#disaster liniage
swbumblebee · 11 months
Obi-Wan Kenobi is an introvert; though lucky enough to be surrounded by people he is always pleased to see he is, at his core, a private man who needs quiet solitude and to revel in his own space as regularly as possible to recharge after the long periods of constant company and communication life has forced him into.
He is also, a complete sucker for his Padawans.
Who did not get the memo.
General Obi-Wan Kenobi leant his head against the duratile of his small fresher shower and let the warmish water wash over him, over aching bones and dirty hair, dripping gently down his face washing the grime and pain of the battle down the drain.
It had been a hard one. A long, gruelling fight to save people who didn’t seem to realise they’d been saved.
What was the point? He just wanted to lie down and meditate and wait for tomorrow to start.
He paused his rapidly spiralling thoughts and increasingly vigorous scrubbing at the shuffling and banging noises from his tiny cabin.
He rolled his eyes fondly. His former Padawan was not a quiet person.
“One minute, I’m in the shower!” He called, increasing the speed of his washing and reaching for the shampoo.
“Master?” he heard over the noise of the rapidly cooling water.
“I’m in the shower!” he called back, louder this time. Perhaps Anakin would put the kettle on whilst he waited? Or maybe even open a bottle of something-
“Hey Obi-Wan”
The Jedi Master was not particularly proud of the noise he made as the door swooshed open and he heard his former Padawan’s greeting much too close for comfort.
“GAAHNAKIN!” he all but shrieked, simultaneously dropping the sponge and banging his elbow on the wall. “Ow! Kark!” he yelped.
“Oh sorry” came the blasé response “Should’ve knocked” the young man admitted casually, and Obi-Wan heard the scrape of the fresher stool being moved over his thudding heartbeat.
“Anyway, was wondering if you might be up for a bit of sparring after dinner? I feel like Ahsok-“
“Anakin!” the irate Jedi Master barked, and finally popped his head tightly round the shower curtain, fixing his former student and former best friend with a furious glare through the suds slowly making their way into his eyes.
“What the blazes do you think you are doing?” he demanded. He looked down at the rest of the curtain, tightly held to the wall from his neck down. “I’m in the shower!” he said incredulously.
“Oh yeah but I just-“
“The shower!!” the composed Jedi Master all but shouted in disbelief, well aware his voice was getting slightly higher.
“Right…” the nonchalant young man was comfortably sitting on the stool, not a care for his poor Master’s dignity, or privacy.
For some reason baffling to Obi-Wan, he was looking at the irate older man with surprise.
“So do you want me to…?”
“Alright! Alright! Jeeze no need to be so touchy about it” Anakin straightened up, holding his hands up in surrender.
“Boundaries Padawan, for the love of Force, BOUNDARIES!”
The irritating, maddening Jedi Knight picked up the pace and opened the refresher door, barely managing to avoid the bar of soap aimed at his head as his Master punctuated his words with a projectile.
There was a beat of silence. Blessed silence. Until:
“So we’ll talk in a bit then?” Came through gloriously muffled through the door.
Obi-Wan once again rested his head on the wall, cursing himself, the Force and everything, as the water heater finally gave up and showered him with icy water.
“Yes, we’ll talk in a bit” he confirmed, sighing at the Universe and grabbing a towel.
“…Doing with your leave?”
Obi-Wan hadn’t realised he’d tuned his dear Commander out until he caught the end of his optimistic question.
“Oh I’m rather looking forward to a spot of relative peace and quiet I think” the tired Jedi Master replied, swinging his old canvas bag onto his shoulders and standing up as the transport docked at the Temple.
“Well you’ve earned it General” Woolley nodded at him with an encouraging smile.
Obi-Wan felt his smile turn just a touch more genuine and he turned to his men, waiting for him to depart.
“We all have” he said, as he turned to exit the transport.
The battle-weary Jedi closed his eyes, taking in the hustle and bustle of the Temple hanger, hanging back whilst the 501st transport docked behind him.
Sure enough, his smile was widening not five minutes later when Ahsoka bounced excitedly down the ramp, Anakin following behind with his characteristic confident smirk in place.
“Master Obi-Wan!”
His heart swelled as he suddenly found himself with the wind almost knocked out of him and a happy Torguta apparently trying to squeeze the life out of him.
“Hi Master”
Anakin waited patiently for Ahsoka to let the older man go, and when she turned her hug for her Grandmaster into a deep bow for a senior council member, Anakin leaned in and grasped his friends forearms in greeting, before doing the same.
Obi-Wan gave a shallower bow of his own to them both with a wide grin.
“It is so good to see you my Padawans” he said warmly, giving his Grandpadawan a wink as Anakin opened his mouth to give a familiar retort.
“Not your Pada-“
“Ahsoka dear please do stop growing, you’re making me feel old” he interrupted the traditional refrain from his former Padawan
“You are old” Anakin grinned at him and clapped him on the shoulder. “Come on Snips, lets dump our stuff before de-brief.” He instructed, picking up his and his own Padawan’s packs and falling into step with his Master, heading towards the Temple main.
“Uh, Skyguy, you er…you know, remember about that thing?” Ahsoka asked slightly breathlessly as she strode next to the two older Jedi with a tilt of her head in reminder.
Obi-Wan quirked an eyebrow. Since leaving their shared flat to embark on life as a Knight, and then moving Ahsoka in, the tales of Anakin’s living situation had periodically horrified or amused his old Master.
Anakin stopped in his tracks, grimacing.
“Oh kark”
“Language – What’s wrong?” Obi-Wan asked, the reprimand automatically exiting his mouth almost subconsciously.
The Master’s eyes narrowed as the other man dithered sheepishly.
“Our flat’s being fumigated” Ahsoka chirped cheerfully, prompting a grimace from her Master.
Obi-Wan stared at them for a very long moment.
“I don’t think I want to know” he decided, turning around and continuing to walk down the corridor and away from his Padawan’s nonsense.
“So what’s the plan Skyguy?” he heard Ahsoka ask innocently as the pair again sprung into life and followed after him.
“Right just let me think”
“Hey, we can just stay with Master Obi-Wan!”
Master Obi-Wan ground to a screeching halt.
He hoped he managed to cover the mildly alarmed noise he inadvertently made. Turning back to them both he was greeted with enthusiastic nodding and a big grin from his energetic Grandpadawan, and large pleading eyes from his fully grown idiot best friend.
“Yeah c’mon it’ll be so much fun!” Ahsoka was clearly warming to the idea. “We can make Kenobi Surprise, and watch the racing, and play Sabacc!” she suggested excitedly.
“I..well…” Obi-Wan didn’t know quite what to say in the face of such delight.
“Would that be OK Obi-Wan? Just for a bit” Anakin met his eyes reluctantly, genuinely asking permission.
The tired and slightly battered Master took a deep breath in through his nose. There really was only one answer.
He smiled.
“Of course, I’d be delighted to have you both” he said, patting his friend on the arm and chuckling as Ahsoka punched the air.
“Aw yeah this is gonna be awesome!”
Peace and quiet was overrated anyway.
‘Conference room, ASAP.’
Obi-Wan looked up from his book and his tea when the chirp of the commlink disrupted his medic-mandated fifteen-minute break. He was now to take one every three hours and as much as he was loathe to admit it, they were doing wonders for his productivity and inner calm.
Except when he received emergency summons, obviously.
His stomach dropped as he read Anakin’s message again and scenarios instantly began filling his head.
New orders? An attack? He didn’t hear any sirens, so they weren’t being ambushed thank the Force. But really anything could be happening, and here he was ‘taking a break’!
Cursing he clumsily tugged on his boots, running fingers through his hair whilst simultaneously pulling on his belt.
He made it to the Negotiator’s conference room in record time, barely waiting for the doors to open before rushing inside.
Where he came to a sudden, confused stop.
“Oh hey Master”
“Hi Master Obi-Wan”
There in the main conference room, sat Anakin and Ahsoka. Both with their eyes fixed on a holoscreen showing some kind of learning module and sharing a bowl of Ahsoka’s favourite cured meat chunks. They would have made a rather cute scene under different circumstances.
“What?” Obi-Wan asked, bewildered, the wind rapidly leaving his sails.  
This is not look like an emergency.
“Are you alright Master?” Ahsoka asked, eyes widening in concern her Grandmaster’s flustered and harried state.
“Anakin, you sent me a message?” he demanded, fixing his former student with a piercing look.
“Oh uh…yeah I mean, we were just talking about Force Theory. Thought you might have some ideas.” Anakin answered, wearily looking at his confused Master.
“Yeah do you think you’d use the Living Force or the Unifying Force to breathe in Space? Theoretically.” Ahsoka asked imploringly.
Obi-Wan stared at them both.
“What?” he asked again, less sharp and now genuinely baffled at the randomness of the question.
“Yeah it just seemed like something you would know about” Anakin answered casually, about to turn back to the holoscreen. Apparently “helping” Ahsoka with her Force Philosophy module.
“I don’t…”
The Jedi Master summoned the words, and the strength, for the conversation.
“You said it was urgent?” he said weakly, still rather discombobulated by the jarring change of pace.
Anakin looked at him surprised.
“Oh no I just meant you should come here when you can, you know, as soon as it’s possible.” He explained casually.
Obi-Wan stared at him, resisting the urge to run a hand through his hair.
“You said ASAP!” he ground out.
“Yeah, ‘as soon as it’s possible’!” the young man said defensively “not like, right now!”
This time Obi-Wan did run a hand through his hair, taking a very long deep breath.
“Unbelievable! Anakin I just dropped everything, I was in the middle of-“ he faltered. “You can’t do that!” he snapped.
Ahsoka was now looking at him worriedly.
“Sorry Master Obi-Wan, we didn’t mean it.” She said contritely and seemed to dither in the face of her Grandmaster’s displeasure.
She pulled the chair beside her out from under the table.
“…you wanna join?” she asked, timidly.
“Yeah sorry Master, didn’t mean to make you panic” Anakin joined in, the tiniest of tiny smirks tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“I didn’t panic” Obi-Wan muttered, well aware how sulkily it sounded.
“C’mon Master, take a seat. You really need to relax” he instructed cockily.
Obi-Wan nearly hit him.
But he took the offered seat all the same. He was here now, after all.  
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kazytka · 1 year
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Some more Big bro Quin vibes. 
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jedi-enthusiast · 3 months
Yk one thing I barely see talked abt is the fact that Mace Windu's lineage and thus legacy is one of the longest Order 66 surviving ones in Star Wars WHO STAYED TRUE TO THE JEDI ORDER'S PRINCIPLES.
Like damn, Mace rly managed to establish a liniage of highly competent and compasionate Jedi. The Shatterpoint Lineage either outlasted or survived for nearly as long as the Disaster Liniage who pretty obviously stopped truly representing Jedi with Obi-Wan (only rly returninh to the true jedi way with Luke if ya see him as part of that lineage)
Like- who do we have in the Shatterpoint lineage ?
-Master of the Jedi Order , died trying to save the galaxy from the Sith
-Former council member, died saving her padawan from her brainwashed men
-Rebel Jedi training a student despite everything that went down , died saving his padawan & loved ones from a giant explosion
And who do we have in the Disaster Lineage :
-Guy with questionable methods who did his best
-OBI-WAN who rly doesn't need any explanation (who's also the last true Jedi with expection of Luke (if you counf him) to come out of this lineage)
-a genocial manbaby with an alergy for any sort of moral code or basic logic
-a pick me shitting on her own adoptive family, who isn't even a Jedi if we are being honest (sry Ahsoka, but your character to assasinated to a point where I just can't anymore)
And honestly ? It says a LOT that Mace Windu's lineage stands as pretty much last bastion of a true Jedi Lineage from the old Order.
Agreed 100%
And ngl I find it so funny that people constantly praise the Shatterpoint lineage- (Depa, Kanan, Ezra) -and then shit on Mace like, my dude, WHO DO YOU THINK TAUGHT DEPA AND PASSED ON THOSE VALUES TO HER AND THEREFORE HIS LINEAGE???
But no, Mace's lineage is by far the best imo---I love Obi-Wan and Luke and Yoda, but they get negative points for having not one but TWO genocidal fascists in the lineage- (Dooku and Anakin) -and then someone who thinks the Jedi brought on their own genocide- (Ahsoka) -and then someone who decided that the fate of the galaxy was less important than her feelings and probably kickstarted another war- (Sabine, apparently, since Felony shoe-horned her into the lineage).
Meanwhile the Shatterpoint lineage has the head of the Order who almost won the Clone Wars and stopped the Empire from being created, who only failed because he was betrayed- (Mace) -then an amazing and empathetic general who was literally so selfless that she sacrificed herself to save her padawan- (Depa) -then someone who fought against the Empire, successfully overcame his own issues to both train a padawan and then forgive those who he thought willingly murdered his family, and then sacrificed himself to save his family and give the Rebellion a leg up on the Empire for the Battle of Lothal- (Kanan) -and finally someone who let go of all his grief, rejected the Dark Side SEVERAL TIMES, and then sentenced himself to a life in exile to protect the galaxy from a genocidal fascist- (Ezra).
Like...there's really no competition here.
In the Imperial Era, Mace was probably sitting back as a Force-ghost, watching the Disaster lineage fuck up the galaxy and then have to fix it all over again, smugly staring down Obi-Wan and Yoda like-
Mace, smugly: Hm, did you know that today Kanan taught Ezra how to connect with animals? I'm so proud of them.
Obi-Wan, watching Anakin commit even more mass murder and Ahsoka blame the Jedi for Anakin's actions: Must be nice.
Yoda, staring down Dooku, who literally tried to take over the whole galaxy with a fascist regime: Yes. Nice, it must be.
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oifaaa · 2 years
I didn’t know you had a mando! Disaster liniage au, it’s not in your Star Wars masterpost. I don’t suppose you could link to it?
It's bc I used to do it that I wouldn't add aus to my master posts unless it had three parts to it and the mando au really only had one and two quarters (kinda?) I'm only gonna link the proper one bc I hate the other two quarters with a passion so here you go
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doodlesandbooks · 3 years
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Frog linage: Yoda, Luke, Grogu.
Disaster lineage: Obi-Wan, Anakin, Ahsoka, Luke.
Whore liniage: Obi-Wan, Luke.
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kazytka · 1 year
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So. You Know that FF trope where Jinn(and often Anakin)  is a sith and has an...unhealthy and very much adult fixation a bout Obi wan?’  Yeh I'm Thinking of putting my spin on it. One where Obi wan was spirited away for years in to a different world. Presumed dead, only to come back a change harden man. Still the smooth talking philosopher he was meant to be but at the same time  he seams to carry whit him the constant air of mystery and secrecy. 
For all that Jinn had dreamed he would be as an adult, he is all that but also so much more. Mind  eaten away by darkness and grief struggles to comprehend how far one can drift away in pursuit of there own destiny.  But that is all aright, he would in his infinite compassion  reshape his former student to his proper shape so he can be at his side where he belongs a true hero to the galaxy... 
its just a shame...
This world doesn't need a hero. It needs a professional. 
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swbumblebee · 3 years
Obi-Wan Kenobi sat back in his chair with a satisfied sigh, stretching his arms above his head with a pleasant crack.
He looked at his “done” pile of pads. It was an awfully nice pile.
He sat for a moment in the silence, realising he couldn’t remember the last time he was able to just be alone with his thoughts.
There were two very familiar force presences making their way towards him.
“MASTER! There you are!”
“Hi Master Obi-Wan”
Failing miserably to look long-suffering he couldn’t stop a smile from immediately taking over his face as Anakin and Ahsoka barged quite rudely into his office.
“Hello there, and how are my Padawans this fine afternoon?”
“Not your Padawan anymore – you going to eat that?”
“Fine thanks Master”
“Make yourself comfortable Ahsoka dear, Anakin – put that down!”
Ahh he’d missed the chaos.
Anakin perched on the corner of his desk whilst Ahsoka settled on the other chair in the small office.
“So, Obi-Wan. We were bored and I wanted to teach Snips that game we used to play”
“Hmm? Which game?”
Anakin looked insulted at his lack of mind-reading abilities.
(“That’s not how the force works!” how many times Padawan?)
“You know, that game where you name all the planets in the senate and there’s those cards and things.” He gestured into the air searching for the name “I wanna teach it to Snips but I can’t remember the name or find the rules on the holonet.”
Obi-Wan stared at him, casting his mind back before it dawned.
He looked awkwardly between the two young Jedi in his office.
“…You know that’s not a real game?”
Anakin stared at him, confused.
“What? Sure it is, we used to play all the time”
Obi-Wan cleared his throat, unable to stop his eyebrows raising in surprise at his naïve friend.
“Yes I know but I…made it up. To help you learn about the senate” he clarified, awkwardly.
There was a silent moment, broken by Ahsoka’s amused giggle from the chair. Anakin was looking more and more scandalised by the second. His face going through a rather amusing sequence of emotions
“What?? Teaching? That's…I was learning?” It was vaguely disheartening how surprised his former student was. “What about that other one? With the counters and the hyperlane routes?” he asked, outraged.
“Well...yes?” Obi-Wan felt the bizarre need to defend himself against accusations of clandestine teaching. “I needed to teach you and you didn't like lessons!”
“I can’t believe it!” The Master was starting to feel a bit sorry for his former student. Clearly torn between bewilderment and betrayal. “That whole time you were teaching me?!” the young man cried.
Obi-Wan took a moment to appreciate the bizarreness of the conversation.
“Well yes…when I was your teacher I was…teaching you” he confirmed slowly. “Rather wish we’d worked on your critical thinking a little more though” he said to Ahsoka with a wink as Anakin stood up and began pacing.
“Anakin I’m-“
“What else did you make up to “teach” me?” he demanded, disgusted.
Obi-Wan weighted it over for a second before confessing.
“…that song about the sabre forms? That’s not a real song.” He admitted.
Ahsoka giggled again.
Anakin looked at him with wide incredulous eyes.
“I can’t believe this! That whole time I thought we were having fun you were teaching me?”
Choosing not to be insulted by the distain his friend placed on the noblest profession, the Jedi Master gave a fond sigh.
“Anakin, teaching you was the joy of my life. As I’m sure, teaching Ahsoka has been yours.” He said, enjoying the fond look the two of them exchanged and the swell of happiness in the Force. “And I’m terribly sorry but yes, for the time you were my apprentice, I was in fact, teaching you. Please accept my sincere apologies.” He said flatly.
His former apprentice narrowed his eyes, searching for sarcasm. Finding none, he cleared his throat.
“Yeah well…just don’t talk to me for a while OK?” he said sulkily, gently brushing his elbow against his Master’s shoulder as he headed into the kitchen.
There was a moment of silence, Obi-Wan winked at Ahsoka conspiratorially counting down on his fingers until…
“What tea do you want old man?” came the grumble from the kitchen.
They smiled at each other.
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swbumblebee · 3 years
Ahsoka, stands up from the table:
Anakin: Snips, since you're up could you grab me a caff?
Ahsoka, unimpressed: Why don't you get it? I'm going to get my lunch.
Anakin, whining: Awww please? I'm knackered! And everyone knows its a Padawan's sacred duty to grab the caff
Ahsoka, dramatically: That's not fair! That's Padawan abuse!
Anakin: Yeah? Lets ask the Council
Obi-Wan, without looking up from his datapad: Council's fine with it, mine's a tea please.
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Modern au where r2d2 is a tortoise who's missing limbs and so instead he's on a little cart and Anikin is the one who makes artoos cart and then when anikin disappears artoo is released into the world (he's just chilling and riding around crashing into things) and then later Luke finds him and is just like a tortoise that goes zoom
Ben kenobi sees a tortoise on a motorized cart and has flashbacks of this same creature trying to take out his ankles and sighs and goes "hello artoo please refrain from biting my ankle I will put you in a box"
And Luke is like ????
I don't know it's just important to me that in modern aus it's the same artoo seeing the skywalker chaos and that he be able to cause Obi-Wan stress
Artoo as a tortoise is genius! And Artoo being a tortoise in a cart that zooms - inspired!! They bite AND make weird noises. It's Perfect. Thank you for sharing it! I LOVE it!
Here are some little bits and HC that come to mind from your idea, hope you enjoy!
When Anakin disapears Obi-Wan searches for Artoo but can't find him, despite a tortoise in a motorised cart being something people would definitely notice and remember. He's not upset. He's not. He just gets upset when something hurts his ankle and it's not a snapping tortoise who wants a cabbage.
Luke is over the moon when he finds Artoo. Poor boy lives in the desert, there is nothing exciting around him. Ever. But then he sees a tortoise in a cart who's gotten stuck in some sand. He takes him home and fixes the cart, and a beautiful new friendship is born.
Well, between Luke, Beru and Artoo anyway....Owen is ready to punt the fucker at a moments notice.
And yes! you bet the moment he sees Artoo again all his 'oh what I wouldn't do to have him bite me again' goes out the window and he is constantly threatening him with The Box TM
I can just imagine how baffled Luke would be that the random violent zoom tortoise knows the random hermit????? And they both knew his dad???? The tortoise has been in battle??? Hidden government secrets???? Is his tortoise a wanted criminal??????
Oh and later on, the rivalry between Din 'Hey this blonde is cute' Djarin and Artoo 'I will zoom at everyone and eat their feet' Skywalker, is the stuff of legends and nightmares. He is the ring barer....Din has to chase him around the venue to get the damn rings you wheeled snappy bastard! Come back here!
I really love that having him as a tortoise means he gets to live throughout the Skywalker disaster liniage! Despite being a tortoise, Artoo knows ALL the drama and gossip. He's very happy to watch the Skywalker nonsense unfold, bully everyone, and eat tomatoes.
Ahhhajnsndmrm so many brain thoughts!!! You're a genius!!!!
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