laura: “I wouldn’t give them good odds.” 
Laura glares back at him. 
SOFIA: “We aren’t X-Men. Not anymore. It is like I told Exodus; Apocalypse was right.” 
LAURA, to Akihiro: “And if Logan hurt you, I need to know exactly how.” 
Exodus snickers. He then launches a telekinetic wave, blasting them both back and into a stone wall. Akihiro and Malice join in the amusement. 
EXODUS: “First things first. Initiation.”
Exodus tells Akihiro that he will teach his sister how things work around here; he doesn’t need the boy getting carried away. But he can play with Wind Dancer. 
AKIHIRO, smirking sadistically at Sofia, licking his lips: “Sounds fun.” 
Sofia cringes in disgust. 
MALICE: “And what about me? Who do I get to play with?” 
EXODUS: “Oh, I don’t know. Why don’t you go kill an X-Man?” 
LAURA: “I thought Lady Akabba gave the orders here.” 
EXODUS: “Lady Akabba has bigger things to concern herself with.” 
Exodus orders the other Horsemen to give him and Wolverine some privacy. Akihiro comes over to the girls to drag Sofia away, but before he does, Sofia kisses Laura. 
SOFIA: “We’re going to be okay. I love you.” 
Laura is shocked, but grins confidently from that. 
LAURA: “I love you too.” 
Akihiro grabs Sofia and pulls her away, as Malice exits on her own. 
AKIHIRO, squeezing Sofia’s arm tight: “You look so fragile. Should be fun breaking you. Especially when you thank me for it.” 
SOFIA: “We will see who breaks who.” 
AKIHIRO: “Ha!” Akihiro shoves Sofia through a door, making her trip and fall. “Move!” 
The door shuts behind the two, leading Akihiro and Sofia into the throneroom, where the large, intimidating Death towers over the young woman on the floor. 
Both begin to giggle. Very quickly, this turns into hysterical laughter, as Akihiro helps Sofia up. 
AKIHIRO, crying from laughter: “Oh, that was too much.” 
SOFIA, equally amused: “You really sold that you were going to torture me.” 
AKIHIRO: “And “I love you?!” Really twisting that knife.” 
Sofia, pleased with herself, shrugs, as Lila appears next to them. 
SOFIA: “Make sure Exodus doesn’t kill her. She’s more valuable than him.” Sofia takes Lila’s hand. “I’ll be back soon for my costume change.” 
In the Mission Room, Emma, Magneto, Kitty, Magik, Sunspot, Hellion, and Wind Dancer, as well as the teaching staff, Dust, Mercury, Bling!, and the Cuckoos are gathered, the telepaths keeping everyone’s perception so that they can actually see each other. Magneto questions where Wolverine is, with Sofia expressing that she isn’t sure. Emma sighs. They’ll just have to proceed without here. 
HELLION: “Shouldn’t we be tapping in Surge?”
KITTY: “Even if she weren’t suspended, she needs to rest. Emma’s keeping her asleep so she doesn’t hurt herself.” 
Julian begrudgingly accepts that. 
EMMA: “Whatever any of you feel about what these miscreants have to say, or conflicts regarding Tag’s involvement…” She looks right at a pissed Julian as she says that. “...put it aside. They have taken Cyclops, incited a riot, and forced punching down to become our unfortunate priority. We will worry about understanding at a later time. Any disagreements?” 
Erik, nor anyone else, speaks up, even as Julian clearly thinks about doing so. Cessily holds his hand to comfort him. 
ERIK: “Emma and I have already worked out our plan of attack. We will–” 
Magneto is cut off as Kitty starts responding to someone over her com. She’s concerned, but firm as she gets the information, and promises they’ll be right there. 
SUNSPOT, irritated: “What now?” 
KITTY: “It’s Dazzler. Exodus and Malice are after her.” 
Magneto’s eyes fill with rage and his nostrils flare, as Dani notes that this can’t be a coincidence; they planned this. Which means…
EMMA: “Which means Mr. Quire is doing their bidding, and we have all the more reason to not feel too bad about maiming one of our students.” 
Erik quickly adjusts the plan for this and dishes out orders. They’re baiting him away from the school, but it’s bait he has to take. He will go and fight the Horsemen, defeat them both, and force Pestillence to undo the harm she’s done to his family. 
MAGNETO: “Magik, I will require transportation and potential backup.” 
MAGIK: “Aww, I wanted to beat some kiddies.” She groans and gives a thumbs up. “But I’ve got you, Teach.” 
Magneto then turns his attention to Dust, Mercury, and Bling! Alison is currently on tour in densely populated Paris. He’d like Mercury and Bling! to accompany him and Magik and provide crowd control and rescue. The girls, while a little afraid of Magik, agree. As for Dust, she and Warpath are in charge of protecting Wanda. The Horseman want her, and they cannot rule out that obtaining her is the true purpose behind all of this. 
DUST: “No harm will come to her.” 
Magneto notices James glaring at him. 
MAGNETO: “A problem?” 
JAMES, smirking: “No. Not at all.” 
Erik doesn’t have time to question that and continues. Cannonball, Wolfsbane, Karma, and Danger are to restrain the students without harming them, before they hurt each other or cause significant damage to the property. 
MAGNETO: “Wind Dancer, your new friend and our newest student controls pheromones. Do you believe you could–?”
WIND DANCER: “Use my winds to spread calming ones throughout the school? Of course.” 
EMMA: “That just leaves Quentin and his friends. Kitty, Sunspot, Danielle, Hellion, Cuckoos, you’re with me.” 
MINDEE: “Actual approval to crush Quentin like a bug?” 
CELESTE: “I don’t know if that makes it more or less fun.” 
Julian hangs his head. Emma notices. 
EMMA: “Hellion, I care for Brian as well, but we do not have time for doubts. Kapeesh?” 
JULIAN, seething: “Kapeesh.” 
In the headmaster’s office, lit up by Quentin’s TK energy, Quentin taunts Scott.
QUENTIN: “Do you hear all that ruckus? That’s the sound of your students opening their eyes and turning on you.” 
Scott ignores him and doesn’t answer. 
QUENTIN: “Martha, you’re letting him speak, right?” 
Scott chuckles. 
QUENTIN: “You’re laughing. I’m tearing down your establishment and you’re laughing. Here I thought I’d be getting a whole speech about why I don’t really want to do this.” 
Scott shakes his head. 
SCOTT: “Why couldn’t you just try and make friends?” 
QUENTIN: “Hello! I have friends!” 
SCOTT: “That so?” He grins. “Brian, don’t you find it funny that Quentin checks every box for the kinds of people he claims to be fighting against?” 
QUENTIN, not giving Brian a chance to speak: “I am nothing like you!” 
SCOTT: “You’re a natural genius from a family of billionaires gifted with telepathy among the most powerful on Earth. You’re as privileged as any X-Man.” 
QUENTIN: “If that were true, everything would be different.” 
SCOTT: “Quentin, there’s only one difference between you and an X-Man, and it’s not about privilege. You’re just a dork.”  
Quentin takes Cyclops’ bait and, livid at his word choice, telepathically assaults him. Scott attempts the Red Triangle, having wanted this opportunity, but Quentin’s power combined with Martha’s is too much, and he writhes in agony. 
Quentin laughs at him. He almost had him there! But Cyclops made a critical error. He thought that he was “one of” the most powerful telepaths on Earth. But he knows his worth! And with a little help from Kick, he knows that he is the most powerful telepath on Earth! 
QUENTIN: “I never did pick one of those codenames everyone else has. How does, “Kid Omega” sound?” 
Quentin doesn’t actually give him a chance to answer, as he proceeds to psychically torture Scott. As Redneck, Radian, and Tattoo cheer him on, Brian looks away, guilty.
Around the school, the teachers get to work. Wolfsbane becomes a pack of wolves to scare kids back to their rooms, despite the best threat she’s able to toss out while bearing her fangs being that they won’t be getting any supper if they don’t behave. 
Karma, not wanting to possess any of the kids, delivers quick, knockout chops to a bunch of wily, but purely physically mutated students, while Danger handles more capable ones like Loa and Onyxx by stretching out her arms around a whole group and pulling them in close to physically restrain them. 
DANGER: “Believe me, children, I understand wanting to destroy the X-Men. I came close. But it isn’t worth it.” 
Wolf Cub, from behind, throws a baseball at her head. 
WOLF CUB: “No one cares what you think! You blew up our school!” 
All the kids in her arms scold her and tell her that she should just leave them alone. Danger grabs Wolf Cub, and keeps everyone else restrained, but is saddened as she does so. 
Meanwhile, Cannonball flies around the school, just able to flick students unconscious at the speed he’s moving at. Hearing a lot of noise, he moves toward another area of the school. By the time he gets there, however, the sound of a riot in this area has been replaced with gentle 60s folk music, courtesy of Icarus on his ukelele. The rampaging students are peacefully pacified on the floor, as Jay, and a dancing along Melody, float over them. 
JAY: “We’ve got things covered here, bro.” 
SAM, proud: “Nice work.” 
In Sofia’s room, Laurie has been told what they need her to do, but she isn’t sure it’s a good idea her control of her powers is terrible! What if she sends out the wrong kind of pheromones?! 
Sofia tells her to breathe and helps her through a familiar exercise. She promises her that she can do this. Laurie is still nervous. She hasn’t been here long. How does she know Quentin isn’t right?
SOFIA: “Please, Laurie. You only briefly met Quentin, but you must have been able to tell he isn’t a hero. He’s a hypocritical supremacist and misogynist, and it is up to us to stop him.” 
Laurie is swayed and begins producing pheromones. Sofia channels the winds…but Laurie’s pheromones aren’t what she blows away. Instead, she blows open a small bottle of pre-made pheromones hidden in her boot and spreads those. 
We quickly see the effects as Anole and Specter go from having fun together trashing the school to violently assaulting one another. Sofia has spread rage pheromones. 
In Paris, Exodus rains terror upon the city, blowing away entire buildings, leveling streets, and murdering hundreds of people. He regrets having to do this to his home nation, but it has tragically been filled with millions of impure vermin. 
EXODUS: “I would say a prayer, but the lord has already decided the fate of your species.” 
Nearby, Dazzler lies in rubble, having been brutalized. Malice stands over, without barely a scratch on her, smirking sadistically as she stomps down on Allison. 
MALICE: “Now…be honest…was fighting to protect the humans really worth it in the end?” 
DAZZLER, grunting: “No one…hurts my fans.” 
MALICE: “Perhaps not while you live. But that won’t be an issue anymore.” 
Malice magnetically raises a metal beam, ready to crush Allison with it, but as she goes for the kill, Magik and Magneto appear from a stepping disc, Illyana cutting the beam in half with her sword, before Erik uses his own magnetic powers to launch the beams into Malice’s got, sending her flying. 
ALLISON, grateful but not enthused: “Oh. Great. They sent you two.” 
Magik rolls her eyes as another stepping disc brings Mercury and Bling! to their location. Magneto orders Roxy to tend to Dazzler’s injuries, while Cessily begins protecting the civilians. 
MAGNETO: “Exodus!” 
Exodus grins as he takes notes of Magneto, flying down next to Malice.
EXODUS: “My former lord and master! How wonderful to see you again. Especially as we were previously denied the previous opportunity to reunite.” 
MAGNETO: “As I understand it, you fled with your tail tucked between your legs because you couldn’t even best Iceman. Yet you wish to challenge me? I thought you smarter than that when I made you my right hand.” 
EXODUS: “I was smart enough to find a new master upon realizing you were a false prophet who lacked the will for what was necessary.” 
MAGIK: “And yet Apocalypse still chose a little girl to be his heir over you.” 
Exodus sneers. 
Magneto turns his attention back to Malice and commands her to release Polaris, and undo the harm done to Scarlet Witch; if she complies, she may live. 
MALICE, ready to fight: “I will not surrender my body. Not for anything…Father.” 
Without further hesitation, Magneto begins the fight. 
In the headmasters’ office, the Omega Gang continues to stand around, while Scott has been knocked out. 
REDNECK: “You guys think we’ll have, like, titles and crap when this is all done?” 
RADIAN, mockingly: “Yeah, I’m sure the queen of all Mutants will just be handing them out like candy to a bunch of kids who threw a riot in a school. Get a grip, man.” 
REDNECK: “I was just saying, man! Be nice to get some thanks!” 
ERNST: “We aren’t doing this for thanks. It’s just what’s right.” 
TATTOO: “I’m hoping Lady Akabba could use some Court Musicians.” 
RADIAN: “Oh, I like the sound of that.” 
REDNECK: “Please, you guys suck at guitar.” 
RADIAN AND TATTOO: “We do not!” 
GLOB, quietly: “I think I want a fancy hat.” 
While Quentin continues to be annoyed by everyone, he notices Brian has positioned himself in a corner, eyes stuck on Cyclops. 
Quentin’s face softens, genuinely, as he moves to talk to him, but before he can, he receives a telepathic message. 
SOPHIE: “You’ve really done it now, haven’t you?” 
Quentin smirks, adjusting his glasses. 
QUENTIN: “Thanks for helping me make so many friends. I couldn’t have done this without them.” 
SOPHIE: “It didn’t have to go like this.” 
QUENTIN: “No, this was inevitable as soon as I asked you out, and you laughed at me. It woke me up to who I needed to be, and from there, it was impossible not to see what needed to be done.” 
SOPHIE: “What needed to be done was turn everyone here against each other? You and I agree that Mutandkind is superior. But I learned not to step on our own. Surrender now, and you can still learn that yourself.” 
Quentin wipes his nose with his fist as it starts to bleed. 
QUENTIN: “I’m guessing that means you’re helping Ms. Frost come after us. Fine. I’ll be more than happy to show you, and your sisters, exactly what I’ve learned.” 
Sophie sighs. 
SOPHIE: “So be it. But for what it’s worth…” 
The door to the office is busted down, with Emma, Kitty, Sunspot, Dani, and Hellion in the doorway. 
SOPHIE: “...I didn’t laugh.” 
Outside the comatose Wanda’s room, Warpath and Dust stand outside. Sooraya is disturbed by all the violent noise going on elsewhere, but James tells her that he knows it's hard, but she has to stick to her assigned task and trust that the others will get the job done on their end. Being able to maintain that trust is part of being an X-Man. 
Sooraya is able to compose herself and thanks Mr. Proudstar. She turns her attention to another thought. 
DUST: “I don’t fully understand what it is Scarlet Witch does, but isn’t she meant to keep our whole world safe from monsters? Are we in danger right now?” 
WARPATH: “There are things out there a lot worse than monsters. But we should be fine. Captain Britain and Prestige were able to convince Selene Gallio to help them fill in for Wanda until she’s healed. She can’t rule the world if it’s been gobbled up by an angry god.” 
SOORAYA, somber: “So that is a yes.” 
Warpath notices Sooraya isn’t doing so well and asks if there’s anything else on her mind, outside their immediate crisis. Soo doesn’t wish to bother him, but James assures her she won’t. Sooraya explains that this is her fault. The others are always all busy, with their romance and adventures, but she’s only ever here, doing her best to study and train so she can keep her friends and mother safe. 
SOORAYA: “I should have seen what was happening to Quentin and Brian.” 
James tells her to shut that thought down right now. He’s sure there’s going to be a lot of people playing the blame game when this is all done, but everyone makes their own choices. Quentin’s doing this because he wanted to and Brian joined him because he wanted to, just like he joined the Hellions back in the day because he wanted to…
JAMES: “And just like no one’s to blame for what happened to my brother besides the people who killed him.” 
Sooraya breathes, touching James’ arm, and smiling. 
JAMES: “What?” 
SOORAYA: “This sounds like a lesson Ms. Frost would teach.” 
JAMES, playing along: “Oh, you know that hurts, kid. That hurts worse than any attack.” 
“Is that so?” 
Dust and Warpath turn, knives drawn and sand ready, as they hear a modulated voice and turn toward it. 
LADY AKABBA, in her full armor: “Shall we test that?” 
In the Horsemen’s lair, Laura wakes up on the grounds, filthy and covered in cuts and bruises. 
AKIHIRO: “Looks like Famine had fun with you.” Laura looks up to see him standing over her, Muramasa in hand. “You must be angry. Care to get any of that out?” 
Laura grits her teeth, pops out her claws and attacks. Just as in their last encounter, Laura is outclassed, with Death blocking all her attacks. This time, however, instead of taunting her, with each failed strike, he tells her what she’s doing wrong. He kicks her down, but she gets right back up. She still isn’t able to hit him but can see her already listening and learning and doing better. Still, he ends up grabbing her and slamming her into the floor before she can land a clean it.
AKIHIRO: “Quick learner. That’s good. How do you feel?” 
Laura picks herself up. 
LAURA: “Where is Wind Dancer?” 
AKIHIRO: “Occupied. Lady Akabba had a use for her after all.” Laura sneers. “Don’t be jealous. You’ll get to meet her too, in time.” 
Akihiro tells her to keep coming for him until she can hit him. And while she does…
AKIHIRO: “You already made the smart choice, coming here. But I’m sure you still have doubts. Allow me to share my store, and rid you of them…little sister.” 
The two stare each other down before Laura goes on the attack again. 
In the Headmasters’ office, Quentin arrogantly greets the X-Men, as the Omega Gang assembles around him. Brian casts his head down as Julian glares at him. 
QUENTIN: “I knew you attempt to spoil everything. Too bad for Cyclops.” 
Quentin puts his fingers to his head, and attempts to fry Scott’s brain, but…
EMMA: “You were just speaking to Sophie, yes? While she was distracting you, the rest of my girls snuck inside your head. No telepathy for you.” 
Quentin is irritated but shakes it off. They still aren’t afraid. He is an Omega, and all of them have Kick running through their veins to make them their best selves. 
GLOB: “Yeah! I crushed a guy’s head a couple days ago!” He turns to Brian. “Wanna see me do that to your old friend, Tag?” 
Brian stays silent. 
KITTY: “Oh, now you’re quiet! What the Hell happened to you, Brian?” 
DANI: “Kitty, don’t.” 
The others are confused as Danielle steps forward. 
DANI: “Robert, did you really kill someone?” 
TATTOO: “We all did. Had to know we could trust each other.” 
DANI, clenching her fists and welling up: “I’m so sorry.” 
ROBERTO: “Dani, care to explain to the uninformed?” 
Dani struggles to compose herself. 
DANI: “They’re my squad. My other squad.” 
The fact that Sunspot, Hellion, and Kitty are all surprised by this knowledge only pisses the Omega Gang off. Quentin just stepping back and leaning against the desk, while his teammates berate her. 
TATTOO: “I thought you were so cool when I first got here, I thought we were becoming like a little family..”
RADIAN: “But then you decided we weren’t good enough! You wanted the powerful kids!” 
REDNECK: “Then suddenly we never saw you outside training.” 
GLOB: “You abandoned us, Ms. Moonstar.” 
Dani is so sorry for making them feel like this for so long, but they have to believe her that this was never her intention. She didn’t take another squad because she wanted more powerful kids, she wanted another squad because she was already close with Surge and Wind Dancer. She didn’t know the kids saw her like they did, and she didn’t realize how little time she was making for them. 
The kids don’t seem impressed by her apology. 
QUENTIN, seeing an opportunity to drive more conflict: “Emma knew about the first people Brian and I killed.” 
DANI, instantly flipping to rage toward Emma: “What?!” 
EMMA: “Do not fall for his game, Danielle. Not when we’re in this predicament because, unlike me, you couldn’t handle two squads.” 
DANI: “Why you…” 
Kitty pulls Dani back and gets between everyone. Look, this doesn’t need to go any further! The kids wanted to send a message? They’ve sent it. Now they can listen, and make changes accordingly. 
KITTY: “We’ve let you down. But I promise things can be better. We can do better.” 
SUNSPOT: “Unless, of course, this isn’t really about a message.” 
Quentin laughs. 
QUENTIN: “If that’s you’re way of telling me you sussed out who I’m working for, and attempting to assess if they are as well? I am, and they are.” 
Upsetting news to everyone. Except…
JULIAN, powering up with his aura: “That’s it then, isn’t it?! Everything is simplified? We’re X-Men. They’re villains.” 
He says that last part, not having taken his eyes off Brian since he entered. Finally, Brian looks up and stares back, glaring. 
BRIAN: “Yeah. We are.” 
Brian slaps his chest, tagging himself. 
Everyone starts forcibly shifting, with Julian roaring as flies right at Quentin, grabs him, and crashes them both out the window. 
Hardcut to Paris, where Magneto and Magik battle Exodus and Malice, while Mercury pulls civilians out of rubble, and uses her body to form shields to protect civilians from falling debris. 
As Magneto and Exodus exchange blows, Exodus decides to show Magneto exactly how far beyond him he’s become, flying up high. Magneto chases after him, as Bennett fires off a telekinetic blast large enough to destroy the entire city. Magneto, in turn, creates a shield to deflect the attack. 
While Exodus is panting and shocked, an unamused Magneto merely dusts off his shoulder. 
Magik bounces around the sky in a circle around Pestillence, via stepping discs, taking pot shots to kick, punch, and slice her. Malice meanwhile can’t hit her while she’s teleporting around like this. 
MAGIK: “You really should surrender now. You’re not going to hit me, and since you’re running around in Polaris’ body, I can’t even have fun cutting you up into itty bitty pieces.” 
Malice is pissed…but Magik just gave her an idea. She’s seen Polaris’ powers and the power gifted to her by Apocalypse, but she has her own weapon. 
YANA: “You think I’m gonna give you MY body? I just got this thing!” 
Malice smirks as her eyes open past her eyelids. Magik’s eyes open the same way. 
Inside of Magik’s mindscape, which looks like a normal little girl’s bedroom, save for the mutilated stuffed animals with fleshy guts, Illyana is confused by what’s going on. 
MALICE, appearing as a 14 yo goth girl with a British accent: “Sup?” 
Hellion crashes Quentin down into the school’s front lawn, forming a crater. He repeatedly punches a still-smug Quentin in the face, trying to break through his forcefield. 
HELLION: “I should have pounded your skull in the first time you talked to Brian, you dweeb! You messed him up, you hurt Noriko, and you’re hurting everyone here! You’re not hurting anyone else!”
Quentin blasts Hellion back, as he floats up into the air. 
QUENTIN: “You know why we could never be friends, Hellion? Because you, none of you, can acknowledge what you are. You think you’re the sad little victims of this world, despite being the gods among gods! I know my worth. I know who I can uncaringly step on.” He smirks. “And who my useful lessers are.” 
Hellion charges Quentin again, but Kid Omega meets him in mid-air, grabbing the back of his head and smashing him into the ground. 
Inside, Emma in diamond form is punched through a wall by Ernst. As Ernst points out, she has to stay in that form to avoid getting trapped by Martha. But like this, they’re on the same level. 
EMMA: “Do not insult me like that, child.” 
Emma moves in to attack, but slips as a rioting student uses her powers to form a puddle underneath Emma, while fighting another kid, allowing Ernst to hit her again. 
On a staircase, Dani fights Radian and Tattoo. Ms. Moonstar may never have given them proper attention, but the hand-to-hand training they’ve paid attention to. Dani pleads with them to not make her hurt them, to which Radian uses his light powers to blind her, while Tattoo phases her hand inside her to torture her by tattooing her insides. 
In the common area, Sunspot is left fist-fighting Glob. He calls KItty over the coms to ask where she is; he hates to admit it, but their lowest-performing student may be stronger than him - at least on Kick. Kitty responds that Tag got her good, and sent her phasing through the Earth pretty far down. She’s working on coming back up as fast as she can. 
This is no comfort to Beto as he takes a punch to the face. 
In the Mission Room, the Cuckoos sit around the table. Things aren’t going well. They need to do something. Celeste notices that Quentin’s telepathy is still partially active. Mindee sees it now too; he has someone knocked out. 
PHOEBE: “Eww. It’s that freak.” 
SOPHIE: “She may be a freak, but if Quentin’s afraid of her, I say we wake her up.” 
Sophie quickly changes her wording, telling the others to get on that. She has her own plan. 
SOPHIE: “I know how to operate Cerebro. That should provide a far larger power boost than mere pills.” 
As Sophie gets up, Esme grabs her wrist, telling her to stop. They’re the five-in-one. Splitting up is dumb. Especially when Sophie has never done anything like this before. They should just let everyone else do the stupid fighting. 
SOPHIE, pulling Esme off her and smiling: “Come on, Esme. Haven’t you ever wanted to be a superhero?” 
Back by Wanda’s room, Warpath gets in front of Dust, as Lady Akabba draws her sword. 
WARPATH: “Lady Akkaba, I’m guessing? Nice armor.” 
SOFIA: “Thank you. My father made it for me.” 
WARPATH, nervous but quickly assessing the situation: “Dust, get in the room.” 
DUST: “What?! You cannot fight her alone!” 
WARPATH: “If she gets Wanda, she can do anything. If she kills me, you need to get her out of here. Got it? Do not help me, no matter what.” 
Sooraya hates this,but after a quick glance at the monster in front of them, agrees. 
SOORAYA: “Good luck, Mr. Proudstar.” 
Dust shifts into dust to get under the door. 
Lady Akkaba tells Warpath she hoped to avoid this. However, Magik cast a nasty protection spell preventing her from directly entering that room. She’d hoped to take her out of play before today like she did Surge and Wolverine, but he got in the way out of that. 
James questions what she did with Laura. Akkaba tells him she’d be happy to tell him, once he bends the knee. Warpath is a fierce warrior, a former X-Man who was able to hold his own against her Juggernaut, and who’s even fought Externals before. He belongs in her army. 
James pretends to think that over. 
WARPATH: “Warren Worthington was everything I grew up hating. I never spent a ton of time with him, but enough to learn he was a good man.” He takes a stance. “Tell him I say hi when you see him.” 
SOFIA, sighing: “You X-Men are so difficult.” 
Warpath lunges forward and attacks Lady Akkaba. For all his strength, Lady Akkaba is far faster and lighter on her feet, blocking all of his knife swings. 
Swinging overhead, he forces Lady Akkaba to hold a block. 
LADY AKKABA, barely struggling: “Your knives are nice. Adamantium?” 
WARPATH: “Same as your sword I’m guessing.” 
LADY AKKABA: “Hardly. My blade was forged millenia ago by an invincible Mutant, and wielded by one even stronger.” 
James knees Akkaba in the stomach, hurting her and knocking her back. 
WARPATH: “I get it. You love Apocalypse.” 
LADY AKKABA, amused: “I wasn’t speaking of Apocalypse.” 
Sofia sets her hands aflame. Realizing that in the narrow hallway, there’s no room for cover, Warpath tries to launch one more attack, but he’s met with the flames of war to the face, as they fully consume him.
Akkaba presses on her attack, promising Warpath that if he survives this, he will come back stronger. Only to receive a surprise punch to the face from the burning man, sending her flying down the whole hallway and crashing through the wall. 
Able to fly, this doesn’t phase Akkaba. As Warpath continues to rush after her, she fills the hall with more flames. James refuses to slow down. X-Man or teacher, he promised his life to these kids, and he’s not letting them down! 
Warpath leaps again at Lady Akkaba, but is unable to reach her. Once he’s in mid-air, Sofia uses her winds to blow back all the way across the hallway, and back into the flames, as she lays on even more. 
This time, James can’t get back up. Sofia absorbs all the flames back into herself. 
SOFIA: “As expected, you fought well.” She raises her sword as she stands over the unconscious Warpath. “But there is only one fate for those who refuse to serve me.” 
Rather than execute him immediately, Sofia’s swordhand quivers. 
We zoom inside Sofia’s helmet to see her blue face, as she breathes with trepidation. She rapidly flashes back to all the time she spent with Warpath, back when he was teaching her to control her rage. 
In the present…
SOFIA, under her breath: “I cannot be weak.” 
Lady Akkaba brings her sword down to kill Warpath…
…only to be stopped as a sandstorm overwhelms her. 
DUST: “You will not harm anyone else!” 
SOFIA, protected by her armor: “Didn’t your teacher tell you to stay put? He had the right idea!” 
Rather than burn Sooraya, Akkaba merely blows her away, through the hole Warpath made, and far away from the school. 
Sofia breathes heavily as she looks down at James, left to decide what happens next. 
Back in the Horsemen’s lair, Akihiro has finished telling Laura his story, while Laura is in the process of healing up large slashes all across her body, and has been provided a water bottle. 
LAURA: “I don’t know what to say.” 
AKIHIRO: “You could say our father is a monster who won’t be worth another thought once we torture him to death.” 
LAURA, hanging her head: “Are you sure that it’s all true?” 
AKIHIRO: “Do you doubt me?” 
LAURA: “No.” Laura picks up her head and looks at her brother. “I’m sorry. I didn’t realize.” 
AKIHIRO: “Realize what?” 
LAURA: “That you were used like I was. By The Hand. And Romulus. You were just their weapon.” 
Akihiro sighs in annoyance. 
AKIHIRO: “Look, try not to be too annoying about the whole, “I’m a weapon” thing, okay? Last I checked weapons don’t have beautiful girlfriends. You’re a Mutant, a strong one, and if you play your cards right, a valued one to our lady. Help me take out Logan and I’ll even put in a good word for you.” 
LAURA, squinting: “You’re being nice.” 
AKIHIRO: “Would you rather I cut your head off?” 
LAURA, slightly smiling: “No.” 
AKIHIRO: “Smart. You keep drinking that water, I’m gonna go grab something a little stronger. We’ll pick up training after that.” 
LAURA: “Sounds good…Brother.” 
Akihiro smirks as he walks off. We see him texting Sofia that he’s still with Laura, and she wasn’t kidding: She’s a very good actress. But she still doesn’t suspect a thing. 
We zoom in on the smiling Laura, as she scowls. 
We flashback to her earlier conversation with Warpath. 
LAURA: “Sofia has a plan to find the Horsemen. With just the two of us. And we’re leaving tonight.” 
Laura continues. 
LAURA: “I’m going to play along and act like I don’t know what she’s up to.” 
WARPATH: “You sure it isn’t time we tell Cyclops what we know?” 
LAURA: “No hard proof. I know she’s Lady Akkaba. I know from how War fought, I know from her smell, I know Sofia. I know that isn’t really her, that Apocalypse brainwashed her, but she already showed she can get around telepathy.” 
With Apocalypse down, Exodus must be running the show and controlling her now and using her as a distraction. Either that, or Akihiro is controlling with his pheromones. Or Malice can actually possess multiple people. It doesn’t matter. She knows Sofia won’t really give her the opportunity to figure out where the base is, but if she can get close, she can start picking off the Horsemen until she gets the right one. 
James doesn’t like it, but he trusts Wolverine’s judgment. Can she promise him she’ll be careful? 
LAURA: “No.” 
JAMES: “Figured.” 
One more thing though. Akihiro. Logan talked to her about him after their run-in, right? 
LAURA: “Yes. He has been used. In ways he doesn’t even realize. I don’t know him. You’re more a brother than he is. But Logan wants him alive.” Laura picks her head up. “I will kill Exodus and Malice first. If he isn’t the one controlling Sofia, I will save him. I will save them both.” 
In the present, Laura sips her water. 
In Magik’s mindscape, she takes a guess: this goth girl she’s talking to is the real Malice? 
Malice giggles as she plops down on Illyana’s bed. It’s who Alice McAllister used to be. A normal girl from Yorkshire who couldn’t stand her bloody annoying parents or any other authority. 
MALICE: “I had hobbies. Journaling. Making Pinterest boards. Protesting. I had dreams. I was going to be an artist. But, you wake up one morning outside your body, unable to be seen or heard by anyone, or touch anything, and suddenly you can’t write, or draw, or scream for change. Just wander. Alone.” 
 Yana yawns. 
MAGIK, mockingly: “How sad for you.” 
MALICE: “What, no sympathy for another young girl who had her life stolen from her?” 
YANA: “Don’t. I promise your experiences do not compare to seven years in Limbo with Belasco.” 
Yana does ask how long she’s been like this though. 
MALICE: “Four years. Don’t tell Exodus, though. I don’t want him thinking I’m another of Apocalypse’s kiddies.” 
MAGIK: “I promise you I couldn’t care less.” 
Malice laughs as she pokes at the fleshy guts inside a stuffed rabbit. She doesn’t know what Limbo is like, but she promises Illyana that her life has been hell. Even once she got over the initial shock and realized how her powers worked. Finding depressed souls who’d be willing to hand over their bodies wasn’t hard. But it wasn’t that simple. See she burns through human bodies rather quickly. Usually within mere days. 
MALICE: “Can you imagine that? Four years of living in different bodies every day, each one wrong in so many ways?” 
That finally hits Yana, who looks at herself in a child’s mirror and sees her 7 year-old self. 
Malice continues to explain that she got beyond lucky finding Polaris, but she isn’t perfect. She’s strong and sturdy and she’s held up well, but this body is starting to go too; it has another few months at best. After Apocalypse killed all the humans, he was going to release his fellow Externals, and force one of them to give her an immortal body, but the X-Men ruined that. 
Magik focuses back on Malice, questioning if she doesn’t actually have the same goals as the others. 
MALICE: “Lord, no. Fascists like Apocalypse, Exodus, and Lady Akkaba are the kinds of people I used to throw red paint at. They’re just the only ones who were willing to help me.” 
Now, the new plan is to use Scarlet Witch to make her a body, among all the other plans for her, but that doesn’t need to happen. 
MALICE: “Not if you give me your body.” 
Malice appears behind Illyana and covers her eyes with her hands. 
YANA: “What are you–?” 
MALICE: “I see you, Darkchylde. Acting like you’re oh so happy to be Magik, and being a little goblin girl. But that’s all it is. An act. You are still a demon, a creature of darkness, a soulless husk. Fighting along dandy superheroes because you just love your girlfriend so much. But I know she can’t be enough for you. All the friends in the world can’t be. You’re still miserable. Anyone stuck in the wrong body would be. But with its mystical nature, it would be the perfect body for me.” 
Magik punches Malice, but that just makes her appear in front of her. Malice promises to take away all her pain. Having a soul will do that! Magik will still get to exist in the back of her head, finally at peace. 
MALICE: “You have no way to either restore your full, demonic form or to obtain your old soul. You are not good or evil. You are nothing. I can take away that pain. Having my soul will do that! And you’ll still get to exist in the back of my head, finally at peace.” 
Magik is shaken, especially as Malice reaches her hands inside her and smiles innocently, telling her to think of how happy they’ll be together. 
Magik smiles back at her and holds her arms. She then proceeds to turn her face into Darkchylde’s and burn Malice with Hellfire. 
Magik snaps back to reality, not about to worry about any of that stuff right now, and just focus on the bitch who got past her defenses. 
MAGIK, panting: “Now…where are–?” 
Illyana is cut off and screams as she’s blasted from behind by Pestilence, who then proceeds to rain metal rubble down on her, burying her underneath. 
MALICE: “I’ll be in touch to see if you change your mind!” 
Magneto, still engaged with Exodus, notices this, and cries out with concern for Magik. Erik launches another blast that only only penetrates Exodus’ forcefield, but tears off some of his flesh. As Magneto swoops down to rescue Magik, Pestilence flies up to Famine and tells him it’s time to go. 
As Magneto pulls all of the rubble off of Magik, we see Mercury, exhausted and overwhelmed from all of this, but having successfully evacuated the area. Roxy finally makes it over to her, with Cessily falling into her arms. 
Erik meanwhile holds the unconscious Magik in his arms, relieved that she survived, but further enraged as Pestillence, horrified by the thought of losing Illyana again. 
Back in the school, Sunspot continues fighting Glob, eventually taking a punch to the face that draws blood. 
ROBERTO: “How dare you?” 
Glob laughs and tells Roberto he pisses him off more than anyone. All the X-Men act like they’re better than everyone, but Roberto is the worst about it, because he thinks he’s smarter than everyone. 
GLOB: “There are more important things than being smart!” 
Redneck appears on the scene, ready to back Glob up, rushing Sunspot with his burning hands. 
GLOB: “Redneck, no!” 
Redneck grabs Sunspot, but, of course, all this does is supercharge him, enabling him to blast both of the boys unconcious. 
GLOB, passing out: “You…idiot.” 
On the staircase, Tattoo taunts Dani as she tortures her, proclaiming how, whatever role she has in Lady Akkaba’s world, she wants to be a mom one day, with a bunch of kids. 
TATTOO: “Thank you for teaching me exactly what not to do with him.” 
Dani cringes. 
DANI: “I’m sorry I failed you. And I’m sorry for this.” 
Dani finally pulls her power. Radian and Tatoo fall down the stairs as they imagine sentinels firebombing them from above, with the ruins of Genosha around them. They’re left trembling in fetal position as Dani bends down to hold their hands. 
Elsewhere, Ernst rushes toward Emma, but she has a low tolerance for misbehavior, and these girls have thoroughly expended it. The X-Men saved them both from the U-Men and gave them their home; they’re sorry they couldn’t also be their parents, but that’s just not how it works. 
EMMA: “Now…sit down.” 
Emma leaves her diamond form, and before Ernst can attack her, or Martha can freeze her body, Emma overwhelms them both with a psychic wave, knocking them out. 
Outside, Quentin and Hellion continue to try and murder each other, exchanging punches, blasts, and chucking trees at each other, with Quentin also excelling with bladed constructs to cut up Julian. Keeping Julian on the backfoot is not only Quentin’s body running on Kick, but unlike himself, Quentin clearly doesn’t care if his attacks kill everyone. 
Once Quentin notices that Julian is playing defense for the school, he launches a full-power attack directly at it. Hellion himself between the attack and the school, but while he is able to stop it, it exhausts the rest of his energy, and he collapses. 
Quentin picks up Julian, who’s bleeding significantly more than he is, by the neck and raises him into the air. 
QUENTIN: “You almost had the right idea. The whole “Hellions” thing. You were stronger, more fit, than the rest of us, and you treated us like we deserved. If I’d woken up to my true potential back then, we really could have been friends. But by the time I did, you’d let the X-Men corrupt you with their arrogant complacency. I wish the Omega Gang packed the kind of power your gang did, but then, I have much bigger plans than being a school bully; before long, I know I’ll be a Horseman.” 
QUENTIN: “Something to say? Going to call me a dork again? Want to tell me my parents were right to desert me?” 
JULIAN: “C…Could you tell me where I left my hands?” 
Quentin panics as he realizes Julian’s hands are missing. Just then, he’s struck from behind as demonic metal, supercharged with the last of Hellion’s energy, collides with the back of his head. 
Quentin falls over as the wind is knocked out of him and his forcefield momentarily goes down. Hellion reattaches his hands, and is about to pound away at Quentin before he puts himself back together, but…
“Get away!” 
He’s tackled away by Tag. Brian, mounted on top of Julian, has tears in his eyes, while Julian is still in disbelief its gotten this far. 
Elsewhere, the four non-Sophie Cuckoos work to wake up Escapade, while Sophie sets herself up in Cerebro. Quickly, Escapade is jolted awake.
ESCAPADE: “That jerk!” 
And Sophie, with some difficulty, is able to dismount the Cerebro helmet from the rest of the set-up, informing her sisters she’s on her way to save the day. 
Julian and Brian wrestle around on the ground. Julian finally gets to ask the big question. 
JULIAN: “Why?!” 
BRIAN: “I said why! You just never pay attention!” 
Julian kicks Brian off of him. He never thought Brian was as dumb as he thinks of himself, but if he really let Quentin convince himself, without telepathy, that he was ever going to abandon him, he really is an idiot. 
JULIAN: “You’re my best friend.” 
BRIAN, on the verge of a breakdown: “Yeah. You too, man.” 
Brian beats Julian. Quentin is able to get up, happy to see this. 
QUENTIN: “Don’t hold back, Tag! Once he’s dead, we’ll never have to think of this loser again! It’ll just be you and me!” 
“Hey Quentin!” 
Quentin is confused and turns around, as Escapade rockets out of the school on her jet boots, grabs Quentin’s face, and electrocutes him with her shock glove. 
ESCAPADE: “You were talking about what you’re owed?!” 
Quentin knocks her away. She switches places with him, hoping to immobilze him that way, but she quickly collapses and the switch is undone, as her body reacts horribly to suddenly being filled with Kick. 
Quentin pants. He’s tired, the back of his bleeding profusely, and now this little bitch just burned half his face off! But he’s still standing! 
QUENTIN, looking over at the other fight: “Brian! Kill him already!” 
Julian laughs. 
BRIAN: “What could you possibly be laughing about?” 
JULIAN, grinning: “I do get how he got to you. I’m sorry I wasn’t paying more attention. But you’re kidding yourself if you think he won’t dump you faster than we ever would have.” 
Brian stops punching. 
QUENTIN: “Tag! What are you doing, you idiot?! Do I need to do this myself?!” 
Tag glares at Quentin, wiping his tears on his arm. 
QUENTIN: “Oh now what? Did he say something? Don’t listen to the enemy, you idi–!’ 
Quentin falls to his knees, screaming in agony. 
Sophie, wearing the Cerebro helmet exits the school, taking note of the destroyed landscape, and the already beaten Hellion and Escapade. 
SOPHIE: “Never send lesser Mutants to do a Cuckoo’s job.” 
Sophie, approaching Quentin, tells him it’s over. His “friends” are beaten, her sisters are blocking his telepathy, and thanks to Cerebro, his mental defenses are nothing to her. 
Sophie stomps down on Quentin’s head. 
SOPHIE: “Die, loser.” 
Quentin screams as he bleeds from his eyes. 
QUENTIN: “The Sophie Cuckoo I loved would have loved to crush all of humanity underneath her stilletos!” 
SOPHIE: “I grew up. You should have tried it.” 
Quentin’s still not done. Using his telekinesis, he unloads every bit of Kick he has left from his pocket, and shoots it all down his mouth. 
BRIAN: “No! Sophie, watch out!” 
With the power boost from the extra Kick, Quentin makes Sophie scream as well, as he stands up, laughing manically. The other Cuckoos all scream as well. He overrode their block, but they can still back Sophie up. 
QUENTIN, enjoying Sophie’s pain as she struggles against him: “You said you didn’t laugh, right? Kiss my boots now, take back that last comment, and you can still be my queen. A HA HA HA!” 
Sophie digs her heels into the ground to help her stay standing. Despite Quentin’s overwhelming strength, she’s still confident she can beat him. 
Brian watches on as Sophie struggles to fight back against Quentin, but refuses to back down nonetheless. He looks to Julian to do something, but he’s passed out from his injuries. With Escapade also down, he’s the only one who can do anything. 
BRIAN: “I’m sorry, everyone. I just wanted friends.”
Sophie’s knees bend as she bleeds from her mouth, her eyes roll around in her head, and the other Cuckoos writhe in agony as well. Even still, Sophie isn’t letting up, just looking for an opening in Quentin’s mental assault. 
QUENTIN: “Esme, can you and the others all hear me over you’re screaming? I hope you can. Because once I’m done with her, I’m coming for–!” 
Quentin is cut off as Brian lands a devastating hook to the back of his head. Everything goes silent. Then, Quentin loses control and Sophie finds her opening and hits Quentin with everything she’s got, as Brian is blasted away, and the front lawn is further devestated. 
In the Mission Room, the Cuckoos all stop screaming, and start crying. 
Emma, Dani, Kitty, and Sunspot finally make it outside to find their school wrecked, and five of their students unconcious. They rush without hesitation to check on them all. Kitty gives the thumbs up that Escapade’s okay. Sunspot lets them know Hellion’s just out cold too. 
Dani and Emma aren’t so lucky as they check on Brian, Quentin, and Sophie. Dani cries, while Emma turns to diamond, holding Sophie tight. 
That night, in the Mission Room, Cyclops has his head buried in his hands. 
SCOTT: “How did we let this happen?” 
The only ones sitting with him are an equally depressed Kitty and Sunspot. Lockheed is in Kitty’s arms. 
KITTY: “We made mistakes. A lot of mistakes.” 
BETO: “Someone knew exactly how to take advantage of them.” 
SCOTT: “And now two of our kids are dead.” 
As the three try and press through going over their whole situation, we see Quentin lying in bed in the medical bay. And next to him, Warpath. Neither is dead, but both are comatose. Beto is not only enraged at what happened to Jimmy, clearly from the burn marks War’s doing, but while he doesn’t wish death on him, he resents that Quentin survived everything. 
KITTY: “I tried talking to Dani. Couldn’t get a word out of her.” 
We see Dani crying hysterically as she works a punching bag in her room. 
SCOTT: “Emma’s had a similar time with the Cuckoos. She’s still trying now.” 
We see Emma following behind four Cuckoos, only for her to turn a corner, and discover they were just illusions. 
Scott continues to bring up how the Omega Gang has been given to SHIELD, and thanks Kitty for making it clear on his behalf that they aren’t to hold these kids long term; they’ll take them back when they’re ready, and do better by them. They’ll certainly have the space if the current rate of parents pulling their kids out of the school doesn’t slow down.  
SUNSPOT: “Not to be the pragmatist at a time like this, but the Horsemen got what they wanted from all of this. They got Wanda.” 
We see Magneto splitting the ocean in his rage. 
SUNSPOT: “If they figure out a way to use her power, we’re done.” 
KITTY: “And we’ll stop them before that happens. Nothing we can do about it right now though. What we can do is do better by the kids. By all of them.” 
Dust, Mercury, Bling!, and Surge stand outside the medical bay, all in tears, with the camera at first focusing on the comatose Warpath. 
SCOTT: “Quentin was wrong about a lot. Less than his “friends” were. But he was right about one thing. One of the same things Professor Xavier got right.” 
The camera in the medical bay pans over to Magik, Hellion, and Escapade, unconscious and//or heavily injured, but not in critical condition. 
SCOTT: “The X-Men are elite. We have to be. Because most Mutants aren’t. They’re just ordinary people. Whatever privileges we enjoy, what comes first is that responsibility to keep each and every one of them safe.” 
“Even if we don’t always meet that responsibility.” 
The camera in the med bay pans over to reveal the two casualties of the riot: Sophie Cuckoo and Brian Cruz. 
The four girls hold each other’s hands. 
In Sofia’s room, Laurie is SO sorry. This is all her fault. She knew she’d make the wrong pheromones. Sofia, acting distraught but keeping herself together, promises Laurie this isn’t because of her. There was chaos, yes, and bad people took advantage of that, but neither of her friends’ deaths were because of her mistake. There are bad guys who deserve that blame. Okay? 
Laurie tearfully nods. 
SOFIA, slightly smirking: “Listen, I didn’t want to do this because, as an X-Man, it was my responsibility to bring you here, but I might know someone who can help you with your powers just as much as we can. Call him a tutor.”
LAURIE: “A tutor.” 
SOFIA: “One with the same powers as you. I met him in my travels after I left the school. His name is Sean. I think you’ll like him. If you’re willing to give this a try.” 
Laurie forcefully nods. This can’t happen again. She’ll try anything. 
Sofia pets her hair. 
Cut to Sofia leaving the room, where Laura rushes up to her, having heard what happened, enraged and distraught. Sofia hugs her. 
SOFIA: “We will make the Horsemen pay. Every one of them. I promise.” 
LAURA, claws out: “Don’t you worry. I’ll kill them all myself.” 
We cut between Laura’s face, depressed and filled with righteous anger, and Sofia, wearing mere impressions of these emotions. 
In Egypt, Sofia enters her lair, still in her normal clothes, where Exodus, Malice, and Akihiro are celebrating their triumph with drinks and a feast before they get to cracking Scarlet Witch. 
AKIHIRO: “Will our lady be joining us?” 
SOFIA, head held high: “Yes. But I have an important matter to attend to first.” 
Sofia confidently marches out, Exodus clearly curious about what Sofia is up to What could she be plotting? 
In the washroom, Sofia violently vomits into a toilet. More than once. 
SOFIA, looking like she’s just had the worst nightmare: “What have I done?”
Brian Cruz AKA Tag is no longer part of the main cast.
Quentin Quire is no longer part of the main cast.
Sophie Cuckoo is no longer part of the main cast.
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thatonewatching · 1 year
Church Boy-Cruel
"Travis, I don't mean this in... that way, but I love you." I admitted. "You do?" he asked. "I mean, yea." I choked out. "I... love you too, Sally Face..." he retorted, letting tears fall from his face. I sent everyone else out of the room and grabbed my mask and buckled it. "Sal, can you not wear that around me?" he asked, tired. "Travis..." I muttered. "Sure..." I obliged. 
Unbuckling my mask and holding it in my hand, I stared down at Travis. His hair was messy and disheveled. His olive skin was soft and bruised, band-aids covering what he considered imperfections. His amber eyes were scarred with remnants of guilt, sadness, and disappointment. 
"You ready to go?" I ask. "Yea..." he answered, faking a smile to reassure me. "C'mon." I said, reaching my hand down for him to grab. 
Travis' POV:
I grabbed onto his hand and pulled myself up. I needed a shower; I feel disgusting and dirty. "Thanks, Sally." I muttered, letting go of his hand. "Of course, Trav." he said, smiling sweetly. 
*Time Skip*
We got back to the apartment; Sal drove because he was the only sober one. Once we arrived, I walked into Sal's room with incredible speed. We quietly snuck back into his room and he let me change into some of his clothes so he could wash mine and I could wear them home. 
Sal's POV:
I grabbed him some clothes that were big on me. He changed and I went down to the basement with our clothes. I dug out David's because he won't, and put mine and Travis' in. I started it and looked through the Lost and Found for a second. 
I found this pretty necklace. It was a cross. "Megan..." I muttered, knowing that I needed to visit her soon. I grabbed it up and put it around my neck. It's safer on my neck than my pocket, if it was in there, I'd probably lose it. 
So, I went back to my room. Travis was in the bathroom and had locked the door. "You okay in there?" I called. "Yea! I'm fine!" he answered, happiness lacing his voice. "You sure?" I asked again, just wanting to make sure. "I'm fine, Sal." he reassured. "Just gonna get a shower, I feel... dirty..." he said, disgust hinting in his voice. 
"Alright, be quick." I suggested, walking to my bed and plopping down. The shower turned on and the metal hooks that hold up our shower curtain rattled. I held Gizmo for a while, petting his soft fur as his purrs vibrated my chest.
Travis' POV:
I told Sal I was going to get a shower. I turned on the water and let it get to the right temperature before stepping in. He told me to be quick, so I planned to just...wash up.
I stepped in and felt amazing as the hot water hit my sore body. Today had been a nightmare. Except now, I couldn't escape by waking up or reminding myself that it was a dream and all in my head. No, this was real and what had happened today could never be taken back. 
I looked down at my body. I looked at the little pieces of fat that everyone swore wasn't there, the way my legs looked, and how I looked as a whole. I grabbed a washrag and started viciously scrubbing my body, especially where he touched. I washed my hair with a shampoo that smelled like Sal does.
It reminded me of him.
I took in the scent, scrubbing my scalp as my hair stuck to my forehead. 
*Time Skip*
I stepped out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist. Looking around the bathroom, I noticed that I hadn't brought my clothes. I walked out of the bathroom and into Sal's. "Hey, Sal. Forgot my clothes." I informed him, grabbing the clothes off his bed and readjusting my towel because it felt a little loose. 
"Oh! Hey, Trav!" Sal said, quickly sitting up and grabbing his bedsheets. "Are you okay?" I ask, watching as his ears and neck turned bright pink. "Mhm!" he assured, giving me a thumbs up as his eyes darted all over my body. "Okay..." I said, walking back to the bathroom. 
Sal's POV:
I was about to lie down when my door creaked open, and I heard Travis' voice. "Hey, Sal. Forgot my clothes." he informed, grabbing the clothes off my bed. He readjusted his towel and I lost my shit. His hair was sticking to his face and dripping water all down his chest. "Oh! Hey, Trav!" I responded, trying not to make my nervousness too obvious. "Are you okay?" he asked, raising an eyebrow. "Mhm!" I reassured, taking in every part of him I could. 
"Okay..." he said, smirking and walking out. 
The scene replayed in my head, and I mentally scolded myself for being so weird. His blonde hair was shiny, and his stomach was skinny. I could see his defined collarbone and a minimal amount of his ribs. His arms were scrawny yet muscular. I could see where his body dipped into the spots only meant for that special someone and it drove me crazy knowing that the only thing separating me and it was a thin piece of cloth. 
My heart may have skipped a few beats when he walked in.
He went back to the bathroom and returned a few minutes later in his clothes. He was wearing a tight white T-shirt and some basketball shorts that I hadn't grown into yet; I gave him a pair of pink fuzzy socks I always wore when it was cold. "You ready for bed yet?" I ask, crawling into the covers and burying my face into the pillow. "Yea, see you in the morning." he said, walking out of my room. 
"Where are you going?" I ask, sitting up quickly. "The couch?" he answered, his words coming out as more of a question than a statement. "Just sleep in here. I'll sleep on the couch." I offered. "No, it's fine." he assured. "Or..." I started, wanting to just shrug off the idea altogether. "Or what?" he asked, intrigued. "Or we could just sleep together..." I suggested. 
"I guess." he obliged, walking to the bed and climbing in next to me. Before I lay down, I made sure that I had set my alarm. Once I was sure I had, I lay down and pulled the covers over myself. Travis was facing me, but he had his eyes closed and his lips slightly parted. 
"Sal, are you still awake?" Travis whispered, slightly opening his eyes. "I am, yea." I whispered back. "Can I talk to you?" he muttered, averting his eyes. "Of course, Trav. You don't have to ask." I assured, smiling sweetly at him. "Why..." he started. 
"Why is cupid so cruel?"
(Originally posted March 20th 2023 on Wattpad)
"Church Boy." - Cruel - Wattpad
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servin-up-surveys · 2 months
survey #224
Do you want the last dream you had to come true? No.
When did you last talk to the person you’d most wanna talk to right now? I was talking to him on Discord earlier.
What kind of pill did you last take? My Klonopin that I take daily now.
Do you like wearing glasses? I mean, I don't really care too much, it is what it is, I wanna see, but I'd certainly prefer not needing them. I hate smudged lenses and it'd be nice to not even have frames obscuring my vision. I can't do contacts, especially because my worse eye needs a weighted one and it gave me a headache when I tried contacts again.
What would you most like to eat right now? Fast food, admittedly. We would usually eat out once or twice a week, but in the past... three weeks maybe, we've done it once. I adjust very poorly to change, and without Mom's car, her being extremely financially in the hole, and things like delivery being very expensive, we just haven't been able to. I have had a HARD time adjusting, as much as I hate to admit it. I despise how much I enjoy fast food.
How long were you last in the car for? Around 30 minutes, coming home from Girt's place.
What first comes to mind when thinking of 10th grade? I started dating Jason.
What’s the scariest thing that’s happened to you? A breakup so debilitating and world-shattering that I wanted to die every waking moment for over a year and it culminated in me trying to kill myself. That was all pretty fucking scary.
Has an ambulance ever came to your house? Yes, for both me and my mom. When I was a teenager, maybe for Ashley when she had her POTS fainting/seizure episodes?
Whose pool did you last swim in? A family friend's.
What’s the cutest thing someone’s ever done for you? I don't know.
How many different cars have you driven? Two, and one was for driver's ed.
What did you do on Thursday? I just hung around here.
What do you do on Fridays? Ordinarily, help my mom watch my sister's three kids.
What door did you last open besides any on your house or car? Girt's car when he brought me home.
Where do you hang your towel to dry after showering? I put it in the laundry.
What movie are you embarrassed to admit you’ve watched? None that I can think of.
Would you ever take a bullet for your significant other? I wouldn't have to think about this for a moment, hell yes I would.
If you were starving on a freezing mountain, would you eat your friend? Some things aren't worth living after, no.
Does the movie Titanic make you cry? It sure did, haha. I cry VERY easily, though.
Have you ever had an embarrassing period story? If so, what happened? Not that I remember.
Who is a former friend that you wish would come back into your life? I think I'll always miss Megan. I shouldn't. She lied to me about so, so much because she wanted pity from an online friend that couldn't verify she was lying. Forever shoutout to Mazzy for making me face my fear she was bullshitting everyone, Megan admitted to it when I confronted her. Then she just ran and disappeared from my life. I don't think she was some dangerous predator or something, I genuinely believe she was just a kid making a fake life on the Internet to get sympathy from people.
Have you ever thrown up in public, in front of someone else? If yes, was it embarrassing? Yes. Once in true public (in kindergarten), once in front of Girt in an extremely embarrassing show. I don't count my mom, she's almost always present when I throw up because I call for her to be with me. I have an extreme phobia of vomiting and get legitimately terrified when I feel it coming, like my body doesn't know what to do.
Did you ever take your dog to school? Yes actually, I remember bringing my dog Teddy to my 5th grade class one day. I can't remember what the occasion was, though.
Have you ever seen a Broadway show? No.
What by your definition is the naughtiest thing you have done? I am not comfortable sharing that.
Do you like your best friend’s parents? Could you even tell me their names? I only know his mom (who's great) 'cuz his dad died before I ever met his family. Shelia (yes, it's spelled that way) is his mom, Donald Sr. was his dad.
How many fridges are in your house? One.
If you were drunk would the person you like take care of you? Of course he would, if he was with me.
Which celebrities would you have a threesome with? If I was single, Richard Kruspe and probably Mark Fischbach still. What opposite people, that's an image. 😂 Idk I love Oliver Riedel (another member of Rammstein) too and he's such a sweetheart too, maybe I'd replace Mark with him, at least he and Richard are homies so it'd be less awkward lmfao. Ollie is married though so Marie approval before something like that.
What color are your towels? We have different colors.
How many pillows do you sleep with? Two.
Have you ever needed to call the police? 911 when we thought my mom was having a heart attack. She actually wasn't, I can't remember exactly what the issue was, but it was... extreme for her. And extremely terrifying.
Are you afraid of walking alone at night? I'd be terrified, if I actually did this.
Where did your last kiss take place and with whom? Girt's car, with Girt obviously.
Do/did you get into trouble a lot at school? No, I was a very good student. I only ever got in trouble for excessive tardies in the morning, because I was pain in the ass to get out of bed in the morning so I'd occasionally be a few minutes late to my first class. I had detention once for this because I reached the threshold they allowed, and it was the only time I've ever had detention.
Have you ever been offered drugs but declined? I've never been offered drugs, I think. But possibly at a party I went to at my friend's place? Summer knew I didn't smoke weed, but I suppose it's possible one of her friends offered me a hit but I woulda said no.
Have you ever been offered drugs and accepted? No. Well wait, alcohol is considered a drug, in which case, yes. But that's it.
Tell us something weird that turns you on. I mean, "weird" is subjective.
When did someone last admit romantic or sexual feelings for you? Was the feeling mutual? Girt and I have been dating for almost three years now, so obviously it was mutual. No one else has admitted anything since.
What is something you have given a lot of thought to lately? I'd prefer to not get into it, because it's stressful to think about and I'm just gonna ramble, and I ramble badly about shit I barely even care about lmao, nevermind something I've thought about a lot.
When did you last swallow your beliefs to avoid an argument or confrontation? A few days back with an armchair diagnoser about someone she's never met but is passionate about. She was VERY passionate about it and was aggressive at opposition. Don't try to diagnose people you don't fucking know, lads.
Do you usually initiate hugs? Yes.
What are you looking forward to? Seeing Girt again, I miss him.
Do you think you’re a good person? I try to be.
Are you a very open or private person? It depends on the topic.
What is your favourite Christmas movie? Jim Carrey's How the Grinch Stole Christmas. I also really enjoy Home Alone 2: Lost in New York.
What do you get complimented on the most? My hair or tattoos.
If money was no object, where would you move to? Blue Ridge Mountains in NC.
Who was the last person to make you cry? I think my mom.
Who was the last person you talked about sex with? I'm sure it was Girt.
Post a screen shot of your Twitter "Interactions" page. I don't use Twitter and Twitter and all Elon Musk owns/creates can rot.
Click on the messages tab on Facebook, post a screen shot (erase surnames for safety). I could do this one, but I just don't feel like it lmao. I'd wanna censor their whole names and photos.
Post a screenshot of your tumblr activity page. THIS one is purely I just don't feel like it lol.
Do you believe in soul mates? Nope.
Do you play video games? Yes.
What age do people usually mistake you for? I've been mistaken for ~19.
What perfume do you wear? I barely ever wear perfume at all. I think I have one called Blush in the bathroom cabinet, and it smells nice, but it's years old lol.
When you wash your hands, do you use the cold or hot tap (faucet)? We have one handle; temperature depends on which direction you turn it. I tend to just push it up towards the middle. If I'm in a place where there ARE two faucets though, I'll pick the hot one.
What is the biggest injury you’ve ever sustained and how did you do it? Running down the road as a kid and falling. I tore my knees the FUCK up, I'm talking treating wounds for a long time that involved blood and pus both.
What is the most unique animal you’ve ever touched? An Abyssinian ground hornbill named Ike at a local bird sanctuary, probably. I had a once-in-a-lifetime experience to have this bird bond with me. One of the employees was nearby when he just walked right up to me at the fence and wanted attention and she said she'd never seen him do anything like it with a guest before. He stayed with me for as long as I remained there, and we got photos and video. He really enjoyed me gently petting him.
Which would you rather out of these 3 options? A: Be good looking and extremely intelligent but so poor you live on the streets. B: Be extremely intelligent and a millionaire but what society classes as ugly. Or C: Be good looking and a millionaire but extremely academically challenged? Why? B, so long as you don't mean ugly at heart.
Would you rather raise 25 children or have the chance of ever having children taken away? Why? I WISH I was infertile, dude. I'd rather kill myfuckingself than have 25 children.
Whose concert would you most like to see? Rammstein, it's not even a competition. Not just because I love them, but they famously put on a serious show.
Do you have any regrets? Of course I do, I don't know if I believe people who say they don't regret ANYTHING.
Who are the three most important people in your life? Mom, Girt, and... idk about the third. If Mazzy and Tez can both count despite being two, then them.
Are you afraid of dying? I mean, I'm afraid of the experience of dying, but not death itself. I believe death is just exactly as things were before I was born: complete lack of consciousness.
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cyarskj1899 · 2 years
I’ll never forgive him who has put meg through two years of trauma that he caused and made her look like a liar when he was the one who shot her. I wish He and his fans a very rih(as in rot in hell) Same thing with Drake , Joe budden , Zach Campbell, Lebron James , Mariah the scientist, Dababy, Dj akademiks, 50 cent, all the media outlets that were slutting themselves out for this piece of trash by spreading misinformation and lies about his trial so much that they didn’t care about being ethical or professional (the fact that two white women and crime journalists were more accurate than “black” bloggers is just whewww I’m pissed) and everyone else who ever doubted her and I meant that with the upmost disrespect. Like seriously they can all burn right now, heck I’ll get the matches and kerosene and fry them arssholes myself.
Meg tried to protect him until he opened his mouth. The DA prosecuted him and she was still treated like a villain instead of a victim/survivor. Absolutely DISGUSTING. That man brought his child to court as a prop for sympathy knowing DAM WELL he was guilty 🤡. I pray that Meg and any woman/man dealing with domestic violence, are able to move on and heal. Stay strong, keep your head up, and make yourself a plan to leave. 💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜💜
It’s crazy the amount of people who defended this violent troll over a black woman who literally got shot by a grown man. I’ve never seen a domestic dispute where people cancel a victim over a crime that is not only proven, but also completely logical considering his past. And people keep saying it’s the end of her career which sadly might be true cause we live in a backwards society but imagine being thrust into the spotlight right after you lose the only person you had and why you started rapping , your mom, and then being around a bunch of snakes and your sex life outed in front of the world to see for clout whilst in the midst of going to court for being attacked. And I’m sure it wasn’t a good feeling for her to know that she was gonna be locking up a man for a long time but she didn’t have no choice. If Meg didn’t press charges the state would have . She had no control over the outcome or even the investigation. Yeah she lied but I do believe she did out of fear because anything she did or said got back lash. I was even annoyed with her at points even tho I’m always gonna be on her side and the victims side. A recent phone call got leaked pretty much sealing the deal and I still see people refusing to give up their pride and still calling her a liar.
Imagine if your daughter got shot in the foot ? I lost my dad at 20 so I know Megan was extremly lost and just doing everything she was told to do bad influences or not. People don’t know that feeling of not being able to ask your parents for guidance or to just hold your parents for strength , you constantly just gotta think “ what would my mom or dad do” . She was hella young like 22 I believe. Until people have lost a parent they don’t understand how deep it can change you . Meg is a victim legally and figuratively but she’s been treated like a suspect this entire time.
Torey is a felon, torey has attacked people for not shaking his hand, he breaks gun charges , he fights in clubs, he’s very volitile , he is not a good person so why people defend him so heavy is lost upon me . Honestly I believe it’s just out of spite
He should have been deported long ago….you should not be allowed to commit all of these offenses and be able to stay here. You cannot behave like this in any other country and expect to stay there….. and his father can’t even raise his child right like You mean to tell me Tory’s daddy couldn’t rear his own son but wanna blame others for his failure as a father? Mane GTFOH!!!
This is the result of what happens when he had no one in his life to hold him accountable. He also fumbled every opportunity given to him. The shooting was the straw that broke the camel’s back. Now, he’s facing the consequences. And he deserves it.
He has no one to blame but himself if anything Dude's his own worst enemy🤬
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greenlikethesea · 2 years
5 and 13 and 14 for 3 weddings!!
hello my dear!!!
pick a fic and ask me a question about it!
Three Weddings and a Funeral
5. What part was hardest to write?
a lot of this fic flowed out of me like water, if i'm being honest, but emotionally there were definitely some parts that were harder to write!
i think chapter 3, for me, was the hardest to write, because it brought up a lot of strange, painful things for me that i've been revisiting lately. of course, i was reminded of the many, many funerals i've been to, but also i thought of the acute pain of discovering you love someone and how it can be both wonderful and terrible. i know that, personally, i have many hangups about love and sex, and have intimate knowledge of wanting someone so badly it makes my whole body ache. so i really felt for steve and put myself in his shoes in this chapter!
13. What music did you listen to, if any, to get in the mood for writing this story? Or if you didn’t listen to anything, what do you think readers should listen to to accompany us while reading?
honestly, even though we only wrote it five months ago, i don't really remember what i was listening to at the time! some albums that i think are essential listening for 3WAAF as well as fair ithilien are Screaming for Vengeance by Judas Priest, Whitney by Whitney Houston, and Diamond Life by Sade (one of Megan's favorites).
14. Is there anything you wanted readers to learn from reading this fic?
your life does not end when you are twenty! you can find love later. it is so important to me that steve and eddie find each other when they're older and they're actually ready for that sort of love. i used to think i was so broken for not having a steady partner, but it just doesn't work that way. life is long!
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3monthsineurope · 3 days
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May 11-15, 2023:
I was heading to Washington, D.C.! I was going to celebrate my friend, Hallie’s five year anniversary of being seizure free! She has epilepsy. On Thursday, May 11, I went down to Seattle to stay the night with Tara, before my 2pm flight on Friday. It always makes me feel better, staying closer to the airport, the night before. We went and picked up dumplings (it’s a tradition to get Chinese dumplings when I visit because we don’t have anything like that in Bellingham!) and enjoyed them back at her apartment. We hung out for a while and stayed up too late talking, then went to bed.
I slept until 10 or so on Friday, and left for the airport around 11:30. I drove myself to Master Park to leave my car, easily made it through security, then went to the American Express lounge. They had upgraded and moved their space! It was really beautiful and had a coffee shop inside! I had a few drinks there, then got ready and hopped on my flight. My flight was supposed to be leaving at 2, landing in D.C. around 10, where I was going to meet Hallie and her friends at Howl at the Moon, a fun bar with performers!
However, after taking off for D.C., about a half hour into the flight, we had to turn back to Seattle! I guess there was a mechanical issue. We landed back in Seattle and I hung around the gate until our new flight was updated. We had to wait until 9:55 to take off now! Wow, I was not happy! But, what can you do? I went back to the American Express lounge and just spent the next few hours there, having some drinks and food, and watching my shows. I told Hallie what was happening and she felt so bad! I wasn’t going to make it to Howl at the Moon, but instead I would go directly to Hallie’s when I landed.
When I got on my flight, I tried to snooze and relax, but that’s harder said than done on a flight. I arrived in D.C. around 6am, Saturday. I went to Hallie’s and she let me in, then went back to bed. I slept a few hours, then got ready to go to brunch. I was tired but that was okay!
Saturday was all about celebrating Hallie and her five years without a seizure! Hallie’s friend Lizzie was also staying at Hallie’s, so the three of use spent a lot of time together which was fun! We went to brunch at a place Hallie liked, and met up with about 15 other friends and family members there to support Hallie. I sat with her mom, Jeanne, and stepdad, John, because I actually didn’t know many other people. I had a great time chatting and meeting all of Hallie’s friends. She has some really cool people in her life! I was lucky to get invited!
After brunch, Hallie’s friend Megan drove me back to Hallie’s. I was fading fast, so I took a few hour nap, while Hallie and Lizzie hung out with friends. That was needed! When they got back to Hallie’s apartment, we hung out for a bit, then got ready for the party! She had rented out a really cool space of a bar she liked, on the rooftop! She provided some shots and yummy finger food, and then everyone bought their drinks. We had a great night celebrating Hallie and her health! Megan had brought some props and it was just a really fun evening! A smaller group of friends and her parents went to a beer hall after the bar, which was also a blast!
The following day, Sunday, was a great day. We met up with some of her friends and got breakfast tacos and coffee, then walked around her neighborhood for a bit. That evening we went to a Georgian restaurant. (Georgia the country, not the state! The country I visited in 2017!) Hallie and her parents ordered everything family style and the food was so good—the wine, too! We met up with some other friends (and Drew, who would become her boyfriend, later) at Franklin Hall, the same beer hall from the night before. It was a really fun day! Hallie has friends who are really easy to be around.
Monday the 15th is as a really fun day! I got breakfast with Hallie and her parents, then went to the Holocaust museum. It was my second visit to this very important museum (I went back in 2019 when I visited Hallie for the first time). It isn’t “fun” to go to the museum, but I think it’s very important to learn about the horrible atrocities of the Holocaust. After the Holocaust museum, I took an Uber over to the National Museum of African American History. I met up with Hallie and her parents there and we spent an hour and a half or so exploring the museum. It was great to spend so much time with Hallie and Jeanne and John—they are really great people!
I left Hallie and her parents at the museum, and took myself to a baseball game! D.C. has the National team as their MLB and I bought a single ticket to a game against The New York Mets. I took an Uber to Nationals Park and had to check my purse in a locker. I explored the field and bought some merch for Dad and Ingvar, and myself. I met a really nice father and son couple, traveling around the East Coast and checking out MLB games in every city. I had a hot dog, a beer, and also an iced mocha (I think it was my first ever coffee at a baseball game?). The Nationals won the game!
After the game, I walked a few blocks away and met up with my former coworker, Brooke! She lives in D.C. now, but we used to work at Red Robin! For multiple years. She suggested a resultant and we met there. It was super nice to catch up with her—she had left Bellingham a few years prior. We had some yummy Mexican food, then I convinced her to go with me and meet up with Hallie, her parents, and Drew. We Ubered across town and met up with them in the same bar that we had drank at the night before (not Franklin Hall, though). Hallie and Brooke had never met! They both worked at Red Robin, but not during the same time. We spent the evening chatting and hanging out, then Hallie and I went back to her place for bed.
I had an early flight home on Tuesday, so I got up early and left for the airport around 6:30. I hugged Hallie goodbye, then took my flight from Washington, D.C. to Dallas. I snoozed a bit on the flight, listened to music, and blogged. My layover was just over an hour so I didn’t do much besides find my new flight. My next flight was about four and a half hours, and then I was in Seattle! I picked up my car at Master Park around 3:30, then drove home. I had a great trip, even with my eight hour flight delay, but was excited to get home to Ingvar! :]
0 notes
5.27.24 Monday
6:51 am
Still,have windblow.... Not my ideal thing to be with these 2 Uncle most specially that Uncle DD who can't give rightful assistance here...
I feel bitter and self-pitying... I feel fat,ugly and old...
Still, wanna leave Cavite but I know I can't.They are all dying to see me ugly and fat.
I'm worrying coz there are also people who are chasing me since 2007 for I don't know why and why....They are bugging my life for nothing.
I need a job and money in a lil while, I told Ely that I'm praying for it...
People or ritual from here simply wanting and waiting for me to be fat and ugly...
7:36 am
Before leaving the house Uncle Jun and Mitch the purpose-built or damager???
He said the broom sticks are all gone... He can't cleaned Neko's poops...
What? Did uncle DD brought the broom sticks with them and why???
7:59 am
I feel bad... Still,have windblow... I can't get progress since 2007...
I still admire Pilot Garret's...
I feel betrayed for not doing anything... I want them to be blackened and ugly coz it will be military time for 5 years. A bit hating them all.... But I want them alive but blackened and ugly coz they wanted models...I just asked them to save me... But they didn't angels...
I really just want them to feel if the situation will be reversed... I want to know their emotion if they are already blackened or once they feel ugly... How does it feel???
I left my number but no one attempt to call me... It is a free world!
Military time starts now from 2024 to 2029... All must be alived...But blackened and ugly...
The returning of their beauty will be 2030 but until they tell me everything... Until they know me in person!
I really wanna know everything here and there...
9:21 am
Still,have window... I feel fat,old and ugly just for nothing...
17 years am I the sacrifice angels? Unfair... They will not help me coz I'm not a model kind? I'm not fixing myself now... I feel bitter!!!
9:26 am
I don't like Church of Christ as well.... I sense a negative thing.. I don't want to be a sacrifice huh???
Why should I sacrifice for them???
9:52 am
I have windblow...Super plastics people!!! They killed me for their happiness...
How I wish I can be here for few weeks to see snow and this kind of daylight... But I must be with someone who truly loves me...
There must be love for this... I love both polar nights and days...
But I truly like the gloomy polar day with someone who truly loves me...
I wish to meet him soon,the one will say I will always be beside you until the end of time...
That I can never hurt you even an inch of your skin.... It is polar day... The war of love and death...
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10:07 pm
Oh! It is a town...
This is beautiful.... We must be in-love...
10:53 am
Still, have windblow angels...
Can I ask for a single USA/Russian and Londonian military be on youtube... and see if I can find my love or just my saviour...
What about on Prince Harry's group?
Women soldier can join as long as me is the priority... True Soldier not soldier on bed... But a genuine soldier...They can beautify themselves fairly... Not beyond and not too much...
11:10 am
Still, have windblow... I remember a film documentary of Prince Harry & Megan, he has this military royalty friend named Nick... I can like Nick, he is handsome and a royal tribe...
11:23 am
I feel bitterish... Fake Filipinose on me... 17 years and some other fake mixed races as well..
For the genuine soldier the pattern will be in,out,in,out and a strong kick! Literally safe me as my sisterhood...
12:15 noon
I still have windblow.... I wanna leave Cavite but I know I can't...
I wanna kill some of "Church Of Christ".....Even some people of Cavite...
I need to get a job and money... I feel bitter....
12:23 noon
I hate it did someone want to stop me as a self-driving car? Make sure you love me truly if not will break your entire system...
12:34 noon
Still,have windblow... I just admire the "self-driving car" but in literally, I don't think so...
Serious matter, I feel fat,ugly and old and these Filipinose who are fakers fixed themselves and saying that they are my supporters...
1:10 pm
I still have windblow.. I wanna have a breast implants...
I feel boring... I really wanna travel... I hate "Church Of Christ" for putting me down for so long...
I need a job and money... I hate being a supporter...I wanna have a breast implants.
I don't like Uncle DD be here... It is a big complex for me...
I want the message of Miss Fermin!
Everyone is equal in mindset...
2:51 pm
I still have windblow... I wanna leave Cavite but I know I can't... Self-pitying angels...
All my dreams fell apart... This is not my ideal life... Not this way....
I fee bitter... 17 YEARS too long,too much to press me down...
I need a job and money....So frustrating...
3:47 pm
Next to Kombi... Amazing narrator... Best Vloggerz...
Remember this Kombi Life...
4:11 pm
Oh! They are wealthy people... Can they adopt me??? Like these wealthy ;)
Since I'm just a shorty... Joke!
5:16 pm
Still,have windblow.... When I don't like someone I will be retarded...hahah...
6:18 pm
I still have windblow... I'm having anxiety... I wanna do nose pèrfection... I hate this "deep smile lines"...
I wanna leave Cavite but I can't... I want someone who is "barbie looking" like Pilot Garret... I will find a bf on Youtube...
Hating Pilot Garret but I want these Barbie looking...
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6:36 pm
I feel so ugly... I feel boring... I feel self-pity!!! I want to leave Cavite but I can't...
I need a job and money... I want a bf that I want... I want a Barbie Looking guy!
7:23 pm
I still have windblow... I don't know I feel bad on Pilot Garret, I want to crumple their Barbie Faces coz they wanted models... I want them to be blackened and ugly but make them alive like dinosaur like my prayers on the good people to me and for my babies dogs & nana...
7:43 pm
I still have windblow... I hate Cavite, I should be happy right? That I can choose a bf that I want not them choosing me here, whoever he is...
Now, I'm fading now....I feel ugly and I have windblow... I feel that I don't fit on those kind of Barbie Looking but I still want that kind of beauty....
I feel bad when I can't fix myself... My self-esteem is low and fading... Worst! I hate it when people will say that I'm not bagay on them or my face is not fitted with a Barbie Looking man...
I feel bad....Windblow and soul-interference... I suddenly hate Pilot Garret's...
8:34 pm
I feel bad... Still,have windblow.... I feel bad...
8:55 pm
I feel bad angels.. I know I was cute... I was a muse ever since there were days that I blackened myself but I was a pretty girl.
I feel ugly and fat and old now...
9:21 pm
I have windblow... I feel embarass here and I don't have fundings...
I need to change our living room door to this coz I have my son-dog inside... I need money angels...
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This is simple door here for us...
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I like this colour even the blue...
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10 pm
I feel frustrated... My next best dream living room sofa and design... Supposed to be my next season here...
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10:08 pm
Still,have windblow...I feel so frustrated... Supposed to be I'm doing a "buy and sell" of house stuff like sofa... Our old sofa here I bought it around 15k pesoses then supposed to be I'll plan to change it if I became a successful whatever somewhere....Then, supposed to be I will sell these old sofa for 5k then I'll buy a 20k something in pesoses the much more lazy sofa.
0 notes