#lmk if you want to write in these verses !
effervescentdragon · 2 years
since you're passionate about mythology-coded charles, what about god!seb taking an interest in mortal!charles?
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You will not win, brother, she tells him, and he only laughs, mischief echoing in every sound he makes. You underestimate me, he replies. You always have, and that will be your downfall.
She stands, a pale red rose in her hand, and his heart beats faster. Her eyes are deceitful, and she looks like she knows something that he does not. He keeps the grin on his face, unrepentant, unaffected in the face of her loveliness. She is as vicious as she is beautiful, and he dares not show a weakness, lest he be stricken.
As you have always underestimated me, she says, and her voice is a honey-entombed thorn. Tell me, brother, she spits out the last word like it is a curse. Where is your pretty boy now?
He cannot help the widening of his eyes. She sees; she sees everything. Her smile turns snide. Where is your lover, more beautiful than the sunset, lovelier than the morning dew, as delightful as the fresh spring in the summer? She brings the rose to her face, inhaling its scent. Where is your beloved?
He does not know when he takes the steps towards her; his golden shoes take him to her side quicker than she thinks possible. He grabs her by the neck, and she gasps; the rose falls from her hands, petals falling off as it crashes into the dirt.
Have you hurt him? He growls. She cannot speak; he does not need her to. If you have hurt him, sister, I shall never forget it.
His eyes sparkle gold; hers widen in response. You would dare - she gasps when he tightens his hold on her throat, then lets go just enough for her to be able to speak. You would hurt your kin? For - for a mere mortal?
Shut your lying tongue, he hisses. She sucks in a breath. There will always be mortals, she replies, raspy and tight. Why is this one any different?
I would not expect you to understand, he says, staring into her green eyes. 'Tis irony of highest degree, he scoffs, and her eyes narrow. The Goddess of Love, without the fundamental understanding of what love truly is. He closes his eyes. Selfish and capricious. He opens them again, and lets go of her, stepping away in disgust. Shameful.
She rubs on her throat as her eyes, unblinking and fixed on his, clear. They are beautiful, and green, but they are the wrong shade. They always were.
Know you what irony is, brother? She asks, and her face twists in a cruel grimace. That you be the Herald of the Gods. She scoffs. The fastest of all the Gods, and yet, she smiles, and it is poison personified, and yet, you are not quick enough to save your beloved.
He feels the rage fill him from the tip of his head to the bottom of his soles. His skin vibrates with power, and his head spins. She does not stumble away when he flies into her space. If he dies, I will never forgive you, he says, and he makes it a vow. She hears it, in her core, in her essence, and he sees incredulousness and doubt and regret in her eyes. If he dies, for as long as we exist, you are no longer my sister, he spits out, and then he is flying like he has never flown before, leaving devastation in his wake.
When he comes to the battlefield, it is burning.
The smoke fills his eyes and makes them water, so putrid it is, but he cannot care. He needs to find him. He closes his eyes and searches the battlefield; searches for a piece of himself he has left with his beloved. It pulsates; it calls to him, beacon of gold in the darkness of terror and the red of blood spilled. He opens his eyes and descends, hurrying.
He finds his lover on the brink of death; his wounds are too severe, and the only kin of his who could stop this death are either neutral or on the other side of this war. There is nothing to be done; his love will be lost to him. He pulls his beloved's head into his lap and cleans the blood from his skin, caressing his lovely face.
His eyes open, and green meets blue, and merges.
'My love,' he says, smiling despite the pain. 'How are you here?'
I've come to say goodbye, he says. You are to be parted from me, beloved.
'Oh, no,' he shakes his head and smiles that sweet smile of his, which is the most wonderful sight in the world, even as bloody and weak as it is now. 'I will never be parted from you. You are half of my soul,' he says, and his eyes are feverish, and his skin is burning, but the kiss he bestows upon the hand caressing his cheek is scorching. 'It is impossible to part us.'
You believe so? He asks, pain tearing at his ribcage as he observes his beloved's breaths becoming shallower and shallower. 'I do,' he says weakly. 'My love, not even your brother Thanatos will keep me away from you, for I am yours and yours only, heart and soul, until the world ceases to exist.'
Swear you? He asks in a shaky voice, unwilling to believe a mortal could make such a vow and mean it, and yet unable not to hope. Swear you, beloved?
'I swear upon my life and upon my death that I shall not be parted from you,' he says, and the words echo. 'Search for me when I am gone, and I shall be mindful of anyone with shoes of gold and eyes of sky whom I encounter,' he says. 'But now, kiss me, for I want to die with your taste on my lips.'
He lowers his head. I love you, he whispers against his beloved's lips, and kisses him, and lets his tears flow when the lips under his become lifeless. He breathes in his beloved's final breath and holds it in his lungs until they are fit to burst, and then he cries until he has no tears left.
I will never cease searching for you, beloved, he whispers to his dead beloved. He raises his head to the sky then. And I will never forget this, nor forgive it, my once-but-sister-no-more, for as long as the world turns.
There is a lightning then, and rain falls. It tastes like regret on his tongue, but he does not care, and it is not enough to extinguish the fire around him, for the battlefield burns and burns and burns with all the rage of a devastated God's heart.
"- and look, Charlie, he's wearing golden shoes!"
Charles turns, eyes wide, but before he can say anything, or figure out why his heart started beating faster, there is a man standing before him and Enzo. His smile is wide and his eyes are sky-blue, and Charles' cheeks heat.
"Hello, Enzo. Yes, I'm wearing my gold shoes, thank you very much, I deserve them after what it took me to win last year!"
Enzo laughs as they hug, but the man - you know his name, why can't you say it, you know who he is, you know him - keeps his eyes on Charles'. Sky-blue, Charles thinks, blushing like a fool. His eyes are like the skies, and they are beautiful.
When they separate, he asks "And this is your brother?", and Enzo says "Yes".
Charles doesn't know what possessed him then, but he sticks out his hand.
"Charles," he says. "My name is Charles" - this time, comes the thought, unbidden, and he shakes it off. "It is very nice to meet you, at last."
The man's eyes sparkle, and Charles feels like he can't breathe.
"Hello, Charles. I am Sebastian," he says, and it sounds like he isn't saying everything he wants to; like there is a whole world unsaid in the pause he makes. "I am very glad to finally meet you, too," Sebastian says, and their hands touch.
Something slots into place, like a whole universe finally aligning properly. When Charles smiles, shyly and sweetly, Sebastian's answering smile feels like warmth of the sun itself.
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general-kalani · 8 months
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{ Thanks for the follow @gcverncr! }
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He didn't know whether he was staring at a ghost, his brother, or something else.
The way the other man stared was with hatred, sure. But there was always other things.
Like Penny...
He still wasn't over that. Still too fresh on his mind.
"... Brian... You're... You're alive?"
Incredulous was one way to put his reaction. He hadn't seen his brother in so long, thought him dead. And yet here he was. Staring him in the eyes.
"It's... Clearly a miracle to have you back."
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wisheswagered · 14 days
Evelyn's gaze is as sharp as a hawk's as she observes the suspicious man before her. But as sharp as it is, it's also equally as subtle - to the point where an ordinary person might not be able to tell she was studying them at all. Of course, Evelyn gets the impression that this man is far from ordinary...
"Don't you think that outfit you're wearing is taking things a little too far?" She greets him with a somewhat-sarcastic question - the bandages aren't exactly subtle. Still, there's a tension in the room that she's sure both parties are aware of... which is to be expected, when Evelyn still doesn't remember how she ended up in this manor at all.
Is he the culprit, or is he another victim? That's the first thing this "Faro Lady" needs to figure out.
"...Hmm, I suppose that was rather rude of me. Please accept my apologies... and let me ask another question instead. Who might you be?"
@kllsworn ( starter! )
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balladetto · 10 months
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more to come of these two when the mood hits, particularly of their older versions, but for now. the lads ft. @gloryseized ♡
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kamipyre · 1 year
♡♡♡ || closed starter for @bloodxhound
He’s back, he’s back!
The rumors spread like wildfire amongst the junior forensics- head forensics Nakamura seems…cheerful today. A tad more lively although asking her about it would be akin to asking for extra paperwork. In the years he’s been absent, a stoic face turned from a characteristic to a necessity. And as one of the head forensics, one who has fought tooth and nail for her position, she cannot afford to let her guard down, even if today is a special day.
Today there will be no partings. Because today there will only be a REUNION.
He’s not at his old desk. Not that Nakamura looked there first- Edgeworth informed her that he was given a promotion and therefore, an office of his own. Skipping past the rows of desks ( and the people there too ), she heads to his office with a moderate stack of paperwork. He’s still in the middle of the onboarding process after all.
She knocks on the door, barely reading the name on the plaque. There’s an affirmation to come in.
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“Detective Barlowe?” She says, shouldering the door open. She nods at the familiar face- her old friend. “Nakamura from the Forensics Department- we have some paperwork for you to fill out.”
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sanctified-sanctuary · 10 months
I won’t have time to add them to my carrd for a while so quick reference for the old new goon squad 🤪
Liam “Jekyll” Hyde- hellhound shifter demon, he’s in his late-mid 20s, He/Him, big idiot who rushes into situations head first but is also the first to laugh at the consequences. Long dark red hair that’s pulled half up usually but still in his face, light tan with dark freckles all over his body and long claw scars from his chest over his shoulder down his back and a supernaturally large bite scar on his shoulder. His eyes are green into gold toward the iris, the gold takes over the more he shifts eventually also darkening his sclera. He grew up on the infernal plane with other hellhounds until he was summoned by Hunter, at which point he agreed to be their familiar and spent his time split between earth and infernal planes from his early teens. He’s the largest personality and the leader of the pack if you will, but he’s also the bleeding heart always taking in strays it’s in his nature
Hunter (WIP last name)- infernal witch 3/4 human 1/4 incubus on their mother’s side, they’re half a year older than Jekyll, They/Them, a bit heavy on the sarcasm but very approachable/caring. Shorter light hair, they tend to dye it vibrant hues but it is naturally a whitish color, somewhat pale with no noticeable blemishes save for hidden enchanted tattoos. Their eyes are a light blue with a violet shift, more prominent when they’re practicing magic or using their demonic influence. They grew up with their dad as a single parent, summoned Jekyll when they realized they had bloodline magic and wanted to have a friend around that would understand since other kids saw them as weird with their mom’s mysterious background. Definitely an enabler and sarcastic best friend type, a bit more parental of the group but will encourage dumbass behavior too
Adora “D” Nova- succubus, she’s the youngest though only by a few months and still in her late-mid 20’s, She/Her, a ray of sunshine guaranteed to lighten the mood when she steps into the room she’s also the most emotionally intelligent/developed. Split color hair falls past her shoulders in a shag cut, one side a deep copper and the other a medium warm blonde dyed or natural she’ll never tell, her light skin has a few beauty marks and a dark gothic winged heart tattoo on her lower stomach. (She’ll tell you it’s a “succubus birth mark” but she got it tattooed on a dare on Earth when she was 19) Her eyes tend to shift color depending on the environment and if she’s exerting any influence, they’re normally a deep burnt maroon red that lighten to a brighter raspberry pink when using her talents. She also grew up on the infernal plane and made friends with Jekyll when they were late teens, eventually sparked up a romantic relationship in their young adult into early 20s that’s more or less on again off again because the lines between friends and lovers has already been blurred. She hangs out with the pack as often as possible, though she does pop back and forth between the planes more than anyone else she makes plenty of time to drag the crew along to seedy dive bars for post punk shows on the regular and they all blend right in
Zeke (WIP last name)- ((more of a secondary muse if you have good rp ideas it helps to bring his muse out!)) demon? (He refuses to disclose), he says he’s the oldest by a year but he’s cagey about the exact numbers late 20s, He/Him, unsettling and occasionally uncanny yet he’s the comic relief of any tense situation. He also frequently dyes his hair, typically shades of muted blues and greens, it’s trimmed tight on the sides and loose on top purposefully messy, he sports a tan that comes and goes with the seasons when he isn’t pasty white. His eyes are a light brown with metallic flakes that catch in the light, it doesn’t seem they glow or change at all with talent use but there is a sharpness to them that’s otherworldly even among hellhounds and other-planar beasts. He met the group on earth when they were all 19-21 ish at a house show and they clicked instantly, he mostly hangs out with the group and prefers to not be on his own unless he’s set on a mission (usually it’s a snack run- this man can eat). He’s dodgy about personal information and can be generally unsettling to be around if you’re unfamiliar with him, but he does his best to quell those feelings in other people when he speaks to them.
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guardiandamned · 10 months
Ryouga doesn't know how to face Yuma.
God, it pisses him off. That he's still such a coward, even now, who doesn't know what to say to the boy who should be his friend. ...Or is he an enemy?
Even now, he doesn't know what to think. It wasn't easy, turning his back on Yuma and the people he'd grown to love to fight for the Barians after remembering the truth of it all. It had been painful, hard, and cruel. ...But even that feels easier now than this shitty uncertainty that haunts him now, pulling him in two different directions, making him want to scream and just give up, but-
He can't. Not yet.
After he'd lost that duel to Yuma, he'd wanted so bad to believe that a miracle really was possible. If only he could put his faith in him one last time... but now that Ryouga's been revived, months into the past without explanation, he doesn't know what happened to the world he left behind. He doesn't know if Yuma and Astral's resolve was empty, or if they'd managed to find a way to save everyone - but even though nothing's changed... Ryouga just can't find it in himself to betray Yuma again for a second time.
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"Yuma...?" Eventually, Ryouga speaks up. His heart is hammering in his chest, and he feels sick. "I... I need to talk to you for a moment. About something important."
@highfivethesky ( starter! )
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devilfated · 1 year
@nightmaer said: ❛  you  have  a  talent  for  causing  things  pain .  ❜ from katherine!
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    TRY AS HE MIGHT TO DENY SUCH A REALITY, he could not. For centuries his family reminded him of his own malice. He was plagued with memories of tortured lovers, scorned friends, torched villages -- families left broken, humans turned vampires. All in the name of Niklaus's self-preservation, as he ran from his father and did what he had to do in order to survive. And yet, in spite of his family's sheepish cries, they stuck beside him. Perhaps that made them more pathetic than Klaus could ever be. "You hate me, Katerina. But you and I - we are not so different."
     He inched closer to her. The space between them was little, a reflection of something deeper than physical distance. "And yet all the pain and misery you've inflicted has little to do with me. Bridges you've burnt - family lost, lovers left in shame at the thought of you. That was all you, love. I've given you your freedom. But without me to run from, what purpose does your feeble existence have?"
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namenoted · 7 months
❝ well, here we are, ❞ he says, looking at the spread of books between them. ❝ man, where do we even begin? i guess ... at the beginning, right? ❞
he's putting it on heavy today. while there is nothing necessarily ominous about yagami, no shadow over his shoulder here (not in this world!), there is an air about him. he is a proper, well-put-together boy, and he is oddly helpful, well-mannered, and bred for success. the ultimate academic, an almost teen detective, and japan's top student —— and yet, here he is, sitting in his livingroom cross-legged with his hands on his knees, leaning back to stretch out his ribs against the lining of the couch's base frame and cushions. the tonkatsu he's pulled out is clearly expensive, and despite its use, has been well taken care of.
the general decor is a relative mix of traditional and western —— a nice house —— and yagami is obviously playing comfortable. maybe he really is? still, with company, it's best to keep up appearances. he can't be too comfortable. this person isn't keitaro*.
❝ hey, do you want something to drink before we get started? ❞ their introductory tea is empty, the small pot sitting near their discarded cups and saucers. ❝ water, soda? we also have chips if you want a snack. now that i think about it, i think i need a little 'brain food'. ❞ — @kuroyrii
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revengesworn · 1 year
Mikey can feel himself shaking.
He hates it. This weakness - this fear and the heart-pounding terror that, at times like these,  always emerges from so deep in his core that it feels like it defines him. He’s supposed to be strong. How can he be a leader when he can’t carry the people he loves through their pain and beyond? He can barely even manage to stand on his own two feet, let alone protect the people he cares about.
He’s always been weak, and he’s always hated the weak. The weak can’t do a thing. If they just tried a little harder, fought a little more, then they’d be able to protect themselves and the people they love... but they don’t even try. The weak make excuses, and bring nothing but misery to those around them, and there’s no-one out there weaker than Mikey.
He can lie, and deny it to himself, but... at times like these, he knows the truth.
But that doesn’t mean he’ll accept it. No matter how much it hurts, he’ll stop his body from shaking and put a smile on his face as if nothing is wrong... because Baji deserves it, after all - he’s the one who really suffered here.
As he enters the hospital room, Mikey feels his heart come to a stop. It’s just for a moment, as he sets eyes on Baji - who’s alive, he’s not dead; oh god he could’ve died too - but a barely-strained smile forms on his face regardless. He’s scared, because he doesn’t know if Baji will be happy to see him. But..
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“Baji. ...You really scared everyone, you know.”
@prxenuntius​ ( starter for baji! )
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deathfavor · 2 years
starter call. - @achroanimus​​​​ 
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   “  You don’t carry yourself the way others do.  “
   It’s a SIMPLE commentary, lacking malice others might expect with such a direct comment. But it was little more than an observation of the Green King.  Everyone else moved without purpose. They might be pressed for time to make the train or avoid the threat of the rain above, but there was no purpose in it. No drive. Beaten out of them by a system that refused to play fair. Nagare did not possess Yukari’s eye for beauty and recognizing souls aflame, but he could tell the factual aspect of it. Fish might swim around a boulder in the river, but the eagle above can see it.
   Mr. Iwa would probably scold him for the comment now. Although why was always rather a mystery to Nagare. Wasn’t that how conversation worked? His head tilts slightly from where he sits bound in the wheelchair, arms and legs held in place to keep the energy in his body in check. Between that and the vigorous gleam of intelligence in his eyes, it was bound to catch attention. Or, if nothing else, the rather robotic nature ; a force bound by calculations rather than emotion that drove many.
   “  You seem like you would be a good player.  “  Nagare tilts his head ever so slightly.  “  Do you have a dream?  “  
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general-kalani · 1 year
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{ Thank you for the follow! For the side-blog @splicingvaulthunter​ ofc! }
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Well, really he hadn’t been expecting to be distracted from his trip. He was going to be going on a hunt later on that day and he wanted to prepared.
Well-stocked even!
He had plenty to spend just because of his dear Winny’s insistence but he was planning on spending as little as he could oh the items he was well-acquainted with.
So when he’d heard a familiar voice his brain wracked for possible answers of people it could belong to! Mostly people he hadn’t seen in so long. Old friends, old acquaintances
Who he wasn’t expecting was Innsmouth!
“Ah we meet again!” He placed back the item he was looking over with a hand of dismissal before heading over to the man. Excitement palpable!
“It’s been so long we really should have a chat!.. Last I heard you were a Professor are you still one? Oh well, doesn’t matter we can chat over drinks for it!” 
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gossamer-sky · 2 years
i just read ellipsism and i'm in awe over how well written it was. i rly liked the dynamic between all three of them and i'm absolutely floored by that ending holy fuck O,O do u have plans to continue it/write a follow up or anything else abt the dynamic between those 3? no worries if not/no pressure at all, i'm just curious cause i'm incredibly fascinated by how you wrote them. probably one of the best ikémen sengoku fics i've ever read TBH
Oh my gosh, thank you so much for this lovely message, Anon! Nothing gives me more joy than knowing people are still reading and enjoying Ellipsism (it’s my favourite fic that I’ve written!)
I’ve had ideas for a follow up floating around in my head for a long time, mostly since I want to resolve the rift in Hideyoshi and Mitsuhide’s relationship; honestly I’m a little anxious to post a sequel just because the fic has received such wonderful feedback and I’m so scared of disappointing readers/not doing justice to the original story! I have snippets written of what would be a multi-chap Hideyoshi/Mitsuhide centric fic that follows after the events of Ellipsism (although their relationship to MC would definitely be a driving force of the story).
Thank you again for your lovely compliments, I adore that you would be interested in more! ❤️❤️
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peoplesing · 1 year
@deadranch liked for a starter from éponine.
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❝ i much prefer for you to keep your hands where i can see them. put them up. ❞
there comes that gravelly voice, hardened from drink. it is not above a whisper. she stares at him warily, keeping him at length now; he had a gun, she had realized when she got too close to steal, thus immediately prompting her to pull her knife. she raises it, her eyes nothing short of just as sharp.
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éponine was without the presence of the patron-minette, and she always found trouble when working alone. so much for nicking from this stranger.
the wallet sits abandoned on the rotting wooden floorboards of the bar between them, out of her reach. the small scuffle between them had ensured that much. she gestures, her attempt at a threat, the weapon glinting in the low light.
❝ dépêche-toi. hurry. it is only business... so to speak. ❞
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at-sabohteurs · 5 months
@eternaldark, starter / " spare me your sanctimonious self-rightiousness, i didn't ask them to mister president themselves. " ire burns the blood in her veins as she stares up at david, hair in disarray- pushing herself up to sit on her knees, sat back on her louboutin heeled archiles, her voice is rough, low and cracking in her throat as she catches her breath. if he expected her to feel guilty, or remorseful, he'll be waiting a while- the wraith was meant for her and she certainly hadn't tried to fight it. emma and snow's venture through the hat wasn't her fault. for once, her hands were clean. " YOU could have stopped them, don't blame me for their stupidity. "
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waraningyo · 6 months
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“⠀gojō-sensei,⠀i don't really see the point in doing this.⠀⠀”⠀⠀girl huffs out her complaints as a hand comes to shield her eyes from the blazing japanese sun.⠀⠀it was a week into her tenure as a tōkyō prefectural student,⠀⠀a jujutsushi in training,⠀⠀and she was being drilled through the proper way to go about increasing the offensive output of her straw doll technique.⠀⠀just because you were born with something that's inherently unique to you doesn't mean that something ⠀⠀(⠀⠀your cursed technique,⠀⠀ancient and passed down⠀⠀)⠀⠀doesn't need nurturing still,⠀⠀that you don't need guidance,⠀⠀that you're the type of flower that doesn't need watering.⠀⠀ it's okay to allow yourself to be watered.⠀⠀
he has her staring down training mannequins for much needed target practice,⠀⠀although she feels she's a good enough and precise shot.⠀⠀hammer is tightly gripped in her left hand,⠀⠀her right housing in between its webbing sturdy nails that flared with her cursed energy.⠀⠀internally she blanches at the fact that unlike traditional practice dummies,⠀⠀these ones will be moving a bit fast.⠀⠀through the grapevine,⠀⠀it was said that her sensei was an eccentric character⠀⠀that his teaching methods were as unorthodox and befitting of the anomalousness of his nature.⠀⠀at her core,⠀⠀she was seemingly rigid⠀⠀/⠀⠀not possessing the ability to be flexible.⠀⠀but a good enough look at her,⠀⠀and a person could tell that this wasn't the case.⠀⠀not entirely,⠀⠀anyway.
to be integrated as a student was to adhere to all regulations put in place by the higher-ups of the school.⠀⠀it was to ensure that students were fostered by a conducive learning environment.⠀⠀for her,⠀⠀who was otherwise rigid when it came to self,⠀⠀it meant she had to do a bit of bending:⠀⠀of which she was capable.⠀⠀ nothing was wrong with being watered,⠀⠀and she didn't brave the countryside until it was time for her great escape without knowing that she'd have to dip into a bit of willing conformity in order to stay a student.⠀⠀in order to stay in the city,⠀⠀where she was free to be who she wanted to be.
gaze expectantly flits to her sensei's,⠀⠀a nod of her head affirming her a willing participant in today's lesson despite the sheer ridiculousness of her knowledge in that the training dummies not moving like normal training dummies.⠀⠀well,⠀⠀she supposes she wasn't a normal girl.⠀⠀so this checks out, doesn't it?⠀⠀“⠀⠀ready when you are, sensei!⠀⠀”
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