#digimon profile
arcthebreeder · 3 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Fenriloogamon
(lit. Fenrir Loup Garou Gram Monster)
Level: Ultimate
Attribute: Virus
Type: Demon Beast
Fenriloogamon is an "imaginary Digimon" born from the "Daydream of a DigiCore" it's a form that even had even the DigiCore's own creativity miraculously released through the Interface on its brow, and evolved.
Possibly because it naturally possessed data from the Warg, from the real world mythology within its DigiCore, the form created by its DigiCore is an "Ultimate Demon Beast", clad in silver armor and wielding an inexhaustible supply of magical power. The magical flames that cover its whole body are kept under control at its own volition, and despite having an extremely high temperature they normally flicker silently and beautifully, its capability of controlling its magical flames is fully exploited in its moveset.
•The Ragnarök Howling, which causes the blue flames in its body to explosively combust while howling, incinerating its surroundings.
•Tearing the opponent to pieces with laser-like magical flames that sprout from its limbs, the Jötunheimr Gale.
•Lastly, the Hróðvitnir, that summons a duplicate of itself created by magical flames.
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ellidena · 1 year
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January art summary! Proud!
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drawingitwrong · 1 year
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I will be volunteering as an artist for @inkblot-app ‘s 1st ever membership drive!
I really believe in what they are doing and hope to see them continue to grow!
Hope you will check them out!! 👀👀👀
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komaedamizuki · 1 year
all Digimon officially have it/its as default pronouns unless stated otherwise and i think about that sometimes
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agumonger · 2 years
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Thought I might rescue this 2018ish drawing of Bagramon in his angel form. I kinda wanna remake it one day.
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clawz-out-archive · 2 years
So, I recently got a photo editing app, and...
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Here, have some crappy self indulgent profile pics.
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skydigiblogs · 2 months
instead of doing art the other day i may have updated our artfight profile with almost nothing but digimon ocs
anyone in the digimon fandom thinking about participating this year?
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finchcritterart · 8 months
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Furcadia Portrait commission for Dobermon on Furcadia. Thanks for commissioning me!
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fddarchive · 2 years
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About Tyket
“Tyket Munzo Birthday: March 7, 1988 Age: 13 Height: 56" Weight: 120 Hair color: Brown and yellow for the bangs Eye color: blue State: Colorado Special Traits: Hyper, outgoing, strong, tuff, radiant, and Nice. Has Trouble with: Dresses, Make-up, the color pink. Weaknesses: same Emotionally: Has a big crush on Daisuke and Ryan. School: Falcon Creek Middle School Signature phrase: Waz-up wacha-wan Dreams/Goals: Now- I want to be a great Artist and have a lot of web sites. 15-20 years- I want to be a cartoonist and I would like to travel the US. Physical appearance: I am a hyper girl that acts like a boy. I have never worn a dress in my life and never will. I am a digidestined and in love with Daisuke Motomiya and a FDD named Ryan. I love to Draw and tell stories to my brother Wes. I stand up for myself and always think of others (but sometimes I get a little carried away). Some people think I'm funny but I'm not that crazy. Favorites: Food: Fried Bread with honey Digimon: Demiveemon, Impmon, and my digimon. Color: Dark blue and Black Past-time: I like to draw, work on my web site, play video games(when my brother isnt on it), and be with my friends. Thing: My cross-necklace and anything my friends give me. Saying: Yo, Romeo Least Favorite: Food- Mushrooms Digimon- Devimon, Piedmon, Demidevimon Past-time- Messing with make-up Thing- Dresses, etc. Saying- Drawer(eeck)
Tyket first came on the net on Spring break of 2001 and there she met Jb and she has looked up to her until Tyket went crazy and created more sites. She went to a school name Falcon Creek Middle School where she meet a girl name Rose by a connection of one of her first friends in Colorado name Cameo. The in 8th Grade she meet Mariko and they became good friends because they had most of there classes together.
Later on in 2001 near Christmas Tyket got Rose a Mariko to meet Jb on the AoL IM(Instant Messager). They all became good friends and started a story together with only digimon in it. So now here we are.”
- From the About The Writers page of Our Digimon Story
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holydramon · 2 years
I was hoping to like. make icons for all my characters in art fight but that is NOT gonna happen lmao.
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goughie-cobler · 2 years
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Mantaraymon X is unique on the DMX2 as the only adult stage Digimon who can only evolve from one child Digimon once all evolution options are unlocked.
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arcthebreeder · 3 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Rasenmon
(lit. Spiral monster)
Stage: Ultimate
Attribute: Data
Type: Beast Man
Rasenmon's true form, which it attained after accepting its negative emotions without fearing them and regaining the courage it needed to believe in itself. Having broken free of the Negative Emotion Data that shackled it down it has now reborn into this form and is able to completely control the power that drove it berserk in the past. Its aggressive and violent behavior is also gone, now showing a kind and caring personality.
In battle it is capable of amassing even more power by absorbing the energy derived from its allies' emotions. However; it is only capable of using this energy to perform actions it believes are correct.
Its special moves are the following:
•Dishing a powerful punch while spinning the blades on its arms, the Gyro Smash.
•The Qualialise Blast makes its blades spin at extremely high speed, creating tornadoes that strike the opponent.
•Shooting out its spines and fusing them into a gigantic drill, using it with the emotion energy it has stored to impale the opponent, the Spiral Vanish.
•The Spinas Qualialise Blast is a more powerful version of the Qualialise Blast with one arm using the power of Rasenmon Rage Mode.
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atricksternamedteri · 10 days
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Esto es algo así como un AU que se me ocurrió inspirando me en Digimon ^^
Si Ragatha no está, es porque será nuestra niña elegida jasjask
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Meet The digital gang!!
Jestermon, Jackmon, Royal Toychessmon, Geia Leviamon ^^ Abstract Kimeramon and Tanglemon
No olvidemos a nuestro anfitrión... ¡¡JAGGEDHOSTEMON!!
Use this Linked Names: Jestermon ENG Entry, Jackmon ENG Entry, Royal TChessmon ENG Entry,
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digi-lov · 11 months
Digimon & Magical Witches
Bandai V-Pet Crossovers Part 2 (see Part 1 here)
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With Tamagotchi's original launch in 1996, then Digital Monsters in 1997, Bandai and Wiz released Magical Witches in 1998!
While Tamagotchi were based on eggs, and Digital Monsters on cages, the Magical Witches v-pet is shaped like a book, cover and all!
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Just like the original lines of Tamagotchi and Digimon, Kenji Watanabe was also the designer for the Magical Witches. Besides going through different stages, the Witches were also divided into four different clans each representing a different magical element. Which tribe of Witches you would raise depends on the version of the v-pet you have.
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The clans and their respective magic are as follows:
Eneruge, who specialize in fire magic, Earthlin, who specialize in Earth magic, Baluluna, who specialize in wind magic, and Aquary, who specialize in water magic.
As your Witch grows, it can study other elements of magic! They cannot learn their opposite element until Gen 4 (and master it by Gen 5). So a Eneruge Witch has to learn Earthlin and/or Baluluna magic before they can learn Aquary magic.
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[images from gotchi-garden]
Unfortunately this franchise never took off, and no further lines were created past the original line up. The toys are now quite the rare find and any online listings are super expensive.
But part of the franchise lives on within the Digimon franchise!
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The Land of Witchelny is now portrayed as another dimension, so to speak, another layer to the Digital World we know. According to offcial DigimonWeb profiles, the land is ruled by elders of each clan and three sages that lead a council governing the clans.
Witchelny is split into four blocks for each cardinal direction, each occupied by a clan, and in the center lies Mount Brocken. On the top of Mount Brocken, the clans have established a joint magic school. Those who master magic (advanced programming language) at said magic school, move on to travel to the Digital World we know.
Here is a list of Digimon, who have been confirmed to have come from Witchelny: Wizardmon /X (master of fire and earth magic), FlareWizardmon (master of fire magic), Sorcerymon (master of light and ice magic), Witchmon (master of wind and water magic), Mistymon (master of various magics, of which fire is its forte), MedievalGallantmon (a legendary hero, who protected Witchelny in ancient times) and Wisemon (born in a magic-less region of Witchelny).
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Furthermore, Hexeblaumon is a Digimon that came to Witchelny from the Digital World, and mastered ice magic there.
On the Option Card, Absolute Blast, which features HexeBlaumon, you can also see the symbol of Aquary!
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Absolute Blast BT5-097 by Shin Sasaki from BT-05 Booster Battle of Omni
Comparing the original Magical Witches evolutionary charts to the what magic we know these Digimon to be proficient in, we can make some possible connections.
Wizardmon being a master of fire and earth magic, and Witchmon being a master of water and wind magic, these original Witches line up with their abilities.
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[Wizardmon: Eneruge native master top, Earthlin native master bottom] [Witchmon: Aquary native master top, Baluluna native master bottom]
However with official artwork, such as the one below, portaying fire and water magic as their respective specialties, I believe the top sprites would be more likely.
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With Mistymon being proficient in all magic, only the "Soul" type of Witch applies, which is the same in all clans.
I find this stuff super interesting! But wait... doesn't that one face look familiar...?
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If you are interested in Magical Witches, I recommend you check out gotchi-garden! They have a very detailed coverage on these. Also shoutout to @/MagicLad_Ty on twitter who first brought these to my attention!
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ashxketchum · 8 months
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Came across a tweet by an anime screenwriter about how he had recently worked on a script for a Chinese stage play adaptation of Digimon Adventure which opened in Shanghai this week.
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He shared a few photos from the opening in Shanghai.
Did some digging around and found captures from the play itself posted by the production company on Weibo.
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Set and costume design for a show like Digimon can be extremely difficult to replicate in stage plays but they've done such a good job at it!
Source: HappyKids Company on Weibo
The actors who are part of the cast also uploaded photos on their Weibo accounts. I won't share them all here, since I am not familiar with the etiquette for reposting celebrity pictures from Chinese social media posts on other sites. I'll add the photos shared by Official accounts that I could find, and some generic watermarked photos from the cast accounts which I will link at the bottom of the post.
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Character profiles shared by Shonen Jump's Weibo Account.
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Toei's Weibo account shared similar profiles but in case of Jou and Takeru they went for different poses.
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Play captures shared by Bandai Namco's Weibo account.
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These were shared by Yamato's actor. There are more pics of them in character here 😍
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These were shared by Hikari's actor. There are more pics of them in character here (Mimi is there too!)
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Merch being sold at the screening includes some cute stickers, some figurines and what seem to be matching Digi beanies for you and your cat!
Sorry for such a long post and intensive photo dump. I just feel so comforted by China's passion to keep the love for og Digimon Adventure alive, always perks up my mood when they come out with new content!
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uniarycode · 5 months
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We got the first plot synopsis of the Digimon Liberator Webcomic.
The protagonist has literally never won before.
Everyone was clamoring for a simulator so bad they gave us a story about a simulator
They also expanded on the profiles for the two main characters.
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Interestingly, Shoto's deck is listed as "bird beatdown"...I don't think beatdown is a deck archetype in Digimon.
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