#die incel!
kharmii · 29 days
Someone posted more garbage blaming male isolation on 'white guy culture' and 'capitalism', and then, like a coward, they made it so a person couldn't reblog. I still wrote something in reply:
No, it's not the usual bullshit sheltered left-wing college kids want to blame it on. No, everything isn't the fault of 'capitalism' or 'eeebul white guys'. Again, secular progressivism has caused more death and misery worldwide than all religious wars combined. If anything, leftwing culture has made everything more effed up for men with screw around culture creating an environment where we now have the greatest percentage of unmarried men in recorded history. For sure, it's not healthy for men to treat their SO as their only source of emotional support, but now they don't even have that.
Everything started going wrong during the Carter and then Reagan administrations in the 70/80's. Before then, men could get good paying jobs in a factory near where they lived and make enough money to support a wife being a stay-at-home mother and a couple of kids. Pushing women to enter the workforce 'for independence' is a huge scam foisted on us, because now we have a culture where both parents often have to work to barely afford a couple of kids and a mortgage. Women find it more noble to be cogs in the machine. Some people can't even manage the kids, (or they are lazy and selfish) so they end up with a butt-licking poop-eating stanky dog-child to get extra weird about.
Next thing you know; they're leaving rude comments about Kristi Noem shooting a damn dog (it's a fucking dog, calm down weirdos) while gushing, "I love my dog so much! Look at my shit-breath baby that just got done eating its own ass and is now licking off my ice-cream cone! Isn't that cuuuuute!"
Anyway, another problem we have (that goes along with the point about men in social clubs) is that we don't have close knit communities anymore. We don't have neighborhoods where everybody knows each other. How many people live in isolation on social media and don't even know their neighbors? How often do you see block parties or guys inviting the other guys on the street over for a cookout? Less people have children, so you don't meet new people having other peoples' kids knocking on your door asking if your child can play. (I suppose theoretically you could meet new people letting your stank-beast 'child' run around a dog-park).
-So then you have isolated men who have to meet other male friends through work. How would that work out for me if I was a male? It sure didn't work out for me being a female. I married and had children with a man from the other side of the goddamn planet while the losers I worked with labeled me as no fun because I wasn't into the Dem voting blue state party culture.
If you are a man in my place of employment, you have to be into the casino boats, betting pools, smoking pot jokes, telling the same stupid stories about getting drunk at bars and ballgames during your long-ago youth....and it's no wonder half of them ended up childless, unmarried weirdos in their forties and fifties. There was the one lowlife into fuck-and-dump culture, (and even he lived with his mom until age 40) but most of them are incels who are getting fatter and balder. None of them have grown into mature role-models with great character. None of them are the elders at the church or the guy you'd go to if you needed advice.
Side note: The guy they've talked into stalking me doesn't fit in with the culture. Under better circumstances, (like if he wasn't a misogynistic patronizing asshole who isn't even attracted to me, and I'm not really sure what the deal is.....) I might be into him, because for an older man, he's physically fit. He's into one of those Sierra Club type groups full of people doing outdoorsy shit, such as camping, hiking, canoeing..etc. He belongs to a lot of co-ed social clubs where they play cards on Thursdays or whathaveya...
Meanwhile, the flabby lowlife goobers complain that 'there's nothing to do in a small town! This is why so many men are dying of fentanyl!'
I've taken the piss about this so much. The Kharmii be like.......you mean there's not enough lowlife shit for low lives to do in a small town? Low lives have to OD on fentanyl out of boredom because there's not enough for dirty rotten low life scumbags to do? You have to drive all the way up to the suburbs for strip clubs and casino boats, and the Biden economy has made gas over $4/gallon?
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lolathepeacocklord · 1 month
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dude i love that one tfa episode where henry masterson gets a red 40 vape and is like duuude im str8 geekin rn and then stops breathing for a whole minute
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ammy246 · 2 months
RWBY is like the cartoon equivalent to Jesus. Even if it dies, it'll resurrect itself. The first death occurred when Monty passed and the second with Roosterteeth. But because of the passion of both CRWBY and the fans, it'll live on.
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bisexualseraphim · 10 months
People who see entire demographics of humanity as “the enemy” are so baffling to me, whether they’re incels/misogynists or racists or radfems or whomever I just look at them and wonder why you’d choose a life of such misery. People of a certain gender, sexuality, race or whatever demographic are not inherently your enemy just because they are part of said demographic. Gender and race essentialism is incredibly dangerous and untrue and it especially confuses me when people who claim to be trans allies abide by the former because that mindset is especially dangerous to trans people.
People are individuals, not a hive mind. Society as a whole has massive issues, and some groups may benefit from them more than others (like how the patriarchy hurts men but they still benefit from it far more than women ever will because it has men in mind, albeit only a certain type of man), but individuals are individuals. And what a depressing life it must be to instead navigate the world believing that millions of people are beneath you before they’ve even spoken a word.
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The funniest thing about the CoS subreddit is that every now and then someone will make a post calling Strahd an incel, and it'll be followed by a wave of comments going um, actually, he isn't an incel, he has brides and he could totally have any woman in Barovia he wants (except one) and I think you just didn't read the module actually.
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yugiohz · 3 months
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well sato can die next in this war idgaf
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waheelawhisperer · 2 years
Adam Taurus was an inadvertent and *deeply* involuntary ally for three consecutive volumes, yes. I still love his VA's 'only allergic to Blake & Yang's love for each other' tweet.
So I initially made that post for the express purpose of seeing what would happen if I kicked a hornet's nest (not much, sadly), but it actually wasn't 100% a shitpost because Adam genuinely takes Blake and Yang's relationship extremely seriously. Like, yeah, he absolutely hates it, but he never really comments on the fact that Yang is a woman instead of a man. Instead, the core of his opposition to the Bees comes from the fact that he no longer "owns" or controls Blake (because Adam absolutely thinks of relationships in terms of of possession and control. Blake and Yang cannot be equal partners who genuinely love and respect each other, one of them has to be dominant over the other, and in his head it can't be Blake because he's too contemptuous of her and too used to dominating and terrorizing her to consider the possibility) and that Yang has superseded him as both the person who controls Blake and the object of her regard. He identifies Blake's feelings for Yang as early as Volume 3, specifically targets her instead of Sun to hurt Blake, and otherwise treats her as seriously as characters of this nature treat male rivals in other media. He certainly gives Blake and Yang's relationship more credit than the chucklefucks who still insist to this day that both the Bees are straight somehow.
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werebutch · 5 months
I cannot believe she was laughing at me because I was crying. Why am I still friends with her if she treats me like this. Protecting her. It’s been going on for so long I feel like this is like the last straw. I don’t know. I hope I don’t forget this because I tend to feel better later and just brush it off and continue to be friends.. I hope I can keep letting her know that her behavior has lasting effects. I’m tired of this
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cosmossystem · 2 days
so this post may be controversial but i will no longer be silenced. i need people to start being accepting of bears/fat men in general that don't fit into the "dad" vibe or aren't conventionally attractive. quit acting like they've all gotta be incels/mladys/neckbeards/racist weebs etc. because first off, fat hairy nerdy men with patchy beards and glasses or acne or bald spots or whatever are HOT and i'm tired of pretending they're not!!!!!! and more importantly!!! even if you aren't attracted to them (or even if you are) i need you to start being fucking normal about them. because if you keep treating every fat hairy guy with glasses as if he's this rampant bigot, you're just gonna create more divides, and also you're a fucking asshole who equates looks with morality. something something alt-right pipeline, someone's worth is not determined by how attractive you find them, etc. please stop being fatphobic to ppl you don't like lol
#💙 cass#fatphobia#i am SO serious i think the archetype of 'fat incel with glasses and a patchy beard and lives in his mom's basement'#regardless of whether or not it's accurate (often isn't)#is like. Am i supposed to not find that attractive. I love nerdy lookin guys. They're hot!!!!#Glasses are hot! Stubble is hot! Fatness is hot!!!! like why are you trying to say they aren't. i have working eyes???#I mean i don't like incels but this ain't about that it's about yalls rampant anti-masculism and fatphobia. Lol#i hate how we've made it seem like you can't actually find fat guys attractive. WHat's up with that btw#like even in gay spaces when you say 'i love bears' theres a really specific kind of guy that ppl associate with being a bear#hell i don't even always want to say bear. I want to say that i like fat guys in general#because i just really do!!!! i don't get why this is an issue#again that's only half of the point i'm making here. i'm also saying you need to be normal about people you don't find attractive#and ESPECIALLY when it comes to yalls internalized fatphobia. damn. reflect on that! thanks#that part is way more important but just. i feel like i never see anyone actually expressing attraction to fat guys#which is CRIMINAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!#again probably because we've created this idea that no one could Ever find a fat person attractive. societal fatphobia etc#but anyway. the way i would die for a trans bear with glasses.................
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shittywriterbrain · 5 months
me: yeah, i like this character a lot, especially their monologues
also me whenever that character opens their mouth: shut up. shut the fuck up. who asked
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ihuntthemoon · 1 year
Peoples new favorite hobby is finding ways to make sexism women’s fault. Men aren’t sexist bc it’s been the prevailing ideology for centuries, they’re sexist bc one girl on tiktok said she hated small dicks
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limeade-l3sbian · 6 months
Message to the dumbass who keeps trying to convince me that "feminism is bad for women": come out of anon and just say it if you feel that strongly about it.
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melonisopod · 2 years
On the one hand I don’t think you should judge a person by who their favorite character is or automatically assume that if they like a Bad(tm) character it makes them a bad person, but on the other hand I have never met a Mineta apologist who wasn’t an incel.
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sanyu-thewitch05 · 1 year
Not Andrew Tate possibly having lung cancer!
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Let’s see if he gets snatched off this earth like Kevin Samuels was.
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miasansudstern · 2 years
After 8 years of football watching experience, I came to conclusion that:
Meme-ing Culture of Football is Bunch of Beta-males Mocking Alpha-males' Failure
Seriously though. In every social media, people mocking footballers are same people as using words "bro caught simping"
Manuel Neuer and Leon Goretzka care about human rights (labor, lgbt, poverty...) even though they are millionaire with looks, they could just go on with their lives without caring about all of these, making money and dating beautiful girls.
And they decided to make statement in the middle of the rich country that violates most of the said human rights. Even though they could be punished by it. I really admire them for it.
But some men are somehow butthurt by it.
The thing is, only thing about them aboving footballers is that they're "fans". They are in position to evaluate their performance. But that means they are nothing outside the internet.
That's why they're so obssesed with "winning the internet" by meme-ing and mocking the players. They want to lower the players to their level because they feel inferior.
And I've noticed that most of the them are from the countries that have zero senses about lgbt rights. Including mine 😂
England also tried to wear "one love armband" and are kneeling before every game. Still, they're showing great performance. Germany's early exit is outcome of bad tactics, player selection and lack of experience. Not because of "political statement"
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venusandsaturnsrings · 9 months
i cannot believe my well established niche on this app is a slimy greasy incel that has no sense of normal relationships or behaviour!! why are we all equally down bad for him!!
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