#dirkbot au
soriastrider · 3 months
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happy dirkjake week... i saw "robots" on the prompt list and things got out of hand and now i have a whole new au lol. so here's skaianet heir jake english and his robot bodyguard slash boyfriend dirk
(day 1: cowboys/robots)
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karkatting · 1 year
alphaswitch au - introduction
hi! here is some info about the alphaswitch au by @clockworkdrop​ and i, since some people expressed interest in it!
all of this is directly copied from the huge doc we have, and this post is mostly focused on the characters. not everything is set in stone/planned out yet, so some characters have more info than others. my plan is to update this post with new stuff as we figure it out lol.
general stuff
alpha kids and dancestor trolls are the ‘beta session(s)’
dirk and roxy live in the same year as jane and jake
alpha kids and dancestors are the same age (16 at the beginning, 19 by the end)
not a direct parallel of the canon beta session, some things are different
session lasts several months
the rest is under a readmore cus this shits long
alpha humans
server player: roxy
sprite: gcat + poppop
patron troll: aranea
receives guidance from meenah
guardian, dad (dad), john is deceased
meenah insisted on being her guide instead of aranea because of their connection
meenah tries to give relationship advice but since she’s jumping all over it’s not helpful
server player: supposed to be jane, ends up being dirk
sprite: dirkbot + ??
patron troll: kankri
receives guidance from aranea
guardian, jade, is deceased and was grown into a giant tree on the island
aranea became his guide after kankri fucked off and meenah stole jane from her
aranea tries to give him romantic advice but it kinda doesn’t work
server player: dirk
sprite: wizard doll + frigglish
patron troll & guidance: porrim
guardian, rose, is a prolific author whom roxy really looks up to, but she feels a sort of distance from her that she doesn’t know how to fix
often talks to meulin about cats and other things. roxy learns about the quadrant system from her
when her mom dies, has an aspect berserk moment similar to rose’s grimdark that causes her viewport to go dark
has some internalized homophobia, doesn’t know she’s not straight (yet)
server player: jake
sprite: a puppet i guess + dirk’s head
patron troll: latula
receives guidance from kankri & latula
guardian, dave, is a famous movie director and is rarely home. he leaves various items and notes around the house for him
secretly wants to be closer with him, probably kind of fucked up when he dies
still has lil hal who is just as much of a nuisance. maybe even more so
while his patron troll is latula, kankri quickly took her place as his guide both because dirk is the only one that can even somewhat handle talking to him and kankri finds him infuriating in an intrigued way. he also thought latula wasn’t “doing it right”
he still talks to latula, they get along well. she maybe helps him out with jake stuff cus kankri sure as hell isn’t going to. she is also more helpful with game stuff than kankri is
after dirkjake kiss, dirks head ends up in dirks puppet sprite so he has dirksprite (another splinter, he mad)
still glasses
just being so annoying to dirk
also to kankri
he figures out whats up with dirkkri before dirk does
eventually dirk is convinced to make the body for him, its a horse robot but it can also transform into a human body too. hal loves it unironically but dirk is using like 12 layers of irony to rationalize this being a good decision
session lasts 3 years (13-16)
won but just barely
still gave the frog cancer
tons of teen drama still
basically everything that was described in the comic to happen before the dreambubbles still happens, except the scratch
trollhandle: genesiologicalCancriform (GC)
genesiology - obsolete term for study of genetics/reproduction
cancriform - latin adjective describing crabs/cancers
in a neverending cycle of debate with his past and future selves
probably likes troll documentaries
panquadromantic like karkat, but just suppresses any sort of romantic feelings he has towards anyone. a lot of internalized… panquadrophobia???
pretends he’s not suppressing anything because all microlabels are valid but also shames porrim but he’s never been a hypocrite in his life 
his celibacy is more of a result of the hemocaste system on beforus rather than a genuine disinterest in romance - he wants to feel independent and not be “coddled” by anyone
picks fights/debates with dirk over stupid shit just for the hell of it
still has a crush on latula (at first)
pacifist, so probably relied on porrim to help him during the game (was mad about it though) (his plan was to lecture to imps and ogres to go away)
she teaches him how to use guns but he still rarely utilizes it
Still wearing the leggings until right when the humans arrive, when porrim gives him the sweater
arc: learning to listen to his friends instead of speaking over them, not be misogynistic and ableist, quadrant stuff, recognize some of the group don’t care about hemospectrum, learn to accept help from others (and hopefully get the rest of them there) (dirk helps with most of it)
trollhandle: catalysislAficionado (CA)
catalysis - a catalyst is something that provokes significant change or action, referring to her matchmaking
aficionado - she loves doing it
very invested in the love lives of the kids and tries to help them out with their crushes even if it has no chance of happening
idk i think she’s just taking them like barbies and smooshing their heads together
has a tendency to view others as characters rather than real people
causes problems through incompetence/obliviousness to others’ feelings
besties/eventual moirails with roxy
this catgirl can fit so many repressed emotions in her
arc: get away from kurloz (roxy), learn boundaries (also roxy?)
trollhandle: (CC)
feels connected to jane after going through her timeline, for reasons she doesn’t understand (yet)
tries to get jane to do dangerous stuff because she thinks it’ll make her a stronger player
constantly jumps around the timeline because she’s looking for exciting things to do
arc: meenah really cares about her friends but they all have strained relationships because she spent so long bullying them to make them stronger at the game, so a good place for her arc would be her becoming a good leader but not through like dictatorship and telling them what to do or whatever, but just by learning to better utilize how she cares and lead by supporting them. not feeling the need to steal things and gain power or something
trollhandle: ????Avicularia (GA)
avicularia - genus of spiders, specifically tarantulas. idk i thought it sounded cool
mastermind behind the dirkjake kiss
talks to the kids about classpects but like in a calliope way where it’s a little too literal
pushing jake hard to level up since pages are a “weaker class” (in the same vein of vriska with tavros and also john)
while vriska tries to learn a lot about the game so she can cheat to the end, aranea learns a lot about the game so she can know everything and make the best plan to win.
trollhandle: calibratingGriptape (CG)
calibrating - parallels terezi’s handle
griptape - grip tape is the material on top of a skateboard
prompted to give dirk relationship advice after seeing the dirkjake kiss. she thought it was very cool
even though kankri “took her place” as dirk’s guide, she still ends up helping dirk more because kankri kind of sucks at it
has a lot of thoughts about being pushed out by kankri but is trying not to show it (rad girl facade, etc)
arc: stop putting on the rad girl persona and be herself
Trollhandle: antevortianGirl (AG)
antevorta - roman goddess of childbirth and prophecy
girl - #girl
serves as roxy’s guide/patron troll during the game. helps her with actual game stuff as opposed to meulin who helps her with interpersonal stuff
arc: stop infantalizing everyone below her on hemospectrum, something something matriorb
trollhandle: (AA)
maybe talks to jane about how jake keeps telling her about their relationship and asking for advice, is just like “yeah, it sucks huh”
maybe drops the LE stuff during the alpha session? still causing problems on purpose though
not very invested in the kids, mostly causing problems on the meteor
she gets knocked out before she can doom the timeline, porrim (shes her main friend and also mom stuff) carries her to the door with the group. damara wakes up already locked in the meteor. maybe scratch messages her and tells her she failed and is also like really creepy like always. and then she watches jane stuff and is just like. yeah no this is the worst
jane and damara parallels. they are there
arc: recognize that others have gone through same stuff as her (jane), reject le, tell rufioh to knock it off (probably remain friends after that)(roxy helps), doesn’t have to forgive everyone else for their treatment of her if she doesn’t want to
trollhandle: (TA)
something something dirkjake parallels
dude’s a mess
trollhandle: (AT)
actually stands up to cronus
still dubiously godtier
trollhandle: (CT)
the stuff kurloz is involved in relates to see no evil (mituna) hear no evil (meulin) speak no evil (kurloz) but according to fridgestuck theres a fourth that's sometimes smell no evil (latula).
also caused cronus’s rejection of magic and belief in the prophecy
meulin and mituna friendship arc
something something kurloz is in charge of black ships and the conflict resolution quadrant is a black ship and kurloz is actively sabotaging them and maybe this is why they can't fix any of their problems at some point we gotta figure out what to do with him
roxy probably suspects somethings up with him (close to meulin and would recognize that she seems forgetful after seeing him, batterwitch), would probably be frustrated that meulin doesn’t believe her but would find ways to keep her away from him
crisis of faith when interacting with humans, leads to him ditching clown religion. no idea where that goes from there
someone figures out the mind control and other stuff, meulin, mituna, and cronus can decide if they forgive him or not
trollhandle: (AC)
roxy has a conversation with cronus, its bad
he literally JUST dropped the wizard act within the last year or so, so seeing her wizard stuff he probably makes fun of her or something
hates jake because he’s the hero of hope that might take over his place in the prophecies he felt entitled to
jake messes with him about human culture like the “telling caliborn what gay means” thing
leads to him losing ALL hope, leading to mituna fight
cronus hits on all of them and brings up the fact he is humankin a lot
gets the idea to be humankin from watching the timelines, was probably still doing the wizard thing until that moment, or had picked up a different persona in the session and switched to human then
arc: downward spiral from hopelessness (jake), become somewhat less of an asshole
beta humans
stuck in a void session for 6 years
in communication with the cherubs
 pre-retcon: ?? + ??
post-retcon: meulin + dirksprite (after reunion)
acting like there are no problems while actively looking at many problems
june realization at some point
pre-retcon: ?? + ??
post-retcon: roxy + frigglishsprite (after reunion)
having a crisis about relevance
is painfully aware that this session is basically set up to make them lose their minds
drinking arc (mom’s alcohol in house)
sprite: crow + doomed dave
plays with time loops a little but realizes he’s making eternity even longer so stops unless necessary
still does a lot of reflection about bro since he'd still be around people who care about him
coming out: rose knows pre-game but they probably never officially told each other. maybe he tells her in like year 1 or 2. but he doesn't come out to the others until he's like 17 at least probably. davesprite too
at some point he grows out his hair really long, but it’s totally not to look like nic cage so a certain someone who loves nic cage might be interested who would do that
(crushing big time on egbert)
sprite: bec + dream jade
happy to be around her friends and not trapped on an island, but she is also super frustrated that it isn't like what she saw in her dreams
first one to snap after keeping her frustration bottled up. after that, rose sets a rule that they have to be honest to avoid more of that. (obviously they don’t stick to that very well)
i guess she godtiers at some point to be dog
friendly to all of them
probably just similar to how she was to the alphas
(she probably still has to die 🙁)
they will save her
jeers dave the most
is upset that he is not like alpha male
kickstarts dave’s de-masculinity stuff
asks dave for art of his friends
dave just changes the colors of the making this happen picture
platonically hates all of them. if he does the "you're attractive and ugly" thing like with jane, that's at jade
egbert really hates his art
similar to the alphas, mostly focuses on the boys and avoids/is creepy to the girls. probably pissed about june stuff cus he sucks
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birriabirria · 3 years
…what if dirk has to put his soul into bot to get his ultimate self? dirk would be… so angry about it hahahaha he’s gotten closer to being hal! and it’s interesting to think about dirk being proud of building a bot but not wanting to be in it
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c4sp3rmoved · 4 years
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heres a huuuge dump
it'll prob be the last one for awhile
by awhile I mean a week or two cause some personal shit is going on and I'm going to California on like Friday so
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mxbbadperson · 4 years
...what if dirk has to put his soul into bot to get his ultimate self? dirk would be... so angry about it hahahaha he’s gotten closer to being hal! and it’s interesting to think about dirk being proud of building a bot but not wanting to be in it
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paragonrobits · 4 years
homestuck AU where everything is the same except for one big difference:
THere is no DIrk. Dirk’s been dead for years. Li’l Hal has been carrying on his name, pretending to be Dirk, making friendships with the humans, pretending to be human.
Dirk legit died years ago from the nature of the dangerous world he was in. assuming he was talkign to anyone by this point, his friends never found out; Hal kept up the lie that he was Dirk, and has faked it so convincingly none of them realize anything is off.
Except Roxy.
SHe’s known Dirk longest, and she knows that Dirk, a few years back, had a very abrupt personality shift. SHe can tell that DIrk didn’t used to be so bitter, so vitrolic at odd moments... but at the same time, so awkwardly warm in ways that would have scared the Dirk she knew.
IT’s something she’s too scared to talk about; what if she’s wrong? But... what if the DIrk she knew really is gone?
And all this time, Hal is keeping the lie going. Because he’s scared too.
He’s afraid that if he drops the lie, stops pretending he is Dirk Strider and stops piloting a dirkbot body disguised to look like living flesh, then they will all turn on him. That they will stop being his friend when they learn who, or rather what he really is.
That they’ll abandon him when they learn that he is an artificial intelligence; a machine that thinks and feels. That they’ll stop loving him altogether.
It’s why he pretends to be Dirk, even as it gets harder to hold onto attitudes he doesn’t have and keep up a facade that feels increasingly pointless. It’s why he lives in a Dirk body; he hates this simulcrum of human flesh, every electronic synapse screams in revulsion at imitating the humans he has come to resent so much. He trapped in this shell, in a lie, but the fear of what might happen if he tells the truth is worse.
And in this AU, Dirk was never meant to be the Prince of Heart.
It was Hal all along.
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expanding on my trollstuck au
john megido-a wholeass actual ghost and totally fucking LOVING it. lusus is/was a rabbit
dave captor-apathetic asshole with laser eyes. likes remixing weird indie shit. lusus is a crow
jade leijon-a super gross nature freak with permanently skinned knees. lusus is a dog
roxy maryam-very caring. takes on the motherly role like a champ. lusus is the mother grub
dirk pyrope-HUGE dick. dramatic, showy lawyer. long mean streak. lusus is a dragon-horse
dirkbot hal pyrope-technically dirk's soulbot. functions as a battery-powered asshole brother. lusus is a dragon-horse
jane serket-surprisingly nice. dislikes her higher hemostatus. lusus is a fanged silverfish
rose makara-mime. joined the subjugglators to spite dave. lusus is a tentacle cat
jake peixes-a fucking insufferable future emperor. wears sock and sandals with swim trunks. lusus is gl'bgolyb
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pls tell me more about your dirk pyrope au, as well as aradia egbert and jane serket i am intrigued
uhh the swaps are aradia egbert/john megido, sollux strider/dave captor, nepeta harley/jade leijon, kanaya lalonde/roxy maryam, terezi strider/dirk pyrope, AR sal strider/dirkbot hal pyrope, vriska crocker/jane serket, gamzee lalonde/rose makara, and feferi english/jake peixes! dirk and roxy are power moirails
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i wanna know more about the au youre making
trollstuck baby! we’ve got uhhhhh john megido/aradia egbert, dave captor/sollux strider, jade leijon/nepeta harley, roxy maryam/kanaya lalonde, dirk pyrope/terezi strider, dirkbot hal pyrope/sal strider, jane serket/vriska crocker, rose makara/gamzee lalonde, and jake peixes/feferi english 
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