#different aus that i have so farrrr !
vigilantebullshit · 1 year
music / band au : this follows early comic canon events in jessica's life. her family dies in a car accident and she still becomes a 'gifted' human. when she's adopted by the jones', she finishes out high school then runs away and works on building a life elsewhere where no one knows about the accident. along the way she meets six ( @sierra6x ; a canon + important part of this au ) and they bond over their mutual love of music, eventually forming a band together with her as bassist and him as lead guitar. getting famous is nice recognition, but she has found a family and a home within the band, allowing her to be herself. although she doesn't often use her abilities, super strength comes in handy when moving around equipment and whatnot. for this verse, the only people who would know about her abilities would be six and her other bandmates / very close associates of the band.
izombie au : in this verse, jessica is investigating the disappearance of her parents and brother only to find out that they've fallen victim to the zombie epidemic growing in washington. unbeknownst to her, her closest friend (in this case, probably trish) is also a zombie and when she finds out, they work together to find a cure. open to doing a verse within the au in which jessica becomes a zombie herself and how she copes with that.
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pitconfirm · 5 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
thank you for tagging @mars-mystic!! mwah 😽
1. How many works do you have on ao3
eight, two of which are anon teehee (but i think one is very obviously mine 😅)
2. What’s your total AO3 word count? 
60,694... soon to be over 70k 🙈
3. What fandoms do you write for?
im just here for lance nation..... writing about my pookie wookie
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
excluding my anon fics which are the actual #1 and #3...
1 - Gatito (the people yearn for kitty lance)
2 - Midas Touch
3 - Broken Glass (guys please someone else write more 141831 im begging....... i cannot be the only threesome in this tag)
4 - Venus Flytrap
5 - Kamikaze
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I love responding to comments.... i love every comment I respond to every comment unless it's just emojis or i have literally no idea how to respond 😭
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
I guess Kamikaze is my only fic with a kind of angsty ending... but not really. i don't like angsty endings 😭 i need problems to be solved. if i know a fic has an angsty ending i generally will not even touch it
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
im now realising that most of my fics on ao3 are just straight up porn..... i swear i am planning more substantial things in the future. but i guess my two tumblr drabbles have happy endings?? oh wait or Detonate.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
luckily i've never gotten any hate at all..... not even anon hate asks, i feel like im missing out. this is what I get for being kind and amazing 😔🫶
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
do i even need to answer this. every kind. almost.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
not crossovers but there are like.... specific aus living in my mind that i want to write. hunger games au, dbh au.... beloveds.
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
i hope not 🤨
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
no....... not yet 🤔
14. What’s your all-time favourite ship?
tbh I’ve read so many different fandoms and ships over the years but strollonso is the one I’ve been most feral about. or maybe arthur/eames from inception…..
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
I literally have zero wips right now except venus flytrap. the ideas in my brain have dried up like the sahara desert to work on this thing. once I’m finished we’ll see
16. What are your writing strengths?
I like to think I have good wit and flow. and maybe attention to detail… always thinking what more I can add to a scene to make it more palpable
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
I think just…. really terrible self criticism. a lot of the time I’m writing and I’m like… what if this sucks what if everyone hates this what if blah blah blah….. WHO CARES!!!!!! I wish I could be less worried about that
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I will write a few words if I feel confident enough about them but not whole passages. I always have nando saying little bits in spanish
19. First fandom you wrote for?
TOOOO EMBARRASSING. I only ever wrote for one other fandom and I was 13 on wattpad and shudder every time I remember
20. Favourite fic you’ve written?
I guess it has to be venus flytrap for the pure amount of effort I’ve put in…. and because it’s definitely the most well written by farrrr. I cringe a little reading my other stuff now 😭 but I guess that’s just the nature of improving over time
NO idea who’s already done this so forgive me if I’m being a goof @lil-shiro @lou-who-writes @parallelplayers @boxboxbrioche @vicsy @userkritaaay and now my brain is firing blanks so sorry if I forgot any of my beautiful writer friends
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walkinginland · 11 months
20 Questions for Fic Writers
very kindly tagged by @freneticfloetry and @three-drink-amy. thanks, friends!!!
1. How many works do you have on AO3?
20! Three of those are drabble compilations, how I keep my 100-word drabbles organized for different fandoms, but I'm counting them 😂
2. What’s your total AO3 word count?
35,104. I don't know how to write long lmao.
3. What fandoms do you write for?
Most of my fics (15 of them to be exact, as well as the main longer fic I'm writing atm) are for Outlander, but I've written for a total of 5 fandoms, and hop between them at different times. In addition to Outlander, I have fics/drabbles for The Song of Achilles, The Last Binding Trilogy, 911, and 911: Lone Star.
4. What are your top 5 fics by kudos?
To Heart and Home (Outlander, multichap, canon divergent) - by farrrrr, which makes sense, as it's my only multichap
Foundations (Outlander, one shot, canon compliant)
return my fists to fingers (The Last Binding, one shot, canon compliant)(i need more of yall to read these books and write fic for them. i need it)
Sunlight (The Song of Achilles, one shot, canon compliant)
Grievances Raised (Outlander, one shot, modern au)
5. Do you respond to comments? Why or why not?
I do! I don't post often enough that I get an overwhelming amount of comments or anything, so it's not a huge burden to reply to them all. I just am continually baffled by people reading what I write, it genuinely blows my mind.
6. What is the fic you wrote with the angstiest ending?
hmmmmmm. a lot of what I write is pretty angsty, but I love finding and weaving out the thread of hope that lives in those broken places. That said, does heaven have enough angels yet is pretty rough. It's a canon compliant little snippet from the pov of a stillborn infant so like...... she's sad. there's still hope tho! always still hope.
7. What’s the fic you wrote with the happiest ending?
ooo probably the fluffiest happy fic I have is All the Colors in the Rainbow! It ends with all the Frasers going off to Pride, and it makes me hella happy.
The happiest fic story-wise is probably To Heart and Home, just because it fixes The Main Fuckening that happens in Outlander and brings that family back together earlier.
8. Do you get hate on fics?
*knocks on wood* i haven't yet!
9. Do you write smut? If so, what kind?
I don't, I'm not brave enough. The closest I came to it was with Grievances Raised, wherein Claire pegs the brains out of her husband, but I only wrote the aftermath.
10. Do you write crossovers? What’s the craziest one you’ve written?
I haven't done one yet!
11. Have you ever had a fic stolen?
Not that I know of 🤞🏻
12. Have you ever had a fic translated?
I don't think so? I feel like I remember someone asking me to translate To Heart and Home a few years ago, but I don't know if anything ever came of it.
13. Have you ever co-written a fic before?
I haven't! I feel like I would be the worst co-writer lol, I am farrrr too slow.
14. What’s your all-time favorite ship?
to write? idk, probably Jamie and Claire? I just feel like I know them, inside and out. I don't have to look for their voices, they're right there.
15. What’s a WIP you want to finish but doubt you ever will?
oh god, so many outlander ones lmao.
16. What are your writing strengths?
I am really good at matching the tone of the source material! Once I get the voice of the characters/narration/general story style, I feel like I can reproduce the general vibes of canon. I think that's why I sometimes have an easier time with writing fic from stories in the form of books - there's a written tone I can internalize. And consequently, why I've had a harder time with nailing a voice for 911 or Lone Star, even though I do want to eventually write fic for those shows.
17. What are your writing weaknesses?
Dialogue and plot! I write Vibes™, but I don't know how to write actual Stories. I would love to be that writer who could crank out a whole story with a plot and shit, because I love that type of fic with my whole self, but my brain just functions in vibes.
18. Thoughts on writing dialogue in another language in fic?
I am a Coward about it. I've written a fair amount of Gàidhlig into my Outlander fics, especially in To Heart and Home, and honestly I think I've done a pretty good job with it. I spent a lot of time researching the language, up to and including researching grammar structures and taking duolingo lessons at the beginning of the pandemic for a few months. I've forgotten most of it now though, despite duolingo being extremely persistent with its reminders lmao.
If I were to write for 911 and Lone Star like I would like to, I would like to include some Spanish into those stories (especially with Lone Star), and I just don't think I would do it justice. I failed Spanish miserably in high school, and haven't taken a stab at it since. If I include it I want to do it well and respectfully, ya know? I'm bilingual (just not with Spanish lol) and an interpreter, and I think that has brought with it a better understanding of just how complicated language is, and how easy it is to fuck it up when you don't know what you're doing. And as a very white person, I also don't want to act like I know fuck-all about a non-white language and culture when I don't.
Sooooo, I'm a coward about it atm. Hoping to get better eventually though!
19. First fandom you wrote for?
Outlander! Never ever thought I would write fic, didn't think I was "allowed." Hadn't ever written anything creatively before (in english at least), so it was a big jump for me. this makes it sound like english is my second language, when really it's just that the first time that anyone made me write creatively was in my deaf lit class
20. Favorite fic you’ve written?
Oh god this changes all the time. At the moment I've feeling very tender towards into the empty parts of me. It's a really tragic part of canon, but just gorgeous character potential. I loved how gentle this turned out, how John and Claire had a moment of healing in the middle of their tragedy.
But also I think that the fic I'm writing right now is gonna turn out to be my favorite ❤ once I get the writing juices flowing again for one last section 🤞🏻
I'm not sure who all has done this already, but no pressure tagging @liminalmemories21, @flyinghome-againstthewind, @theawkwardterrier, @homerforsure, @paperstorm
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claudiajcregg · 10 months
1, 10, 13, 15, 21 for the ao3 wrapped!! 🙏
Oh lol. Sorry anon, I was so tired last night I missed this notif. (But considering how many there are… It's for the best, haha.) To every one else… Sorry this is so long. 
How many words have you written this year?
Per AO3, 56,212 words so far. Realistically, probably over 100k more than this? (And I'm guessing it counts all of a fic that started being posted at the very end of last year. So idk.)
We have… 76k+ for the AU, 16k for the exchange fic that will be posted in the next 2 weeks, 7k+ for that fail attempt at a smutty fic, 4k+ for the absolute worst smut you've read (a different attempt)… These are just off the top of my head/recent docs. And lots of smaller one shots, ficlets and all that I have either not gotten around to editing and posting or just don't think they're good enough. (Aka my whole thing.)
10. What work was the quickest to write?
hm. Full disclosure, going by vibes, because I don't want to check 9 (actually like 16?) documents rn. Maybe later? Out of the posted ones, I think it was likely one of the ficlets! (Duh. They are so short.) I remember the one beds were quick, but I think most from the ficlet story (where the other six are) also apply!
Out of the longer stories, I honestly do not remember! Though they obviously grow a lot as I edit them, some of the original ideas go back years. lovely to sit between comfort and chaos, probably? I was coming off a bad rut. I also feel like most of still you never took your hand from me applies because I wanted to get to the next idea, but I feel like filling those gaps I left open took me a couple of days.
13. What’s your longest work of the year?
Currently? still you never took your hand from mine. It's 48 words longer than the press fic.
In a couple of weeks? It's probably going to be the exchange fic. People are going to be all 'ain't reading all that' and that's fair.
15. What WIP are you taking into next year with you?
lmao, what am I not taking? See above: leaving things mostly finished but unpublished because I don't want to bother my beta, and I don't feel they're good enough. I guess the best answer is the pregnancy AU. Unlike the "famous" (not) IM AU from 2021 with 150k words sitting on my drive, I haven't been churning out chapters every 2-3 days. I have ideas but not a clear direction for what specifically happens in every chapter.
21. How many kudos in total did you get this year?
273. The most so far! (Last year, I posted more, got 18 more hits than I've gotten so far this year, but got less kudos than in 2021, which is so encouraging.) This year, I definitely see the server's influence, and that it feels like there are more people around, but I also know I'm far, farrrr behind some of my peers friends.
Thank you, nonnie! more ao3 wrapped questions here, if there are any left :'D
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steveleoparddd · 5 years
Ok but what if, Darren convinces Larten to allow Steve to come along with them on their travels? Larten is not willing first but eventually gets persuaded.
Before darren’s death they tell him the plan, and after faking Darren’s death, the night of the funeral, Steve joins them after they’ve dug Darren up.
(steve will later be filed under the “Missing Persons” case but no matter how hard the police will search he won’t be found bcs...i mean he’ll have gone FARRRR from their hometown.)
and their journey is basically darren and mr crepsley bonding but also...mr crepsley and steve bonding. Steve is initially really suspicious about larten and not such a big fan (he DID call him evil, after all) but for Darren’s sake he puts on decent behaviour.
steve meets evra too. the trio become good friends.
and steve’s still a human btw. larten says he’ll have to “earn” vampirism.
also in this larten is a little hateful towards steve bcs of the “evil” blood thing...bcs it reminds him of himself and he’s projecting himself onto the boy.
and in the vampire mountain, there’s LOTS of trouble and many vampires have an issue with
1) a vampire child
but anyway larten deals with it.
they have a decent enough time there. steve forms a good bond with Kurda, but the strongest with Arra. It’s rlly odd...she has no idea why she is drawn to this child so much. Of course she’s rlly cold initially, but warms up (in her own way) to him. he trains with her sometimes
her death GREATLY devastates both mr crepsley and steve, (something they can silently bond over)
the whole kurda thing happens. steve is lowkey hateful of the vampires for killing kurda...their rules are more important to them than morality and the greater good? huh. seems like a stupid race, he can’t believe he ever liked them so much.
steve changes a bit in the years that follow. mr crepsley notices. steve’s subtle and hesitant acts of kindness do transition into acts of good that he delivers with assurance. he saves mr crepsleys ass once during a battle, where he could have easily let larten DIE.
truth is, over the years, Larten has become a father figure to steve more strongly than he has to darren. even though larten’s cold and distant, a part of steve yearns for his approval and affection. steve never gets jealous of darren tho...there are a few moments, but he could never hate darren. ever.
sometime later he’s approached by mr tiny who talks in depth about the vampaneze, putting a seed of curiosity in Steve’s constantly wondering mind. he doesn’t know why he does it, but he sneaks behind darren and crepsleys backs to meet up with the vampaneze, who only take him in because they see him as a potential spy/ally bcs
1) he’s close to the potential hunters
2) he’s not a vampire so no sense of racial helping binds him to them
steve goes there with the intention of finding the vampaneze lord but acts like an ally.
a few months go by, and he starts liking/preferring the way of the vampaneze over the vampires.somewhere along the way he gets blooded(again, the vampaneze mostly do this in order to truly get steve on their side)...but is given a special scent to put on to hide his true nature from his companions. it’s a really strong scent that masks his vampaneze scent by invading the nostrils of anyone around him (including his...the headaches are very strong smh)larten and darren protest him wearing that “deodorant” at first but he convinces them to let him wear it
and one night, on Gannen’s suggestion, steve enters the coffin of fire.
That night he finds out he’s the Lord of the vampaneze...and the inner conflict begins.
larten and steve will have a bonding moment- the defining moment- eventually...they’ll be having an argument where steve finally bursts about his feelings, letting larten know how being called evil fucked him up SO much. how he STILL hates himself bcs larten won’t even LOOK at him when they talk. how he’s tried SO hard to change himself yet larten probably thinks he’s STILL evil, but he’s not! how tf can he convince larten?
larten is surprised and taken aback, but, for once in his life, fucking communicates and lets steve know the only reason he can’t make eye contact still is bcs he’s ashamed of how he behaved all those years ago. he tells steve he isn’t evil, and that he himself was the monster all along.
this is what steve wanted to hear...all along. they hug it out, steve cries a bit, very tempted to tell crepsley the truth about himself.
they both act like they were doing “nothing” when darren walks in.
anyway...a whole new mess would be created bcs of the whole steve not being insane in this part but still making a few stupid decisions
what happens when the hunters find out the truth?
will he come clean willingly or will they figure it out?
will darius exist? will shancus die and affect the relationship between evra and steve? will tommy come in? what will steve and darren’s very soft and pure relationship change into? will there be different misunderstandings (this time, steve’s the one being misunderstood)? will larten die? will steve be the one to kill his own father figure (again, under different circumstances)?
century maybe idk...IF i write a fic about this
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