#digimon warg
golemskullz · 2 years
digiweek 2022, second day: sports day (relationship)!
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oh my gd this one was so hard. it took me days to figure out who i was gonna pick for this, but in the end i settled on the tamer/digimon partnership of hideto, warg and melga from digimon v-tamer
their arc was so emotional and made me cry like legitimately!! he really really cared about them,,
they had a rough time. group hug time rn
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jackpotsadmon · 2 years
getting emotional over hideto fujimoto again
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arcthebreeder · 3 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Fenriloogamon
(lit. Fenrir Loup Garou Gram Monster)
Level: Ultimate
Attribute: Virus
Type: Demon Beast
Fenriloogamon is an "imaginary Digimon" born from the "Daydream of a DigiCore" it's a form that even had even the DigiCore's own creativity miraculously released through the Interface on its brow, and evolved.
Possibly because it naturally possessed data from the Warg, from the real world mythology within its DigiCore, the form created by its DigiCore is an "Ultimate Demon Beast", clad in silver armor and wielding an inexhaustible supply of magical power. The magical flames that cover its whole body are kept under control at its own volition, and despite having an extremely high temperature they normally flicker silently and beautifully, its capability of controlling its magical flames is fully exploited in its moveset.
•The Ragnarök Howling, which causes the blue flames in its body to explosively combust while howling, incinerating its surroundings.
•Tearing the opponent to pieces with laser-like magical flames that sprout from its limbs, the Jötunheimr Gale.
•Lastly, the Hróðvitnir, that summons a duplicate of itself created by magical flames.
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otakween · 1 year
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Digimon Adventure V-Tamer 01 - Disc 5
This volume is called "The legendary power of the digimental," so I guess we'll be getting an armor evolve? Also...what the heck is Taichi wearing on the cover. Looks kinda silly...
Ch. 29
-We get a Taichi-free chapter where it's Leomon's turn to shine! Of course he dies, because Leomon always dies lol. I felt bad for the baby digimon who lost their mentor :'c
Ch. 30
-Oh oops, I guess Leomon wasn't dead. Coulda fooled me! This time it was HolyAngemon/Seraphimon's time to shine. I thought it was interesting how HolyAngemon digivolved by removing his "seal." That's a new one.
-The "Super Ultimate" digivolution is confusing since "Ultimate" means something different in dub vs. sub of the anime. I guess they're going for the Japanese version where ultimate is usually the final digivolution.
-Seraphimon unleashes his attack!
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(Does anyone else remember that show? I never watched it but it used to be on all the time lol).
Ch. 31
-They did the whole "this is my REAL body" thing with Venom Vamdemon. Still one of my least favorite digimon designs. It felt a little anti-climactic that Zero ended the whole thing in one blow, especially after Leomon and Holy Angemon struggled. Kinda sus power-levels there.
-They reveal that Neo needs to find a digimental to get Arkadimon to "super ultimate," which threw me off. I thought Arkadimon was a special, artificially created digimon that was special BECAUSE it could reach super ultimate. Now they're saying that any digimon can reach super ultimate via a digimental? Okaaaay...
-Hideto enters the scene with his Omegamon. Another digimon that feels weird to be partnered with a tamer. It also feels weird to demote these boss-level digimon to mid-bosses. Kinda makes them feel less impressive.
-Never heard the name "Hideto" before, but a quick Google suggests it's normal...sounds kinda weird to me.
Ch. 32
-So I uh...literally got spoiled about the siblings twist right before I read this chapter because I looked something up in the wiki and saw Rei's last name. D'oh! I guess it's not that shocking when we know next to nothing about her anyways...
-I found it kind of interesting how the gang question if they're on the right side or not since Omegamon is supposed to be "a force for justice." It's a little annoying that this franchise keeps flip-flopping on whether some digimon are just innately good or not. They also kind of implied that Omegamon being a vaccine digimon means he's good too...I just want some consistency.
Ch. 33
-So we get Hideto's backstory in the chapter. The fact that the first 2 Alias characters were all quirky and he's just some normal, cool guy tells me he'll be a little more fleshed out.
-They really thought "Warg" and "Melga" were good names for Digimon (I get that it's from WarGreymon and MetalGarurumon but still...I guess everything sounds better in Japanese).
-So Neo's main motivation for taking over the digital world is to cure his sister's paraplegia? Uhhh...pretty sure wheelchair bound people still live very fulfilling lives, so that's weak.
Ch. 34
-A very interesting explanation of how digimons' lifespans work. Essentially, digimon express themselves by rapidly overwriting their data and digimon that process these overwrites at a faster rate have the downside of have a shorter lifespan. They used the analogy of how overwriting DVDs/CDs can degrade them. The part that threw me off is that Hideto was like "that's right, Zero has a short lifespan, meaning he can't digivolve any further." I thought they meant short lifespan as-in, he'll die soon, not a digivolution limitation? (Do digimon die of old age in this universe?)
-I like that Hideto seems to have some compassion while battling and tries to get Taichi to give up. He's a nice contrast to Neo who's always in crazy villain mode.
This volume felt really short and like not too much happened, just a bunch of battles with some backstory peppered in. It seems like the whole Neo Saiba thing won't go on for 4 more volumes, so I wonder where the story will go after his defeat? Maybe Demon would be next? I honestly keep forgetting about him because he never shows up lol.
P.S. I still don't know what Taichi's wearing on the cover lol
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hallowed-nebulae · 3 years
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Friendly reminder that Neo canonically called Hideto “Hide” (and probably with a “-kun” or “-chan” at the end since they were good friends) before The Accident (after which he just calls him “Hideto”, which,, ouch)
and it is adorable
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alayne-stonecoldfox · 6 years
auburn, winterfell and dagger!
4. auburn: do you like Sansa’s character? explain why you do/don’t
I love her character. LET ME COUNT THE WAYS. Like it could go on a long time. Firstly, since I started with the show, she was just clearly the pretty, young feminine princess type character..which is just like, boom, ok, that one, that one is my favourite. Every show I watch, I’ve always liked the real GIRL girl character. When i was 8 watching scooby doo, it was daphne over velma, 10 and watching digimon, I’d like mimi over sora, when I was watching beyblade, i liked mariah more than....i actually cant remember another female character in that show but whatever. Now even as an adult, I’m still the same. I love prettiness and girliness and all that. I also love bratty/spoilt sweet characters. I’ve always said Sansa is like the cher horowitz of westoros and I stand by that statement. Getting a little bit more deep, I also love how her story is a kind of deconstruction of a story a ‘princess’ type character is meant to have. In that it all goes so horribly wrong, genuinely. In real life, historically, princesses are more like chess pieces on a board and they have to navigate some very hostile environments while being placed on a pedestal and having very little say in what their lives will be (like marie antoinette or anne boleyn, ladies who I was really fascinated by when I was in highschool and reading a whole tonne of historic fiction) and I LOVE how GRRM has written this so well with Sansa. I love her thoughts and fears and you can feel her naivety but also the sense of her learning and how she adapts. I love how subtly she’s shaped over her chapters. By cersei and joffrey and kings landing, all the way to the vale with baelish. I love the whole vibe of such a ‘perfect princess’ character slowly descending into politics and scheming whilst maintaining the facade. God, i’ve got to stop this is already a wall of text yall dont want to read TLDR I love sansa hard.
12. winterfell: do you think sansa will get back to her Stark roots by the end of the book saga? Or will she completely detach from her family and become more alayne-ish?
I think she’s developed into her own person ,and will eventually be very much removed from traditional ‘stark’ values. Just because even at the beginning of the story, her main influence was Catelyn, whereas the other siblings, even arya, seem closer/more influenced by Ned, who is more..Starky. Through all Sansa been through and what she’s learned through her experiences alone in very formative years, I don’t think she’ll value honour and honesty in the same way. I don’t think she’ll see the best in people. Lying has been her most valuable asset. I’m also one of the people who think Lady dying is very symbolic and foreshadowing of her detachment from her ‘starkness’ no matter how hard some people think its irrelevant. Throughout sansa’s chapters theres so much bird imagery, the hound calling her little bird, wishing she could fly away, petyr’s crest for house baelish which she resides under in later chapters as his ‘daughter’, while the OTHER stark kids are ALL wolves all the time in their chapters (and no i dont think sansa will warg into a bird, I think she’s cut off from any warging ability she may have been able to have when lady died. again, the presence and hints or warging in all the other kids chapters, while its absent in sansa’s, always struck me as a clear difference between them). Also, as i say this, I don’t mean to say she doesn’t love her family or that they don’t love her or that she doesnt love winterfell, because she clearly does. I just see her themes, personality, values, and everything is REALLY seperate from the other Stark kids.
14. dagger: a character you’d like to see interacting with petyr
I would have liked to have seen the pre book one small council in kings landing, with stannis and Petyr having to interact with each other. With renly and bobby B being themselves in the mix, and varys. It’d be like Stannis trying to manage an unruly classroom, popping panadol for his oncoming tension headaches.
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arcthebreeder · 5 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Helloogarmon
(lit. Hell Monster of Loup Garou)
Stage: Perfect
Attribute: Virus
Type: Demon Beast
A digimon in a chaotic state, overflowing with an enormous amount of magical power, whose form was released through the Interface on its brow by the sinister magic data of the mythical Warg, which sleeps in the deepest parts of its DigiCore.
That enormous amount of magical power is transformed into magical flames, which kept spewing endlessly. The ultra-high-temperature flames have consumed even Helloogarmon itself, so nearly its entire body has been replaced by those flames. Its sole governing principle is incinerating everything around it, it has special moves that help him achieve this goal.
•Firing a blast of flames that spread from its mouth, the Howling Burst.
•The Inferno Claw that tears the enemy into pieces using its ultra-high-temperature flames imbued claws.
•Unleashing the Inferno Claw with both of its hands, crushing the opponent between its hands while tearing them apart, the Hati Embrace.
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arcthebreeder · 5 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Soloogarmon
(lit. Sól Monster of Loup Garou)
Stage: Perfect
Attribute: Virus
Type: Demon Beast
A digimon that has succeeded in mastering the sinister magic data of the mythical Warg, which slept in the deepest parts of its DigiCore.
Program code written in a special language lines the inside of the armor that covers its whole body, suppressing its enormous amount of magical power, which is transformed into raging magical flames as if it were sealed magic.
Soloogarmon is able to freely manipulate the magical flames by modifying the program code, and these manipulated flames can be utilized for all kinds of actions such as attacking, moving and posture control.
It can produce a focused ultra-high-temperature magical flame called "Prominence Laser"
From the index and its middle fingers of both of its hands, and despite being a flame it can shoot it to distant enemies as if it were a laser beam, its capacity to easily manipulate the magical flames that its body bares, it's exploded with its special moves.
•Producing the Prominence Laser from its index and middle fingers of both of its hands, he uses these ultra-high-temperature magical flames to shoot the enemy.
•Makes the magical flame of its Vánagandr, the mace it uses to fight, burn at its highest temperature, forming a blade and slashing with it, this is the Eruption Howling.
•The Skröll Rage that takes advantage of the magical flames spewing from its shoulders to move at high speed, hurling the Vánagandr at the enemy.
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arcthebreeder · 6 months
Digital Monster Entry (DME)
Name: Loogamon
(lit. Loup Garou Gram monster)
Stage: Child
Attribute: Virus
Type: Demon Beast
A Demon Beast Digimon that is, because of the outdated interface on its brow, presumed to be an experimental "Prototype Digimon" from before Digimon were discovered, it is said that the data of the Warg, from the real world mythology is embedded deep inside it's DigiCore, it exhibits a violent behavior one wouldn't expect from a Child. At first glance it looks like a cute puppy but if one approaches it carelessly, they would be on the receiving end of a fierce counterattack, it has a trait of recognizing those who can face it as its masters, and despite being difficult to tame it can become a reliable companion if a strong bond is created, it has two fierce special moves.
•Firing flames imbued with mystical power from its mouth, the Howling Fire.
•Biting with its powerful mouth as it spins, the Spiral Bite.
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