#din djarin x migs Mayfeld
bleepyear · 1 year
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To go with chapter 3 of Upward Swing on AO3 :3
The reference for this was from The Unbearable Weight of Massive Talent. Pedro has a kissing scene that I just couldn't get out of my head, and thus, this drawing was birthed into the world <3
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nuka-cherries · 1 year
Chapters: 6/? Fandom: Star Wars - All Media Types, Star Wars Sequel Trilogy, Rogue One: A Star Wars Story (2016), The Mandalorian (TV), Star Wars: The Book of Boba Fett (TV), Andor (TV), Star Wars Original Trilogy Rating: Mature Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Din Djarin/Migs Mayfeld, Cassian Andor/Ruescott Melshi, Boba Fett/Fennec Shand Characters: Din Djarin, Migs Mayfeld, Cassian Andor, Bodhi Rook, Fennec Shand, Boba Fett, Leia Organa, Anakin Skywalker | Darth Vader, Bail Organa, K-2SO (Star Wars), Luke Skywalker, Ruescott Melshi, Bix Caleen, Jyn Erso, Mon Mothma Additional Tags: Canon is in the garbage can, Rebel Alliance (Star Wars), Rebel Migs Mayfeld, The Mandalorian Darksaber (Star Wars), Death Star (Star Wars), K-2SO being a SMARTASS, Cassian Andor being a dick, Migs Mayfeld being (Space) Bostonian, latinx author, Deaf author, Deaf Din Djarin, Deaf Grogu | Baby Yoda, Jedi Culture & Tradition (Star Wars), Mandalorian Culture (Star Wars), -anakin skywalker voice- this is where the fun begins Summary:
"I was given this by the Alliance to come find you, but I crushed it once I got closer. Call it an old habit. But I am searching gifted being who has rare genes. Estimated age being fifty years old. You don’t look like you’re fifty,” Migs said. “And the little man looks like he’s three.”
The man sighed. He held his forehead. Sheer defeat. 
“I thought I got away from it,” the man said.
So he knew he was being hunted, then.
“What do you mean?”
The man was silent for a long time, only regret in his features. “It’s the kid,” he finally said.
“The kid. His species ages slowly. They’re still hunting for him…Stars, what have I done?”
Migs glanced at the little kid playing with a silver ball on the floor with a rug for comfort. The kid was laughing to himself, pushing the sphere around. More toys scattered across the ground. He was a baby.
The Empire and the Rebels were hunting for a child.  \\\ Rebel Alliance AU. Title is Nahuatl word for home. Latinx author.
HEY Y’ALL! i’ve been on an update streak w this one! one of my pride and joys. please give it a read and leave a comment! <3
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A Fresh Start [13]
Din Djarin x F!Reader
Warnings: sick child, medical procedures, anxiety, reliving past traumas, panic and fear about losing a loved one
Word Count: 3,439
Summary: When you made plans for your future they never involved being hired by a Mandalorian to baby-sit his adorable, green gremlin of a child. However, after your life fell apart in the span of one disastrous night, you found it to be the only feasible option you had left. Nevarro was a far cry from Coruscant, but the thriving community turned out to be exactly what you needed. Every day you spend in Nevarro you fall more and more in love with your new life, but when your past rears its ugly head you find that perhaps peace wasn’t meant for everyone.
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A/N: HEY MY DUDES. THIS IS IT. THIS IS THE CHAPTER THAT INSPIRED IT ALL. I pictured the scenes in this chapter in my head, wanted to write it, but I knew in order to have the emotional impact I wanted it to have i had to build a full ass story around it and I did lolol.
Thanks to all who have shared their love! This is like my fourth update in four days but unfortunately that will slow a bit this weekend. I’m crazy busy this weekend so it might not be until next week that you get a real update.
Chapter Summary: You must relive your past in order to save your future.
“She was powerful,
not because she wasn’t scared
but because she went on so strongly,
despite the fear.”
After deciding to go to the clinic, you paused only to tuck your blaster into the back of your waistband before sprinting out the door. It would take you at least fifteen minutes to get to the clinic, and that was if you ran the entire way. Hot wiring and stealing the neighbor’s speeder bike? That would take you two minutes top. A talent you had Tatooine to thank for. 
When you set Grogu in the speeder’s basket, so your hands would be free, he screamed. A mixture of unintelligible cries and ‘Ma’ over and over again. Hands trembling, you got the bike going and jumped on. It maybe wasn’t the safest to drive with Grogu in your arms, but you couldn’t bear to not hold him. The streets were bare of anyone and everyone. There had been no city wide siren for a warning, like Coruscant had, but the word about the pirates must have got around. 
Everyone was hiding.
As predicted, you got there in a quarter of the time on the speeder bike and when you reached the clinic you hopped off before it came to an actual stop. The bike ended up slamming into the clinic wall without someone to turn it away, but you were already halfway through the door. Just like the rest of Nevarro, it was bare. 
“Hey!” You screamed as you reached the empty front desk of the waiting room. “Daelar! Where the kriff are you!?” A woman, a young Twi’lek, poked her head out from around the corner. “You!” She jumped at your tone. “Get me Daelar right now.”
“He’s not here, ma’am.” She shook her head.
Whatever. You didn’t have time to chase that bastard. “Fine. Where’s the med droid!?”
“Broken.” She admitted. “If this is an emergency I can call a shuttle to take you off world.”
You felt the blood leave your face, your heart stopped in your chest, breath caught in your lungs. The words slipped from your mouth, aghast, “What did you just say?”
“Daelar left off world hours ago, and the droid has been malfunctioning since yesterday.” She repeated. “But I can…”
She was still talking. Her mouth was moving, but all you could hear was Grogu’s whimpering cries and a high pitched whine that filled your head⏤ as if a bomb had gone off and left you deaf to the world. Daelar left? He left off world knowing the droid was broken? Knowing that he’d be leaving all of this world without a healer? 
“How long for a shuttle?” You demanded. “How long to get to the⏤ How long!?”
“An hour tops, I would guess, but I cannot guarantee⏤”
“No, no, no.” You moaned. Even if that time estimate was accurate it was too long. Grogu was getting hotter and hotter, his cries getting weaker and weaker, and you hated the way his eyelids fluttered weakly. You shook your head. “Unlock the doors for me. I need to get back there.”
“I’m sorry. That’s for medical personnel only.” She replied. She set her hands on the desk.
“I don’t care.”
Without blinking, you pulled the blaster out from the back of your waistband and leveled it at her. Her eyes widened in panic. Hands shot up in surrender. You chose to leave the safety on. You didn’t want to hurt this woman, but you weren’t going to let her stand in your way either.
“Here’s what’s going to happen.” You seethed. “That door will be unlocked, I will have access to the medical supplies, and I am going to save my son. This is going to happen regardless of the decision you make right now, but it’ll be easier for all of us if you help.”
She nodded once and you lowered the blaster. The Twi’lek hurried to the side door and you followed her. She used her hand print to open the door into the emergency medical bay. The large room had four cots in total, and the side wall was made up entirely of glass cabinets where you could see supplies and ingredients. You quickly set Grogu on the closest cot and the fact that he didn’t even react to being set down sent a sharp strike of fear through you.
“Hey, what’s your name?” You shouted back at the girl while hooking up Grogu to the vitals machine.
“What’s your training?”
“I’m⏤I’m new to this. I’m a tech.”
No official medical training, but a tech would be helpful. You pointed to her, voice clear and loud, to get your order heard. “Aayla, get four ice packs. I want one under him, on top of him, and on either side. I need to cool him down quickly. Understand?”
She nodded and turned to the supplies to get the ice packs. The vitals machine began to blare, and your head snapped back to look at it. Heart rate was much too fast, even for Grogu who ran high naturally. His oxygen level was hovering on the lower end of normal. His temperature though⏤ Maker⏤ it was 102 degrees and you watched in horror as the decimal point next to it changed from 3 to 7. It was still steadily rising. 
The sound of his whimpers, the blaring of the machine, you felt stuck. You were trapped in that moment once more watching Soran die. You shouldn’t have been her physician. It was too personal.
This was so much worse.
Aayla returning with the ice packs was what snapped you back to reality. You were scared, terrified, but you couldn’t afford to be. You swallowed every ounce of it and forced yourself to move. You needed to act. 
You had told Din it was normal for parents to panic, but you couldn’t.
Your next movements were a blur of muscle memory. It didn’t matter that this clinic was unfamiliar to you. Training kicked in and you moved like a woman possessed. Fluids first. You grabbed a bag and set it in the cooler before returning to Grogu with IV gear.
“Aayla.” You sent her to the supplies and called out all the materials and supplies you would need to compound the medicine. While shouting them out, you began to attempt to start an IV on Grogu. It wasn’t easy. His arm was small, his veins smaller. It took you three tries before you finally got it in. Aayla had brought over all the items requested and you sent her for the fluids you set in the cooler. “Clip it in, and hang it.”
Aayla confirmed the order and you stepped aside to begin to work. You needed an antipyretic first. The rising fever was the most dangerous aspect of Grogu’s sickness right now. Any higher and he could start to have seizures⏤ any higher and his body could shut down. Anxiety crawled up your spine and latched to your mind. It had been so, so long since you compounded anything. What if you messed this up? No. You didn’t have time to doubt yourself. Go with your gut. Trust yourself. 
When you added the last ingredient the liquid turned from clear to an electric blue and relief flooded your body. Aayla watched intently as you hurried back over and connected the vial of antipyretics to a medigun. You pressed the clean needle to Grogu’s outer thigh and pulled the trigger. All of the liquid disappeared and you set the gun aside.
 “How do you know how to do all this?” Aayla gasped.
“I’m a doctor.” You answered mechanically. 
Now, you needed an antibiotic. Same process. Different ingredients. You wanted to cover as many bugs as possible, go as broad as you could, and then once Grogu was stable the coverage could narrow to something more specific. It took you about the same time to make the antibiotic and when the liquid turned the shade of purple it was supposed to be you rushed back to Grogu’s side.
Aayla held up the medigun when you went to search for it and you realized she had replaced the needle with a fresh one and sanitized the entire thing. You thanked her and injected this one into Grogu’s opposite thigh. Fluids. Antipyretics. Antibiotics. That was all you could do. 
Now, it was out of your hands.
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Din’s entire body ached, and he was exhausted. The only reassuring thought being that the fight was over, and he could go home. Home to Grogu. Home to you. As much as he still wanted to have that talk, he wondered if he could convince you to hold off until tomorrow. All he wanted right now was to crawl into bed with you and his son in his arms. Granted, he might need to have the talk before inviting you into his bed again. Details, details. Din just needed to get home, and you’d have a plan⏤ you’d know what to do.
 Clearing the rest of the ex-Imperial base had gone very well. When only two pirates were left standing they both surrendered. Din figured this could be used to their advantage. Pirates were hardly the loyal kind. A little squeezing and they could possibly find where Gorian Shard liked to hide. Granted, that was more along the lines of a bounty hunter’s thoughts than a Marshal’s. Din chose to come back with Mayfeld and Cara to shove the two pirates into the cells. They could be dealt with in the morning. 
“Good job today.” Din grunted, already moving toward the door, “Stay home tomorrow. Rest. I’ll work the shifts.”
“Don’t be ridiculous.” Cara scoffed. “We can still come in.”
“Uh, speak for yourself.” Mayfeld chimed. Din was halfway down the hall when Mayfeld called out for him. Din’s feet came to a stop and he heaved an audible sigh. This really was the day that would not end. “Boss man! Seriously! Get in here now!”
Din jogged back, happy that his helmet wouldn’t show just how annoyed he was right now, and when he re-entered the room both Cara and Mayfeld were crowded around a holopad. Cara glanced up and the look on her face filled Din’s stomach with lead. “An intruder alarm was set off while we were out. From the clinic.” Din’s entire body stiffened. No. He was jumping to conclusions. You promised you’d stay in the house, he called Daelar to go to you. There was no way you and Grogu could’ve been there while someone broke in. “You should see this.”
Mayfeld flipped the holopad around at her words and Din’s eyes focused on a security feed. A young Twi’lek girl stood behind the front desk with her hands raised in surrender while a familiar figure wielding a familiar blaster aimed the end at her chest. Din would recognize your voice anywhere, in any setting, at any time. Even with the security feed adding in a garbled white noise under it all, he knew your voice.
“⏤supplies, and I am going to save my son. This is going to happen regardless of the decision you make right now, but it’ll be easier for all of us if you help.”
He lifted his gauntlet to check his communicator link. What was going on? Why hadn’t you called? His eyes widened when he realized the circuitry in his vambrace was dead. No, no, no. He slammed his other hand into it as if that would miraculously fix it, but it stayed dead. The taser. Dank farrik. He should’ve been paying attention. Din had lost contact with you hours ago and was only just now realizing it.
Din spun on his heel and took off down the hall in a sprint. Cara and Mayfeld were calling out to him, he could hear footsteps following, but he didn’t pause and wait. The clinic was right down the road. He needed to get there. Din needed to be there⏤ now.
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You had pulled over a stool and sat by the cot’s side. One hand resting on the half melted ice pack on Grogu’s belly and the other holding his tiny hand. Then you waited on baited breath. Aayla was moving about the room, cleaning you thought, but all you could do was stare at the young boy who looked so small on such a large cot.
“Please, please. Oh, Maker, please.” You mumbled the pleas under your breath⏤ willing the universe to bend to your will. Grogu was your first patient since Soran. If anything happened to him you wouldn’t survive it. You barely survived losing Soran. Kriff, it could be argued that a part of you didn’t. You watched Grogu’s chest rise and fall. ‘Please, please, please.’ You were pleading⏤ begging. If you thought it would help you’d get on your knees and scream at the sky.
Finally, the machines chirped and when you looked up from Grogu to read the numbers you saw his temperature had fallen two full degrees. Your lower lip quivered, relief slamming into you, and it took all your strength to not crumple to the floor.
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Din barreled through the clinic’s doors⏤ hard enough that he accidentally shattered the glass as it slammed into the wall. The Twi’lek he had seen on video popped her head around the corner with wide eyes. She held her hands out.
“You’re the Marshal.” She shook her head. “I’m sorry. I hit the alarm because a woman came in⏤”
“Where is she!?” He barked.
“This is a misunderstanding. I don’t want to press charges⏤ she’s actually a doctor and⏤”
Cara slid in behind him and blurted. “That’s his son and wife. Let him through.”
The girl nodded in understanding, and Din couldn’t even spare a thought toward the title Cara had given you. The clinic worker pointed through a set of double doors and Din stormed past her without another second of hesitation. The back room was filled with cots and shelves of medical supplies.
Sitting in the corner though, he saw Grogu lying on a cot with an IV in his arm and connected to the machine on the wall. Din didn’t recognize all the numbers and symbols, but they were all written in a neutral green rather than a dangerous red. Right by his bed, you were perched on a stool with your hands holding onto Grogu while your head rested on the cot. At the sound of his arrival into the room, you lifted your head and your eyes widened. Din rushed toward you and you stood up so fast the stool fell to the floor. 
“He’s okay now. He’s stable.” You blurted. “Daelar never brought me the⏤ the medicine. Grogu spiked a fever and got worse, I tried to call⏤”
“My communicator broke. I’m so sorry.” Din leaned over the cot and cautiously ran a hand over his son’s head. Grogu didn’t look sick right now. He just looked like he was sleeping. Snoring softly without a single cough. “The fever⏤”
You spoke up. “It broke maybe twenty minutes ago? It’s normal now. All his vitals are. I gave him antipyretics and antibiotics for whatever infection he has. He’s stable.” Din let out a sigh of relief and he bowed his head to lightly tap against Grogu’s. Your voice shook. “He’s stable.”
Din slowly lifted his gaze to look to you. You had never looked so small before. Panic and fear still shone bright in your eyes despite the air of confidence you were trying to push out. Your arms were wrapped around your own body. Din took a step toward you and you flinched. 
“Cyar’ika.” He whispered. “It’s okay.” You nodded once⏤ swallowed hard. “You said it yourself. Grogu is stable. He’s safe.” Your lower lips quivered and he watched you bite down on it. Din took another step and held his hand out to you. “You saved him. You. You did this⏤ you saved him.” Tears collected in your eyes and you lifted your gaze to the ceiling as if to avoid looking directly at him. Din knew you must have been a storm of genius confidence just like he saw you last night. He had seen the video of you holding a stranger at blaster’s end to get the supplies you needed. Din also knew that sometimes it was easy to take action, grab ahold of the danger, and let your body act while your mind took a backseat. Instinct took over. When that happened, it was hard to slip back into reality. To relax. “It’s over now. The danger has passed, Cyar’ika.” Din set his hands on your arms. “Talk to me.”
Your eyes snapped to meet his and those collected tears streamed down your face. You shook your head, voice shaky and pained, “I was so scared, Din.” 
He was already pulling you into his chest at the same time that you leaned into him. Din cupped the back of your neck, squeezing in reassurance, as you buried your face in the crook of his shoulder. You sobbed into his neck⏤ tears soaking into his cloak. He whispered that everything was okay and his words slipped out in Mando’a out of habit. Din added in Basic. “You did so good, ner kar’ta.”
“I was so scared I was going to mess up.” You clung to him so tightly. As if he was the only thing anchoring you here. “He was so sick and I⏤I haven’t done this in so long. I was terrified⏤ He⏤If he⏤ If he died⏤” Din didn’t even like thinking along those lines. You suddenly pulled your face away from him, but Din wouldn’t let you get far. He kept you caged in his arms. You shook your head. “I⏤I didn’t want him to end up like Soran.” Your words came out between harsh sobs. “I didn’t want to be the reason somebody I loved died again.”
If Din wasn’t the kind to pay attention then your words would have been nonsensical. However, he knew you were hiding from something. He knew you had a past that led to a terrible injury. And he knew your name wasn’t Soran. The way you screamed it out that night he woke up. Plus, half the time when he called out to you using that name you never answered. Din got more response from calling you ‘Cyar’ika’. He knew all of this, he just didn’t care. Who you were didn’t matter to him. You mattered to him. You in this moment. You in his arms.
Din tore off his gloves, something he’d never do outside of the safety of his ship or home, but he needed to touch you. He needed you to feel the warmth. Din cupped your face tenderly, using his thumbs to swipe away the lingering tears. He leaned forward and pressed his forehead softly to rest against yours.
“I don’t know your history, I don’t know your past, but here’s what I do know.” Din spoke slowly, enunciated every single word so it would be seared into your mind. “You are an incredible woman. Smart, beautiful, brave⏤ You never cease to amaze me, and there is nobody in this galaxy that I would trust Grogu with over you.” The words rang true as they left his lips. It wasn’t a simple comfort. It was a declaration. “Every single day I leave my home, I know⏤ without a doubt⏤ that I am leaving Grogu in the most capable hands other than my own.”
“Din…” You breathed.
Maker, he wanted to kiss you. It wasn’t a desire born of lust. Not this time. Din wanted to press feather light kisses against every inch of your face. Use his lips to brush away your tears, to stop your lip from quivering, to chase away your fear. Never, in his entire life, had his helmet felt like such a restriction to him. A wall of beskar keeping him from bringing you the comfort you needed. The comfort he wanted to give.
“I trust you, and all tonight does is prove that I was right.” Din said. “You saved Grogu. Not me, not anyone else. You.” You took in a slow breath, the first steady one he had seen from you since he got here, and he felt his entire body relax at the sound. “Thank you. Just thank you.”
“Don’t thank me for that.” You replied. “I’d do anything for him. Anything, Din.”
“I know.” 
“I’d…” You paused. Your eyes closed and Din found himself missing the color. Even for the brief moment it was missing. “I’d do anything for you too.” Your eyes opened once more and the panic and fear had faded. Leftover tears clung to your eyelashes, but he was staring into eyes he recognized⏤ eyes filled with so much kindness and care that his knees felt weak. “I love Grogu and I… You…”
Din nodded and pulled away from your face so he could tuck you into his chest. His arms wrapped around you as he set his head atop yours. Din needed to feel more of you. He ran a hand up and down your spine, “You’re important to me as well, ner kar’ta.”
For the first time since he left the house this morning, Din felt at peace.
mando’a translations
Cyar’ika: Darling, sweetheart
Ner Kar’ta: My Heart
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regainingparadise · 6 months
Is it even Mandalorian romance if they haven't tried to knife each other at least once?
I've been thinking about the people I ship Din Djarin with, and realized that there's an inverse relationship between how much I ship a given couple, and how chill they are together.
Don't get me wrong, I'll happily ship Din with almost everyone, but the ones I get super into? Gimme some good angry fights.
(this says more about me than it does about any of these ships, and this is also 100% not a knock on any of the ships listed or not listed here. It's just me doing some pointless meta about my own tendencies)
In order:
Paz. I love him. They apparently fight all the goddam time. You cannot tell me there is not history there. It makes the times they're on the same side all the more impactful (and adorably awkward).
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(I also ship Paz with Axe for the same reason)
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2. Migs Mayfeld. Migs is just such a snarky shit, they have every reason to hate each other (/Migs has every reason to assume Din is gonna kill him). They've got the whole fun double-crossing history, and in many ways they're opposites and foils, but ultimately Migs respects and understands Din, and Mando is willing to trust him
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3. Cobb Vanth: I mean, their first real interaction is "take it off or I will," so no surprise here. Vanth is very clearly 110% into Din, and they get over the violence phase of their relationship way faster than Din does with either Paz or Migs.
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4. Boba Fett. They don't really have a murder phase of their relationship. We get a li'l tension and then they're besties. I ship it, but I'm not as into the ship, 'cause like, how can I ship Mandalorians if I haven't seen them fight each other?
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5. Luke Skywalker. I love this ship because it's just...so logical, what with the coparenting. It's a ship in a slightly different category because it lends itself so much to the domestic/parent narrative. But if I'm reading Din/Luke fics, I like a nice (un)healthy dose of tension and possibly violence while they get to know each other
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6. Omera. I love Omera/Din as a "what could have been if his life was very very different" ship--especially given that she apparently has some violence in her past that she's now escaped and found peace from.
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foomoosworld · 8 months
Stars Too Far Series Masterlist (ongoing)
Category: smut
Din Djarin X Fem Reader
Summary: The Mandalorian is chasing a bounty through space on the Outer Rim when he and the bounty crash on an uninhabited planet. (Or at least it appears to be uninhabited) Din sustains an injury and wakes in a feral woman’s cabin. Together they must navigate through the deadly planet and forge a plan to escape.
Mature Content, Minors DNI! Smut, fluff, kink, violence, language!
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There’s fluff in every chapter
Chapter 1 - The Bounty
Chapter 2 - Blinkey 🌺
Chapter 3 - I Like It Here
Chapter 4 - Your Air Hurts My Skin 🌺
Chapter 5 - Go On... Mandalate 🌺
Chapter 6 - Cape Isn't So Stupid Now, Is It?
Chapter 7 - Lightning Bug 🌺
Chapter 8 - Leave it Behind and Run 🌺
Chapter 9 - It's Not A Debt 🌺
Chapter 10 - I'll Bring The Girl To You
Chapter 11 - Look At Me Like That Forever 🌺
Chapter 12 - Getting "Ahead" These Days 🌺
Chapter 13 - Good Luck, Kid
Chapter 14 - Shy-Tan Djarin 🌺
Chapter 15 - Spoken Like A True Warrior 🌺
Chapter 16 - Lemon Tree
Chapter 17 - The Raven And The Firefly 🌺
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drasin · 2 years
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Din: Mayfeld? Migs: Shh! It's [the most dumb and bizarre fake name he could think of] now. Din: ___, really? Migs: Oh because you're so good in making fake names on the spot, brown eyes.
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theartsalsa · 10 months
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This because I was watching The Believer and definitely sensed Mayfeld flirting with Cara and Din getting pissed sO hErE yA gO
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doritooooo · 1 year
I need to see more of Mayfield and I need to see him react to Dinbo.
ESPECIALLY on Dinbo, being the Murray Bauman who calls out the tension and demands that they stop fooling around and admit their feelings.
He notices Din and Bo looking at each other an awful lot, and he sees them occasionally flirting, and just says "BY THE FORCE JUST GET MAREIED ALREADY"
And then both Din and Bo blush, because they didn't think they their feelings for each other were THAT obvious.
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inkformyblood · 10 months
Quickie in a cupboard Din x Migs post Din’s face reveal WIP is getting more set up then intended 😂
He ain’t telling them shit about what he’s doing.
“Where do you think you’re going?”
“What’s it fucking to you?” Migs snarls, turning on his heel to glower towards the bulk of the Marshal. She’s taller than him, got the bulk too, but she’s protective over her eyes like any other human would be and her hair is long enough to be used against her. Stupid mistake. Migs keeps his cropped short to his skull and doesn’t think too long about that one brothel on Coruscant who tugged him around on his knees by his curls.
“You’re in my custody—” she begins, drawing herself up and somehow sideways, broader than before.
Migs watches her hands, bracing himself for her to swing even as he cuts her off with a curl of his lip, stealing her own words to throw back at her. “Your custody don’t mean banthashit here. It’s a fucking ship, I can’t leave so I’m going for a piss unless you want to watch me?”
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Looking for help in developing a Mandalorian fic featuring DinBo and w/Two Female OC’s; especially with SW Lore & Mandalorian Social Customs...
DM if you’re interested and would like to learn more!
Especially if you’re a Mayfeld fan and-for fancasting reasons-you’ve seen (and liked) the film adaptations of IT and Les Miserables
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bleepyear · 1 year
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Totally forgot to post this on here after sharing it on discord forever ago lol. Din and Migs taking a photo for the scrapbook after a mission success <3
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quarksbar · 15 days
I wrote a short dinfeld fic a good while back (and I actually manage to find the link just now omg)
Anyway, I rewrote and cleaned it up a bit so I could post it on Ao3, I hope y'all enjoy.
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🖌️ Kittylorian's Fanfiction Masterlist 🖌️
(As of 14 March 2024) **underlined words in color are links to the stories**
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian/Star Wars Rebels
For Only The Strongest Shall Rule - AO3 Type: Multi-chapter, longfic, part 1 of 2 in main fic Status: Ongoing; 65/77 chapters Brief description: Mand'alor Din Djarin who slowly learns he’s Force-sensitive; Purge survivors are mostly teenagers and little kids; worldbuilding; healing of traumas; facing destiny head-on for many canon characters; leads to the reclaiming of Mandalore
Perfect World - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete (but may potentially continue as a one-shot series) Brief description: A teenage OC's POV before Din Djarin enters his life and becomes his only hope.
Dinui ("Gift") Type: One-shot series Status: On-going *Dinui - AO3 || Tumblr Brief description: A "then vs now" slice of life between Din's childhood with the Tribe vs adult Din as a provider for the Covert post-Purge *No Place Like Home - AO3 || Tumblr Brief description: 17 year-old Din returns to Aq Vetina with his adoptive Mandalorian father and faces a part of his past *A Child Called Din - AO3 || Tumblr Brief description: Teen Din runs into a little big problem. Set immediately after "No Place Like Home" feat. teenage!Paz and friends
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian (Fanfiction centered on the Din Djarin x Omera pairing; all are rated G or Teen; some fluff and some angst)
The Routine - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Omera's POV, set immediately after the events of Mando s01ep04
To The Letter - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Omera's POV; Omera thinks of a way to thank the Mandalorian (don't worry, it's wholesome)
Starship Down - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din's POV; Din and Grogu "crash land" on Sorgan, a rescue ensues; set after BoBF s01ep07
Priceless - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Shared POV; Din takes Omera to a memorable vacation spot, but a lot of things have changed
Battle Scar - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Canon-divergent, shared POV; Din is Mand'alor and Omera is queen; Omera argues with Din and Din tries to set things right
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian/The Book of Boba Fett/The Bad Batch
A Good Night's Sleep For Once - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Migs Mayfeld POV, post Mando s02ep07
Double Tap - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din double checks if he really took Moff Gideon down; post Mando s01ep08
Putting the Weep in Sweep - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz Vizsla is tasked to sweep the Forge because he's a responsible adult
Fatalitea - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Fennec Shand and Boba Fett try boba tea
The Test - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din's thoughts as he visits Grogu; during BoBF s01ep06
I'm Just A Kid - AO3 Type: Multi-chapter Status: On-going; 4/7 chapters Brief description: Din and Boba transform into kids and Paz Vizsla babysits
Heart And Mind - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Tech's POV when he and Omega have a brief talk during s02ep09
A New Age of Mandalore - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Semi-crackfic; an old scientist visits the Covert with a theory, and only Grogu understands. Set after s03ep02
Fandoms: Star Wars/Andor
1.A Daughter Of Ferrix - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete: Brief description: Maarva Andor copes with her teenage son Cassian's arrest after he avenges the death of his father, Clem Andor
2. Alone - AO3 Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: B2EMO's POV of the night after Maarva passes away
Fandoms: Star Wars/The Mandalorian
A Future Yet Unknown- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Din and Grogu are greeted by an unexpected new member of the Covert. A "missing scene" in s03ep01 "The Apostate."
Only One Creed- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz's son Ragnar has questions, and Paz isn't sure if he can answer them all, not where he stands with Din. Set after s03ep01 "The Apostate"
From The Ashes- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz begins to teach Ragnar about the legacy of House Vizsla.
All The Little Foundlings- AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Ragnar copes with fears and loss of self-confidence as he recovers from his harrowing rescue adventure; clan Djarin step in to help. Set after s03ep4 "The Foundling."
We Are Eternal - AO3 || Tumblr Type: One-shot Status: Complete Brief description: Paz Vizsla leaves a holo-recording to his son Ragnar before he accompanies Bo-Katan to scout Mandalore, knowing well that it could be his last mission. Epistle style. (Spoilers for s03ep07 "The Spies")
In Dreams, We Wake - AO3 || Tumblr Type: Multi-chapter (2/?) Status: Ongoing Brief description: Ragnar Vizsla is Axe Woves' apprentice. Two years have passed since Mandalore's reclamation and Paz Vizsla's selfless sacrifice. Ragnar lives a double life for the sake of his father, in life or in death.
***end of list***
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aroacedindjarin · 1 year
this is a genuine question, i haven’t been participating in online mando/sw fanspaces for very long, but is there a reason why migs mayfeld x din djarin isn’t a more popular ship?
they had some of my favourite onscreen chemistry and i don’t see many people talk about them at all. ive seen some rarepairs for din seem like more of a stretch and i can’t tell if everyone is just tasteless (not a migs mayfeld enjoyer) or if the character/actor did something heinous that i am not aware of
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drasin · 2 years
Aren't they cute?
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hey I'm just wondering, would Migs Mayfeld x Din Djarin from the Mandalorian be considered a rare-pair?
Hello anon. In the FAQ, the cap for Star Wars is 5000. For this pairing in particular...
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So. Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. 💯
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