newsbites · 1 year
News from Australia, 26 June.
Victoria's Sentencing Advisory Council has recommended the decriminalisation of breaches of good behaviour orders, which are the state's second-most common punishment.
The council also recommended clearer definitions of "good behaviour" and consideration of financial circumstances before ordering charitable donations for offenders.
The redesign of the form given to offenders handed a good behaviour order was also recommended, as it was found to be unnecessarily complex and difficult to understand.
2. More than half of financially vulnerable Australians struggle to pay their utility bills on time due to cost of living pressures.
To save on power, many respondents pulled back on heating, lights, and showers, and even avoided having guests over.
The Salvation Army and other charities are calling attention to the growing issue of financial hardship and the need for more support to help struggling households.
3. PwC's interim CEO defends the placement of over 660 partners and employees on not-for-profit boards as unpaid positions and not intended to generate work for the firm.
A NSW parliamentary inquiry probes a potential conflict of interest in the former position of PwC's acting CEO on the board of a local NSW health district, which later hired PwC as a consultant.
The inquiry raises questions about the ethics and standards of PwC's internal practices, with concerns about the potential for board members to gather information that could be useful for their careers.
4. The Australian government has announced a $110m assistance package for Ukraine, including military vehicles, ammunition, and humanitarian funding.
The upheaval in Russia over the weekend was a sign of division and called into question the invasion of Ukraine.
The Australian government has committed a total of $790m to Ukraine, including $610m in military assistance.
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ask-zerotrio · 9 months
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saturn-is-lazy · 9 months
I’m still playing through the Indigo Disk DLC but I better see Clavell x Cyrano old man yaoi art and fics when I’m done
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
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yeah, nemona... "good friends".......
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ashlynya2-0 · 9 months
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Old man yaoi nation rise up
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paracosmaii · 9 months
baubles like blueberries (directorshipping, Cyrano x Clavell, 1093 words)
General audiences for my little holiday fic! Very late but I literally did not have the time haha.
Just lots of fluff, and some sappy old men to keep us going.
ao3 link
Under the cut if you'd prefer to read it here
The holiday season had always been something or nothing for Clavell. It was either extremely busy and exhausting, or as dull and mundane as any other day. It wasn’t a problem as such- many people his age experienced the same thing, whether it be because they didn’t have any loved ones to share the time with, or they were too tired, or generally because the season was just… more for the kids, in a way. Clavell wasn’t as enthralled by gifts as his students were by any stretch. In fact, he found himself flustered and embarrassed by the thought of someone spending precious money on silly old him.
As much as spending time with others sounded amazing, and as much as he tried to arrange some sort of gathering, things hadn’t gone that way, and instead he sat in silence in his homey cottage with a fresh mug of tea in both of his hands, waiting patiently on his worn couch.
He wasn’t waiting for anything in particular, nor was he trying to waste the day away. He just, for the first time in a while, had nothing to do. No bills to pay, no emails to be checked, and no students to look after. Nothing. He didn’t even need to look after his pokemon; they were all out in the kitchen busing themselves with the new toys he had bought them.
Clavell didn’t mind being on his own that much (okay, a little) but with the twinkling of lights from the neighbouring houses taunting him, it was hard not to feel a little… disappointed. Perhaps it was normal to feel this way- he assumed many others spent this time of year on their own and knew of the feeling.
Forgotten was probably a better way to describe it. He didn’t want to sound selfish in any way, though he was quite jealous of the little nuclear family that lived a couple of doors down: something he’d never had even as a child.
Staring out of the glazed window beside him, he gulped down the little lump in his throat. Violent rain battered the glass like an intruder. It didn’t snow very regularly in southern Paldea, unless a particularly strong gust from Glaseado brought the frost down with it, making the Delibird Day songs about the snow pretty pointless unless you lived somewhere like Montenevera. He’d only ever seen snow where he lived once, and it wasn’t even enough to cover the ground. Back in Galar he had, though, especially in Circhester. The thought of the markets and the fairy lights back home made him have to gulp another lump back down his tightening throat. It was silly to think like this, anyway.
The sound of rain had always helped him fall asleep, and so as soon as his tea had been sipped and finished, he found himself drifting off to the pitter-pattering with his cheek resting on his fist. It was just another day, after all, and he shouldn’t waste it. However, the fact that he could fall asleep like this made him feel particularly old, but hey ho. He was getting older, so naps on the couch wouldn’t hurt.
The doorbell rang. Houndoom zoomed to the door yapping his heart out. Clavell froze.
Who in Arceus’ name would be out and about in this type of weather? And more importantly, who in their right mind would come to his house?
He slowly rose from his seat, bones cracking, and shuffled his way to the door. Houndoom scurried back into the kitchen to let Clavell open the door, which slammed open due to the wind as soon as it was unbolted.
The man standing in front of him was definitely not a caroler, or someone trying to sell him something, or a student (to his surprise). And at least it wasn’t Geeta trying to get him to work. No, it was definitely the one man he didn’t mind seeing, despite his annoying vices.
His dear Cyrano, drenched head to toe in freezing rainwater, holding onto his hat with one hand and grasping a little pink bag in another. A pretty smirk was on his face, though Clavell couldn’t help but stare at his trembling bottom lip and the few tears that were streaming down his face.
They both paused, then smiled when they tilted their heads back up.
“You’re-” The way Cyrano practically pounced on him was definitely a great way to potentially knock him down and kill him. He didn’t though, and what a relief that was, as if he had been killed he wouldn’t have been able to be suffocated by the kiss Cyrano had captured him in. His thin frame was pressed roughly into the taller man by his hips, pink bag and hat promptly dropped to the soggy floor to do so. Cyrano put his hands behind his partner’s ears to pull his head closer, then kissed him deeply, successfully warming them up from the winter’s chill blowing into them.
Once they’d separated, Clavell huffed. “I-I… I was going to say, you’re soaked. What… What are you doing out here…?”
Cyrano smiled, tucking a strand of Clavell’s hair behind his pink ear. “It’s Delibird Day, isn’t it not? Gotta give my gift to my Velly one way or another!” He beamed, yanking the bag off of the floor along with his hat. The now soggy bag was then handed to the smaller man with a tiny bow and a tip of his fedora. “Here you are, my sweet. Happy Delibird day!”
All Clavell could really do was shake his head as he stepped aside to let Cyrano into the house. “Thank you…” Cyrano shook his head in return and watched patiently as Clavell opened the bag. “I do have to admit, though, I haven’t got you anything… Wasn’t really expecting you here…”
“Oh, not a problem whatsoever! Sorry for not calling beforehand…”
Clavell looked up. “Nonsense, darling. It’s lovely to have you here.” He slid a fluffy thing out of the bag, and looked down at it. A small Pawmi plush holding a stuffed love heart smiled back up at him, with its beady eyes reflecting the hallway light. “Oh… It’s so cute…” A silly grin crept its way onto his face. “Thank you, my dear.”
Slipping off his coat, Cyrano wrapped his arms around the other man. “My pleasure, Velly.” A light kiss on his forehead was the only thing he needed to know that maybe the holidays weren’t such a lonely time after all.
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collgeruledzebra · 27 days
trench being the only person to say a kind word or even thank you to jesse when she's delivering mail in the first iteration of take control... :((((((((
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giggly-squiggily · 8 months
And ‘Be my valentine!’ For Clavell and Cyrano. I believe they’re called Directorshipping ☺️☺️ -@Magma-queen
AHH! *screams and flails in joy* Directorshipping!!! God the second Cyrano called Clavell "Velly" I was HOOKED! I gotcha covered, friend!
Be My Valentine: "I know all your weaknesses"
“Velly! There you are!” Cyrano all but threw himself towards the director, eyes twinkling despite the stern glare he received in return. “Not happy to see me, are we?”
“On the contrary, I’m more than happy to see you.” Clavell softened as he was pulled into his lover’s arms, letting him kiss his cheek. “It’s the nicknames I can do without- must you insist on calling me that?”
“I wouldn’t if I didn’t know how much you love it.” The taller man nuzzled him, breathing in his aftershave. “You always blush when I call you that.”
“I do not.”
“Sure do. Don’t deny it, Velly- I know all your weaknesses.”
Clavell narrowed his eyes at him, stiffening some when Cyrano nuzzled his way down to his neck, sending ticklish waves across his skin. “Cy…”
“Hmm?” The other man’s hands traveled to his waist, fingers curling. Clavell jerked at the feeling with a small gasp- barely containing the giggles climbing his throat. “What is it, Velly?”
“You know what- d-dohoohn’t!” He tried grabbing his shoulders to push him away, but Cyrano was adamant on tickling him. He clung like an Octillery to a Cloyster- simply unmovable. “Chihiihiihihihihihie!”
“Didn’t I just tell you, Velly? I know all your weaknesses.” Cyrano giggled as he carried on gently pressing into his waist, making his lover squirm and titter. “I know you love it when I call you that.I know how my cologne never fails to make you weak at the knees. And I know just where to tickle you to get you laughing.” Finishing his statement with a sneaky pinch to Clavell’s ribs, he pulled him into his arms once more for a proper embrace, laying his face against his hair. “You already know my weakness.”
“Yes- your never ending love for the shade of blue, I presume?” Clavell grumbled against his chest, hating how right he was about the cologne.
“Well- yeah. But I have a far bigger one.” He leaned back to take his chin, bringing their foreheads together as he whispered the last part. “And that’s you.”
Send me a candy heart and I'll write a dabble for it!
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supersantafemslash · 2 years
2022 Exchange Masterpost
Thank you again to everyone who signed up and participated this year! Make sure to leave your Santa a nice comment and kudos to show your appreciation! And if you didn’t sign up this year, those kudos and comments are a great gift as well.
See you all again next year!
A Light in Our Lives by appleknees
Kiss and Go by Iamsuperconfused
But I worked something out last night (that changed this little boy’s brain) by wearethewitches
none of it was accidental by fictorium
Son Boy Allowed by littlelamplight
The Worst/Best Sound by Elliothier
Just In Case by MoonlightBreeze
Making the Time by Writing_Wren
Soft bathing cuddles (because Alex needs them) by Worffan101
Apology Accepted by rebelrsr
Worth the Wait by utilitybelt
Dansen Date Night by TheLastUnchartedDawn
Leave Your Mark by Musetotheworld
Dive by InRaosLight
Silent All These Years by DiNovia
christmas (without you) by waknatious
Rather Compromising Positions by lisaof9
one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well by allforconniebonacieux
(Not) Home for the Holidays by SapphicScholar
Of Hope and Lighthouses by elvensar
Tonight is not a Carnival Ride by DefinitelyHuman
The Whisper by samsaragreen
I’m Sorry, baby by caycep
mirror in the sky by averita
powerless by WAST3LANDBABY
I’ve got a Feeling It’s Never Too Late by MikoNeko
What the doctor ordered by Iamsuperconfused
swallow my pride (but choke on my own words) by putarrilla
Unwrapped by thetemptationisstrong
Unwrapped by thetemptationisstrong
swallow my pride (but choke on my own words) by putarrilla
Dansen Date Night by TheLastUnchartedDawn
What the doctor ordered by Iamsuperconfused
I’ve got a Feeling It’s Never Too Late by MikoNeko
Worth the Wait by utilitybelt
But I worked something out last night (that changed this little boy’s brain) by wearethewitches
Apology Accepted by rebelrsr
none of it was accidental by fictorium
mirror in the sky by averita
Kiss and Go by Iamsuperconfused
Just In Case by MoonlightBreeze
The Worst/Best Sound by Elliothier
A Light in Our Lives by appleknees
I’m Sorry, baby by caycep
The Whisper by samsaragreen
Son Boy Allowed by littlelamplight
Soft bathing cuddles (because Alex needs them) by Worffan101
Making the Time by Writing_Wren
Tonight is not a Carnival Ride by DefinitelyHuman
Of Hope and Lighthouses by elvensar
(Not) Home for the Holidays by SapphicScholar
one cannot think well, love well, sleep well, if one has not dined well by allforconniebonacieux
Rather Compromising Positions by lisaof9
christmas (without you) by waknatious
Silent All These Years by DiNovia
Dive by InRaosLight
Leave Your Mark by Musetotheworld
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nerdsbianhokie · 9 months
No one needs to know + Alex/Lucy please?
Lucy tilts her head. “This will kill on Instagram.”
Alex’s eyes go wide. “What?” she squeaks. “Instagram?”
“Oh, yeah. I want everybody to know about this.”
“Luuuucy,” Alex whines.
Lucy laughs. “I’m joking. Nobody needs to know.” She runs a finger up the side of Alex’s boob, past the fresh tattoo on the tender flesh. “Besides,” she grins. “I like this secret.”
The two ‘Ls’, linked together through their cursive loops, are sharp against Alex’s pale skin.
“Lucy,” Alex whines again.
“You got my initials drunk tattooed on your boob, babe. You’re never living this down.”
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arche0ps · 7 months
ok so. if you're still accepting doodles. old man director yaoi (cyrano/clavell)
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Oh Alfred .. you silly GOOSE!!!!! I'll always accept requests from u ..
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segfaultfault · 9 months
“Does he make you feel like this?“ Alex/Lucy, 5 sentences prompts
"Oh my god, I think I love you," Alex moans.
Lucy hops off her table and pushes the masseur aside with the heel of her hand planted in his sternum. She climbs Alex, pressing the entire length of her body along Alex's back and ass as she feathers her fingers down Alex's triceps and forearms. "Does he make you feel like this?" she whispers in Alex's ear.
Alex flushes clear down to where she clutches the towel to her body. "Oh my god, Lucy, we're in public."
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ask-zerotrio · 9 months
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Just scribbles haha
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cjcroen1393 · 9 months
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Felt the need to update some of my queer headcanons after the Mochi Mayhem event.
Carmine and Kieran: Both are bi. This should be obvious, player gender has no bearing on their shippy interactions.
Briar: She has very pan energy to me for some reason. Must be the color scheme.
Arven: I originally had him pinned as pan too, but after seeing his conversation with Carmine, I'm not so sure. Maybe he's not "innocent", maybe he's just genuinely not interested in romance. I'm not decided on this, hence why I'm using two flags here.
Director Cyrano and Director Clavell: "And they were roommates!" "Oh my god, they were roommates..." I get SO MANY "ex-boyfriends" vibes from these two. I like to think they dated in college, broke up, Cyrano married a nice lady and Clavell married his job as Naranja's headmaster (educating people is far more important to him than silly love affairs). I don't think the two of them are bitter about the break up (it was a mutual agreement), but Clavell finds the fact that Cyrano keeps talking to him like they're still a couple annoying.
Lacey: DEFINITELY think she's aroace. She refuses to let you call her cute, intentionally tells boys that Clay's her dad so they won't ask her out and seems aware of Crispin's crush on her but clearly doesn't reciprocate. Even if she isn't aroace, it's clear she's not interested in romance.
Drayton: Yet another case of "your gender does not affect his willingness to hit on you", but this time, it's actually acknowledged in universe.
Amarys: I picture her being trans, and I was going to make her a lesbian too, but then I discovered she's implied to have feelings for Kieran, so I removed that. She could still be bi/pan though. (I lowkey ship her with Carmine lol)
Crispin: Crispin's definitely not aromantic, since he's crushing on Lacey, but for some reason I do think he's ace. There's another headcanon about him I'll share later, but it's not an LGBTQ+ one.
Florian, Nemona and Kieran: I was already shipping the Protagonist with Nemona since before the game came out, so I was conflicted when Kieran showed up and I started to see all the subtext-bordering on-text between him and the player. But then came Mochi Mayhem and Nemona instantly hitting it off with Kieran and giving him exactly the advice he needs as a trainer, and I'm like "YES! I KNEW FLORIAN HAD TWO HANDS FOR A REASON!" so yeah, my second poly ship for a set of protags and rivals (the previous one was Brendan, May and Wally, and thinking on it again, they have kind of a similar dynamic don't they?). Also, Florian's still nonbinary in my headcanon.
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dantelionwishes · 2 years
Does Grand Also have a super secret totally surprised me disguise?
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(i am hinting widely at the fact that grant actually was some kinda badboy back in his school days and that clavell resorted to "clive" in attempts to impress him....<3)
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ashlynya2-0 · 7 months
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Not ScarVi teaching me how to draw old men
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